CELPIP Checklist December2020
CELPIP Checklist December2020
CELPIP Checklist December2020
There are many ways to prepare for the CELPIP Tests. Chart your own path to success!
Learning about the test
Additional Materials:
CELPIP Practice Tests CELPIP Study Guides CELPIP Focus
Available on our Provide detailed These textbooks offer an
website, will help you explanations of scoring, overview of the test
determine which test test components, timing, components, along with
components you most sample questions with practice questions,
need to prepare for. guided explanations, activities, and more.
and more.
Preparing for the test
Available Webinars:
Additional Materials:
Visit celpip.ca to view the complete list of available free and paid study materials
CELPIP Path to Success
CELPIP Writing Pro: CELPIP Writing Pro: CELPIP Speaking Pro: CELPIP Speaking Pro:
Target 5 Target 9+ Target 5 Target 9+
Visit celpip.ca/path to register for an online course or view recordings of each session.