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Instructions - Creating GTT From Excel

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Instructions on Creating GTT Model

from GT Performance Data File

Thermoflow, Inc.

March 2018

Included in this document are instructions for GTT model conversion from gas turbine performance data
arranged within a Microsoft Excel file. This document includes two parts:
1) Preparation of the Excel File, and
2) Creation of GTT Model from the Excel File
To generate a GTT file automatically, the following programs are needed:
- Thermoflow 27 or later
- Microsoft Office 2007 (Version 12), or a newer version

Part 1 Preparation of the Excel File

Gas turbine performance data must be placed in a multiple-sheet Microsoft Excel file in the format defined
below. For GTT conversion, a standard GT performance data file for an engine burning two different types of
fuels has fourteen (14) data sheets:
• Two (2) sheets containing engine basic information:
o EngInfo: the sheet contains the engine’s general configuration and other basic information;
o DataConfig: this sheet defines the location where the input and output variables are stored in
the data sheets.
• Twelve (12) data sheets containing OEM engine performance data, six (6) sheets for each fuel.
o Six (6) data sheets for the primary fuel (typically, gas fuel, e.g., CH4, or natural gas):
▪ Ti — The sheet defining the engine’s performance with the varying inlet air
▪ Pa — The sheet defining the engine’s performance with the varying ambient pressure.
▪ RH — The sheet defining the engine’s performance with the varying ambient relative
▪ DPi — The sheet defining the engine’s performance with the varying inlet pressure
▪ DPo — The sheet defining the engine’s performance with the varying exhaust
pressure loss.
▪ PL — The sheet defining the engine’s performance with the varying engine’s load.
o Six (6) data sheets for the secondary fuel (typically, liquid fuel, e.g., Distillate #2, etc.).
▪ Ti2
▪ Pa2
▪ RH2
▪ DPi2
▪ DPo2
▪ PL2
o Primary fuel data sheets must exist, whereas the secondary fuel data sheets (Ti2, Pa2, RH2,
Dpi2, DPo2 and PL2) are optional (defined on EngInfo).
The engine performance data can be obtained from running the vendor’s engine performance
estimation program, e.g., Siemen’s SIPEP, etc., or simply manually generated from vendor’s engine
performance curves.
Data for each case are stored in one column. The data column can contain any data, but at least including the
following information:
• GTT Model Input Variables:
o Ambient pressure
o Ambient temperature (or Compressor inlet temperature)
o Ambient air relative humidity
o Inlet air pressure drop
o Exhaust pressure drop
o Engine’s load
• GTT Model Output Variables
The following four outputs must exist for all engines:
o Generator gross power output
o Gross heat rate
o Exhaust temperature
o Exhaust flow
The following seven outputs are optional, depending on the engine’s features defined on the
EngInfo sheet:
o Inlet air flow—In the simple GT model, inlet air mass flow is the difference of exhaust mass
flow and the fuel mass flow. In the case of inlet air loss, e.g., air bleeding, air extraction for
process purpose, etc., the inlet air flow is greater than that difference, therefore, it is needed
to provide the inlet air flow information.
o Compressor spray intercooling water flow—in case of existence of compressor intercooling,
the spray flow must be provided.
o Combustor water injection flow—if water is injected to the combustor the injection flow
should be provided.
o Heat rejection #1 and/or #2 — if useful heat rejection from the engine is available, up to two
types of such heat rejection can be included in the data sheets.
o Actual inlet loss — if the inlet loss is defined at ISO condition, actual inlet loss at the given
condition must be provided.
o Actual exhaust loss — if the exhaust loss is defined at ISO condition, actual exhaust loss at the
given condition must be provided.
Note: Not all the above seven optional output variables can exist at the same time. The GTT
model allows the existence of up to five (5) of the optional outputs. Please make sure this limit
is not exceeded before proceeding to GTT conversion.
The data file for each engine can be generated by storing the engine performance data in a Microsoft Excel file
by following instructions in this document. For your convenience, a template Excel file was prepared and is
included in the Thermoflow software installation:
• File name: “GTPerformanceDataForGTTmodel.xltx”
• File location: …\GTDU\ sub folder under the Thermoflow software’s main installation folder.
You can open this file and replace the engine performance data with the data you have for the specific engine
of your interest per instructions also shown on each worksheet, then go back to the sheets EngInfo and
DataConfig to make appropriate changes. Save the file with a new file name. Accepted file extensions of the
data file for GTT model creation are .xlt, .xltx and .xltm.

Specify the units of input/output parameters on sheet DataConfig. You can select the unit from the pull-down
lists in the cells of column B, as shown below.

since ambient pressure can be defined as site altitude or site elevation, the selection list for ambient pressure
includes both pressure units and length units. Selecting length unit (ft or m) indicates the pressure is defined as
site elevation (altitude).
It should be noted that only the units specified on this datasheet will be used for GTT model creation. The units
shown on Column B of the GT performance data sheets are for information only and will not affect the GTT
model creation.

Nameplate Condition
The nameplate operating condition is the basis for the performance data preparation. This condition can be
ISO with a nominal (typical) inlet and exhaust pressure loss. In the provided template Excel file, nameplate is
defined as:
- Ambient pressure: 14.7 psia (1.01325 bara)
- Ambient temperature: 59 °F (15°C)
- Relative humidity: 60%
- Turbine inlet pressure drop: 4” H2O (~10 mbar)
- Exhaust drop: 12” H2O (~30 mbar)
Please pay attention to the following rules:
• The nameplate condition must appear on the datasheets Ti and Ti2 (if applicable).
• The nameplate ambient temperature must be 59 °F (15°C). All other condition can be different from
those listed above.

Description of Data Sheets

General Data Sheet EngInfo

Basic information about an engine are filled out on this sheet, including:
• General Information
o Row 4: Engine name
o Row 6: Data source
o Row 8: Gear box information (0=no gearbox; 1=include gearbox)
o Row 9: Generator frequency, Hz: only 50 or 60 are accepted
o Row 10: Power factor
o Row 11: Nominal compressor pressure ratio
• Fuel Information

o Row 13: Data availability for each fuel. Data for primary fuel must exist, but those for secondary
fuel are optional. If data is available for the secondary fuel, select “Yes” on cell C13, otherwise,
select “No”.
o Row 14: Fuel LHV at 77°F (25°C)
o Row 15: Fuel supply temperature.
• Pressure drop definition
o Row 17, 18: Flags indicating that gas turbine inlet and exhaust pressure drop inputs,
respectively, are at ISO conditions.
Note: Some vendors’ engine performance model takes the inlet and/or exhaust pressure loss
defined at ISO condition (15°C/59°F, 1.01325 bar abs / 14.7psia, 60% relative humidity). These
models assume the engine is attached to certain hardware at the inlet and exhaust end. Therefore,
the actual pressure losses, which are different from the specified ones at most situations, are
calculated and reported in the engine performance data sheets. Since Thermoflow’s heat balance
software uses actual pressure losses to calculate engine’s performance data. In order to feed the
GTT model at certain operating conditions, we need to back calculate the corresponding pressure
drops at ISO condition based on the relationship between the real pressure drop and the pressure
drop at ISO condition, which can be obtained by looking up the actual pressure drops at relevant
operating conditions. For this purpose, the actual inlet and/or exhaust pressure drops should be
provided in the engine performance data sheets, if the inputs are defined at ISO conditions.
• Combustor water injection
o Row 20: Flag for water injection for each fuel. Select “0” for no water injection, or “1” for
automated water injection for NOx control.
o Row 22, 23: Water injection pressure and temperature, respectively.
• Compressor Spray Intercooling
o Row 27: Flag for compressor spray intercooling. Select “0” for no water spray, or “1” if water
spray exists.
o Row 28, 29: Spray water pressure and temperature, respectively, meaningful only if compressor
water spray exists.
• Heat Rejection
o Row 32: Flag to indicate if there is heat rejection data available or not. If at least one type of
heat rejection data is available, select “1”, otherwise select “0”
• Air Bleeding
o Row 34: Flag to indicate if there is any air bleeding, such as air blow off, air extraction for
process usage, etc. Select “1” if air bleeding exists, otherwise select “0”. If “1” is selected, air
inlet flow, which is no less than the difference of exhaust flow and the sum of fuel flow and
injection flow, must exist in the engine performance data sheets.
• Miscellaneous
o Row 36: Unit selection, only for GT Template interface unit setting.
NOTE 1: To avoid inadvertent change of the content on this sheet, the entire sheet, except those cells highlighted with light
yellow background, is protected. No changes can be made on this sheet, except on those highlighted cells.

NOTE 2: The total number of special features of an engine cannot be more than five (5). Each of the following output
variables counts as a special feature:
• Inlet air flow
• Compressor spray intercooling water flow
• Combustor water injection flow
• Heat rejection 1
• Heat rejection 2
• Actual inlet loss
• Actual exhaust loss

General Data Sheet DataConfig

This sheet contains the information used to find the source data for GTT conversion. It specifies row numbers of
input/output parameters. Data only in these specified rows are of the interest of GTT conversion, any other

information may also be included in other rows but will not be used anyway. It is important that the information
listed in the highlighted cells is up to date before each GTT conversion.
Note: This sheet is also protected to avoid inadvertent change on the contents important to GTT model

Engine Performance Data Sheets
The following six (6) data sheets, namely, Ti, Pa, RH, DPi, DPo, PL, must exist for any engine.

This sheet provides engine performance data at varying compressor inlet temperatures (CIT),
or ambient temperatures. All other conditions are held constant. Columns 1 & 2 are for
variable description and units. Columns 3 and following are for engine performance data. No
blank columns are allowed between cases.

Ti Ambient temperature: should cover the entire allowable temperature range. Data vary from
the minimum to the maximum allowed. The nameplate condition temperature, 59°F (15°C)
must be included.
The maximum number of temperatures is 40.
Other parameters: same as nameplate condition.

This sheet provides engine performance data at varying ambient pressures for specific
ambient temperatures. All cases with the same ambient temperature are put together to form
a data block.
Secondary variable — Ambient temperature: varies from minimum to maximum.
- The nameplate temperature must be included.
- The total number of temperatures cannot exceed 13.
In the sample file, temperatures are: 0F, 20F, 40F, 59F, 80F, 104F.
Primary variable—Ambient pressure: For each ambient temperature, vary pressure in a
Pa certain range.
- The nameplate pressure must be included under each temperature.
- The number of pressures at each temperature must be the same and cannot be more
than 40.
In the sample file, ambient pressure is defined as site elevation. The site elevation used
under all temperatures are the same: -500, 0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000 and 10,000 ft. But
they don’t have to be the same under different ambient temperatures, as long as the
nameplate pressure is included.
Other parameters: same as nameplate condition.

This sheet provides engine performance data at varying ambient relative humidity at certain
ambient temperatures.
Secondary variable—Ambient temperature: varies from minimum to maximum.
- The nameplate temperature must be included.
- The total number of temperatures cannot exceed 13.
In the sample file, temperatures are: 0F, 20F, 40F, 59F, 80F, 104F.
Primary variable— relative humidity (RH): For each temperature, vary RH in a certain
- The sample RH must be included under each temperature.
- The number of RH’s at each temperature must be the same and cannot be more than
In the sample file, RH changes from 0% to 100% with a step of 20%, same for each
temperature. But they don’t have to be the same, as long as the sample RH is included.

Other parameters: same as nameplate condition.

This sheet provides engine performance data at varying inlet pressure loss at certain ambient
Secondary variable—Ambient temperature: varies from minimum to maximum.
- The nameplate temperature must be included.
- The total number of temperatures cannot exceed 13.
In the sample file, temperatures are: 0F, 20F, 40F, 59F, 80F, 104F.

Dpi Primary variable— Inlet loss: For each temperature, vary Inlet loss in a certain range.
- The nameplate inlet loss must be included under each temperature.
- The number of inlet losses at each temperature must be the same and cannot be
more than 40.
In the sample file, inlet losses are: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 in H2O, same for each
temperature. But they don’t have to be the same, as long as the nameplate inlet loss is
Other parameters: same as nameplate condition.

This sheet provides engine performance data at varying exhaust pressure loss at certain
ambient temperatures.
Secondary variable—Ambient temperature: varies from minimum to maximum.
- The nameplate temperature must be included.
- The total number of temperatures cannot exceed 13.
In the sample file, temperatures are: 0F, 20F, 40F, 59F, 80F, 104F.

DPo Primary variable— Exhaust loss: For each temperature, vary Exhaust loss in a certain
- The nameplate exhaust loss must be included under each temperature.
- The number of exhaust losses at each temperature must be the same and cannot be
more than 40.
In the sample file, exhaust losses are: 0, 4, 8, …, 24 in H2O, same for each temperature.
But they don’t have to be the same, as long as the nameplate exhaust loss is included.
Other parameters: same as nameplate condition.

This sheet provides engine part load performance data at certain ambient temperatures.
Secondary variable—Ambient temperature: varies from minimum to maximum.
- The nameplate temperature must be included.
- The total number of temperatures cannot exceed 13.
In the sample file, temperatures are: 0F, 20F, 40F, 59F, 80F, 104F.
Primary variable— Part load (%): For each temperature, vary part load from 100 to the
minimum allowed. Note: 100% is defined as the maximum power output when running on the
base load control curve, subject to any power limits that may be in play. With this definition,
100% load can be achieved at every ambient temperature.

- Full load (100%) must be included under each temperature.
- The number of part load at each temperature must be the same and cannot be more
than 40.
In the sample file, part load varies from 100% to 50% with a step of 5%
Other parameters: same as nameplate condition.

The following six (6) data sheets are for the second fuel. These sheets don’t have to exist. If it is indicated that
the second fuel data is available on the sheet EngInfo, these sheets must exist and valid data must be included.



Similar to sheets Ti, Pa, RH, DPi, DPo, and PL, described above, but for secondary fuel.



Notes for all engine performance data sheets

Each case (data point) can include any information, but should include at least those input and output
variables shown on the sheet DataConfig. The data storage must be exactly the same for all cases, locations
(Row numbers) of those necessary input and output variables must follow those specified on the sheet
DataConfig, and cannot be changed. If the worksheet is messed up, refer to the worksheet DataConfig for
Columns A & B are reserved for parameter description and units; case data are stored in column C and the
following. There should be no blank column between valid data columns. All the data following a blank column
will be ignored.
The six (6) or twelve (12) engine performance data sheets described above are the minimum required.
Additional data sheets, of any format, can be added for your own purposes, but will not be used for GTT
conversion purpose.

Part 2 Creation of GTT Model from the Excel File
Steps for creating a GTT model from a qualified Excel file are as follows:
1. Open Thermoflow program GT Template

2. Click the button New GT on the bottom of the GTT window. The New GT Template File window opens,
as shown below:

3. Select Generate a new GTT file from GT performance data file (Excel data sheets) from the top of the
screen, as shown above.

4. Select the data file you prepared for GTT conversion and click the Get GTT Model from the Selected
Excel File button at the upper-right corner of the screen, as shown above.

5. When the conversion is done, the following

Clicking OK will bring you back to the New GT Template window, where a brief description of the
newly created GTT model is displayed at the bottom right panel, as shown below.

6. If you want to use the new model, click the Use Data button, otherwise click Cancel, to return to the
main program

7. If the new GTT model is used, update the fuel information by clicking the Primary Fuel Definition and
Secondary Fuel Definition, which is accessed on the Primary Fuel and Secondary Fuel tabs
respectively of the GT Template screen #1. Note that even though the fuel does not change, it is
recommended that this step be done to ensure GTT completely defines its internal datasets.

8. Proceed to the following windows by clicking the Next button on the bottom of each screen. This step
is important for data sorting, additional internal calculation, etc., to ensure the generated GTT file is
ready to use.
Plotting the data is useful for data verification. Pressing the Plot button brings a new window. For most
desktop screens, both the GTT and plot windows are arranged side by side so that you can view the
data and graphics simultaneously.
9. After proceeding to Screen 5, you can save the GTT file by clicking the Save button on any screen.
10. Once the GTT file is saved, it can be used to represent the gas turbine performance in GT PRO, GT

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