Radar and Optical Data Integration For Land-UseLan
Radar and Optical Data Integration For Land-UseLan
Radar and Optical Data Integration For Land-UseLan
43 600
3 authors, including:
Barry Haack
George Mason University
All content following this page was uploaded by Barry Haack on 24 November 2015.
Abstract Agency ERS, the Japanese JERS, and the Canadian RADARSAT sat-
This study evaluated the advantages of combining traditional ellites. The research and applications remote sensing commu-
spaceborne optical data from the visible and infrared wave- nities are still in the early stages of understanding the character-
lengths with the longer wavelengths of radar. East African istics and uses of spaceborne radar. Some applications, includ-
landscapes, including areas of settlements, natural vegetation, ing tropical deforestation and sea ice monitoring, are routinely
and agriculture, were examined. For three study sites, being used.
multisensor data sets were digitally integrated with training The purpose of this study was to evaluate multisensor data
data and ground-truth information derived from field visits. sets of spaceborne multispectral optical data and spaceborne
The primary methodology was standard image processing, radar for the delineation of land uselland cover for sites in East
including spectral signature extraction and the application of Africa. The primary intentions were to ascertain what im-
a statistical decision rule to classify the surface features. The provements may be obtained using a multisensor data set and
relative accuracy of the classifications was established b y how to improve the utility of radar data. East Africa provides a
comparison to ground-truth information. In all sites, the merger range of surface characteristics that are representative of many
of optical and radar sensors improved the ability to map regions of the Earth. Mapping procedures established there
surface features over either sensor independently, although should be spatially extendible.
different manipulations of the radar data were necessary to
obtain the most useful results. Those manipulations included Radar Background
measures of texture, spatial filtering, and despeckling prior to Radar has special properties that make it a viable alternative
texture extraction. and/or partner to traditional optical remote sensing techniques
(Foody, 1988). For instance, microwave energy is capable of
Introduction penetrating atmospheric conditions that render traditional
A basic problem in economic planning, environmental studies, spaceborne optical and multispectral systems useless (Elachi,
or resource management is obtaining and maintaining current, 1988).Radar therefore has the ability to image through rain, fog,
accurate information. The need for basic surface characteristic hail, smoke, and, most importantly, clouds. These characteris-
information, such as land use and land cover, is critical to both tics hold enormous data-collection potential in many coun-
scientific analysis and decision making activities. Without tries around the world, especially those areas such as Central
accurate information, scientists cannot complete valid studies Africa that experience persistent cloud cover. An additional
and decision-makers often fail to make correct decisions. One advantage of radar is that the feature interaction is a function of
significant method for providing current, reliable surface geometry, texture, and dielectric constant which is different
information is satellite remote sensing. Spaceborne remotely from the reflectance interactions of optical systems (Forster,
sensed data may be particularly useful in developing countries 1996).These different interactions have the potential to pro-
such as in Africa (Morain, 1991). vide information beyond that of optical data.
The use of remote sensing for resource assessment and Remote sensing research on radar exists in two primary
basic mapping has a considerable history and increasing use in categories. The first includes methods to improve the capabil-
Africa. There have been regional and national centers for re- ity of radar as an independent sensor. A difficulty with analysis
mote sensing established in many countries. Some of these of radar data as an independent sensor, particularly in auto-
have existed for over 20 years, even prior to the availability of mated classification, is that most spaceborne systems only col-
spaceborne imagery with the launch of Landsat in 1972. A lect data at a single wavelength with a fixed polarization. This
number of these centers were established under international prohibits many classifications. There are several options to pro-
assistance programs directed at remote sensing technology vide more bands for digital classification from single-band
transfer. The United States Agency for International Develop- radar, Those options typically include the use of multitemporal
ment was quite active with these centers, including the estab- data sets or the extraction of texture as unique bands (Luckman
lishment of regional centers in Nairobi, Kenya and Ouaga- et al., 1997; Prasad and Gupta, 1998). Other manipulations of
dougou, Bukina Faso (Paul and Mascarenhas, 1981). radar to improve information extraction include spatial filter-
One of the more promising recent achievements in remote ing such as pre- or post-classification smoothing and despeck-
sensing has been the operational capability to collect radar ling (Durand et al., 1987).
data from space, such as has been established by the United
States Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR) missions, the European Space
the United Nation's High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) sites, separate from the training areas, which were also derived
and are very compact and densely populated. The areas around from the field efforts. For all accuracy assessments, polygons
the camps are medium height desert shrubs (1to 3 m) with lit- of the primary cover types were used as truth areas and not indi-
tle grass cover. Much of the vegetation within the immediate vidual pixels.
proximity of the camps has been removed by grazing or for fuel The results from this study compare the accuracy from var-
and building materials. ious classifications for individual land-uselland-cover types
Various spaceborne data were received for this site, includ- and for all of these classes combined. A number of data combi-
ing a Landsat TM scene from 17 February 1995. A RADARSAT nations and geospatial manipulations of the data were exam-
image from 15 August 1996 (Figure 3), having a spatial resolu- ined, including comparisons of the original sensor data
tion of 25 by 28 m, was also acquired and co-registered to the independently and in combination, incorporation of texture
optical bands. The camps are very distinct visually due to their measures, and speckle reduction procedures.
high backscatter and geometric shape. Areas around the camps
are dark tones of low backscatter from bare soil, because much Wad Medanl, Sudan -0rlgInal Values
of the vegetation has been removed for fuel or by grazing. The Spectral signatures for the primary surface features (Table 1)
vegetation provides a range of backscatter that is generally quite were extracted from training data, obtained during field visita-
high and similar to the camps in intensity. The classes selected tion. 'Itvo training sites were included for each of these features
for this scene included these camps, the bare soil, and various to provide information on the within-class variations. An
types of vegetation. examination of this table correlates well with what can be
observed in the imagery. Reflectance values for the urban and
Methodology and Results other (bare soil) classes are not significantly different in any of
The basic procedure was to conduct a digital classification the TM bands, but can be differentiated in the SIR-Bdata. By
using standard processing techniques applied to the spatially contrast, the spectral signatures for the agriculture and urban
coregistered set of spaceborne radar and optical bands, all classes are similar in the radar data, but are separable in several
resampled to the same pixel size. Spectral signatures were of the TM bands, particularly bands 5 and 7. Neither sensor can
extracted for the various land uses/covers using supervised independently delineate the primary cover types, either visu-
training site procedures. Field visits were used to identify valid ally or digitally.
training sites. After signature extraction, a decision rule was The classification strategy was to first separate the urban
employed to classify the data set and a contingency table com- and other (bare soil) sites from the agricultural sites using the
piled for accuracy assessment. The contingency tables were TM bands; then, the urban areas could be delineated from the
created from comparison of classifications to a set of truth other (bare soil) areas using the SIR-B data. This process was