Corporate Finance Project
Corporate Finance Project
Corporate Finance Project
These are the F- variables used in this article E/C, LR, LAR, DR, SIZE, FAR, GROWTH.
Title of research Article :
Factoring as a determinant of capital structure for large firms: Theoretical and empirical
Authors name:
Rumeysa Bilgin
Journal Name and year:
Borsa Istanbul , (2019)
Theoretical Framework:
The null hypotheses H0 is tested against the alternative.
H0. : There is no relationship between a firm's leverage ratio and its factoring financing
H1. : There is a positive relationship between a firm's leverage ratio and its factoring financing.
Highlight dependent Variables
The leverage ratio is used as dependent variable in this article.
Independent variables
Total assets of the firm and total sales of the firm are independent variables, as they both are
dependent on the each other, if there is change in them the they will cause a change which can
also cause a problem.
Mediating variable
Capital structure is the modertaing variable in this case as the research topic states.
Title of Research Article :
Authors name:
Starting from the seminal work , several researchers have introduced theories that tried to
describe the way firm managers decide on the capital structure of the firms. But, accordingly
Barclay the challenge over the years has been to devise conclusive tests that offer a base for
choosing the correct theory. For instance, partial adjustment regressions confirmed the static
trade-off theory even on data simulated according to the pecking order theory. Such
contradiction rises because of the methodological weaknesses of partial adjustment models used
in several capital structure researches and because the theories in some cases presents
contradictory expectations on how managers choose their capital structure theoretical
Framework. It includes pecking order theory and trade off theories, contracting cost theory and
institutional determinants of capital structure.
Companys financial position is directly linked with coporate governance, financial leverage ,
liquidity and companys size.
Independent Variables
Ratio of total liabilities to total assets is an independent variable and ratio of total current
liabilites to shareholder equity is also independent variable
Mediating Variable
Financing decision is a mediating variable between capital structure and firms perfromance.
Authors name:
Theoretical Framework:
In their research, they establish the value of a firm would be determined by the capability of its
assets to create value and that no relationship exists between the firm’s capital structure and the
value of the firm, making debt financing and equity perfect substitutes. However, Modigliani and
Miller(1958) base their work on a perfect capital market assumption with no taxes, no
transaction costs and perfect and credible exposure of information, developed a theory known as
the Theory of Capital Structure Irrelevance. Summarily, no worldwide accepted theory exists to
explain debt-equity choice. Diverse opinions have been suggested as regards choice of financing.
Studies carried out by other researchers were on economies with a relatively stable monetary
value. In Nigeria, the value of money is relatively unstable; this work seeks to look into the
effect of each method of capital finance on profitability of listed agricultural companies in
Panel Data method was applied using regression analysis to examine the level of
relationship that exists between the dependent and the independent variables. Return on
sales which is equal to net profit after tax divided by total assets and multiplying it with 100 is
the dependent variable in this article.
Independent Variables
The independent variable is total debt to market value of assets which is equal to sum of debt in
current liabilities and long term debt divided by the market value of assets
Control Variables
Representing two variables of the construct, the beneath equation is expressed withthe addition
of a control variable. The introduction of the control variable is to ensurea better certainty and
enquiry of the correlation existing amid profitability and financialstructure.
The equation therefore is represented as ;PAT = f (Equity; Long Term Debt; Short Term Debt)