WEO Position Statement - 2019

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Digestive Endoscopy 2020; 32: 168–179 doi: 10.1111/den.


Special Report

Principles and practice to facilitate complete

photodocumentation of the upper gastrointestinal tract:
World Endoscopy Organization position statement
Fabian Emura,1,2,3 Prateek Sharma,4,5 Vitor Arantes,6,7 Cecilio Cerisoli,8
Adolfo Parra-Blanco,9 Kazuki Sumiyama,10 Raul Araya,14 Sergio Sobrino,16 Philip Chiu,17
Koji Matsuda,12 Robinson Gonzalez,15 Mitsuhiro Fujishiro13 and Hisao Tajiri11
Advanced Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EmuraCenter LatinoAmerica, 2Division of Gastroenterology, La Sabana
University, 3Emura Foundation for the Promotion of Cancer Research, Bogota  D.C, Colombia, 4Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, USA, 6Endoscopy Division, Hospital das

Clınicas e Mater Dei Contorno, 7Alfa Institute of Gastroenterology, Medical School, Federal Univetsity of MInas
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 8Gedyt, Gastroenterology and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, 9NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, Department of Gastroenterology, Nottingham
University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 10Department of Endoscopy,
Department of Innovative Interventional Endoscopy Research, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo,
Division of Gastroenterology, St. Marianna University, Kanagawa, Tokyo, 13Department of Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Aichi, Japan, 14Clinic Los Andes University, Division
of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Army Hospital of Santiago, 15Medical School, Pontificia Catholic University,
Santiago, Chile, 16Angeles del Pedregal Hosptial, Mexico City, Mexico and 17Division of Upper GI & Metabolic
Surgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Although esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is the most (WEO) position statement aims to provide practical guidance to
commonly used procedure in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, practitioners to carry out complete EGD photodocumentation.
the method of esophageal, gastric and duodenal mucosa Hence, an international group of experts from the WEO Upper
photodocumentation varies considerably worldwide. One prob- GI Cancer Committee formulated the following document using
able explanation is that for generations, EGD has primarily been the body of evidence established through literature reviews,
taught by GI faculty and instructors based on their perceptions expert opinions, and other scientific sources. The group
and experience, which has resulted in EGD being a non- acknowledged that although the procedure should be feasible
standardized procedure. Currently, the procedure is facing a in any facility, what is needed to achieve a global shift on the
challenging scenario as endoscopy societies are implementing concept of completeness is a common written statement of
procedure-associated quality indicators aiming for best practice agreement on its potential impact and added value. This best
among practitioners and evidence-based care for patients. practice statement offers endoscopists principles and practical
Contrary to colonoscopy where cecum landmarks photodocu- guidance in order to carry out complete photodocumentation
mentation is considered proof of completeness, there are from the hypopharynx to the second duodenal portion.
currently no reliable performance measures to gauge the
completeness of an upper endoscopy nor guidance for com- Key words: complete examination, landmark, photodocumenta-
plete photodocumentation. This World Endoscopy Organization tion, systematic alphanumeric coded endoscopy

INTRODUCTION in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the method of esophageal,

gastric and duodenal mucosa photodocumentation varies
OPY (EGD) is the most commonly used procedure considerably worldwide.1 One probable explanation is that
for generations, EGD has primarily been taught by GI
Corresponding: Fabian Emura, Advanced Gastrointestinal faculty and instructors based on their perceptions and
Endoscopy, EmuraCenter LatinoAmerica, Calle 134 No. 7-83. experience, which has resulted in EGD currently considered
Consultorio 341, Edificio Altos del Bosque, Bogota  D.C., a non-standardized procedure.2,3 EGD is currently facing a
Colombia. Email: [email protected] challenging scenario, as endoscopy societies are implement-
Received 20 June 2019; accepted 11 September 2019.
[Correction added on 21 November 2019, after first online publication:
ing procedure-associated quality indicators to promote best
“Emura Center” has been corrected to “EmuraCenter” in Affiliation 1.] practice among practitioners and to provide evidence-based

168 © 2019 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

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care for patients. Although a complete exam is a determin- Although the term EGD implies that the procedure starts at
ing indicator of quality during EGD, there are currently no the superior esophageal sphincter, both the oropharynx and
reliable performance measures to gauge the completeness of hypopharynx constitute the initial portion of the upper GI
an upper endoscopy examination.4,5 This limitation could be tract. Anatomically, it is composed of the pyriform sinuses,
partly responsible for the low incidence of detection of early the posterior pharyngeal wall, and the postcricoid area, that
gastric cancer in some countries that have a high incidence harbor 78%, 14%, and 8% of lesions, respectively.11
of the disease, and also for the high rate of missed cancers in
endoscopic procedures carried out up to 3 years before
Recently, photodocumentation has emerged as a useful Esophageal cancer is one of the most aggressive tumors and
tool to measure quality in endoscopy, and photography of is the sixth leading cause of cancer death worldwide.12
cecum landmarks as an indicator of completeness in Squamous cell carcinoma incidence is high in Asia, Africa,
colonoscopy.8 In this regard, the European Society of and the Middle East. Meanwhile, the incidence of Barrett’s
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) has stated that adenocarcinoma is increasing in Europe and the USA,
photodocumentation of all anatomical landmarks during making esophageal cancer a worldwide disease.13 Esopha-
upper GI endoscopy can be considered an indicator of a geal photodocumentation is achieved by recognition of
complete examination.4 Based on this consideration and endoluminal landmarks located at the anterior esophageal
both principles of endoluminal anatomy and recognized wall. The left main bronchus and the left atrium landmarks
landmarks, a total of 28 unique endoluminal areas compris- have been reported at 25.8 cm (SD 2.3) and 31.4 cm (SD
ing the whole inner lining of the upper GI tract, from the 2.4) from the incisors, respectively.14 When taken together,
hypopharynx to the second portion of the duodenum, have along with cricopharyngeal narrowing and esophagogastric
been described.3,9 Photographic registry of this mucosal junction (EGJ) landmarks, the esophagus can be divided
framework constitutes the basis to achieve complete into three sections: upper third, between the cricopharyngeal
photodocumentation. This sequential overlapped registry narrowing and the left main bronchus; middle third, between
may, therefore, represent a robust indicator of complete- the left main bronchus and the left atrium; and the distal
ness.3 A practical guide, however, to thoroughly photodoc- third, extending from the left atrium down to the EGJ.
ument this mucosal framework has never been reported. Appropriate recognition of these landmarks also facilitates
This WEO position statement aims to provide practical radial orientation in any esophageal portion, including the
guidance to practitioners to carry out complete photodoc- EGJ.13
umentation during EGD. Hence, an international group of
experts appointed by the Chair of the WEO Upper GI
Esophagogastric junction
Cancer Committee (M.F.) and lead by two of the authors
(F.E. and P.S.) met in May 2019 and formulated the For endoluminal orientation, either the top of the gastric
following document using the body of evidence established folds or the distal end of the lower esophageal palisade
through literature reviews, expert opinions, and other vessels where veins merge with the submucosal venous
scientific sources. The group acknowledged that although system is used to define the EGJ.14 Correct identification of
complete photodocumentation should be feasible in any the four quadrants in direct view is necessary for appropriate
facility, what is needed to achieve a global shift on the photodocumentation, lesion location, and surveillance.15
concept of completeness is a common written statement of Photodocumentation of the cardia in retroflex view is
agreement on its potential impact and added value. Their required to properly diagnose the location and extension of
conclusions form the basis of this practice statement which types II and III Siewert adenocarcinomas.16
aims to offer endoscopists principles and practical guidance
with which to carry out a complete examination from the
hypopharynx to the second duodenal portion.
Over 1 000 000 new cases of gastric cancer were diagnosed
RATIONALE AND PRINCIPLES OF in 2018 and it remains the fifth most frequently diagnosed
ENDOSCOPIC ANATOMY cancer worldwide.17 In addition to easily recognized
landmarks such as the pyloric channel and the incisura
angularis, there are other endoluminal landmarks that, once


early oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers.10
identified, are key in achieving a complete examination.
These landmarks include the epithelial transition zone at the

© 2019 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

170 F. Emura et al. Digestive Endoscopy 2020; 32: 168–179

greater curvature of the lower third; the gastric spur, an usually treated by endoscopic resection, whereas surgery
external compression at the posterior wall of the middle remains the standard of care for carcinomas. Although non-
third; the fornix, the pocket-like upper part of the upper ampullary lesions are usually considered rare, the number of
body; and the cardia, the opening forming the junction in these tumors has recently increased in Japan.20 Neuroen-
retroflex view between the esophagus and the stomach.2 docrine tumors in the duodenal bulb invading the submu-
Identification of these landmarks along with the anterior and cosal layer have occasionally been reported.21 Adenomas
posterior walls, the lesser and greater curvatures, and the and carcinomas are usually located at the second duodenal
stomach sections,18 constitute the rationale to luminally portion and, therefore, careful evaluation of this area is
divide the stomach into five large regions: the pyloric important, and is the last step of the examination.
channel and the antrum; the lower, middle and upper thirds;
and the lesser curvature, which in total comprise 21 different
areas2,3,9 (Table 1).

entire mucosal lining would not be possible without a
cleansing protocol similar to bowel preparation before
Periampullary tumors usually have a poor prognosis. colonoscopy. Although the use of mucosal preparation for
Lesions amenable for endoscopic diagnosis are duodenal increasing early cancer detection is still unproven, this
and ampullary adenomas or carcinomas that comprise 22% practice is considered safe even in sedated patients and
of all periampullary tumors.19 Ampullary adenomas are results in better visualization; hence, increasing the likeli-
hood of detecting lesions.1 In Japan, a mixture of 20 000 U
mucolytic agent Pronase (Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,
Table 1 Endoluminal alphanumeric anatomy of the upper Tokyo, Japan), 80 mg anti-foaming agent
gastrointestinal tract dimethylpolysiloxane (Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,
Region Area Numeric code Matsumoto, Japan) and 1 g Na+ bicarbonate diluted in
50 mL water have been used prior to the exam with
Pharynx Hypopharynx 1 demonstrated effectiveness.22 As Pronase is not widely
Esophagus Upper third 2
available in Western countries, a combination of 100–
Middle third 3
200 mg simethicone plus 500–600 mg N-acetylcysteine
Lower third 4
Esophagogastric junction 5
diluted in 100 mL water given 20 minutes before the exam
Antrum Pyloric channel 6 significantly improved mucosal visibility of the esophagus,
Anterior wall 7 stomach and duodenum, when compared to water alone.23,24
Lesser curvature 8
Posterior wall 9
Greater curvature 10
Gastric body, Anterior wall 11
lower third Lesser curvature 12
Posterior wall
Greater curvature
A LTHOUGH THERE ARE various commercially avail-
able options of image-enhanced endoscopy, at present,
examination under white light remains the standard
Gastric body, Anterior wall 15
approach. Regarding insufflation mode, all anatomical areas
middle third Lesser curvature 16
Posterior wall 17
can be properly distinguished by using moderate insuffla-
Greater curvature 18 tion; therefore, we recommend maintaining this degree of
Gastric body, Greater curvature 19 insufflation throughout the examination. Proper recognition
upper third Anteroposterior wall 20 of the left main bronchus and the left atrium landmarks in
Fornix 21 the esophagus has also been reported by using moderate
Cardia 22 insufflation.15 For high-quality photodocumentation, images
Lesser curvature Upper third 23 should be obtained free of saliva bubbles and debris.
Middle third 24 Additionally, freeze and capture buttons should be used to
Lower third 25 select required images for storage.25 For appropriate image
Incisura angularis 26
documentation, the subject, the leading characteristic around
Duodenum Duodenal bulb 27
which the image is created, the composition, and the
Duodenum, second portion 28
arrangement of visual elements as distinct from the subject,

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need to be predetermined before image capture. A combi-

nation of close-up and panoramic views is essential to
achieve a complete exam and to register the total mucosal

Once the scope passes the epiglottis, the hypopharynx is
examined. Appropriate photodocumentation can be
achieved in both sedated and non-sedated patients. In non-
sedated patients, the gag reflex can be attenuated by topical
lidocaine spray. A minimal adequate image includes the
posterior wall, both pyriform sinuses, and the larynx, area 1
(Fig. 1). In high-risk patients, examination of the postcricoid
area could be facilitated by patient vocalization and the
Valsalva maneuver.26 Figure 1 Photodocumentation of the hypopharynx. Struc-
tures seen in the hypopharynx are the posterior wall, both
pyriform sinuses, and the larynx. Air inspiration facilitates
Esophagus vocal cord abduction and unobstructed observation.

In the esophagus, the upper third is examined by positioning

the scope at the natural axis, where the left main bronchus is
oriented at 9–12 o’clock, area 2. A satisfactory image of the
Esophagogastric junction
upper third captures the left main bronchus as the distal
reference. The middle third is evaluated by maintaining the Correct identification of the anterior and posterior quad-
same axis and capturing the left atrium landmark as the distal rants is achieved by maintaining the esophageal axis once
reference, area 3. The endoscope is then advanced distally the left atrium landmark at 9–12 o’clock is identified. The
maintaining the same orientation, and the lower third is left and right quadrants can be recognized by pouring 3–
captured after passing the left atrium landmark with the EGJ 4 mL water through the working channel of the scope
frequently used as the distal reference, area 4 (Fig. 2). which identifies the left quadrant by gravity.15 Appropriate

Figure 2 Endoscopic divisions of the esophagus. The upper third, from the cricopharyngeus to the left main bronchus; the
middle third, from the left main bronchus to the left atrium; the lower third, from the left atrium to the esophagogastric junction.

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172 F. Emura et al. Digestive Endoscopy 2020; 32: 168–179

EGJ photodocumentation includes a view of the four center of the endoscopic field with, at most, 2 cm of
quadrants with the anterior wall radially oriented at 9– surrounding mucosa, area 6. The scope is then gently pulled
12 o’clock, area 5. If a lesion is observed, a clock-face back and close-up documentation of the antrum is achieved by
distribution can be used to facilitate precise lesion clockwise rotation: anterior wall with the pylorus at 3 o’clock,
location (Fig. 3). area 7; lesser curvature with the pylorus at 6 o’clock, area 8;
posterior wall with the pylorus at 9 o’clock, area 9; and
greater curvature with the pylorus at 12 o’clock, area 10
(Fig. 4).
The scope enters the gastric lumen right in front of the
greater curvature of the middle stomach. If residual water
post-mucosal preparation is encountered, gentle suction in Lower third
the retroflex view and parallel to the greater curvature is After pulling back, the distal third is examined clockwise
recommended to avoid mucosal bleeding. with four close-up images with the scope oriented at the
gastric axis, where the greater curvature is positioned at the
Pyloric channel and gastric antrum lower part of the endoscopic field: the anterior wall
including the anterior aspect of the incisura angularis, area
Inside the lumen, the scope is moved towards the antrum. 11; lesser curvature, where deflation of air permits its
An adequate pyloric channel image locates the pylorus at the capture more vertically oriented, area 12; posterior wall
including the posterior aspect of the incisura angularis, area
13; and greater curvature where the epithelial transition zone
is frequently seen, area 14 (Fig. 5).

Middle third
Following scope withdrawal and by maintaining the same
axis, the middle third is examined clockwise as follows:
anterior wall in panoramic view, without the incisura
angularis, area 15; a close-up view of the lesser curvature,
area 16; posterior wall in panoramic view where the
gastric spur can be seen with low insufflation,3 area 17;
and, by moving the left hand down towards to the left hip
of the examiner, the greater curvature is examined in
panoramic view with enough insufflation to observe the
gastric folds separated and horizontally distributed, area
18 (Fig. 6).

Upper third
By rotating the small wheel downwards, the greater
Figure 3 Quadrant identification at the esophagogastric curvature in its upper portion is observed in panoramic
junction. After pouring 3–4 mL water into the esophageal view, area 19. Subsequently, the endoscope is left-side
lumen and using gravity, the pooled liquid identifies the inserted and, in the retroflection view, the anteroposterior
left quadrant (LQ) of the circumference. By positioning the
wall is observed at the inverted axis when the retroflexed
left quadrant between 6 and 9 o’clock, the other three
scope can be seen from 12 to 2 o’clock, area 20. Moving
quadrants are identified as follows: anterior quadrant (AQ),
portion of the circumference between 9 and 12 o’clock;
he scope backward, the fornix and part of the cardia, at the
right quadrant (RQ), portion of the circumference con- anterior and greater curvature sides are close-captured at
tralateral to the left quadrant and located between 12 and the inverted axis, area 21. Subsquently, by moving the left
3 o’clock; and posterior quadrant (PQ): portion of the hand towards the right shoulder, observation of the cardia
circumference contralateral to the anterior quadrant and is completed by close photodocumentation of its posterior
located between 3 and 6 o’clock. and lesser curvature sides, area 22 (Fig. 7).

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Figure 4 Practical guide for photodocumentation of the pyloric channel and the antrum. With the scope in direct view, the
pyloric channel is close captured, area 6; then, the antrum is examined clockwise beginning at the anterior wall, area 7; the
lesser curvature, area 8; the posterior wall, area 9, and the greater curvature, area 10.

Figure 5 Practical guide for photodocumentation of the lower third of the gastric body. The scope is pulled back from the
antrum to examine the anterior wall of the lower third, area 11; the lesser curvature, area 12; the posterior wall, area 13 and last,
the greater curvature where the epithelial transition zone is frequently seen, area 14.

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Figure 6 Practical guide to photodocumentation of the middle third of the gastric body. At the gastric axis, the anterior wall is
first captured in panoramic view, area 15; then, the lesser curvature is close captured, area 16. Rotating clockwise, the posterior
wall is captured in panoramic view, area 17. Last is the greater curvature where the gastric folds are captured horizontally, area
number 18.

Lesser curvature DISCUSSION

Continuing at the inverted axis and after returning the left
hand to the neutral position, where the left hand is placed
in supination at the level of the examiner’s chest, the
T HIS WEO POSITION statement constitutes a guide for
complete photodocumentation of the upper GI mucosal
lining, fulfilling the high-quality recommendations set by
upper third of the lesser curvature is close-captured, with major endoscopy organizations regarding complete mucosal
no more than 5 cm of gastric mucosa, area 23.15 By observation and appropriate documentation.4,5 This exam-
maintaining the same axis and pulling back, the middle ination, also known as systematic alphanumeric coded
third, area 24, and the lower third, area 25, are endoscopy (SACE), facilitates complete examination by
consecutively observed in panoramic view. Finally, by photodocumenting 28 unique areas, from the hypopharynx to
slight deflation and rotating the small wheel clockwise, the second portion of the duodenum.2,3,9 To achieve com-
the whole incisura angularis is examined, area 26 pleteness, areas to be registered are numbered from 1 to 28
(Fig. 8). providing examiners the sequence of the procedure (Video S1).
Although there are no conclusive data to support that
photodocumentation of all normal anatomical areas will
improve diagnostic yield or improve patient outcomes,
The endoscope is subsequently advanced through the advantages of a complete photodocumentation cannot be
pyloric channel to evaluate the duodenal bulb, area 27, overemphasized. It improves patient care by reducing the
and the second duodenal portion with Vater’s ampulla risk of missed lesions, protects endoscopists and patients
usually located at the superior left quadrant, area 28 concerning medicolegal concerns, constitutes a measurable
(Fig. 9). quality parameter and is, in practice, superior to both Vater

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Figure 7 Practical guide for photodocumentation of the upper third of the gastric body. Using direct view, the greater curvature
of the upper third is documented, area 19; Thereafter, the exam continues in retroflex view at the inverted axis, capturing the
anterior and posterior walls of the upper third, area 20; then the fornix, area number 21. Last, the posterior and lesser curvature
sides of the cardia are close captured, area 22.

Figure 8 Practical guide for photodocumentation of the lesser curvature. In retroflex view and at the inverted axis, the lesser
curvature is first examined with a close-up view of the upper third, area 23; then, the middle and lower thirds are captured in
panoramic view, areas 24 and 25, respectively. Last, by rotating the small wheel clockwise, a view of entire incisura angularis is
close-captured, area 26.

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176 F. Emura et al. Digestive Endoscopy 2020; 32: 168–179

curvature by a close-up retroflex view, and the middle and

lower thirds of the lesser curvature twice, by direct view,
areas 12 and 16, and by retroflex view, areas 24 and 25,
respectively. Also, the incisura angularis is close-up
examined in both the retroflex view, area 26, and in the
direct view, when its anterior and posterior aspects are
observed during photodocumentation of the anterior and
posterior walls of the lower third of the gastric body, areas
11 and 13, respectively.
In Japan, systematic screening of the stomach (SSS) is
an alternative method to exclusively screen the stomach
with 22 images without documenting the EGJ and the
pyloric channel.31 The systematic exam herein described
differs from the SSS proposal in its overlapped non-blind
regions characteristics and its alphanumeric code system.
Noteworthily, gastric SACE is, in practice, part of a
complete system evaluation of the upper GI tract, which
includes the pharynx, the esophagus, and the duodenum3,8
(Fig. 10). The number of images recorded during an EGD
is not standardized and in most facilities worldwide only a
Figure 9 Practical guide for photodocumentation of the
relatively small number of endoscopic images are stored
duodenum. The duodenal bulb is close captured usually
with the lumen at the right inferior quadrant of the
for each examination. Although some Japanese referral
endoscopic field, area 27; finally, the 2nd duodenal portion centers recommend at least 40 non-alphanumeric stomach
is captured in panoramic view, with the Ampulla of Vater images,1 the ESGE has recently increased from eight32 to
usually located at the superior left quadrant of the a 10-image study.4 The above proposals, however, are
endoscopic field. quite different to a total upper tract mucosal photodocu-
mentation and cannot be considered indicators of com-
photography4 and the 7-min cutoff time27 previously It is important to overcome existing limitations before
referred to as indicators of completeness. the widespread application of this exam. First, although
Some parts of the exam deserve additional consideration. including biopsy samples, systematic photodocumentation
Despite the current lack of guidelines, the hypopharynx can be achieved in a reasonable time by an experienced
was included in this statement as we believe that this endoscopist,2 correct endoluminal orientation, nomencla-
examination adds significant value to the procedure and ture understanding, and a certain level of photographic skill
should be considered as an integral part of upper GI are necessary for image documentation of this mucosal
endoscopy, particularly in high-risk individuals.10 Regard- framework. As mucosal cleanliness is still not widely
ing the esophagus, the left main bronchus and the left carried out, impaired visualization of the mucosa may
atrium landmarks have provided compelling evidence to constitute a limitation in achieving completeness. Also,
consider the esophagus as unequal throughout its course, adequate image capture demands proper training, often
and are useful to endoscopically differentiate the esopha- requiring appropriate handling of air and axis control, and
gus into upper, middle, and lower thirds. Even though can be influenced by patient movement and anatomical
photodocumentation of the EGJ has been previously variations. Last, a barrier to image storage and picture
recommended,4,25 it is herein emphasized that radial analysis is the frequent incompatibility between endo-
orientation-based anatomy is crucial, not only for correct scopic video processor systems and software image
quadrant identification, but for location, treatment, and packages.
surveillance of lesions. In the stomach, the lesser curvature Although this WEO practice statement appears robust, a
and the incisura angularis are identified as the most more detailed evaluation using chromoendoscopy or
frequent location of gastric cancer in both Asian28 and image-enhanced technologies may be necessary to prop-
Western studies.29,30 As these lesions are not always erly screen high-risk hypopharyngeal, esophageal, gastric,
observed in direct view, this photodocumentation guide and duodenal cancer patients. In our opinion, beyond the
examines, not by chance, the upper third of the lesser scope of risk-based cancer screening, this approach may

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Figure 10 Reconstructed illustration of complete photodocumentation of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Comprising seven
columns and four rows, this 28-image report allows easy identification and location of both benign and tumor lesions, and
permits cross-examination, potentially reducing the bias of the performing endoscopist. 1, hypopharynx; 2, esophagus, upper
third; 3, esophagus, middle third; 4, esophagus, lower third; 5, esophagogastric junction; 6, pyloric channel; 7, antrum, anterior
wall; 8, antrum, lesser curvature; 9, antrum, posterior wall; 10, antrum, greater curvature; 11, lower third, anterior wall; 12, lower
third, lesser curvature; 13, lower third, posterior wall; 14, lower third, greater curve; 15, middle third, anterior wall; 16, middle
third, lesser curve; 17, middle third, posterior wall; 18, middle third, greater curvature; 19, upper third, greater curvature; 20,
upper third, anteroposterior wall; 21, fornix; 22, cardia; 23, lesser curvature, upper third; 24, lesser curvature, middle third; 25,
lesser curvature, lower third; 26, incisura angularis; 27, duodenal bulb; 28, duodenum, second portion.

be applied as a guide for completeness in all patients.

Complete photodocumentation has been applied in
Colombia since 200633 and, thereafter, in other Latin
American countries with a high incidence of gastric
cancer resulting in higher cancer detection rates.9,34
T HIS WEO POSITION statement represents a consensus
on best practice based on the available evidence at the
time of its preparation and may not apply in all situations.
Although randomized trials are needed to prove its This Statement should be interpreted in light of specific
effectiveness, at present, it provides a better definition clinical situations and resource availability.
of a complete procedure and should be ideally considered
a quality improvement compared to previous non-stan-
dardized procedures.
In summary, based on the foundations of endoluminal
anatomy and endoscopic photography, this WEO position
statement provides the rationale with which to carry out
T HE AUTHORS WOULD like to thank Anne Shiwa for
editing this manuscript.

complete photodocumentation fulfilling current unmet high-

quality recommendations. Such a complete approach, if
implemented worldwide, could significantly change the way
we practice endoscopy and increase the diagnostic yield of
upper GI examinations.
F .E. HAS RECEIVED research support from Fujifilm.
Other authors declare no conflicts of interest for this

© 2019 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

178 F. Emura et al. Digestive Endoscopy 2020; 32: 168–179

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© 2019 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

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