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Chapter 5 Flow Analysis
Using Control Volume
Jyh-Cherng Shieh
Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering
National Taiwan University
 Conservation of Mass
 Newton’s Second Law – The Linear Momentum
 The Moment-of-Momentum Equations
 First Law of Thermodynamics – The Energy Equation
 Second Law of Thermodynamics – Irreversible Flow

Learning Objects
Select an appropriate finite CV to solve a fluid
mechanics problem.
Apply basic laws to the contents of a finite CV to get
important answers.

How to apply these basic laws?

How to express these basic laws based on CV method?

Review of Reynolds Transport Theorem

This is the fundamental relation between the rate of

change of any arbitrary extensive property, B, of a
system and the variations of this property associated
with a control volume.

dBsys BCV  
   CS bV  ndA
dt t
  
  CV bdV   CSbV  ndA
t 4
Conservation of Mass –
The Continuity Equation 1/4
 Basic Law for Conservation of Mass
System method下,描述質量守恒的方程式
dM 
 0 M system   dm   dV
dt system M ( system ) V ( system )

 For a system and a fixed, nondeforming control volume

that are coincident at an instant of time, the Reynolds
Transport Theorem leads to 第一時間,兩者一致
d   
B=M and b =1 
dt sys
 d V    d V    V  n dA
 t CV CS
Time rate of change Time rate of change of the Net rate of flow of
of the mass of the = mass of the content of the + mass through the
coincident system coincident control volume control surface
依據Chapter 4推導Reynolds transport theorem的步驟
Conservation of Mass –
The Continuity Equation 2/4
Chapter 4:system與CV在不同時間下的關係

The instant time considered

System and control volume at three different instances of time.

(a) System and control volume at time t – δt. (b) System and
control volume at time t, coincident condition. (c) System and
control volume at time t + δt.
Conservation of Mass –
The Continuity Equation 3/4
 For a fixed, nondeforming control volume, the control
volume formulation of the conservation of mass: The
continuity equation


  m
  in
dM   
    d V    V  n dA  0
dt  system  t CV CS
Rate of increase Net influx of
Of mass in CV mass
  

t CV
dV    V  ndA

Conservation of Mass –
The Continuity Equation 4/4
Special case
 Incompressible Fluids
     
  d V    V  n dA  0   d V   V  n dA  0
 t CV CS  t CV CS

 For Steady flow  m out   m in

 
 V  ndA  0 The mass flow rate into a control volume
must be equal to the mass flow rate out of
the control volume.

Other Definition
 Mass flowrate through a section of control surface
 
   Q    V  n dA   m
m  out   m
 in
 The average velocity
 
A V  ndA

Fixed, Nondeforming Control Volume 1/2
Special case
 When the flow is steady

  out   m
 t CV
 d V  0 m  in

 When the flow is steady and incompressible

 Q out  Q


 When the flow is not steady

t CV
 dV  0 “+” : the mass of the contents of the control volume is increasing
“-” : the mass of the contents of the control volume is decreasing.

Fixed, Nondeforming Control Volume 2/2
Special case
 When the flow is uniformly distributed over the opening
in the control surface (one dimensional flow)
  AV
 When the flow is nonuniformly distributed over the
opening in the control surface
  A V

Example 5.1 Conservation of Mass –
Steady, Incompressible Flow
 Seawater flows steadily through a simple conical-shaped nozzle at
the end of a fire hose as illustrated in Figure E5.1. If the nozzle exit
velocity must be at least 20 m/s, determine the minimum pumping
capacity required in m3/s.

Figure E5.1

Example 5.1 Solution
The continuity equation
Steady flow
  
t CV
 d V    V  n dA  0

 
  V  ndA  m 2  m 1  0
or 2m
m 1
1Q1   2 Q 2
With incompressible condition
1   2  Q1  Q2  V2 A 2  ...  0.0251m 3 / s

求minimum pumping capacity

Example 5.2 Conservation of Mass –
Steady, Compressible Flow
 Air flows steadily between two sections in a long, straight portion of
4-in. inside diameter as indicated in Figure E5.2. The uniformly
distributed temperature and pressure at each section are given. If the
average air velocity (Nonuniform velocity distribution) at section (2)
is 1000ft/s, calculate the average air velocity at section (1).

求section (1)平均速度

Figure E5.2
Example 5.2 Solution
The continuity equation
Steady flow
  
t CV
 d V    V  n dA  0
 
  V  ndA  m 2  m 1  0  m 2  m 1

1 A 1 V1   2 A 2 V2 假設氣體為理想氣體
2 p 2 T1
Since A1=A2 V1  V2 V1  V2  ... 219 ft / s
1 p1T2
The ideal gas equation
RT 15
Example 5.3 Conservation of Mass –
Two Fluids
 Moist air (a mixture of dry air and water vapor) enters a
dehumidifier at the rate of 22 slugs/hr. Liquid water drains out of the
dehumidifier at a rate of 0.5 slugs/hr. Determine the mass flowrate
of the dry air and the water vapor leaving the dehumidifier.
求出口處的mass flowrate

Figure E5.3 16
Example 5.3 Solution
The continuity equation
Steady flow

  
t CV
 d V    V  n dA  0

 
  V  n dA   m

m 1m
 3  22 slugs / hr  0 .5slugs / hr  21 .5slugs / hr

Example 5.4 Conservation of Mass –
Nonuniform Velocity Profiles
 Incompressible, laminar water flow develops in a straight pipe
having radius R as indicated in Figure E5.4. At section (1), the
velocity profile is uniform; the velocity is equal to a constant value
U and is parallel to the pipe axis everywhere. At section (2), the
velocity profile is axisymmetric and parabolic, with zero velocity at
the pipe wall and a maximum value of umax at the centerline. How
are U and umax related? How are the average velocity at section
(2), V2 , and umax related?

Example 5.4 Solution
The continuity equation
Steady flow
  
t CV
 d V    V  n dA  0

  R
 1 A 1U    V  n dA  0  1 A 1U   2  u 2 2 rdr  0
A2 0

With incompressible condition 1   2   r 2 

u  u max 1    
R   r 2    R  
 A 1 U  2  u max  1     rdr  0
  R  
u max  2 U V2  u max / 2
Example 5.5 Conservation of Mass –
Unsteady Flow
 A bathtub is being filled with water from a faucet. The rate of flow
from the faucet is steady at 9 gal/min. The tub volume is
approximated by a rectangular space as indicate Figure E5.5a.
Estimate the time rate of change of the depth of water in the
tub, h / t , in in./min at any instant.

Figure E5.5
Example 5.5 Solution1/2
The continuity equation

  

 t CV
 d V    V  n dA  0

 
   air d Vair    water d Vwater  m
 water  m
 air
t air volume  t water volume

For air 
 t air volume
 air d Vair  m
 air  0

Example 5.5 Solution2/2

For water water volume  water d Vwater  m
 water
CV內水的體積 water volume  water d Vwater   water [ h ( 2 ft )( 5ft )  (1 .5ft  h ) A j ]

  water (10 ft 2  A j ) m water
h Q water ( 9 gal / min)( 12 in . / ft )
 
 t (10 ft 2  A j ) ( 7 .48 gal / ft 3 )(10 ft 2 )

A j  10ft 2

Flow through a
Sink flow Vacuum filter contraction

Moving, Nondeforming Control Volume1/2
 When a moving control volume is used, the fluid velocity
relative to the moving control is an important variable.
W is the relative fluid velocity seen by an observer
moving with the control volume. 觀察者站在CV上看到的流體速度
Vcv is the control volume velocity as seen from a fixed
coordinate system. 站在固定座標看到的CV移動速度
V is the absolute fluid velocity seen by a stationary
observer in a fixed coordinate system.

Moving, Nondeforming Control Volume2/2

   dM sys   
V  W  VCV

t  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA
  
t  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA  0

Velocities seen from the control

volume reference frame (relative
Example 5.6 Conservation of Mass - Compressible
Flow with a Moving Control Volume

 An airplane moves forward at speed of 971 km/hr as shown in

Figure E5.6a. The frontal intake area of the jet engine is 0.80m2 and
the entering air density is 0.736 kg/m3. A stationary observer
determines that relative to the earth, the jet engine exhaust gases
move away from the engine with a speed of 1050 km/hr. The engine
exhaust area is 0.558 m2, and the exhaust gas density is 0.515 kg/m3.
Estimate the mass flowrate of fuel into the engine in kg/hr.
Determine the mass flowrate of fuel
into the engine in kg/hr


Figure E5.6 26
Example 5.6 Solution
The continuity equation The intake velocity, W1, relative to the moving
control volume. The exhaust velocity, W2, also
=0   needs to be measured relative to the moving

t  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA  0
control volume.
Assuming one-dimensional flow
 fuel in  1A1W1   2 A 2 W2  0
 fuel in  2 A 2 W2  1A1W1
W2  V2  Vplane  1050km / hr  971km / hr  201km / hr
 fuel in  (0.515kg / m3 )(0.558m 2 )( 2021km / hr )(1000m / km)  ...  9100kg / hr

W2是從CV觀察到的排氣速度 27
Example 5.7 Conservation of Mass -
Relative Velocity
 Water enters a rotating lawn sprinkler
through its base at the steady rate of
1000 ml/s as sketched in Figure E5.7.
If the exit area of each of the two
nozzle is 30 mm2 , determine the
average speed of the water leaving
each nozzle, relative to the nozzle, if
(a) the rotary sprinkler head is Figure E5.7
stationary, (b) the sprinkler head
rotates at 60 rpm, and (c) the Determine the average speed
sprinkler head accelerates from 0 to of the water leaving each
600 rpm. nozzle, relative to the nozzle…

CV跟著轉動 28
Example 5.7 Solution
The continuity equation
=0  

t  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA  0

 
 C.S.W  ndA   m in  m out  0
 out  2A 2 W2  m
m  in  Q
Q (1000ml / s)(0.001m3 / liter )(106 mm2 / m 2 )
W2   2
 16.7m / s  W2
2A 2 (1000ml / liter )( 2)(30mm )
The value of W2 is independent of the speed of rotation of the sprinkler head
and represents the average speed of the water exiting from each nozzle with
respect to the nozzle for case (a), (b), (c). 29
Deforming Control Volume 1/2
 A deforming control volume involves changing volume
size and control surface movement.
 The Reynolds transport theorem for a deforming control
volume can be used for this case.
dM sys   
  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA
dt t
  
V  W  VCS
Vcs is the velocity of the control surface as seen by a fixed observer.
W is the relative velocity referenced to the control surface.

Deforming Control Volume 2/2

dM sys   
  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA
dt t

相對於變形的control volume表面
理。 相同。因此,相對速度自然較為複

Example 5.8 Conservation of Mass –
Deforming Control Volume 1/2
 A syringe is used to inoculate a cow. The plunger has a face area of
500 mm2. If the liquid in the syringe is to be injected steadily at a
rate of 300 cm3/min, at what speed should the plunger be advanced?
The leakage rate past the plunger is 0.01 times the volume flowrate
out of the needle.
Leakage rate
Determine the speed
of the plunger be

Figure E5.8 32
Example 5.8 Solution
A1  A p 外漏加上從針頭注出者=貫穿CS進出CV的量
  
The continuity equation  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA  0

  CVdV  m  2  Q leak  0  CVdV  ( A1  Vneedle )
 
 CV dV  A1
t t   Q
m 2 2
Let   Vp  A1Vp  m  2  Qleak  0
 A1Vp  Q2  Qleak  0
Q 2  Qleak
Vp   ...  660mm / min
A1 33
The Linear Momentum Equations 1/4
 Newton’s second law for a system moving relative to an inertial
coordinate system. 利用System method描述Newton’s second law
Time rate of change of Sum of external forces
the linear momentum of =
acting on the system
the system

   d  dP 
 F sys   FS   F B   V d V 
dt sys
dt  system
  
Psystem   Vdm   V d V
M ( system ) V ( system )

The Linear Momentum Equations 2/4
 When a control volume is coincident with a system at an instant of
time, the force acting on the system and the force acting on the
contents of the coincident control volume are instantaneously
identical.  
F sys   Fcontents of the coincident control volume

在時間 t 的瞬間,作用在CV上的external
想一想,為何Continuity equation不需要這

External forces acting on system and

coincident control volume 35
Review of Reynolds Transport Theorem

This is the fundamental relation between the rate of

change of any arbitrary extensive property, B, of a
system and the variations of this property associated
with a control volume.

dBsys BCV  
   CS bV  ndA
dt t
  
  CV bdV   CSbV  ndA
t 36
The Linear Momentum Equations 3/4
 For the system and a fixed, nondeforming control volume that are
coincident at an instant of time, the Reynolds Transport Theorem
leads to 依據Chapter 4推導Reynolds transport theorem的步驟
mass flow rate
 d      
B=P and b  V 
dt sys
V  d V   V  d V   V  V  n dA
 t CV  CS
  Fcontents of the coincident control volume
 Fsys d      

dt sys
VdV   VdV   VV  ndA
t CV CS
Time rate of change Time rate of change of the Net rate of flow of
of the linear = linear momentum of the + linear momentum
momentum of the content of the coincident through the control
coincident system control volume surface
The Linear Momentum Equations 4/4
 For a fixed and nondeforming control volume, the control
volume formulation of Newton’s second law

Linear momentum equation

     
 VdV   VV  ndA   F Contents of the coincident
t CV CS
mass flow rate control volume

這是基於CV method,描述牛頓第二定律的方程式

Linear momentum equation written
for a moving control volume

Moving, Nondeforming Control Volume1/3
Chapter 4: Reynolds transport dBsys  
equation for a control volume   CV bdV   CS bW  ndA
moving with constant velocity is dt t mass flow rate

d      

dt sys
VdV   VdV   VW  ndA
t CV CS

     
 VdV   VW  ndA   F Contents of the coincident
t CV CS control volume
  
V  W  VCV
       
 ( W  VCV )dV   ( W  VCV )W  ndA   F Contents of the
t CV CS coincident
control volume
Moving, Nondeforming Control Volume2/3
For a constant control volume velocity, Vcv, and steady
flow in the control volume reference frame
 
  
t CV

  
         
W  VCV W  ndA   WW  ndA  VCV  W  ndA

For steady flow, continuity equation  

 C.S.W  ndA  0
dM sys   
  CVdV   C.S.W  ndA  0
dt t

Moving, Nondeforming Control Volume3/3

For a moving, nondeforming control volume, the

linear momentum equation of steady flow
   
 WW  ndA   FContents of the coincident
control volume
mass flow rate

Vector Form of Momentum Equation

 The sum of all forces (surface and body forces) acting on a

Non-accelerating control volume is equal to the sum of the
rate of change of momentum inside the control volume 解讀
and the net rate of flux of momentum out through the
control surface.
  
 Fcontents of the coincident control volume   FS   FB
    
  VdV   VV  ndA
t CV CS
  
FB   B dm   BdV
  Where the velocities are measured
FS   - p d A Relative to the control volume. 43
Smokestack Force due to
plume momentum a water jet Fire hose

船舶推力 Running on Jelly fish

Marine propulsion water 水母

Linear Momentum Equations
 線動量、力具方向性,其正負要
 流體進出CV,要注意流體速度與
 
表面法向向量,V  n(+ for flow
out of the CV,- for flow into the

Application for FIXING CV

Example 5.10 Linear Momentum – Change in
Flow Direction
 As shown in Figure E5.10a, a horizontal jet of water exits a nozzle
with a uniform speed of V1=10 ft/s, strike a vane, and is turned
through an angleθ. Determine the anchoring force needed to hold
the vane stationary. Neglect gravity and viscous effects.

Determine the anchoring

force needed to hold the
vane stationary.

Example 5.10 Solution
The x and z direction components of linear momentum equation
  
 udV   uV  ndA   Fx   
t CV CS

 V  u i  wk
 
 wdV   wV  ndA   Fz
t CV CS

V1(  V1 ) A1  V1 cos ( V1 ) A 2  FAx

(0)(  V1 ) A1  V1 sin ( V1 ) A 2  FAz
 FAx  V 21A1 (1  cos )  ..  11.64(1  cos ) lb
 FAz  V 21A1 sin   ...  11.64 sin  lb
Example 5.11 Linear Momentum – Weight,
pressure, and Change in Speed
 Determine the anchoring force required to hold in place a conical
nozzle attached to the end of a laboratory sin faucet when the water
flowrate is 0.6 liter/s. The nozzle mass is 0.1kg. The nozzle inlet and
exit diameters are 16mm and 5mm, respectively. The nozzle axis is
vertical and the axial distance between section (1) and (2) is 30mm.
The pressure at section (1) is 464 kPa. to hold the vane stationary.
Neglect gravity and viscous effects.

Example 5.11 Solution1/3

Example 5.11 Solution2/3
The z direction component of linear moment equation
  
t CV
wdV   wV  ndA  FA  Wn  p1A1  Ww  p 2 A 2
 
V  ndA   w dA
With the “+” used for flow out of the control volume and “-” used
for flow in.
(m  1 )(  w1 )  m
 2 (  w 2 )   Wn  p1A1  Ww  p 2 A 2
FA  m
 ( w1  w 2 )  Wn  p1A1  Ww  p 2 A 2

1 m
m 2 m
 1 m
m 2 m
  w1A1  Q  ...  0.599 kg / s

Example 5.11 Solution3/3
w1    ...  2.98m / s

A1  D1 / 4 
w2    ...  30.6m
 2
A 2  D2 / 4 
Wn  m n g  (0.1kg )(9.81m / s 2 )  0.981N
1 
Ww  Vw g    h( D 1  D 2  D1D 2 ) Vw g  ...  0.0278 N
2 2

12 
FA  m
 ( w1  w 2 )  Wn  p1A1  Ww  p2 A 2
 (0.599 kg / s)(...)  ...  77.8N

Example 5.12 Linear Momentum – Pressure ,
Change in Speed, and Friction
 Water flows through a horizontal, 180° pipe bend. The flow cross-
section area is constant at a value of 0.1ft2 through the bend. The
magnitude of the flow velocity everywhere in the bend is axial and
50ft/s. The absolute pressure at the entrance and exit of the bend are
30 psia and 24 psia, respectively. Calculate the horizontal (x and y)
components of the anchoring force required to hold the bend in

Example 5.12 Solution1/2
The x direction component of linear moment equation
  
t CV
udV   uV  ndA  FAx

At section (1) and (2), the flow is in the y direction and therefore
u=0 at both sections.

FAx  0
The y direction component of linear moment equation

  
t CV
vdV   vV  ndA  FAy  p1A1  p 2 A 2

Example 5.12 Solution2/2
For one-dimensional flow

(  v1 )(  m
 1 )  (  v 2 )(  m
 2 )  FAy  p1A1  p2 A 2

 ( v1  v 2 )  FAy  p1A1  p2 A 2
FAy   m  ( v1  v 2 )  p1A1  p 2 A 2  ...  1324lb
1 m
m 2 m
  v1A1  ...  9.70slugs / s

Example 5.13 Linear Momentum – Weight,
pressure, and Change in Speed
 Air flows steadily between two cross sections in a long, straight
portion of 4-in. inside diameter pipe as indicated in Figure E5.13,
where the uniformly distributed temperature and pressure at each
cross section are given, If the average air velocity at section (2) is
1000 ft/s, we found in Example 5.2 that the average air velocity at
section (1) must be 219 ft/s. Assuming uniform velocity
distributions at sections (1) and (2), determine the frictional force
exerted by the pipe wall on the air flow between sections (1) and (2).

Example 5.13 Solution1/2
The axial component of linear moment equation
  

t CV
udV   uV  ndA   R x  p1A1  p 2 A 2

(  u1 )(  m
 1 )  (  u 2 )(  m
 2 )   R x  p1A1  p 2 A 2

 ( u 2  u1 )   R x  A 2 ( p1  p 2 )
R x  A 2 ( p1  p 2 )  m
 ( u 2  u1 )

 p 2   D 2 2 
1 m
m   
2 m   u 2  ...  0.297slugs / s
 RT2  4 
Example 5.13 Solution2/2

R x  A 2 ( p1  p 2 )  m
 ( u 2  u1 )
R x  A 2 ( p1  p 2 )  m
 ( u 2  u1 )  ...  793lb

2 
D 2 2
A2 

Example 5.14 Linear Momentum –
Weight, Pressure,…
 If the flow of Example 5.4 is
vertically upward, develop an
expression for the fluid pressure drop
that occurs between sections (1) and

Example 5.14 Solution
The axial component of linear moment equation
  

t CV
wdV   wV  ndA  p1A1  R z  W  p2 A 2

 1 )   (  w 2 )(  w 2dA 2 )  p1A1  R z  W  p2 A 2

 (  w1 )(  m

w 2  2 w1 1  ( r / R ) 2
   r 2 
w 2  2 w 1 1    
  R  
CS ( w 2 )( w 2dA 2 )  0 w 2 2rdr  4w1 3
2 2

2 4 2
 w1 R  w1 R  p1A1  R z  W  p2 A 2

w1 Rz W
 p1  p2   
3 A1 A1 60
Example 5.15 Linear Momentum - Trust
 A static thrust as sketched in Figure E5.15 is to be designed for
testing a jet engine. The following conditions are known for a
typical test: Intake air velocity = 200 m/s; exhaust gas velocity= =
500 m/s; intake cross-section area = 1m2; intake static pressure = -
22.5 kPa=78.5 kPa (abs); intake static temperature = 268K; exhaust
static pressure =0 kPa=101 kPa (abs). Estimate the normal trust for
which to design.

Example 5.15 Solution
The x direction component of linear moment equation

  

t CV
udV   uV  ndA  p1A1  Fth  p2 A 2  patm ( A1  A 2 )

 (  u1 )(  m
 1 )  (  u 2 )(  m
 2 )  ( p1  patm ) A1  ( p2  patm ) A 2  Fth
 m
m  1  1A1u1  m  2  2 A 2 u 2
m  ( u 2  u1 )  p1A1  p2 A 2  Fth
Fth  1A1  2 A 2  m  ( u 2  u1 )  ...  83700 N

1    1A1u1  ...  204 kg / s
Example 5.16 Linear Momentum –
Nomuniform Pressure
 A sluice gate across a
channel of width b is shown
in the closed and open
position in Figure 5.16a and
b. Is the anchoring force
required to hold the gate in
place larger when the gate is
closed or when it is open?

Example 5.16 Solution
When the gate is closed, the horizontal forces acting on the contents
of the control volume are identified in Figure E5.16c.
  1 2 1 2
CS uV  ndA  2 H b  R x  R x  2 H b
When the gate is open, the horizontal forces acting on the contents of
the control volume are identified in Figure E5.16d.
  1 2 1 2
CS uV  ndA  2 H b  R x  2 h b  Ff
2 2 1 2 1 2
 u1 Hb  u 2 hb  H b  R x  h b  Ff
2 2
1 1 2
For H  h and u1  u 2  R x  H 2 b  h 2 b  Ff  u 2 hb
2 2 64
Application for MOVING CV

Example 5.17 Linear Momentum -
Moving Control Volume 1/2
 A vane on wheels move with a constant velocity V0 when a stream
of water having a nozzle exit velocity of V1 is turned 45° by the vane
as indicated in Figure E5.17a. Note that this is the same moving
vane considered in Section 4.4.6 earlier . Determine the magnitude
and direction of the force, F, exerted by the stream of water on the
vane surface. The speed of the water jet leaving the nozzle is 100ft/s,
and the vane is moving to the right with a constant speed of 20 ft/s.


Example 5.17 Linear Momentum -
Moving Control Volume 2/2



Example 5.17 Solution1/2
The x direction component of linear moment equation
  ..
WxW  ndA   R x
 (  W1 )(  m
 1 )  (  W2 cos 45)(  m
 2 )  R x

 1  1W1A1
m  2   2 W2 A 2
The z direction component of linear moment equation
 
WzW  ndA  R z  WW
 (  W2 sin 45)(  m
 2 )  R z  Ww

 1  1W1A1  m
m  2   2 W2 A 2
W1  W2  V1  V0  ... 68
Example 5.17 Solution2/2
R x  W A1 (1  cos 45)  ...  21.8..lb
R z  W1 A1 sin 45  Ww  ...  53lb
2 2
R  R x  R z  ...  57.3lb
Ww  gA1
  tan

From the Proceeding Examples

A flowing fluid can be forced to change direction,

Speed up or slow down, have a velocity profile change, do
only some or all of the above, do nobe of the above.
A net force on the fluidis required for achieving any or
all of the first four above. The forces on a flowing fluid
balance out with no net force for the fifth.
Typical force considered include pressure, friction,

Moment-of-Momentum Equation1/4
 Applying Newton’s second law of motion to a particle of fluid
牛頓第二定律 針對一個Particle
對 d  
座 ( VV )  Fparticle The velocity measured in an inertial reference system
標 dt Acting on the particle

 Taking moment of each side with respect to the origin of an inertial
的 coordinate system r是質點與座標原點的距離

   
 d    dr
矩 r  ( VV )  r  Fparticle  V VV  0
dt dt
 
d 
 
( r  V )V 
  d 
 VV  r  ( VV )
d  
 

( r  V )V  r  Fparticle
Moment-of-Momentum Equation2/4


d  
 
( r  V )V  r  Fparticle 適用到所有particles

積分 
d  
 d  
 sys dt ( r  V)dV  dt  sys ( r  V)V
d    
  sys ( r  V)dV   ( r  F)sys
The time rate of change of the Sum of external torques
Moment-of-momentum of the system Acting on system
d    
 ( r  V)V   ( r  F)sys Based on system method
dt sys 72
Moment-of-Momentum Equation3/4

 When a control volume is coincident with a system at an

instant of time, the torque acting on the system and the
torque acting on the contents of the coincident control
volume are instantaneously identical
    在時間 t 的瞬間,作用在CV上的
 ( r  F)sys   ( r  F)cv external force所產生的力矩等於
 For fixed and nondeforming control volume, the moment-
of-momentum equation:
        
CV ( r  V ) d V  CS ( r  V ) V  n dA   ( r  F )
t Contents of the coincident
control volume
Based on Control Volume 73
Review of Reynolds Transport Theorem

This is the fundamental relation between the rate of

change of any arbitrary extensive property, B, of a
system and the variations of this property associated
with a control volume.

dBsys BCV  
   CS bV  ndA
dt t
  
  CV bdV   CSbV  ndA
t 74
Moment-of-Momentum Equation4/4
依據 Chapter 4 推導 Reynolds transport theorem 的步驟

 For the system and the contents of the coincident control

volume that is fixed and nondeforming, The Reynolds
transport theorem leads to 選擇一固定且不變形的CV = SYSTEM
d         
dt sys ( r  V ) d V 
t 
( r  V ) d V   ( r  V ) V  n dA

Time rate of change Time rate of change of the Net rate of flow of

of the moment-of- moment-of-momentum of moment-of-momentum
momentum of the = the content of the + through the control
system coincident control volume surface

   
b  r V B  bm  r  Vm

 Consider the rotating sprinkler.   

t CV
( r  V )dV  0
假 The flows are one-dimensional.
設 The flows are steady or steady-in-the-mean.

件 Using the axial component of the moment-of-momentum
equation to analyze this flow CV
Using the fixed and non-deforming
control volume which contains
within its boundaries the spinning
or stationary sprinkler head and
the portion of the water flowing CV
through the sprinkler contained in
the control volume.
        
CV ( r  V ) d V  CS ( r  V ) V  n dA   ( r  F )
    This term can be nonzero only where fluid is
CS ( r  V )V  ndA crossing the control surface. Everywhere else on
the control surface this term will be zero because
解  
構 At section (1) r  V  0 There is no axial moment-of-
此 momentum flow in section (1)
項  
的 At section (2) r  V  r2 V 2 轉軸到噴嘴中心的距離
內 流體流出噴嘴的絕對切線速度
容 r2 is the radius from the axis of rotation to the nozzle centerline and V2 is the
tangential component of the velocity of the flow exiting each nozzle as
observed from a frame of reference attached to the fixed and nondeforming
control volume. 77
W:流體相對Moving nozzle的相對速度


U:Moving nozzle相對於固定座標的速度

U is the velocity of the moving nozzle as measured relative to

   the fixed control surface.
VWU W is relative velocity of exit flow as viewed from the nozzle
V is the absolute velocity of exit flow relative to a fixed control
surface. 78
      “-” for flow into
CS ( r  V )ρV  ndA Vn “+” for flow out

   
CS ( r  V )ρV  ndA  (  r2 Vθ2 ) m
Where m is the total mass flowrate through both nozzles. The
mass flowrate is the same whether the sprinkler rotates or not.
 
  “+” or “-”ascertained by r V
r V using the right-hand rule

 Turbine(渦輪機)的Torque 為『負』

The torque term  ( r  F ) content of the control volume
 
 ( r  F)content of the CV axial
 Tshaft   r2 V 2 m

  Acting on the shaft

r V 『負』表示Torque與旋轉方向相反
 
The correct algebraic sign of the axial component of r  V
can be easily remembered in the following way:
If Vθ and U are in the same direction, use +
If Vθ and U are in opposite direction, use -

Acting on the CV
Shaft power?

w shaft  W shaft  m   U 2 V 2
shaft  T shaft    r2 V 2 m
 
Sprinkler speed U  r2 
Negative shaft work is work out of the control volume, that is,
work done by the fluid on the rotor and thus its shaft.
功:表示shaft work is out of the CV,是水『做』功在

        
CV ( r  V )dV  CS ( r  V )V  ndA   ( r  F)
t Contents of the
Control volume
General case

Tshaft   m
 in  rin Vθin   m
 out  rout Vθout 
The “-” is used with mass flowrate into the control
volume, min, and the “+” is used with mass flowrate out
of the control volume,
 mout, to acount for the sign of the
dot product V  n .
The “+” or “-” is used with the rV product depends
 
on the direction of r  V axial If V and U are in the same direction, use +
θ 82
If Vθ and U are in opposite direction, use -
U  r2
The shaft power

W shaft  T shaft   (  min )( rin Vθin )  (mout )( rout Vθout )
 
shaft   min  U in Vθin   mout  U out Vθout 
W   

 m
m  in  m
 out

w shaft   U in Vθin    U out Vθout 

When shaft torque and shaft rotation are in the same
(opposite) direction, power is into (out of ) the fluid.
判斷 rV 正負
A simple way to determine the sign of the rV product is
to compare the direction of V and the blade speed U.

If V and U are in the same direction, the product rV is positive.

If V and U are in opposite direction, the product rV is negative.

Example 5.18 Moment of
Momentum –Torque 1/2
 Water enters a rotating lawn sprinkler through its base at the steady
rate of 1000 ml/s as sketched in Figure E5.18. The exit area of each
nozzle is in the tangential direction. The radius from the axis of
rotation to the centerline of each nozzle is 200mm. (a) The resisting
torque required to hold the sprinkler head stationary.(b) The
resisting torque associated with the sprinkler rotating with a
constant speed of 500rev/min. (c) The speed of the sprinkler if
no resisting torque is applied.

Example 5.18 Moment of
Momentum –Torque 2/2

Example 5.18 Solution1/2

(a) Tshaft  r2V 2 m V 2  V2

 Tshaft  r2V2 m where V2  16.7 m / s from Example 5.7
(1000ml / s)(103 m3 / liter )(999kg / m3 )
  Q 
m  0.999kg / s
(1000ml / liter )
( 200mm)(16.7m / s)(0.999kg / s)[1( N / kg) /( m / s2 )]
Tshaft   3.34 N  m
(1000ml / liter )
(b) V  W  U
2 2 2

where W2  16.7m / s U 2  r2

( 200mm)(500rev / min)(2 rad / rev )
V2  16.7m / s   6.2m / s
(1000mm / m)(60s / min) 87
Example 5.18 Solution2/2
Tshaft   r2 V2 m

( 200mm)(6.2m / s)(0.999kg / s)[1( N / kg) /( m / s2 )]

Tshaft   1.24 N  m
(1000ml / liter )
Tshaft   r2 ( W2  r2) m
 0
W2 (16.7m / s)(1000mm / m)
   83.5 rad / s  797rpm
r2 ( 200mm)

Example 5.19 Moment of
Momentum – Power 1/2
 An air fan has a bladed rotor of 12-in. outside diameter and 10-in.
inside diameter as illustrated in Figure E5.19a. The height of each
rotor is constant at 1 in. from blade inlet to outlet. The flowrate is
steady, on a time-average basis, at 230 ft3/min, and the absolute
velocity of the air at blade inlet, V1, is radial. The blade discharge
angle is 30° from the tangential direction. If the rotor rotates at a
constant speed of 1725 rpm, estimate the power required to run the

Example 5.19 Moment of
Momentum – Power 2/2

Example 5.19 Solution
0 (V1 is radial)

W shaft   m
 1  U V
1 θ1   m 2  U 2 Vθ 2 

  Q  ...  0.00912slug / s
(6in.)(1725rpm )( 2rad / rev )
U 2  r2   90.3ft / s
(12in. / ft )(60s / min)
V2  W2  U 2 V 2  U 2  W2 cos 30 W2 cos 30  Vr 2
  Q  A 2 Vr 2  2r2 hVr 2
 W2  m /(2r2 h sin 30)  ...  29.3ft / s
W m  U V  ...  0.972hp
shaft 2 2

First Law of Thermodynamics –
The Energy Equation1/5
Based on system method

 The first law of thermodynamics for a system is

Time rate of increase Net time rate of energy Net time rate of energy
of the total stored = addition by heat transfer + addition by work
energy of the system into the system transfer into the system
dt  syse  d V     Q
Q in     W
out sys    W
   Q
out sys

net / in  Wnet / in sys

dt    
sysedV  Q net in  Wnet in sys
“+” going into system
V2 “-” coming out
e  û   gz
2 The net rate of work transfer
Total stored energy per unit into the system
mass for each particle in the
system The net rate of heat transfer into the system
First Law of Thermodynamics –
The Energy Equation2/5

 For the control volume that is coincident with the system

at an instant of time. 在時間 t 的瞬間,進出 CV 的 Q 與 W 等於進
出 system 者。透過這層連結,才能得到……

(Q  
W )  ( 
Q  
net in net in sys net in net in ) coincident control volume

Review of Reynolds Transport Theorem

This is the fundamental relation between the rate of

change of any arbitrary extensive property, B, of a
system and the variations of this property associated
with a control volume.

dBsys BCV  
   CS bV  ndA
dt t
  
  CV bdV   CSbV  ndA
t 94
First Law of Thermodynamics –
The Energy Equation3/5
依據 Chapter 4 推導 Reynolds transport theorem 的步驟
 For the system and the contents of the coincident control volume
that is fixed and nondeforming -- Reynolds Transport Theorem
leads to 選擇一固定且不變形的CV = SYSTEM
d   
dt  sysedV 
t  CV edV   C.S.eV  ndA

讀 Net time rate of increase The net rate of flow of the
Time rate of increase total stored energy out of
of the total stored energy
of the total stored = + the control volume through
of the contents of the
energy of the system the control surface
control volume

be B  em 95
First Law of Thermodynamics –
The Energy Equation4/5

 The control volume formula for the first law of


  
t  cv e  dV  CS
e  V  ndA  ( 
Q net in  
W net in )

Based on Control Volume


Rate of Work done by CV
 W
W   
W  
W  
Shaft normal shear other
 Shaft work W  : the rate of work transferred into through
the CS by the shaft work ( negative for work transferred out,
positive for work input required) 藉由shaft傳遞的功
 Work done by normal stresses at the CS:
     

Wnormal   Fnormal  V  
 nn V  n dA    p V  n dA
 Work done by shear stresses at the CS:
 
Wshear    V  n dA Negligibly small

 Other work  +輸入系統者,-輸出系統者

    
t  cv edV   eV  ndA Q net in  Wshaft net in   pV  ndA
 
First Law of Thermodynamics –
The Energy Equation5/5

    
t 
edV  

e  V  n dA  Q net in

W Shaf net in 
p V  n dA

Energy equation

 p V2  
t CV CS  2
e  dV  ( û    gz ) V  ndA  
Q  
net / in Shaft / in

e  û   gz
Application of Energy Equation1/3

When the flow is steady
t  CV edV  0
The integral of
 p V2   
 CS û    2  gzV  ndA ???
Special & simple case Uniformly distribution
 p V2     p V2   p V2 
 CS   2
û    gz  V  n dA   
 û  
 2
 gz 
m   
 û  
 2
 gz m
 out   in  

 p V2   
Only one
one stream
 CS û    2  gzV  ndA
entering and
and leaving
leaving  p V2   p V2 
  û   
 gz  m out   û  
  gz  m  in
  2 out   2 in 99
Special & simple case
Application of Energy Equation2/3
If shaft work is involved…. 當 shaft work 包括進來

 p p Vout  Vin

2 2

  û out  û in       
m  g z out  z in 
    out    in 2 
Q  W  One-dimensional energy equation
net in shaft net in
for steady-in-the-mean flow
Enthalpy ĥ  û  The energy equation is written in terms
 of enthalpy.
 2
Vout  Vin2  
  ĥ out  ĥ in 
m  g z out  z in   Q net / in  W

shaft net / in
 2 
Application of Energy Equation3/3
If shaft work is zero…. 沒有shaft work

  p  p Vout  Vin
2 2

  û out  û in       
m  g z out  z in 
    out   in 2 
Q One-dimensional energy equation
net in
for steady-in-the-mean flow
 2
Vout  Vin2  
  ĥ out  ĥ in 
m  g z out  z in   Q net / in
 2 
The Pelton wheel is among the most
efficient types of water turbines. It
was invented by Lester Allan Pelton
(1829-1908) in the 1870s
Example 5.20 Energy – Pump Power 1/2

 A pump delivers water at a steady rate of 300 gal/min as shown in

Figure E5.20. Just upstream of the pump [section(1)] where the pipe
diameter is 3.5 in., the pressure is 18 psi. Just downstream of the
pump [section (2)] where the pipe diameter is 1 in., the pressure is
60 psi. The change in water elevation across the pump is zero. The
rise in internal energy of water, u2-u1, associated with a temperature
rise across the pump is 3000 ft·lb/slug. If the pumping process is
considered to be adiabatic, determine the power (hp) required by the
pump. 絕熱條件:沒有 Q 進出 計算輸入功

Example 5.20 Energy – Pump Power 2/2

Example 5.20 Solution
One-dimensional energy equation for steady-in-the-mean flow

  p   p  V22  V12 
  û 2  û1       
m  g z 2  z1 
    2   1 2 
=0(Adiabatic flow)
Q 
net / in  Wshaft net / in

(1.94slug / ft 3 )(300gal / min)

  Q 
m 3
 1.30slugs / s
(7.48gal / ft )(60s / min)
V  V1   .....  10.0ft / s V2   ...  123ft / s
A D / 42
A1 A2

W  (1.30slugs / s)....  32.3hp
shaft net in

Example 5.21 Energy – Turbine Power
per Unit Mass of Flow
 Steam enters a turbine with a velocity of 30m/s and enthalpy, h1, of
3348 kJ/kg. The steam leaves the turbine as a mixture of vapor and
liquid having a velocity of 60 m/s and an enthalpy of 2550 kJ/kg. If
the flow through the turbine is adiabatic and changes in elevation
are negligible, determine the work output involved per unit mass of
steam through-flow. 絕熱條件:沒有 Q 進出 計算輸出功

Example 5.21 Solution
The energy equation in terms of enthalpy.
=0(Adiabatic flow)
 V22  V12  
  ĥ 2  ĥ1 
m  g z 2  z1   Q net / in  W

shaft net / in
 2 

W 2
V V 2
shaft net in
 shaft net in 
w  ĥ 2  ĥ1 2 1
m 2
 shaft net out  w
 shaft net in
V12  V22
 shaft net out  ĥ1  ĥ 2   ...  797 kJ / kg
Example 5.22 Energy – Temperature
 A 500-ft waterfall involves steady flow from one large body of
water to another. Determine the temperature change associated with
this flow.

Example 5.22 Solution
The temperature change is related to the change of internal energy of
the water
û 2  û1
T2  T1  

where c  1 Btu /(lbm  R ) is the specific heat of water

One-dimensional energy equation for steady-in-the-mean flow

without shaft work V2=V1 =0(Adiabatic flow)
  p 2   p1  V  V
2 2
 
 û 2  û1       
m 2
 gz 2  z1   Q net in

   2 
g ( z 2  z1 ) (32.2ft / s2 )(500ft )
T2  T1     0.643R
c [778ft  lb /(lbm  R )][32.2(lbm  ft ) /(lb  s )]

Energy Equation vs. Bernoulli Equation 1/4
 p p V  Vin2  
e  û   gz
m  û out  û in       
  g z out  z in   Q 
net in  Wshaft net in
  
  out   in 2  2
For steady, incompressible flow…One-dimensional energy equation
  p out   pin  Vout
 Vin2   沒有 shaft work
 û out  û in  
m       gz out  z in   Q net in 有normal stress做的功
       2 

 
pout Vout pin Vin2
 m 

 gz out 

 gz in  û out  û in  q net in

where q net in  Q net in / m

參照 chapter 3
For steady, incompressible, frictionless flow…
p out   z out  p in   z in Bernoulli equation
2 2
û out  û in  q net in 0 Frictionless flow…
沒有摩擦損失 109
Energy Equation & Bernoulli Equation 2/4
For steady, incompressible, frictional flow…

û out  û in  q net in 0 Frictional flow…

p V2 Loss發生在in
Defining “useful or available energy”…   gz out過程中
 2
Defining “loss of useful or available energy”… û out  û in  q net in  loss
2 下游 2 上游
p out V p in V
  gz out 
  gz in  loss
 2  2
2 2
p2 V2 p1 V
因為12有摩擦損失,   gz 2 自然而然就低於   gz1
 2  2 110
Energy Equation & Bernoulli Equation 3/4

For steady, incompressible flow with friction and shaft work…

 p  p  V V 2
  2
 û out  û in   out    in  
m  gz out  z in   Q
out in 
net in  Wshatf net in
       2 
在 in  out 注入
 m
2 2
p out V p V
  gzout  in 
 gzin  w shaft net in  ( û out  û in  q net in )
 2  2
p out Vout pin Vin2
  gzout    gzin  w shaft net in  loss
 2  2
在 in  out 注入
2 2
pout V p V
  z out  in 
 z in  h s  h L in
 2g  2g
w shaft 
W 
W loss
Head loss hL 
shaft shaft
Shaft head h S  net / in
 net / in
 net / in
g m
g Q g 111
Energy Equation & Bernoulli Equation 4/4
pout Vout pin Vin2
  z out    z in  h s  h L
 2g  2g
in  out 輸出

 For turbine h s   h T ( h T  0 ) hT is turbine head

 For pump h s  h P hp is pump head in  out 輸入
 The actual head drop across the turbine Energy transfer
h T  ( h s  h L )T 想像:讓loss擴大
 The actual head drop across the pump
h p  (hs  h L )p 想像:讓loss減緩

Example 5.23 Energy – Effect of Loss
of Available Energy
 Compare the volume flowrates associated with two
different vent configurations, a cylindrical hole in the
wall having a diameter of 120 mm and the same
diameter cylindrical hole in the wall but with a well-
rounded entrance (see Figure E5.23a). The room
pressure is held constant at 0.1 kPa above
atmospheric pressure. Both vents exhaust into the
atmosphere. As discussed in Section 8.4.2. the loss in
available energy associated with flow through the
cylindrical bent from the room to the vent exit is
0.5V22/2 where V2 is the uniformly distributed exit
velocity of air. The loss in available energy associated
with flow through the rounded entrance vent from the
room to the vent exit is 0.05V22/2, where V2 is the
uniformly distributed exit velocity of air.
Example 5.23 Solution
For steady, incompressible flow with friction, the energy equation
V1=0 No elevation change
p 2 V22 p1 V12
  gz 2    gz1 1 loss 2
 2  2
 p1  p 2   V2
V2  2   1 loss 2  1 loss 2  K L
    2
p1  p 2
V2 
1  K L / 2 
D 2 p1  p 2
Q  A 2 V2 
4 1  K L / 2  114
Example 5.24 Energy – Fan Work and
 An axial-flow ventilating fan driven by a motor that delivers 0.4 kW
of power to the fan blades produces a 0.6-m-diameter axial stream
of air having a speed of 12 m/s. The flow upstream of the fan
involves negligible speed. Determine how much of the work to the
air actually produces a useful effects, that is, a rise in available
energy and estimate the fluid mechanical efficiency of this fan.

Example 5.24 Solution
For steady, incompressible flow with friction and shaft work…
 p 2 V22   p1 V12 
w shaft net in  loss     gz 2      gz1 
 2   2 
p1=p2=atmospheric pressure, V1=0, no elevation change
w shaft net in  loss   72 .0 N  m / kg
w shaft net in  loss
Efficiency  
w shaft net in

W 
shaft net in shaft net in
w shaft net in    95 .8 N  m / kg
 AV 116
Example 5.25 Energy – Head Loss
and Power Loss
 The pump shown in Figure E5.25 adds 10 horsepower to the water
as it pumps water from the lower lake to the upper lake. The
elevation difference between the lake surfaces is 30 ft and the head
loss is 15 ft. Determine the flowrate and power loss associated with
this flow.

Example 5.25 Solution
The energy equation
p A VA2 p B VB2
  zA    z B  hs  h L
 2g  2g
pA  pB  0 VA  VB  0
The pump head

W shaft net / in
hs  h L  z A  z B   88.1 / Q
  Qh  ...
Power loss Wloss L

Application of Energy Equation to
Nonuniform Flows 1/2
If the velocity profile at any section where flow crosses the
control surface is not uniform…
V2   ???? 當進出CS的流體速度分布不是uniform
 C.S. V  ndA
For one stream of fluid entering and
leaving the control volume….
  out V ~2 
V2    V
 CS 
V  ndA  m out
 in in 
2  2 2 
 
 V2   
Where  is the kinetic energy    V  ndA
A 2 
coefficient and V is the  1
average velocity
新增參數 V 2
m  
 2  119
Application of Energy Equation to
Nonuniform Flows 2/2

For nonuniform velocity profile…….

pout out Vout
pin in Vin2
  gz out    gz in  w shaft net in  loss
 2  2
out Vout
in Vin2
pout   z out  pin   z in  w shaft net in  (loss)
2 2
pout out Vout
pin in Vin2 w shaft net in
  z out    z in   hL
 2g  2g g 120
Example 5.26 Energy – Effect of
Nonuniform Velocity Profile 1/2
 The small fan shown in Figure E5.26 moves air at a mass flowrate
of 0.1 kh/min. Upstream of the fan, the pipe diameter is 60 mm, the
flow is laminar, the velocity distribution is parabolic, and the kinetic
energy coefficient, α1, is equal to 2.0. Downstream of the fan, the
pipe diameter is 30 mm, the flow is turbulent, the velocity profile is
quite uniform, and the kinetic energy coefficient, α2 , is equal to
1.08. If the rise in static pressure across the fan is 0.1 kPa and the
fan motor draws 0.14 W, compare the value of loss calculated: (a)
assuming uniform velocity distributions, (2) considering actual
velocity distribution.

Example 5.26 Energy – Effect of
Nonuniform Velocity Profile 2/2

Example 5.26 Solution1/2
The energy equation for nonuniform velocity profile…….
p2 2 V22 p1 1V12
  gz 2    gz1  w shaft net / in  loss
 2  2
 p 2  p1  1V12  2 V22
loss  w shaft net in     
   2 2
power to fan motor
w shaft net / in 
(0.14W )[(1N  m / s) / W ]
 (60s / min)  84.0 N  m / kg
0.1kg / min
m m

V1   ...  0.479m / s V2   ...  1.92m / s
 A1 A2 123
Example 5.26 Solution1/2
 p2  p1  1V12 2 V22
loss  w shaft net / in     
   2 2
 0.975N  m / kg1  2  1

 p2  p1  1V12 2 V22
loss  w shaft net / in     
   2 2
 0.940 N  m / kg1  2, 2  1.08

Example 5.28 Energy – Fan
 For the fan of Example 5.19, show that only some of the shaft power
into the air is converted into a useful effect. Develop a meaningful
efficiency equation and a practical means for estimating lost shaft

Example 5.28 Solution1/2
p 2 V22 p1 V12
  gz 2    gz1  w shaft net in  loss (1)
 2  2
useful effect  w shaft net / in  loss
 p2 V22   p1 V12 
    gz 2      gz1  (2)

 2   2 

w shaft net in  loss

Efficiency  (3)
w shaft net in

w shaft net in   U 2 V2 (4)

Example 5.28 Solution2/2
2 2
  {[( p2 / )  ( V2 / 2)  gz 2 ]  [( p1 / )  ( V1 / 2)  gz1 ]} / U 2 V 2

2 2
  U 2 V 2  [( p2 /   V2 / 2  gz 2 )  ( p1 /   V / 2  gz1 )]

First Law of Thermodynamics – For
Semi-infinitesimal CV 1/2
 Applying the one-dimensional, steady flow energy
equation to the content of a semi-infinitesimal control
  p out   p in  Vout 2
 Vin2 
  û out  û in  
m       gz out  z in   Q

net in
       2 
  p   V2  
m dû  d   d   gdz   Q 
net in
   2  
semi-infinitesimal control volume

CV非有限大,也非無限小,故將 in 與
out 間的變化以 difference來表達
First Law of Thermodynamics – For
Semi-infinitesimal CV 2/2
 1 For all pure substances including common
 Tds  du  pd   engineering working fluids, such as air, water,
 oil, and gasoline

  1   p   V2  
 Tds  pd   d   d
m   gdz   Q

net in
 
      2  
Semi-infinitesimal control volume statement of
the energy equation

dp  V2 
 d   gdz  (Tds  q net in )
  2  129
Second Law of Thermodynamics –
Irreversible Flow 1/3
 A general statement of the second law of thermodynamics
The time rate of increase of Sum of the ratio of net heat transfer rate into
the entropy of a system ≥ system to absolute temperature for each

 Q  particle of mass in the system receiving heat
 sys sdV   
net in
 from surroundings
dt  T  Based on system method
依據 Chapter 4 推導 Reynolds transport theorem 的步驟
 For the system and the contents of the coincident control
volume that is fixed and nondeforming -- Reynolds
Transport Theorem leads to 選擇一固定且不變形的CV = SYSTEM
d   
dt  sys sdV 
t  CV
sdV   C.S. sV  ndA
Second Law of Thermodynamics –
Irreversible Flow 2/3
 For the system and control volume at the instant when
system and control volume are coincident

 Q   Q  在時間 t 的瞬間,進出 CV 的
 T    T 
net in net in
Q 等於進出 system 者。透過
 sys   cv 這層連結,才能得到……

 The control volume formula for the second law of

  Q 
 
    
net in
s dV  s V  n dA 
 T 
 CV
Based on Control Volume 131
Second Law of Thermodynamics –
Irreversible Flow 3/3
For one stream of fluid entering and leaving the control
volume…. Special & simple case

 (s out  sin )  
net in
m Steady flow

 ds  
net in
Semi-infinitesimal thin CV m

Uniform temperature Tds  q net in  0

First and Second Law of
Thermodynamics 1/4
Semi-infinitesimal control volume statement of the
非 energy equation

限 dp  V2 
大  d   gdz  (Tds  q net in )
,   2 

Semi-infinitesimal CV of the second law of
無 thermodynamics

小 Tds  q net in  0
 dp  V2  
   d   gdz   0
  2   133
First and Second Law of
Thermodynamics 2/4
 dp  V2  
   d   gdz  (loss)  (Tds  q net in )
  2  

For steady frictionless flow

 dp  V2  
   d   gdz   0
  2  
The shaft work is involved

 dp  V2  
   d   gdz   (loss)  w shaft net in
  2   134
First and Second Law of
Thermodynamics 3/4
 dp  V2  
   d   gdz  (loss)  (Tds  q net in )
  2  
 1
 Tds  du  pd  
 1
du  pd   q net in  (loss)

For incompressible flow du  q net in  (loss)
First and Second Law of
Thermodynamics 4/4

When control volume is finite

  out 1
u out  u in   pd   q net in  loss
 
For incompressible flow u out  u in  q net in  loss

Application of the Loss Form1/2
 dp  V2  
   d   gdz   (loss)  w shaft net in
  2  
Frictionless, loss=0, no shaft work, incompressible
p 2 V22 p1 V12
Integrating   gz 2    gz1 Bernoulli equation
 2  2
Frictionless, loss=0, no shaft work, compressible

2 dp V22 V12
1 

 gz 2 
 gz1

Application of the Loss Form2/2
For adiabatic flow of an ideal gas
 cons tan t
 k

2 dp k  p 2 p1 
Integrating 1
   
 k  1   2 1 

2 2
k p 2 V2 k p1 V
  gz 2  1
 gz1
k  1 2 2 k  1 1 2


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