ABS Racing Yacht Rules

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Guide for Building and Classing

Offshore Racing Yachts


American Bureau of Shipping

Incorporated by Act of the Legislature of
and State of New York 1862

Copyright © 1994
American Bureau of Shipping
Two World Trade Center
106th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10048, U.S.A.
The American Bureau of Shipping gratefully acknowledges the cooperation of the International Technical Committee
of The Offshore Racing Council

1978-1979 1992
Olin J. Stephens II, Chairman Nicola Sironi
Jan Van Berkel lb Anderson
Robin J. de C. Glover Jan Van Berkel
Keith E. Ludlow Bruce Farr
Gary W. Mull Rob Humphreys
Hans C. Steffensen Keith Ludlow
James McCurdy
1979-1980 Axel Mohnhaupt
Bernard Nivelt
Gary W. Mull, Chairman Charles Poor
Jan Van Berkel Kenneth Weller
Robin J. de C. Glover
Keith E. Ludlow 1993
Douglas B. Peterson
Hans C. Steffensen Nicola Sironi
Jan Van Berkel
1991 Bruce Farr
Rob Humphreys
Nicola Sironi Lex Keuning
Eivind Amble James McCurdy
Jan Van Berkel Axel Mohnhaupt
Bruce Farr Charles Poor
Rob Humphreys Kenneth Weller
Keith Ludlow
James McCurdy
Axel Mohnhaupt
Bernard Nivelt
Charles Poor
Kenneth Weller
Foreword to the 1986 Guide

This Guide has been developed by the International Technical Committee (1978-1979 and 1979-1980) of the Offshore
Racing Council and the American Bureau of Shipping. The strength standards given have been derived from the various
existing standards established by satisfactory service experience.

Foreword to the 1994 Guide

This 1994 Guide includes the changes to the 1986 edition as developed jointly by the International Technical Committee
of the Offshore Racing Council and the American Bureau of Shipping in 1991, 1992 and 1993. In accordance with 1.5.4,
this guide will supersede the 1986 edition effective November 1, 1994; however, the Bureau may bring into force individual
changes before that date if necessary or appropriate.
30 April 1994

Compositor and Printer

Port City Press. Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland

Guide for Building and Classing Offshore Racing Yachts

1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
2 Definitions
3 General
4 Materials
5 Fabrication and Quality Control
6 Details and Fastenings
7 Plating
8 Internals
9 Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels
10 Closing Appliances for Hull. Decks and Deckhouses
11 Surveys After Construction
Scope and Conditions of Classification

1.1 Classification The Bureau further represents to the yacht Owner or

other client of the Bureau that its certificates and reports
1.1.1 Process evidence compliance only with one or more of the Rules,
The Classification process consists of a) the development Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau in accord-
of Rules, Guides, standards and other criteria for the design ance with the terms of such certificates or reports.
and construction of marine vessels and structures, for mate- Under no circumstances whatsoever are these represen-
rials, equipment and machinery, b) the review of design tations to be deemed to relate to any third party.
and survey during and after construction to verify compli-
ance with such Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria 1.1.4 Scope of Classification
and c) the assignment and registration of class when such Nothing contained in any certificate or report is to be
compliance has been verified. deemed to relieve any designer, builder, Owner, manufac-
The Rules and standards are developed by Bureau staff turer, seller, supplier, repairer, operator, other entity or
and passed upon by committees made up of naval archi- person of any warranty express or implied. Any certificate
tects, marine engineers, shipbuilders, engine builders, or report evidences compliance only with one or more of
steel makers and by other technical, operating and scien- the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of American
tific personnel associated with the worldwide maritime Bureau of Shipping and is issued solely for the use of
industry. Theoretical research and development, estab- the Bureau, its committees, its clients or other authorized
lished engineering disciplines, as well as satisfactory ser- entities. Nothing contained in any certificate, report, plan
vice experience are utilized in their development and or document review or approval is to be deemed to be
promulgation. The Bureau and its committees can act only in any way a representation or statement beyond those
upon such theoretical and practical considerations in devel- contained in 1.1.3. The validity, applicability and interpre-
oping Rules and standards. tation of any certificate, report, plan or document review
or approval are governed by the Rules, Guides and stan-
1.1.2 Certificates and Reports dards of the American Bureau of Shipping who shall remain
Surveys during and after construction are conducted by the sole judge thereof. The Bureau is not responsible for
the Bureau to verify to itself and its committees that, in the consequences arising from the use by other parties of
this case for yachts, the structure and material are in com- the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Ameri-
pliance with this Guide and other Rules and standards as can Bureau of Shipping, without review, plan approval and
far as indicated to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. survey by the Bureau.
All reports and certificates are issued solely for the use of The term "approved" shall be interpreted to mean that
the Bureau, its committees, its clients and other authorized the plans, reports or documents have been reviewed for
entities. compliance with one or more of the Rules, Guides, stan-
dards, or other criteria of the Bureau.
1.1.3 Representations as to Classification
Classification of an offshore racing yacht is a representation 1.1.5 Suspension of Representation as to
by the Bureau as to the fitness of the yacht with respect Classification
to those aspects covered by this Guide. The Rules, Guides, In the event of any damage or casualty to hull or equipment
standards and other criteria of the American Bureau of which affects or may affect classification, or the structural
Shipping are not meant as a substitute for the independent integrity, quality or fitness for a particular use or service
judgement of professional designers, naval architects, own- of a yacht structure or item of material, all representations
ers, operators, masters and crew nor as a substitute for as to classification are to be considered suspended unless
the quality control procedures of yacht builders, steel or notification of such damage or casualty is given at first
aluminum makers, suppliers, manufacturers and sellers of opportunity and survey and repairs are thereafter under-
marine vessels, materials and equipment. taken as required in Section 11 of this Guide. Any use,
The Bureau represents solely to the yacht Owner or operation or other application of any yacht structure or
clients of the Bureau that when assigning and maintaining material for which it has not been approved and which
the class it will use due diligence in the development of affects or may affect classification or the structural integrity,
Rules, Guides, standards and other criteria, and in using quality or fitness for a particular use or service is to cause
standards, procedures and techniques as called for by this all representations as to classification to be suspended until
Guide. such time as the condition shall be remedied.

SECTION 1 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

1.1.6 Termination of Classification Committee, on the basis that the Guide insofar as applica-
The continuance of the classification of any yacht is condi- ble has been complied with and that special consideration
tional upon the Rule requirements for periodical, damage has been given to the novel features based on the best
and other surveys being duly carried out. The Committee information available at the time.
reserves the right to reconsider, withhold, suspend or can-
cel the class of any yacht for noncompliance with the Guide, 1.5.4 Effective Date of Guide Changes
for defects reported by the Surveyors which have not been a Six Month Rule
rectified in accordance with their recommendations, or for Changes to the Guide are to become effective six months
nonpayment of fees which are due on account of classifica- from the date of their publication. However, the Bureau
tion and other surveys. may bring into force individual changes before that date
if necessary or appropriate.
1.3 Classification Symbols b Implementation of Guide Changes
In general, until the effective date, plan approval for
1.3.1 Offshore Racing Service designs will follow prior practice unless review under the
Offshore racing yachts which have been built to the satis- latest Guide is specifically requested by the party signatory
faction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the full require- to the application for classification. If one or more yachts
ments of this Guide, or to their equivalent, where approved are to be constructed from plans previously approved, no
by the Committee for offshore racing service will be classed retroactive application of the latest Guide changes will be
and distinguished in the Record by the symbols 4,A1 fol- required except as may be necessary or appropriate for all
lowed by the notation Offshore Racing Yacht. contemplated construction.

1.3.2 Yachts Not Built under Survey 1.7 Other Regulations

Yachts which have not been built under survey to this
Bureau, but which are submitted for classification, will be While the Guide covers the requirements for the classifica-
subjected to a special classification survey. Where found tion of new offshore racing yachts, the attention of Owners,
satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, designers, and builders is directed to the regulations of
they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by international, governmental and other authorities dealing
the symbols and notation as described in 1.3.1 above, but with those requirements in addition to or over and above
the mark ff4 signifying the survey during construction will the classification requirements.
be omitted.
1.9 Submission of Plans
1.5 Rules for Classification
Plans showing the scantlings, arrangements, and details of
1.5.1 Application the principal parts of the hull structure of each yacht to
This Guide is applicable to offshore racing yachts of up to be built under survey and of each yacht to have Bureau
30.5 m (100 ft) in scantling length as defined in 2.1. plan approval, are to be submitted and approved. For
These requirements are applicable to those features that yachts built under survey, plans are to be submitted before
are permanent in nature and can be verified by plan review, the work of construction is commenced. These plans are to
calculation, physical survey or other appropriate means. indicate clearly the scantlings and fastenings, the minimum
Any statement in the Guide regarding other features is to be mechanical properties of the construction materials, and
considered as a guidance to the designer, builder, owner, et details of construction. For FRP construction, laminate
al. lay-up information including ply specification, fiber mate-
rial, ply orientation, ply weight, cured ply fiber content
1.5.2 Alternatives and thickness and minimum mechanical properties of the
The Committee is at all times ready to consider alternative laminate, its constituent plies, the unreinforced resin and
arrangements and scantlings which can be shown, through the cores is to be shown on the relevant plans. In general,
either satisfactory service experience or a systematic analy- these plans should include the following.
sis based on sound engineering principles, to meet the
overall safety and strength standards of the Guide. Framing sections
The Committee will consider special arrangements or Bottom construction, floors, girders, etc.
details which can be shown to comply with standards recog- Shell expansion
nized in the country in which the yacht is registered or Deck and cockpit
built, provided they are not less effective. W
Watertight and tank bulkheads
1.5.3 Novel Features Non-tight bulkheads, shelves, bunks which are glassed-in
Yachts which contain novel features of design in respect and used as structural supports
of the hull to which the provisions of the Guide are not Stern frame, rudder and rudder bearings
directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the Keel bolt and chain plate connections

SECTION 1 I 2 Scope and Conditions of Classification

Tiller hull requirements of this Guide, as well as with require-
Cabin house- tops, sides and ends ments for hull openings, such as seacocks, discharges, ex-
Closing appliances for hull, decks and cabin houses hausts, etc., survey the construction of the hull of the yacht,
and witness or otherwise verify the testing of the hull
Plans should generally be submitted in triplicate, one copy material and relevant fittings and issue a hull construction
to be returned to those making the submission, one copy certificate indicating the extent of the review and survey.
for the use of the Surveyor where the yacht is being built,
and one copy to be retained in the office performing the 1.13 Fees
review for record.
Fees in accordance with normal ABS practice will be
1.11 Conditions for Surveys after Construction charged for all services rendered by the Bureau. Expenses
incurred by the Bureau in connection with these services
1.11.1 Damage and repair will be charged in addition to the fees. Fees and expenses
Damage, deterioration or repair which affects or may affect will be billed to the party requesting that particular service.
classification, is to be submitted by the Owners or their
representatives for examination by the Surveyor at first 1.15 Disagreement
opportunity. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor
are to be carried out to his satisfaction. Nothing contained 1.15.1 Guide
in this section or in a rule or regulation of any government Any disagreement regarding the proper interpretation of
or other administration, or the issuance of any report or the Guide is to be referred to the Bureau for resolution.
certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule or regula-
tion, is to be deemed to enlarge upon the representations 1.15.2 Surveyors
expressed in 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 hereof and the issuance In case of disagreement between the Owners or builders
and use of any such reports or certificates are to in all and the Surveyors regarding the material, workmanship,
respects be governed by 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 hereof. extent of repairs, or application of the Guide relating to
any yacht classed or proposed to be classed by this Bureau,
an appeal may be made in writing to the Committee, who
1.11.2 Notification and Availability for Survey will order a special survey to be held. Should the opinion
The Surveyors are to have access to classed yachts at all of the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of this special
reasonable times. The Owners or their representatives are survey is to be paid by the party appealing.
to notify the Surveyors on all occasions when a yacht can
be examined in drydock or on a slipway.
1.17 Limitation of Liability
The Surveyors are to undertake all surveys on classed
yachts upon request, with adequate notification, of the The combined liability of American Bureau of Shipping,
Owners or their representatives and are to report thereon its committees, officers, employees, agents or subcontrac-
to the Committee. Should the Surveyors find occasion tors for any loss, claim, or damage arising from its negli-
during any survey to recommend repairs or further exami- gent performance or nonperformance of any of its ser-
nation, notification is to be given immediately to the Own- vices or from breach of any implied or express warranty
ers or the representatives in order that appropriate action of workmanlike performance in connection with those
may be taken. The Surveyors are to avail themselves of services, or from any other reason, to any person, corpo-
every convenient opportunity for carrying out periodical ration, partnership, business entity, sovereign, country
surveys in conjunction with surveys of damages and repairs or nation, will be limited to the greater of a) $100,000
in order to avoid duplication of work. or b) an amount equal to ten times the sum actually paid
for the services alleged to be deficient.
1.12 Hull Certification The limitation of liability may be increased up to an
amount twenty-five times that sum paid for services upon
Where the owner does not desire classification of the yacht, receipt of Client's written request at or before the time
the Bureau is prepared, at owner's request, to review the of performance of services and upon payment by Client
hull construction plans of the yacht, including building of an additional fee of $10.00 for every $1,000.00 increase
process description, for compliance with the appropriate in the limitation.

SECTION 1 1 3 Scope and Conditions of Classification


2.1 Length or other approved material in a woven or non-woven form,

with a strong adhesive bond with the resin.
L is the scantling length, given by the following equation. a Strand A bundle of continuous filaments combined
in a single, compact unit.
LOA 1.441. b Chopped-strand Mat A blanket of randomly oriented
L= meters or feet
chopped-glass strands held together with a binder.
c Roving A band or ribbon or parallel strands grouped
Where LOA is the overall length of the hull. See Figure together.
LWL is the length on the maximum estimated dis- d Woven Roving A coarse fabric woven from rovings.
placement waterline. See Figure 2.1. e Yarn A twisted strand or strands suitable for weaving
into a fabric.
2.3 Breadth f Cloth A fabric woven from yarn.
g Warp The roving or yarn running lengthwise in wo-
B is the greatest breadth, excluding appendages, in meters ven fabric.
or feet. See Figure 2.2. h Fill The roving or yarn running at right angles to the
warp in a woven fabric. Also called woof
2.5 Depth i Binder A substance applied in small quantities to fi-
bers to hold them lightly together in mat form.
D is the maximum depth in meters or feet measured verti- j Size A substance applied to fibers at the time of their
cally from the bottom of the canoe hull at centerline to
formation to allow resin to flow freely around and adhere
the top of the main weather deck at side. See Figure 2.2
to them, and to protect them from abrasion.
k Finish A substance applied to fabrics to promote wet-
2.7 Draft for Scantlings ting of the fibers by the resin, to improve adhesion, and
to reduce interfilament abrasion.
d is the maximum distance in meters or feet measured
vertically from the bottom of the canoe hull at its lowest
point at centerline to the maximum estimated displacement 2.11.2 Resin
waterline. See Figure 2.2. Resin is a highly reactive synthetic that in its initial stage
is a liquid, but upon activation is transformed into a solid.
2.9 Main Weather Deck a Accelerator A material that when mixed with resin
speeds the cure time.
The main weather deck is the uppermost continuous deck b Catalyst or Initiator A material that is used to activate
having permanent means for closing all openings in its resin, causing it to harden.
weather portions, and below which all openings in the c Crazing Hairline cracks, either within or on the sur-
yacht's side are equipped with permanent means for water- face of resin, caused by mechanical or thermal stresses.
tight closure. d Cure To change resin from a liquid to a solid.
e Cure time The time required for resin to change from
2.11 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) a liquid to a solid after a catalyst has been added.
FRP consists of two basic components: a glass-filament or f Exothermic Heat The heat given off as the result of
other material fiber filament and a plastic, or resin, in the action of a catalyst on resin.
which the reinforcing material is imbedded. g Filler A material added to resin to modify its working
properties or other qualities, or to lower costs.
2.11.1 Reinforcement h Gel A partially cured resin in a semisolid state similar
Reinforcement is a strong, inert material bonded into the to gelatin in consistency. Not to be confused with gel coat
plastic to improve its strength, stiffness and impact resist- (2.11 .3e).
ance. Reinforcements are usually fibers of glass (a lime- i Gel Time The time required to change a Plowable,
alumina-silicate composition having a low alkali content) liquid resin into a nonflowing gel.

SECTION 2 I 1 Definitions
Profile at Centerline


SECTION 2 I 2 Definitions
Transverse Section at D


SECTiON 2 I 3 Definitions
j Inhibitor A material that retards activation or initia- between two FRP single-skin laminates. The cores may be
tion of resin, thus extending shelf life or influencing exo- structurally effective or ineffective, see 5.3.2c.
thermic heat or gel time. j Verified Minimum Mechanical Property The mechan-
k Polymerization The reaction that takes place when ical properties, listed in 4.5.4b, of laminates differing from
resin is activated or initiated. the basic, verified by the appropriate test given in Table 5.1.
1 Pot Life The length of time that a catalyzed resin k Natural Axis The two natural axes of a laminate panel
remains workable. are, for the application of this Guide, the axis that is parallel
m Shelf Life The length of time that an uncatalvzed to the warp and the axis that is parallel to the fill.
resin maintains its working properties while stored in a
tightly sealed, opaque container. 2.13 Wood
n Tack The degree of stickiness of the resin.
o Thixotropy The property or phenomenon, exhibited 2.13.1 Cold-molded Wood Laminate
by some resins, of becoming jelly-like at rest but becoming Cold-molded wood laminate is formed of thin layers of the
fluid again when stirred or agitated. This facilitates the same or similar property woods, laid on a hull mold formed
application of the resin to inclined or vertical surfaces. by the framing, generally with alternate layers running
parallel to each other and with adjacent layers perpendicu-
2.11.3 Laminate lar to each other. The layers are in general not to be thicker
A laminate is a material composed of successive bonded than V, the overall laminate thickness, or 4,5 mm (34, in.)
layers of resin and fiber or other reinforcing substance. if less, the grain of wood is to be parallel to the length of
the layer. Each layer of wood is coated on the laying sur-
a Bi-directional Laminate A laminate with fibers ori-
faces with resin or glue before being placed on the hull
ented in various directions in the plane of the laminate
where the mechanical properties in the two natural axes
of the laminate plane are about equal. Bi-directional lami-
nates may be constructed of bi-directional or uni-direc- 2.13.2 Softwood
tional reinforcing layers, or a combination of each. Softwoods are botanically named Gymnosperms, and fall
b Uni-directional Laminate A laminate with substan- into the category called conifers, having the seeds exposed,
tially more of the fibers in the plane of the laminate oriented usually in cones.
in one of the two natural axes of the laminate plane so that
the mechanical properties along that axis, in general the 2.13.3 Hardwoods
warp, are appreciably higher than along the other natu- Hardwoods are botanically named Angiosperms. They have
ral axis. true flowers and broad leaves and the seeds are enclosed
c Barcol Hardness A measurement of the hardness of a in fruit.
laminate and thereby the degree of completion of the cure.
d Del ruination The separation of the layers of material 2.15 Mechanical Properties
in a laminate.
e Gel Coat The first resin applied to a mold when fabri- The following are definitions of the mechanical properties
cating a laminate. It provides a smooth protective surface referred to in this Guide.
for the laminate. For decorative purposes, it usually has a
coloring matter added. Not to be confused with gel (see
2.15.1 Steel and Aluminum
a Yield Strength For steel having a tensile strength of
f Layup The process of applying to a mold the layers
of resin and reinforcing materials that make up a laminate. 400-490 N/rn rn2 (41-50 kgf/m in2 , 58000-71000 psi) it is the
These materials are then compressed or densified with a first stress in a tensile test, less than the maximum obtain-
roller or squeegee to eliminate entrapped air and to spread able stress at which an increase in strain occurs without
resin evenly. Also a description of the component materials an increase in stress. Alternatively it may be taken as the
and geometry of a laminate and laminate that has been stress at which occurs a total strain extension of 0.5% of
the test specimen gauge length.
For aluminum alloys and for steel having a tensile
g Peel Ply A partially impregnated, lightly bonded layer strength of 490 N/mm' (50 kgf/min2, 71000 psi) or greater
of glass, cloth or woven roving used to protect a laminate it is the stress in a tensile test, at which there is a strain
in anticipation of secondary bonding. This ply is readily deviation, of 0.2% of the test specimen gauge length, from
peeled off just prior to secondary bonding, providing a the line of proportionality of stress to strain. Alternatively
clean, fresh bonding surface. for material whose stress-strain characteristics are well
h Secondary Bonding The practice of bonding fresh known from previous tests in which stress-strain curves
material to a cured or partially cured laminate. are plotted it may be taken as the stress at which occurs
i Encapsulation The containment of a core material a total strain extension of 0.5% of the test specimen gauge
such as softwoods, including plywood, balsa, or plastic foam length.

SECTION 2 1 4 Definitions
b Tensile Strength The stress obtained by dividing the capability of the bond to withstand a shear load without
maximum load a specimen sustains during a tensile test delamination.
by the original cross-sectional of the specimen.
2.15.3 Wood
2.15.2 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
a Modulus of Rupture in Bending A reflection of the
a Flexural Strength The measure of the capability of a maximum load carrying capacity. It is obtained by the
plate to withstand a bending load without failing. maximum bending moment that can be carried without
b Flexural Modulus The number used to calculate the rupture divided by the minimum section modulus of the
distance a plate will deflect under a given bending load. plating or stiffening member. Values given are generally
c Tensile Strength The measure of the capability of a for the bending stress parallel to the grain.
plate or stiffening member to withstand a stretching load b Modulus of Elasticity The number used to calculate
without failing. the distance a plate or stiffening member will deflect under
d Tensile Modulus The number used to calculate the a given bending load. Values given are generally for the
amount a plate or stiffening member will increase in length bending stress parallel to the grain.
when a stretching load is applied to it. c Tensile Strength Parallel to Grain The maximum
e Compressive Strength The measure of the capability stretching load, parallel to the grain, that a plate or stiffen-
of a plate or stiffening member to withstand a compressing ing member can withstand without rupture. As relatively
load without crushing. few data are available for this property it may be conserva-
f Compressive Modulus The number used to calculate tively estimated, for clear, straightgrained wood, by the
the amount a plate or stiffening member decreases in modulus of rupture in bending.
length when a compressing load is applied to it. d Tensile Strength Perpendicular to Grain The maxi-
g Shear Strength The measure of the capability of a mum stretching load, perpendicular to the grain, that a
body such as a plate or stiffening member to withstand a plate or stiffening member can withstand without rupture.
shearing load without one part of the body being forced e Compressive Strength A reflection of the maximum
to slide past the other. compressive load a plate or stiffening member can with-
h Shear Modulus The measure of the stiffness of a plate stand without crushing. It is obtained by the maximum
or stiffening member when a shearing load is applied to load that can be carried without crushing divided by the
it. Also called the modulus of rigidity. cross-sectional area of the plate or stiffening member. Val-
i Interlaminar Shear The shear strength of the bond ues given are generally for the compressive stress parallel
between plies of reinforcing material. The measure of the to the grain.

SECTION 2 I 5 Definitions

3.1 Structural Arrangement 3.5.2 Plywood Plating

Where the plating is either plywood or an FRP sandwich
The structural arrangements are to be in accordance with laminate with a plywood core, the maximum effective width
Section 8. of plating is to equal either the stiffening member spacing
in millimeters or inches or the width obtained from the
3.3 Openings following equation, whichever is less.

Major openings such as hatches and large vents are to be w = 50t mm or in.
avoided in the hull in close proximity to the gunwale.
Corners of openings in strength structures are to have
generous radii. Compensation may be required for where stiffening member, w and t are as defined in 3.5.1

3.5 Effective Width of Plating For a stiffening member along an opening, the maximum
effective width of plating is one-half of the effective widths
The section modulus and moment of inertia of stiffening given above.
member are provided by the member and a portion of the
plating to which it is suitably attached. 3.5.3 Steel and Aluminum Plating
Where the plating is either steel or aluminum the maximum
3.5,1 FRP Laminates effective width of plating is equal to either the stiffening
Where the plating is an FRP single-skin laminate, the member spacing in millimeters or inches or the width
maximum effective width of plating is to equal either the obtained from the following equation, whichever is less.
stiffening member spacing in millimeters or inches or the
width obtained from the following equation, whichever is w = 100t mm or in.
less (Figure 3.1).
where stiffening member, w and I are as defined in 3.5.1
w = 18t b mm or in.
For a stiffening member along an opening, the maximum
where the stiffening member is the floor, frame, beam or effective width of plating is one-half of the effective widths
bulkhead stiffeners given above.

w = effective width of plating in mm or in. 3.5.4 Wood

t = thickness of plating in mm or in. Where the plating is carvel construction the section modu-
b = net width of stiffening member in mm or in., but not lus and moment of inertia of the stiffening member are
more than 18t those of the stiffening member only. Where cold-molded
wood laminate is used and constructed in accordance with
Where the plating is an FRP sandwich laminate with a 5.5.2b1, the effective width of plating is equal to either
flexurally ineffective (balsa or plastic) core, t in the above the stiffening member spacing in millimeters or inches or
equation is the thickness of a single-skin laminate having the width obtained from the following equation, whichever
the same moment of inertia per unit width as the two skins is less.
of the sandwich.
For a stiffening member along an opening, the maximum w = 25t mm or in,
effective width of plating is to equal either one-half the
stiffening member spacing in millimeters or inches or the
width obtained from the following equation, whichever where stiffening member, w and t are as defined in 3.5.1
is less.
For a stiffening member along an opening, the maximum
w = 9t b mm or in. effective width of plating is one-half of the effective widths
given above,
where w, t and b are as defined above

SECTION 3 I 1 General
Effective Width of F.R.P. Plating and
F.R.P. Stiffener Details

MNI Zit h• Vt. NIL lee& 116. NIL lee\

SECTION 3 I 2 General

4.1 Aluminum Alloys use, and are to be catalyzed in strict accordance with manu-
facturers' recommendations. Other resins, such as epoxy
The aluminum alloys used in yachts built to comply with or vinylester, may be used. The properties of a resin are
this Guide are to be in accordance with the requirements to be for the final form of the resin actually used in produc-
in Section 30 and 35 of the "Rules for Building and Classing tion with all additives and fillers included. The amount of
Aluminum Vessels". Consideration will be given to alumi- silicon dioxide or other material added to provide thixot-
num alloys of different properties provided they are suit- ropy is to be the minimum necessary to resist flowing or
able for marine applications and welding. Care is to be draining. If mineral fillers are added, they are to be of a
taken that aluminum alloys are insulated where necessary type recommended by the resin manufacturer.
from other metals. Timber and paints containing copper,
lead or mercury are not to be used with aluminum alloys. 4.5.3 Reinforcing Materials
For guidance, Table 4.1 gives the mechanical properties Fiber reinforcing materials are to be as defined in 2.11.1.
of some of the aluminum alloys in Sections 30 and 35 of Binders, where used, are to be soluble polyester, epoxy,
the "Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels". vinylester resin, as appropriate. Sizes and finishes are to
The mechanical properties of other aluminum alloys suit- be of the silane type, and are to be compatible with the
able for marine applications, specified in recognized na- laminating resins.
tional or industrial standards, will also be considered.
4.5.4 Laminates
4.3 Steel
a Basic FRP Laminate The basic laminate of this Guide
The steel used in yachts built to comply with this Guide consists of general-purpose polyester resin and alternate
is to be in accordance with the requirements for Grade A plies of fiberglass mat and fiberglass woven roving. The
ordinary-strength hull structural steel or Grade AH higher- minimum glass content of this laminate is to approximate
strength structural steel in Section 2/1 of the "Rules for 35% by weight.
Building and Classing Steel Vessels", or other approved b Minimum Mechanical Properties of the Basic Lami-
standards. Flat-rolled steel and flat bars less than 5 mm nate The basic FRP laminate is to have minimum mechan-
(0.20 in) in thickness and shapes of cross-section less than ical properties as indicated in Table 4.3. Unless otherwise
645 mm2 (1 in') need not be subjected to tensile tests but noted, the properties are in the warp direction.
chemistry consistent with the required tensile properties c Exemptions from the Basic Laminate Gel coats and
is to be complied with. skin coats of either fiber mat weighing less than 30 grams
For guidance, Table 4.2 gives the mechanical properties per square meter (0.1 ounce per square foot) or fiber cloth
of grades A and AH steels. The mechanical properties of weighing less than 30 grams per square meter (0.1 ounce
other steels, specified in recognized national or industrial per square foot) are considered to be nonstructural, and
standards, will also be considered. therefore are not to be included when calculating basic
laminate scantlings.
4.5 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) d Laminate Thickness All FRP laminate thickness re-
quirements in this Guide are based on cured resin-and-
4.5.1 General mat plies having average thicknesses equal to 0.25 millime-
The basic laminate of the Guide is composed of alternate ters per 100 grams of mat in each square meter (0.03 inches
layers of glass fiber chopped-strand mat and woven roving, per ounce of mat in each square foot) of the laminate,
fabricated by the contact or hand-layup process. Laminates and cured resin-and-woven roving plies having average
of other compositions and other types of lay-up will be thickness equal to 0.12 millimeters per 100 grams of woven
considered on the submission of lay-up information and roving in each square meter (0.0015 inches per ounce of
test data on the minimum mechanical laminate properties woven roving in each square yard) of the laminate.
indicated in 1.9. These are average thicknesses, and are given for design
purposes only. Actual laminate thicknesses may vary as
4.5.2 Resins much as 15% over or under the average thicknesses without
Resins, for the basic laminate of this Guide, other than becoming excessively resin-rich or resin-dry. When mea-
those utilized for gel coats, are to be unsaturated, general- suring laminate thicknesses, the thicknesses of the exemp-
purpose or fire-retardant polyesters suitable for marine tions from the basic laminate, described in 4.5.4c, are to

SECTION 4 I 1 Materials
Properties of Aluminum Alloys
Sheet and Plate

Alloy Temper Thickness Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Yield Strength
Welded Condition Unwelded Condition
INTlinm 2 kgf/M/71' psi nu /11' kg(/m m' psi

5083 0 Up to 38 mm (1.5 in) 275 28.1 400(10 125 12.6 18(1(X)

H116 Up to 38 mm (1.5 in) 275 28.1 40000 215 21.8 31000
H321 Up to 38 mm (1.5 in) 275 26.1 40000 215 21.8 31000

5086 H112 Up to 12.5 mm (0.5 in) 240 24.6 350(X) 125 12.6 18000
11112 Up to 25.5 mm (1.0 in) 240 24.6 35000 110 11.2 16000
/1116 Up to 50.0 mm (2.0 in) 240 24.6 35000 195 19.7 28000
1132 Up to 50.0 mm (2.0 in) 240 24,6 35000 195 19.7 28041)
1134 lip to 25.0 mm (1.0 in) 240 24.6 35000 235 24.0 34000

5454 H32 Up to 50.0 mm (2.0 in) 215 21.8 31000 180 18.3 2600(1
H34 Up to 25.0 mm (1.0 in) 215 21.8 31000 200 20.4 29000

5456 H116 Up to 30.0 mm (1.25 in) 290 29.5 42000 230 23.2 33000
14116 Up to 38 mm (1.5 in) 290 29,5 42000 215 21.8 31000
11321 Up to 12.5 mm (0.5 in) 290 29.5 42000 230 23.2 33000
H321 Up to 38 mm (1.5 in) 290 29.5 42000 215 21.8 31000


Alloy Temper Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Yield Strength

Welded Condition Unwelded Condition
NIrmie kgflinm2 psi N/trn2 kgfPrtni' psi

5083 0 275 28.1 40000 110 11.2 16000

H112 275 28.1 40000 110 11.2 1600(1

5086 0 240 24.6 35000 95 9.8 14000

H112 240 24.6 35000 95 9.8 14000

5456 0 290 29.5 42000 130 13.4 19000

H111 290 29.5 42000 180 18.3 26000

Properties of Steels
Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Yield Strength

Grade N/mm2 kgf/mrie psi N/mm2 kg-flintri2 psi

A 400 41 58,000 235 24 34,000

AH32 470 48 68,000 315 32 46,000
A1436 490 50 71,000 355 36 51.000

SECTION 4 2 Materials
be deducted from the actual thicknesses to determine the TABLE 4.3
effective thicknesses. Basic Laminate Properties
e Composites Differing from Basic Laminate Where
bi-directional reinforced-plastic laminates other than the
Ninitn= kgf/mm 2 psi
basic are to be used, the appropriate verified minimum
mechanical properties are to be used in the scantling equa- Flexural strength, F 172 17.5 25000
tions. These properties of the laminate and lay-up details Flexural modulus, Er 7580 773 1.1 x 10'
as indicated in 1.9 are to be indicated on the drawings. Tensile strength, T 124 12.6 18000
Tensile modulus, Er 6890 703 1.0 x 10'
f Laminates Utilizing Uni-directional Reinforcing Ma- Compressive strength. C 117 11.9 17000
terials Where uni-directional reinforcing materials are Compressive modulus, Ec 6890 703 1.0 x 10'
employed, a sufficient balance of properties in the warp Shear strength perpendicu-
and fill directions is to be maintained to prevent laminate lar to warp, Spew 76 7.7 11000
failure in any direction. For uni-directional laminates the Shear strength parallel to
ratios of the verified minimum laminate strengths in the warp, Soh, 62 6.3 9000
Shear modulus parallel to
fill direction to the verified minimum strength properties
warp, Es 3100 316 0.45 x 10'
in the warp direction are to be not less than the following. 1nterlaminar shear strength,
s, 17.3 1.76 2500
Member Fill Strength/Warp Strength
Panel, aspect ratio = 1.0 0.80
Panel, aspect ratio ?. 2.0 0.61 4.7.2 Wood Preservatives
Stiffening member 0.25 Wood preservatives are to be of an approved type. Consid-
eration should also be given that they do not have a harmful
For panels with aspect ratios between 1.0 and 2.0, the effect on coatings or, where used, on synthetic resins.
factors are to be obtained by interpolation. Wood encapsulated in FRP or used on cold-molded
The required scantlings of members fabricated with uni- wood laminate is not to be treated with a preservative of
directional materials are to be determined by using the a type that will prevent adhesion of polyester, or other
appropriate verified minimum mechanical properties in resin, where used.
the scantling equations. The values of E FIF, ETIT and
EcIC in the fill direction are not to exceed the same ratios
in the warp direction. 4.7.3 Wood Glues
Where the properties of the finished laminates forming Wood glues, where used, are to be of a waterproof type
the crown, webs or shell or deck flanges of an internal having the necessary durability and strength, and are to be
differ, in the direction of bending stresses, the internal is mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
to meet the requirements of Section 8 at all locations. instructions. Attention is to be given to the application
Where the arrangement of the layers of uni-directional which is to be appropriate to the particular species of wood.
reinforcement of the laminate and the physical properties
of the laminate are such that the laminate meets the defini- 4.7.4 Encapsulation
tion of a hi-directional laminate it may be considered as Softwoods encapsulated in FRP are considered effective
such. structural materials where used above the waterline; it is
The verified minimum mechanical properties of the lam- recommended they not be used below the waterline, but
inate and lay-up details as indicated in 1.9 are to he indi- where used in this location they are to be considered inef-
cated on the drawings. fective, nonstructural, core materials.
With the exception of balsa, hardwoods are not to be
used as core materials. Encapsulated balsa or plastic foam
4.7 Wood are to be considered ineffective in resisting bending or

4.7.1 General 4.9 Plywood

All wood used is to be of the best quality, properly sea-
soned, clear, free of defects adversely effecting its strength Plywood is to be of marine quality and manufactured in
and with the grain suitable for the purpose intended. It is accordance with a recognized national standard.
suggested that all wood members, except cold-molded
wood laminates coated with resin, be treated with a preser-
vative. 4.11 Core Material
The strength properties for some such woods are given in
Table 4.4. Where other woods are to be used, the strength The required core thickness may be based on the following
properties are to be based on the recognized national stan- minimum shear strengths, provided they are verified by
dards. submitted test data.

SECTION 4 1 3 Materials
Density Minimum Ultimate
Shear Strength
Material kg/m3 lb Ninn' kgfimm' psi
Balsa, end-grain 128 8 1.9' 0.19' 270'
Balsa, end-grain 144 9 2.11 0.211 300'
Polyvinyl chloride, 5 1.0 to 1.2 0.10 to 0.12 145 to 171
cross-linked 80
Polyvinyl chloride, 6.25 1.4 to 1.5 0.14 to 0.15 200 to 217
cross-linked 100
Polyvinyl chloride, 5-6 1.2 0.12 169
linear 80-90
1. These values are for Ecuadorian balsa

Where test data is not available for cross-linked polyvinyl 4.13 Fastenings
chloride, the lower shear strength value of the range is to
be used. Mechanical fastenings are to be of materials suitable for
Where the core materials given above have different the service intended and are to be either galvanically com-
minimum shear strengths than indicated, the different mm- patible with the materials being fastened or provided with
imum shear strengths may be used to determine the re- the necessary insulation. Brass fastenings are not to he
quired thietness, provided the minimum shear strengths used. Noncorrosive-resistant ferrous fastenings are to be
are verified by submitted test data. galvanized. Fastenings used with aluminum alloys are to
Core materials other than indicated above will be subject be austenitic corrosion-resistant (stainless) steel or of a
to special consideration. suitable aluminum alloy.

SECTION 4 4 Materials
srepamini g I tiNOILD3S

Properties of Various Woods

Rending Tensile Strength Compressing Strength Parallel

Modulus' of Rupture Modulus' of Elasticity Perpendicular to Grain to Crain
Common Name Specific
of Species Gravity N Inon2 kgfimm2 psi Nimm2 kg{/tame psi Niun2 kgfinun' psi Ninon' kgflinm' psi
Ash, White 0.60 106 10.87 15400 12.0 x 10' 1228 1.74 x 10' 6.5 0.66 940 51 5.22 7400
Cedar, Alaska 0.44 76 7.84 11100 9.79 x 102 1002 1.42 x 2.5 0.25 360 44 4.45 6310
Cedar, Western Red 0.32 52 5.30 7500 7.65 x 102 783 1.11 x 10" 1.5 0.16 220 31 3.22 4560
Elm, American 0.50 81 8.33 11800 9.24 x 103 964 1.34 x 105 4.6 0.47 660 38 3.90 5520
Elm, British 0.56 41 4.24 6000 7.65 x 102 783 1.11 x 106 -- - - 34 3.53 5000
Elm, Rock 0.63 102 10.45 14800 10.6 x 103 1087 1.54 x 10' - - 49 4.98 7050
Fir, Douglas 0.48 86 8.75 12400 13.5 x 102 1376 1.95 X Ur 2.3 0.24 340 50 5.11 7240
Mahogany, Central and
South America - 80 8.19 11600 10.4 x 10' 1066 1.51 x 10' 46 4.68 6630
Oak, English 0.70 66 6.78 9600 10.0 x 102 1023 1.45 x 10' - - .. 50 5.08 7200
Oak White 0.68 105 10.73 15200 12.3 x 10" 1256 1.78 x lIP 5.5 0.56 800 51 5.25 7440
Pine, Longleaf Yellow 0.59 100 10.24 14500 13.7 x 1398 1.98 x 3.2 0.33 470 58 5.98 8470
Pine, Oregon 0.48 86 8.75 12400 13.5 x 102 1376 1.95 x 10" 2.3 0.24 340 50 5.11 7240
Pine, Western 0.38 67 6.85 9700 10.1 x 103 1031 1.46 x 10' _ - - 35 3.56 5040
Pine, White 0.35 59 6.07 8600 8.55 x 10' 875 1.24 x 10' 2.1 0.22 310 33 3.39 4800
Spruce, Sitka 0.40 70 7.20 10200 10.8 x 103 1108 1.57 x 10" 2.6 0.26 370 39 3.96 5610
Teak 0.63 88 9.04 12800 12.4 x 103 1271 1.80 x - - - 70 7.06 10000

Values given are adjusted for 12% moisture content.

Fabrication and Quality Control

5,1 Steel and Aluminum The ply of skin laminate in contact with each face of a
core material is to be chopped-strand mat. The mat is to
The requirements of this Guide apply to all-welded yachts; be thoroughly impregnated with resin and the core is to
workmanship is to be of good quality. In general, the weld- be coated with resin before layup. The use of plies other
ing for steel yachts is to comply with Section 23 of the than chopped strand mat adjacent to the core will be ap-
"Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 proved with due consideration being given to the adhesive
Meters (200 ft) in Length" and for aluminum yachts with used to bond the ply to the core.
Section 30 of the -Rules for Building and Classing Alumi- d Secondary Bonds The final ply of laminate along the
num Vessels.- bond line of the cured laminate preferably is to be chopped-
strand mat. The bonding surfaces are to be fresh and free
from wax, grease, dirt and dust. The first ply of the second-
5.3 Reinforced Plastic ary layup is to be chopped-strand mat.

5.3.1 General 5.3.3 Facility Requirements

The use of fabricating procedures differing from those in a Storage Area The area used for storage of resins and
this Guide will be specially considered. reinforcements is to be cool, dry, and clean. The materials
are to be sealed and maintained within the temperature
5.3.2 Fabrication Procedures and humidity limits recommended by the material manu-
a General The laminate is to be fabricated by the con- facturers until shortly before the materials are to be used.
tact or hand-layup process for either single-skin or sand- The shelf lives specified by the material manufacturers are
wich construction. Other methods of fabrication will be not to be exceeded.
subject to consideration. The resin gel time used in produc- b Laminating Area The laminating area is to be fully
tion is to be within the limits recommended by the resin enclosed, shaded from the sun, dry, clean, and adequately
manufacturer. ventilated and lighted. The temperature in the area is to
be maintained between 16C and 32C (60F and 90F). If the
b Laminate Layup A layer or ply of reinforcing material
temperature is consistently above 32C (90F), the material
may consist of a number of pieces. The pieces are to be
manufacturers are to be consulted for special recommenda-
lapped along their edges and ends. The width of each lap
is to be not less than 50 mm (2 in.). Unless otherwise
specifically approved, no laps in the various plies of a
laminate are to be closer than 100 mm (4 in.) to each other. 5.3.4 Quality Control
Transitions in laminate thickness are to be tapered over a General A quality-control system is 10 be set up in
a length not less than three times the thickness of the accordance with a process description. The objective of the
thicker plate. A gradual transition in fiber reinforcement is system is to measure and record compliance with approved
to be provided between bi-directional and uni-directional plans and the process description. Quality-control records
laminates. are to be carefully kept, and are to be available at all times
c Sandwich Panel Layup Sandwich panels may be lam- for review and routine verification by the Surveyor to the
inated with cores that either are effective in resisting bend- Bureau. Prior to conducting the tests described in 5.3.6,
ing and deflection (e.g., plywood) or are essentially ineffec- the dates of the tests are to be given to the Surveyors by
tive in resisting bending and deflection (e.g., balsa wood the builder.
and plastic foam). b Receiving As all materials are received by the builder,
Cores are to be effectively bonded to the skins. Joints they are to be inspected by the builder to assure confor-
in core materials are to be scarphed and bonded, or con- mance with the builder's purchase orders, which in turn
nected by similar effective means. are to reflect the material specifications in the approved
In way of mechanically connected structures, gear, and plans and the process description.
equipment, sandwich panels with ineffective cores are to c Gel Time The builder is to establish and implement
be fitted with inserts of an effective material or a single a resin gel-time control system for the gel-time desired in
skin laminate is to be used. The inserts are to be bonded production. This gel time is to be within the gel-time upper
to the skins or faces of the sandwich and to the adjacent and lower limits recommended by the resin manufacturer.
ineffective sandwich. Resin mixes are to be monitored to assure proper gel times.

SECTION 5 1 1 Fabrication and Quality Control

During layup the temperature in the laminating area is to The laminate properties and the associated tests are
be recorded at regular intervals, and the catalyst and gel shown in Table 5.1, tests alternative to those listed will be
time are to he adjusted to suit changing conditions. specially considered.
d Laminate Proportions The quantities of resin and re-
inforcement going into a laminate are to be monitored and 5.5 Wood
5.5.1 Facility Requirements
5.3.5 Visual Inspection The construction area is to provide the hull, during con-
A constant visual inspection of the laminating process is struction, suitable protection from weather and climate
to be maintained by the builder. If improper curing or that may have an adverse effect on the strength of the hull.
blistering of the laminate is observed, immediate remedial For cold-molded wood laminate the hull frame mold is to
action is to be taken. be clean and free of grease, dirt or other substances harmful
Defects are to be assessed using a recognized national to the strength or quality of the hull.
standard. Defects deemed by the Surveyors to be repair-
able without affecting the serviceability of the laminate 5.5.2 Fabrication Procedures
may be rectified; methods used to make the repairs are to
The wood is to be clean and dry and areas to be connected
be acceptable to the Surveyors. free of dust and grease. The moisture content of the wood
at the time of gluing or application of resin is to be neither
5.3,6 Tests less than 7% nor more than 16% and the variation in mois-
ture content of the laminates is not to exceed 5%. Sufficient
a Barcol Hardness Prior to removal from the mold each pressure is to be applied to obtain thin, uniform effective
laminate is to be checked with a Barcol hardness tester to joints. Workmanship is to be of a good quality.
determine the degree of cure. The Barcol hardness, num-
ber of the cured laminate, measured on the surface without a Carve! Construction In single planking carve! con-
the gel coat, is to be not less than 40. struction the planks, with the grain running parallel to the
length of the plank, are to be parallel to the longitudinal
b Burnout and Thickness The builder is to conduct and axis in association with transverse floors, frames and beams.
record the results of a predetermined, significant number The floors, frames and beams are to be effectively attached
of burnout tests and thickness checks on cutouts or plugs to the planking.
that have been removed from laminates to make way for
through-hull and through-deck fittings. Each burnout test b Cold-molded Wood Laminate Construction In cold-
is to be made on a sample that is at least 25 mm (I in.) in molded wood laminate construction there are, in general,
to be at least three layers of wood, of thickness generally
Additionally, when deemed necessary by the Surveyor, not greater than V, the laminate thickness or 4.5 Tom (3/h
a visual inspection of the residue may be required to deter- in.) whichever is the lesser, with the wood grain running
mine the types and the number of layers of reinforcement parallel to the length of the layer. Each layer is to be coated
on the faying surfaces with resin or glue. The floors, frames
used in the laminate.
and beams are to be effectively attached to the cold-molded
c Laminate Properties Laminate properties derived wood laminate plating.
from qualification testing of sample panels, which are to 1. The wood layers are to be placed on the mold at
be witnessed as necessary by the Surveyor are to be in- about 45 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the hull
cluded in the process description. In series production, with alternate layers parallel to each other and adja-
maintenance of laminate quality in yachts subsequent to cent layers perpendicular to each other. Using this
the prototype yacht is to be demonstrated by an approved method of construction, the framing is in general to
method of assembling and testing panels, in accordance be longitudinal see also 8.3.1.
with the following frequency schedule or as required by 2. Alternatively where the inner wood layers are fabri-
the Surveyor. cated in accordance with 5.5.2b1, each of the two
outer wood layers, provided they are parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the hull, may be placed at 45
Frequency degrees to the adjacent inner layer. This form of
of Testing construction in general is to be in association with
L < 9.15m L < 30ft Every 12th yacht transverse floors, frames and beams and in such cases
9.15m 5. L < 12.2m 30ft < L < 40ft Every 10th yacht special consideration may be given to a reduction
12.2m 5 L < 15.2m 40ft S L < 50ft Every 8th yacht in the laminate thickness required by this Guide.
15.2m 5 L < 18.3m 50ft 5 L < 60ft Every Sth yacht However special consideration will have to be given
18.3m _5 L < 21.3m 60ft L < 70ft Every 4th yacht to the effective width of laminate to be used in calcu-
21.3m 5 L < 24.4m 70ft 5 L < 80ft Every other yacht lating the geometric properties of the stiffening mem-
L 24.4m L 80ft Every yacht ber which with this construction will be less than

SECTION 5 1 2 Fabrication and Quality Control

Fabricationand Quality Control

Tests for Mechanical Properties of F.R.P. Laminates

item Property Test

Flexural Strength ANSI/ASTM D 790

Flexural Modulus ANSI/ASTM D 790
Tensile Strength ANSI/ASTM D 638 or ASTM 1) 3039
Tensile Modulus ANSI/ASTM D 638 ur ASTM D 3039
Single Skin Compressive Strength ANSI/ASTM D 695 or ASTM D 3410
Compressive Modulus ANSI/ASTM 1) 695 or ASTM D 3410
Shear Strength, Perpendicular to Warp FTMS 406 1041
Shear Strength, Parallel to Warp FTMS 406 1041
1nterlaminar Shear Strength ASTM D 3846

Shear Strength ASTM C 273

Core Shear Modulus ASTM C 273

Tensile Strength, Facings ASTM C 393

Compressive Strength, Facings ASTM C 393
Sandwich Composite Flexural Stiffness, Composite ASTM C 393
(Structural Test) Shear Stiffness, Composite ASTM C 393
Shear Strength, Composite ASTM C 393
Bond Strength, Core to Facings ASTM C 393
Details and Fastenings

6.1 Details
6.1.1 General K = -4E1703 -V11.9/C metric units
Where frames, beams and stiffeners are intercostal at an (4E11.0 x 10fi -07000/C US units)
intersecting member the connections are to provide conti- E. = minimum compressive modulus of the laminate in
nuity of strength; where frames, beams and stiffeners stop kgf/mm2 (psi)
at an intersecting member the end connection is to develop C = minimum compressive strength of the laminate in
the strength of the member and provide end fixity. kgffmm2 (psi)
Care is to be taken to ensure structural continuity and
to avoid sharp corners and abrupt changes in section and F, Wc, h, t1, and t2 are as indicated in Figure 3.1.
shape; the toes of brackets are not to terminate on unstiff- The webs and crowns of frames, beams or stiffeners
ened plate panels. encapsulating effective wood or plywood cores or having
Compensation may be required in way of openings. other effective cores as indicated in 4.11 may have a mini-
mum thickness of 3 mm (0.125 in.), however the thickness
of the flanges is to be no less than 0.033 times the height
6.1.2 Aluminum and Steel
of stiffener web.
Openings are to be arranged clear of concentrated loads
Where frames, beams or stiffeners are constructed by
or high shearing forces; beam slots in girders and trans-
laying FRP over pre-molded FRP forms, the forms may
verses in such locations are to be fitted with collars. The
be considered structurally effective if their mechanical
edges of thick insert plates are to be tapered at their butt-
properties are no less than the overlay laminates. Pre-
welded connection to thin plating. molded stiffeners are to be bonded to the plating laminate
In aluminum construction, where bimetallic connections
with FR? boundary angles. The joints in premolded stiffen..
are unavoidable, suitable insulation is to be provided. It is
ers are to be scarphed and spliced or otherwise reinforced
recommended that where in direct contact with aluminum,
to maintain the full strength of the stiffener. Encapsulated
wood is to be coated with a suitable paint.
wood or plywood is to comply with 4.7 and 4.9.
Where bulkheads, bunks, shelves, or other structurally
6.1.3 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) effective components are glassed-in to provide structural
All exposed edges of FR? laminates are to be sealed with support for the shell or deck plating, they are in general
resin. Edges of sandwich panels and edges of holes in to be glassed-in on both sides and the thickness, strength
sandwich panels are to be sealed with resin impregnated and overlap of the tapes or angles are to provide strength
mat. Ferrules installed in sandwich panels or in stiffeners and stiffness equivalent to the shell or deck laminates to
for drains or wire penetrations are to be set in bedding which they are being attached. Where it is impractical to
compound. glass-in from both sides, special consideration will be given
Piping and wiring passing through foam-filled spaces is to glassing-in from one side only, provided the strength
to be installed in plastic tubing to facilitate removal and and stiffness of the connection are adequate.
Frames, girders, beams and stiffeners may be entirely
of FRP, FR? laid over nonstructural cores or forms, or 6.1.4 Wood
composites of FRP and other approved structural materials All edges of plywood, including in way Pr cut-outs, are to
such as plywood or wood. Where forms are neither struc- be effectively sealed by glues, resin, paint or other suitable
tural nor as indicated in 4.11, the proportions of these composition. The faying surfaces of frames, beams, stiffen-
members are to comply with the following requirements. ers etc, are to be treated with wood preservative.
F is to be not less than 0.2h or 50 mm (2 in.) whichever
is greater, but need not be greater than 6t, where this 6.3 Fastenings
value is greater than 50mm (2 in); for half-round stiffeners,
the inside radius or 50 mm (2 in.) whichever is greater. 6.3.1 Keel Bolts
Keel bolts are to be of an approved corrosion resistant
material: the nuts, washers and other fittings are to be
Wc is not to exceed 1810.2 either of the same material as the bolts or of materials
that are compatible with the bolt material. Doublers and
h is not to exceed 30Ktt brackets may be required in way of the bolt connections

SECTION 6 11 Details and Fastenings

o transmit the loads to the floors or girders or both. The Linear interpolation is to be used to determine
Keel bolts are to be spaced longitudinally so that the weight Grounding loads for vessels with intermediate val-
Athe keel is uniformly distributed onto the bolts. In alumi- ues of LWL
num hulls the bolts, nuts, washers, etc. are to be suitably 2. Load of 1.5F5 acting upward on the bottom of the
insulated. The bolts are to be effectively secured into the keel.
keel, by nuts bearing on substantial backing plates or by Grounding Design Stresses:
the use of J bolts, or by other effective means.
The diameter, dk, at the bottom of the thread of each Shear stress - 0.75T,
keel bolt is to be not less than obtained by the following Primary stress - 0.75cr,
2.55 WkYk where
dk = mm or in.
where LWL = length on the maximum estimated displacement wa-
Wk = total weight of the ballast keel in N(kgf, lbf) terline. See Figure 2.1.
Yk = vertical distance in mm or in. from the center of FA = force corresponding to the maximum displacement
gravity of the keel to the bearing surfaces at the of the yacht
bolt connection cry = as defined above
vy = minimum yield strength of the keel bolt material Ty = minimum shear yield strength of the material
in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi) but is not to be taken
greater than 50% of the minimum specified tensile 6.3.2 Chain Plates
strength of the keel bolt material. Chain plates are to be of mild steel, stainless steel, monel
= summation of transverse distances at each bolt or aluminum, or other approved material. Bolts are to be
from the center of the bolt on one side of the keel of a compatible, approved, corrosion resistant material.
to the edge of the keel on the other side, in mm Where aluminum chain plates are used, stainless steel
or ins. sleeves are to be fitted in the bolt holes.
The chain plates are in general to be slotted through
Where there are fewer bolts on one side of the keel, the deck, and effectively attached to bulkheads, webs or
the summation of distances is to be measured from the brackets.
centerlines of the bolts on that side. In the case of centerline Substantial reinforcement of the deck structure is to be
bolts only, the summation is to be of the distances measured provided in way of the chain plates in the form of bulkheads
on one side from the centerline of the bolts to the edge of or web frames.
the keel.
Where the keel is raked aft so that the keel LCG is 6.3.3 Other Fastenings
significantly aft of the center of the keel bolt connection Components may be mechanically fastened by corrosion
system, consideration is to be given to the additional tor- resistance metal fastening spaced and arranged to ensure
sional moment on the keel bolts. an effective joint. The size, type, arrangement and material
The bearing surfaces between the bottom of the canoe of the fastenings are to comply with good practice and are
hull and the top of the keel are to be of a hard material to be submitted for review. Washers or backing plates are
that will not deform under the bearing loads. to be fitted under all fastening heads and nuts. The bolts,
Shear and primary stresses in the keel bolts under the washers, backing plates and fittings are to be of compatible
following grounding loads acting separately are not to ex- material. Where chemically incompatible, suitable insula-
ceed the grounding design stresses given below. tion is to be provided. Where watertight joints are required,
suitable sealants or bedding compounds are to be used.
Grounding Loads: With FRP sandwich construction, low density core ma-
terials are to be replaced with structurally effective inserts
1. Load as indicated below acting, in the aft direction in way of bolted connections and fittings. The insert is to
along the centerline of the yacht at the bottom leading be effectively bonded to the laminate skins and to the
edge of the keel. adjacent low density core. Alternatively a single skin lami-
nate of the same thickness as the sandwich laminate may
For LWL ?- 20m (66 ft.); 3Fs be used in way of fastenings.
In wood construction, where screws are used, they are
For LWL 5. 10m (33 ft.); 1.5Fs to be secured into the frame, beam, etc. for a distance not
less than the thickness of the plating.

SECTION 6 i 2 Details and Fastenings


7.1 Aluminum, Steel, and Cold-molded Wood After all other requirements are met the thickness for
Laminate steel is, in general, to be not less than s/115, or 2.5 mm
In general, the structural arrangement for aluminum and (0.1 in.) whichever is greater and for aluminum in general,
steel hulls is to be as given in 8.1.1 and for cold-molded the thickness is to be not less than s/100 or 2.5 mm (0.1
wood as given in 8.3.1. The thickness of the shell, deck in.) whichever is greater. Special consideration will be
and bulkhead plating is to be not less than given by the given to minimum thicknesses for transversely framed
following equation, hulls.

t = sc J— mm (in) 7.3 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic

VV o-„

7.3.1 Single-skin Laminate

s = the spacing, in mm or in., of the shell longitudinal, In general, the structural arrangement is to be as given in
deck longitudinal, transverse frame, deck beam or 8.1.2a. The thickness of the shell, deck and bulkhead plat-
bulkhead stiffener or other supporting member; ing is to be not less than given by the following equations.
where the plating is curved it is the chord length Pk mm (in.)
distance between the two supporting members. a t sc
p = 0.01 Fh (0.001 Fh, 0.44 Fh)
h = the design head, in in or ft., given in Table 7.1 pk1
b = 0.75 mm (in.)
F = the design head reduction factor given in Table 7.4 t sc 0.02 E
for shell plating and in Table 7.5 for deck plating, Fh
is in general not to be taken as less than D (see 2.5) where h, cr„ and c are as defined in 7.1.
for the bottom shell, nor less than 0.8D for the side s = the spacing, as defined in 7.1 or the unsupported
shell plating width, in mm or in., of the laminate panel between
k = the coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio supporting structure such as structurally effective,
given in Table 7.3 but, unless specially approved glassed-in bulkheads, bunks, shelves, etc.
otherwise, not to be taken as less than 0.5 for cold- P = 0.01Fh (0.001Fh, 0.44Fh)
molded wood laminate F = the design head reduction factor given in Table 7.4
Crd the design stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi) as given for shell plating, and in Table 7.5 for deck plating.
in Table 7.2. In equation a, Fh is not in general to be taken less
e = (1-A/s), the correction factor for curved plating but than D (See 2.5) for the bottom shell nor less than
is not to be taken less than 0.70. 0.5D for the side shell plating.
A = the distance in mm or in., measured perpendicular
In equation b, F is not in general to be taken less
from the chord length s to the highest point of the
than 0.5 for the bottom and side shell plating.
curved plating arc between the two supporting
k = the coefficient varying with the plate panel aspect
ratio as shown in Table 7.3, not to be taken less than
0.5 for uni-directional laminates
Changes in plating thickness are to be gradual and the
= the coefficient varying with the pate panel aspect
need for continuity of overall strength is to be considered.
ratio as shown in Table 7.3, not to be taken less than
Where closely spaced stiffening members are fitted for
0.028 for uni-directional laminates
local reinforcement, such as floors in way of the ballast keel,
E = the minimum flexural modulus of the laminate in
or stringers in the slamming area, the plating thickness is
(kgf/mm2, psi)
in general not to be reduced locally for the lesser spacing.
Where the frame spacing is such that the cold-molded Where uni-directional laminates are used for the deck or
wood laminate thickness can be relatively light for local shell, the warp, or axis containing the greater reinforce-
strength, consideration is to be given to the hull-girder ment, is in general to run in a forward and aft direction.
strength of the yacht. In addition the warp, or axis containing the greater rein-
The bottom shell thickness is to be increased in way of forcement, is in general, to be perpendicular to the longest
the keel for the extent shown, and using the heads given edge of the laminate panel, that is, parallel to the distance, s.
in Figures 7.1 and 7.2. Special consideration will be given to other arrangements.

SECTION 7 1 1 Plating
The bottom shell thickness is to be increased for the the same. However special consideration will be given
extent shown, and using the design heads given on Figures to the use of external and internal skins having different
7.1 and 7.2. In addition, the thickness of the bottom shell strengths. Where both the inner and outer skins are unusu-
extending over the length of the keel attachment to points ally thin, consideration is to be given to the hull-girder
50 mm (2 in) forward and aft of the forward and aft keel strength of the yacht. In calculating the section modulus
bolts, respectively, and 50rnm (2 in) outboard of the bolts and inertia of the sandwich, consideration is to be given
is not to be less than the diameter of the keel bolts. Bi- where the skins have different tensile modulii or different
directional laminates are in general to be used. Bi-direc- compressive modulii.
tional laminates are to be used also in way of local reinforce- The skins are in general to be bi-directional laminates
ments for chain plate and other load-carrying fittings. Care constructed of either uni-directional or bi-directional layers
is to be taken to provide a gradual transition in fiber rein- or a combination of both.
forcement between bi-directional and uni-directional lami- In general, single skin laminate is to be used for the
nates to avoid abrupt changes in strength and stiffness. bottom shell in way of the keel; the thickness is in general
not to be less than the overall thickness of the adjacent
sandwich shell, nor, less than obtained using the design
7.3.2 Sandwich Construction
heads given in Figures 7.1 and 7.2 for the extent shown
In general the structural arrangement is to be as given in
thereon. In addition, the thickness of the bottom shell
8.1.2.b. The section modulus and the moment of inertia of
extending over the length of the keel attachment to points
the skins about the neutral axis of a strip of sandwich panel
50 mm (2 in) forward and aft of the forward and aft keel
1 cm (1 in.) wide are to be not less than given by the
bolts, respectively, and 50mm (2 in) outboard of the bolts is
following equations.
not to be less than the diameter of the keel bolts. However
t"F t" F special consideration will be given to sandwich construc-
a SM = cm3 SM = ins
° 600T ° 6T tion in way of the keel, provided the inner and outer skins
are suitably increased in thickness, a high density core
t' F t2 F
b SM = ' cm'
c SM, =
C ins' material is used and the keel bolt loads are directly trans-
' 600C mitted to, supported by, and effectively distributed into
t3i, E E the hull by the floors and side girders.
c /= cm It is recommended that the required shell reinforcement
5060ER. 5.06 ER
in way of the keel be extended forward to the mast step
where structure.
SM, = required section modulus to outer skin for 1 cm (1
A single skin laminate is to be used for the deck locally
in.) width of sandwich laminate in way of the mast; for reinforcement in way of fastenings
= required section modulus to inner skin for 1 cm (1
see 6.3.3.
in.) width of sandwich laminate The thickness of the core and skins are to be not less
to = required thickness of single-skin laminate given by than given by the following equation.
equation 7,3.1a, in mm or ins.
F= minimum flexural strength used in Table 7.2 to d, dr Frhs
obtain cr, for use in equation 7.3.1a, to determine d =nv rum (in)
4, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
where h is as defined in 7.1 and s is as defined in 7.3.1
T= minimum tensile strength of outer skin, in N/mm2
do = overall thickness of sandwich, in mm or ins.
(kgf/rnm2, psi)
d, = thickness of core, in mm or ins.
C= minimum compressive strength of the inner skin,
v = the coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio
in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
given in Table 7.6, inner and outer skins are to be
1= required moment of inertia of the skins about the
bi-directional laminates.
neutral axis of the sandwich, for 1 cm (1 in.) width
F, = the design head reduction factor for shell plating
of sandwich laminate.
given in Table 7.7; for decks given in Table 7.5.
tv = required thickness of single skins laminate, given
= the design stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), 0.5 times
by equation 7.3.1b, in mm or ins.
minimum ultimate shear strength of the core material
= 0.5 (Er + Er ).
(see 4.11).
E_ minimum flexural modulus used in equation 7.3.1b
a = 0,01 SI units (0.001 metric units, 0.44 ft-in units)
to determine
ET minimum tensile modulus of the inner skin, in
Where honeycomb type core materials are used, the speci-
N/mm2 (kgfirrim2, psi) fied cell size and thickness are to be submitted together
= minimum compressive modulus of the outer skin, with the associated specified minimum shear strength in
in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi) the direction of the two principal axes of the core. Also,
In general, the minimum tensile strengths of the outer structural plans are to indicate the direction of each princi-
skin and the inner skin are to be approximately the same; pal axis with respect to the yacht structure. Required hon-
similarly the minimum compressive strengths of the outer eycomb core thickness will be given special consideration.
skin and the inner skin are in general to be approximately

SECTiON 7 I 2 Plating
The skin buckling stress, a,., given by the following equa- will be considered as two plies for the purpose of this
tion, is not to be less than 1.0C in either skin. requirement.
2 plies L < 9.15 m (30 ft)
e = 0.60VEcs Ecc Cc 3 plies 9.15 m (30 ft) lc. L < 15.2 m (50 ft)
4 plies 15.2 m (50 ft) L < 21,4 m (70 ft)
Ecs = in plane compressive modulus of the skin in N/mm2 5 plies 21.4 in (70 ft) L 5 24,4 m (80 ft)
(kgf/cm2, psi)
Ec, = compressive modulus of the core, in N/rnm2 where L is as defined in 2.1.
(kgf/cm2, psi), perpendicular to the skins
7.5 Wood
Gc = shear modulus of the core, the lesser value, perpen-
dicular or parallel to the skins in N/mm2 (kgf/cm2, 7.5.1 Single-skin Carvel Construction
psi) The thickness of the shell and deck plating is to be not
C = minimum compressive strength of the skin in less than given by the following equation.
N/min2 (kgf/cm2, psi)
The weight of reinforcement in the outer skin of shell 001h
t = 1.0914.2 — 1_13 -\iLl s. P. cra MID
plating sandwich laminates is not to be less than given
in Table 7.8. Special consideration will be given to skin
reinforcement weights for panels having cores with densi- 0.44h
t = 1.0914_2 — 0.84 4E1 s in.
ties greater than 80 kg/m3 (5 lbs/ft3), for panels having er„
hybrid outer skins consisting of a combination of any of
the fiber reinforcements indicated in Table 7.8 and for where L is as defined in 2.1 and s, h and cra are as defined
panels containing approved reinforcing fibers other than in 7.1.
indicated in Table 7.8.
For all types of reinforcement, the number of plies of 7.5.2 Multi-skin Carvel Construction
at least 175 g/m2 (5.16 oz./yd2) in the outer skin of shell Special consideration will be given to the required thick-
plating sandwich laminate is to be no less than indicated ness where the shell and deck are constructed of two or
below, Quadraxial plies of 600 g/m2 (17.7 oz/yd2) or greater more skins of planking having glued seams and butts.

SECTION 7 13 Plating
Design Heads for Plating,
Basic Head; h = 3.0d + 0.14L + 1.62m
= 3.0d + 0.14 L + 5.30 ft
Plating Location Design Head

a Shell below d + 0.15m, (d + 0.5 ft), where d + 0.15m, (d + 0.5

ft) is measured vertically from the underside of canoe hull at its
lowest point.
At forward end of Lon 0.80h
At 0.051,4, aft of fore end of LIC. 1.20h
At 0.35LwL aft of fore end of 1,417. 1.2011
At aft end of Los 0.70h
b Shell above d + 0.15m, (d + 0.5 ft), where d + 0.15m. (d + 0.5
ft) is measured vertically from the underside of canoe hull at its
lowest point.
At forward end of La, 0.70 (h-d-fe)
At 0.054, aft of fore end of Lwi. 1.08 (h-d-fe)
At 0.35/4A aft of fore end of 1.08 (h-d-ft)
At aft end of L05 0.63 (h-d-fe)
c Deck
Main weather deck, cockpit and 0.041, + 1.83m
cabin house front 0.04L + 6.0 ft
Cabin house top, sides and end 1.98m but not less than 1.98L/24 m
6.5 ft but not less than 6.5L/80 ft
d Bulkheads
Watertight or structural distance from lower edge of bulkhead to main
weather deck at centerline, not less than 1.52m
(5.0 ft.)
Tank boundary distance to top of tank overflow, not less than
1.52m (5.0 ft.)

I. Shell design heads between locations given above are to be obtained by interpolation.
2. ff -= local freeboard at location being considered; it is the distance, above the maximum estimated displacement water-
line, to the center of the panel or internal being considered.
3. d = draft as defined in 2.7 except that in calculation of basic head for yachts having L > 24m (80 ft), d is not to be taken
as less than 0.048L, + 0.091m (0.048L + 0.30 ft.),

Design Stress cra for Plating
Reinforced Plastic Cold-molded Wood Wood Carve!
Plating Steel and Aluminum Single-skin Laminate Construction
Shell and Deck 0.60 minimum ultimate 0.5 minimum flexural 0.5 modulus of rupture' 0.4 modulus of rupture
tensile strength' strength
Watertight Bhd 0.75 minimum yield 0.5 minimum flexural 0.5 modulus of rupture' 0.4 modulus of rupture
strength' strength
Tank Bhd 0.75 minimum yield 0.5 minimum flexural 0.5 modulus of rupture' 0.4 modulus of rupture
strength' strength

I. For aluminum, the minimum ultimate tensile strength is for the welded condition.
2. For aluminum, the minimum yield strength is for the unwelded condition at 0.2% offset.
3. For cold-molded wood laminate the modulus of rupture is to be 22% of the values given in Table 4.1. Special consideration will be given to the
design stress where the modulus of rupture for cold-molded wood laminate is determined by sample testing. In such cases the modulus of
elasticity is also to be determined and the required thickness is also to comply with 7.3.1, equation b.

SECTION 7 1 4 Plating
Co-efficients, K, and K, for
Sub-section 7.1 and Paragraph 7.3.1

Panel Aspect Ratio C/s k k1

>2.0 0.500 0.025
2.0 0.495 0.028
1.9 0.493 0.027
1.8 0.491 0.027
1.7 0.487 0.026
1.6 0.482 0.025
1.5 0.474 0.024
1.4 0.462 0.023
1.3 0.443 0.021
1.2 0.414 0.019
1.1 0.370 0.017
1.0 0.308 0.014

ic may be given by the equation, k
(1 + 0.623 (s/ )5)
k, may he given by the equation, ki
(1 + 1.056 is/e)5)

a = the short edge of the plate panel in mm or in., as defined in 7.1

or 7.3.1.
= the long edge of the plate panel in mm or in., as defined in 8.1.3.

Values of k less than 0.5 and k, less than 0.028 are not applicable to wood
construction and are applicable for fiber reinforced plastic only where
bi-directional laminates are used.

Co-efficient F, for Shell Plating, for
Sub-section 7.1 and Paragraph 7.3.1

Metric Units Inch Ft. Units

s - 254 s - 10
54.21. 4- 559 0.65L + 22

1.0 and greater 0.25
0.9 0.28
0.8 0.32
0.7 0.36
0.6 0.42
0.5 0.49
0.4 0.57
0.3 0.67
0.2 0.77
0.1 0.88
0.05 0.94
0 and negative values 1.00

s = spacing in mm or in., as defined in 7.1 or 7.3.1, but is not to be

taken as greater than 1270 mm (50 in.)
L = scantling length in m or ft, as defined in 2.1

SECTION 7 5 Plating
Co-efficients F and F,, for Deck Plating,
for Sub-section 7.1, Paragraph 7.3.1, and Equation 7.3.2d
Metric Units Inch Ft Units

F and F, = 1.0 where s 5 254 mm F and F, = 1.0 were s 5 10 in.

F and F, = 1.102 - 0.0004 s F and F, = 1.102 - 0.0102 s
F„„„ = 0.59 Fr,„„ = 0.59
F,„,„,,= 0.59 F,„,„ = 0.59
s = spacing in or ins. as defined in 7.1 or 7.3.1

Coefficient v for Equation 7.3.2d
Panel Aspect Ratio Gs

>2.0 0.500
1.9 0.499
1.8 0.499
1.7 0.494
4 1.6 0.490
1.5 0.484
1.4 0.478
1.3 0.466
1.2 0.455
1.1 0.437
1.0 0.420

Coefficient F, for Shell Plating
for Equation 7.3.2d
Si/Metric Units Inch Ft. Units

F, = 1.017 - 0.00059s F. = 1.017 - 0.015s

• = 0.40 L 24.4m = 0.40 L 80 ft
• = 0.40 Lt24.4 L > 24 4m F = 0.40 L/80 L >80 ft

s = spacing in mm or in,. as defined in 7.1 or 7.3.1.

L = Scantling length in in or ft as defined in 2.1

SECTION 7 6 Plating
Sandwich Shell Plating Outer Skin—Minimum Weight of Reinforcement

E-Glass Reinforcement'
with W5 = 1054. + 138 g/m2 (Ws = 0.944E4 + 4.08 oz./yd2)
Polyester or Vinyl Ester Resin

S or R-Glass Reinforcements
with Ws 90.21,1 + 125 g/ro' (Ws = 0.813L1 + 3.58 oz./yd2)
Epoxy or Vinyl Ester Resin

Keykr Reinforcement'
with WS 7. 59.0L, + 80.2 gjrn2 (Ws = 0.530/.1 + 2.40 oz./yd2)
Epoxy or Vinyl Ester Resin
High Strength Carbon Fiber'
with Ws = 73.84 + 100 g/m5 (W5 = 0.664L1 + 2.94 oz./yd2)
Epoxy or Vinyl Ester Resin

Ws = minimum required weight of reinforcement in (oz./yd2)

Lk = Length L as defined in 2.1 but not to be taken as less than 9.15 m (30 ft.)
1. Thicknesses apply where chopped strand mat weight is less than 50% of the total laminate weight.
2. For this material, Ws is not to be taken as less than 1450 g/m2 (42.8 oz./yd2) for bottom shell nor less than 1250 g/m2 (36.9 oz./yd2) for topsides
shell on Whitbread 60 yachts.
3. Ratio of minimum ultimate tensile strength to tensile modulus not less than 0.014.

SECTION 7 I 7 Plating
6u11e$d 8I CD
to -n

co C

Table 7.1 Design Head Reinforced Shell Design Head Table 7.1 Design Head
= 1.8 x Table 7.1 Design Head CD


Reinforced Shell

.25H .25H
Transverse Section

Reinforced Shell Design Head

1.8 x Table 7.1 Design Head

Table 7.1 Design Head


SECTION 7 1 9 Plating

8.1 Aluminum, Steel and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic less than 0.35 Lwi, aft from the forward end of the design
water line and effectively supported by transverse
8.L1 Aluminum or Steel Structural Arrangement members.
In general the hull is to be longitudinally framed with the Web frames or transverse bulkheads are to be fitted in
deck and shell longitudinals supported by transverse web way of masts and elsewhere as necessary; where the mast
rings, transverse bulkheads or a combination of both. Pro- is deck-stepped, special consideration will be given to the
vided they are in turn effectively supported and ofadequate deck and internal structure under the mast. Transverse
strength, the vertical boundaries of cabin houses and cock- web rings, transverse bulkheads or deep brackets are to
pits may be considered to support plating and internals. be provided, as necessary, in way of the chain plates.
Transversely framed hulls in association, as necessary, with Transverse structural bulkheads with large openings are
longitudinal girders, transverse webs and transverse bulk- to have scantlings not less than required for internals in
heads, will also be considered. the same location.
Web frames or transverse bulkheads are to be fitted in Floors, in line with transverse webs or transverse frames,
way of masts and elsewhere, as necessary; where the mast are to be fitted in way of the keel, alternatively the floors
is deck-stepped, special consideration will be given to the may terminate at longitudinal girders, extended forward
deck and internal structure under the mast. Transverse and aft of the keel and supported by deep web rings or
web rings, transverse bulkheads or deep brackets are to transverse bulkheads. For small boats without winged or
be provided as necessary, in way of the chain plates. bulbed keels, the floors may be extended outboard and
Transverse structural bulkheads with large openings are gradually tapered up into the side shell at not less than
to have scantlings not less than required for internals in one half the half-girth from centerline. Care is to be taken
the same location. to run the floors smoothly into the shell and avoid hard
Floors, in line with transverse webs or transverse frames, spots. Other arrangements for effectively transmitting the
are to be fitted in way of the keel; alternatively the floors keel loads into the hull will be considered.
may terminate on longitudinal girders, extended forward Care is to be taken to ensure structural continuity and
and aft of the keel and supported by deep web rings or hard spots are to be avoided; by transverse or longitudinal
transverse bulkheads. Other arrangements for transmitting continuity or by other means, the structural arrangement
the keel loads into the hull, such as torsion boxes, will be is to provide the internals with end fixity.
specially considered. b Sandwich Laminate The sandwich laminate deck and
Care is to be taken to ensure structural continuity and shell are to be stiffened as necessary by transverse web
hard spots are to be avoided; by transverse or longitudinal rings or transverse bulkheads, in association as necessary
continuity or by other means, the structural arrangement with longitudinal girders and longitudinal or transverse
is to provide the internals with end fixity. beams or frames. Where the sandwich laminate is stiffened
by longitudinal frames, the longitudinal frames are to be
8.1.2 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Structural supported by transverse web rings or transverse bulkheads.
Arrangement Provided they are of adequate strength and are in turn
a Single Skin Laminate In general the single skin lami- effectively supported the vertical boundaries of cabin
nate deck and shell are to be longitudinally framed with houses and cockpits may be considered to support the deck
the deck and shell longitudinals supported by transverse or shell laminate. Internal members such as bunks, shelves,
web rings or transverse bulkheads. Provided they are in bulkheads, etc, may be considered as internal supporting
turn effectively supported and of adequate strength, the structures, provided they are of an approved material, of
vertical boundaries of cabin houses and cockpits may be adequate strength, and are effectively glassed into the shell
considered to support plating and internals. Other internal or deck and into the members supporting them. In general,
members such as bunks, bulkheads, shelves, etc. may be at least two stringers or longitudinals are to be provided
considered as internal supporting structures provided they between the bottom at centerline and gunwale in the slam-
are of an approved material, are of adequate strength and ming area, extending not less than 0.35 Lwi, aft from the
are effectively glassed into the deck or shell and are also forward end of the design waterline and effectively sup-
effectively glassed into the members that support them. ported by transverse members.
Consideration will be given to transversely framed decks Transverse rings or transverse bulkheads are to be fitted
or shell. Depending on shell plating panel size, shell string- in way of masts and elsewhere as necessary; where the
ers may be required in the slamming area, extending not mast is deck-stepped, special consideration is to be given

SECTION 8 I I Internals
to the deck and internal structure under the mast. Trans- for girders, stringers transverse frames, shell longi-
verse web rings, transverse bulkheads or deep brackets tudinals, deck beams and deck longitudinals; 817
are to be provided in way of chain plates. (SI), 83.3 (metric), 64 (ft-in)
Transverse structural bulkheads with large openings are for bulkhead stiffeners; 619 (SI), 63.1 (metric), 48.6
to have scantlings not less than required for internals in (ft-in)
the same location. h = the design head as given in Table 8.1a in m or ft
Floors, in line with transverse webs or transverse bulk- for floors, the chord length between support points
heads are to be fitted in way of the keel, alternatively of the transverse side frame or the floor, whichever
the floors may terminate on longitudinal girders, extended is greater, in m or ft, see Figures 8.1 and 8.2
forward and aft of the keel and supported by deep web for transverse side frames, the chord length be-
rings or transverse bulkheads. For small boats without tween support points in m or ft, see Figures 8.1
winged or bulbed keels, the floors may be extended out- and 8.2
board and gradually tapered up into the side shell at not for girders, stringers, longitudinal frames, beams
less than one half the half-girth from centerline. Care is and bulkhead stiffeners, the length between sup-
to be taken to run the floors smoothly into the shell and port points in m or ft
avoid hard spots. Other arrangements for effectively trans- s = the spacing of the floor, transverse frame, shell
mitting the keel loads into the hull will be considered. longitudinal, stringer, deck beam, deck longitudi-
In general, single skin laminate is to be used for the nal or bulkhead stiffener in m or ft, for floors in
bottom shell in way of the keel; the thickness is in general way of side frames it is to be the greater of the
not to be less than 75% of the overall thickness of the floor or side frame spacing
adjacent sandwich shell nor is the thickness to be less than = for girders and transverse web rings it is the mean
obtained using the design heads given in Figures 7.1 and width of the shell or deck supported, in m or It
7.2 for the extent shown, including a suitable distance oU = the design stress in N/mm2 (kgfirnin2, psi) as given
outboard of and below the tangent points of the keel to in Table 8.2
canoe hull radii. Where floors in way of the keel are gradu- SA; the required increase in section modulus, in cm3
ally tapered outboard to provide a smooth transition into or in.3
the shell or where floors in way of the keel terminate on
longitudinal girders, the points of termination of the floors ncr, cm.' or in.3 for floors and frames in way of
are to be kept suitably clear of the transition of the single the ballast keel
skin laminate into the sandwich laminate. Special consider- = 0 for floors and frames clear of the ballast keel
ation will be given to sandwich construction in way of N = 1.00 at centerline reducing linearly to 0.5 at V, of
the keel, provided the inner and outer skins are suitably the girth from the centerline to gunwale and not
increased in thickness, a high density core material is used less than 0.5 from this point to the gunwale
and the keel loads are directly transmitted to, supported We = the weight of the ballast keel in N (kgf, lbf)
by, and effectively distributed into the hull by the floors = vertical distance from mid-depth of floor at center-
and side girders. It is recommended that the required shell line to center of gravity of ballast keel, in m or in.
reinforcement in way of the keel be extended forward to n = number of floors in way of keel, recommended not
the mast step structure. less than three.
Single skin laminate or laminate with structurally effec- With transverse framing, the required section modulus
tive cores are to be used in way of load carrying fittings of floors is to be as given above, the section modulus of
and locally in the deck in way of masts, see also 6.3 for the floor is also not to be less than required above for the
details in way of fastenings. frame to which it is attached.
Care is to be taken throughout to ensure structural conti- Where the floors in way of keels terminate on girders, the
nuity and hard spots are to be avoided; by transverse or girders are to be appropriately increased for the keel loads.
longitudinal continuity, or by other means, the structural In addition, for reinforced plastic construction, the mo-
arrangement is to provide the internals with end fixity. ment of inertia of each floor, frame and beam, in association
with the plating to which it is attached is not to be less
8.1.3 Scantlings than the following equation.
The section modulus of each floor, girder, stringer, longitu-
dinal, frame, beam and stiffening member, in association 1 = 1000E cm' or in,'
with the plating to which it is attached, is to be not less
than given by the following equation. where
CI = for floors at centerline; 562 (SI), 57.3 (metric), 5.32
h. (ft-in)
SM = C &+ SMk cm3 or in.3
cr„ = for floors at the connection to transverse frames and
where for girders, stringers, transverse frames, shell longitu-
C = for floors at centerline; 1800 (SI), 183 (metric), 141 dinals, deck beams and deck longitudinals; 255 (SI),
(ft-in.) 26.0 (metric), 2.42 (ft-in)
= for floors at the connection to transverse frames, h, f , s and vu are as defined above

SECTION 8 I 2 Internals
TABLE 8.1a
Design Heads for Internals
Internal Design Head

Frames, longitudinals, F x design head for the shell plating

stringers. girders, transverse given in Table 7. 1 for the mid -length

webs and floors location of the in ternal

b Main Weather Deck, F x design head for the deck, cabin

Cockpit, Cabin House Top, house or cockpit plating given in Table

Front, Sides and End 7.1

Beams, longitudinals,

traverse webs and girders

c Bulkhead

Stiffeners Design head given in Table 7.1

See Table 8.11) for values of F

TABLE 8.1 b
F for Design Head for Internals

Shell Internals
SI1Metric Units Feet Units

't7 - 0.254 - 0.833

= Cf. = Gr
0.0542L + 0.559 0.0542L + 1.833

Cr F

1.0 and greater; 0.0541 + 0,813rn 0.25

2 0.054L + 2,666 ft.

0.90 0.28

0.80 0.32

0.70 0.36

0.60 0.42

0.50 0.49

0.40 0.57

0.30 0.67

0.20 0.77

0.10 0.88

0.05 0.94

0 or negative; f < 0.254m 1.00

0.833 ft. 1.00

Interpolate between tabular values

Main Weather Deck, Cockpit and Cabin House Internals

e 2 1.93m f 6.33 ft. 0.33 SI/Metric and Feet Units

0.254m < S 1.93in 1.102 - 0.48 SI/Metric Units

0.833 ft. < e S 6,33 ft. 1.102 - 0,1228 Feet Units

S 0.254m f S 0.833 ft. 1.0 SI/Metric and Feet Units

E = the modulus of elasticity in Nimmz (kgf/mm2, psi). may be taken as the mean value of the tensile and
Where the shell and internal member laminates have compressive modulii
different modulii of elasticity, E is the base value In way of the ballast keel the moment of inertia I, in
used to calculate the moment of inertia of the com- cm4 or in.', is to be increased in proportion to the increase
bined shell and internal member; where the shell in required section modulus, where SMA is obtained using
and internal member are of the same laminate, E N = 0.50.

SECTION 8 13 Internals
Design Stress Cra for Internals
Non-laminated Wood' Laminated Wood''
Internal Steel and Aluminum' Reinforced Plastic Stiffening Member Stiffening Member
Deck beam, deck longitudi- 0.5 minimum ultimate 0.5 minimum ultimate 0,375 modulus of 0.42 modulus' of
nal, transverse frame, shell tensile strength strength4 rupture rupture
longitudinal web frame,
floor or stringer
W.T. Bhd stiffener 0.5 minimum ultimate 0.5 minimum ultimate 0.375 modulus of 0.42 modulus' of
tensile strength strength' rupture rupture
Tic Bhd stiffener 0.32 minimum ultimate 0.32 minimum ultimate 0.375 modulus of 0.42 modulus' of
tensile strength strength' rupture rupture

I. For aluminum the minimum ultimate strength is for the as-welded condition.
2. To be considered a laminated frame, the grain is to follow the shape of the member.
3. Design stresses given are for construction with the grain parallel to the direction of the bending stress. For cold-molded wood laminate the design
stress to the plating is to be given as in Table 7.2.
4. To outer surface of shell, deck or bulkhead use ultimate tensile strength, to inner surface of crown or inner edge of internal, use ultimate compressive

In calculating the section modulus and moment of inertia that effectively transmit the keel loads into the hull will
of FRP internals, consideration is to be given, as necessary be specially considered.
where the laminates forming the internal, and the deck or Care is to be taken throughout to ensure structural conti-
shell plating to which it is attached have different modulii nuity, hard spots are to be avoided; by transverse or longitu-
of elasticity. Also, where the laminates of the internal and dinal continuity, or by other means, the structural arrange-
the plating to which it is attached have different tensile or ment is to provide the internals with end fixity. It is
compressive strengths, care is to be taken that the different recommended that in way of bulkheads or other similarly
design stresses cra, are not exceeded in the different rigid supporting structures, the thickness of the laminate
strength laminates. be doubled locally to reduce the hard-spot effect.

8.3 Wood, Cold-molded Laminate and Carvel 8.3.2 Carvel Structural Arrangement
With single skin carvel construction the deck and shell
are in general to be transversely framed, see also 5.5.2,a.
8.3.1 Cold-molded Laminate Structural Arrangement
Transverse web rings or transverse bulkheads are to be
In general, the deck and shell are to be longitudinally
fitted in way of the mast and elsewhere as necessary; where
framed with the longitudinals supported by transverse web the mast is deck-stepped special consideration will be given
rings or transverse bulkheads, and with the laminate con-
to the deck and internal structure under the mast. Trans-
struction in accordance with 5.5.2b.1. Provided they are
verse web rings, transverse bulkheads or deep brackets,
of adequate strength and are in turn effectively supported,
effectively attached to the shell, are to be provided in way
the vertical sides of cabin houses and cockpits may be
of chain plates.
considered to support the deck or shell laminate or inter-
Transverse structural bulkheads with large openings are
nals. Special consideration will be given to transverse fram- to have scantlings not less than required for internals in
ing, see also 5.5.2b.
the same location.
Transverse web rings or transverse bulkheads are to be
Floors are to be fitted in way of the keel in line with
fitted in way of masts and elsewhere as necessary; where
the transverse frames. Care is to be taken throughout to
the mast is deck-stepped special consideration will be given
ensure structural continuity; by transverse continuity or
to the deck and internal structure under the mast. Trans-
other means, the structural arrangement is to provide the
verse web rings, transverse bulkheads or deep brackets
internals with end fixity.
are to be provided in way of chain plates.
Transverse structural bulkheads with large openings are
to have scantlings not less than required for internals in 8.3.3 Scantlings
the same location. The section modulus of each floor, frame, beam, shell or
Floors are to be fitted in way of the keel, in line with deck longitudinal and bulkhead stiffener is to be no less
transverse web rings; alternatively the floors may terminate than given by the following equation. For single-skin carves
outboard on longitudinal girders, with the girders ex- construction the required section modulus is to be that of
tending forward and aft of the keel and supported by deep the floor, frame, beam or bulkhead stiffener without the
web rings or transverse bulkheads. Other arrangements plating. With cold-molded wood laminate construction the

SECTION 8 1 4 internals
section modulus of the floor, frame, beam or bulkhead quired SM to the outer fiber of the cold-molded wood
stiffener may include an effective width of plating as given laminate shell or deck plating the design stress is to
in 3.5.4. be as given in Table 7.2.
Chst2 In calculating the section modulus and moment of inertia
SM = + &Mk cm3 or in.'
ffp of a cold-molded wood internal and the plating to which
it is attached, consideration is to be given, as necessary,
C, h, s, C and SML are as defined in 8.1.3. where the internal and plating are formed of laminates
having different modulii of elasticity. Also where the cold-
aQ = the design stress in Islimm2 (kgf/mmz, psi) for single-
skin carvel construction, as given in Table 8,2 molded wood laminates of the internal and the plating to
= the design stress in Nirrim2 (kgf/mm2, psi) for cold- which it is attached have different tensile or compressive
molded wood laminate construction, as given in Table strengths, care is to be taken that the different design
8.2 for the required SM to the extreme fiber of the stresses, o-„ are not exceeded in the different strength
floor, frame, beam or bulkhead stiffener, for the re- laminates.

SECTION 8 5 Internals
Transverse Section

SECTION 8 16 Internals
Transverse Section
Floor with Horizontal Top

SECTION 8 17 Internals
Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

9.1 Rudder Stocks 9.1.3 Spade Rudders

The bending moment and torque to be used in 9.1.1 are
given by the following equation.
9.1.1 Solid Stocks
The rudder stock diameter, d, is to be not less than required M„=Pihi,—h+ h,. l N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in)
by the following equation. T„ = Pf N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in)
P = k CL, AN N (kgf,
d= (0.5M + 0.5-qM2 + 4T) cm or ins.
M„ = the bending moment at the neck bearing in N-cm
(kgf-cm, lbf-in)
T„ = the torque at the neck bearing in N-cm (kgf-cm,
where lbf-in)
cr, = tr P = the total force on the rudder in N (kgf, lbf)
1 5 or 1', whichever is lesser, for metals
.7 k = 984 (SI), 100.4 (metric), 6.25 (lbf-in)
= 0.33C — x1 , e, is not to be taken as less than 0.125f
= u f = the horizontal length of the rudder in cm or in. at
or whichever is lesser, for other
2.33 1.33' the centroid of the total projected area of the rudder,
accepted materials see Figures 9.1 and 9.1a
Lt = the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the x f = the distance in cm or in. at the same position, from
material in N/cm2 (kgf/cm', psi) the leading edge of the rudder to the centerline of
I = the minimum yield strength of the material in the rudder stock, see Figures 9.1 and 9.1a
N/cm2 (kgf/cm', psi) C = the lift co-efficient of the rudder and is to he taken
M and T = respectively the bending moments and tor-
ques, in N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) imposed on the as 1.5 for rudders having both — between 2 and 6
rudder stock, determined as given in 9.1.3
and 9.1.4 and —
f > 0.06.
h, = the vertical distance from the top of the rudder at
Changes in rudder stock diameter are to be gradual;
the center of the stock to be centroid of area of the
notches are to be avoided.
blade. For trapezoidal profile rudders, It, may be
taken as [h(f„ + 2f,)]43(f„ + f t)]. See Figures 9.1
and 9.Ia.
9.1.2 Tubular Stocks
Where tubular stocks are fitted, the outer and inner diame-
h„,hb,h, „and t are the distances in cm or in. as indicated
ters, d0 and di are to comply with the following equation. in Figures 9.1 and 9.1a
L, = is as defined in 2.1
A = the total projected area of rudder in m2 or ft2
d W = maximum width in cm or in. of rudder at C

ZV = 1.0; where > 4304 SI/metric units

d = the required diameter of solid stock given in 9.1.1 in A
120 inch ft units
cm or in. (0.01Lwi.)3
do = the required external diameter of stock in cm or in. 0.0265aL
= the required internal diameter of stock in cm or in. where < 4304 SI/metric
3 Q1 (0.0 1L 41)3
The wall thickness of tubular stock is also to provide
— 0.00243aL
adequate local strength for the loads imposed at the lower , where < 120 inch ft units
end of the neck bearing.
3 Q3 (0. OlLwL)3

SECTION 9 I I Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

less than 0.125€
A = maximum estimated displacement, in metric tons = 0.33€ x, cm or in. but not to be taken as
or long tons less than 0.125€
= the horizontal length of the rudder in cm or
The required rudder stock diameter at and in the neck in. at the centroid of areas AL, A2 or A3 as
bearing is to be obtained from 9.1.1 using M„ and T„ for appropriate and xi is the horizontal distance
M and T respectively. Above the neck bearing the required at the same position from the leading edge of
rudder stock diameter is to be obtained using T„ and a the rudder to the centerline of the pintle
value of M reducing linearly from Mn at the top of the neck
bearing to zero at the rudder carrier bearing. h, h„ hb , h„ h„ and th are the dimensions in cm or in. as
Below the neck bearing the required stock diameter may shown on Figure 9.3
be gradually reduced but at a distance 0.2h from the bottom P and A are as defined in 9.1.3
of the rudder it is to be no less than 0.46 times the required A1 , A, and A3 are the areas, in m2 or ft' as shown on
diameter at the neck bearing. Figure 9.3.
1, = is the mean moment of inertia in cm' or in.' of the
9.1.4 Semi-spade Rudders upper rudder stock
The bending moment and torque to be used in 9.1.1 are Ib = is the mean moment of inertia in cm” or in.' of the
given by the following equation. rudder above the pintle
E2 2 1h = is the mean moment of inertia in cm' or in.' of the
M„ = N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) rudder horn
jh = is the polar moment of inertia in cm' or in.' of the
rudder horn at the support point
1 t
i (h21, — 11.2„)G-- + + F2h2c 4 azt
cm' or in.'
M„ = k E
1 + '7Z + X X a = is the mean horizontal area in cm' or in.2 enclosed
I, E,, r
by the outer surface of the rudder horn plating
N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) t = is the mean plate thickness in cm or in. of the rud-
der horn
s = is the median rudder horn wall circumference in cm
2 or in.
3/bEbhh( Ch = horizontal distance in cm or in. from center of stock
010-4 to center of a.
E, = flexural modulus of elasticity of the upper stock, in
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, psi)
P (A, + — P A3+ A
3 Eb -= flexural modulus of elasticity of the lower stock or
) rudder body, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, psi)
= 17,=
A,(h. hc ) Ah. Gh = shear modulus of the horn in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, psi)
Eh = flexural modulus of elasticity of the horn in N/cm2
(kgficin2, psi)
Tn = A 1 + A2€ 2 A3€3) N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) The required rudder stock diameter at the neck bearing
is to be obtained using M„ and T„. Above the neck bearing,
the required rudder stock diameter is to be obtained using
T„ and a value of M, reducing linearly from M„ at the neck
Tp = 710.2€2 A3e3) N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) bearing to zero at the rudder carrier bearing. At the pintle,
the required rudder stock diameter is to be obtained using
M„ and T. Below the pintle, the required stock diameter
may be gradually reduced but at a distance 0.2h from the
M, = the bending moment at the pintle, in N-cm (kgf-cm, bottom of the rudder it is to be no less than 0.46 times
lbf-in) the required diameter at the neck bearing.
Mn = is the bending moment at the neck bearing in N-
cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) 9.3 Rudder Structure
= the torque at the top of the rudder in N-cm (kgf- Where the rudder stocks do not extend to the bottom of
cm, lbf-in) the rudder, the rudder structure in way of the axis of the
Ty, = the torque at the pintle in N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in) stock is to have bending and torsional strength, and stiffness
no less than required for the stock in the same location,
For the above locations see Figure 9.4. as required in 9.1.3 and 9.1.4; below 0.2h from the bottom
ei and e2 = 0.20€ — x1 cm or in. but not to be taken as of the rudder, the strength and stiffness may be gradually

SECTION 9 I 2 Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

reduced until at the bottom of the rudder they correspond 9.5.2 Rudder Pintles
to that of a stock having a diameter 0.33 times the required Pinkies are in general to be cast or forged steel, other
stock diameter at the neck hearing. Where rudders are of bearing materials will be specially considered. In the hous-
eliptical profile, the strength and stiffness of the rudder ing, the length of the pintle is to be not less than 1.2 times
below 0.2h from the bottom of the rudder may be gradually the pintle diameter and in the housing, the pintle is to be
reduced until at a point 0.1h from the bottom of the rudder, tapered about 1 in 6 on the diameter. The pintle nut is to
they correspond to a stock having a diameter of 0.39 times be effectively locked to the pintle.
the required diameter at the neck bearing. Strength and Where sleeves are fitted, they are to be shrunk onto the
stiffness are to be gradually reduced below from this point pintle; other methods of efficiently securing the sleeves
to the bottom of the rudder. will be specially considered.
Where FRP rudder is unstiffened internally, PVC foam
of no less than 64 kg/m' (4 lbs/ft3) is to be used.
9.5.3 Pintles, Gudgeons and Housings
9.5 Rudder Bearings, Pintles and Gudgeons Pintles, gudgeons and housings are to have a depth not
less than 1.2 times the diameter of the pintle and a thickness
9.5.1 Rudder Bearings outside the bore of not less than 0.5 times the diameter of
Rudder bearings are in general to be arranged as shown the pintle. Compliance with this thickness requirement for
in Figures 9.1 and 9.3. The neck bearing is to be fitted as tapered pintle housings may be based on the thickness
near to the top of the rudder as practicable. The bearings outside the bore at the half depth of the housing.
are to be adequately supported and effectively attached to
the hull.
The bearing pressure on rudder stock and rudder pintle 9,7 Rudder Stock Couplings
bearings is to be not greater than obtained from the follow-
ing equation. 9.7.1 Bolts
R Where bolted rudder stock couplings are used, each cou-
p= N/cm' (kgf/cm', psi)
Ab pling bolt is to be of steel or other approved material and
where is to have a diameter, db, at the bottom of the thread not
p = the allowable bearing pressure in N/cm2 (kgf/ern', less than the following equation.
psi) for steel against steel and for steel against bronze
is 1037 N/cm2, 105.7 kg.,/cm' or 1500 psi, and for steel 0.382d3
against synthetic material is 677 N/em2, 69 kgf/cm= db = cm Or in.
or 975 psi. Special consideration will be given to where
roller and similar mechanical bearings. d = the required solid rudder stock diameter in cm or
in. obtained from 9.1.1 using the minimum ultimate
R for spade rudders tensile and minimum yield strengths of the bolt .ma-
at the carrier bearing is R, = M„/h„ N (kgf, lbf) terial,
at the neck bearing is R„ = P + R, N (kgf, lbf) r = the pitch circle radius of the coupling bolts in cm or in.
R for semi-spade rudders n = the number of coupling bolts, generally not less
at the carrier bearing is R, = N (kgf, lbf) than four.
at the neck bearing is
The coupling bolts are to be fitted "and coupling bolt
F, nuts are to be effectively locked.
R„ = Rea + hjhb) (10, — 1-1„)2 4111„ N (kgf, lbf)

at the pintle bearing is Eir = P + R, R„ N(kgf, lbf) 9.7.2 Coupling Flanges

Ab = the bearing area, d times the bearing length, in Where bolted rudder stock couplings are used, the flanges
cm' or in.' are to be of steel or other approved material. Where the
d = the actual diameter of the rudder stock or pintle flanges are of material having strength properties no less
in the bearing, in cm or in. than those of the coupling bolts, the thickness of the cou-
P = is as defined in 9.1.3 pling flanges is to be not less than db in cm or in. and the
for spade rudders, M„ and ha are as defined in 9.1.3 minimum width of flange material outside the bolt holes
for semi-spade rudders M,,, Mr , F, , ha , hb and h„ is to be not less than 2,/3 di, in cm or in.
are as defined in 9.1.4
9.9 Tillers
In general the length of the bearing is to be not less than
1.20d nor more than 1.5d, where d is the diameter of the
stock or pintle in the bearing. The bushings are to be Tillers and their connections to the stocks are to have
effectively secured in the bearings. Roller bearings will be strength equivalent to that required for the rudder stock
specially considered. at the rudder carrier.

SECTION 9 I 3 Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

9.11 Rudder Horns are to be in Iine with the floors in the hull. Internal load
carrying members within the ballast keel are to be aligned
The rudder horn is to be of a material having a modulus and connected with floors in adjacent structure.
of elasticity comparable to that of the material of which
the rudder stock is made. Special consideration will be 9.13.2 Connections
given where this is not the case. The rudder horn is to be Where fitted, bolts connecting ballast keels or spacer struc-
an integral part of the hull with the rudder horn structure ture to adjacent structures are to be in accordance with
effectively developed into the canoe hull, floors are to be 6.3.1. Other types of connections will be specially con-
arranged in the hull, in line with those in the horn. The sidered.
combined stress, o-), in the rudder horn at any section as
determined by the following equation is to be not more
than cr, as defined below. 9.13.3 Structure
All keel components including spacer structure are to meet
0.5o + 0.5-4erb2 + 4T2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm", psi)
the requirements of the following paragraphs. Where lead
where keels are fitted with wings or bulbs, consideration is to be
crh = combined stress at any horizontal section of the given to providing internal support.
rudder horn.
= allowable combined stress a. Transverse Load
= for metals, U/2.I or Y/1.2 whichever is lesser The shear and primary stresses at any location of the
= for other approved materials, U/2.8 or Y/I.6 which- keel structure under the following assumed load are not
ever giis lesser to exceed the respective allowable stresses given below.
U = minimum ultimate tensile strength of the material
in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, psi)
Y = minimum yield strength of the material in Nicrn2 Assumed Load:
(kgf/cm2, psi) Acting Transversely Weight of the keel below the
crh = x lox N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, psi) section of the keel under con-
= x ea2ta N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, psi) sideration acting at its center
Ft, = the force on the rudder pintle, in N (kgf, lbf) as of gravity.
given in 9.5.1
SMh = section modulus of the rudder horn about the longi- Allowable stress:
tudinal axis, in cm' or in.' at the horizontal section shear stress primary stress
being considered All materials 0.5; 0.5cry
t = minimum wall thickness of the rudder horn in cm
or in. at the section being considered where
a = area in cm' or in.2 enclosed in the horizontal plane cr, = minimum tensile yield strength of the material but
by the outside lines of the rudder horn at the sec- is not to be taken as greater than 70% of the ultimate
tion being considered tensile strength of the material. Where steel is used,
hj, = vertical distance in cm or in. from the center of Cr, is also not to be taken as greater than 390 N/mm2

the pintle bearing to the section of the rudder horn (40 kgf/mm2, 57,000 psi).
at the section being considered = minimum shear yield strength of the material but is
eh = horizontal distance in cm or in. from the center not to be taken as greater than 40% of the ultimate
of the pintle bearing to the center of area of the tensile strength of the material.
horizontal plane of the rudder horn at the section
being considered b. Grounding Conditions
The shear and primary stresses at any location of the
keel structure under the following assumed loads acting
separately are not to exceed the respective allowable
9.13 Keels
stresses given below.
As stated in 1,5, this Guide is not intended as a substitute
for the independent judgment of professional designers, Assumed Loads:
which judgment covers various aspects not addressed in Acting aft Load as indicated below on the
this Guide. This is particularly appropriate for those aspects centerline of the yacht at the
of keels and their attachment not addressed in this subsec- bottom leading edge of the
tion or elsewhere in this Guide for which the designers keel.
are solely responsible.
For 20m (66 ft.); 3F1
9.13.1 Continuity
Where fitted, floors within ballast keels and in spacer struc- For L,'L lOm (33 ft.); 1.5F,
ture between the ballast keel and the underside of the hull

SECTION 9 1 4 Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

Linear interpolation is to be of the laminate as appropriate
used to determine Grounding
loads for vessels with interme- cry and Ty are as defined in 9.I3.3a.
diate values of 1-,WL.
It is recommended that radii or other effective means be
Acting upward 1.5F, on the bottom of the keel. provided at the intersection with the canoe hull to avoid
hard spots. Buckling strength is also to be considered.
Allowable stress:
shear stress primary stress 9.13.4 Minimum Plate Thickness
Steel and 0.75Ty 0.75cry The thickness of the keel side, end, and bottom plating is
aluminum to be sufficient to meet the requirements in 9.13.3, but in
no case less than required by equation 7.1 or 7.3.1a using
Fiber Reinforced 0.35T„ 0.35a„ h and F as defined below:
Plastic h = 0.187W m 0.057LH ft
but not less than 1.2 times the basic head in Table 7.1.
where F = 1.0
= Force corresponding to the maximum displace- L = length as defined in 2.1
ment of the yacht. H = depth of the keel below the underside of the canoe
7„ = minimum ultimate shear strength of the laminate hull in m or ft. see Figure 7.2.
cry = minimum ultimate tensile or compressive strength

SECTION 9 15 Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

Jappnu apeds

Rudders, Rudder Supports,and Keels

Transverse Section Bending hfonwill Torque

Distribution Distribution
Elliptical Profile Spade Rudder

Transverse Section Profile

SECTION 9 7 Rudders, Rudder Supports, and Keels

ssc-noN 91 8 Rudders, Rudder Supports,

and Keels


Bending Moment Torque

Transverse Section Profile Distribution Distribution
Closing Appliances for Hull, Decks and

10.1 Hatches and Doors

Exposed hatches and doors are to be of substantial con-

struction, of strength no less than the structure in which
the opening is located, and effectively and permanently
connected to the adjoining deck or deckhouse structure
and provided with adequate, positive, securing devices.
Exposed hatches and doors are to open outward unless
specially approved otherwise.
The exposed hatches and doors are to be weathertight.
All doors are to operable from both sides, as are hatches
that are intended for escape purposes.

10.2 Portlights and Windows

Portlights and windows are to be of a type suitable for the

location, substantially framed and effectively secured to
the hull or deckhouse structure.
Portlights below the weather deck are to be watertight;
those in and above the weather deck are to be weathertight.

10.3 Hull-side Valves and Fittings

All sea inlet and overboard discharges are to have shut-off

valves or cocks located as close to the shell as practicable
and so positioned as to be readily accessible. All shell
valves, cocks, inlet chests, distance pieces and other sea
connections are to be of suitable corrosion-resistant mate-
rial or are to be suitably protected against corrosion. Partic-
ular attention is to be paid to reinforcement at hull penetra-
tion and, in general, hose connections between hull
penetrations and shut-off valves or cocks are not to be

SECTION 10 1 Closing Appliances for Hull, Decks and Deckhouses

Surveys After Construction

11.1 Conditions for Surveys after Construction months prior to the due date, the Special Periodical Survey
will be credited to agree with the effective due date. Special
1 L 1.1 consideration may be given to Special Survey requirements
Damage to the hull or which affects or may affect Classifica- in the case of yachts of unusual design, in lay-up or in
tion, is to be submitted by the Owners or their representa- unusual circumstances. The Committee reserves the right
tives for examination by the Surveyor at First opportunity. to authorize extensions of Rule required Special Periodical
All repairs, found necessary by the Surveyor, are to be Surveys under extreme circumstances.
carried out to his satisfaction. Nothing contained in this
section or in a rule or regulation of any government or other 1.1.5 Continuous Surveys
administration, or the issuance of any report or certificate At the request of the Owner, and upon approval of the
pursuant to this section or such a rule or regulation, is to proposed arrangements, a system of Continuous Surveys
be deemed to enlarge upon the representations expressed may be undertaken whereby the Special Periodical Survey
in 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 hereof and the issuance and use of requirements are carried out in regular rotation to com-
any such reports or certificates are to in all respects he plete all the requirements of the particular Special Periodi-
governed by 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 hereof. cal Survey within a six-year period. If the Continuous
Survey is completed beyond the six-year period, the com-
11.1.2 Notification and Availability of Survey pletion date will be recorded to agree with the original
The Surveyors are to have access to classed yachts at all due date of the eycle. Each part (item) surveyed becomes
reasonable times. The Owners or their representatives are due again for survey approximately six years from the date
to notify the Surveyors on all occasions when a yacht can of its survey. For Continuous Surveys, a suitable notation
be examined while out of water in drydock or on a slipway. will be entered in the Record and the date of completion
The Surveyors are to undertake all surveys on classed of the cycle published. If any defects are found during the
yachts upon request, with adequate notification, of the survey, they are to be dealt with to the satisfaction of the
Owners or their representatives and are to report thereon Surveyor.
to the Committee. Should the Surveyors find occasion
during any survey to recommend repairs or further exami- 11.1.6 Lay-up and Reactivation
nation, notification is to be given immediately to the Own- a The Bureau is to be notified by the Owner that a
ers or their representatives in order that appropriate action yacht has been laid-up. This status will be noted
may be taken. The Surveyors are to avail themselves of in the Record, and surveys falling due during lay-
every convenient opportunity for carrying out periodical up may then be held in abeyance until the yacht
surveys in conjunction with surveys of damages and repairs reactivates. Lay-up procedures and arrangements
in order to avoid duplication of work. for maintenance of conditions during liy-up may
be submitted to the Bureau for review and
11.1.3 Biennial Classification Surveys verification by survey.
Biennial Class Surveys of Hull are to be made every two
years within three months either way of the anniversary b In the case of yachts which have been laid up for
date of the crediting of the previous Special Periodical an extended period (i.e., six months or more) the
Survey of Hull or original construction date. requirements for surveys on reactivation are to
be specially considered in each case, due regard
11.1.4 Special Periodical Surveys being given to the status of surveys at the time of
Special Periodical Surveys of Hull are to be completed six the commencement of the lay-up period, the
years after the date of build or after the crediting date of length of the period and the conditions under
the previous Special Periodical Survey, except as noted which the yacht has been maintained during that
below. The interval between Special Periodical Surveys period,
may be reduced by the Committee. If a Special Periodical
Survey is not completed at one time, it will be credited as c Where the lay-up preparations and procedures
of the completion date of the survey but no later than six have been submitted to the Bureau for review
years from date of build or from the date recorded for the and verified by Annual Lay-up Surveys,
previous Special Periodical Survey. If the Special Periodi- consideration may be given to deducting part or
cal Survey is completed prematurely but within three all of the time in lay-up from the progression of

SECTiON 11 1 1 Surveys After Construction

survey intervals. d The following items are to be examined, together
with their closing appliances, placed in satisfactory
d For yachts returning to active service, regardless condition and reported upon:
of whether the Bureau has been informed
previously that the yacht has been in lay-up, a
Reactivation Survey is required. 1 Superstructures
2 Hatches
3 Companionways
11.1.7 Incomplete Surveys 4 Ventilator and air pipe coamings
When a survey is not completed, the Surveyor is to report 5 Skylights
immediately upon the work done in order that Owners 6 Flush deck scuttles
and the Committee may be advised of the parts still to be 7 All openings in yacht sides including freeing ports.
e All accessible parts of the steering gear including
associated equipment and control systems are to
11.1.8 Alterations be examined and placed in satisfactory condition.
No alterations which affect or may affect classification are Steering gear to be operationally tested while the
to be made to the hull of a classed yacht, unless plans of yacht is not under way.
the proposed alterations are submitted and approved by
an ABS Technical Office before the work of alterations is Anchoring equipment to be examined and placed
commenced; ,and such work, when approved, is carried in satisfactory condition.
out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Nothing contained
in this section or in a rule or regulations of any government g Mast, spars and standing and running rigging are
or other administration, or the issuance of any report or to be examined, in place, from the deck to ascertain
certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule or regula- that their condition is satisfactory. The sails, as far
tion, is to be deemed to enlarge upon the representations as available, are to be examined.
expressed in 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 hereof and the issuance
and use of any such reports or certificates are to in all
respects be governed by 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 hereof. 11.3 Special Periodical Surveys—Hull

11.2 Biennial Surveys 11.3.1 Special Periodical Survey No. 1

At each Biennial Survey the following items are to be Special Periodical Survey No. 1 is to include compliance
examined and placed in satisfactory condition: with all biennial survey requirements, and the Surveyors
a The yacht is to be placed in drydock or on a slipway are to satisfy themselves, by examination in position, that
and the keel, stem, stern frame, rudder and outside all means of protection to openings are in good condition
of side and bottom are to be cleaned as necessary, and are readily accessible. Effect also is to be given to the
examined and placed in satisfactory condition to- following requirements:
gether with rudder pintles, gudgeons and their se- a The yacht is to be placed in drydock or on a slipway
curing arrangements. For those yachts constructed and all applicable items of 11.2 examined.
of aluminum, underwater plating in close proximity
to dissimilar metal is to be examined both internally b Yachts of steel or aluminum are to be gauged in
and externally as far as practicable. Rudder bearing accordance with Table 11.1
clearances are to be ascertained and reported upon.
e The rudder is to be examined, the condition of the
b The yacht is to be generally examined externally carrier and steadiment bearing and the effective-
and internally, so far as can be seen, and placed in ness of the stuffing boxes are to be ascertained.
satisfactory condition.
d All decks, casings and superstructures are to be
All openings to the sea, including sanitary and other examined. Particular attention is to be paid to the
overboard discharges, together with the valves con- corners of openings and other discontinuities in
nected therewith, are to be examined internally and way of decks and topsides.
externally while the vessel is in drydock; and the
fastenings to the shell plating are to be renewed e The interior of the yacht is to be opened out by
when considered necessary by the Surveyor. For the removal of lining, ceiling, portable tanks and
those vessels constructed of aluminum insulating ballast as may be required by the Surveyor to satisfy
material in joints of shell connections between dis- himself as to the condition of all parts of the struc-
similar metals is to be examined and renewed if ture. Integral tanks and other spaces including
necessary. chain lockers are to be cleaned for examination.
When examining tanks internally, the Surveyor is

SECTION 11 I 2 Surveys Atter Construction

to see that a striking plate or other additional rein-
forcement is fitted below each sounding pipe. 3 Engine foundations and their attachment to the hull
are to be examined.
All integral tanks are to tested with a head of liquid 4 The hull, fastenings, and backing reinforcements
to the highest point that liquid will rise under ser- in way of hull fittings and attachments are to be
vice conditions. examined. Fastenings are to be withdrawn as con-
sidered necessary by the attending Surveyor.
Anchor windlass and hawse pipes are to be exam-
ined. Anchors and cables are to ranged and exam- n In addition the following requirements 1 and 2
ined. apply to those yachts constructed of wood:

Exposed hatch covers not fitted with tarpaulins are 1 Where the planking is sheathed with metal, such
to be hose tested or otherwise proven weathertight. portions are to be removed as the Surveyor may
direct. If sheathed with reinforced plastics or simi-
Al! fastenings, including those through the ballast lar material, the sheathing is to be examined to
keel are to be hammer tested to ascertain their ensure it is adhering satisfactory and that there is no
soundness and drawn for examination as considered possibility of water seepage occurring along plank
necessary by the attending Surveyor. edges.
2 The caulking of the outside and deck planking is
Wood decks or sheathing are to be examined and to be tested and re-caulked as necessary.
the caulking is to be tested and re-caulked as neces-
sary. If decay or rot is found or the wood is exces-
11.3.2 Special Periodical Survey No. 2
sively worn, the wood is to be renewed. Attention
Special Periodical Survey No. 2 is to include compliance
is to be given to the condition of the structure under
with all requirements for Special Periodical Survey No. 1
wood decks, and to fabric deck coverings. If it is
with those which follow:
found that such coverings are damaged or are not
a Yachts of steel or aluminum are to be gauged in
adhering closely to the deck, sections are to be
accordance with Table 11.1
removed as necessary to ascertain the condition of
the deck under. b Plating, in way of portlights is to be examined. In
this and any other part of the structure where wast-
k The masts, spars and standing and running rigging
age is evident or suspect, the Surveyor may require
are to be examined. Where possible, masts are to
thickness gauging in order to obtain the actual
be unshipped for survey, failing which the mast
thickness of material.
wedges are to be removed, the mast examined aloft
and special care taken to ascertain that the masts are
c The anchor cables are to be ranged and examined
sound. The whole of the standing rigging, including
together with anchors, chain locker, and holdfasts.
rigging screws, bolts, pins and fittings, is to be dis-
Chain cables are to be renewed in cases where it
mantled as considered necessary by the Surveyor.
is found that the links have been so far worn that
The sails are to be laid out so that they can be
their mean diameter is 12% below the original re-
properly examined. quired nominal size.
Any part of the yacht where wastage is evident or
d On all yachts fitted with a ballast keel, fastenings
suspect, the Surveyor may require thickness gaug-
are to be drawn for examination as may be required
ing and repair of the affected parts. See Table 11.1
by the Surveyor.
m In addition, the following requirements 1 through
e If a wood yacht is sheathed with metal, such sheath-
4 apply to those yachts constructed of reinforced
ing as will at least permit an examination of the
plastic: wood keel, garboards, plank ends, stem and stern-
post is to be removed as requested by the Surveyor.
1 The framing and holds, hull laminate of the `tween
deck, deep tanks, peaks, bilges and drain wells, and
f In wood yachts, fastenings as may be required by
machinery spaces are to be cleaned and examined.
the Surveyor are to be drawn for examination.
Linings, ceiling, tanks, and portable ballast are to be
removed as considered necessary by the attending
2 Where there is evidence of cracking, distortion, 11.3 Special Periodical Survey No. 3
wetness, or delamination, destructive or nonde- Special Periodical Survey No. 3 is to include compliance
structive testing and removal and repair of the de- with all requirements for Special Periodical Survey No. 2.
fect is to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Yachts of steel or aluminum are to be gauged in accordance
attending Surveyor. with Table 11.1.

SECTkON 11 1 3 Surveys After Construction

11.3.4 Special Periodical Surveys No. 4 and 5 11.3.6 Special Periodical Surveys Subsequent to No.
There surveys are to be at least as comprehensive as Special 6
Periodical Survey No. 3. Yachts of steel or aluminum are These surveys are to be at least as comprehensive as Special
to be gauged in accordance with Table 11.1. Periodical Survey No. 6. Yachts or steel or aluminum are
to be gauged in accordance with Table 11.1.

11.3.5 Special Periodical Survey No. 6

This survey is to be at least as comprehensive as Special
Periodical Survey No. 4. Yachts of steel or aluminum are
to be gauged in accordance with Table 11.1.

SECTION 11 I 4 Surveys After Construction

TABLE 11.1
Table of Minimum Requirements for
Thickness Gauging
Special Special Special Periodical
Periodical Periodical Periodical Survey No. 4
Survey No. I Survey No. 2 Survey No. 3 and Subsequent

1) Areas considered suspect 1) Areas considered suspect 1) Areas considered suspect 1) Areas considered suspect
by the Surveyor, by the Surveyor, by the Surveyor, by the Surveyor,
throughout the vessel. throughout the vessel. throughout the vessel. throughout the vessel.

2) Two girth belts of shell and 2) Three girth belts of shell and
deck within the midship deck within the midship
half-length together with half-length, togetherwith
internals in way as deemed internals in way.
necessary by the .:urveyor.

3) Two wind-and-water strakes, port

and starboard, for the midship

4) All exposed main deck and super-

structure deck plating.

5) Flat keel plating full length, plus

extensive bottom plating.

SECTION 11 1 5 Surveys After Construction

Technical Publications

Requests for publications should be made to Strength Assessment of Container Carriers (1991)
American Bureau of Shipping
Certification of Cranes (1991)
Book Order
Two World Trade Center Building and Classing Motor Pleasure Yachts, (1991)
106th Floor Building and Classing High Speed Craft, (1991)
New York, N.Y. 10048 USA Cargo Vapor Emission Control Systems on Board Tank
Vessels (1991)
Application of Dynamic-Response-Based Intact Stability
Classification Register:
Criteria for Column-Stabilized Mobile Offshore Drilling
RECORD of the American Bureau of Shipping
Units (1990)
The Certification of Drilling Systems (1990)
Note: The Record contains only vessels classed by ABS or The Use of Refrigerated (Low Pressure) Carbon Dioxide
with an as a Fire Extinguishing Medium on Board Ship (1989)
ABS assigned loadline. Building and Classing Fishing Vessels (1989)
Certification of Container Securing Systems (1988)
Rules for Building and Classing: Survey Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques
Steel Vessels (annual) (1987)
CD-ROM Version of Steel Vessels (annual) The Certification of Offshore Mooring Chain (1986)
Underwater Vehicles, Systems, and Hyperbaric Facilities Building and Classing Offshore Racing Yachts (1994)
(1990) Classing Vessels for Standby Service (1986)
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (1994) also available on Lay-Up and for Reactivation of Laid-Up Ships (1986)
CD-ROM Lay-Up and for Reactivation of Mobile Offshore Drilling
Steel Barges (1991) also available on CD-ROM Units (1986)
Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters (200 Feet) in Length Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking Survey
(1983) (1986)
Steel Vessels for Service in Southeast Asia (1982) Guide for Thrusters and Dynamic Positioning Systems
Offshore Installations (1983) (1994)
Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Ultrasonic Examination of Carbon Steel Forgings for Tail
Waterways (1980) Shafts (1983)
Bulk Carriers for Service on the Great Lakes (1978) Building and Classing Fire Fighting Vessels (1981)
Reinforced Plastic Vessels (1978) Ships Burning Coal (1980)
Steel Floating Drydocks (1977) Repair and Cladding of Shafts (1980)
Aluminum Vessels (1975) Burning Crude Oil and Slops in Main and Auxiliary
Single Point Moorings (1975) Boilers (1978)
Construction of Shipboard Elevators (1993)
List of Type Approved Equipment (1994)
Rules for: Notes on Heavy Fuel Oil (1984)
Certification of Cargo Containers (1987) Controlled Atmosphere Systems (1992)
Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds (1986) The Fatigue Strength Assessment of Tankers (1993)
One Man Bridge Operated (OMBO) Ship., ,I992)
Certification of Oil Spill Recovery Equipment (1993)
Preliminary Rules for: Dynamic Based Design and Evaluation of Tanker
Building and Classing Accommodation Barges and Hotel Structures (1993)
Barges Building and Classing Oil Recovery Vessels (1993)
(May 1989) Dynamic Based Design and Evaluation of Bulk Carrier
Structures (1994)
Guide for:
Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations
(1991) Guidance Manual for:
Building and Classing Undersea Pipeline Systems and Preparing Fishing Vessels' Stability Booklet (1990)
Risers (1991) Bronze and Stainless Steel Propeller Castings (1984)

Technical Publications I 1
Material Selection and Inspection of Inert Gas Systems Approved Welding Electrodes, Wire-Flux and Wire-Gas
(1980) Combinations, with Appendix on Rules for Approval

Requirements for: Other Publications:

Certification of Self-Unloading Cargo Gear on Great Annual Report
Lakes Vessels (1991) Activity Report (bi-monthly)
Certification of the Construction and Survey of Cargo Surveyor (quarterly)
Gear on Merchant Vessels (1975) International Directory of Offices (semi-annual)

Technical Publications 12

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