35-590096 - Section 3

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SECTION 3 System Description and Maintenance SECTION UI SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE SECTION MI SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND MAINTENANCE Since it is intended for use as a day-to-day reference, this section has been arranged to provide as far as possible "at-a-glance" information oon the location, adjustments and rigging of the components in the various systems. Each system is pictured in an illustration showing the location of the various components in the airplane and their interconnecting cables, wiring or tubing. Detail illustrations on the basic drawing, either photographs or line drawings, show the exact locations of the com- ponents and their adjustment o other maintenance procedures; wher‘ ever practical, cable tensions, pressures, measurements, clearances and the like are tabulated directly on the illustration or shown on the details. Detailed explanations of procedures have been limited to those instances, such as rigging the landing gear, where the proper sequence of actions is important and its illustration is impractical. Procedures for major disassembly and overhaul of various units are contained in other sections of the Shop Manual; this section has been confined deliberately to day to-day maintenance information, FLIGHT CONTROLS. CONTROL SYSTEM INSPECTION. Inspect the control system regularly for cleanliness, proper rigging and lubrication. Inspect for the follow- ing conditions and correct as necessary. If the system seems sluggish and sticky look for: 1, Frozen pulleys. Excessive tension on the control cables. Control surface hinge bearings frozen. Controt column rcllers frozen, flattened or sticking. Cables riding the sides of the pulley grooves. || Differential mechanism binding or not properly lubricated. ‘I, Push-pull rod bent or rod end bearing frozen. 8, Bolts throughout the system over-tightened. If the system does not tend to neutralize ttself look for: 1. Weak bungee springs. 2, Control surfaces not in balance. 3. Improperly rigged cables, ISINGLE CONTROL COLUMN (Figure 3-0) CONTROL COLUMN ARM REMOVAL. a, Remove the two screws that secure the retainer collar assembly to the control column housing. , Disconnect any electrical wiring. cc. Rotate control column arm over to a near vertical position and slide the control column off of the housing. RIGGING THE CONTROL COLUMN CHAIN ‘a. With the control wheel in the neutral position, the yellow marks on the sprockets must align with the jvellow marks on the chain, . The slot in the sprocket as shown in Figure 3-0 Joist be in alignment with the yellow marks. c. To tighten the chain, remove the safety wire ‘rom the turnbuckles and adjust as necessary. Check for freedom of movement. 4. After proper adjustment of chain, reinstall new Jsatety wire. CONTROL COLUMN ARM INSTALLATION a, Slide the control column on the control column rousing. ', Install the chrome collar and attach with the two ‘c. Attach all electrical wires, AILERON RIGGING PROCEDURE (SERIALS D-1 THROUGH D-1500). 1, Secure the control cohumn wheel! in neutral by using the control surface lock. Rig the quadrant just forward of the rear truss by adjusting the cables simultaneously to pounds tension shown on applicable temperature tension graph. 2. Check the quadrant for neutral position by scaling the dimension between the point of atiachment of the stop bolt on the quadrant to the stop on the vertical member 32 35-590096-Bavi1 of the rear truss. Maintain an equal dimension between ‘the two stops and correct cable tension. 3, Adjust the wing aileron cables to pounds tension shown on the applicable temperature tension graph. The turnbuckles are accessible from the wheel wells. Main- tain noutral position of the ailerons. 4, Remove the control surface lock and set the aileron travel by adjusting the stops at the aileron quadrant. 5, Actuate the control wheel several times. Recheck the cable tension and aileron travel. 6. Safety all turnbuckles. Cheek for correct direction of aileron travel ‘by moving the control wheel. When the control wheel is turned to the leff, the left aileron should move up, and the right alleron should move down. When the control wheel is turned to the right, the right aileron should move up, and the left’aileron should move down. AILERON RIGGING PROCEDURE (SERIALS D-1501 AND AFTER). NOTE Production models serials D-1501 through serials ‘D-2269 used music wire in lieu of flexible cables. 4n the wings and eliminated the aileron control quadrant, Beginning with approximately serial D-2270 flexible cables are again used in the wings. The stops which limit the aileron travel are located at the aileron bellerank in each wing and the aileron cable turnbuclles are accessible in the fuselage just forward of rear truss. On ‘many airplanes, the music wire has been re- placed with cables; on these airplanes, the system is identical to the later style. 1, Place the rudder pedals in neutral position and in- stall an aligning pin in the pedals to prevent nose wheel drag through the interconnect springs from affecting the rigging. Operate the aileron control system through full travel and inspect the bellcrank in each wing for sufficient clearance from the wing ribs. Make this check also after rigging and adjust as necessary. 2. Adjust the aileron down stops in the wing so the bellerank just clears the gusset on the wing rib. Set aileron up stop in the wing so that the aileron bellerank just misses the aileron push rod, ‘3. Adjust link connecting aileron to bellcrank to allow each stop bolt to contact its individual stop. 4. Connect the cable from the wings to the control column cables. ‘The turnbuckles are located just for- ‘ward of the rear truss, '5, Secure the control column wheel in neutral with the control surface lock. Adjust cable tension as shown on the applicable temperature tension graph, Take cable reading on the cable at the rear truss where it attaches to the wing cables. 6. Remove the control surface lock and with the con- trol wheel, feel the contact of the stops in both wings in relationship to the contact of the stops in the control column. ‘The bellcrank in the wing should contact its Issued: December, 1969 Raytheon Aircraft BEECH BONANZA 35 SERIES SHOP MANUAL, Manual Affected: BEECHCRAFT Bonanza Shop Manual (5-5900968) Instructions: Insert this page facing page 3-2 (dated December, 1969) of Section al Reason: Revise text under CONTROL COLUMN ARM REMOVAL and CON- TROL COLUMN ARM INSTALLATION. CONTROL COLUMN ARM REMOVAL ‘a, Remove the four screws that secure the retainer collar assembly to the control column housing, », Disconnect any electrical wiring. ©. Remove the aileron trimmer as indicated in AILERON CONTROL TRIMMER. 4. Pull the "T” handle located on the forward side of the control arm. €, Rotate the control column arm to the nearly vertical position and slide the control column arm off the housing. CONTROL COLUMN ARM INSTALLATION ‘@, Position the control arm vertical as shown in Figure 3-0. Make sure that the slot in the lower sprocket is ‘approximately parallel to the sides of the arm and that the turnbuckles between the long and short chains are opposite each other near the access opening, b. The ailerons MUST be in the neutral position, ¢. Pull the *T” handle located on the forward side of the control arm. 4. Slide the control column arm on the control column housing. , Connect all electrical wiring. 4, Install the retainer collar and attach it with the four screws, g. Install the aileron trimmer as indicated in AILERON CONTROL TRIMMER. fh. Check the control column for full movement and the control surfaces for proper direction of movement. Page 1 of 2 ‘Temporary Revision No. 3-1 Oct 31/97 Raytheon Aircraft BEECH BONANZA 35 SERIES SHOP MANUAL, THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 2 of 2 Oct 31/97 ‘Temporary Revision No. 3-1 stop first, and the travel of the control wheel should ‘be equal in each direction. If there is less travel of the control wheel in one direction, tighten one turn- ‘buckle on the lower cable and loosen the opposite lower cable turnbuckle depending on which the travel is off. Maintain correct cable tension. ‘7. Secure the control wheel in neutral after correct travel of the wheel is obtained. Adjust the link connect~ {ng the aileron to the wing belicrank to obtain the aileron ‘neutral position. Neutral position of the aileron is de- termined by aligning the inboard end of the aileron with the outboard end of the flap, the flap being in up position. 8. Remove control surface lock and set aileron travel bby adjusting the bellcrank stop bolts in the wing. Be sure each bellerank contacts its up stop at the same Ume the bellerank in the opposite wing contacts the lower stop. Set the stop bolts in the right wing so the bellerank will contact the stops approximately 1/16 inch Issued: December, 1969 35-590096-B4*11 ahead of the stops in the control column. Hold the ail- ferons against the stops in the right wing and adjust the stop bolts in the left wing until they barely touch the stops. Tighten all jam nuts. 9. Set aileron travel according to the table of travel. 10. Re-check eable tension and safety turnbuckles. Check for correct direction of aileron travel ‘by moving the control wheel. When the controt ‘wheel Is turned to the left, the left aileron should move up, and the right aileron should move down. When the control wheel is turned to the Tight, the right aileron should move up, and the left aileron should move down. 3-28 35~590096-B4°11 YELLOW MARK ON SPROCKET AND CHAIN TURNBUCKLE ACCESS OPENING: YELLOW MARK ON reap ee SPROCKET AND CHAIN 104 Figure 3-0, Control Column 3-28 Issued: December, 1969 BIT ‘The following graphs specify the correct maximum and minimum cable tension permissable for the individual Might control systems when rigsed at-temperatures varying from 20°F to T10"F. The horrzontal scale on the graph designates the temperature in degrees Fahreahoit at which the control eables may be rigged, and the vertical seale ‘designates the enrrect tension in pounde for each temperature reading. Cable tensions are based on 59° F Ambient Air Temperature. NoTs, RIG CABLES TO LOWEST PERMISSABLE TENSION WHEN THE BEECHCRAFT NEW-MATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 15 INSTALLED. TENSION - POUNDS BEECHCRAFT. BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL, ‘TSNSION- POUNDS TENSION - POUNDS Trt on O98 ee THT TEE Rie 59 TEMPERATURE - °F Temperature Effect On Cable Tension Figure 3-1 3-2€ SECTION m SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, ILERON TRAVEL © UP TRAVEL DOWN TRAVEL 20° 42° 20° 49° | A! pa turouct p10 D s 4 1 ‘ LEFT AILERON UP CABLE de IRUDDER INTERCONNECT BUNGEE Revised October 22, 1965 | 'D-7976 AND AFIER Pigure 3-14, Ailerun Control System 29 BEECHCRAFT. BONANZA SERIES ‘SHOP MANUAL ELEVATOR TRAVEL OVER-ALL TRAVEL ss up eave, DOWN TRAVEL [COMBINED LEVATOR "AND RUDDER) ‘a THROUGH D-2680 20 20 35° 42" UP 35° 32° DOWN 1.2681 THROUGH 0.5725 2214" 40 ye sar/ate 35° 22° UF aU" 22° vownE 0.5726 THROUGH 0.7309 we s2e/—i tL 442 22" uP a7" 22° DOWN A wee ae \ [TAB UP CABLE 0.7310 ANO AFTER 22K 40°, vos ezescae (Li) 442 #2" UP 37° 22" DOWN | | TAB DOWN CABLE {Ri 35° 22° UP 40" 22° DOWN | } 4 ELEVATOR TAB TRAVEL de “ EVATOR TAB NEUTRAL i sex, UPTRAVEL DOWN TRAVEL POSITION FROM 9° ELEVATOR ody ELEVATOR HINGE LINE uerrTas RIGHT TAB ai rHRoUGH 8.2200 #'o.15001 wor +i 1 30° a2 ore otr 2 2201 THROUGH D-2680 10° +14 1 BIS Ae oer ote ry D.2681 THROUGH D-4865 8 + yP TT Mh a2 -0F OF HOF ETT 2 0.15002 D-4B66 THROUGH D-6561 45" Hu TE Zaz oor oT TT 1.6562 THROUGH D-7309 Siss +%49 —1 23° 427-0 2° ETTUR OF ETF D-7140, D-7310 AND AFTER Si? +9 1° 29° 429-0" OF SIP OF ES EXCEPT D.15001 & D.15002 as ELEVATOR DOWN SPRING CABLE TAB CABLE STOPS UP ELEVATOR CABLE DOWN ELEVATOR CABLE ELEVATOR UP———_ ELEVATOR DOWN——~= TAB NOSE DOWN: ‘TAB NOSE UP: sey —CDIFFERENTIAL MECHANISM. Elevator Control! System Figure 3-2 34 BI7 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL AILERON CONTROL TRIMMER Effective with Serial 0-3699 and after, all Bonanza airplanes (except the V35 Bonanza equipped with the optional Sta~ bility Augmentation) are equipped with an aileron control trimmer which functions Hy applying torque to the aileron control tube sprocket to level the wings as needed. The holding pressure exerted by the alieron contro! trimer can be easily overridden at the discretion of the pilot. The trimmer does not change the rigging Hof the system, but should be centered before checking cable tension. To remove, unscrew the two body halves by holding the clutch body housing (outer half) and turning the clutch body nut (inner half) counterclockwise. Separate the two body halves by pulling out on the clutch body housing. Three countersunk screws hold the body of the trimmer to control arm. When reinstalling, carefully insert the shaft through the felt seal into the hub bear- ing, being careful not to shear the felt seai. Reinstall the three countersunk screws. Screw the two halves of the unit together by holding the clutch body and turning the clutch body nut. Care should be taken to see that the tangs of the drive nut are being tightened by hand. Also note that the position indicator on the face of the unit is right side up as the shaft engages the sprocket. Hand tightening the two halves should be suf- ficient. AILERON TABS The ailerons are equipped with sheet metal tabs which may be adjusted while the air- plane is on the ground. The tabs are adjusted by bending them in opposite directions. Bend the tabs only a small amount each time and check the setting by flight test. NOTE When bending the tab, use a wood block on each side of the tab. Do not bend the trailing edge of the aileron. B17 ELEVATOR RIGGING PROCEDURE (SERI- ALS D-1 THROUGH D-2680) NOTE All elevator rigging should be accomplished with a travel board only. A bubble protractor should not be used for any elevator rig- ging procedure. a. Adjust the stops on the aft! fuselage bulkhead to permit a maximum combined elevator/rudder travel of 35 degrees #2 degrees up and 35 degrees +2 degrees down for each elevator surface. (Ref. Figure 3-2 Travel Tables.) b. Position the contro? column in the neutral position with 4-1/2 inches between the collar on the instrument panel and the] split collar on the control column. This can be accomplished by cutting a block 4-1/2 inches long and taping it to the contro? column. c. Straighten the nose wheel and adjust the pilot's rudder pedals to the same position. Install a .43 inch diameter straight steel altaning, (rig) pin (5 inches long) in the pilot's rudder pedals to place them in the neutral position and to prevent rudder system influence on elevator rigging. d. Install the differential mech- anism jig assembly to position the dif- ferential mechanism in the neutral position. NOTE When rigging airplanes prior to D=2681, the 35-590007 differen- tial mechanism jig assembly can be used, or the 35-590076 jig assembly’ can be used by removing ‘the 35-590052 adapters. e. Adjust the short, lower elevator cable between the elevator reduction bell crank and the elevator control arm on the differential mechanism to a total length of 23.62.06 inches, including turnbuckle, terminal and link (see Figure 3-2). No threads on turnbuckle ends should be visible outside of the barrel after adjustment. Safety the turnbuckle. No further adjustment of this cable is required. 3-5 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL ELEVATOR. REDUCTION BELL CRANK F3.2335 DIFFERENTIAL MECHANISM. FS 2569 SHORT. LOWER ELEVATOR CABLE Elevator Short Lower Cable Adjustment Figure 3-2A f. Simultaneously adjust the upper and lower (forward of the reduction bel) crank) elevator cable turnbuckles until] cable tensions are as shown on the temperature-tension graph. The differen= tial mechanism, control column and rudder pedals are still to be in their neutral positions after cable tensions are adjusted. NOTE The differential mechanism is in its neutral position when, with the rudder, elevator and tab sys- tems correctly adjusted and in neutral, the 3 center differen~ tial mechanism arm top bolts are engaged in 3 plates of the 35-590007 or 35-590076 differen tial mechanism jig _assemb? (without the 35-590052 adapters and the blocks on the outboard ends of the jig assembly are lightly contacting the forward side of the fuselage station 256.9 bulkhead. The elevator and rudder system are in neutral when the differential mechanism jig assembly is cor 3-6 rectly installed, the rudder ri pin is installed, the contro column block is installed, and the elevators are at the 0° position with the cable tensions set to the cable temperature-tension graphs. The trim tab system is in neutral when the cockpit indicator is at 0°, the cable tensions are set to the cable temperature-tension graph and the tabs are at 0° or symmetrically split (to correct for yaw). The tabs are at 0° when their trailing edges align with the trailing edges of the eleva- tors. g. Set the elevators in the neutral position (0°) by adjusting the elevator, push-pull rod lengths. Make sure the rod| ends remain screwed into the push-pull rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, i.e. a wire should. not pass through the inspection hole. h. Remove the differential mechani sn| jig assembly and remove the 4-1/2 inch] block from the control column and recheck| (reset if necessary) the elevator cable tensions. The elevator trim system may be B17 BEECHCRAFT. BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL repositioned to minimize the downspring effect on the elevator arm and elevator cable tensions. After the downspring effect is minimized, the up and down cable tension average must fall within the max- imum and minimum values designated by the temperature-tension graph i, Check the elevators for correct up and down travel limits: 20 degrees +1 degree up and 20 degrees +1 degree down. The stops are nonadjustable stops forward of the instrument pane] and underneath the control column. Steps "b" through "ht should result in the elevator travels being correct or close to correct. Make any final minor adjustments by lengthening or shortening the elevator push-pull rods. Make sure the rod ends remain screwed into the push-pull rods the required length. They “should extend past the inspection hole, i.e. a wire should not pass through the inspection hole. J. When elevator travels are cor- rect, tighten rod end jam nuts, safety turnbuckTes and recheck’ travels and ten- sions. Remove rudder pedal rig pin. k. Changing elevator rigging may change rudder travels. Check rudder trav els after changing elevator rigging. WARNING Check for correct direction of elevator travel by moving the contro] column. When the control column is pushed forward, the correct elevator movement is DOWN. When the control column is pulled back, the correct elevator movement is’UP. When the elevator trim tab contro] is moved toward the nose-up position, the trim tab should move DOWN. When the eleva~ tor trim tab control is moved toward the nose-down position, the trim tab should move UP. ELEVATOR RIGGING PROCEDURE (SERI- ALS D-2681 THROUGH D-5725) NOTE All elevator rigging should be accomplished with a travel board only. A bubble protractor should not be used for any elevator rig- ging procedure. BIT a. Adjust the stops on the aft fuselage bulkhead to permit a maximum combined elevator/rudder travel of 35 degrees +2 degrees up and 30 degrees 42 degrees down for each elevator surface. (See Figure 3-2 Travel Tables.) b. Position the control column in the, neutral position with 4-1/2 inches between the collar on the panel and the split collar on the control column. This can be accomplished by cutting a block 4-1/2 inches long and taping it to the contro) column. c. Straighten the nose wheel and adjust the pilot's rudder pedals to the same position. Install a .43 inch diameter straight steel aligning (rig) pin (5 inches long) in the pilot's rudder pedals to place them in the neutral position and to prevent rudder system influence on elevator rigging. d. Install the differential mech- anism’ jig assembly to position the dif- ferential mechanism in neutral position. NOTE When rigging airplanes D-2681 through "D-5725, the _35-590076 differential mechanism jig assem- bly can be used with the 35-590052 adapters installed. The 35-590087 differential mechanism Jig assen- bly can also be used if the 35-590087-9 stop is removed e. Adjust the short, lower elevator! cable between the elevator reduction bell crank and the elevator control arm on the differential mechanism to 2 total Tength of 23.62 2-06 inches, including the turnbuckle, terminal and link (see Figure 3-2A). No threads on turnbuckle ends. Should be visible outside of the barrel after adjustment. Safety the turnbuckle. No further adjustment of this cable is required. f. Simultaneously adjust. the upper and lower (forward of the reduction bell crank) elevator control cable turnbuckles| until cable tensions are as shown on the temperature-tension graph. The differen~ tial mechanism, control column and rudder pedals are still to be in their neutral 3-64 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL positions after adjusted cable tensions are NOTE The differential mechanism is in its neutral position when, with the rudder, elevator and tab sys~ tems correctly adjusted and in neutral, the differential mech~ anism tail contro) (rudder) arms are lightly contacting the aft side of the 35-590087 differe: tial mecnanism jig assembly (without tne -9 stop installed) and the ousboard ends (legs) of the jig assembly are lightly con- tacting the forward side of the fuselage station 256.9 bulkhead The nut on tne differential mech~ anism elevator (center) control arm is to be positioned inside the hole in tne jig assembly. (See elevator rigging procedure note for D-1 through 0-2680 neutral position of 35-590076 jig assem- bly.) The elevator and rudder system are in nevtra® wnen the differential mechanism jig assembly is cor- rectly installed, the rudder rig pin is installed, the control column block is installed, and the elevators are at the 0° position with the cable tensions set to the cable tenperature-tension graphs. The trim tab system is in neutral when the ccckpit indicator is at 0°, the cable tensions are set to the cable temperature-tension graph and the tabs are at 0° or symmetrically split (to correct for yaw). The tabs are at 0° when their trailing edges align with the trailing edges of the eleva~ tors. , Set the elevators in the neutral position (0°) by adjusting the elevator push-pull ‘rod lengths. Make sure the rod fends remain screwed into the push-pull rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, i.e. a wire should not pass through the inspection hole. h. Remove the differential mechanism Jig assembly and remove the 4-1/2 inch 3-6B block from the control column and recheck (reset if necessary) the elevator cable tensions. (The jig assembly must be removed before the control column block is removed to prevent damage to the jig assembly.) The elevator trim system may be repositioned to minimize downspring effect on the elevator arm and elevator cable tensions. After the downspring effect is minimized, the up and down cable tension average must fall within the max- imum and minimum values designated by the temperature-tension graph. i. Check the elevators for correct up and down travel limits: 22-1/2 degrees +0 -1 degree up and 17-1/2 degrees +2 -1 degree down. The stops are nonadjustable stops forward of the instrument panel and underneath the control column. Make adjustments by lengthening or shortening the push-pull rods. Make sure the rod ends remain screwed into the push-pull rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, i.e. a wire should not pass through the inspection hole. j. For serials 0-268] — through D-4865, adjust the elevator downspring cable turnbuckle thus: with the tab sys- tem set at 0°, a force of 11 +1/2 pounds applied on the control column is required to return the elevators to neutral (0°); with the tabs set at 10° up (nose down) (reset to 8° after this adjustment), a force of 16 +4 -1/2 pounds applied on the control column is required to return the elevators to neutral (0°); with the tabs set at 31° down (nose up), a force of 15 +5 pounds applied on the’ contro] column is required to return the elevators to neutral (0°). For serials D-4866 through D-5725, adjust the elevator downspring cable turnbuckle with the elevators 9° up and the tabs 20° down (nose up) to remove all slack from this cable system; then check the force on the elevator control column. With the trim tabs set at neutral (0°), & force of 28 #3 pounds applied on the contro) column is required to move the elevators through neutral (0°). If neces- sary, further adjust the elevator down- spring cable turnbuckle to obtain this value. k. When, elevator travels and forces are correct, tighten the rod end jam nuts, safety the turnbuckles and recheck travelS and tensions. Remove rudder pedal rig pin. BIT BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL 1. Changing elevator rigging may change rudder travels. Check rudder trav~ els after changing elevator rigging. WARNING Check for correct direction of elevator travel by moving the control column. When the control column is pushed forward, the correct elevator movement fs DOWN. When the control column is pulled back, the correct elevator movement is’UP. When the elevator trim tab control is moved toward the nose-up position, the trim tab should move DOWN. When the eleva~ tor trim tab control is moved toward the nose-down position, the trim tab should move UP ELEVATOR RIGGING PROCEDURE (SERI- ALS D-5726 AND AFTER) NOTE All elevator rigging should be accomplished with a travel board only. A bubble protractor should not be used for any elevator rig- ging procedure. a. Adjust the stops on the aft fuse- Jage bulkhead to permit maximum combined elevator/rudder travel as shown on the overall travel tables on Figure 3-2. b. Position the control column in the neutral position with 4-1/2 inches between the collar on the instrument panel and the split collar on the control column. This can be accomplished by cutting a block 4-1/2 inches long and taping it to the control column c. Straighten the nose wheel and adjust the pilot's rudder pedals to the same position. Install an aligning (rig) pin in the pilot's rudder pedals to place then in the neutral position and to pre- vent rudder system influence on elevator rigging. On serials D-6562 and after, the left rudder pedal is aft of the right rudder pedal with the system in neutral. Use a .43 inch diameter straight steel rig pin (5 inches long) for D-5726 through D-6561, and_an offset rig pin for D~6562 and after. See rig pin dimensions on Fig- ure 3-3 BI7 d. Install the differential mech-| anism jig assembly to position the dif- ferential mechanism in the neutral position. This is accomplished with the| 35-590087 differential mechanism jig assembly with the 35-590087-9 _stop| installed. This will position the differ- ential mechanism right tail control arm| aft of the differential mechanism left tail control arm with the elevator systen| and rudder system in neutral. e. Adjust the short, lower elevator| cable between the elevator reduction bell crank and the elevator control arm on the| differential mechanism to 2 total length of 23.62 +.06 inches, including the turn- buckle, terminal and link (see Figure 3-2A)." No threads on turnbuckle ends should be visible outside of the barrel after adjustment. Safety the turnbuckle. No further adjustment of this cable is required f. Simultaneously adjust the upper and lower (forward of the reduction bell crank) elevator cable turnbuckles until cable tensions are as shown on the cable temperature-tension graph. The differen- tial mechanism, control column and rudder pedals are stil] to be in their neutral positions after cable tensions are adjusted. NOTE The differential mechanism is in its neutral position when, with the rudder. elevator and tab sys- tems correctly adjusted and in neutral, the differential mech anism tail control (rudder) arms are lightly contacting the aft side of the 35~590087 differen- tial mechanism jig assembly (with =9 stop instalTed) and the out~ board ends (legs) of the jig assembly are lightly contacting the forward side of the fuselage station 256.9 bulkhead. The nut on the differential mechanism elevator (center) control arm is to be positioned inside the hole in the jig assembly. The elevator and rudder system are in neutral when the differential mechanism jig assembly is cor- rectly installed, the rudder rig pin is instailed, the control 3-6C BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL column block ‘s installed, and the elevators are at the 0° position with the cable tensions set to the cable temperature-tension graphs. The trim tab system is in neutral when the cockpit indicator is at 0°, the cable tensions are set to the cable — temperature-tension graph and the tabs are at 0° or symmetrically split (to correct for yaw). The tabs are at 0° when their trailing edges align with the trailing edges of the eleva- tors. g. Set the elevators in the neutral position (0°) by adjusting the elevator push-pull rod lengths. Make sure the rod ends remain screwed into the push-pull rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, i.e. a wire should not pass through the inspection hole. h. Remove the differential mechanism Jig assembly and remove the 4-1/2 inch block from the control column and recheck (reset if necessary) the elevator cable tensions. (The jig assembly must be removed before the contro) column block is removed to prevent damage to the jig assembly. The elevator trim system may be repositioned to minimize downspring effect on the elevator arm and elevator cable tensions. After the downspring effect is minimized, the up and down cable tension average must fall within the max- imum and minimum values designated by the temperature-tension graph. i, Check the elevators for correct up and down travel Timits: 2-1/2 degrees +0 =1 degree up and 19 +2.-1 degree down The stops are nonadjustable stops forward of the instrument panel and underneath ti control column. Steps through" should result in the elevator travels being correct or close to correct. Make any final minor adjustments by lengthening or shortening the push-pull rods. Make sure the rod ends remain screwed into the Push-pull rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, je. a wire should not pass through the inspection hole. j. Adjust. the elevator downspring cable turnbuckle with the elevators 9° up and the tabs 20° down (nose up) to remove all slack from this cable system. Then 3-6D check the force on the elevator contro} column. With the trim tabs set at neutral (0°). ‘a force of 28 #3 pounds for a725 through 06561) or 19 +3 pounds (D-6562 and after) applied on the control colum s required to move the elevators through reviral (0°). If necessary, further adjust the elevator downspring cable turnbuckle to obtain these values. k. When elevator travels and forces are correct, tighten rod end jam nuts, safety turnbuckles and recheck travels. Remove the rudder pedal rig pin. 1. Changing elevator change rudder rigging ging rigging may Check rudder rig ter changing elevator rigging WARNING Check for correct direction of elevator travel by moving the contro? column. When the control column is pushed forward, the correct elevator movement is DOWN. When the control column is pulled back, the correct elevator ovement is’UP. When the elevator trim tab control is moved toward ‘the nose-up position, the trim tab should move DOWN. When the eleva~ tor trim tab control is moved toward the nose-down position, the trim tab should move UP. INSPECTION OF ELEVATOR TABS NOTE The Mode) 38 trim tab does not have an upper or lower contoured surface. The Model A35 through G35 trim tabs have a lower _con- toured surface, while the H35 and after trim tabs have an upper contoured surface. a. Check the up and down travel of the elevator tabs. The travel should be| 10° +1/2° -1 up and 30° 22° down on Bonanzas D-1 through D-2200 and D-15001. On serials 0-2201 through D-2680, the| travel is 10° +1/2° 1° up and 31° +3° -0° down. On serials D-2681 through D-4865 and} 0-15002, the travel is 8° +1/2° -1° up and! 31° +2° -0° down. On serials D-4866) through D-6561, the travel is 4-1/2° +1/2° 1° up and 23° +2° -0° down. On serials, D-6562 and after, the travel is 5-1/2° BI7 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL +1/2°-19 _up_and 23° +29 -0° down (Ref. Figure 3-2 Travel Tables). b. Check the main and the aft tal cables for proper tension as shown on the temperaturetension graph. The same nun- ber of terminal threads should be visible on each end of the turnbuckle barrel; a maximum of three threads may be visible. ELEVATOR TAB RIGGING NOTE The use of a bubble protractor is not adequate to set the elevator travels. A travel board must be used for this. However, with the elevator set at neutral, 2 tab travel board or a bubble protrac- tor may be used to set elevator tab travel. Elevator tabs should be rigged with the travel board or bubble LL crane Lice protractor perpendicular to the chord plane of the stabilizer or tab respectively a. Install the 4-1/2 inch block on. the control column and install the rudder’ rig pin to maintain the elevators in neu- tral. Rotate the elevator tab wheel in the cabin so the indicator dial is set at 0°. Both elevator trim tabs should be at ne tral (tab trailing edge aligned with ele- vator trailing edge) (see procedure for RIGGING ELEVATORS TABS TO CORRECT FOR YAW). Trim tab actuator stops on the cables should be moved away from the stops ‘in the fuselage. b. Rotate the elevator trim tab con- trol wheel to full nose up on the indica- tor (tabs down). Check the tab actuator at F.S. 233.5. The clevis end of the actuator screw bolt centerline should extend to the dimension from the actuator face as shown in Figure 3-28, LEVIS END, BELL CRANK ACTUATOR SCREW: \ ACTUATOR BOT ACTUATOR FACE OF ACTUATOR scrumon cate OPENING B cour cevrenine TAIN TAG] DOWN | 7] F-ACTUATOR BOUT CENTERLINE TO ACTUATOR FACE Posirion| ee a 38% DoT hea DBRS sae ar 4410 1.2681 thru 0.4065, 56 a3 2810 10-4866 and ater 50 Trim Tab Actuator and Bell Crank Figure 3-28 BI7 3-6E BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL WRONG WRONG 35-133-68 Elevator Trim Tab Installation i Figure 3-2C BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL CLUTCH HOUSING—| SETSCREWS CLUTCH ASSEMBLY SETSCREW CABLE DRUM SHAFT: CLUTCH ROTOR +010 to .015 CLUTCH ARMATURE COVER “CABLE RETAINING PIN CABLE DRUM Electric Trim Tab Actuator Figure 3-2D ¢. Adjust the actuator screw length by disconnecting the bell crank at the actuator bolt and turning the screw to the dimension shown in Figure 3-28. d. Reconnect the bell crank to the tab actuator. e, Adjust the four trim tab cables aft of the bell crank to obtain the trim tab down position as shown in Figure 3-28, and and ‘establish the initial trim tab cable tension per the applicable temperature-tension graph in Figure 3-1. Loosen the tab cable stop if necessary. The same number of terminal threads should be visible on each end of the turnbuckle barrel (a maximum of 3 threads) f. Move the tab control wheel to full nose down on the indicator (tabs up). The trim tab up position should be as shown BIT on the tab travel table on Figure 3-2 without altering tab cable adjustment. Loosen the tab cable stop if necessary. The above procedure has established the capability of the elevator tab actuator] to move through its required range and| correctly oriented the tab indicator, the tab actuator and the trim tabs to each other. g. Move the tab system to neutral (0°) position. Check and readjust cable tension per the applicable temperature- tension graph on Chart 3-1 if necessary. h. Move the tab contro? wheel toward nose down and establish trim tab up-travel per the chart on Figure 3-2. Move the trin| tab cable adjustable up stop against the system fixed stop in the fuselage. Move ‘the trim tab control wheel toward nose-up 3-66 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL and establish the trim tab down travel per the chart in Figure 3-2. Move the trim tab cable adjustable down stop against the fixed stop in the fuselage. i. Check the clevis bolts which attach the tab cables to the tab horn. The Clevis bolts should be free of corrosion and dirt and loose enough to allow free movement of the horn without binding the tab cables. j._ Move the tab control wheel to neutral (0°) on the indicator. The trail~ ing edge of the trim tabs should align with the trailing edge of the elevators. k. On serials D-6562 through D-7309, the left elevator tab is now to be set to 2° +1° above neutral (0°) 1. Reinspect and turnbuckles, nuts, bolts and cable stops affected during this procedure. The tab cable stops are to be tightened to 20 +5 = inch-pounds of torque and safetied. safety all WARNING After rigging the elevator and elevator trim tab control system, check for correct movenent of the control surfaces with respect to the movenent of the controls. When the control column is moved for- ward, the elevators should move DOWN. When the control column is moved aft, the elevators should move UP. When the elevator trim tab control is moved toward the Nose-up position, the trim tab should move DOWN. When the eleva~ tor trim tab is moved toward the nose~down position, the trim tab should move UP. m, Close up all inspection panels and test fly the airplane. n. If yawing occurs in level flight, with ailerons in neutral, adjust the tabs as instructed under RIGGING TRIM TABS TO CORRECT FOR YAW. If aileron pressure fs needed to maintain wings level, move the trailing edge up on the wing that tends to move up. 3-6H TRIM TAB ACTUATOR REMOVAL a. Using the trim tab control in the Flight compartment, move the trim tab control to the full nose-up position as noted on the elevator trim tab indicator. b. Remove the access panel on the left hand side of the fuselage, just for- ward of the elevator. c. Install identification tags to the “cables and disconnect the cablesf routed aft to the elevator trim tabs from the bell crank. d. Install identification tags to the cables on each side of the first turnbuckle and disconnect the actuator cables routed forward to the flight com- partment. Secure the cables so they do not come off of the forward pulleys. Secure the cables to the actuator so the actuator screw position can be maintained. CAUTION Qo not damage, kink or put bends in the cables. e. Identify the cables on the actuator being removed so that the cables on the replacement actuator are recon- nected correctly. f. Remove the three bolts securing the actuator to the bracket and remove the actuator and attached bell crank from the airplane. NOTE It may be necessary to remove the two tab cable pulleys, located directly below the actuator, in order to provide clearance through the pulley bracket for the cable ends on the actuator TRIM TAB ACTUATOR INSTALLATION a. Position the actuator assembly in the bracket and install the three attach- ing bolts. b. Using the cable at the forward side of the actuator drum, be certain the cable is at the end of its actuator drum travel BIT BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL c. Rotate the actuator drum upward until the pin securing the cable to the drum is no longer visible through the actuator cable opening NOTE If the bell crank-to-actuator screw linkage is disconnected, install the actuator bolt, wash~ ers, nut and cotter key to attach the’bell crank to the actuator. d. With the actuator bolt connecting the bell crank-to-actuator screw linkage installed, position the trim tab actuator screw by rotating the actuator drum to obtain the actuator bolt centerline-to- actuator face distance as shown in Figure Eee e. Connect the actuator cables to the cables routed aft from the flight com- partment. Ensure that all tab cables are properly routed and located on the pul jeys. f. If the two tab cable pulleys, located directly below the actuators, were removed to provide clearance for the cable ends of the actuator cables, install the two tab cable pulleys at this time. CAUTION Do not damage, kink or put bends in the cables. Connect the bell crank cables routed aft to the elevator trim tabs. h. The elevator trim tab indicator on the pilot's instrument panel should indicate the full nose-up position in degrees as noted in Figure 3-2. CAUTION Be certain that all cables are hooked up correctly. Operate the glevator ‘system “through full travel to ensure complete and proper degrees of travel of the trim tabs. Check for proper direction of travel. For a nose-up condition on the ‘airplane, the trim tab should move down. For a full ‘nose-down condition, the trim tab should move up BIT i. Install the access panel on the left hand side of the fuselage, just for- ward of the elevator. ELEVATOR TAB INDICATOR RIGGING a. Place the proper tension on the cables in the fuselage and place the cables in neutral position. The right hand turnbuckle should (approximately) be just entering bulkhead 179 from the front side. b. To install the dial indicator cable, wrap the cable three full turns around the dial indicator drum. With the dial at 0 degrees, slip the cables so that both ends of the cable are of equal Jength. With the dial indicator stil? in neutral position, take the cable coming off the top of the elevator trim tab dial sheave and bring it down to the forward side of the tab wheel shaft to the left small hole. Wrap the cable toward the hole 4 turns. Insert the cable in the hole and pull it through. Wrap surplus cable around the shaft. Beginning on the right hand side of the small hole, wrap the cable toward the hole 4 turns. "Insert the cable into the hole and pull it through. Wrap surplus cable around the shaft, twist the two cables together and solder. Use only rosin-flux solder. Check the tab dial to see that it will roll from one stop to the other. ¢. Set the tab dial at 0 degrees. Place tension on the tab cables in the tail section, per the cable temperature~ tension graph, to position the tabs in Vine with the elevators. NOTE With the elevators set in the neutral position and the tab indicator set at 0 on Bonanza serials D~6562 through 0-7309, the left elevator tab should be set at 2 £1 degrees above neutral elevator position. The right ele~ vator tab should be set at 0 41 degree elevator position. d. Safety the turnbuckles and set the stops on the fuselage cables to maintain proper travel in accordance with the tab travel limits. 3-61 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL INSPECTION OF TAB HINGES Improper cable tensions, either above or below the recommended limits, will cause excessive wear on the tab hinges. If excessive wear is noted on the elevator half of the hinge, it should be replaced. When improperly installed on earlier air- planes, the elevator trim tab hinge wire [(cetaii 81, Figure 3-2C) may cause binding and wear in the hinge lobes (Detail F) Correct intallation of the hinge wire is [[shown in Detail D, Figure 3-2C. The bolt securing the cable to the eleva~ tor tab horn should swivel in the horn at. all times. If the bolt binds, it will Cause cracks to develop in the tab horn The bolt should be just tight enough to Prevent rattle (see detail C2, Figure 3-2C), but not ‘tight enough to cause binding in the horn, nor_as loose as shown in detail £2, Figure 3-2C. It fs not desirable to use grease or oi] on the bolt, for this will merely cause dirt to collect. RIGGING ELEVATOR TABS TO CORRECT FOR YAW The elevator tabs can be rigged to func- tion as a rudder tab by making minor adjustments up and down from neutral position FOR RIGHT YAW (NOSE OF AIRPLANE TENDS TO MOVE TO RIGHT WITH WINGS LEVEL) a. Adjust the right elevator tab down approximately 1° by lengthening the upper Tight trim tab cable and shortening the lower right trim tab cable. b. Adjust the left elevator tab up approximately 1° by shortening the upper Jeft trim tab cable and lengthening the lower left tab cable. c. Set the cable tension as specified in the applicable graph on Figure 3-1. d. Safety the two turnbuckles, close [the inspection panels and test fly the airplane. FOR LEFT YAW (NOSE OF AIRPLANE TENDS TO! MOVE LEFT WITH WINGS LEVEL) a. Adjust the right elevator tab up approximately 1° by lengthening the lower right tab cable and shortening the upper right tab cable. b. Adjust the left elevator tab down approximately 1° by lengthening the upper left cable and shortening the lower left cable c. Set the cable tension as specified in the applicable graph on Figure 3-1. d. Safety the two turnbuckles, close the inspection panels and test fly the airplane NOTE In the event the above procedure results in overcorrection, par= tial readjustment to reduce the rudder effect can be accomplished in one tab only. In the event the above procedure does not give enough correction for yaw, each tab can be adjusted 1° more from neutral in the same direction as before and rechecked. The maximum allowable amount of split between trim tabs is 6°. The average degree of tab travel at full up or down cannot exceed the linit of travel. ELECTRIC TRIM TAB SYSTEM (OPTIONAL D-8599 AND AFTER) ELECTRIC TRIM TAB ACTUATOR REMOVAL a. Remove the access door on the fuselage just below the leading edge of the LH stabilizer. b. Disconnect the actuator wire har- ness at the disconnect splices. ¢. Disconnect the actuator cable at ‘the turnbuckle and unwind the cable. d. Remove the three bolts securing ‘the actuator to the bracket. The actuator may now be removed from the airplane. B17 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM TAB ACTUATOR INSTALLATION Installation procedure is_the reverse of the removal procedure. Tab rigging and cable tension is identical to the manually operated tab. NEW TAB CABLE INSTALLATION Note the position of the old cable in relation to the cable drum and forward end cable fittings. Install the new cable in the same position. This will ensure ade- quate cable length in both directions allowing full travel of the cable stops BIT MAGNETIC CLUTCH REMOVAL (Figure 3-2D) I a. Remove the housing lid from the clutch b. Loosen the setscrew in the clutch rotor and armature hubs. c. Remove the motor from the clutch housing. d. Slide the cable drum and shaft assembly from the clutch housing. e. Remove the clutch from the clutch housing. 3-6K MAGNETIC CLUTCH INSTALLATION Installation procedure is the reverse of the removal proce- dure. No lubrication is required. Tighten the clutch armature setscrew with no visible end play in the cable drum shaft Slide the clutch rotor on the motor shaft to obtain .010 10 O15 clearance between the friction surfaces of the eluteh before tightening the setscrew, Stake both setscrews. NOTE With no visible end play in the cable drum shaft. the clutch faces must not make contact while the clutch is de-energized or damage to the clutch will result ELECTRICAL TRIM TAB ACTUATOR BRUSH WEAR LIMITS (optional) 14 VOLT SYSTEM (0-8881 thry D-10119 except D-10097) Replace the brushes at intervals 2.000 flight hours. 28 VOLT SYSTEM (D-10097, D-10120 and after) Replace the brushes at intervals 2,000 flight hours. MAGNETIC CLUTCH TORQUE TEST (14 volt system) (0-8841 thru D-10119 except 0-10097) ‘The following procedure should be performed ny time the ‘magnetic clutch is repkiced a. Use at 14 vde power source and connect the red electrical lead of the magnetic clutch to ground and the whi electrical lead to the power source Using a torque wrench. ‘check that the clutch holds with 30 inch-pounds of torque applied at the actuator shaft. 1b. If the static torque of the clutch is less than 30 inch-pounds, burn in the clutch as follows’ 1. Find s metal plate of sufficient thickness for rigidity und large enough to fit in & vise with the actuator assembly attached. Anchor the plate in a vise and drill 3 holes inthe plate to match the actuator mounting holes. Bolt the actuator te the plat. 2. Locate a blade type screwdriver or similar tool that will fit the shaft on which the cable drum is ‘mounted, 3. Remove the handle from the screwdriver or fabricate a similar tool so that a low speed approximately 450 rpm) 4 inch drill motor may be attached to the screw- river or similar too! 4. Secure the screwdriver in the Ys inch drill 5. Remove the access plate from the clutch housing and blow the housing and clutch clean 6, Using a regulated power source set at 710 8 volts de. connect the red electrical lead of the clutch to ground the white electrical lead 10 the power source with alligator clips. 7. With the screwdriver in the slot in the drum shaft turn the drill motor on und run for 1S seconds, Turn the Bi drill off and unclip the leads to the eluteh. 8. Allow the clutch to cool for one minute bef= fore re-attaching the lead for another fifteen second interval Repeat the foregoing sequence until the clutch will hold 30 inch-pounds of torque as indicated in step "a" then blow the clutch and housing clean with compressed air. Install access plate on the clutch housing, CAUTION Exceeding the fifteen second burn-in periods may overheat and damage the magnetic clutch. MAGNETIC CLUTCH TORQUE TEST (28 volt system) {0-10097, D-10120 and after) ‘The following check should be performed any time the mag: netic clutch is replaced. a Using a 28 vde power source. connect the red lead of the magnetic cluich to ground and the white lead to the power source. Using a torque wrench, check that the clutch holds with 30 inch-pounds of torque applied at the actuator shaft b. If the static torque of the clutch is less than 30 Jnch-pounds, burn in the clutch as follows: |. Find a metal plate of sufficient thickness for rigidity and large enough to fit in a vise with the actuator assembly attached. Anchor the plate in a vise and drill 3 holes in the plate to match the actuator mounting holes Bolt the actuator to the plate. 2 Locate a blade type screwdriver oF similar tool that will fit the shaft on which the cable drum is mounted. 3. Remove the handle from the screwdriver or fabricate a similar too! so that a low speed (approximately 4450 rpm) 1/7 inch drill motor may be attached to the screw- diver oF similar tool 4, Secure the screwdriver in the ¥4 inch drill 5. Remove the access plate from the clutch housing and blow the housing and clutch clean with clean dry air 6. Using a regulated power source set at 1410 16 vde. connect the red electrical lead of the clutch to ground and the white lead to the power source with alligator clips 7. With the screwdriver in the slot in the drum shaft turn the drill motor on and run for 15 seconds. Turn the drill off and unclip the leads to the clutch, 8. Let the clutch cool for approximately one minute before reattaching the lead for another 15 second interval. Repeat the foregoing sequence until the clutch will hold with 30 inck-pounds of torque as indicated in step "a", then blow the cluteh and housing clean with clean dry com: pressed air. Install the access plate on the clutch housing, CAUTION Exceeding the 15 second burn-in periods may overheat und damage the magnetic clutch, a7 BEECHCRAFT. BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL RUDDER TRAVEL (commie xuvoee semiat Ae mAVEL RIGHT TRAVEL AND BEVATOR) OVER-AUL TRAVEL RUDDER PEDAL SETTINGS 0. THROUGH 0.2680 aes aa 35° 22° UP 35" 22° DOWN 0.2601 mRouen o-s722 . 35° 22° UP 30° 2° Down 8H PEDAL LH PEDAL 10-5726 THROUGH 0.7309 vr 440 22° UP 37° 22° DOWN WH) 00262 THROUGH 0.7307 NEUIRALFOSIION 25 10.98 Sceniisestccen eee imcnes ar OF NEUTRAL POSTION 0.7310 AND AFTER 23 si up 6 8 UP a7* 22" DOWN LM) 0.7310 AND AFTER NEUTRAL POSTION 38 1043 ” 28 a DOWN 38+ 22° UP os 22° DOWN fest} imcHes AET OF NEGTEAC POSTION wr NON ue DIFFERENTIAL “Cm MECHANISM JIG ASSEMBLY a ea / 35-590087 . STOP BOLT- RUDDER PEDAL POSITION 7 Soamion e MONT auoDER CABLE pe ——— = — _- oS \—terr euoer caste S DIFFERENTIAL MECHANISM MAssemBUr Nore coors tupoer reoais Sormgut Sankt Stateaao Seen bese Rudder Control System Figure 3-3 on 3-8 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL RUDDER RIGGING PROCEDURE NOTE AN rudder rigging should be accomplished with a travel board only. A bubble protractor should not be used for any rudder rigging procedure a. Adjust. the stops on the aft fuselage bulkhead to permit a maximum combined rudder/elevator travel as _shown gn, the overall travel tables on Figure b. With the adjusting (see Figure 3-3) link at the rudder quadrant, located just aft of the rudder pedals, lengthen or shorten as necessary to align the copilot's pedals with the pilot's pedals When aligning the pedals, be sure both sets of pedals are in the same position. c, Straighten the nose wheel and position the pilot's rudder pedals in the neutral position with an aligning (rig) pin as described below: + Qn airplane serials D-1__ through D~6561, the left and right ‘rudder pedals'are to be evenly aligned with the rudder system in neutral. * On airplane serials 0-6562 through D-7309 (except 0-7140), the rudder pedals should be rigged with the left rudder pedal .25 to .38 inches aft of ‘the right rudder pedal with the rudder system in neutral. + On D-7140, D-7310 and after, the rudder pedals should be rigged’ with the left rudder pedal .38 to .45 inch aft of the right rudder pedal with the rudder system in neutral. To facilitate rigging of the rudder ped- als, a rudder pedal aligning tool (rig pin) is to be fabricated as follows: * For D-1 through D-6561, this tool can be fabricated as a .43 inch diameter straight steel rod, 5 inches long. + For D-6562 and after, this tool can be fabricated from a’steel block 1/2 x 1x 2 inches, and two 43 x 2 1/8 inches long steel pins. The two pins BI7 are to be welded to one end of the| block as shown in Figure 3-3A. 4. Position the control column in the neutral position with 4-1/2 inches between] the collar on the instrument panel and the split collar on the control column. This] can be accomplished by cutting a block| 4-1/2 inches long and taping it to thel control column. . e. Install the differential mech-| anism jig assembly to position the dif-| ferential mechanism in the neutral position. On airplane D-1 through D-5725,, the jig assembiy will position the dif-| ferential mechanism left and right tail controls arms evenly aligned when the| elevator and rudder systems are in neu-| tral. On airplane serials 0-5726 andj after, the jig assembly will position thel differential mechanism right tail contro] arm aft of the differential left tail control arm when the elevator and rudder] systems are in neutral NOTE When rigging airplanes prior to D-2681, the 35-590007 differen- tial mechanism jig assembly can be used or the 35-590076 differ- ential mechanism jig assembly can be used by removing the 35-590052 adapters. When rigging airplanes D-2681 "" through 0-5725 the 35-590076 differential mechanism Jig assembly can be used with the 35-590052 adapters installed. The 35-590087 differential mechanism Jig assembly can also be used if the 35-590087-9 stop is removed. When rigging airplane serials, D-5726 and after, the 35-590087 differential mechanism jig assem bly with the 35-590087-9 stop installed is to be used. See the notes under ELEVATOR RIG- GING PROCEDURE which describe how to locate the differential mech- anism in the neutral position using a correct differential mechanism jig assembly for the airplane being rigged. These notes also describe the neutral position for the elevator, rudder and tab systems. 3-9 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL f. Adjust the short, lower elevator cable between the elevator reduction bell crank and the elevator contro] arm on the differential mechanism to a total length of 23.62 +.06 inches, including turnbuckle, terminal and link (see Figure 3-2A). No threads on the turnbuckle ends should be visible outside of the barrel after adjustment. Safety the turnbuckle No further adjustment of this cable is required. g. Adjust the main rudder cable ten- sions to the tension shown on the temperature-tension graph. (The cables can be adjusted simultaneously with the rudder balance cable.) The balance cable is adjusted by adding or removing washers behind ‘the balance cable pulley bracket swivel bolt. The differential mechanism, control column and rudder pedals are still to be in their neutral positions after cable tensions are adjusted. h, Set the elevators in the neutral position (0°) by adjusting the elevator| push-pull rod lengths. Make sure the rod ends remain screwed into the push-pull rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, j.e. a wire should not pass through the inspection hole. i. Remove the differential mechanism Jig assembly and remove the rudder rig pin. Leave the control column 4-1/2 inch block in place to prevent elevator system influence on rudder rigging. Jj. Set the rudder travel by adjusting the “stop bolts just aft of the pilot's tudder pedals (Figure 3-3). Refer to the applicable table of travels found on Fig- ure 3-3 for the appropriate rudder travel values. Steps "b" through "h" should result in the rudder travels being correct, Note that the dimensions given in Views A~A and B-B are taken from the center lines of the Rig Pins. 0.25" to 0. 38" D-6562 thru D-7309 0.38" to 0.45" D-7310 and After AA Rig Pins: .43" dia. x 2-1/8" Long Block: 1/2" x 1" x 2" Long Rudder Pedal Rig Tool ‘igure 3-3) BIT BEECHCRAFT BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL or close to correct. Make any final minor adjustments by lengthening or shortening the elevator push-pull rods. Make sure the rod ends remain screwed into the push rods the required length. They should extend past the inspection hole, i.e. a wire should not passthrough the inspection hole k. When rudder travels are correct, tighten the rod end jam nuts, the rudder stop jam nuts, safety the nut on the bal~ ance cable pulley bracket swivel bolt and recheck travels. Remove the elevator col umn 4-1/2 inch Block. 1. Changing rudder rigging may change elevator rigging. Check elevator rigging after changing rudder rigging WARNING Check for correct direction of tudder surface movement by work- ing the rudder pedals. When the left rudder pedal is depressed, the right elevator should move up, and the left elevator should move down. When the right rudder pedal is depressed, the left elevator should move up and the right ele- vator should move down. BALANCING CONTROL SURFACES BALANCING THE AILERON (Figure 3-4) When the aileron control surface is being repainted, suspend it by the trailing edge so that excess paint will drain toward the leading edge. After any repainting or repair, the finished surface should be check balanced to ensure that its static moment about the hinge line is within the prescribed limits. The painted aileron assembly must be nose-heavy by 0.2 to 1.5 inch-pounds. The static moment of the aileron is determined by multiplying the unbalanced weight of the aileron assembly times the perpendicular distance from the hinge centerline to the center of gravity when the chord line is horizontally level The weight is measured in pounds and the distance in inches. The static moment of 2 100 percent balanced control surface is 0.0 inch-pounds. A tail-heavy surface exhibits static underbalance. A nose~ heavy surface exhibits static overbal~ ance’ BIT CHECKING BALANCE The aileron balance must be checked in a draft. free area with the aileron com pletely assembled in flying condition. All painting, including stripes and touch-up, must be completed. The tab, static wicks, and hinge bolts must be’ attached. The chord line must be horizontally level and the hinge line must be properly supported when the static moment is measured. Although many different methods of check balancing exist, they can be categorized under the following two headings: a. Counterbalancing - The applica- tion of a known force or weight at a measured distance from the hinge line to counter the unbalance moment of the aileron assembly. b. Actual Force Measurement - Meas urement of the force applied by the aileron surface on a single support at a known distance from the centerline of the hinge. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO PERFORM BAL- ANCING a. A stand with knife edge supports as iljustrated in Figure 3-4. The knife edges must be in the same horizontal plane. b. A paper cup or similar Tight weight container. c. Approximately 1 pound of lead shot. d. A certified beam balance weighing device calibrated fn units of 01 pound or less. @. Astraight edge, ruler, and spirit level! BALANCING PROCEDURE COUNTERBALANCING METHOD a. Locate the chord line by placing a straight edge at the inboard end of the aileron assembly so that one end is on the trailing edge and the other end is cen- tered on the leading edge. Mark the chord Tine with a suitable marker, such as a 3-104 BEECHCRAFT. BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL grease pencil, then remove the straight edge. b. Fit the correct size bolts in the hinge brackets and mount the aileron on the knife edge supports. Ascertain that the aileron is free to rotate about the hinge line. c. To determine if weight should be added or removed, suspend a paper cup from a point near the center of the aileron trailing edge. Use a short length of smal] diameter string secured to the sur- face with 2 small piece of masking tape as illustrated in Figure 3-4. The cup must be free to hang vertically. d. Add small quantities of lead shot to the cup until the aileron balances with the chord line level. Check this by hold ing the spirit level aligned with the marked chord line e. The distance "D" must be perpen- dicular to the hinge line. Measure "D!from the hinge line to the suspension point of the cup f. Remove the cup, contents, and string, then weigh them. NOTE Since any weighing error is mag- nified by the distance "D", weighing is mést important and must be done carefully on scales that are certified for accuracy. g. Calculate the follows: static balance as 1, The weight 0} contents is designated by the cup and BI7 2. The over or moment is designated by "M". underbalance 3. M=WxD 4. The following is a typical example of a balancing calculation: Assume the aileron is overbalance (nose- heavy) and the paper cup was suspended from the trailing edge. Assume that the aileron balances with the chord line level at "W= .150 pound"and "D = 10.0 inches", then....... M= .150 x 10.0 M/= 1,50 inch-pounds (The product of Wx D"). In this instance, "M" fs within the required static balance range and is therefore acceptable. h. The painted aileron assembly must be nose-heavy by 0.2 to 1.5 inch-pounds. The center of gravity of the aileron is forward of the hinge centerline causing the surface to be nose-heavy. Proper aileron balance is obtained by adding or removing lead rod at the leading edge of the aileron. The rod is 15/32 inch in diameter and is installed in brackets attached to the leading edge of the aileron. When adding additional lead rod, the maximum total of the length of rod to be added is not to exceed 5 inches. Add additional rod at the center brackets CAUTION When a lead rod is added to obtain correct balance, it must be installed securely with rivets. A loosely installed rod will vibrate and may cause an undesir- able vibration of the surface 3-11 MASKING TAPE (PLACE NEAR AILERON HINGE LINE) UNG MUST BE HORIZONTALLY LEVEL view A-A CONTAINER eran B seem Figure 3-4. Balancing the Aileron 342 87 BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL ELEVATOR/RUDDER BALANCING THE ELEVATOR/RUDDER (Figure 3-5) ‘When the elevator/rudder control surface is being repainted, suspend it by the trailing edge so that excess paint will drain toward the leading edge. After any repainting or repair, the finished surface should be check balanced to be sure that its static moment about the hinge line is within the manufacturer's pre- scribed limits. The complete elevator/rudder assem- bly, painted or unpainted, including the contro! arm and the tab control cable attach bolt, and the nut and ‘washer for both sides of the tab, must not be tail heavy over the maximum moment as noted: 1) 16.8 to 19.8 inch-pounds on airplanes prior to serial D-8118, except D-7335, D-7923, D-8036, D-8048, D-8057, D-8064, D-8072, D-8075, and D-8090. 2) 14.4 to 17.4 inch-pounds on airplane serials +7335, D-7923, D-8036, D-8048, D-8057, D-8064, D-8072, D-8075, D-8090, D-8118 and after. ‘The static moment is the total unbalanced weight of the elevator/rudder control surface muttilied by the perpendicular distance from its hinge centerline to the ‘center of gravity when the chord line is horizontally level. The weight is measured in pounds and the dis- tance in inches. The static moment of a 100 percent balanced elevator/rudder control surface is 0.0 pounds. A tai-heavy surface exhibits static underbal- ance. A nose-heavy surface exhibits static overbal- ance. CHECKING BALANCE ‘The balance must be checked in a draft-free area with the elevator/rudder completely assembled in flying condition. All painting, including stripes and touch-up, must be completed. The tab, tab control cable attach bolt and the nut and washer for both sides of the tab, static wicks and hinge bolts must be attached. The chord line must be horizontally level and the hinge line ‘must be properly supported when the static moment is measured. Although many diferent methods of bal- ancing exist, they can be categorized under the follow- ing two headings: a. Actual Force Measurement - Measurement of the force applied by the elevator/rudder surface on a single support at @ known distance from the center of ‘the hinge. B19 b. Counterbalancing - The application of a known force of weight at a measured distance from the hinge line to counter the unbalanced moment of the elevator/rudder assembly. CHECK BALANCE BY FORCE MEASURMENT ‘The equipment required to perform the check balance by force measurement is as follows: a. A:stand with knife-edge supports as illustrated in Figure 3-5. The knife edges should be in the same hotizontal plane. b. A certified beam balance calibrated in units of .01 pounds or less. The balance should have a fiat weigh- ing platform and its capacity should equal tare plus 2.0 pounds minimum. ©. A support spindle similar to the illustration and iev- ling blocks, as required. (Blocks + spindle = tare.) 4. A straightedge, rule and spirit level. BALANCING PROCEDURE FORCE MEASUREMENT METHOD Locate the chord line by piacing a straightedge at the inboard end of the elevator/rudder so that one end is aligned with the center of the torque tube and the other end is centered on the trailing edge. Mark the chord line by @ grease pencil or other means on the fib. Remove the straightedge. Fit the correct sized bolts in the hinge brackets and mount the elevator/ rudder on the knife edges. Ensure that itis free to rotate about the hinge line. Support the trailing edge behind the center hinge point with a spindle resting on a leveled beam balance platform as illustrated. The spindle must be vertical throughout the balancing pro- cedure. Hold a spirit level against the marked chord line and level it by extending or contracting the spindle, or by using blocks and shims under the spindle. Measure the perpendicular distance from the hinge centerline to the point supported by the spindle. Ensure that the spirit level and rule are removed from the surface and read the reaction on the beam bal- ‘ance, Calculate the static underbalanced moment "M” from the formula: M=D(R-1) inch-pounds where; D=Perpendicular distance from the hinge centerline to the spindle point (inches). ReReaction (pounds) read from the beam balance. TeTare, i.e. spindle plus leveling blocks or shims on the scale platform (pounds). S120 BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL EXAMPLE Dis 13.5 inches; R is 2.26 pounds and T=1.00 pound, Me18.5 (2.26-1.00); M=17.0 inch-pounds. Mis within the range which is satisfactory. If M is not within the prescribed range, refer to step i under BALANCING PROCEDURE COUNTERBAL- ANCING METHOD. CHECK BALANCING BY COUNTERBALANCING EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO PERFORM CHECK BALANCING BY COUNTERBALANCING a. A stand with knife-edge supports as illustrated in Figure 3-5. The knife edges must be in the same hori- zontal plane. b. Apaper cup or similar lightweight container. c. Approximately 3.5 pounds of lead shot. 4. A certified beam balance weighing device cal- brated in units of .01 pound or less. e. Astraightedge, ruler, and spirit level. BALANCING PROCEDURE COUNTERBALANCING METHOD ‘a. Locate the chord line by placing a straightedge at the lower closure rib of the elevator/tudder so that one end is aligned with the center of the torque tube while the other end is centered on the trailing edge. Mark the chord line with a suitable marker, such as a (grease pencil, then remove the straightedge. b. Secure the trim tab in its neutral position with a small piece ot masking tape. ©. Fit the correct sized bolts in the hinge brackets ‘and mount the elevator/rudder on the knife-edge sup- ports. Ascertain that the elevator/rudder is free to rotate about the hinge line. d. To determine it weight should be added or removed, if the balance is tail down: 1. With the leading edge of the elevator/rudder up, on airplane serials D-1 through D-7308, suspend @ paper cup on the front side of the tip. Secure the string to the surface with a small piece of masking tape, near the tip and near the hinge centerline as shown in Figure 3-5. The cup must be free to hang vertically. 2. With the leading edge of the elevator/rudder up, on airplane serials D-7310 and after, slightly 3128 loosen the forward top screw. Suspend a paper cup on the inboard side of the tip and wrap the string around the screw. Secure the string to the surface with a small piece of masking tape aft of the forward top screw and near the hinge centerline as shown in Figure 3-5. The cup must be tree to hang vertically. Ascertain the security of the forward top screw on the tip of the leading edge of the elevatorfrudder after balancing has been completed. e. Add small quantities of lead shot to the cup until the elevator/rudder balances with the chord line level. Check this by aligning a spirit level with the marked chord line. f. The distance "D” must be perpendicular to the hinge line. Measure "D" from the hinge line to the suspension point of the cup. 9g. Remove the cup, contents and string, then weigh them. NOTE Since any weighing error is magnified by the distance "D", weighing is important and must be done carefully on scales that are certified for accuracy, within 0.01 pound or less. h. Calculate the static balance as follows: 1. The weight of the cup and contents is desig- nated by "W". 2. The over- or underbalance moment is desig- nated “"M". 3, M=W times D 4, The following is a typical example of a balano- ing calculation: Assume the elevator/rudder was underbalanoed (tail heavy) and the paper cup was suspended from the leading edge. If the elevator/ rudder balances with the chord line level at "W= 2.83 pounds” and “D=6.0 inches” then... M=2.83 times 6.0. M=17.0 inch-pounds (the product of "W times D”). In this instance, "M" is within the required static balance and is therefore acceptable. B19 Beechcraft BONANZA SERIES SHOP MANUAL i. Obtain the correct elevator/rudder balance as fol- tows: 1. Serials D-1 through D-3350: a) To gain access to the washers, remove the formed leading edge cover at the extreme forward, outboard tip of the elevator/rudder assembly. b) A maximum of 11 lead washers (BEECH: GRAFT Part No. 183809) can be installed to obtain the correct balance. A brazier head screw may be installed (per BEECHCRAFT Service Bulletin Number 35.26) between the two existing screws at the forward ‘outboard tip of the elevator/rudder if mote than six washers ate required. Distribution of the washers on the screws are as follows: 1) When the maximum number of 11 washers ate required, install three on the outboard screw, four on the center screw and four on the inboard screw. If less than the maximum is needed distribute the washers accordingly. 2) If six or less washers are needed to ‘obtain the correct balance, the center screw is not used; install four washers on the inboard screw and ‘wo on the outboard sorew. 2. Serials D-3351 through D-7309: B19 ) To gain access to the washers used for bal- ancing, remove the cover from the leading edge on the outboard tip of the elevator/rudder assembly. b) A maximum of six 183809 or three 95-660042-1 and three 35-660042-3 lead washers may be used to balance the elevator/rudder. 1) Ifthe 183809 washers are used, install three on the outboard screw and three on the inboard screw. If less than the maximum number is needed

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