Browser Forensics Special Info

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Browser Forensic Tools

With the help of Browser Forensics and with the assistance of forensics tools one can
extract sensitive data and chosen keywords from most web browsers. One can retrieve
deleted data and keywords, check whether history was cleared, retrieve artifacts like
Cookies, Downloads data, History, Saved Password, websites visited etc. Also, it helps
a lot to understand how an attack on a system was conducted, helping in finding the
source of Malwares/ Adware / Spywares, Malicious Emails and Phishing Websites etc.

1. Chrome-Cache-View-
Chrome Cache View is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Google Chrome
Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache.

o Information for cache file are displayed as - URL, Content type, File size, Last
accessed time, Expiration time, Server name, Server response, and more.
o You can select and export one or more cache files from the list,
o Copy the URL list and the entire table of cache files to excel spreadsheet.
o You can also extract and save the actual files from the cache.

The Location of Chrome Cache Folder-

The cache folder of Google Chrome –
C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

Download chrome-cache-view from –
Copy the executable file (ChromeCacheView.exe) to the destination folder and run it.
The main window displays the list of files currently stored in the cache of the default
Google Chrome user.

Information gathered – file name, URL, timestamp, website, server time, IP address etc.
To extract files from cache simply click f4 or right click and choose “open selected
cache file”-
Commands –

“/stext <Filename>”-
To save the list of all cache files and with their details into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename> -
To save the list of all cache files into a tab-delimited text file (details shown line-by-line).
/scomma <Filename> -
To save the list of all cache files into a comma-delimited text file.

/stabular <Filename> -
To save the list of all cache files into a tabular text file.

/shtml <Filename> -
To save the list of all cache files into HTML file (Horizontal).

/sverhtml <Filename> -
To save the list of all cache files into HTML file (Vertical).

/sxml <Filename> -
To save the list of all cache files to XML file.
/copycache <URL> <Content Type> -
Copy files from the cache.
In the <URL> parameter, you can specify the URL of the Web site (for example: or empty string ("") if you want to copy files from all Web sites.
In the <Content Type> parameter, you can specify full content type (like image/png),
partial content type (like 'image') or empty string ("") if you want to copy all types of files.
Here I specified the URL of YouTube and the file type is image, the command copied all
the images associated with the URL.

2. Dumpzilla
Dumpzilla is a browser forensic command line tool it works on Windows,Mac and Linux.
It comes pre-installed in our Kali Linux machine. We can get browser's passwords,
history, bookmarks, cookies, extensions, sessions, permissions, downloads etc.
Dumpzilla is written in Python3 and it can extract all forensic interesting information of
browser like firefox.

Features and uses-

Dumpzilla can collect information of following:
• Cookies + DOM storage (HTML5)
• Downloads
• Web forms
• History
• Offline Cache
• Thumbnail Extraction
• Addons / Extensions and used path or URLs.
• Browser saved passwords
• SSL certificates added as a exception
• Session data
• Visualize live user surfing, URL used in each tab
In Firefox, browser's saved data in profiles, to extract the data for forensic we use
dumpzilla. Here we need to know the path of default profile. Different operating system
have different path, here we are using kali-

Linux or UNIX profile path


Download the tool from the official website or from github page.
Firstly we will check the profile-

Now we will run the commands to get information from the browser,
Here we are checking all the downloads-
If we want we can save the information in a text file-
To get the passwords-
We can get information about all the cookies stored,

Search engines-
All the pages that has been bookmarked-

3. Hindsight-

Hindsight is an internet history forensics for Google Chrome browser.

Hindsight is a free tool for analyzing web artifacts.

Uses –

Hindsight is an open-source tool that has been used to analyze or investigate web
artifacts and used to correlate the root cause or origination of intrusion.

• It starts with the browsing history of the Google Chrome web browser and has
expanded to support other chrome-based applications.

• Hindsight can parse a number of different types of web artifacts, including URLs,
download history, cache records, bookmarks, auto fill records, saved passwords,
preferences, browser extensions, HTTP cookies, and Local Storage records (HTML5

• Once the data is extracted from each file, it is correlated with data from other history
files and placed in a timeline.

The tool can be downloaded from the github page, we can download the executable
files from the release page-

Run the executable file and this interface will appear-

Now to start using the tool open the local host mentioned in the interface i.e -
Depending on the operating system provide the path in the input here,
C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
In the plugins selector we can select the results we want according to our requirements,
and click on RUN to start gathering information.
In the result summary we can see the parsed artifacts, profile paths

All the result is shown on the interface, result can be save as excel sheet,json file or sql
DB file.
We can also see the database in the browser and can run queries to extract desirable
data from the database-
In the excel result file we can see we got a lot of information related to all the
bookmarks, URL, cache accessed and created, login information, downloads, site
settings, session with time stamps. Other information like preferences-all profile/account
Extensions installed-

4. Unfurl –

Unfurl is used to extract and visualize all possible data from URLs.
Unfurl takes a URL and expands it into a directed graph, extracting every bit of
information from the URL and exposing the hidden.
Unfurl breaks up an URL into components and extracts as much information as it can
from each piece, and presents it visually.

• Unfurl has parsers for URLs, search engines, chat applications, social media sites,
and more.
• It also has more generic parsers (timestamps, UUIDs, etc) helpful for exploring new
URLs or reverse engineering.
• Even if the URL is extracted from a memory image or carve from slack space, or pull
out from a browser’s history file, this tool can provide every bit of information it can.

We can get the tool from the github page-

Either we can use it online or we can install it locally on our console

All the modules here we can see, it can parse data from any type of source – general URL,
search engines, from social media or any videos, IDs(UUID, tiktok ID), timestamps etx.

General URL- (simple link, complicated link, short link etc.)

Simple URL- scheme, domain information, subdomain, TLD, URL path segment, parsing
function, URL query.

Complicated URL - getting host details

Short links- details about domain, host details, expanded URL and the website used,
creation time, UUID generated, URL path etc.

UUID- Mac address, timestamp, vendor

Searching for some URL to see what this tool will provide information –



5. Browser History Viewer-

Browser History Viewer is a forensic software tool by Foxton Forensics for extracting
and viewing internet history from web browsers like fire fox, chrome, edge, internet
explorer etc.

• Website Activity Timeline- Identify peaks in internet activity using the interactive
• Filtering- Find relevant data faster with filtering by keywords and date/time range.
• Cached Image Gallery- Browse the images a user has viewed online using the built-
in image gallery.

The examiner premium version has some additional features-

• Remote data capture
• Recover deleted history
• Cached web page viewer
• Advanced filtering & searching
Can download the tool from –

Here we can filter by keyword, timestamp, by browser –

From file select – load history – choose the appropriate option.
This tool retrieves all the history data with the time stamp and provides the no of counts,
the graph of website visit count with times stamp.

If we want to look for particular thing in a particular timeline then we can search in the
keyword box by providing the desired timeline-
All the cached images with details-

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