Case Study Autoclave Automation
Case Study Autoclave Automation
Case Study Autoclave Automation
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5 authors, including:
Pravin Sonawane
K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research
All content following this page was uploaded by Pravin Sonawane on 05 March 2016.
Abstract -
Automation generally refers to the science and technology of process control and includes
the control of chemical and petrochemical plants, Oil refineries, iron and steel plant, Power plants,
cement mills, Paper pulp and paper mills water and waste water treatment plants and many like all
this. The basic objective of automation is identifying the information flow and manipulates the
material and energy flow as given process in a desired way. PLC & SCADA plays an important role
in automating industrial system.
This work shows how automation is carried & implemented with software interface, PLC &
Micro-SCADA in C.G. Ltd. Nashik, Maharashtra, India for CVT autoclave. The whole process is of
121 hrs consisting of number of cycles, which is automated using PLC & SCADA for all process
Automation of many different processes, such as
controlling machines or factory assembly lines, is done
through the use of small computers called as
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This is actually a
control device that consists of a programmable
microprocessor, and is programmed using a specialized
computer language. Fig No. 1 PLC block Diagram
Today, programmable logic controllers deliver a 2.1 PLC Operation & Working Principle
wide range of functionality, including basic relay control, A PLC works by continually scanning a
motion control, process control, and complex networking, program. The scan cycle consists of three important steps.
as well as being used in Supervisory Control and Data There are typically more than three but we focus on the
Acquisition Systems and Distributed Control Systems. important parts.
• Check Input Status: First the PLC takes a look at each
2. PLC PROGRAMMING input to determine if it is on or off. In other words, is
Previously programmable logos controller were the sensor connected to the first input on? How
programmed in ladder logic, which is similar to a about the second input? And so on it checks all the
schematic of relay logic. Modern programmable logic connected inputs. It records this data into its
controller is usually programmed in any one of several memory to be used during the next step.
languages, ranging from ladder logic to Basic or C.
• Execute Program: Next the PLC executes your
Typically the program is written in a development
program, one instruction at a time.
environment on a personal computer, and then is
• Update output Status: Finally the PLC updates the
downloaded onto the programmable logic controller
status of the outputs based on which inputs were on
directly through a cable connection.
during the first step and the results of executing your
Recently, the International standard IEC 61131-3
program during the second step.
has become popular currently defines 5 programming
2.2 PLC Selection
languages for programmable control systems:
Some of the Key factors for the selection of PLC
FBD (Function Block Diagram),
• Number of I/O required
LD (Ladder Diagram),
ST (Structured Text, Pascal type lang.) • Expandability
IL (Instruction List) • Cost
SFC (Sequential function chart) • Serviceability/ Support
• Flexibility
2.2 Ordering Specifications etc. As incoming data changes the screen is updated.
Power Supply: AC/DC, 220V AC/24 V DC. Figure shows the examples of inputs from the MTU and
Configuration: Total Input and Output Details- Digital field devices.
and Analog. 3.4 Remote Terminal Unit
Remote terminal units gather information from
their remote site from various input devices, like valves,
2.3 User Interface pumps, alarms, sensors, meters, etc. Essentially, data is
PLC's may need to interact with people for the either analog ( real numbers), digital (on/off),or pulse
purpose of configuration, alarm reporting or everyday data(e.g., counting revolutions of meters). Many remote
control. A Human- Machine interface (HMI) is employed terminal units hold the information gathered in their
for this purpose. A simple system may use buttons and memory and wait for a request from the MTU to transmit
lights to interact with the user. Text displays are available the data. Other more sophisticated remote terminal units
as well as graphical touch screens. Most modern PLCs have microcomputers and PLC that perform direct control
can communicate over a network to some other system, over a remote site without the direction of the MTU. The
such as a computer running SCADA system. RTU central processing unit receives a binary data stream
in accordance with the communication protocol. Protocols
3. S.C.A.D.A can be open, like Transmission Control Protocol and
3.1 S.C.A.D.A- (SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or proprietary. Figure shows
DATA ACQUISITION) can mean many things to many an example of outputs of the RTU to MTU and field
people. The acquisition of data, the processing of those devices. Output to f ield devices
data for use by the operator, and operator control of • Contact1 Closure or 0-24V controls
remote devices are the fundamental building blocks upon Inputs from MTU • Analog control
P ulse Train stepping Motor Control
which all modern utility control systems are based. The • Discrete Control order •
• Analog setting Instructions • Serial Message to field Equipment
system to accomplish these functions is known as • Stepping Motor Pulses •
SCADA system. As the name indicates, it is not a full • Orders to response
control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory RTU
level. As such, it is a purely software package that is Output to MTU
• Field Analog Signal
positioned on top of hardware to which it is interfaced, in
Inputs from field devices • Alarms
general via Programmable Logic Controllers, or other • Field Analog Signal • Equipment status
commercial hardware modules. • Alaram switch Signal • Totaled Meter signals
• Equipment Message
3.2 Basic SCADA Elements • Equipment status signal
• Pulse Meter Signal
There are four major elements to a SCADA • Serial Message from field
system, master terminal unit (MTU), communications,
and remote terminal unit (RTU). The operator exercises
control through information that is depicted on a video Fig. No.2 :-Inputs & Outputs for RTU
display unit (VDU). Input to the system normally initiates The data acquisition part of SCADA is getting
from the operator via the master terminal unit’s keyboard. more PC-Based than stand-alone hardware. Many of
The MTU monitors information from remote sites and today’s RTU is either a Personal Computer or a
displays information for the operator. The relationship Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
between MTU and RTU is analogous to master and slave.
SCADA systems are capable of communicating using a 3.5 Why SCADA System & Functions
wide variety of media such as fiber optics, dial-up, or Some basic needs are listed below
dedicated voice grade telephone lines, or radio. • Save Time: The time taken to travel remote sites to
3.3 Master Terminal Unit gather information or issue controls, to sift through
At the heart of the system is the master terminal manually entered data, write out a report or perform
unit (MTU). The master terminal unit initiates all any of the functions that a SCADA system does as a
communications, gathers data, stores information, sends matter of course is considerable. Time saving
information to other systems, and interfaces with benefits go far beyond the man hours saved-
operators. The major difference between the MTU and timeliness of alarms, actions, control have high
RTU is that the MTU initiates virtually all monetary value as well.
communications by its programming and people. Almost • Avoid Trouble: A SCADA system’s primary purpose
all communication is initiated by the MTU. The MTU is to give advance warning of trouble. Hence action
also communicates with other peripheral devices in the can be taken before it swallows the whole system
facility like monitors, printers or other information and creates problem.
systems. The primary interface to the operator is the
monitor that portrays a representation of valves, pumps,
• Achieve System wide Processes: edited as required. The products include a library of
SCADA systems afford the user an opportunity to standard graphical symbols, many of which would
monitor and control processes that take place over a however not be applicable to the type of applications
wide geographical area. e.g., A sewage treatment encountered in the experimental physics community.
plant or energy management system. These
applications can cause considerable financial Standard windows editing facilities are provided:
savings in running cost and capital cost which can zooming, re-sizing, scrolling... On-line configuration and
pay for the cost of SCADA in itself. customization of the MMI is possible for users with the
• Save Manpower: Before SCADA systems were appropriate privileges. Links can be created between
implemented; remote sites such as substations and display pages to navigate from one view to another.
pumping stations were either manned or inspected
frequently. The need for this was eliminated or • Trending :- The products all provide trending
greatly reduced by the implementation of wide area facilities and one can summarize the common
SCADA. This was the primary economic driver for capabilities as follows:
SCADA system implementation in the first great
wave of comprehensive systems in the 1970’s and
1980’s. • The parameters to be trended in a specific chart
can be predefined or defined on-line
• A chart may contain more than 8 trended
parameters or pens and an unlimited number of
charts can be displayed (restricted only by the
• Real-time and historical trending are possible,
although generally not in the same chart
• Historical trending is possible for any archived
• Zooming and scrolling functions are provided
• Parameter values at the cursor position can be
predefined actions automatically executed in response to Remote I/O (RIO), Devicenet, Controlnet, and a few
alarm conditions. others. Talk about an identity complex! Modicon PLCs
speak Modbus, Modbus Plus, and now Modbus TCP/IP
• Logging/Archiving: - The terms logging and (Modbus over Ethernet). Automation Direct PLCs speak
archiving are often used to describe the same facility. Directed and K-sequence protocols while some of their
However, logging can be thought of as medium-term PLCs still communicate using their old protocols. The
storage of data on disk, whereas archiving is long-term old GE PLC protocol was CCM but they now use SNP
storage of data either on disk or on another permanent and variants such as SNPX. Siemens PLCs work mainly
storage medium. Logging is typically performed on a with the Profibus protocol which is considered more of an
cyclic basis, i.e., once a certain file size, time period or open, rather than proprietary, protocol.
number of points is reached the data is overwritten. The most common "standard" protocols we see
Logging of data can be performed at a set frequency, or are DF1, Modbus, and Profibus. DF1 and Modbus are
only initiated if the value changes or when a specific popular since they have been around longer than many of
predefined event occurs. Logged data can be transferred the people using them. Profibus is popular because, in
to an archive once the log is full. The logged data is time- our humble opinion, combines the best of simplicity
stamped and can be filtered when viewed by a user. The (daisy chain, twisted pair), industrial ruggedness (RS485),
logging of user actions is in general performed together speed (12 MBaud), adaptability (you can select from
with either a user ID or station ID. There is often also a many different speeds), scalability (from simple COM
VCR facility to play back archived data. port up to communications controllers), and function
• Report Generation: - One can produce reports using (most automation devices can talk Profibus). Typically
SQL type queries to the archive, RTDB or logs. Although all PLC manufacturers will have a PLC module that will
it is sometimes possible to embed EXCEL charts in the talk these protocols.
report, a "cut and paste" capability is in general not Now that Ethernet is becoming the "most hyped"
provided. Facilities exist to be able to automatically capability in automation there are several protocols over
generate, print and archive reports. Ethernet. But remember -- just because an Allen-Bradley
• Automation: - The majority of the products allow and a Siemens PLCs are both put on the same Ethernet
actions to be automatically triggered by events. A cable -- they cannot talk to each other because they do not
scripting language provided by the SCADA products use the same protocol.
allows these actions to be defined. In general, one can 4.1 SCADA CONFIGURATION
load a particular display, send an Email, and run a user Configuration in SCADA should be done
defined application or script and write to the RTDB. The sequentially only. This is having following sequence.
concept of recipes is supported, whereby a particular 1. Protocol Configuration
system configuration can be saved to a file and then re- 2. Port Configuration.
loaded at a later date. 3. Device Configuration
4. Tag Configuration
5. Role Configuration
Sequencing is also supported whereby, as the
name indicates, it is possible to execute a more complex 4.2 APPLICATION OF SCADA
sequence of actions on one or more devices. Sequences
• Electric Utility
may also react to external events.
• Water / Waste Water Utilities
• Oil & Gas Transmission & Distribution
4. CONNECTIONS & PROTOCOLS • Communication Networks
• Industrial Process Control
As mentioned earlier that PLC is used frequently • Etc.
in a SCADA system as the RTU. We need to throw some
light on the communication between the SCADA
Computer and the PLC, There are several different types 5. CASE SYUDY – AUTOCLAVE AUTOMATION
of connections between the SCADA computers and
PLCs. For example, RS232, RS422, RS485, and Company:- Crompton Greaves Ltd. , Nashik
Ethernet. Note that these are only the electrical Address:- G.G. Ltd. Ambad, Nashik, Maharastra,
connection and do not specify the protocol or language India-422004,
used on the connection. We can call this as the Hardware Contact No.:- Mr. Shirode M.M. (+91-09422270801)
protocol. Each PLC manufacturer has their own protocol Products:-C.B.s , RELAYS, CT’S, PT’S, CVT’s
or language that the PLC speaks. For example, Allen- Process Of Study & Design :- Autoclave Automstion
Bradley (Rockwell) PLCs talk DF1, Data Highway 485
(DH485), Data Highway (DH), Data Highway + (DH+),
Design Software: -
Basic Design Software: - Complicity
Front End Design: - Visual Basic, VC++.
Back End Design: - Oracle, SQL
Report Generation: -Excel, Access.
Fig. No. 5 :- Front Monitoring Screen SCADA Work bench Fig. No.8 :- A-9 Subsystem Screen
Fig. No.6 :-Autoclave Control Screen Fig. No. 9 :-A-9 Vacuum System
SCADA SYSTEMS We are thankful to Prof. Dr. B. E. Kushare (H. O. D.
Electrical Engg. Dept. K. K. W. I. E. E. & R. Nashik. ) for his
valuable guidance & help through out the paper. We are also
thankful to Mr. P. P. Patil & Mr. M. M. Shirode , CG Nashik for
their guidance & cooperation for the case study.
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[2]Lester Abbey, SCADA conference 2003. 75 80 “Evolution
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[3] Dennis J. Gausheel & Henry T. Darlington, IEEE paper. 25-
Fig. No 10 :- Heating System 31 “Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition”
[4] Duong trung 1995 IEEE paper , 120-125 “The Design of
next Generation SCADA systems”
5.6 PLC & SCADA Requirements
[5] Abhijit Hazara, Kaushik Ghosh , “Embeded Micro
As per the Logic requirement 40 Digital signals SCADA” , in ICSCI-06 Int. Conf., Jan. 2006, pp. 163-168.
are required. There are total 5 Analog Signal I/P’s. GE [6] Samual C. Scacca, “Advanced SCADA Concept” IEEE
Fanuc 64 Points micro PLC is used for this purpose. It has transaction , 1995 , 95-99.
total 40 digital I/P’s & 24 digital O/P’s. Two expansion [7] Armin Biere, "Resolve and Expand", Proc. of SAT
units are added to main PLC, first one is a Digital 2004, 2004.
expansion block & second one is Analog expansion unit. [8] Cimplicity , "SCADA”, ABB manual, 1986.
Cimplicity SCADA software is used for [9] P. G. Paulin, C. Liem, M. Cornero, F. Nacabal, and G.
developing the SCADA systems. The SCADA system Goossens, “Embedded software in real-time signal
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will be consisting of numerous graphical screens (Like
Proc. IEEE, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 419-435, Mar. 1997.
Main menu, Vacuum system, Heating system, Chilling
system) through which the operator is visualize as well as
initiate some activities of the cycle.
The case study of Autoclave Automation is
described briefly because of the space constraint. The
SCADA system for the case is design as per the customer
requirement. Because of this automation both the product
as well as process time is optimized. This work shows
how automation is carried & implemented with software
interface, PLC & Micro-SCADA in C.G. Ltd. Nashik,
Maharashtra, India for CVT autoclave. The whole process
is of 121 hrs. Consisting of number of cycles, which is
automated using PLC & SCADA for all process