35-590096 - Section 2

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General Information

Record of Temporary Revisions

Note: Insert this Record of Temporary Revision after the Section 2 divider tab. When a Temporary Revision is
inserted, the temporary revision number, the affected chapter, the date the revision is inserted into the
manual, and the initials of the person(s) inserting the revision should be recorded on this page. When a
Temporary Revision is removed, enter the manual revision number that incorporated the Temporary
Revision and the date the Temporary Revision was removed from the manual.

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2-1 2

Apr 1/11
Raytlleon Aircraft

Any maintenance requiring the disconnection and reconnection of flight control cables,
plumbing, electrical connectors or wiring requires identification of each side of the compo-
nent being disconnected to facilitate correct reassembly. At or prior to disassembly, com-
ponents should be color coded, tagged or properly identified in a way that it will be obvious
how to correctly reconnect the components. After reconnection of any component, remove
all identification tags. Check all associated systems for correct function prior to returning
the airplane to service.

Some of the most important information about the Bonanza lubrication, cleaning and shop handling, will be found in
this section. Particular attention should be paid to these items, since they are among the items which the customer
sees and consequently can influence directly his decision to come back again, or to go elsewhere.

The section includes a three-view drawing giving the major dimensions of the Bonanza; a table of hangar clearance
dimensions; and an access opening illustration. A skin plate diagram gives the material and gage of each wing, em-
pennage and fuselage skin, as a guide for making minor skin repair.

Two full page illustrations show the special tools, with their part numbers, which will make maintenance of the Bo-
nanza simpler. Together with the tool part number is a serial designation showing which model Bonanza the tool is
used on.

820 2-1
10' 5 9/16" (D-2681 and after)
t 10' 1-5L~'~ -!~ ----

1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32' 9-7/8"-------------1
r---~ 33' 5-1/2" (D-6162 and a f t e r } - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25' 1-114" - - -
1 - - + 1 - - - - - - 26' 4-5/8" D-7310 and After------::::::;;:;;::::;=+:+._

9. 5 (Normal ground attitude loaded to gross weight. ) JPrior to 0-3999

4. 75 (Min. clearance tire and shock deflated. )
11.5 (Normal ground attttude.) } D-3999 thru D-5330 and 0-7310
6.75 (Min. Clearance tire and shock deflated. ) and after
7.8 (Min. Clearance with nose tire and shock deflated.)} D-5331 thru D-7309
12. 5 (Normal ground attitude loaded to gross weight. )


* Prior to D-3999
** 0-3999 thru 0-5330 and 0-7310 and after
***:0-5331 thru 0-7309

, Figure 2-1. Dimensions of Airplane

2·2 89

19 35·'3-9

1. Elevator Tab Cable Pulley LH 11. Oil Filler Neck (Prior to D-4866)
2. Upper Stabilizer Spar Bolts (D-l to D-2680) 12. Lower Stabilizer Spar Bolt (D-l to D-2680)
3. Elevator Tab Cable Pulley RH 13. Differential Mechanism LH
4. Empennage Control Linkage 14. Carburetor Air Screen
5. Baggage Compartment 15. Differential Mechanism, Lower
6. Cabin Entrance 16. Rudder and Elevator
7. Access Plates for Engine Cables
8. Hinge Bolts for Nose Wheel Strut 17. Rear Spar Jack Point
9. Engine Cowl 18. Landing Gear Actuator
10. Oil Filler Neck (D-4866 & after) 19. Fuel Strainer

Figure 2-3. Fuselage Access Openings




1. Optional Main Fuel Cell Filler Neck (D-6562 and after)

2. Auxiliary Tank Filler Neck (D-4000 to D-656l)
3. Main Fuel Cell Transmitter
4. Main Fuel Cell
5. Standard Main Fuel Cell Filler Neck
6. Upper Front and Rear Spar Bolts
7. Flap Hinge Bolts
8. Fuel and Pitot Lines (D-6562 and after)
9. Auxiliary Fuel Tank (D-4000 to D-656l)
10. Fuel Lines (Pitot Lines in LH Wing) (Prior to D-6562)
11. Landing Light (Prior to D-6562) (Fuel Lines D-6562 and after)
12. Main Fuel Cell (D-6562 and after)
13. Landing Gear Hinge Bolt and Main Fuel Cell
14. Lower Front and Rear Spar Bolts
15. Auxiliary Fuel Tank (D-4000 to D-6561)
16. Aileron Cables and Fuel Lines
17. Aileron Bellcrank
18. Flap Limit Switch (D-l to D-3702) (Wheel Well)

Figure 2-4. Wing Access Openings


Legend for Figure 2-5. (Sheet 1 of 2)


1. .020 2024-S0 D-1 & after

2. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
3. .020 2024-S0 D-1 & after
4. .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after
5. .016 2024-T3 D-1575 thru D-6561
.032 2024-T3 D-6562 & after
6. .016 2024-T3 D-1575 & after replaced
with index no. 6 & 8
7. .025 2024-T3 D-1575 thru D-2681
.032 2024-T3 0-2682 & after
8. .020 2024-T3 0-1575 & after replaced
with index no. 7
9. .020 2024-T3 0-1575 & after
10. .016 2024-T3 0-1575 & after replaced
with index no. 9 & 11
11. .016 2024-T3 0-1575 thru 0-2076
.020 2024-T3 0-2077 & after
12. .025 2024-0 0-1 thru D-4865
.032 2024-0 D-4866 & after

13 . .025 2024-T3 0-1 & after
*14. .020 2024-0 0-1 & after
15. .025 2024-T3 0-1 & after
16. .016 2024-T3 0-1 thru 0-6561
.032 2024-T3 D-6562 & after
17. .020 2024-T3 D-4866 thru D-6561
18. .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after
19. .040 6161-0 D-1 & after
20. .020 2024-80 D-1 & after
21. .020 2024-80 D-1 & after
22. .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after

• * 0025 2024-T3 0-7310 and after

2-6 Revised October 22, 1965



/ /

35·13·10 TOP VIEW

*Skin Splice Moved Aft to Sta.179 as Shown. Effective D-6747 and After

Figure 2-5. Fuselage and Empennage Skin Plating (Sheet 1 of 2)

Revised October 27, 1961 2-'7


Legend for Figure 2-5. (Sheet 2 of 2)


l. .025 2024-T3 D-1575 & after replaced
with index no. 2
2. .025 2024-T3 D-1575 thru D-2680
.032 2024-T3 D-2681 & after
3. .016 2024-T3 D-1575 & after replaced
with index no. 2 & 4
4. .016 2024-T3 D-1575 thru D-6561
.032 2024-T3 D-6562 & after
5. .025 2024-T3 D-1 thru D-3998
.032 2024-T3 D-3999 & after
6. .020 2024-S0 D-1 & after
7. .025 2024-T3 D-2801 & after
8. .025 2024-T3 D-2801 & after

9. .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after
*10. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
11. .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after
12. .025 2024-T3 D-1 thru D-4865
.032 2024-T3 D-4866 & after
13 .016 2024-T3 D-1575 thru D-2076
.020 2024-T3 D-2077 & after
14. .016 2024-T3 D-1575 & after replaced
with index no. 13 & 15
15. .020 2024-T3 D-1575 & after
16. .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after
17. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
18. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
19. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
20. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
2l. .016 CRES D-1 & after
22. .016 CRES D-1 & after
23. .020 2024-T3 D-1 thru D-1885
.032 2024-T3 D-1885 & after
24. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
25. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
26 . .025 2024-T3 D-1 & after

• * .025 2024-T3 D-7310 and After

2-8 Revised October 22, 1965



~L L
12 11 1~

'* Skin Splice Moved Aft to Sta.179 as Shown. Effective D-6747 and After




Figure 2-5. Fuselage and Empennage Skin Plating (Sheet 2 of 2)

Revised October 27. 1961

Legend for Figure 2-6.


1. .032 61S0 D-1 & after

2. .020 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1501
.025 24S-T3 D-1501 to D-3999
.032 24S-T3 D-3999 & after
3. .025 24S.-T3 D-1 to D-1501
.032 2024-T3 D-1501 & after
4. .025 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1501
.032 2024-T3 D-1501 to D-4866
.040 2024-T3 D-4866 & after
5. .032 2024-T3 D-1 & after
6. .016 24 STAL D-1 to D-1245
.020 24 STAL D-1245 & after
7. .016 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1821
.020 2024-T3 D-1821 & after
8. .016 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1693
.020 2024-T3 D-1693 & after
9. .016 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1245
.020 2024-T3 D-1245 & after
10. .032 2024-T3 D-1 & after
11. .025 24S-T3 D-l to D-1501
.032 2024-T3 D-1501 to D-4866
.040 2024-T3 D-4866 & after
12. .025 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1501
.032 2024-T3 D-1501 & after
13. .020 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1501
.025 24S-T3 D-1501 to D-3999
.032 24S-T3 D-3999 & after
14. .016 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1245
.020 2024-T3 D-1245 & after
15. .016 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1693
.020 2024-T3 D-1693 & after
16. .016 24S-T3 D-1 to D-1821
.020 2024-T3 D-1821 & after
17. .016 24 STAL D-1 to D-1245
.020 24 STAL D-1245 & after
18. .025 24S-T3 D-1 & after
19. .025 24S-T3 D-1 & after
20. .016 24S-T3 D-1 & after
21. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
22. .032 2024-T3 D-1 & after
23. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
24. .025 24S-T3 D-1 & after
25. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
26. .016 24S-T3 D-1 & after
27. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
28. .016 24S-T3 D-1 & after
29. .016 24S-T3 D-1 & after
30. .016 2024-T3 D-1 & after
31. .025 24S-T3 D-1 & after
32. .020 2024-T3 D-1 & after
33. .032 2024-T3 D-1 & after

2 12 13

(I I I I I I -:- I LJ L_ I

\Lj===f:=:::::::::::::~- I ' j

9 8 7 6 17 16 15 14

20 ~I 28

- -

1 I
35·12·7 to'
26) (25) (24) (23) (22) ® (E) ® ~ ~ ....
Figure 2-6. Wing Skin Plating
TS1222-3 TSl171-1
TS1222-4 TS1171-2
TS1222-6 TS1176-1
TS1222-8 TS1176-2


or inch hex for NAS 150 bolts used 0-1 thru 0-9414 or ADAPTER
TS1222-8 except 0-9379) TS1176-1
inch hex for MS20010 bolts used interchangeable
with NAS 150 bolts on airplane serials 0-9344 thru TS1222-4 LOWER FORWARD WING BOLT WRENCH (0-1
0-9414 except 0-9379) or thru 0-1500).
inch hex for NAS 152 bolts used interchangeable TS1222-3 LOWER FORWARD WING BOLT WRENCH (0-
with MS20012 and 131790-1 bolts on airplane 1501 thru 0-7309)
serials 0-9379. 0-9415 thru 0-10119 except 0-
or 7310 thru 0-10119 except 0-10097)
or inch hex for MS200 12 and 131790-1 bolts used
TS1222-8 interchangeably with NAS 152 bolts on airplane TS1171-1 LOWER FORWARD WING NUT TORQUE
serials 0-9379. 0-9415 thru 0-10119 except 0- or WRENCH ADAPTER (0-1 thru 0-1500)
10097) TS1176-1
or WRENCH ADAPTER (0-1 thru 0-9414 except 0-
or or WRENCH ADAPTER (0-1501 thru 0-10119 ex-
50-590013 TS1176-2 cept 0-10097)

or WRENCH ADAPTER (0-9379. 0-9415 thru 0- or
TSl176-2 10119 except 0-10097) TS1222-8

or or ADAPTER.
TS1222-8 TS1176-1




Figure 2-7. Special Tools (Sheet 1 of 2)

2-12 815
35-660040/810-5 Elevator
Check Fixture L H
35-660040-1/810-5 Elevator
Check Fixture R H

35-660043-1 & 2/810 Trim Tab Jig

35-590006 Main Wheel Jack Differential Mechanism

Adapter Neutralizer Shaft Assemblies
35-590064 Hoisting Sling
35-000001/932-5_68 Bolt

~,j ~ 35-590076 °0-1 thru 0-5725

°35-590052 Adapter
Used with 35-590076
assemblies when rigging airplanes 0-2681 and after

932-5 35000001 Jack

Differential Mechanism ~
TK 1518 Jack Point Adapter
(0-9379; D-9415 and after)
35-590087 0-2681 and after l/
~ a
35-590087-9 Stop
POINTING HAND Used with 35-590087 assembly when
DENOTES CHANGE ngglng airplanes 0-5725 and after

Tow Handle 36-590015

Tow Handle 35-590002

c:{- ...--!------@
35-590021 Tail Tie-down Assembly

45-590074 Landing ~
Gear Tension Gage Assembly
35-590009 Throttle Retaining Nut Wrench

Figure 2-7. Special Tools (Sheet 2 of 2)


I Propeller pitch control motor (I) MIL-G-23R27 500 Hr
2 Propeller actuator hearings (I) MIL-G-DR27 250 Hr
3 Propeller blade hearings (2) MIL-G-R1322 250 Hr
4 Propeller actuator mechanism (I) MIL-G-81322 250 HI
I Nose shock strut (I) MIL-H-5606 AR
2 Shimmy Dampener (I) MIL-H-5606 AR
3 Nose gear hinge points (2) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr
4 Nose gear linkage (3) MIL-G-81322 100Hl
5 Nose gear to rque knee (6) MIL-G-R1322 JOOHI
6 "A" frame pivot points (2) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr
7 Nose wheel bearings (2) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr
8 Nose gear swivel (2) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr
l) Felt pads (2) SAE No. 10 roo Hr
10 Rod end fitting (I) MIL-G-81322 100 HI.
I Steering mechanism linkage (3) MIL-G-81322 100 HI.
2 Steering mechanism (2) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr
I Control column linkage (18) SAE No. 20 roo Hr
2 Control column head (6) SAE No. 20 100HI
3 Control column aileron link (3) SAE No. 20 100 HI.
I Trim tab control (I) SAE No 20 100 HI.
I Door handle (2) SAE No. 20 100 HI
2 Door handle (l) SAE No 20 100 HI
I Landing gear motor gear box (I ) MIL-G-8I322 300 HI
2 Landing gear actuator gear box (I) Mobil Compound GG* 300 HI.
I Fuel unit linkage (3) SAE No 20 100HI
2 Fuel unit shaft (I) MIL-G-SI322 100 Hr
I Flap motor gear box (I) MIL-G-23827 300 Hr
I Differential control arm (2) SAE No 20 100 HI.
2 Differential control assembly (4) MIL-G-81322 100HI
I Elevator tab reel (I) MIL-G-81322 JOOHI
2 Elevator tab linkage (4) SAE No 20 100HI
I Flap actuator (2) MIL-L-6086 1000 Hr
Grade M
I Aileron control linkage (6) SAE No. 20 100 Hr
I Main shock struts (2) MIL-H-5606 AR
2 Hinge pts. (D-I to D-7 133) & retract links (8) MIL-G·81322 100Ht
3 Landing gear torque knee (12) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr
4 Main wheel bearings (4) MIL-G-813 22 100 HI.
5 Landing gear up-lock roller (2)
Refer to detailed LUBRICATION OF
in this section.
I Landing gear door hinge (10) SAE No. 20 100 HI.
1 Control pedals (8) SAE No. 20 100 HI.


I Cowl flap hinges «()) SAE No 20 100 Hr
I Engine tachometer drive adapter (I) MIL-G-~1322 100 Hr
I Nose wheel door hinges (4) SAE No 20 100 Hr


MIL-G-8U22 grease may be used in the place ofMIL-G-23X27 grease in all normal climates however in
extremely cold climates. MIL-G-23827 grease should be used.
2. Landing gear components may require lubrication 25 or 50 hours. depending on operation
3 Care should be exercised when using grease MIL-G-X 1322 and MIL-G-23827 since they contain a rust
preventive which will discolor pain ted su rfaces •
*00 not overfill When properly filled, the oil level measured on a dip stick inserted through the filler hole
will be approximately 1/4 inch.
**Propeller lubrication is shown for the Model 215 propeller No lubrication between overhauls is
recommended for the Model 278, FI2A or 2A30C23-CB propellers
( ) Indicates number of places to lubricate.




H \,T

1 I ~ 2

':~f--------..--- -:'
"" :._-~/ .-- -

..... // DETAIL Q
R Qp
o --- /


0-1 THROUGH 0-3998


0-1 THROUGH 0-1454 0-2901 THROUGH 0-5330


EFFECTIVE SERIAL D-4866 thru D-5162,

Except D-5058, D-5126 thru D-5156 and D-5159



~ 50 hours *
100 hours
D1000 hours
'* 250 hours 0300 hours ~ 500 hours e As required
Figure 2-8. Lubrication Diagram


1 Cowlflap hinges (6) SAE No. 10W/30 100 Hr. I
1 Engine tachometer drive adapter (1) MIL-G-81322 100 Hr.
1 Nose wheel door hinges (4) SAE No. 10W/30 100 Hr. I
1 Flap flexible drive MIL-G-23827A 900 Hr. I

1. MIL-G-81322 grease may be used in place of MIL-G-23827 grease in all normal climates,
however in extremely cold climates, MIL-G-23827 should be used.
2. Landing gear components may require lubrication 25 or 50 hours, depending on operation.
3. Care should be exercised when using grease MIL-G-81322 and MIL-G-23827 since they
contain a rust preventive which will discolor painted surfaces.
4. MIL-G-81322 grease is NOTcompatible with Aeroshell #5 grease. DO NOT MIX. I

* Do not overfill. When properly filled, the oil level measured on a dip stick inserted through the
filler hole will be approximately 1/4 inch.
** Propeller lubrication is shown for the Model 215 propeller. No lUbrication between overhauls is
recommended for the Model 278, F12Aor 2A36C23-CB propellers. () Indicates number of
places to lubricate.


2-16 B19

JACKING. remove the cabin door, the left front window and the
front seat. Attach a sling to the front wing spar in
the fuselage, and a third line to the hoist fitting on
IWARNING_ the engine.

The main landing gear on serial D-5791 and

after and the nose landing gear on serial
D-6562 and after, no longer incorporates a A spreader must be used above the cabin to
rebound control assembly. On this type gear, prevent damaging the door moulding and
do not attempt to remove the torque knees, window frame.
the torque knee pins or the bolt connecting
the torque knees, when the airplane has been LEVELING.
placed on jacks, without first deflating the
shock absorber assembly. The torque knees On airplanes prior to D-3401 longitudinal leveling
pr-ovide the extension stop for the lower holes are located in each side of the baggage door
shock absorber cylinder assembly. When frame. Insert a suitable straight edge in the holes in
they are disconnected the cylinder is free the baggage door and lay a spirit level on it. Adjust
to slide out of the upper barrel assembly. by raising or lowering the tail so the airplane is level
longitudinally. Anchor the tail to a stationary object
One jack point is located on the under side of each to keep it in this position. Serials D-3401 and after
forward fuselage wing attaching fitting and a third have two external screws in the bulkhead aft of the
point, for use with a special jack, is located in the baggage compartment on the left side for longitudinal
middle of the fuselage at the rear wing spar. This leveling. Longitudinal leveling is accomplished by
third point is a threaded socket. To use, install an attaching a plumb bob and a piece of string to the
eyebolt with at least 10 threads screwed into the upper screw. The airplane is level when the string
socket. A special jack (figure 2-7) must then be used passes through the center of the lower screw. For
which will fit the two front jack points and attach to lateral leveling, remove the front seat and lay the
the eyebolt at the third point. The rear jack point pin level along the top of the front wing spar fuselage
should be safetied in place. If the jack is fitted with carry through structure. Adjust the height of the
casters, the airplane may be rolled in the hangar or jacks so the airplane is level laterally.
on other paved surfaces as desired. When using only
the two front jack points, secure the tail skid to a TOWING
stationary object and place 100 pounds of sand bags
on the fuselage between the stabilizers.


A wheel jack adapter is included with each aircraft On fuel injection aircraft if the engine is

prior to aircraft serial D-9222. The adapter is warm, and it is necessary to move the pro-
available as optional equipment, serials D-9222 and peller to attach the tow bar, stand clear of
after. Before raising the airplane, be sure the shock the area of rotation and move the propeller
strut is properly inflated to the correct height. If the against the normal direction of rotation.
strut is not inflated to the recommended height it will Make certain the magneto switch is off. While
be impossible to insert the jack adapter into the main the engine is warm, residual fuel in the in-
wheel axle. A scissor type jack is recommended for take ports and injectors may ignite and cause
individual wheel jacking. When lowering the airplane the engine to kick.
caution should be exercised so the shock strut will
not become compressed and force the landing gear The two lugs on the nose gear lower torque knee are
doo r against the jack adapter. used with the hand tow bar, furnished with each air-
@~U!~§~\ plane, and carried in the baggage compartment. One
man can move the Bonanza easily on a smooth and
Do not walk on the wing walk while the air- level surface with the tow bar.
plane is on the main wheel jack.


An improved hoisting sling assembly has been de- After moving the airplane, always remove the
signed which permits hoisting without removal of the tow bar and replace it in the baggage compart-
left Window, cabin door or engine cowling. The 35- ment. Never turn the engine over with the tow
590064-1 sling assembly uses hoist fittings which bar attached to the fork, as the propeller will
attach to the upper forward wing mounting bolts and a not clear the tow bar.
strap assembly installed around the propeller blade
shanks. On airplanes prior to D-1501 the wing In a hangar and where movement is restricted, two
mounting bolts must be reversed in order to accom- men may pivot the airplane on the main wheels; one
modate the new hoist fitting. If the airplane must be man should push on the leading edge of a wing tip
hoisted and the 35-590064-1 sling is not available, while the other workman lifts the nose wheel from

Issued: June, 1971 2-17


the ground by applying his weight on the fuselage just

forward of the stabilizers. Points where pushing is
permitted are the leading edge of the wing, wing tip,
and the fuselage forward of the stabilizer leading Airplanes before Serial D-551 have a one-
edge. way check valve installed in the bottom of
the oil tank. If this check valve has not
been modified and the propeller is turned
backwards, pressure may be built up
in the line causing the hose connections
to blow off. On these airplanes, always
Do not push on the propeller or the con- check the oil line hose connections if
trol surfaces. the engine kicks backwards or is turned
opposite to the normal direction of rota-
To tow the airplane with a tractor or tug, attach the
tow bar to the tow lugs on the nose gear lower
torque knee. Always observe the turn limits of the STARTING THE TSIO-520-D TURBOCHARGED
nose gear when making turns. Turns greater than ENGINE:
these limits can cause extensive damage to the nose
gear. Also, exe rcrse care when removing the tow
bar from the nose gear lower torque knee to pre- Normal Start: position the throttle half open, turn
vent damage to the lubr icat ion fittings on the land- auxiliary fuel pump switch to "High Boost". When
ing gear. the fuel flow reaches 8 gph, turn the auxiliary fuel
pump switch to "OFF". Reduce throttle to idle posi-
tion and then engage starter, opening the throttle
~OTE approximately 3 to 4 turns.

Do not attempt to tow the airplane backward Hot Start: place the auxiliary fuel pump switch
by the fitting III the tail skid. This tail skid momentarily to "High Boost" immediately before
was designed onlv to protect the tail in a tail- engaging starter; after engine starts turn auxiliary
low landmc and tel provide attachment for the fuel pump switch to "Low Boost" as needed to purge
tail tie-dov. r, vapor from the system during ground operation.


Generator Switch.. .. On
I Alternator (on aft er engine starts)
Battery swncn .
On Do not over-prime engine. In event of
Ignition . . Both flooding, place mixture in Idle-Cut-Off
Radio Switch Off and operate the starter until excess fuel
Cowl Flaps. . Open is removed, then repeat hot engine
Mixture. Full Rich starting procedure.
Propeller fIT RPM
Parking Brake. On
Throttle. 1/4 inch from closed
If the auxiliary pump switch is left in the "High
On Bonanzas D-l through D- 5330 operate the hand Boost" position with the engine-driven pump operat-
fuel pump to mamtam 9 to 10 psi before engaging the ing, an over-rich mixture and slight power loss may
starter. Airplanes D-5331 through D-6841 are equip- occur.
ped with an electric boost pump which should be op-
perated until the pressure reaches 2 to 2-1/2 psi
before the starter 1S engaged. On airplanes D-6842
and after the electric boost pump should be operated When switching fuel tanks, if one tank is allowed to
until the fuel flow reaches 8 gph before engaging the run completely dry it may be necessary to turn the
starter. The throttle should not be pumped in an auxiliary fuel pump to "Low Boost" position and
effort to prime the engine. As soon as the engine is place the mixture control to Full Rich to aid in re-
started, check the oil pressure gauge for an indic- starting the engine. Close the throttle as necessary
ated pressure. If the gauge does not indicate pres- to prevent engine overspeed on restarting. As soon
sure within one-half minute, stop the engine and as the engine starts, turn the auxiliary pump switch
determine the trouble. to the "OFF" position.

2-18 Revised February 11, 1966


On Serials D-3999 through D-4865 a parking brake

control knob replaces the control handle; airplanes
D-4866 and after have a flush mounting control in the
When the oil temperature is in the low right subpanel.
operating range apply full throttle slowly
to avoid a supercharger overboost condition
which may exceed the manifold pressure CONTROL LOCK.
limitation of 32. 5 inches Hg.
A control lock is provided for the control column and
the aileron control wheel. The lock secures the aile-
TAXIING· ron control wheel in neutral and the control column
in 5: down elevator position. The lock holds the
throttle closed, covers the ignition switch and pre-
The airplane should be taxied with the wing flaps up, vents accidental starting of the engine or attempted
and the engine cowl flaps open. On airplanes prior to take-off.
D-1501, the brakes may be used in turning, and on
any firm surface, the airplane can be turned in the
radius of its wing span. On Serials D-1501 and after, NOTE
turning may be accomplished by use of the nose wheel
steering mechanism, which permits the inside wheel There are three different control locks used
to describe a circle with a minimum diameter of 2 on the Model 35 aircraft. Aircraft prior to
feet. D-5055 will use the 35-524190 Lock Assem-
bly; Aircraft D-5055 thru D-5131 use 35-
524638 Lock Assembly; Aircraft D-5132 and
STOPPING ENGINE. after will use the 35-590081 Lock Assembly.

MOORING (Extended Storage and High Wind)

Propeller . HI RPM
Throttle. 500-700 RPM When mooring the Bonanza, the following method is
Mixture Control . Idle Cut-Off recommended: Place chocks fore and aft of each
Smoothly advance throttle to full open main wheel. POSition a tail stand under the tail skid,
position as rpm drops. Turn off all the adjusting the height of the stand to slightly compress
switches after the propeller stops ro- the nose gear shock strut. Run a line through each
tating. wing mooring lug, fastening each end to a ground
Cowl Flaps. Open point, one forward and one aft of the wing. Run a
Parking Brake . On line through the hole in the tail skid and anchor at the
sides of the airplane approximately 5 feet from the
base of the stand. If a storm is anticipated, two
NOTE lines may be secured to each main landing gear strut
near the V-brace and also a line may be attached
around the nose gear strut near the lower torque
The top of the cabin door should not be knee. It is recommended that the airplane be tied
used as a handhold while entering or down headed into the wind, with the control lock in-
leaving the cabin. Always open the storm stalled.
window to relieve internal pressure when
slamming the door. Never leave the cabin NORMAL TIE-DOWN
door open on the ramp as wind gusts may
damage the door. A tie-down lug is located on the lower side of each
wing; the tail lug serves as a third tie-down point.
After bringing the airplane into the desired position
PARKING BRAKE. (preferably facing into the wind) chock the main
wheels, fore and aft and install the control lock.
Then, using a nylon line or chain of sufficient
Airplanes prior to D-3999 have a parking brake strength, secure the airplane at the wing and tail
control handle located under the left side of the lugs. 00 NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
right subpanel. The parking brake control valve is
installed in the system between the pilot's master LUBRIC ATION.
cylinder and the reservoir. To apply the parking
brakes, pull the parking brake handle back and pump The lubrication chart (Figure 2-8) contains informa-
the pilot's toebrakes until the desired pressure is tion that insures the proper operation and preserva-
built up in the hydraulic system. The parking brake tion of the airplane. Location, interval, lubricant
valve will hold this pressure until the parking brakes required, and method of application are given. Bear-
are released. To release the parking brakes, push ings used in pulleys, bellc ranks , hinge points, and
the parking brake handle forward. rod-ends are of the sealed-type and do not require

Revised February 11, 1966 2-19

periodic lubrication. Avoid excessive application of in the engine compartment. The oil tank filler cap is
lubricants. accessible through an access door in the left engine cowl.
The oil tank drain is located in the top of the nose wheel
well on airplanes prior to D-1117. On airplanes D-1117 and
LUBRICATION OF LANDING GEAR UP-LOCK after. the oil tank drain is located at the bottom of the
ROLLERS (0-1 through 0-9286) tank. When draining the oil tank also drain the engine
Lubricate the up-lock roller bearings with SAE 20 oil every
50 hours. Every 100 hours pack the bearings with grease. Bonanzas D-4866 and after are equipped with a wet sump
MIL-G-23827. or at any time bearings are subject to oil system requiring 9 quarts of oil on airplanes D-4866
degreasing. through D·5725 and 10 quarts on airplanes D-5726 thru
0-7309. and 12 quarts on airplanes D-7310 and after. The
Every 100 hours clean the up-lock rollers with solvent and oil filler cap is accessible through an access door on the left
lubricate them as follows engine cowl. To drain the engine sump. remove the right
hand access plate and unscrew the sump drain plug in the
a Place the airplane on jacks. and partially retract the lower right hand side of the engine crankcase. An oil drain
landing gear. trough. furnished with each ail plane. is used to convey the
b Remove the bolt attaching the up-lock roller and oil over the side
the center hinge point of the "V" brace drag leg.
c. Remove the up-lock roller bearing from the bolt Under normal operating conditions. the recommended
d. Hold a finger over one end of the center bearing number of operating hours between oil changes on Bonanza
race of the up-lock roller and place the fitting of the grease serials prior to D-7310 is 25 hours. A 100 hour oil change •
gun against the opposite side of the bearing. then pump interval is recommended for serials D-7310 and after
grease into the bearing inner race. This will force grease into (equipped with full flow oil filters) provided the oil filter
the bearing cavity through the hole in the inner race. element is changed at each oil change.
Completely fill the bearing with MIL-G-23827 grease.
e. Reinstall the bolt attaching the up-lock rollers at
the center hinge point of the "V" brace drag leg. Check the NOTE
up-lock roller for free movement and a maximum clearance
of .010 to .020 inch between the roller and the up-lock On Bonanzas 0-7310 and after, a torque from
block. If this clearance is not correct, the up-lock must be 15 to 18 foot-pounds should be applied to the
adjusted as indicated under RIGGING THE LANDING center of the oil filter when the filter element is
GEAR in Section 3 of this manual. replaced. If no torque wrench is available when
the element is changed, clean and lubricate the
new gasket with engine oil. Then turn the
LUBRICA TlON OF LANDING GEAR UP-LOCK center stud of the filter by hand to a light
ROLLERS (0-9287 and after) gasket contact and tighten an additional 1-3/4
turns with a suitable wrench.
On serials D-9287 and after and prior aircraft having
complied with Service Instruction No. 0448-211, the bolt
attaching the up-lock rollers at the center hinge point of the When operating under adverse weather conditions or
"V" brace drag leg is a grease bolt with a grease fitting. continuous high power settings, the oil should be changed
Using a grease pressure gun filled with grease, more frequently. Before draining the oil, run up the engine
MIL-G-23827, lubricate the up-lock bearing through the until the oil reaches operating temperature to assure
grease fitting. This should be accomplished every 100 complete draining of the oil. Oil grades listed below are
hours, or any time that bearings are subjected to degreasing general recommendation only, and will vary with individual
circumstances. Check oil inlet temperature during flight in
NOTE determining the use of correct grade of oil. Inlet
temperatures consistently near the maximum allowable
The grease fitting on the drag leg, directly indicates a heavier oil is needed. Use a detergent or
above the up-lock roller bearing, does not nondetergent aviation grade oil in the heaviest weight that
su pply lubrication for the up-lock roller will give satisfactory starting. Above 40°F, SAE 50
bearing. viscosity should be used; below 40°F, SAE 30 is
recommended. After the first 25 hours of operation,
SERVICING THE OIL SYSTEM. detergent oil only is recommended in aircraft serials
equipped with the 10-520 series engine. Any detergent
Bonanzas prior to D-4866 are equipped with a dry-sump aviation grade engine oil which meets Continental Motors
type pressure oil system with a 2-1/2 gallon oil tank located Corporation Specification MHS-24A is acceptable for use.



BP Oil Corporation 3/25/70 B/P Aero Oil D65/80

Castrol Limited 1/5/67 Grade 40, Castrolaero AD, Type III

(Australia) Grade 50, Castrolaero AD, Type II

Continental Oil Company 11/15/60 * Conoco Aero S No. 65 (SAE 30)

* Conoco Aero S No. 80 (SAE 40)
* Conoco Aero S SAE IOW30

Delta Petroleum Company 10/21/70 Delto Avoil . Grades 30. 40 & 50

Gulf Oil Corporation 8/7/58 * Gulfpride Aviation Series D

Humble Oil <I.: Refining Company 1/25/63 Esso Aviation & Enco Aviation
In Grades E65. E80. E I00. E 120
10/7/68 Grade AIOO

Kendall Rctirung Company 9/20/60 * Kendall Aviation Oil Type D

Pennz orl Comp.my 11/10/67 Pennzoil Aircraft Engine Oil. Heavy Duty
Dispersant. Grades 30, 40, 50

Phillip, Pcu olcum Company 4/1~/58 Phillips 66 Aviation Oil Type A

(Replaced HD Aviation Oil)

QUJkCI StJIe' Oil <I.: Refining Corporation 8/14/70 Quaker State AD Aviation Engine Oil
Grades ?OW/30, 40 & 50

Shdl Oil ( llll1t1Jn~ ~/15/58 Aeroshell Oil W

12/20/63 Aeroshell Oil W (in 4 grades)
Grade 120 (Nominal SAE 60)-
Military Grade 1120
Grade 100 (Nominal SAE 50) .
Military Grade 1100
Grade 80 (Nominal SAE 40)·
Military Grade 1080
Grade 65 (Nominal SAE 20 or 30)·
Military Grade 1065

SindJII RC:llillll;: ( ompany 11/20/67 Sinclair Avoil 20W-40

11/21/60 * Aero Red Band HD (SAE 50)

* Aero Gray Band HD (SAE 40)
* Aero White Band HD (SAE 30)
2/9/65 Mobil (Aero Oil 65) Ashless
Mobil (Aero Oil 80) Dispersant
Mobil (Aero Oil 100) Aviation
Mobil (Aero Oil 120) Engine Oil

Standard Oil lIt Culifornia 8/12/58 * RPM Aviation Oil (Compounded)

Texaco. In" 3/20/62 * Texaco Aircraft Engine Oil D 10'0

* Texaco Aircraft Engine Oil D80
9/"24/64 Texaco Aircraft Engine Oil - Premium
AD Grades 65. 80.100

Union Oil Company of California 11/9/70 Union Engine Oil HD Grades 80 & 100

The oil designated with an * are ash residue type oils. The balance of the oils are ashless.



CAUTION Care should be exercised while
filling the fuel tank to prevent
Any time the fuel system is scratching, denting, or otherwise
dra i ned or a fuel ce 11 is empty damagi ng the surface or 1eadi ng
for any reason, air may enter the edge of the wing.
system. If the possibility that
air has entered the system does SERVICING WING TIP TANKS
exist, start and operate the
engine for several minutes on each When Brittain wing tip tanks are installed
tank until proper engine opera- on the Bonanza, the fuel capacity is
t ion is assured. Refer to the tncreased by 40 gallons. Each tank holds
applicable Pilot's Operating 20 gallons. Filler caps are on the upper
Handbook and Airplane Flight Man- outboard sides of the tanks and are
ual before starting and operating accessible through small doors secured by
the engine. Ozus fasteners. Filler drains are provided
for tank overflow as in the main tanks.
Fuel drains are located in the bottom of
On Bonanzas pri or to 0-5726, a bladder the tanks for draining or flushing. Care
type, rubber fuel cell is installed in of the wing tip tanks is similar to that
each wing leading edge and is accessible of the other fuel tanks in the airplane,
for filling by lifting a Ozus Jastened except these do not have rubber cells as
door and removing the pressure type cap. do the main tanks. Static grounding lines
A filler neck drain is provided for fuel should be used during refueling.
tank overflow, but care should be exer-
ci sed to prevent overfi 11 i ng. Pri or to Make periodic checks for leaks and proper
0-6997, a grounding jack is provided above attachment. At each 100 hour inspection,
the leading edge of the wing in the fuse- check the plumbing for security and leaks
lage to eliminate static electricity arc- through the inspection pane 1sal ong the
ing during the filling operation. The wing bottom of the wings. Wiring for the fuel
tank drain is located on the underside of quantity transmitters and the navigation
the wing and is accessible through a small lights follow the same approximate route
opening in the wing skin. A small amount through the lightening holes, and may be
of fuel should be drained from the tanks checked at the same time.
periodically to prevent accumulation of
water. The fuel strainer enclosed in the SERVICING SHOCK STRUTS
bottom portion of the fuel selector valve
should be removed and cleaned at least The shock struts are filled with
every 100 hours. Two 10-gallon auxiliary MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid and compressed.
wing fuel tanks are optional equipment on dry air or ni trogen. The same procedure
airplanes 0-4000 thru 0-6561. The auxil- is used for servicing both the main and
iary fuel tank filler necks are outboard nose gear shock struts. To service a
and aft of the main tank filler necks. strut, proceed as follows:
On Bonanzas 0-5726 and after, two a. Remove the air valve cap and
25-gallon standard fuel tanks in the wing depress the valve core to release the air
leading edge replace the previous pressure.
20-gallon standard tanks. On airplanes
0-6562 thru 0-7309, two optional 39-gallon WARNING
wing leading edge tanks can be installed
in place of the two standard 25-ga 11 on Do not unscrew the air valve
tanks. Optional leading edge tanks on assembly until all air pressure
serials 0-7310 and after have a capacity has been released or it may be
of 40-gallons. The two 10-gallon auxiliary blown off with considerable
tanks are not offered after 0-6561. force, caus i ng i nj ury to person-
nel or property damage.

2-20B B17



0-1 thru 0-3998 Wing, 2 Std. 20 gal. ea. 17 gal. ea. 36 1b.
Fuselage, 1 Opt. 20 gal. ea. 6 1b. I
0-3999 thru 0-4865 Wing, 2 Std. 20 gal. ea. 17 ga l. ea. 36 1b.
Wing, 2 Opt. 10 gal. ea. 5 1b.
Fuselage, 1 Opt. 20 gal. ea. 6 lb.
0-4866 thru 0-5725 Wing, 2 Std. 20 gal. ea. 17 gal. ea. 36 1b
Wing, 2 Opt. 10 gal. ea. 5 1b.
0-5726 thru 0-6561 Wing, 2 Std. 25 gal. ea. 22 gal. ea. 36 lb.
Wing, 2 Opt. 10 gal. ea. 5 lb.
0-6562 thru 0-10302 Wing, 2 Std. 25 gal. ea. 22 gal. ea. 36 1b.
Wi ng, 2 Opt. .40 gal. ea. 36 lb.
0-10303 and after Wing, 2 Std. 40 gal. ea. 37 gal. ea. 36 lb.
b. With the weight of the airplane CAUTION
on the gear, loosen the filler plug slowly
to assure that all air has escaped, then If a compressed air bottle con-
remove the filler plug. taining air under extremely high
pressure is used. care should be
c. With the shock strut fully taken not to overinflate the
deflated, raise the strut barrel so that strut.
it is 1/4 inch (nose gear strut) or 1 to
2 inches (main gear strut) from the fully f. Rock the airplane gently to pre-
compressed position. vent sticking or binding the strut.
d. Fill the strut to the level of the g. Remove all forei gn materi a 1 from
filler plug with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic the exposed piston of the shock strut with
fluid. Lower the strut barrel and, with a cloth moistened with hydraulic fluid.
the strut in the fully compressed posi-
tion, allow the excess fluid to drain out. SERVICING THE SHIMMY DAMPENER

e. Clean and install the filler plug To check the fluid level in the shimmy
and inflate the strut. On airplanes 0-1 dampener, insert a wire of approximately
thru 0-1500, the nose gear shock strut 1/16-inch diameter through the hole in the
should be inflated until 2-1/2 inches of di sc at the end of the pi stan rod until
piston is exposed; on airplanes 0-1501 it touches the bottom of the hole in the
thru 0-6561 there should be 3-1/16 inches floating piston. Mark the wire, remove and
of piston exposed; on airplanes 0-6562 and measure the depth of insertion. Inserting
after, the amount of exposed pi ston is the wire in the hole of the floating pis-
3-1/2 inches. The main gear shock strut ton, rather than letting it rest against
should be inflated until 2-5/8 inches of the face of the piston, will give a more
piston is exposed on airplanes 0-1 through accurate check.
0-1500. On a i rp 1anes 0-1501 through
0-2680, there should be 3-9/32 inches of NOTE
exposed pi ston, and on ai rp 1anes 0-2681
and after, the shock struts should be To determine if the wire is
inflated until 3 inches of the pistons are inserted in the hole of the
exposed. floating piston, insert the wire
several times, noting each
insertion depth. When the wire
is correctly inserted, the length
B17 2-20C

will be approximately 1/4inch k. Release the 6-32 rod and remove

greater. it from the floating piston.
When the shimmy dampener is full. the SERVICING THE BRAKE SYSTEM
insertion dept~ is 2-3/16 inches. The
empty reading is 3-1/16 inches. To add The Model 35 hydraulic brakes are self-
MIL-H-5606 hYdraulic fluid, remove the compen sat i n9 and requi re no adj ustment.
shimmy dampener ana proceed as follows: Linings should be checked for small nicks
or sharp edges which could damage the
a. Secure the shi mmy dampener ina brake discs. Worn, dished or distorted
fixed position with the clevis end down. brake discs should be replaced. The brake
fluid is supplied to the brake system from
b. Remove the cotter pin, wa sher, and the reservoir tank located in the engine
spring, from the piston rod. Remove with accessory section and is accessible by
care as the spring is compressed. raising the right side of the engine cowl.
The reservoir should be filled to within
c. Remove the i nterna 1 snap ri ng, 1-1/2 inches of the top and a visible
scraper rinc ane the end seal from the aft fluid level should be maintained at all
end of the" Darrei (oposite the clevis times. Use only MIL~H-5606 hydraulic fluid
end) . in the brake system. Ensure that no dirt
or foreign matter is allowed to get into
d. l nse r t a 6-32 threaded rod into the system. See Section 3 for bleeding the
the floatins p's:cn and remove the piston. brake system.
e. Pusn ~he piston rod to the end of SERVICING TIRES
its trave: to~ara the clevis end and fill
the barrel w'~~ ~IL-H-5606 hydraulic flu- The nose wheel tire is a 5.00 x 54-ply
id. tire. The ma in whee1 tire s are 6. 50 x 8
4-ply prior to serials 0-7725 and 7.00 x
f. Slowly actuate the piston rod, 6 6-ply tires on airplane serials D-7725
allowing the fluid to flow into the clevis and after.
end chamber, then return the piston to the
clevis end of the barrel. CAUTION
g. Refil1 the displaced fluid and Ti res that have pi cked up a fuel
rep 1ace the end seal, scraper ri ng and or oi 1 fi 1m must be washed down
internal snar r'ns. as soon as possible with a deter-
gent so1ut i on to prevent contam-
h. Insert the 6-32 threaded rod ination of the rubber.
through the clewis end of the piston rod
and engage the iower floating piston. Pull Maintaining proper tire inflation will
the floating piston to the end of its he1p to avoi d damage from 1andi ng shock
trave 1 toward the c 1evi s end and secure and will minimize tread wear and aid in
in that position. prevent i ng tire rupture caused from run-
ni ng over sharp stones and ruts. When
i. Fill the piston rod with fluid. inflating the tires, inspect for cuts,
cracks, breaks, and tread wear. The
j. Reinstall the floating piston, pressure of a serviceable tire that is
spring, washer and cotter pin. Spread the fully inflated should not drop more than
cotter pin tc allow clearance for the 4 percent over a 24-hour period.
measuring wire.

2-20D B17

Tire Pressure attack of the wings. Attach a line to the

nose gear.
Serials Nose Gear Main Gear
0-1 thru Engines in airplanes that are flown only
0-1500 28 *28 occasionally tend to exhibit cylinder wall
corrosion much more than engines that are
0-1501 thru flown frequently.
0-5985 30 *30
1. Check for correct oi 1 1eve 1
0-5986 thru and add oil if necessary to bring the oil
0-7976 40 *30 level to the full mark.
0-7977 and 2. Run the engi ne at 1east fi ve
after 40 33 to 40 minutes at 1200 to 1500 rpm with oil and
cylinder head temperatures in the normal
operating range.
"'Airplane serials prior to 0-7977 using
Cleveland wheel and brakes, inflate to 33 c. DURING FLYABLE STORAGE Each
to 40. seven days duri ng flyable storage, the
propeller shall be rotated by hand. After
NOTE rotating the engine six revolutions, stop
the propeller 60° or 1200 from the posi-
Beech Aircraft Corporation cannot tion i t was in.
recommend the use of recapped
tires. Recapped tires have a WARNING
tendency to swell as a result of
the increased temperature gener- Before rotation of prope 11 er
ated during takeoff. Increased blades, ascertain magneto switch
tire size can jeopardize proper is OFF, throttle is inCLOSED
function of the landing gear position and mixture control is
retract system, with the pos s f - in the IDLE CUT-OFF position.
bi 1 i ty of damage to the 1andi ng Always stand in the clear while
gear doors and retract mechanism. turning the propeller.
STORAGE 1. Arrangements should be made
to have the airplane flown at least 30
The storage procedures listed are intended mi nutes each week in order to keep the
to protect the airplane from deterioration internal parts of the engine lubricated.
whil e it is not in use. The primary Ground runni ng of the engi ne wi11 not
objectives if these measures are to pre- provide proper heating of the oil without
vent corros i on and damage from exposure possible damage to other engine compart-
to the elements. Three types of storage ment components due to lack of air flow,
are considered. and will result in condensation of
moisture in the oil supply, increasing the
a. FLYABLE STORAGE - 7 to 30 days. possibility of cylinder/crankshaft rust.
b. TEMPORARY STORAGE - up to 90 days. d. FUEL CELLS - Fill to capacity to
minimize fuel vapor and protect the cell
c. INDEFINITE STORAGE. inner liners.
with internal and external locks.
a. MOORING - If the airplane cannot
be placed in a hangar, tie down securely f. GROUNDING Static ground the
at the three points provided. Do not use airplane securely and effectively.
hemp or manila rope. It is recommended
that a ta i 1 support be used to compress g. PITOT TUBE - Install cover.
the nose strut and reduce the angle of

B17 2-20E

h. WINDSHIELD AND WINDOWS - Close all c. FUEL CELLS - Fi 11 to capaci ty to

wi ndows and window vents. It is recom- minimize fuel vapor and protect cell inner
mended that covers be installed over liners.
windshield and windows.
i. PREPARATION FOR SERVICE - Remove with internal and external locks.
all covers and tape, clean the airplane
and give it a thorough inspection, par- e. GROUNDING Static ground the
ticularly wheel wells, flaps, and control airplane securely and effectively.
f. PITOT TUBE - Install cover.
1. If the engine has a total time
of more than 25 hours and the oi 1 con- g. WINDSHIELD AND WINDOWS - Close all
sumption has stabilized, drain the wi ndows and wi ndow vents. It is recom-
MI L-C-6529 oil (MI L-C-6529 is the recom- mended that covers be installed over the
mended oi 1 for the fi rst 25 hours of windshield and windows.
flight) after a ground warm-up, and
install oil per Teledyne Continental h. BATTERY Remove and store
Motors MHS-24A Specification before according to standard practices.
TEMPORARY STORAGE - 30 TO 90 DAYS a11 covers, tape, and tag s . Clean the
airplane and give it a thorough
a. MOORING - See flyable storage. inspection, particularly wheel wells,
flaps, and control openings. With the
b. ENGINE PREPARATION FOR STORAGE - bottom spark plugs removed, hand turn the
Operate the engine (Preferably in flight) propeller several revolutions to clear
unt i1 oil temperature reaches norma 1 excess preservative oil, then reinstall
range. Drain the oil sypply from the sump the plugs. Preflight the airplane and
while the engine is still warm and replace fl i ght test.
the drain plug. .
1. Fill the sump to the full mark
on the dipstick gage with lubricating oil a. MOORING - See FLYABLE STORAGE.
meeting the requirements of MIL-C-6529,
Type II, which will mix with normal oil b. ENGINE PREPARATION FOR INDEFINITE
and provide protection" against corrosion. STORAGE - Drain the engine oil and service
with lubricating oil, MIL-C-6529, Type II.
2. Remove the top spark plug and
atomi ze spray preservat i ve oil , 1. Immediately after servlclng
(MIL-L-46002, Grade 1) at room temper- with the corrosion preventive mixture, fly
ature, through the upper spark plug hole the airplane for a period of time not to
of each cy1 i nder wi th the pi ston in the exceed a maximum of 30 minutes.
down position. Rotate the crankshaft as
each pair of cy1 i nders is sprayed. Stop 2. It is recommended that the
the crankshaft with no piston at the top propeller be removed and the engine
position, and thoroughly respray each removed from the airplane. The propeller
cylinder. Reinstall the spark plugs. shaft should be coated with preservative
oil and wrapped with moisture proof mate-
3. Apply preservative to engine rial and tape.
interior by spraying the above specified
oil (approximately two ounces)through the NOTE
oil filler tube. Seal all engine openings
exposed to the atmosphere using suitable If the engine is removed from the
plugs, or moisture resistant tape, and airplane, a tail mooring stand
attach red streamers at each point. Affix must be used.
a tag to the propeller in a conspicuous
place with the following notation: DO NOT 3. Remove the top spark plug from
TURN PROPELLER, ENGINE PRESERVED. Seal the each cylinder and spray thoroughly with
propeller blade spinner cutouts with tape.
2-20F B17

corrosion preventive mixture (MIL-C-6529, and inject oil until a small amount has
Type II) at a temperature range of 2210 escaped from the discharge nozzle at the
to 250°F. top of the throttle barrel.
4. Install protex plugs in each CAUTION
of the top spark plug holes, making sure
that each plug is blue in co lor when Do not use an oil containing a
installed. Protect and support the spark detergent additive for flushing.
plug leads with AN4060-1 protectors.
The flushing oil may be either drained
5. Place a bag of desiccant in from the carburetor by removing the drain
the exhaust pipes and seal the openings plug in the bottom of the regulator. or
with moisture resistant tape. if the oil is new and unused, left in the
carburetor for the period of storage.
6. Seal the cold air inlet to the
heater muff with moisture resistant tape. CAUTION
7. Sea 1 the engi ne breather by In the event the flushing oil
inserting a protex plug in the breather contains 2 percent by volume, or
hose and clamping it in place. more of gasoline, it will deteri-
orate all systhet i c rubber parts
8. Wrap the engine with moisture and cause a gummy deposit on the
proof materi a 1 and tape after the internal metal parts, necessitat-
desiccant bags have been installed. ing a carburetor overhaul.
9. Attach a red streamer to each Install pipe plugs in the fuel inlet port
place on the engine where bags of and in the gage connection and drain holes
desiccant are placed. Either attach red if removed for drainage.
streamers outside of the sealed area with
tape, or to the inside of the sealed area Place the carburetor in a container which
with saafety wi re to prevent wi ck i ng of can be sea 1ed tight and is dust proof.
moisture into the sealed area. A1 so place a 1/2 1b. bag of s il i ca ge 1
crysta 1sin the storage container so it
10. If the propeller has not been can not touch the carburetor.
removed, affix a tag in a conspicuous
place with the following notation: DO NOT After seal i ng the fi rst container, wrap
TURN PROPELLER - ENGINE PRESERVED. it in moisture-proof paper.
AGE cylinder protex plugs shall be inspected
weekly. The plugs should be changed as
Drain all fuel from the carburetor after soon as their color indicates unsafe con-
removing the strainer, the fuel pressure ditions of storage. If the dehydrator
gage fitting and the drain plug. Replace plugs have changed in one-half or more of
the strainer and tighten its plug. Install the cylinders, all desiccant material on
plugs in the three open pipe-tapped holes. the engine should be replaced.
Remove the pipe plug from the regulator 1. The cy l i nder bores shoul d be
spacer to drain moi sture frcm the air resprayed with corros i on preventive mi x-
section and replace the plug immediately. ture every six months, or more frequently
Fl ushi ng oil to be introduced 1ater must if bore inspection indicates corrosion has
not enter the air section. started. Replace all desiccant ~nd protex
plugs. Before spraying, the engine shall
Place the mixture control lever in the be inspected for corrosion as follows:
"RICH" position and the throttle in the
"OPEN" position. Inspect the interior of at least one cyl-
inder on the engine through a spark plug
Connect the fuel in 1et port to a source ho1e. If the cyl i nder shows rust, spray
of clean, light-weight lubricating oil the cylinder with corrosion preventive oil
(SAE 10 or lighter) at a pressure of 5 psi and turn the prop over five or six times,
B17 2-20G

then respray. Remove the rocker box cover o. INSTRUMENT PANEL - Cover with
from the engine and inspect the valve barrier material and secure with tape.
p. SEATS - Install protective cov-
e. PROPELLER - Coat the blades with ers.
preservative oil and wrap with moisture-
proof material and tape. If the propeller q. LANDING LIGHTS - Cover with bar-
has been removed, coat all parts with rier material and secure with tape.
protect i ve materi a 1 to exc 1ude dust, and
then retape. r . STALL WARNING UNIT - Remove and
store according to standard practices.
f. FUEL CELLS - Drain fuel cells. Tape connections.
1. Fl ush, spray, or rub a thi n s. LOOSE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT - Remove
coating of light engine oil on the inner and store in a dry temperate room.
liners of all fuel cells which have con-
tained gasoline. t. AIRFRAME - Cover static ports and
all openings with barrier material and
2. After 24 hours, remove the secure with tape to exclude rain, sun, and
fuel cells and store according to standard foreign matter.
pract ices. Do not remove or handl e the
fuel cells until 24 hours after oil has PREPARATION FOR SERViCE
been applied.
a. Remove all covers, tape, and tags
g. FLIGHT CONTROL SURFACES - Lubri- from the airplane.
cate all flight control surface hinge
pins, bearings, bell cranks, chains, con- b. Remove all cylinder plugs and all
trol rods and quadrants and coat lightly paper. tape, and dehydrating agent used
with corrosion preventive compound. to preserve the engine.
1. Lock with internal and c. Drain carras i on preventive mi x-
external locks. ture and reservi ce wi th recommended
1 ubri cati ng oil.
h. GROUNDING Static ground the
airplane securely and effectively. d. Rotate the propeller to clear
excess preservat i ve oil from the cyl i n-
i. PITOT TUBE - Apply a thin coating ders.
of grease, Specification MIL-G-10924, and
install the cover. e. Install the spark plugs, battery,
and rotate the propeller by hand through
j. WINDSHIELD AND WINDOWS - Close all all compressions of the engine to check
windows and window vents and installl for liquid lock. Reinstall the cowling and
covers over the windshield and windows. start the engine in the normal manner.
k. LANDING GEAR - Coat the extended f. Gi ve the a i rp 1ane a thorough
port i on of the shock struts with 1 i ght cleaning, visual inspection and test fly
weight oil. the airplane.
1. TIRES - Install covers. Check air SERVICING THE BATTERY
pressure periodically and inflate as nec-
essary. CAUTION
m. WING FLAP TRACKS AND ROLLERS - Check to confi rm 14 or 28 volt
Coat with corrosion preventive compound. system.
Place flaps in retracted position.
n. BATTERY Remove and store (D-1 THRU D-10119 EXCEPT D-10097)
according to standard practices.
A 12-volt, 35 ampere-hour BEECHCRAFT
Reading or Gill battery, or a 25 ampere-
2-20H B17

hour Willard battery, is provided to On airplanes 0-1117 through

operate the electrical system. 0-1910, original installations
were built to accomodate only the
NOTE Willard battery.
On airplane serials 0-1 through On Bonanza serials 0-1911 and
O-1l16. the R33 Reading battery after. and airplane serials
and the AW-12-25 battery are 0-1l17 through 0-1910 that have
i nterchangeab 1e provi ded the incorporated Ki t 35-562, the
proper battery spacer blocks are BEECHCRAFT 36-380025 battery
used. (Gill PIN 6-GCAB-11) may be used.

817 2-201
On airplanes prior to 0-1117 and airplanes 0-6562 and after. NOTE
the battery is located on the right side of the engine compart-
ment attached to the firewall. The battery is accessible for Do not fill the battery over 3/8 inch above the
servicing by raising the right engine cowl and removing the seperators. Only lead-acid equipment should be
battery box cover. On airplanes 0-1117 through 0-6561 the used when servicing lead-acid type batteries. Do
battery is located behind the engine firewall on the right side. not use tools that are used on nickle-cadrniurn
Access may be obtained by raising the right engine cowl and
unfastening the Dzus fasteners and opening the battery ac-
cess door. Always loosen the clamp on the battery vent
before opening door and be sure that vent is not kinked when
closing door. The battery should be maintained in a charged NOTE
condition at all times and water level should be checked at
regular intervals A fully charged battery will not freeze and Do not overfill the battery When the battery
a clean battery reduces the hazards. Never add anything but cells are overfilled. water and acid will spill on
distilled water to the battery. the lower portions of the engine accessory sec-
tion and lower fuselage Neutralize the acid in
The water level in the Reading R-33 battery should be main- any such spillage immediately with a water solu-
tained bet .... een the top and 1/4 inch above the separators. tion of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
Never fill above the baffle. The water level in the BEECH-
CRAFT 3b-3~00:!5 battery and in the GiIl6-GCAB-II battery
should be maintained at 1/2 inch above the separators. Never SA TTERY CHARGING
fill above thl~ level Add distilled water to the Willard AW-
12-25 banery as required During filling. firmly depress the The battery should be charged at a rate that w ill not produce
circle marked above each cell on the vent manifold. Fill each gassing or bubbling of the electroly te Monitor battery tem-
cell to the top of filler well opening, then release finger perature during the charging cycle to ensure that cell temper-
pressure on vent manifold circle. Liquid will drop to the ature does not exceed 115°F. If the temperature reaches this
correct level above plates. limit. the rate of charge should be reduced. The manufac-
turer recommends charging the battery at a rate of 2 amperes
until four consecutive hourly readings show no rise in spe-
cific gravity and voltage for each cell Refer to the Service
Manual <PIN GSM-1277) for additional information on the
NOTE charging procedure recommended by the battery manu-
facturer (Teledyne Battery Products>.
Do not overfill When the battery cells are over-
filled water and acid will spill on the lower skins
of the Iuvelage ,

A systematic battery maintenance program should be estab-

lished and carefully followed
28 VOLT SYSTEM (24 Volt Battery)
(D-10097 0-10120 and after) a The battery should be removed from the airplane
for service.
On sertal-, D 1O()4~. 0-10120 and after. a 24 volt: 110 ampere b A log of the services performed on the battery
hour Teledvne battery is provided to operate the electrical should be maintained
system The b"ller~ is located on the right side of the engine c. The battery should be removed from the airplane
compartment JU<,I forward of the firewall. The battery is and serviced after 100 flight hours or 30 days, whichever
accessible for serv icing by raising the right engine cowl door occurs first. If the ambient temperatures are above 90°F or
and rernovmg the battery box cover the time between engine starts averages less than 30 min-
utes, the time between servicing should be reduced. During
The battery should be maintained in a fully charged state at periods when the ambient temperature is below 32°F, the
all times and the electrolyte level checked at regular inter- battery should be in a fully charged state to prevent freezing.
vals. Never add anything but distilled water when adjusting When water is added, the battery should be charged suffi-
the electrolyte level in the battery. If electrolyte is added ciently to thoroughly mix the water with the electrolyte.
each time the level in the battery is low. a high concentration d The log of battery service performed should be
of sulfuric acid may cause dissolution of the plates. Under evaluated to determine the need to service the battery at the
high temperature conditions. this may be indicated by the above recommended intervals or to extend the intervals if
presence of black particles in the electrolyte of the affected justified Accurate water consumption data is a valid baro-
cells. meter to use for adjustment of the servicing intervals

811 2-21
(Serials 0-9587 thru 0-9618)
Excessive spewage may result if the cell vents
are not kept clean and open Proper care and cleaning of the interior cabin trim (Rosyl
plastics) is of primary importance to maintain a desirable
appearance. Washing the interior cabin trim with a detergent
soap. water. and a soft bristle brush will dislodge most dirt
Rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Alcohol may be used to
remove foreign material that is alcohol soluble

A plexiglass material is used for the windshield and WIn-

dows Extreme care should be taken in cleaning. as the CAUTION
slightest abrasives will scratch the surface. Never wipe the
windows or windshield w hen dry First flush the surface The interior cabin trim can be easily contami-
with clean water or a mild soap solution. then rub it light I) nated if cleaned with methyl ethyl ketone.
with a grit-free soft cloth. sponge. or chamois. To remove naptha, Mufti standard solvent. gasoline. lac-
marks or a light oil and grease film. the use of trisodium quer thinner and other types of thinners Sharp
phosphate. completely dissolved in water. is recommended edges or cuts on the edge of the interior cabin
Stubborn grease and oil deposits are quickly cleaned with trim material may cause it to crack.
hexane. aliphatic naphtha. or methonal Rinse w ith clean
water Avoid prolonged rubbing.
After the windshield and windows are dry and free of dirt.
wax them w ith a good grade of commercial wax to prevent Prior to cleaning the exterior. cover the wheels. making
scratching and cracking Apply the wax in a thin. even coat certain the brake discs are covered: attach pitot cover se-
and bring to a high polish with a clean. soft cloth. curely: install plugs in or mask off. all other openings Be
particularly careful to mask off both static air buttons before
washing or waxing

Do not use gasoline. benzene. acetone. carbon NOTE

tetrachloride. fire extinguisher fluid. de-icing
fluid. or lacquer thinners on windshield or win- Commerical bug removing compounds can be
dows as they have a tendency to soften and injurious to paints Proceed with caution when
craze the surface using these compounds until they are proven to
be satisfactory.

A clean white cloth. saturated with naphtha. may be used to

RUBBER SEALS remove accumulations of oil and grease. A Lux or Ivory
soap solution or an equivalent (detergent or harsh soaps are
Deterioration and/or sticking of rubber seals around doors. not recommended) may be used to remove dirt and dried
windows and cowlings may be prevented by coating them insects. Apply the soap solution with a cellulose sponge
with Oakite 6 compound. (product of Oakite Products Inc .. using a gentle circular motion Flush the surface with plenty
19 Rector St., New York 6. New York) No special care is of cool water to remove all traces of soap and dry with a
required when applying the compound to keep it from com- chamois to prevent water marks. After washing with a soap
ing in contact with any painted surfaces. The compound is solution. cleaning with naphtha or with bug removing com-
no-injurious to paint and may be removed by employing pound it is imperative the wax be replaced for proper paint
normal cleaning methods finish maintenance.

2-22 811
A thorough waxing with a good automotive wax, recom- WARNING
mended for painted surfaces, will protect the paint finish.
Wax application procedures are important and will vary in Keep fire and sparks away and never smoke in
accordance with the type being used. For best results follow the proximity of oxygen. Tools, equipment and
the wax manufacturers specifications. hands must also be kept clean when servicing the
oxygen system, since deposits of oil or other
hydrocarbons are highly flammable when ex-
CAUTION posed to high concentrations of oxygen. Furth-
ermore, the presence of other foreign particles in
At the time of delivery, painted surfaces should the oxygen lines may result in leaks that will both
not be polished or waxed until the finish has exhaust the oxygen supply and present a fire
cured for a minimum of 60 days. Hard rubbing, hazard. As an additional safety precaution, use
abrasive cleaners and wax seals detrimental to only the anti-seize compounds and leak-testing
the proper curing of the finish should not be used. soaps recommended for breathing oxygen

Airplanes with aluminum skin surfaces may be polished to a

high gloss with any warranted aluminum polish. Soft dean a. On earlier model Bonanzas check cylinder pre-
cloths or a chamois should be used to prevent scratching the ssure by slowly opening the shutoff valve on the oxygen
aluminum when cleaning and polishing. console just forward and to the left of the pilots seat. On
Bonanzas 0-7889 and after cylinder pressure is connected
directly to the pressure gage on the console.


The engine may be cleaned with kerosene, Stoddard solvent, CAUTION

or any standard solvent recommended for cleaning engines.
The cleaner may be sprayed or brushed on the engine. Wipe Always open the shutoff valve slowly to prevent
the engine dry; compressed air may be used to remove damage to the system.
excessive oil.

b. Remove the access panel from the center of the

PROPELLER BLADE MAINTENANCE partition located directly beneath the forward side of the
pilot's and copilot's seats, then close the shutoff valves on
Due to the high stresses to which propeller blades are sub- both the cylinder and console.
jected, their careful maintenance is vitally important, par- c. Slide the pilot's seat slightly to the rear until the
ticularly on the leading edge of each blade from the tip recharge outlet of the filler valve is clear, then remove the cap
inboard to just beyond the 33-inch station. All nicks and from the recharge outlet and connect the supply cylinder to
scratches must be repaired before the airplane is flown. Nicks the filler neck.
and scratches set up- concentrations of stress which can d. Open the cylinder shutoff valve and slowly fill the
exceed the strength of the blade material; the result will be a system to 1800 ± 50 psi at a temperature of 7ff'F. This
crack and premature failure of the blade. The method and pressure may be increased an additional 3.5 psi for each
limits for this type of repair, as outlined in the applicable degree of increase in temperature; similarly for each degree
Propeller Handbook, should be followed carefully. of drop in temperature, reduce the pressure for the cylinder
by 3.5 psi.
e. Close the shutoff valve, disconnect the supply
NOTE cylinder, replace the filler valve cap, and slide the seat
forward to its normal position.
No blade cut-off repair can be made to the 82" f. Slowly open the shutoff valve on the cylinder,
propeller blades used on the N35 and P35 leaving the console valve shut off until the system is to be
Bonanza. used.


SERVICING THE OXYGEN SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) A 50 to 70 cc bleed flow is normal at the pressure
control assembly (bleed valve). This bleed flow
In general, the oxygen system on the Bonanzas may be will continue after shutting the regulator off until
serviced in accordance with FAA AC43.13-1A AIRCRAFT control chamber pressure equalizes with ambient

89 2-22A

Oxygen cylinders used in the airplane are of two types, light
weight cylinders and regular weight cylinders; light weight
cylinders, stamped "3 HT" on a plate on the side of the
cylinder, must be hydrostatically tested every three years and
the test date stamped on the cylinder. This cylinder has a
service life of 4,380 pressurizations or fifteen years,
whichever occurs first, and then must be discarded. Regular
weight cylinders, stamped "3A" or "3AA", must be hyd-
rostatically tested every five years and stamped with the
retest date. Service life of these cylinders is not limited. ENGINE
35425 1


(0-9787,0-9806 and after)
Figure 2-9. servicing Compressor
Servicing the air conditioning system consists of periodically
checking the refigerant level, checking compressor oil level,
checking the compressor belt tension, and changing the sys- CHECKING COMPRESSOR OIL LEVEL
tem air filter. Recharge the system as outlined under
CHARGING THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM The air conditioner compressor oil level should be checked by
whenever the refrigerant level is low, air has entered the a qualified air conditioner service man if the refrigerant
system, or components carrying refrigerant are replaced. charge is lost (evidenced by oil loss). The air conditioner
Refrigerant leaks may be detected by inspection with a system requires 12-14 ounces of 500 viscosity oil (Texaco
nameless leak detector. Capella E or equivelant) to maintain 4 ounces in the com-

CHARGING THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Check the compressor oil level as follows:

a. Fabricate a dipstick by bending a wire to a 90°angle

WARNING so that 1-1/2inches of the wire will insert into the compressor.
b. Paint the dipstick with a flat black paint. Allow
A face shield should be worn when servicing the sufficient time for paint to dry.
lines; refrigerant, coming in contact with the c. Start engine in accordance with the applicable
eyes, may cause loss of sight. Pilot's Operating Manual and run the air conditioner. Run air
conditioning system for 15 minutes with the engine running at
low rpm to allow oil to accumulate in the compressor. Ob-
When working on a refrigerant air cooling system, observe serve engine operating limitations as noted in the applicable
the following special servicing precautions. Pilot's Operating Manual. Shut down engine in accordance
with the applicable Pilot's Operating Manual.
a. Remember, this is a high pressure system. When d. Relieve the air conditioner system pressure by
disconnecting a line, loosen the fittings just enough to bleed loosening the compressor filler plug just enough to bleed off
off pressure slowly, then disconnect the fitting. system slowly.
b. Whenever a line is disconnected, purge the entire e. After the system pressure is relieved, remove the
system with a vacuum pump operating at the 125micron level. oil filler plug.
c. Use only refrigerant R-12, other refrigerants, par- f. Insert dipstick through oil filler port, slowly rotate
ticularly those containing methyl chloride, will cause rapid clutch shaft until the dipstick will insert to the bottom of the
deterioration of the aluminum compressor components. compressor.
d. When servicing the system with refrigerant, avoid g. Withdraw dipstick, oil should register on the dip-
smoking or working near an open flame. Refrigerant passing stick 5/8 inch below filler port. Add oil as necessary to obtain
over an open flame will produce a highly toxic phosgene gas. this measurement.
e. Hook the service unit to the connections located h. Install oil filler plug with O-ring and secure_plug.
under the copilot's seat. When charging a completely purged
system, charge with 2 pounds of refrigerant. After charging,
the sight glass should be observed for bubbles or a milky NOTE
appearance caused by an insufficient refrigerant level. If it is
necessary to add refrigerant to a partially charged system, Make sure that the O-ring is not twisted and that
add refrigerant slowly until a satisfactory condition is ob- no dirt or particles are on the O-ring or seat. The
served throught the sight glass. plug should be snug. Do not over-tighten plug.

2·228 89
i, Charge the air conditioning system as noted in make contact with the runwayas the charge will arc from the
CHARGING THE AIR CONDmONING SYSTEM. cable. The cable should not drag on the runway while taxiing
j. Check area around tiller plug for leaks. If leaks as this may create considerable radio interference and leadto
exist, do not over-tighten tiller plug, remove plug as noted in rapid wear of the ground cable.
steps "c" and "d" and install a new O-ring. Secure plug and
recharge system as noted in steps "h" and "i". The following adjustment to the static ground cable is
a. Inflate tires to correct air pressure (see Section 2,
After 36 to 48 hours operating time, a new belt will stretch to SERVICING TIRES).
its normal operating length. The belt tension should be b. Adjust the tip of the cable to provide 5.75 ± .12
checked at this time and adjusted (by torquing the adjustment inches of free cable between theattaching boltand the bottom
bolt on the idler pulley bracket) so that a belt tension gage, of the cable. The cable should then be between 1/4to 1/2inch
placed at a point midway between the idler pulley and the from the ground.
compressor will register a belt tension of 70 pounds or a 0.13
inch deflection with 6.38 pounds load. After adjusting the belt
tension, be sure the belt has ample clearance on all sides.
(0.1 through 0-9293) Do not wrap or tie the static ground cable to the
mud scraper,landing gear fork, axle or any other
The static ground cable attached to the nose gear is designed part of the landing gear. Interference between
to discharge static electricity on touch-down and need not structure and wheel well may develop.


V35A V35B
35 A35 B35 C35 035 E35 F35 G35 COLOR PAINT NUMBER H35 135 K35 M35 N35 P35 S35 V35A-TC V35B-TC

X Beige 11472
X Beige IOYR5/1.5
Beige. Arctic 118684-235 X
Beige. Desert 27H23292 X X
X Beige. Seminole 246-55762 X X X X X X
Beige. Sun 118684-285 X

Black. Glossy ANA Color 515 X

X X Black. Instrument ANA Color 514 X X X X X X X X X
Black 118684-133 X
Black 42G-514 X

X Blue 246-23714
Blue 118684-471 X
Blue. Antique 118684-494 X
Blue. Banff 118684-241 X
Blue. Broadway 118684-283 X
Blue. Chairman 118684-483 X
Blue. Colonial 246-57300 X X X X X
X Blue. Glacier 246-57286 X
Blue. Gulf 118684-429 X

X X X X Brown 7.5YR3.5/2
X Brown 6YR212
X Brown J-272-X-I0758
Brown. Executive 118684-487 X
Brown. Sable 118684-257 X X
Driftwood 27H23294 X
New Bronze 118684-475 X
Rawhide 118684-495 X
Sandusky 118684-237 X X
X Tan 246-11472
Tan. Castle 118684-61 X
Walnut 118684-493 X

Ascertain that ... placards are in place aad
legible whenever the airplane basiileen repainted
or touched up after repair. RepIIIceany placards
that have been inadvertently deIaced after such

2-24 814

f V35TC
~r V35A V35B
.. 35 A35 B35 C35 D35 E35 F35 G35 COLOR PAINT NUMBER H35 J35 K35 M35 N35 P35 S35 V35A·TC V35B·TC
X Gray 246-35924
X Gray 258-11604
X Gray SGYI/l
X Gray 246·38141
Gray,Anchor 246-57298 X
X Gray,Mackinaw 246·57716
X X Gray,Opal 246·35924
X Gray,Saxon 52·13823 X X X
Gray,Silver 118684·457 X
Smoke, Autumn 118684·155 X X
Smoke, Autumn 118684·255 (Vinyl) X

X Green 246·38249
Green 118684·461 X
X Green,Lakewood 246·55911 X X X X X X
Green, Mist 118684·277 X
Olive 118684·485 X

Red, Antique 118684·491 X

Red, Chairman 118684·481 X
Red, Torch 118684·329 X X

Gold,Chairman 118684·479 X
Gold,Maize 118684·455 X

Pumpkin 118684·279 X X
Sienna 118684·327 X
Turquoise 118684·275 X X

Nairobi Peal 27HI92S1 X X

Parchment 118684-489 X
White 118684~217 X

Baking Enamel
Black 94·5IS X
flo» Red,lnsignia 94-509 X

V35TC V35 V35B
V35A V35-TC V35B-TC
V35A-TC S35 V35A
P35 VINYL ACRYLIC COLOR ENAMEL URETHANE 35 A35 B35 C35 035 E35 F35 G35 H35 135 K35 M35 N35 P35 S35 V3SA-TC
X X X 118684-151 Black 118684-33 118684-319 X
Black. Ebony 118684-11 X X X X ·X X X X X X X X X
NOTE Beechwood 118684-345 118684-419 X
Blue 83-2063 X
Ascertain that aD placards are in place and Blue 83-5370 X
legible whenever the airplane has been repainted Blue 83-57634 X
or touched up after repair. Replace any placards Blue 83-57656H X
that have been inadvertently defaced after such Blue. Aquatone
83-58360 X
Blue. Astro 118684-361
Blue. Bahama 118684-351 118684-395 X
Blue. Bedford 83-59233 X
X X X 118684-149 Blue, Blueberry 118684-5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Blue. Bristol 118684-503 118684-527 X
Blue. Capri 118684-265
Blue, Crater 118684-505 118684-529 X
Blue, Martin 118684-349 118684-393
X X X 118684-163 X
Blue. Morning Glory 118684-3 X X X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684-143 X X X
Blue. Pacific 118684-1 X X X X X X X X
Blue, Pavonne 118684-353 118684-397 X
Blue, Terrace 118684-335
Brown 83-1017 X
X X X 118684-141 Brown, Beaver
118684-21 X X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684-225 Brown, Sable 118684-223 118684-320 X
Coppertone 83-58454 X X
Tan 83-11256 X
X X X 118684-139 Tan, Castle 118684-19 118684-312 X X X X X X X
Tan, Sahara 118684-337 118684-411 X
Beige, Prairie 118684-339 X
Gray 83-8076 X
Gray, Gamma 118684-497 118684-521 X
Gray, Kingston 118684-299
Green 118684-43 X X X
Precut stripe, numeral. and letter patterns are
Green 83-31659 X X
available through Mid-America Marking, Inc .• Green 83-4039 X
1720 South 15t Street West, Route 1, Goddard, Green
Ks. 67052 83-57688H X
Green 83-51598 X
Green 83-9999 X X X
Green, Citrus 118684-515 118684-539 X
Green, Jade Mist 118684-359 118684-403 X
Green, Mint 83-59805 X
Green, Olive 118684-517 118684-541 X

~ V35 V35B
V35 V35·TC V35B·TC
It V35TC
3 V35A
V35A M35 N35 P35 S35 V35·TC
go COLOR ENAMEL URETIIANE 35 A35 B35 C35 D35 E35 F35 G35 H35 ias K35
CD Green, Sea Sprite 83·58374 X
118684·307 X X X X X X X X X X
...""" X X X 118684·167 Green, Shamrock 118684·9
118684·7 X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684·165 Green, Surf

Coral 83·58557 X X
Coral, Bitlersweet 83·57316 X

Flamingo 118684·23 X X X X
X X X 118684·179
Orange, Calypso 118684·509 118684·533 X
118684·513 118684·537 X
Orange. Mandarin
118684·273 X X X
Orange. Omaha
Red 83·2622 X X X
Red 83·51078 X X
X X X 118684·137 Red. Cadmium
118684·29 X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684·177 Red. Chianti
Red. Embassy
Red. Huntsman 118684·25 X X X X X X X
X X X 118684·17.1
Red. Maladur
118684499 118684·523 X
Red. Really
118684·316 X X X X X X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684·175 Red. Toreadur 118684·27
118684·501 118684·525 X
Red. Vendetta
X X X IIB684·135 Turquoise 118684·11
Turquorse , Peacock IIR684·.H3

Cream 83·39829 X X X
118684·31 IIR684·318 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684·153 While, Matterhorn X
·Whlle. Matterhorn

Gold. Antique 1186R4·341
118(,84·5 H
Gold, Bright 118684·507
Gold. Champagne 118684·.19
X X X 118684·229 Gold, Jubilee 1181>84·221
Gold. Mesa 118684·511
Gold, Mctulic 118684·271
1181>84·17 X X
X X X 118684·171 Gold. Saturn
118684·13 X X X X X X X X X X
X X X 118684·145 San Mateo Wheal
Yelluw 83·5 I 5lJh X X
Yellow 83·5271 X
Yellow 83·5248 X X
Yellow. Lemon 118684·15
Yellow. Jackel 118684·519
X If'
Yelluw, Sunburst 1186R4·357
Yellow. Sunshine 83·24567 X X c.n
X X X 118684·147 CD
• Epoxy - 118684·217
II.) 00
after) tem) (0-10097, 0-10120 and after)

Internal lighting of the instruments provides additional il- LOCATION BULB NUMBER
lumination across each instrument. A light tray mounted on
the top side of the bezel of each instrument holds two bulbs Alternator Out Light :r>7
wired in parallel. If the light bulbs are damaged or burn out Cabin Overhead Light 1864
the light tray with bulbs must be replaced. Clock Light 267
Compass Light 327
LIGHT TRAY REMOVAL Condenser Door Open Light 327
Courtesy Light IX64
a. Remove the screws that secure the instrument panel in Flight Compartment Flood Lights 313
place and tilt the instrument panel aft to gain access to the Fuel Select Light 327
instruments. Instrument Post Lights 327
Instrument Wedge Lights 267
NOTE Landing Gear Intransit Light 327
Landing Gear Uplock Light 327
Instruments located at the lower edge of the Landing Light 4596
panel may be removed if necessary, to gain ac- Light Tray Assembly 2£:>7
cess to the light tray at the top of the instru- Map Light 1495
ments. Navigation Light (Tail) A7512-24
OAT Light 327
b. Remove the two screws that attach the light tray to the Reading Light 303
instrument bezel. Rotating Beacon (Lower) D7080A5-24
Rotating Beacon (Upper) D70XOA1-24
LIGHT TRAY INSTALLAnON Subpanel Post Lights ~.,~

Strobe Light (Tail) 30-0815-1
a Install the new light tray and secure in place with the two Strobe Light (Wing) 30-1467-1
attaching screws. Tail Light 4596
b Install the instrument in the instrument panel if removed
and secure in place with the attaching screws.
c. Secure the instrument panel in place.

2-28 811

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