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ELC Week 2 Student Activity Sheet 2

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Name: ______________________________________________Score: _______________________________

Year and Section: ____________________________________Date: ________________________________

Developmental Activity
These are some things you can observe and the questions you need to consider during the
Focus/ Aspects of Things to observe Questions to consider

1. Intended learning Intended learning outcomes How were these outcomes

outcomes specified in the learning plan made known to the students?

Were they SMARTLY (smart,

measurable, attainable,
realistic, time bound) stated?

Were they achieved at the

end of the lesson?

Were the teaching-learning

activities aligned to the
objectives and the

2. Organization/ Structure Opening/ Introduction of the How did the teacher

of the lesson lesson introduce the lesson?

How was the lesson

developed/ organized?
Development of the lesson
Are the lessons
systematically/ sequentially

Are the lessons arranged

from simplest to complex?

How did the teacher

Closing of the lesson
synthesize the lessons?

Are the activities sufficient

Appropriateness of the and appropriate for the
teaching-learning activities lesson?

Links and transition of the

teaching-learning activities
Were the links and transitions
smooth and properly

3. Classroom Time Management Did the teacher begin and

Management end classes on time?

Were the tasks given on time?

Were there established

Classroom Routines
classroom routines?
Order and Disciplines in the
Was the class functionally in
Setting of groups
Were the rules in group work

Were the physical aspects of

the room checked when done
Physical aspects of the
face-to-face/ virtually?
classroom (Ventilation,
Sound, Lightning, Seating
arrangement if done face-to-

Management of the Learning

Management System (if done

4. Teaching-Learning Variety of Teaching-Learning How varied are the teaching-

Activities (TLA’s) Activities learning activities?

● Whole class ● Whole class

● Pair ● Pair

● Individually ● Individually

Use of differentiated Where there differentiated

instruction instruction for the varied
types of learners?
Alignment of teaching-
learning activities to the
outcomes and modes of
Were there differentiated
instructionfor the varied types
of learners?

Are the teaching-learning

activities aligned to the
outcomes and mode of

5. Teaching Approaches, Approaches, Methods and What approach was used in

Methods and Strategies Strategies Used the lesson?
What method was employed?

What strategies were utilized?

Were all these appropriate to

attain the learning outcomes?

6. Instructional Materials Selection, Development and What instructional materials/

(IM’s) Resources use of instructional resources were used in the
materials/resources including lessons?
the use of ICT
Were they appropriate,
● Printed interactive and innovative?

● Non-printed Did they make the class highly

● Electronic
Were they varied? Do they
● Open online resources
cater to the individual

7. Student engagement Degree of attention of How focused are the

students in class students?

Curiosity in learning What is the degree of

curiosity of the students?
Interest in the lesson
Were the students interested
in the lesson?
Passion to learn
How eager and passionate
Commitment to do the tasks are the students to learn?

How committed are they in

doing their tasks?

8. Student interaction Types of class interaction Were the types of interaction

evident in the class?
Teacher-student interaction

Student-student interaction
Which one needs to be


9. Questioning techniques Types/ levels of questions What levels/ types of

questions were formulated/
Questioning techniques

What questioning techniques

Reacting techniques were utilized?
What reacting techniques
were employed by the

10.Integration of values Values integration in the What values were integrated

lesson in the lesson?

How were the values

concretized in the lesson?

Were these values applied in

real life situations?

11.Modes of Assessment Types of assessment What assessments were

utilized to find out if the
outcomes were realized/

Were the assessments were

utilized to find out if the
outcomes were realized/

Were the results satisfactory?

12.Assignment Types of Assignment What assignment was given

to the class?

Does the given assignment

improve/ reinforce learning?

Is the assignment doable?


13.Use of language Appropriateness of the Is the language appropriate to

language the age level of the students?

Use of the medium of Is the medium of instruction

instruction to facilitate correctly used in the subject
teaching and learning area?

Use of verbal and non-verbal Do the verbal and non-verbal

communication communication support
student understanding and

What positive
Use of positive reinforcements/ feedbacks
reinforcements/ feedback were used to boost students’
techniques morale?

14.Personal Qualities of Personal Grooming What are the personal

the Teacher Attendance qualities of the teacher which
are evident in the class which
improve the teaching-learning
Voice process?

Personal Graciousness

15.Other things to observe Strategies used to respond to How do the teachers respond
especially for those the given situations: to the needs of learners in
teaching learners with difficult circumstances such
Geographic isolation
special needs and as geographic isolation,
those teaching in Chronic illness chronic illness, displacement
challenged areas due to armed conflict, urban
Displacement due to armed
resettlement or disasters,
child abuse and child labor
Urban resettlement or practices?

Child abuse and child labor

What strategies were used for
inclusive leaners and from
Strategies used for inclusive indigenous groups?
learners and from indigenous

Guided Practice (National/Professional and Upright Citizens Values)

Steps in Classroom
1. planning
2. observation
3. analysis
4. feedback
5. reflection

Independent Practice (Local Knowledge)

Performance Task 1
Observing the teaching-learning process in Flexible Learning and different distance
learning delivery modes (online, radio-based instruction, television-based instruction and other
modalities) focusing on the development of the MELCs and reflecting on these processes.
Based on the Pre-Observation conference with your Cooperating Teacher, complete the
matrix based on your scheduled classes of observation. The observation may be done face-to-
face or through different Distance Learning Delivery Mode (online, radio-based instruction,
television-based instruction and other modalities). Take note that your focus of observation is
based on the results of your pre-conference with your cooperating teacher. Make sure that you
also need to focus on the development of the MELCs and reflecting on the different processes.
If your observation is more than a week, please copy the given template.

Date Subjec Time Grade level/ Focus of Observation Insights

t section observation notes

March Math 7:30 - Kindergarten Classroom The teacher starts the One Math routine
2023 9:00 management day at the same time is the daily reciting
every day with the of by 1-20. It helps
same routine prayer the students master
national anthem the numbers
dance and sing and unconsciously
discussion without pressure.
Routines make
their daily
because they
already know what
to expect.
March Science 7:30 - Kindergarten Use of English is the It is important to
2023 9:00 Language medium of be flexible and be
instruction in most able to express
subjects including ideas in more than
Science. Some one language to
science terms have to cater students with
be translated to limited
Filipino and mother vocabulary.
It does not apply
to every single
word but it's a big
March Math 7:30 - Kindergarten Instructional Printed instructional It is important to
2023 9:00 Materials materials are the use both
(IM’s) latest and most traditional and
Resources common in today's modern
teaching, but non instructional
printed IMs such as materials to fit the
charts and hand students' learning
drawn illustrations styles.
are still being used.
Some objects in the
classroom are also
used as real-life
March Writing 7:30 - Kindergarten Assignment Writing letters or It is important to
2023 9:00 numbers. It’s always give assignment to
connected what have students for them
discussed. Sometimes
the assignment given to study home.
is creative.

Performance Task 2
Keeping a daily reflection journal.

Reflection journals are personal accounts or records of all your learning experiences.
These are your insights and learnings gained in the teaching-learning processes. These are
records of events which are pleasant or unpleasant that you can reflect on and learn from. It can
help you assess the important learning events that happened in your teaching which can direct
you to improve your professional career. Your reflection briefly summarizes your ideas,
thoughts, feelings and emotions which will lead you to analyze and improve on your decisions
and actions. You need to write your reflections regularly to motivate you to learn and enjoy the
process of learning.
As you move on with your task as Practice Teacher, you need to write your daily reflection
You may now start writing your reflection.
Writing my reflection
After observing the classes of your Cooperating Teacher whether in face-to-face or in
distance delivery mode, what aspects in the instructional cycle, do you think you are now
capable of doing and the areas you still need to improve on?

As I was observing my Cooperating Teacher, I was able to learn on how to identify the
goals of the students in the class, and currently working on with determining the students’
performance task and others. Being able to identify the goals and setting proper expectations
will allow me their teacher to lost the things that I need to do for me to develop better plans and
strategies to help my class learn and understand me better. There are still aspects that I need to
work on such as better planning to uncover and discuss more part of the lesson, because being
able to plan better will not only help me their teacher to increase the discussion speed but l will
allow me to have more time to check for understanding on the things that we have discussed.

Closure Activity
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities of the teacher?
a. Learning plan
b. Learning content
c. Learning procedures
d. Learning materials
2. Which refers to the materials used to enrich classroom instructions?
a. Learning plan
b. Learning content
c. Learning procedures
d.v Learning materials

3. Which can be given as an optional activity to reinforce students’ learning?

a. Artwork
b. Activities
c. Assignment
d. Assessment
4. Why is learning plan important?
a. It keeps teachers on cue.
b. It is a requirement of the profession.
c. It enables the teachers to do what is next.
d. It guides the teachers in her/ his daily activities.
5. Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the service or those who have less than a
year of teaching experience?
a. Daily lesson log
b. Daily lesson plan
c. Detailed lesson plan
d. Daily learning activities
6. Which assessment task is aligned to this competency: “identify classroom routines”?
a. Is classroom routine necessary for class order and discipline?
b. Give an example of classroom routine.
c. What is meant by classroom routine?
d. What is a disadvantage of a classroom routine?
Enrichment Activity
Paste pictures/ screenshots of the orientation sessions that you have attended. Label them.

Scoring Rubric
Indicators Meets Standard Approaching Meets Does Not Meet
of Excellence Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Standard Standard

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Performance Have all the Have some Have minimal No aspects of

tasks aspects of work aspects of work aspects of work work meet level
that exceed level that exceed level that meet level of expectations.
of expectation. of expectation. of expectation.
Have errors,
Show exemplary Demonstrate With some omissions and
performance. solid errors and misconceptions.
performance mastery is not
and thorough.

Checking for With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Mastery answers answers answers correct answers

Learning All pieces of The pieces of The pieces of The pieces of

Artifacts evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning are learning are learning are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with aligned with one not aligned with
learning some of the of the learning learning
outcomes. learning outcomes. outcomes.

Creativity and The learning The learning The learning The learning
Resourcefulness tasks are done tasks are done tasks are done tasks are poorly
very creatively creatively quite creatively done and need
resourcefully. resourcefully. resourcefully. improvement.

Submission The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned

requirements learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks
are submitted on are submitted a are submitted 2 are submitted 3
or before day after the days after the days or more
deadline. deadline. deadline. after the


Borabo, M. L., & Borabo, H. G. L. Teaching Internship OBE and PPST Based.


It is not the intention of the author/s nor the publisher of this students’ activity sheet to have monetary
gain in using the textual information, imageries, and other references used in its production. This guide is only
for the exclusive use of a bona fide student of Mabalacat City College.
In addition, this students’ activity sheet or no part of it thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and/or otherwise,
without the prior permission of Mabalacat City College.

Compiled by: Prepared by/Recommending Approval/Approved by

Jean Rose E. Manianglung Arvina D. Sarmiento, LPT, Ed.D

ITE Clerk Instructor III/ Program Head BECEd and BEEd Program/ Dean

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