Romeuf Et Al., 1995

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Middle Jurassic volcanism in the Northern and Central Andes

Natalie Romeuf Luis Aguirre

Gilbert Féraud
Gilles Ruffet




Avda. Santa Marla 0104, Casilla 10465


Diciembre 1995
Middle Jurassic volcanism in the Northern and Central Andes

Natalie Romeuf Laboratoire de PBtrologie Magmatique, URA CNRS 1277, CEREGE, BP 80. Universite d' Aix-Marseille 111,
13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04, France

Luis Aguirre Laboratoire de PBtrologie Magmatique, URA CNRS 1277, CEREGE, BP 80, Universle d' Abc Marseille 111,
13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04, France
Present address: Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile,
Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago
Pierre Soler Orstom, UR1 H, DBparlement TOA, 213 rue Lafayette, 75480 Pans CBdex 10, France et Laboratoire de
MinBralogie. URA CNRS 736. MNHM, 61 rue Buffon, 75005 Pans, France

Gilbert Féraud Institut de GBodynamique, URA CNRS 1279,UniversitB de Nice-Sofia Antipolis,

Parc Valrose, 06034 Nice CMex, France

Etienne Jaillard MlsMn Orstom, Apartado 17-11-06596, Qulo. Ecuador and Orstom. URlH, DBpartement TOA, 213
rue Lafayette. 75480 Paris CBdex 10. France

Gilles Ruffet institut de G6odynamique. URA CNRS 1279,UniversitB de Nice-SofiaAntipolis,

Parc Valrose, 06034 Nice CBdex, France

;I .

Stratigraphical, petrographical, geochronologicaland geochemicaldata available suggest that the various segmentsof 1

the westem margin of South America experienced a different geodynamic evolution throughout the Jurassic. In the early I
Jurassic, the NorthemAndeswerecharacterizedby anextensionaltectonic regime whereasin the Central Andessubduction
led to the emplacement of a calc-alkaline magmatism. During the middle Jurassic (Bathonian to Oxfordian), an active
subduction, perpendicularto the continental margin, generated a magmatic arc (Misahualli/Colán arc) along the Noithem
Andes. The volcanic productsare mediumto high K calc-alkalinerockscomposed of basaltic andesitic to rhyoliticlavas and
acid pyroclasticrocks(ignimbrites, unweldedtuffs, volcanogenic sandstonesand breccias). A new radiometric 'OArJBAr data
gave an age of ca. 172 Maforthe MisahuallíFormationof Ecuador. The Central Andes, in the southemcoastal region of Peru,
.were characterized by an oblique convergence between the Phoenix Oceanic plate and the continental margin of South
America. This subduction produced a medium to high-K, calc-alkaline andesitic volcanic series (RíoGrande and Chala 5
formations), comprisingporphyritic basaltic andesites and emplacedas flows, intrusive rocks (dykes, 'sills' and 'stocks') and a
acid pyroclastic rocks. Newgeochronological'OArJ@Ardataconfirm an age of ca. 165 Ma for the andesitic basalt flows of the
Chala Formation.

Key words :Andes, Peru, Ecuador, Jurassic. Volcanism,Petrology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geodynamics,Active continental

Volcanismo del Jurásico Medio en los Andes del norte y centrales. Información estratigráfica,
petrogrilfica, geocronológgica y geoquímica disponible sugiere que los diferentes segmentos del margen Occidental de
Sudamerica tuvieron una evolución geodinámicadiferente durante el Jurásico. En el Jurásico Inferior,los Andes del Norte

ßevtsfa Geol6gEa de Chile, Vol. 22, No. 2, p.245-259,O F,gs..'3~bl&s,,Pp&"~ íg$?

? " L, * a5,j
Middle Jurassic volcanism in the Northern and Central Andes

Natalie Romeuf Laboratoire de PBtrologie Magmatique, URA CNRS 1277, CEREGE, BP 80, Universi16 d' Aix-Marseille 111,
13545 Aix-en-Provence CBdex 04,France

Luis Aguirre Laboratoire de PBtrologie Magmatique, UFIA CNRS 1277. CEREGE, BP 80, Universfit5 d' Abc Marseille 111.
13545 Aix-en-Provence CBdex 04,France
Present address: Departamento de Geologla. Universidadde Chile,
Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago
Pierre Soler Orstom, UR1 H. DBpartement TOA, 213 fue Lafayette, 75480 Paris CBdex 10. France e l Laboratoire de
MinBrabgie,URA CNRS 736, MNHM, 61 rue Bullon. 75005 Pans, France

Gilbert Féraud institut de GBodynamique. URA CNRS 1279,UniversBB de Nice-Solia Antipolis,

Parc Valrose, 06034 Nice CBdex. France

Etienne Jaillard MisMn Orstom. Apartado 17-11-06596,Quilo. Ecuador and Orstom, URlH, DBpartement TOA, 213
rue Lalayette. 75480 Paris Cedex 10. France

Gilles Ruffet Institut de GBodynamique, URA CNRS 1279.Universil6 de Nice-Sofia Antipolis,

Parc Vairose, 06034 Nice CBdex. France


Stratigraphical,petrographical,geochronologicaland geochemical data available suggest that the various segmentsof

the westem margin of South America experienced a different geodynamic evolution throughout the Jurassic. In the early
Jurassic,the NorthemAndeswerecharacterizedby an extensionaltectonic regimewhereasinthe CentralAndessubduction
led to the emplacement of a calc-alkaline magmatism. During the middle Jurassic (Bathonian to Oxfordian), an active
subduction, perpendicularto the continental margin, generateda magmatic arc (Misahualli/Colánarc) along the Northem
Andes. The volcanic productsare mediumto high K calc-alkalinerockscomposed of basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and
acid pyroclasticrocks(ignimbrites,unweldedtuffs, volcanogenic sandstones and breccias).A new radiometric4oAr-38Ardata
gave an aga of ca. 172 Maforthe MisahuaIliFormationof Ecuador.The CentralAndes, in the southerncoastalregionof Peru,
.were characterized by an oblique convergence between the Phoenix oceanic plate and the continental margin of South
America. This subduction produced a medium to high-K, calc-alkaline andesitic volcanic series (RíoGrande and Chala
formations),comprisingporphyritic basalticandesitesand emplacedas flows, intrusive rocks (dykes, 'sills' and 'stocks') and
acid pyroclasticrocks. New geochronological'OArJ@Ardataconfirm an age of ca.165 Ma for the andesiticbasalt flows of the
Chala Formation.

Key Words :Andes, Pew, Ecuador, Jurassic. Volcanism, Petrology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geodynamics, Active continental


Volcanismo del Jurásico Medio en los Andes del norte y centrales. Información estratigrdfica,
petrogrdfica, geocronológicay geoquímica disponible sugiere que los diferentes segmentos del margen occidental de
Sudamérica tuvieron una evolución geodinámicadiferente duranteel Jurásico. En el Jurásico Inferior, los Andes del Norte

ßevlsfs Geoldgica de Chile, Vol. 22,No.2, p.245-259, 9 Figs., 3 fablas. Daoember 1995.
se caracterizaron por un régimen tectónico extensional mientras que en los Andes Centrales procesos de subducción l
generaran un magmatisma calcoalcalino. Durante el Jurásico medio (Batoniano a Oxfordiano) la subducción ortogonal al
margen continental generó un arco magmático (Arco Misahuallí-Colán)en los Andes del Norte. Los productos volcánicos
de este arco son rocas calcoalcalinas de medio a alto K, que corresponden a andesitas badlticas y riolitas, y rocas
piroclásticas ácidas (ignimbritas, tobas, areniscas volcanogénicas y brechas). Se obtuvo una nuevaedad radiométnca '"Ar 1
3gArdeca. 172 Ma para la Formación Misahuallíen Ecuador. Los Andescentrales, en la región costera meridional del Perú,
estuvieron caracterizados por una convergencia oblicua entre la placa oceánica Phoenix y el margen continental de
Sudamérica. Este proceso de subducción produjo una sene volcánica andesítica calcoalcalina de medio a alto K
(formaciones Río Grande y Chala) que incluye andesitas basálticas porfincas emplazadas como lavas, diques, 'sills' y
'stocks', y rocas piroclásticas ácidas. Nuevas edades 4'1Ar-39Arconfirman una edad cercana a 165 Ma para los flujos de
andesita basáltica de la Formación Chala.

Palabras claves:Andes, Pen]., Ecuador,Jurdsico. Volcanismo,Pefrologla,Geoqulmica,Geocronologla,Geodinámica, Márgenes continen-

fales activos.


Accordingto several geodynamic reconstructions, perpendicular to the continental margin was active
the Andean margin was the site of a major plate along the Northern Andes, whereas the Central An-
reorganizationduringthe latest Triassic-earliestJuras- des were dominated by transform faulting with F
sic (Aspden etal., 1987; Mourier, 1988; Jaillard etal. restricted subduction. In the latest Jurassic, a major
1990). According to these reconstructions, during the reorganization of the plate motion took place. A new
middle Jurassic (Bathonian-Bajocian), a subduction southwest-northeast convergence direction induced I
the accretion of continental and arc terranes in the
Northern Andes in northern Peru, Ecuador and Co- ~

lombia and the emplacement of subduction-related

calc-alkaline volcanism in the Central Andes of Peru
(Aspden etal., 1987;Jaillard etal., 1990).The authors
present new petrological, mineralogical, geochro-
nologicaland geochemicaldataconcerningfour Middle
Jurassic volcanic formations located in these two
different segments of the Andean margin (Figs. 1 and tl
2). Two of these formations crop out in the northern S
segment and are located in Ecuador (Misahuallí For- z
mation, Fig. 1) and Northern Peru (Colán Formation, ,
Fig. 1), whereas the othertwo (RíoGrande and Chala fl
Formations, Fig. 2) are located in the centralsegment i!
and crop out along the southern coast of Peru. S
These data place new constraints on the geo- !
dynamic interpretation of the Jurassic evolution of the E
Northern and Central Andes.
FIG. 1. Location of Jurassic o u t c r o p s of the N o r t h e r n Andes in h
Juasslc balholihs Mbahuallland Coldn Formallons Chaplza Formallon E c u a d o r and N o r t h e r n Peru. ! Y

: N. Romeuf, L. Aguirre. P. Soler, G.Fbraud, E.Jaillard and G.Ruffet



I FIG.2. LocalionofJurassicvolcanic outcrops(black areas) in the CentralAndes. southerncoastal Peru (alter Carlier andsoler. unpublished).


MISAHUALUFORMATION Batholith (162 Ma; Aspden and Litherland, 1992).

The Misahuallí Formation was previously defined
The Misahuallí Formation (Tschopp, 1956) crops astheuppermostpatt of thedetritalcontinentalChapiza
out in the Subandean zone of Ecuador, to the east of Formation (Tschopp, 1956) and assignedto the Juras-
the Cordillera Real. Two main outcrop zones are sidCretaceous boundary (Hall and Calle, 1982). This
observed, one inthe north in the Nap0 Dome, between age was based on palynological evidence and a
the towns of Baeza and Tena, and the other in the radiometric date of 132 Ma (WAr, whole-rock = w.r.),
south along the Cóndor Cordillera in the region of obtained from rocks of the Amazon basin (Hall and
Zamora(Fig. 1). The predominantlyvolcanicMisahuallí Calle, 1982). However, the authors'field observations
Formation consists mainly of basaltic to rhyolitic lava and a new 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of 172.3e.1 Ma (Fig.
flows and acid pyroclastic deposits (dacitic to rhyolitic 3; Romeuf, 1994) suggest that the Misahualli Forma-
ignimbrites and unwelded lapilli tuffs), erupted in a tion, as originally named, consists of two volcanic
subaerial environment, but also includes subordinate units. This plateau age was obtained on a single grain
amounts of intraformationalvolcanogenicsandstones of amphibole from an andesite (MI-90). Because of
and breccias (Table 1). the low K content (0.6-0.9%) and the small size of the
The base of the Misahuallí Formation has not been grain, only three significant apparent ages could be.
observed and its top is covered by the Aptian-Albian obtained. Nevertheless, because of the high purity of
epicontinental sandstones of the Hollín Formation. the analysed sample, as demonstrated by a constant
The volcanic rocks are intruded by large calc-alkaline 37Ara-3gArK ratio (proportional to the C d K ratio) ver-
batholiths (Fig. 1) previously dated from 190 to 150 sus temperature, the calculated plateau age of
Ma (Herbert and Pichler, 7983; Pichler and Aly, 1983; 172.3+2.1 Ma is probably geologically significant.
Aspden etal.,1992; Aspden and Litherland, 1992). The This age corresponds to the Misahualli Formation
MisahuallíFormationseemsto be intrudedonly bythe proper, located in the Subandean zone and corres-
youngest batholiths (ca. 150 Ma) and by the Abitagua ponds to Middle Jurassic age (ca. 190-150 Ma),


Northern Andes Central A n d e s

Formation Misahualll Colán Rio Grande Chala

Location Sub-Andean Zone, HuancabambaAndes Southern coastal Peru Southern coastal Peru
Napo Range and Northern Peru
C6ndor Cordillera
Western Ecuador

Age Middle Jurassic Middle Jurassic Middle Jurassic Middle Jurassic

Bajocian Oxfordian Callovian Aalenian to Bajocian

Environment Aerial Continental Aerial Continental Littoral Littoral

Lithology Basaltic andesites Basaltic andesites Basaltic andesites Basaltic andesite flows
Andesites Andesites Acid pyroclastic rocks and intrusives
Dautes Dacites Acid pyroclastic rocks
Rhyolites Acid pyroclastic rocks
Acid pyroclastic rocks


Plagioclase K-rich Labradorite Labradorite K-rich Labradorite Labradorite

(An53.1Ab42.Pr4.2) (An58.3Ab39.30r2.4) (An5gb40.60r4.4) (An59. f i b 7 5or2.7)
(BasaMc andesites) (Basaltic andesites) (Basaltic andesites) (Basaltic andesite Ilows)
to andesine K-rich Labradorite
(An35.2AbSO .80r4) (An58.2Ab7.8or4)
(Dacites) (Basaltic andesite

Pyroxene Auaite to dlwside Augite to diopside Augite Ca-rich Augite

whereas the younger one, or uppermost Chapiza from the reworking of the volcanic products of the
Member, Jurassic/Cretaceousboundary (ca. 130 Ma) Colán Formation (Mourier, 1988). Callovian bivalves
is restrictedtothe Amazonian Basin (Fig. I), and is not were also reported in the Colán Formation (Mourier,
considered further in this study. 1988). The Colán Formation rests unconformably
upon the Pliensbachianto Sinemurian Pucará carbo-
COLAN FORMATION nates (Loughman and Hallam, 1982) and is covered
by the Neocomian quartzites of the Goyllarisquizga
The Colán Formation (Pardo and Sanz, 1979) Group (Mourier, 1988). The Colán Formation is also
represents the southward prolongation of the reworkedbytheTithonianChicama Formation (Jaillard
Misahuallí Formation in Northern Peru (Fig.1) and and Jacay, 1989). The ColánFormation is restrictedto
consists of subaerial basaltic andesitic to dacitic lava the area west of the Marañon geanticline. To the east,
flows and pyroclasticbeds (Table 1)that includefossil in the East Peruvian Trough, the Colán Formation is
wood (Mourier, 1988). Its thickness varies from 1,000 replacedby the contemporaneous continental detrital
m to 3,000 m (Mourier, 1988). Oxfordian ammonites upper Jurassic Sarayaquillo Formation, equivalent of
(Perisphinctes sp., Dichotomosphinctes sp.) occur in the Ecuadorian Chapiza Formation (Mourier, 1988;
penecontemporaneous sedimentary beds, derived Jaillard and Jacay, 1989).
I ,


N.Romeuf. L.Aguirre, P.Soler, G.FBraud, E. Jaillard and G.Ruffet


This volcanism is represented by the Río Grande 1994):alavaflow(CHAdO)andadyke(MOR-1)cross-

and the Chala formations situated along the southern cutting the Guaneros Formation in the Tacna region.
coast of Peru in the Arequipa region (Fig. 2). Verydetailedage spectra (31steps) were obtainedon
plagioclases to give precise information on the
composition of the analysed plagioclases (Fig. 3).
RIO GRANDE FORMATION Afterthefirstfourverydisturbedapparent ages, MOR-
1age spectrum shows a low temperature flat region
The Río Grande Formation (Rüegg, 1957; 01- with ages around 157 Ma followed by lower ages at
chauski, 1980)is composed of two units separated by 154-155 Ma, then by a large region (correspondingto
a slight angular unconformity (Aguirre and Offler; 48% of the total 39Arreleased) of concordant ages with
1985;Aguirre, 1988).The upper unit has yielded a K- a weighted mean of 157.2k0.4 Ma. The 37ArCeP9Ar,
Ar (w.r.) age of 16424 Ma obtained on a weakly ratio spectrum (not given) clearly shows that the
altered basaltic andesiteflowof the upper unit (Aguirre intermediate temperature lowest ages correspond to
and Off ler, 1985;Aguirre, 1988).An Aalenian Breydia alteration phases characterized by lower C d K ratios
manflasensis assemblage zone was reported from
the lower unit of the formation (Rüegg, 1957;Roperch
and Carlier, 1992).The upper unit consists mainly of 200 1 I
highly porphyritic basaltic andesites and acid

pyroclastic rocks, whereas the lower unit is mainly
composed of acid pyroclastic rocks: dacitic to rhyolitic
ignimbrites as well as unwelded lapilli tuffs, including
abundant volcanic shards (Table 1) and volcano- 2 140
detritic rocks, sandstones and conglomerates. Some K
2 120
calcareous beds also occur in the lower unit.

The Chala Formation (Fig. 2) comprises a thick 5



sequence of basaltic andesite flows intercalated with 8

4 140
ignimbrites, unwelded lapilli tuffs, volcanigenic
sandstones and breccias (Olchauski, 1980;Roperch
and Carlier, 1992); various generations of cross-
cutting stocks, sills and dykes are also present. Lava
. . . 40
. 60
I , . ’ .
flows and subvolcanic basic intrusives have rather 20
similarpetrographicand mineralogicalcharacteristics. YPAr Released
The Chala Formation is contemporaneous with the
sedimentary Guaneros Formation (Jaén et al., 1963)
and with the Río Grande Formation (Roperch and FIG.3 .‘“ArPAragespectra of a-anamphibole singlegrainlromthe
Carlier, 1992).A40Ar-39Ar(~.r.) age of ca. 177 Ma was Misahualll Formation (MI-90); b- two plagioclase bulk
obtained from a basaltic flow from the base of the samples from the Chala Formation. Error bars are given al
la level. Age determinations by the 40Ar-39Ar method
formation (Roperch and Carlier, 1992).Determinations
(single grains and bulk samples) were performed at the
by the ‘OAT-~~A~ method (w.r.) carried out on small LaboratoiredeGdochronologie, Universil6 de Nice (France).
intrusives cross-cuttingthe Chala Formation at the 110 The analytical method for age determinations is described
and Chala areas gave ages around 157 Ma (Roperch in Ruffet (1990) and Zumbo (1993). The samples were
irradiated in the McMaster reactor (Hamilton, Canada) With
and Carlier, 1992). a total llux 01 8.8~1018neutrodcmz. The irradiation stan-
New ‘OAI-~*A~dates (plagioclases) were obtained dard was the amphibole MMhb 1 (Samson and Alexander,
on rocks of the Chala Formation (Fig. 3; Romeuf, 1987; 520.4 Ma).

(probably affected by younger secondary K-rich released, gives a weighted mean age of 165.8kO.5
phases). This age at 1 5 7 2 0 . 4 Ma probably Ma which may represent the lava flow formation. It is,
corresponds to the dyke formation. nevertheless, noticeable that the low temperature
The CHA-50 age spectrum is more difficult to ageof 159&0.5 Mais almostconcordantwiththesmall
interpretbecausethelowest lowtemperature apparent 'plateau age' of the previous sample.
ages (the first four steps excepted) do not correspond The upper unit of the Río Grande Formation
to significantly different 37ArJ'eArKratios (spectrum exhibits the same petrological and field characteristics
not given). The authors suspect that these lower ages thanthe Chala Formation. Thesetwo broadlycontem-
(weightedmeanof 1591t0.5Ma)correspondtoalbitized poraneous sequences would probably tepresent the
phases observed in thin section. The higher tem- same volcanic unit.
perature flat region, corresponding to 51% of the 39Ar


PETROGRAPHY euhedral phenocrysts up to 1 cm long, microphe-

nocrysts and microliths in the groundmass (Table 2).
Almost all the lavas are highly porphyritic, In some lavas of the Rio Grande and Chala samples
sometimes amygdaloidal, with a phenocryst content (e.g., CHA 50 and RG21), the plagioclase constitutes
from 17 to 49% (Table 2). The Río Grande lava flows more than 50% of the mineral assemblage (Table 2)
and the Chala intrusive rocks are generally richer in as phenocrysts and microliths. In some basaltic
phenocryststhan the Misahualliand Colán lavas. The andesites of the different formations, the plagioclase
mineralogy of the basaltic andesites is rather similar, hassieved orpoikilitictexturesandsometimes include
consisting of phenocrystsof plagioclase,clinopyroxene small pyroxenes and glass.
and sometimes pseudomorphosed olivine, with Fe-Ti In the Misahuallí Formation the plagioclase is
oxides as phenocrysts and microphenocrysts. The rather K-rich labradorite (An47.65Ab32a90r2,3-5.8)
in the
intersertal groundmass is composed of microliths of basaltic andesites and more sodic in the andesites
the same minerals and glass. In the Misahualli and and dacites (An30~aAb53.~Or~,~.~,5).
In the Colán, Chala
Colán formations, the dacites contain plagioclase, and Rio Grande formations, the plagioclase is
hornblende and Ti-Fe oxides as phenocrysts in a labradoritic with compositions An51.6aAb29-500r1,5.3.1
devitrified glassy matrix. Apatite occurs as an (Colán), Anss.63Ab34400r2,&6,5 (Chala), and An3141Ab35
accessory mineral in the dacites and in the pyroclastic 660r2.5-5,4(Río Grande). In all the formations, the
rocks. plagioclase has rather restricted compositional varia-
tion between the core and rim of phenocrysts and the
MINERALOGY microliths.
In the Misahuallí, Chala and Río Grande forma-
OLIVINE tions, the plagioclase is rather K-rich with a mean Or
content of about 4% (Fig. 4). The plagioclase in the
Olivine is rather scarce, but appears in basaltic basaltic flows of the Chala and Colán formations are
andesites of all formations as phenocrysts. It is always less K-rich (Or content at about 2%). The Or-contents
pseudomorphosed by chlorite, titanite and opaques (Fig. 4) of the plagioclasesare rather similar to those
although it is identifiable by its morphology. of plagioclases in recent high-K calc-alkaline and
shoshonitic lavas of the Andean margin (Peru, Lefèvre,
PLAGIOCLASE 1979; Tata Sabaya volcano, Chile; de Silva et a/.,
1993) and of Cenozoic high-K calc-alkaline lavas of
The plagioclase is ubiquitous and represents the theSierra MadreOccidental, Mexico (Delpretti, 1987).
most abundant mineral in all the formations (plagio- The fact is that the high Or content of the plagioclase
clase phenocryst content is in the range 2-46%). This seems to be linked to a rather high primary K,O
mineral, often albitized and sericitized, appears as content of the host rock.

Formation Rlo Grande Chala Colán MisahuaIli Misahualli

Sample RG14 RG21 CHA50 CHAI68 CHA115 OY 13 MI 246 MI 247 MI 141 MI236

Lithology Basaltic Basaltic Basaltic Basaltic Basaltic Basaltic Basaltic Basaltic Daclte Dacite
andesite andesite andesite andesite intrusive andesite andesite andesite

Phenocrysts Phenocrysts
Plagioclase 46.0 40.0 2.0 23.5 38.0 21.o 17.0 22.0 Plagioclase 36.0 27.0
Altered pyroxene 0.0 o .o 0.0 2.5 4.0 4 .O 3.0 2.0 ferromagnesians 4.5 0.3
imphibole, biotite)
Augite 0.5 6.5 14.0 1.5 4 .O 6.5 5 .o 2.0 Amphibole 3.1
Olivine 1.o 2.0 o .o 3.O 0.0 0.0 0.1 Fe-Ti oxides 1.2 o .2
I na in I n i na n a 1.o 1.5 2.0 Apatite 0.1

Total phenocrysts 48.3 49.5 16.3 30.8 46.3 32.5 26.6 28.0 rotal phenocrysts 44.9 27.5

Groundmass 69.0 54.0 68.0 Groundmass

Glass 25.0 26.0 38.0 30.0 32.0 Devitrifiedglass 55.0 72.5
Microliths 26.0 7 .O 1.5 44.0 41.0
Plagioclases 18.0 44.0

Total groundmass 51.0 51.0 83.5 69.0 54.0 68.0 74.0 73.0 otal groundmass 55.0 72.5

TOTAL 99.3 100.5 99.7 99.8 100.3 100.5 100.6 1o1.o TOTAL 99.9 100.0
Number o1 points 2,260 >2,000 3,790 >2.000 >2.000 2,254 2,313 2,215 2,311 1.082

0 Misahualli 1

CHA72 , , Chala intrusives
X Chala flows

-g 6 1 O Colán i

0 . A Rio Grande

X Calcalkaline racks lrom

Peru S10,=[55.6-63.3]
X Shoshonitesfrom Pew
SIO, =[52.9-63.91
+ Sierra Madre Occidental
2 +xY O
-Tata Sabaya volcano
SIO. =/52.1-62.31

1 2 3 4 5 6
% Or plagioclases

FIG.4. Comparison of Or-content Inplagioclase versus KZOcontent 01whole rock of Jurassic volcanic rocks in Northernand Central Andes.
Other recent volcanic units of the Andean margin are included for reference Miocene to Recent calc-alkaline rocks with S O , in the
range 55.6-63.3% andshoshonites wilhSiO,in the range 52.9-63.9%01Peru; LefBvre, 1979. LateQuatemaryto Recent.TataSabaya
volcano. Chile with SiO, in the range 52.1-62.3%; de Silva et al., 1993. Tertiary high-K volcanic rocks from Sierra Madre Occidental
of Mexico with SiO, in the range 55.2-72.4%; Delpretti, 1987. The mineral chemistry was determined by microprobe analyses at the
Universil6de Montpellier (France) using a CAMEBAX probe under operation conditions of 15 kV, 15 nA and a beam width 011 pm.

PYROXENES No orthopyroxene was found in the lavasfromthe

different formations eitherbecause they arecompletety
Pyroxenes are present in the basaltic andesites pseudomorphosed, or absent. Some petrographical
and andesites of all formations as euhedral pheno- evidencessuch asan alteredcorewith a rimcomposed
crysts, microphenocrysts and as microliths in the of clinopyroxene suggest that orthopyroxene was
groundmass. They frequently include glass and Fe-Ti originally present in the basaltic andesites and that it
oxides and may appear as glomerocrysts. They are is now altered.
generally augites with a rather homogeneous
composition. In the basaltic andesites of the Northern AMPHIBOLES
Andes (Misahualli and Colán formations), they are
Ca-richer and plot between the augite and diopside Amphibolesoccurintheacid lavasofthe Misahuallí
fields of the pyroxenecomposition diagram (Morimoto and Colán Formations. According to Leake's
et al., 1988). In some lavas, two generations of classification (1978), they correspond to pargasitic
pyroxene seem to be present: the first is always hornblende, ferroan pargasitic hornblende, ferro-
altered to chlorite, titanite and epidote, whereas the pargasitic hornblende and pargasite. Their rather
second is preserved. Their compositions show little high (Na+K), content, ranging from 0.57 to 0.89, is
variations: Wo,En,Fs5., in the Misahuallíbasaltic typical of orogenic lavas belonging to the high-K calc-
andesites, W O , , ~ ~ E ~ ~ , in
~ the
~ FColán
S ~ . ,rocks;
~ Wo,. alkaline series (Gill, 1981).
43En4047F~4~23 in the Río Grande Formation and Wo.,
,,En,3+5F~,.,, in the basaltic andesitic flows and BIOTITE *a
intrusives of the Chala area. There is no significant 7
compositional variation between phenocryst rims and Biotite occurs only in rhyolitic unwelded tuffs and

cores as well as between the phenocrysts and the ignimbrites from the Misahualli Formation. It is
microliths.Thechemistry of these pyroxenes is typical generally completely altered and only a few chemical C
of orogenic lavas according to their Ca, Na, Cr and Ti analyses are available. Its composition is typicalof the
contents (Leterrier et al., 1982). calc-alkaline lavas (Abdel-Rahman, 1994).

SS 1 N.Romeuf, L. Agulrre, f.Soler, G.FBraud, E. Jaillard and G.Ruffet 253


I The rocks of the different formations described metamorphism explains the relatively high mobility of
here have suffered very low-grade metamorphism elements such as Na, K, Ca, Ba, Rb and Sr, expressed
l (Romeuf, 1994) characterized bythe crystallisation of as plagioclase albitization, olivine pseudomorphism
secondary minerals (i) as replacement of the and glass replacement. This phenomenon precludes
groundmass,notably oftheglass, (¡¡)aspseudomorphs the use of the above elements for discriminating the
after igneous minerals and (i¡¡) as void infillings. This geochemical affinity of the lavas.


The volcanic rocks of the different formations there is no Fe-enrichment during differentiation. The
II showa medium-high Kcalc-alkaline affinitytypical for REE patterns are characteristic for calc-alkaline lavas
e magmas emplaced at a continental margin. All these with selective enrichment of LREE relative to HREE
rocks have suffered strong mobilization of lithophile (LaJYbN=5-10)(Figs. 5 and 8). The multi-element
elements (Na, K, Ca, Rb, Sr, Ba..).Thus, only immobile patterns of the basaltic andesites exhibit a great
elements such as Ti, Zr, Y, Th, Ta, Nb, and REE, were enrichment in LILE compared to MORB (Fig. 6).
3 used to discriminate the magmatic affinity. Selected The basic rocks of this formation plot in the calc-
il whole-rock analyses are presented in table 3. These alkaline fields of several discriminant diagrams (e.g.,
II rocks were chosen on the basis of their rather low Pearce and Cann, 1973; Fig. 7).
j alteration pattern.
These rocks present similar geochemical char-
The Misahuallí rocks are calc-alkaline (Figs. 5, 6, acteristics as the Misahuallí volcanic rocks and
and 7), suggesting their formation in an active conti- correspond to calc-alkaline lavas emplaced in a con-
nental margin. They display typically low Tio, (0.35- tinental arc setting (Figs. 5-7). They are characterized
í 0.85%), Nb (7-13 ppm) and Feo, (6.8-9.3%) contents, by low Tio, (0.5-0.8%) and Nb (1-5 ppm), high Zr
> high ThRa ratios (9-17.5) and relatively high AI,O, (100-400 ppm), AI,O, (16.6-1 7.2%) and LlLEcontents,
(15.5-17.8%), Zr (1 10-300 ppm), and REE contents; andvery high ThiTa ratios (45-57). Their REE patterns

j -o- Chala flows

c c
o o

10 10

I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l l l

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Yb Lu La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Yb Lu

FIG. 5. REE patterns lor Jurassic volcanic rocks 01 Norlhem and Central Andes (normalized aller Haskin el al.. 1968).

~ ~~

MisahuaIli Colán Chala Río Grande

MI247 MI90 MI141 MI145 OY3 OY13 CHAS0 CHA124 CHA168 CHAI15 C H A I S RG14 UG18 UC

sio2 55.42 58.87 65.65 71.86 61.33 54.85 52.W 63.16 57.37 52.03 75.44 55.26 56.73 55
Tio2 0.86 0.71 0.48 0.23 0.52 0.75 1.29 1.23 1.58 1.10 0.35 0.96 0.96 O
A1203 16.86 17.02 16.38 14.81 16.89 16.97 15.14 14.11 15.66 15.09 10.67 17.59 17.33 16
Fe203 3.06 2.39 1.74 2.34 1.53 2.73 7.48 4.86 8.01 7.77 2.06 5.61 4.74 6
Fe0 4.10 3.20 1.48 0.00 2.06 4.79 1.87 1.59 1.O3 1.77 0.08 1.38 1.34 1
MnO 0.12 0.15 0.10 0.06 0.08 0.20 0.12 0.16 0.16 0.52 0.02 0.13 0.13 O
MgO 3.58 2.38 1.16 0.32 2.82 5.31 4.99 1.48 3.95 5.42 0.41 3.20 2.70 3
Ca0 6.25 4.24 2.55 0.20 3.68 7.12 8.09 2.53 5.38 5.13 1.04 4.92 5.65 5
Nap0 3.06 5.13 4.44 3.28 5.65 2.69 2.81 4.72 0.60 3.05 3.31 3.58 3.23 3
K20 3.56 2.90 3.55 5.15 1.30 1.67 2.11 3.65 3.23 4.61 5.08 3.87 3.71 3
p205 0.29 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.37 0.38 0.37 0.09 0.36 0.32 O
H20+ 1.98 2.14 1.35 1.37 3.14 2.72 1.50 1.22 1.99 2.05 1.55 1.72 1.60 1
H20- 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.24 0.13 0.07 0.80 0.12 0.70 0.45 0.15 0.92 0.60 O

Told 99.23 99.54 99.22 99,W 99.32 100.03 99.37 99.20 100.04 99.36 100.25 99.48 99.04 99

Li n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 67 22 15 24 92 25 34 44

Rb 92 76 100 130 38 44 55 63 139 155 78 153 136 120
Sr 596 667 529 229 621 357 274 239 235 343 27 660 445 530
Ba 1,078 1,230 1,398 1,218 370 605 489 724 749 2.m9 545 ,001 2.520 807
Co 22 16 11 5 14 26 26 7 29 25 2 16 16 18
Cu 86 36 21 14 31 90 33 9 58 52 9 21 58 18
Cr 61 26 3 5 29 77 202 5 57 52 7 22 19 22
Ni 15 4 4 7 36 38 48 69 6 18 25 6 13 10 14
V 190 118 57 9 8 213 280 77 234 223 28 198 186 202
Zn 74 66 65 35 39 85 85 77 61 285 14 174 207 138
Nb 10 9 8 10 1 2 8 10 8 8 8 5 6 5
Zr 136 208 220 156 399 105 150 265 220 195 204 158 162 180
Y 25 24 22 22 11 22 29 42 29 31 28 29 30 30

La 19.00 27.30 30.60 31.60 10.10 14.30 24.20 29.00 27.00 24.00 23.30 24.00 26.00 26.
Ce 29.00 50.80 52.70 60.40 21.00 26.10 53.40 66.W 58.00 53.00 39.70 50.00 54.00 55.
Nd 23.00 24.10 21.90 22.90 12.20 15.30 26.30 29.80 30.00 29.00 14.90 24.00 25.00 24.
Sm 4.48 4.53 3.87 3.95 2.29 3.15 6.32 6.80 7.10 6.30 3.16 5.50 5.60 5.
Eu 1.23 1.27 1.04 0.65 0.78 0.88 1.42 1.51 1.40 1.20 0.72 1.10 1.10 1.
Gd 4.41 4.33 3.45 3.18 2.26 3.53 5.64 5.47 6.10 5.20 3.03 4.50 4.50 4.
DY 3.91 3.62 3.07 3.00 1.66 3.52 5.85 5.81 6.20 4.50 4.21 4.20 4.40 4.
Yb 2.16 1.96 1.80 2.05 0.59 1.U 3.21 3.73 3.40 2.60 3.53 2.50 2.60 2.
Lu 0.40 0.29 0.28 0.32 0.13 0.27 0.51 0.62 n.d. n.d. 0.60 n.d n.d n.

Rockanalyses were performed at the Universad d'AM Marseille 111 (France. Laboratoire de Pdirologie Magmalque) by M.O. Trens.?and J.C. Germanique udng
an ICP-OES (Jobin-Yvon) accordingtothe analyticalmethod of Germanique (1994). Several samples were anatysed by neutron activatianat Cornell Universily
(Ithaca. N.Y.. U.S.A.)by P.Soler. This study is based upon 68 whole-rock analyses.

display selective enrichment in LREEcomparedtothe Fig. 8),low Tio, (4%) and Nb (5-6 ppm) and high
HREE with Laflb, in the range 4-10. (Figs. 5 and 8). A1,0,(16.8-17.6) and Zr (150-180 ppm) contents. The
They fall within the field represented by the samples enrichment in LIL elements observed in the multi-
of the Misahuallí Formation. A calc-alkaline, element diagram (Fig. 6) is interpreted as a primary
subduction-relatedaffinity was already suggested for featuredespitethe mobility of some of theseelements,
the Colán Formation (Mourier, 1988: Soler, 1991). becauseoftheveryhighenrichment oftheseelements
relative to MORB, the high Zr content of the rocks and F
RIO GRANDE FORMATION of the high Or-content of the plagioclase.

Thechemistry ofthese basalticandesitessuggests CHALA FLOWS AND INTRUSIVE ROCKS

a calc-alkalineaffinityforthe Río Grande lavas. Their
REE patterns (Fig. 5) are typical of volcanic arc rocks The chemistry of these rocks suggests a calc-
emplaced at a continental margin with a high LREE alkaline magmatism, emplaced on an active conti-
enrichment with regard to HREE (LaJYb,=5.6-8.3, nental margin (Figs. 5, 6, and 7). A strong element



N.ßomeuf, L. Aguirre,P. Soler, G. F6mud. E. Jaillard and G.ßuffet


. -e Chala intrusives

0,Ol I ' ' "

' ' ' ' ' ' " I ' I ' 0,011
t ' ' " I ' " ' I ' I ' 1
Sr KzO Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P205Zr Hf Sm Ti02 Y Yb Sc Cr Sr KzO Rb Ea Th Ta Nb Ce PzOsZr Hf Sm Tioz Y Yb Sc Cr

FIG. 6. Spidergrams (Pearca. 1983) lor basic to intermediateJurassicvolcanic rocks o1 Northernand Central Andes.

- m Misahualli
o Colan
Till00 12
Aand B: Low-KTholeiites A Rio Grande
B: Ocean-FloorBasalts Misahualli 10 -
o Chala flows

=c A
C and B: Calc-alkaline
D: Within-PlateBasalts
o Chala intrusives
8 -
A RioGrande 0 .


O 5 10 15 20 25
YbN (ppm)

FIG. 8. LaNb versus Yb diagram for Jurassic volcanic rocks of

Norlhern and Central Andes.

Zr 25 50 75 YX3

FIG.7. TV100-Zr-3Y diagram (after Pearce and Cann. 1973) for steps of the 40Ar-39Ar
analyses. Comparison between
basic Jurassic volcanics o1 Northern and Central Andes. the Or-content in plagioclase and the whole-rock K,O
Legend as in figure 4.
shows that some of the samples have clearly
experienced secondary enrichment (e.g., Fig. 4;
sample CHA72).
mobility is indicated by K,O enrichment in some rocks Nevertheless, the multi-element diagrams show
of the Chala Formation (K,O up to 7% in some an important primary LILE enrichment compared to
basalts). This disturbance was detected in the first MORB (Fig. 6). The REE patterns (Fig. 5) of the lavas

and subvolcanic intrusives are rather similar and 1990). This comparison shows that the compositions
characteristic of calc-alkaline magmas with a Laflb, of all these lavas are rather similar for several major
in the range 4-7. The Rio Grandeflows and the Chala and trace elements (SiO,, Tio,, Feo,, MgO, K,O, Ba,
intrusive rocks exhibit a rather similar composition, Sr...). However, the HREE,Zr, Th, Hf, and Tacontents
whereas the chemistry of the Chala flows is slightly of the Jurassic lavas are depleted relative to the
different, the latters having a lower K,Ocontent. This reference series, whereas the LREE, Y, and MnO
feature is also reflected in the Or content of the contents are generally higher. Similar variations in the
plagioclase present in the basaltic andesites. HREE and LREE contents have been explained by
different degrees of partial melting of asthenospheric
COMPARISON WITH OTHER ANDEAN VOLCANIC material in Quaternary Andean lavas belonging to the
SERIES Chilean Villarricaand Lanínvolcanoes (Hickey-Vargas
etal., 1989). The Jurassic lavas of Ecuador and Peru
The Andean Jurassic volcanic rocks studied here exhibit some chemical characteristics (Nd, Sm, Eu,
have been compared with the medium- to high-K, and Zr contents) transitional between the medium-K
Quaternary calc-alkaline volcanic series of Chile and calc-alkaline volcanics of the Laguna del Maule (Frey
Bolivia. The former were represented by the Laguna et al., 1984), emplaced on a 'normal' continental
del Maule series, located in the Southern Volcanic crust, and the high-K calc-alkaline rocks of the Neva- cc
Zone (SVZ,Frey et al., 1984) and the latter by the dos de Payachata (Wörner et al., 1988; Davidson et AI
Nevados de Payachata series in the Central Volcanic al., 1990), emplaced on a thick continental crust. Sl

Zone (CVZ;Wömer et al., 1988; Davidson et al., SI

The four volcanic units described are broadly Zr content of the basaltic andesites is higher in the
contemporaneous and correspond to an important Chala-Río Grande lavas than in the Misahuallí-Colán
volcanic activity that tookplace in two segments of the rocks. These petrologicalandgeochemicaldifferences
Andean margin during the middle Jurassic. observed between the lavasfromthe Northern Andes
In the Northern Andes, the Misahuallí and Colán (Misahuallí-Colán arc in Ecuador and Northern Peru)
formations display similar petrological. mineralogical and those of the Central Andes (Chala-Río Grande
and geochemical characteristics, which strongly formations of southern coastal Peru) might be O
suggest the existence of a magmatic arc emplaced on explained by different degrees of partial melting and/ ('
the Andean margin in the present-day Subandean or by differences in thickness of the continental crust. II
zone. This magmatism was associated with an active However, this volcanism indicates that active 1
subduction along the Northern Andes. The age of this subduction took place along the Peruvian segment (1
volcanism was dated, in Ecuador (Misahuallí during the middle Jurassic, but the extensional and h
Formation),atabout 172Ma(Romeuf, 1994),whereas strike-slip tectonics associated to the formation of the h
in northern Peru, the Colán volcanic rocks seem to be contemporaneous Yura basin, in the same segment 7
slightly younger (Oxfordian). in back-arc position (Vicente, 1981; Vicente, et al., h
In the Central Andes, the Río Grande and Chala 1982), suggest that this subduction was oblique. F
Formations exhibit similar characteristics and also According to recent geodynamic reconstructions F
correspond to a subduction-related medium to high-K of the early Mesozoic evolution of the Andean margin
calc-alkaline magmatism. The Misahualli and Colán (Jaillard et al., 1990), the Northern Andes and the
formationsconstitute a complete differentiationseries Central Andes werecharacterized by ditferenttectonic
from basalt to dacite and rhyolite, whereas the Chala- settings during the middle Jurassic. From the latest
Río Grande rocks consist of a broadly bimodal series, Lias to the Kimmeridgian (180-145 to 140 Ma), the
with basaltic andesites and acid pyroclastic rocks. Andean margin (Fig. 9) was characterized by a global I
The Chala-Río Grande lavas are K-richer than the northeast-southwest convergence between the
Misahuallí-Colán formations, a fact also reflected in oceanic Phoenix plate and South America (Aspden et
the Or-rich component of the plagioclase (Fig. 4). The al., 1987; Mourier, 1988; Jaillard et al., 1990). This 1
N. Romeul, L. Aguirre, P.Soler, G.Fbraud, E.Jaillard and G. Rufíef 257

the Peruvian segment (Jaillard etal., 1990).According

to these authors, the southeastward direction of the
subducting oceanic plate would have induced left-
lateral transform motion along the Peruvian segment
(Aspden et al., 1987; Jaillard et al., 1990) (Fig. 9).
The authors' data would support the existence of


ChalalRio Grande
1 - southeastward subduction beneath the Northern An-
des, resulting in the emplacement of the Misahualli-
Colán magmatic arc during the middle Jurassic (190-
150 Ma) with the intrusion of large granodioritic
batholiths and the effusion of lavas at the same lime
FIG. 9. Geodynamic reconstructions of NollhernAndean margin for
latest Lias to Kimmeridgian period, modilied after Jaillard et
(172.3k2.1 Ma for the Misahualli volcanic rocks and
al., 1990, to show significant convergence required for Oxfordian for the Colán Formation). The presence of
produdion o1 Rio G r a m and Chala volcanic formations. a calc-alkalinevolcanism in the southern coastal Peru
at thesame period (Bajocian-Bathonian)also indicates
the presence of a subduction zone in this area. Thus,
convergence, broadly orthogonal in the Northern the motion of the Phoenix oceanic plate was not just
Andes, was responsible for the southeastward southeastward, but rather WNW-ESE. Another expla-
subduction of the oceanic plate beneath the western pation can be that the Jurassic morphology of the
South American margin and resulted in the formation Peruvian segment was different from the present-day
of a magmatic arc at the continental margin in Ecua- morphology as suggested by the important counter-
dor, Northern Peru and Colombia (Fig. 9). A turbiditic clockwise rotations recorded by the Jurassic and
trough, the existence of emergent areas and the Cretaceous volcanic rocks in coastal Southern Peru
scarcity of magmatism would suggest that only very and northernmost Chile (Heki et al., 1983; Roperch
local subductiontook place contemporeanouslyalong and Carlier, 1992).


This study is part of aresearch cooperation project et Géodynamque). The first author is grateful to R.
on Andean Jurassic volcanism between the UR1H Marocco (ORSTOM Mission in Ecuador), to A. Egüez
(Géodynamique et Concentrations Minérales) of the (Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Quito, Ecuador), to
Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique et M. Litherland and J.A. Aspden (British Geological
Technique pour le Développement en Coopération Mission of Cooperation in Ecuador) and to the mem-
(ORSTOM) and the Laboratoire de Petrologie bers of the Laboratoire de Pétrologie Magmatique.
Magmatique (URA CNRS 1277, Université d'Aix- The authors wish to thank G. Carlier (ORSTOM) and
Marseille 111, France). This study is part of a Ph. D. R.J. Pankhurst (British Antarctic Survey) for their
Thesis carried out at the Laboratoire de Pétrologie helpful comments and reviews that greatly improved
Magmatique (Université D'Aix-Marseille 111, France). the manuscript. R. Kilian and J.A. Aspden are thanked
Field work and laboratory analyses were partly sup- for their careful and constructive review of this
ported by ORSTOM (UR1H, ConcentrationsMinérales manuscript.


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