GMW 3059
GMW 3059
GMW 3059
Copyright GM Worldwide
Provided by IHS under license with GMW Licensee=Faurecia (sites 1-12)/5967518003, User=Asuaje, Rafael
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/25/2009 06:21:18 MST
Formaldehyde P > 10 ppm Prohibition applies to passenger compartment materials only per
GMW14444 Code E. Homogeneous Materials less than 10 grams
are exempt.
Formaldehyde is D for all parts per GADSL.
Test method: GMW15635.
Lead and its compounds See GADSL Lead in solder in electronic circuit boards and other electrical
applications including lead in solder on glazing:
This category covers solder and component finishes used in
electrical and electronic components, and includes, but is not limited
a. lead in solder used to connect the components to the circuit
b. lead in coatings on connector terminals and “pre-solder” of
wires and components prior to soldering, crimping, etc.
c. lead in solder for connection of components / devices within
a higher assembly (e.g., ASICs - Application Specific
Integrated Circuit, microprocessors, motors)
Copyright GM Worldwide
Provided by IHS under license with GMW Licensee=Faurecia (sites 1-12)/5967518003, User=Asuaje, Rafael
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/25/2009 06:21:18 MST
Prohibited for powertrain parts released for the first time starting
Model Year 2012.
Prohibited for all parts (except powertrain) released for the first time
starting Model Year 2009.
for their product. Reasons for non-conformance and a conformance
plan with time line must be included in the application for waiver.
3.2.1 Chemical Requirements. Questions When using Data Sheets (Appendix A):
regarding the presence of these substances can The substances and the materials/components
be resolved by using the test method listed or by they are used in must be detailed if they contain
any appropriate accepted analytical method. substances listed in the GADSL or Table 1 in
3.2.2 Exceptions. amounts exceeding the stated limits. If the
substance is listed as Prohibited, “P”, prior Allison Transmission has several
approval and sign off of Appendix A is required by
automotive customers (including GMNA vehicle
the department listed in the Contact list for the Unit
operations) and the U.S. military.
the part is being supplied to. Otherwise, check the GM requires submission via IMDS for the appropriate box and submit Appendix A as a
assemblies sent to the vehicle divisions. declaration of compliance to the unit contact as The U.S. military prohibits entry of military listed in the Contact List.
information into databases that are out of the
country. This prohibition includes information on 4 Manufacturing Process
the final assembly provided to the military, and can
Not applicable.
include information on the component parts. If a supplier is sending military 5 Rules and Regulations
components to Allison, it is imperative that they
contact Allison for direction on submission. 5.1 All materials supplied to this standard must
comply with the requirements of GMW3001, Rules Suppliers of such military components
and Regulations for Material Specifications.
are required to submit using the GMW3059 report
form, not IMDS.
6 Approved Sources Contact information for Allison is on Not applicable. GMNA Allison Transmission suppliers
must continue to submit Data Sheet 1 (Appendix 7 Notes
A). 7.1 Glossary. Not applicable.
© Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved
Copyright GM Worldwide
Provided by IHS under license with GMW Licensee=Faurecia (sites 1-12)/5967518003, User=Asuaje, Rafael
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/25/2009 06:21:18 MST
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. QU 000004, QU 000005, and STD 3977 (GME). It
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service was approved and first published in March 1999.
D Declarable 9.2 Revisions.
GADSL Global Automotive Declarable Rev Approval Description (Organization)
Substances List Date
IMDS International Material Data System I May 2007 Appendix A was revised to note
MY Model Year that the form is used for Allison
Transmission, and temporarily for
P Prohibited
GM Shanghai. Clarification was
RPO Regular Production Option also added to the text. GM
Holden is using IMDS exclusively
8 Coding System to verify GMW3059 compliance.
Editorial – update to current
This standard shall be referenced in other template.
documents, drawings, etc., as follows:
J Oct 2008 GM Shanghai is using IMDS
Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts exclusively to verify GMW3059
per GMW3059 compliance... Asbestos,
Acetaldehyde, Hex Chrome,
9 Release and Revisions Lead and Formaldehyde
requirements updated. (Global
9.1 Release. This standard originated in May Environmental Team)
1998, replacing HN 1000, Clause J (Holden),
GM1000M (GMNA), EDS-A-0101 (GMDAT), and
QU 000000, QU 000001, QU 000002, QU 000003,
Copyright GM Worldwide
Provided by IHS under license with GMW Licensee=Faurecia (sites 1-12)/5967518003, User=Asuaje, Rafael
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/25/2009 06:21:18 MST
Copyright GM Worldwide
Assembly (Asm)/Part Information Manufacturer/Supplier Information
October 2008
Asm/Part Revision Level: Rev. Date: Mail Code (if applicable): FAX:
1. This part does not contain substances listed in GMW3059 above the reporting limits
2. This part does contain substances listed in GMW3059 above the reporting limits as detailed below.
Component in Assembly Material/surface treatment Substance Purpose for Use and Plan to
Part No. Name Mass Standard No. Name in Component CAS Number Name in Material and Substitute Substances
Date: Date:
Page 5 of 7
help identify the part.
to certify all listed information is true and correct.
Manufacturer/Supplier Information: Title block -
Unit Approval if “P” Substances Present: If the
Supplier enters their information.
substance listed is a “P” substance the unit the part
Name: Enter contact name at the supplier. is being supplied to must sign the form to approve
Company: Enter company name that is supplying the use.
the part.
Copyright GM Worldwide
Provided by IHS under license with GMW Licensee=Faurecia (sites 1-12)/5967518003, User=Asuaje, Rafael
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/25/2009 06:21:18 MST
Contact List
Unit Contact:
Australia USA
Unit Contact:
Post-box/ mail code: TCET SE1-A16-012 Cx. Postal 197 199-1, Cheongcheon-Dong
Location: S-461 80 Trollhattan Av. Do Estado, 2880 Incheon 403-714
Unit Contact:
Location: Shanghai 201201 CHN 823 Joslyn Ave Units 1-8, 3rd Floor
Copyright GM Worldwide
Provided by IHS under license with GMW Licensee=Faurecia (sites 1-12)/5967518003, User=Asuaje, Rafael
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 02/25/2009 06:21:18 MST