Final Review Theory - Answers

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Department of ICT/CS

Y8-Computing 2022-23 Mid-term Review (Theory) Page 1 of 7

Q1. Multiple choice questions

1. This component will fetch, decode & execute instructions through a set of steps
known as instructional cycle:

CPU Core

Hard Drive RAM

2. The number of times your CPU can complete the fetch, decode & execution cycle is
known as:

The Clock Speed The Cache

Number of Cores Logic Operation

3. The higher the clock speed a CPU has, the -------------------------- it can process
Slower Faster

4. The circuit where the CPU is located is called …………………………………………..

Motherboard Switch

5. Logic gates are ---------------------------------

Electronic Circuits Chemical Circuits

6. The uneven distribution of access to technology is known as:

Distributive property of subtraction Divide and Rule

Distributive property of addition Digital Divide

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7. How many fetch-decode-execute cycles would you expect a 2GHz processor to
complete per second:
200 2 thousand

2 million 2 billion

8. Which of the following is the fastest clock speed?

900MHz 500KHz

10,000Hz 2.9GHz

9. JavaScript, Python or Scratch are the examples of ……………………… languages.

a) LLL
b) HLL
c) ALL

Q2. Define the following:

a. Role of Designer & Programmer:




b. Gantt Chart:



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Q3. Mr. Ahmad asked the project manager to show Gantt Chart for the Tasks
given to the following team members for Technology Exhibition Center 2030,
and to complete them in given timescale
Here, construct a Gantt Chart that shows the following information:
Task Duration
Produce Software specification 1 week

Write Test plans 3 weeks

Software design 2 weeks

Software code 3 weeks

Developer set starts with software 3 weeks

Software test 4 weeks

Write test
plans Week
design 1
Software code 2
3 4
Developer set
Software test 6
8 9 10 11 12 13

Q4. Write down the role of components of the CPU.

Control unit (CU): p:14

Registers: p:14

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Q5. Write down the three differences between low-level and high-level
language languages.
Low-level language (LLL) High-level language (HLL)


Q6. Identify the symbols of gates given below:


AND gate

XOR gate

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Q7. Identify the logic gates below:                                     
1. An office alarm system has 2 sensors, one on a window and one on the
door. If either or both of the sensors are on the alarm is activated. 
                                    OR gate

2. If the main electric supply is OFF then the emergency light is switched ON.
NOT gate
3. For AND Gate please complete the Truth Table given below:

Input Output


0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

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Q8. Write down the full form of the following abbreviations?

a) MDR: Memory data register

b) CIR: Current instruction register

c) ACC: Accumulator

d) MHz: Mega Hertz

e) MAR: Memory address register

f) CPU: Central processing unit

g) LLL: low level language

h) HLL: high level language

i) RAM: Random access memory

j) AI: Artificial intelligence

k) VR: Virtual reality

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