RoutledgeHandbooks 9780203074114 Chapter3
RoutledgeHandbooks 9780203074114 Chapter3
RoutledgeHandbooks 9780203074114 Chapter3
On: 12 Jan 2023
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Timothy J. Lewis, Barbara S. Mitchell, Robert Trussell, Lori Newcomer
Published online on: 18 Sep 2014
How to cite :- Timothy J. Lewis, Barbara S. Mitchell, Robert Trussell, Lori Newcomer. 18 Sep
2014, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support from: Handbook of Classroom Management Routledge
Accessed on: 12 Jan 2023
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Building Systems to Prevent Problem Behavior and Develop and
Maintain Appropriate Social Behavior
School discipline continues to be reported as one of the top concerns of educators
and the American public (Elam, Rose, & Gallup, 1996; Rose & Gallup, 2006; U.S.
Department of Education, 1998). For example, Myers and Holland (2000) indicated
that general education teachers reported on average that one in five of their students
exhibited disruptive/off-task behavior and one in 20 exhibited aggressive behaviors
to the point that intervention was necessary. Data suggest that students in middle
and high schools are even more at risk for encountering serious violence (Heavi-
side, Rowand, Williams, & Farris, 1998), with an estimated 16% of all high school
students in this country involved in one or more physical fights on school property
in the course of a year (Lockwood, 1997). Although the majority of students will not
experience exceedingly violent or aggressive behavior, the frequency and intensity
of these behaviors still disrupt and can overwhelm the process of schooling for all
students (Walker, Ramsey, & Gresham, 2004). Teachers and administrators indicate
that addressing school discipline issues is one of the single greatest demands on their
time, citing that problem behaviors interfere with the their ability to educate and are
School-Wide Positive Behavior Support • 41
the most common reason for the removal of students from classroom and school
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At the school and district level, discipline codes and policies are likely to include
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A Promising Solution
Altering contextual factors (e.g., clear routines, high rates of positive vs. negative
feedback, clear adult presence) has also been associated with the creation of more
positive school environments that are conducive to learning and result in increases
in student time on task, teacher use of praise, and improved perceptions of school
safety (Mayer, Mitchell, Clementi, Clement-Robertson, Myatt, & Vullara,1993; Metzler,
Biglan, Rusby, & Sprague, 2001; Walker, Ramsey, & Gresham, 2004). Consistent
with this body of research, the Center on Crime, Communities, and Culture (1997)
summarized findings indicating that a quality education may be the most important
protective factor available to counter the risk factors that lead to problem behavior.
To this end, there is a growing expectation that schools deliver effective and efficient
interventions to ensure safe, productive school environments where norm-violating
behavior is minimized and prosocial behavior is promoted (U.S. Department of
Education, 2000a). A promising solution is the use of proactive school-wide behav-
ior management strategies to address the contextual factors within schools that lead
to problem behavior (Horner & Sugai, 2005; Lewis, Jones, Horner, & Sugai, 2010;
Sugai et al., 2000). School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) is one way to
effectively (1) reduce chronic challenging behavior, (2) promote cultures of social
competence that foster prosocial behavior and academic achievement, and (3) meet
the needs of children with significant behavioral challenges (Lewis & Sugai, 1999;
Sugai et al., 2000).
SW-PBS establishes behavioral expectations and supports for all staff and stu-
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Universal Supports
Universal systems of support focus on prevention and the creation of a safe, predict-
able environment with a common set of expectations and consistent supports applied
across three interrelated systems: school-wide, nonclassroom, and classroom.
School-Wide Systems
A leadership team is established to guide all processes of SW-PBS. The team is com-
prised of a building administrator, classroom teachers, specialists, and support staff
representatives. The leadership team takes responsibility for assessment of current
discipline procedures and staff perceptions of what is in place, as well as what is work-
ing and not working. The information is used by the team to develop and implement
SW-PBS policy and procedures. Components of proactive systems of school-wide
PBS include (1) a statement of purpose, (2) a clear definition of expected behav-
iors, (3) procedures for teaching expected behaviors, (4) procedures for discourag-
ing problem behaviors, and (5) procedures for record keeping and decision making
(Sugai et al., 2010).
44 • Lewis, Mitchell, Trussell, Newcomer
pline plan. The statement reflects an approach that is agreed upon by the adminis-
tration and staff, focuses on all members of the school community and emphasizes
behavioral as well as instructional outcomes. A key component of SW-PBS is a
clear understanding of expected student behavior. To guide the identification of
universal expectations, the team focuses not on the problem behaviors but on
prosocial “replacement behaviors.” In other words, they emphasize the behaviors
that they would like children to demonstrate. The expectations, or school rules,
should be five or fewer and positively stated. For example, the staff at Elysium
Elementary School wanted their students to be “safe,” “respectful” “learners.” With
input from faculty and staff, the leadership team completed a matrix that opera-
tionally defined what each of those expectations would look like across all settings
in their school. The examples of appropriate behavior were then used as a founda-
tion for social skill instruction.
Behavior is a skill, just as reading and mathematical computations are skills. As
such, behavioral skills are taught paralleling the same process as academic instruc-
tion; educators introduce and teach a concept (e.g., quadratic equations in algebra),
provide practice opportunities (e.g., homework, in-class work), and give feedback
on performance (e.g., grades). Only after the student demonstrates mastery does the
instructor move on to new concepts. If a student does not master the skill, reteach-
ing, additional support, and practice are provided. Behavioral skills are taught and
learned in the same way.
The leadership team also develops procedures to acknowledge appropriate
behaviors on a regular basis. This serves three purposes. First, principles of rein-
forcement teach us that the provision of positive consequences following a desired
behavior results in an increase in the future probability of that behavior occurring.
Second, procedures to acknowledge appropriate behavior serve to increase the ratio
of positive interactions between teachers and students, creating a positive school
environment. Third, acknowledgment and reinforcement encourage students to self-
manage their own behavior. Schools use a range of reinforcement strategies, from
token systems to positive social acknowledgment. The form of the reinforcer is less
critical than the related frequency and consistency of acknowledgment of appropri-
ate behavior by teachers and staff.
Even with the school-wide positive procedures in place, there is still a need
to develop procedures to discourage problem behaviors. A continuum of conse-
quence responses should be available to respond to problem behavior. Consistency
can be increased by providing clear definitions of problem behaviors and by differ-
entiating between the behaviors that should be managed by teachers and supervi-
sory staff and the behaviors that warrant a referral for administrative involvement.
A full range of response procedures allows for more effective interventions across
the continuum of mild misbehavior to serious and chronic behavior challenges.
Students who repeatedly fail to meet behavioral expectations require a different
level of response than students who only occasionally misbehave. For these stu-
dents, systems that focus on teaching and supporting appropriate replacement
behaviors come into play.
School-Wide Positive Behavior Support • 45
Nonclassroom Systems
Nonclassroom settings include areas of the school that are characterized by large
numbers of students, strong social interaction among students, minimal adult super-
vision, and low structure (e.g., cafeteria, hallway transitions, bathrooms, assemblies)
and that present a different set of management challenges than the classroom does.
The school-wide expectations are extended to address specific behaviors unique to
these settings through direct instruction and opportunities to practice. In addition,
the physical characteristics and routines of these settings are assessed to determine
whether modifications are necessary to promote safety and effective supervision.
Modifications may include physical adjustments, such as removing unsafe objects,
eliminating objects or areas with obstructed views, altering traffic patterns or adjust-
ing schedules to reduce the number of students in a particular setting. Setting rou-
tines are designed to address both student and adult behavior in order to promote
efficiency in the execution of activities and to reduce the likelihood of problem behav-
iors occurring.
Two strategies, precorrection and active supervision, are important features of
nonclassroom setting supports. Precorrection procedures are used to make adjust-
ments before a student has a chance to behave inappropriately and are used when a
teacher anticipates the occurrence of problem behavior. For example, a teacher may
anticipate students having difficulty with an assignment. Based on the predictable
errors, she will preteach difficult vocabulary words before students are asked to read
a passage (Kame’enui & Simmons, 1990). The same strategy is applied to behavioral
errors. The teacher provides a precorrect, based on predictable problem behavior,
to remind students of the routines and expectations before they transition to a non-
classroom setting. Precorrects consist of identifying the context and the likely prob-
lem behavior, identifying the expected behavior, conducting behavioral rehearsals,
and providing reinforcement for expected behaviors. Effective use of precorrects can
prevent the need to respond reactively to inappropriate student behavior after the
fact (Colvin, Sugai, & Patching, 1993).
46 • Lewis, Mitchell, Trussell, Newcomer
active supervision include (1) movement around the setting in close proximity to
students, (2) visual scanning, and (3) high rates of interaction with students com-
prised of prompts, feedback, praise, correction, and encouragement (Newcomer,
Colvin, & Lewis, 2009). After students are instructed in the expectations, rules, and
routines, active supervision can promote generalized responding to other settings in
the school environment.
Classroom Systems
Paralleling universal school-wide systems, classroom systems also emphasize teach-
ing clearly defined behavioral expectations to prevent the occurrence of problem
behavior. Key components of universal classroom systems include (1) identification
and instruction in rules and routines, (2) effective instructional strategies, and (3) a
strong emphasis on positive teacher–student interactions.
Classroom rules and expectations should reflect the unique characteristics of an
individual classroom but link back to and reflect the greater school-wide expecta-
tions. Linking the rules to the school-wide expectations extends the language into
the classroom and supports the generalization of behavioral performance across set-
tings. For example, if the school-wide expectations are “Be Respectful, Be Respon-
sible, Be Cooperative,” each classroom teacher should align his or her classroom
rules with these three expectations. By linking back to the language of the school-
wide expectations, the students learn the specific behaviors that are important in
the classroom and become able to relate how those expectations fit into the school
context as a whole.
Because instruction that is too difficult or to easy creates conditions that fos-
ter problem behavior (Cooper et al., 1992), teaching and management strategies
that focus on instructional, curricular, and organizational adjustments are linked
to improved behavior (Conroy, Sutherland, Snyder, & Marsh, 2006; Simonson,
Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai, 2008; Simonson, Myers, & DeLuca, 2010). Stu-
dents learn best when there are frequent opportunities to respond to and actively
engage in the instruction and to be positively reinforced. Frequent opportunities to
respond and high rates of correct response are associated with increased on-task
behavior (Burns & Boice, 2009; Haydon et al., 2010) and a decrease in disruptive
behavior (Christle & Schuster, 2003; Gunter & Reed, 1997). High rates of student
response results in increased opportunity for a teacher to praise and correct student
responses and allows assessment of student understanding. Effective, well designed
instruction incorporates student supportive strategies to minimize errors, support
skill acquisition, and encourage active participation by creating opportunities for
successful learning.
The quality of teacher–student interactions is another component of SW-PBS in
classrooms. Research has demonstrated that in most classrooms, the rate of repri-
mands exceeds the rate of positive feedback and praise (Sutherland, Lewis-Palmer,
Stichter, & Morgan, 2008; Sutherland & Wehby, 2001; Sutherland, Wehby, & Cope-
land, 2000). Altering interaction patterns to increase teacher praise and positive
School-Wide Positive Behavior Support • 47
Tier II Supports
Approximately 10–15% of students will require support beyond the universal level
(Sugai et al., 2010). While these students exhibit problem behaviors at degrees and
frequencies that place them at risk for establishing chronic problem behavioral pat-
terns, developing individualized interventions is beyond the time and resources of
most schools. As part of the three-tiered approach to prevention outlined earlier in
this chapter, Tier II systems of prevention and intervention present an efficient and
effective intermediate level of intervention to target students who are clearly linked
to universal supports. Students who require this level of intervention typically have a
profile of ongoing, low-level problem behaviors (e.g., talking out, minor disruptions,
work completion), frequent (three to five) office referrals, and they exhibit problem
behavior across multiple settings within the school (Sugai et al., 2010).
Tier II supports focus on a range of intervention procedures and are developed and
driven by data indicators. Tier II interventions have included (1) self-management,
(2) social skill instruction, (3) informal, brief functional assessments and behavior
support plans, and (4) academic support (Mitchell, Stormont, & Gage, 2011). Key
features of Tier II supports include continuous availability, rapid access to the inter-
vention, and low effort by teachers for referral and implementation. In addition, they
are implemented by all staff across multiple settings and are continuously monitored
for effectiveness and decision making. Because Tier II strategies are implemented
within the universal school-wide system, they are designed to support the existing
classroom expectations and create a common focus and expected outcomes that are
consistent throughout the setting (Mitchell, Stormont, & Gage, 2011).
As with universal supports, data-based decision making guides the Tier II pro-
cess. Students are identified at the first signs of risk, based on data or teacher refer-
ral. A multiple gating approach efficiently identifies students who need additional
academic and social supports (Lane et al., 2012). First, teachers identify students
who may be at risk and make referrals based on their assessments. Second, review
of archival data such as attendance, academic performance, and office referrals are
used to identify patterns or problems that require support. Third, a team reviews the
information to determine which Tier II is appropriate for the student. Daily perfor-
mance data are used to monitor student progress.
ized interventions (Sugai et al., 2010). These students typically display serious, chronic
behavior patterns and higher rates of behavior infractions (e.g., six or more major
behavioral infractions or displaying high rates of risk) and require specially designed
individualized supports that are comprehensive, function based, and person centered.
Efficient and effective systems of individual support are based on technical competence
in functional behavioral assessment and intervention design from an applied behav-
ior analysis perspective. Within the three-tiered approach to SW-PBS, the Tier III level
provides systems to build the capacity for schools to understand and assess the function
of behavior and to design, implement, evaluate, and modify effective behavior support
plans for individuals with serious behavior problems.
A team-based approach is the foundation of a sustainable system of individual
behavior support (Benazzi, Horner, & Good, 2006). Team members should possess the
technical expertise to conduct functional behavioral assessments (FBA) and to design
behavior support plans that are based on assessment outcomes. At least one member
of the team should have expertise in applied behavior analysis, behavioral theory, FBA,
and intervention. Other logical team members would include school psychologists,
special and general educators, and a building administrator. The team must also have
predictable and efficient procedures to “(a) manage teacher requests for assistance,
(b) ensure that teachers and students receive support in a timely and meaningful
manner, (c) provide a general forum for discussions and possible solutions for indi-
vidual student behavioral concerns, and (d) organize a collaborative effort to support
the teacher” (Todd, Horner, Sugai, & Colvin, 1997, p. 74). The organizational features
of the team promote the efficient use of time, efficient documentation, a system of
accountability for task, and implementation responsibilities and clearly defined systems
for making data-based decisions (Benazzi, Horner, & Good, 2006).
SW-PBS builds a continuum of research-based strategies with a central focus on
increasing appropriate behavior. School-wide systems provide the processes, struc-
tures, and routines to prevent problem behavior; they promote early intervention at
the first signs of problem behavior; and they utilize comprehensive individual sup-
port plans. An instructional approach built on a central theme of teaching appropri-
ate behavior, building multiple opportunities for practice, and altering environments
to promote success is emphasized through a continuum of three levels of support:
universal, targeted, and individual.
Universal Supports
Over the past decade, a growing body of research has demonstrated a multi-impact
on student social and academic behavior. Quasi experimental studies have dem-
onstrated impact on overall rates of problem behavior from preschool to high
school, including alternative settings (Barrett, Bradshaw, & Lewis-Palmer, 2008;
Bohanon et al., 2006; Chapman & Hofweber, 2000; Curtis, Van Horne, Robertson,
& Karvonen, 2010; Duda, Dunlap, Fox, Lentini, & Clarke, 2004; Farkas, Simon-
son, Migdole, Donovan, Clemens, Cicchese, 2012; Lohrmann-O’Rourke, Knoster,
Sabatine, Smith, Horvath, & Llewellyn, 2000; Nelson, Martella, & Galand, 1998;
Putnam, Luiselli, & Sunderland, 2002; Simonson, Britton, & Young, 2010); the
interactive impact on behavior and academics (Algozzine, Wang, & Violette, 2011;
Luiselli, Putnam, Handler, & Feinberg, 2005; McIntosh, Chard, Boland, & Horner,
2006; McIntosh, Horner, Chard, Dickey, & Braun, 2008; McIntosh, Flannery, Sugai,
Braun, & Cochrane, 2008; McIntosh, Sadler, & Brown, 2012); as well as impact
on interventions targeted in the classroom and nonclassroom settings within the
continuum of SW-PBS (De Pry & Sugai, 2002; Hirsch, Lewis-Palmer, Sugai, &
Schnacker, 2004; Lewis, Colvin, & Sugai, 2000; Lewis, Powers, Kelk, & Newcomer,
2002; Putnam, Handler, Ramirez-Platt, & Luiselli, 2003; Stichter, Lewis, Richter, &
Johnson, 2006). Recently, several randomized control trial studies have confirmed
similar outcomes including proactive and sustained changes in disciplinary prac-
tices that have resulted in decreases in problem behavior and increases in appropri-
ate behavior (Bradshaw, Mitchell, & Leaf, 2010; Bradshaw, Reinke, Brown, Bevans,
& Leaf, 2008; Horner, Sugai, Smolkowski, Eber, Nakasato, Todd, & Esperanza,
2009), as well as the impact on overall school climate (Bradshaw, Koth, Bevans,
Ialongo, & Leaf, 2008; Bradshaw, Koth, Thorton, & Leaf, 2009) and the reduction of
specific behavioral challenges including bullying behavior (Bradshaw, Waasdorp, &
Leaf, in press; Waasdorp, Bradshaw, & Leaf, 2012).
Tier II Supports
For an estimated 10–15% of students who require more intensive supports in
addition to the universal school-wide PBS system, several different “manualized”
interventions are commonly implemented. Example Tier II interventions include
check-in/check-out, social skills groups, and Check & Connect (Horner, Sugai, &
Anderson, 2010). Each of these interventions has a body of evidence indicating posi-
tive effects on socially important behavior change such as reductions in problem
behavior, improved social skills, increases in attendance, reduced incidence of drop-
out, or higher rates of student engagement. A brief description of current research
for each intervention follows.
50 • Lewis, Mitchell, Trussell, Newcomer
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work completion, grades, disciplinary events, credit accrual, etc.) with a structured
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process for connecting with students and families (Christenson, Stout, & Pohl,
2012). Mentors provide specific feedback about student data, teach problem-solving
skills, and maintain ongoing positive relationships among students, families, and
school personnel. Early investigations conducted with high school–level partici-
pants identified with learning disabilities and/or emotional/behavioral disorders
showed that students who received the Check & Connect treatment were more likely
to stay enrolled in school, to persist through ninth grade, and to complete their
course assignments than were students in a control group who did not participate
in the program (Sinclair, Christenson, Evelo, & Hurley, 1998). In addition, students
in Check & Connect earned more credits during their first year of high school, were
more likely to be on track for graduation, and received better teacher ratings for
behavior and academic competence than did control students (Sinclair, Christenson,
Evelo, & Hurley, 1998). Subsequent studies of Check & Connect have expanded by
including students without disabilities and have examined effects across grade levels
spanning kindergarten through twelfth grade (Anderson, Christenson, Sinclair, &
Lehr, 2004; Kaibel, Sinclair, & Vanden Berk, 2008; Lehr, Sinclair, & Christenson,
2004; Sinclair & Kaibel, 2002).
Although each of these interventions, as well as others described in previous sec-
tions of the chapter, indicate positive outcomes when implemented in isolation, the
added value of providing small-group/targeted interventions within the framework
of a school-wide PBS system is less known, but evidence is beginning to emerge.
In one recent study, Nelson and colleagues (2009) used a quasi experimental lon-
gitudinal cohort design to examine the extent to which use of a three-tier model of
behavioral interventions was associated with prevention of problem behavior and
sustained behavioral improvements over time. Teacher ratings of problem behavior
and social skills were assessed pre- and postintervention (i.e., fall and spring dur-
ing the year of treatment) and then again at one- and two-year follow-up points
(i.e., spring of the next two consecutive years). Students in the Tier II group showed
immediate decreases in problem behavior, along with improved social skills when
the Tier II intervention was provided in the context of a universal prevention frame-
work (Nelson et al., 2009).
individual student support plans (Farmer, Lane, Lee, Hamm, & Lamber, 2012;
Bradshaw, Koth, Thornton, & Leaf, 2009).
The science that underlies PBS, applied behavior analysis, provides a methodology
for understanding and predicting target behaviors in a given context. As investigation
and application move from controlled situations such as laboratories and clinics to the
less structured school environment, greater flexibility is needed in using correlation
analysis, data sources, and case studies (Carr et al., 2002). Because SW-PBS interven-
tions are always multicomponent in nature, validity concerns arise due to the multiple
interacting variables that come into play. Such interaction makes it difficult to meas-
ure the impact of individual variables. Analysis must take into consideration multiple-
component interventions. Such analysis, however, does not meet the standards of the
single-variable experimentation necessary to ascribe causality. Applied research prac-
tices must be flexible enough to study the pragmatic effectiveness of multicomponent
interventions as well as the causal mechanisms of intervention package components to
explain why a model worked and to specify the active components of the model.
disruptive and chronic problem behavior in schools (Blair, Umbreit & Bos, 1999;
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Grow, Carr, & LeBlanc, 2009; Ingram, Lewis-Palmer, & Sugai, 2005; Lewis & Sugai,
1996a, 1996b). Although the technology exists to respond to the challenges of problem
behavior, it has not “fit” the unique problem context schools present (Lewis & Sugai,
1999; Sugai & Horner, 1999; Sugai et al., 2010). Research has yet to identify a well-
defined procedure that delivers precise, usable, valid information with the limited time
and resources available to school professionals (Farmer, Lane, Lee, Hamm, & Lamber,
2012). Zins and Ponti (1990) suggest that establishing a “host environment” that can
support and maintain evidence-based practices is essential to achieve specialized and
individualized behavior supports for students with chronic problem behaviors and at-
risk backgrounds. The systems perspective of SW-PBS provides the requisite struc-
ture to support the adoption and sustained use of effective practices (Sugai, Horner,
& Sprague, 1999); however, to date, the systemic examination of function-based indi-
vidualized interventions within the context of a complete SW-PBS continuum has not
been undertaken (Farmer, Lane, Lee, Hamm, & Lamber, 2012).
As demonstrated in the research previously reviewed, a school-wide systems
approach to PBS effectively reduces chronic challenging behavior, promotes cultures
of social competence, and meets the needs of children with significant behavioral
challenges, creating a host environment that emphasizes the development of a posi-
tive school climate, practical policies, well-defined physical spaces, and monitoring
systems to improve academic and social outcomes for all students, but especially those
who are considered at risk for behavior problems. With school-wide systems of PBS
in place, schools increase their capacity to support students who present challenges by
shifting away from traditional responses of solving behavior problems through sus-
pension and exclusion to an approach that emphasizes the development of specially
designed and individualized interventions based on functional behavioral assessments
to generate an understanding of how the social and instructional context influence an
individual student’s behavior. In doing so, these schools have redefined the roles and
responsibilities of educators and all school personnel for promoting positive behavioral
interventions, strategies, and support for students with chronically challenging behav-
ior. Individual systems of PBS focus on integrated, team-based planning and problem
solving to design individual support plans to prevent, reduce, and replace problem
behaviors and to develop, maintain, and strengthen socially desirable behaviors. From
research and application, we have learned the importance of a school-wide foundation
of integrated systems, collaboration, and the development of proactive, practical inter-
ventions. When school personnel routinely reinforce positive behaviors and dedicate
themselves to teaching social skills, then they increase the likelihood that individual
support plans will be implemented with a high degree of integrity.
School-wide PBS is defined as consisting of systemic and individualized strate-
gies implemented through a continuum of supports based on data-based decision
making. The literature on behavioral problems is clear in that early intervention
and prevention are our best hopes at making schools safe and productive learning
54 • Lewis, Mitchell, Trussell, Newcomer
have been slow to implement best practice until problems become chronic and
entrenched (Kauffman, 1999), even though recent research has shown a clear
link between “minor” discipline problems and later significant problems (Skiba &
Peterson, 2000). Given that the school-wide PBS in essence is a process rather than
a curriculum or packaged program, we are not suggesting that it is “the answer.”
Yet work to date has demonstrated that schools can implement best practices at
the prevention and early intervention levels. Essential components that charac-
terize each level of the continuum include empirically validated practices such as
clearly defined student expectations, strategies to teach expectations, and provid-
ing feedback during practice opportunities. The intensity of application of these
basic components are then matched to the intensity of problem behavior, and
connections are made to other resources necessary to support students and their
families. The selection, application, and evaluation of practices are simultaneously
supported through data-based decision making, using a team process that sup-
ports faculty and staff.
1. The preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the Technical Assistance Center on Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports and by a grant from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S.
Department of Education (H326S980003). Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the posi-
tion of the U.S. Department of Education, and such endorsements should not be inferred. For information
about the Center, go to, or for information related to this manuscript, contact Tim Lewis at
[email protected].
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