Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
Personal information
Do you have one of these reference numbers for Yes, I have their GWF number
Student Loan
Travel information
Personal information
Give more details about your living situation, such My father owns the property and I live with my
as who you live with and who owns the property grandparents.
Where do you use this telephone number? For use whilst in the UK
Select whether this is your home, mobile or work Mobile telephone number
telephone number
Are you able to be contacted by telephone? I can be contacted by telephone call and text
message (SMS)
Who is your parent or legal guardian who has given ABHIRAMI SURESH
consent for you to make this application?
Dependant details
Parent details
Parental responsibility
Confirm who has parental responsibility for you. FREDYMON VADYAMPARAMBIL MARTIN
Family in the UK
Accommodation details
New Zealand
European Economic Area (do not include
travel to the UK)
Which countries are part of the European
Economic Area (EEA)?
Extra information
English language
If your application is successful, there will be I confirm that I understand and accept these
conditions on your visa or leave to remain. This will conditions
Any other person(s) providing evidence to prove I understand that by ticking this check box I am
your financial circumstances should download, giving consent to verification checks. I will provide a
sign and submit the declaration for third party declaration signed by each person who is providing
consent. evidence to prove my financial circumstances
If we do not have their consent then we may not
be able to take that evidence into account when
considering your application, and so your
application may be refused.
Province/Region/State LONDON
Country India
I understand that the data I have given can be used as set out in the privacy policy
I consent to organisations, including financial institutions, providing information to the Home Office when
requested in relation to this application.
I understand that any passports/travel documents submitted in support of my application, which remain
uncollected after 3 months from the date they were ready for collection, will be returned to an office of the
authority that issued the document. If this happens, the Visa Application Centre will be able to advise where the
document has been sent.
I have discussed with any other applicants that I am acting on behalf of, and confirmed that the contents of the
application are correct and complete.
I agree to the terms and conditions.
I understand that if false information is given, the application can be refused and I may be prosecuted, and, if I
am the applicant, I may be banned from the UK.
I am the parent or legal guardian of the applicant who is aged under 18 and completing and submitting the form
on their behalf