Parative Study of Strength and Corrosion Resistant Properties of Plain and Blended Cement Concrete Types
Parative Study of Strength and Corrosion Resistant Properties of Plain and Blended Cement Concrete Types
Parative Study of Strength and Corrosion Resistant Properties of Plain and Blended Cement Concrete Types
Research Article
Comparative Study of Strength and Corrosion Resistant
Properties of Plain and Blended Cement Concrete Types
Copyright © 2017 Velu Saraswathy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The relative performances of mechanical, permeability, and corrosion resistance properties of different concrete types were
compared. Concrete types were made from ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Portland pozzolana cement (PPC), and Portland slag
cement (PSC). Compressive strength test, effective porosity test, coefficient of water absorption, short-term accelerated impressed
voltage test, and rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) were conducted on M30 and M40 grades of concrete designed with OPC,
PPC, and PSC cements for 28- and 90-day cured concrete types. Long-term studies such as microcell and electrochemical evaluation
were carried out to understand the corrosion behaviour of rebar embedded in different concrete types. Better corrosion resistant
properties were observed for PSC concrete by showing a minimum current flow, lowest free chloride contents, and lesser porosity.
Besides, PSC concrete has shown less coefficient of water absorption, chloride diffusion coefficient (CDC), and lower corrosion rate
and thereby the time taken for initiation of crack extended.
100 mm
blended cements by using fly ash, slag, silica fume, and so specimen
on [16–19]. The results indicated that blended cement with
longer duration has shown strength and other properties
5 mm
equal to those of ordinary Portland cement. It is also reported
that blended cements enhanced the workability, durability,
and mechanical properties of the concrete [20–24]. So far, the
studies have focused on the particular aspect of corrosion like Shallow pan of water
permeability, pore structure, chloride ingress, or physical and Figure 1: Schematic of coefficient of water absorption test.
chemical characteristics by either short-term or long-term
Hence, the aim of the present investigation is to evaluate were removed from the mould and subjected to water curing
the corrosion resistant properties of rich and lean mix for 28 and 90 days. After a specified period of curing, the
concrete made from Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) and specimens were tested for compressive strength using AIMIL
Portland slag cement (PSC) under accelerated and nor- compression testing machine of 2000 kN capacity at a rate
mal exposure conditions. The results were compared with of loading of 210 kN/min. The tests were carried out on six
ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. Further, in this specimens and the average compressive strength values were
investigation, two curing periods, two grades of concrete, recorded for OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete types.
and two different exposure conditions, namely, normal and
accelerated exposure conditions, were carried out. In addition 2.2.2. Effective Porosity Test. Percentage of water absorption
to these, short-term and long-term tests, porosity and perme- is a measure of the pore volume or porosity in hardened
ability studies, and mechanical and electrochemical studies concrete, which is occupied by water in saturated condition.
were also carried out for plain and blended cements, and the Water absorption test was carried out as per ASTM C642-97
results were presented in a detailed manner. [29]. The effective porosity for OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete
types is calculated as follows:
2. Experimental
(𝐵 − 𝐴)
Effective porosity (%) = × 100, (1)
2.1. Materials and Mix Proportions. Two mix proportions 𝑉
having characteristic compressive strength of 30 and 40 where 𝐴 is mass of oven dried sample in air, 𝐵 is saturated
MPa concrete types were used for casting the concrete mass of the surface dry sample in air after immersion, and 𝑉
specimens. The details of concrete mix proportions are given is bulk volume of the sample.
in Table 1. Three cements, namely, 43 grade ordinary Portland
cement conforming to IS:8112 [25] (equivalent to ASTM-
Type I cement), Portland pozzolana cement conforming to 2.2.3. Coefficient of Water Absorption. Coefficient of water
IS:1489–Part-I [26], and Portland slag cement conforming absorption is suggested as a measure of permeability of water.
to IS:455 [27], were used. Chemical composition of cements This is measured by the rate of uptake of water by dry concrete
used is given in Table 2. Graded river sand passing through over a period of 1 h. The concrete cube specimens of 100 ×
1.18 mm sieve with a fineness modulus of 2.85 and a specific 100 × 100 mm were preconditioned by drying in an oven at
gravity of 2.55 was used as fine aggregate. Locally available 105∘ C for 48 hrs until constant weight was reached and then
well graded aggregates of normal size greater than 4.75 mm allowed to cool in an airtight sealed container for 3 days. The
and less than 20 mm having a fineness modulus of 2.72 sides of the concrete samples were coated with transparent
were used as coarse aggregates. The specific gravity of the epoxy resin to allow the flow of water in unidirection.
fine aggregate used was 2.78. Thermomechanically treated Then the samples were kept in a vertical position partially
(TMT) rebar (Fe-415 grade) of 12 mm diameter conforming immersed up to a depth of 5 mm at one end while the rest
to IS:1786 [28] was used. Potable water was used for casting of the portions were kept exposed to the atmosphere as
the concrete. shown in Figure 1. The quantity of water absorbed during the
first 60 min was calculated. Coefficients of water absorption
values for OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete specimens after 28
2.2. Methods and 90 days of moisture curing were determined using the
formula [29]
2.2.1. Compressive Strength. Compressive strength test was
carried out in concrete cubes of size 150 × 150 × 150 mm 𝑄 2 1
using 1 : 1.8 : 3.69 mix with w/c ratio of 0.55 (M30 grade) and 𝐾𝑎 = ( ) × , (2)
𝐴 𝑡
1 : 1.18 : 3.36 with w/c ratio 0.45 (M40 grade) using OPC and
blended cements (PPC and PSC). During casting, the moulds where 𝐾𝑎 is the coefficient of water absorption (m2 s−1 ), 𝑄 is
were mechanically vibrated. After 24 hours, the specimens the quantity of water absorbed (m3 ) by the oven dry specimen
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3
Fine Coarse
Grade Type of cement W/C ratio Cement Water
aggregate aggregate
(kg m−3 ) (kg m−3 )
(kg m−3 ) (kg m−3 )
OPC 0.55 338 607 1247 186
M30 PPC 0.55 338 607 1247 186
PSC 0.55 338 607 1247 186
OPC 0.45 400 472 1247 180
M40 PPC 0.45 400 472 1247 180
PSC 0.45 400 472 1247 180
Table 2: Chemical composition of cements. where 𝑊 is the weight loss in milligram, 𝐷 is the density of
the material used, g/cc, 𝐴 is the area of the specimen (cm2 ),
Constituent and 𝑇 is the duration of the test period in hours.
SiO2 21.0 32.0 31.0
2.2.5. Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability Test (RCPT). The
Al2 O3 5.50 10.0 10.5
resistance to chloride ion penetration in terms of total charge
Fe2 O3 4.60 5.50 2.80 that passed in coulombs through OPC and blended concrete
CaO 63.0 44.0 47.0 specimens after 28 and 90 days of moisture curing was
MgO 0.60 1.50 3.90 measured as per ASTM C1202-12 [32]. A concrete disc of size
SO3 2.60 2.60 2.60 100 mm diameter and 50 mm thickness was cast and allowed
LOI 2.70 4.40 2.70 to cure for 28 and 90 days. Then the concrete specimens were
subjected to the RCPT by impressing 60 V between two TSIA
electrodes. Two halves of the specimens were sealed with
in time (𝑡), 𝑡 is 3600 s, and 𝐴 is the surface area (m2 ) of PVC container of 95 mm diameter. One side of the container
concrete specimen through which water penetrates. is filled with 3% NaCl solution (that side of the cell will be
connected to the negative terminal of the power supply); the
2.2.4. Impressed Voltage Test. Cylindrical concrete specimens other side is filled with 0.3 N NaOH solution (which will
of size 50 mm diameter and 100 mm height were cast using be connected to the positive terminal of the power supply).
M30 and M40 grades of concrete types. Rebar types of 12 mm Current flow is measured at every 30 min up to 6 h. From the
diameter and 100 mm height were embedded centrally into results, using the current and time, chloride permeability is
the concrete specimens. During casting, the moulds were calculated in terms of coulombs at the end of 6 h.
mechanically vibrated. After 24 h, the cylindrical concrete
specimens were demoulded and cured for 28 and 90 days. 2.2.6. Chloride Diffusion Coefficient. The amount of chloride
Then the specimens were subjected to impressed voltage test. ion migrating through the concrete specimens after 28 and
In this technique, the concrete specimens were immersed in 90 days of curing was monitored by removing small amount
5% NaCl solution and embedded steel in concrete is made of solution and determining the chloride concentration of
as anode with respect to an external stainless steel electrode these samples after 120 h. Chloride diffusion coefficients were
serving as the cathode by applying a constant positive poten- calculated using Nernst–Einstein equation [33].
tial of 12 V to the system from a DC source. The variation
of current is recorded with time. For each specimen, the 𝐽𝑅𝑇𝐿
𝐷= , (4)
time taken for initial crack and the corresponding maximum 𝑍𝐹𝐶0 𝐸
anodic current flow was recorded [30].
At the end of the 12 V impressed voltage test, the embed- where 𝐷 is the chloride diffusion coefficient (cm2 /s), 𝐽 is
ded steel specimens were broken and the sections were open, the flux of chloride ions (mol/cm2 s), 𝑅 is the gas constant
cleaned in pickling solution (concentrated HCl containing (8.314 J/K mol), 𝑇 is the absolute temperature (300 K), 𝐿 is the
20 g/L of stannous chloride and 15 g/L of antimony trioxide), thickness of the specimen (cm), 𝑍 is the valiancy of chloride
then cleaned in distilled water, dried, and weighed as per ion (𝑍 = 1), 𝐹 is the Faradays constant (9.648 × 104 J/V mol),
ASTM G1-03 [31]. From the initial weight, the loss in weight 𝐶0 is the initial chloride ion concentration (mol/l), and 𝐸 is
of embedded steel due to accelerated corrosion in OPC, PPC, the applied potential (60 V).
and PSC concrete types was calculated. From the weight
loss data, corrosion rate in mmpy was calculated using the 2.2.7. Potentiodynamic Polarization Method. Concrete cubes
following equation [2]: of size 100 × 100 × 100 mm that were cast with TMT rebar
of 12 mm diameter and 75 mm length (two rebar types)
𝑊 were embedded at a cover depth of 25 mm as shown in
Corrosion rate = 87.6 × ( ), (3)
𝐷×𝐴×𝑇 Figure 2. The cubes were cast for OPC, PPC, and PSC with
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
3% NaCl
PVC sheet
Anode 12 mm dia.
20 mm
152 mm
25 mm
279 mm 114 mm
75 mm
Sealed with
75 mm epoxy Cathode 12 mm dia.
20 mm
107 mm
152 mm
25 mm
114 mm
Figure 3: Schematic view of macrocell specimen.
Table 3: Permeability parameters for OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 and M40 grade concrete types.
Coefficient of water
Effective porosity/(%)
Grade Type of cement absorption/(m2 s−1 ) × 10−7
28 days 90 days 28 days 90 days
OPC 15.15 10.72 3.20 2.30
M30 PPC 14.28 9.62 2.50 2.00
PSC 12.61 9.57 0.71 0.40
OPC 13.28 9.43 3.00 1.90
M40 PPC 12.42 6.79 2.90 1.10
PSC 10.61 6.32 0.62 0.15
In general, the primary hydration reaction in concrete is types under 28 and 90 days of curing time were given in
as follows: Table 4. In M30 grade concrete, the maximum anodic current
2 (3CaO ⋅ SiO2 ) + 6H2 O flow measured was found to be 77, 65, and 43 mA for OPC,
(5) PPC, and PSC concrete types, respectively, at 28-day cured
→ 3CaO ⋅ 2SiO2 ⋅ 3H2 O + 3Ca (OH)2 specimens. The corresponding reduction in current flow was
observed as 15.6% for PPC and 44.2% for PSC when com-
But, in PPC and PSC concrete types, the additional secondary pared to OPC. These results clearly indicated that blended
hydration reaction is cements, namely, PPC and PSC, considerably decreased the
3Ca (OH)2 + 2SiO2 + H2 O → 3CaO ⋅ 2SiO2 ⋅ 3H2 O (6) anodic current flow. Similar trend was observed in M40 grade
concrete. Among the three concrete types, the maximum
In PPC and PSC concrete types, the Ca(OH)2 content reduction in current flow was observed for PSC concrete. The
reduction is due to the secondary hydration reaction. During reason is that PSC cement consists of higher amount of Al2 O3
the hydration in PPC, lime is consumed but in OPC lime (10.5%) when compared to OPC (5.5%) and PPC (10%),
is produced. This is the main advantage of using blended which interacted with Ca(OH)2 and favoured more C3 A and
cements to decrease the permeability of the concrete thereby C-S-H gel. The formation of such compounds reduced the
increasing the corrosion resistance properties [35]. micro- and macropores present in the concrete and this is
due to the refinement of the microstructure, considerably
3.3. Impressed Voltage Test. The impressed voltage parame- reducing the current flow [36]. After 90 days of curing, OPC,
ters of M30 and M40 grades of OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete PPC, and PSC concrete types showed only a slight decrease
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Table 4: Impressed voltage parameters for rebar in OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 and M40 grade concrete types.
60 60
50 50
Compressive strength (MPa)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Types of cement Types of cement
28 days 28 days
90 days 90 days
Figure 4: Comparison of compressive strength of M30 grade OPC, Figure 5: Comparison of compressive strength of M40 grade OPC,
PPC, and PSC concrete types. PPC, and PSC concrete types.
0.016 M40 grade concrete. PPC and PSC concrete types showed 1.7
times and 3 times reduction in corrosion rate when compared
to OPC concrete.
Corrosion rate (mmpy)
Table 5: Rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) parameters for OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 and M40 grade concrete types.
28 days 90 days
Chloride Chloride
Grade Free chloride Charge Free chloride
Charge passed (coulomb) diffusion diffusion
contents passed contents
coefficient coefficient
(ppm) (coulombs) (ppm)
(cm2 s−1 ) × 10−10 (cm2 s−1 ) × 10−10
OPC M30 669 749 2.4 630 579 1.9
PPC M30 281 681 1.8 220 528 1.5
PSC M30 226 481 1.0 200 380 1.4
OPC M40 626 540 1.8 600 520 1.4
PPC M40 261 532 1.5 180 483 0.8
PSC M40 204 596 0.5 200 393 0.6
3.4.1. Chloride Diffusion Coefficient. The chloride diffusion cements were attributed to their impermeability nature that is
coefficient (CDC) calculated for 28- and 90-day cured OPC, due to the refinement of their pore structure [39].
PPC, and PSC concrete types was reported in Table 5. The
results indicated that both 28- and 90-day cured M30 and 3.5. Potentiodynamic Polarization Technique. Potentiody-
M40 grade concrete types showed the decreasing trend as namic polarization curves obtained for the corrosion of rebar
follows: in various types of cement concrete were shown in Figure 8.
The corrosion kinetic parameters for rebar embedded in
OPC, PPC, and PSC for M30 and M40 grade and 90-day
OPC > PPC > PSC. (8) cured concrete specimens were given in Table 6.
The corrosion potential of rebar in M30 concrete types
In PSC M30 and M40 grade 28- as well as 90-day from OPC, PPC, and PSC are −397, −303, and −299 mV,
cured concrete showed the least chloride diffusion coefficient respectively. PSC concrete improves the corrosion resistance
(CDC) values. For example, in M30 grade 28-day cured of rebar when compared to OPC concrete. There is a differ-
concrete the CDC values are found to be 1.8 × 10−10 cm2 s−1 ence of −97 mV which moves in the positive direction for
and 1.0 × 10−10 cm2 s−1 for PPC and PSC concrete types, PSC cement concrete. The corrosion rates of rebar types in
respectively. In M40 grade, 90-day cured concrete CDC OPC, PPC, and PSC are 6.9922 × 10−3 , 1.6902 × 10−3 , and
values are 0.8 × 10−10 cm2 s−1 and 0.6 × 10−10 cm2 s−1 for PPC 1.4448 × 10−3 mmpy, respectively. The corrosion rate of PPC
and PSC concrete types, respectively. For high performance and PSC was reduced 4.088 and 4.78 times when compared
concrete, the CDC values were found to be of the order of to OPC. The corrosion current density for rebar in three types
10–12 cm2 s−1 . The considerable lower CDC values for blended of cement concrete at the end of exposure is as follows:
1.4449 × 10−4 mA ⋅ cm−2 < 1.6902 × 10−4 mA ⋅ cm−2 < 6.9922 × 10−4 mA ⋅ cm−2
In M40 grade concrete, the measured corrosion potential PSC concrete types when compared to OPC was found to be
was −301, −263, and −258 mV versus SCE for OPC, PPC, and less than M30 grade concrete. The corrosion current density
PSC, respectively. The variation in potential for M40 PPC and for M40 concrete follows the same order as M30 concrete:
2.491 × 10−4 mA ⋅ cm−2 < 1.9589 × 10−4 mA ⋅ cm−2 < 1.674 × 10−4 mA ⋅ cm−2
The PSC and PPC concrete types exhibit lower corrosion 3.6. AC-Impedance Measurements. Impedance diagrams
current density and lowest corrosion rate when compared to obtained for the frequency range 0.01 Hz to 30 kHz at the
their OPC concrete counterpart. OCP for the corrosion of rebar in different concrete types
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9
−300 −200
−400 −300
10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3
log i (mA·cm−2 ) log i (mA·cm )
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Potentiodynamic polarization curves for TMT rebar embedded in OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 (a) and M40 (b) grade concrete types
(90-day cured specimens).
Table 6: Potentiodynamic polarization parameters for the corrosion of rebar embedded in OPC, PPC, and PSC M40 grade concrete (90-day
cured specimens).
were shown in Figure 9. The corrosion parameters for rebar be 1.12 and 1.27 times less when compared with OPC. In
types in OPC, PPC, and PSC of M30 and M40 grade 90-day M40 grade concrete 𝑅ct values observed for OPC, PPC, and
cured concrete types are given in Table 7. It is seen from the PSC were 1.399 × 106 , 1.594 × 106 , and 1.714 × 106 ohm⋅cm2 ,
figure that the impedance diagram is not a perfect semicircle. respectively. This indicated that M40 grade concrete has two
This difference has been attributed to frequency dispersion. orders of magnitude higher corrosion resistance than M30
From the table, it is found that 𝑅ct (charge transfer grade concrete.
resistance) values were found to be higher for both PPC and Nyquist plots clearly indicated that rebar types embedded
PSC when compared to OPC in both M30 and M40 grade in PSC and PPC concrete performed better than OPC. The
concrete types, which indicates that PPC and PSC have better corrosion rates of rebar in various concrete types at the end
corrosion resistance than OPC. The corrosion rate values in of 24 months’ exposure in M30 and M40 grade concrete types
M30 grade PPC and PSC concrete types were observed to are as follows:
8.728 × 10−3 mmpy < 7.782 × 10−3 mmpy < 6.873 × 10−3 mmpy
2.161 × 10−4 mmpy < 1.897 × 10−4 mmpy < 1.764 × 10−4 mmpy
10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Table 7: AC-impedance parameters for the corrosion of rebar embedded in OPC, PPC, and PSC M40 grade concrete (90-day cured
From the results it is observed that PSC concrete showed that at the end of the exposure (24th cycle) OPC concrete
the higher charge transfer resistance and lowest corrosion rate showed the higher value of 1200 coulombs, whereas PPC and
when compared to PPC and OPC concrete types. PSC exhibited 800 and 500 coulombs, respectively. Figure 15
shows the total integrated current versus number of cycles
3.7. Macrocell Corrosion Studies. The half-cell potential of for M40 grade OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete types. From the
steel measured periodically against SCE with time for OPC, figure, it is observed that the coulomb values observed for
PPC, and PSC for M30 and M40 grade 90-day cured concrete OPC, PPC, and PSC were 900, 700, and 600, respectively. In
types was shown in Figures 10 and 11. It was observed both M30 and M40 grades of concrete PPC and PSC showed
from Figure 10 that steel embedded in M30 grade OPC, a coulomb value of less than 1000 indicating the blended
PPC, and PSC concrete types is showing active condition cements have very low chloride penetration. But OPC showed
within 3, 4, and 5 cycles of exposure, respectively. After 5 1200 coulombs in M30 grade and 900 coulombs in M40 grade
cycles, all the three types of concrete types were showing the concrete types. In M30 grade concrete OPC is graded as a low
potential more negative than −275 mV versus SCE indicating permeable concrete. But in both the grades of concrete PPC
the active condition of the rebar due to the ingress of chloride and PSC were graded as a very low permeable concrete as per
ions, whereas in M40 grade concrete the OPC, PPC, and ASTM C1202-12 [32].
PSC reached the active condition at 7, 9, and 11 cycles of In the case of OPC system, the availability of chloride ions
exposure, respectively. In M30 grade concrete, the potential that occupied the defect position and reacted with ferrous
gets stabilized after 12 cycles of exposure for all the types of ions initiated the corrosion process. But in the case of PPC
and PSC concrete types, the availability of free chloride is
concrete types and it reached a maximum active potential
significantly reduced due to the formation of chloroaluminate
of −610 mV, −530 mV, and −501 mV for OPC, PPC, and PSC, complexes [37]. As a result, there is a considerable reduction
respectively, at the end of 24 cycles. In M40 grade concrete, in the magnitude of current flow which was observed in PPC
after 11 cycles of exposure, both PPC and PSC have shown and PSC concrete types.
gradual increase in potential to the active state, reaching a
potential of −420 mV and −400 mV at the end of 24th cycle.
But OPC has shown a more negative potential of −520 mV 4. Conclusions
at the end of 24th cycle. These results indicated that the PSC
concrete performed better than PPC and OPC concrete types. The following conclusions were drawn from the above inves-
The macrocell current measured periodically with time tigation:
for M30 and M40 grade OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete types is
shown in Figures 12 and 13. From Figure 12, it is observed that (i) Mechanical properties are not altered by using
M30 OPC concrete that crossed the critical current of 10 𝜇A blended cements, but corrosion resistant properties
showed the higher magnitude of macrocell current flow at the are greatly improved.
end of 24 cycles of exposure indicating the severe corrosion
of the embedded steel. The macrocell current measured at the (ii) The effective porosity and coefficient of water absorp-
end of the 24th cycle was 72 𝜇A, 60 𝜇A, and 54 𝜇A for OPC, tion values showed the decreasing order as follows:
PPC, and PSC concrete types, respectively. OPC > PPC > PSC. Among the three types of concrete
From Figure 13 it is observed that in M40 grade concrete used, PSC concrete showed the least pores and lower
OPC reached the threshold macrocell current of 10 𝜇A within coefficient of water absorption.
2 cycles of exposure and PPC and PSC reached the microcell
current at 4th and 6th cycles of exposure. The macrocell (iii) Better corrosion resistant properties were observed
current measured at the end of 24th cycle was 60 𝜇A, 45 𝜇A, for PSC concrete types by showing a minimum
and 34 𝜇A for OPC, PPC, and PSC, respectively. current flow, lowest free chloride contents, and lesser
The total integrated current calculated (ASTM G109) with corrosion rate, and thereby the time taken for ini-
time for M30 grade OPC, PPC, and PSC concrete types is tiation of crack period was extended in accelerated
illustrated in Figure 14. From the figure, it was observed impressed voltage technique.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 11
30000 1400000
25000 1200000
Z (Ω·cm2 )
Z (Ω·cm2 )
5000 200000
0 0
20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 0 250000 500000 750000 1000000 1250000 1500000
Z (Ω·cm2 ) Z (Ω·cm2 )
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Nyquist plots for TMT rebar embedded in OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 (a) and M40 (b) grade concrete types (90-day cured specimens).
Potential mV versus SCE
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of cycles
Figure 10: Potential versus number of cycles of exposure for rebar in OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 grade concrete types (90-day cured specimens)
under macrocell condition.
Potential mV versus SCE
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of cycles
Figure 11: Potential versus number of cycles of exposure for rebar in OPC, PPC, and PSC M40 grade concrete types (90-day cured specimens)
under macrocell condition.
12 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
60 1000
Macrocell current (A)
50 800
10 200
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of cycles Number of cycles
Figure 12: Macrocell current versus number of cycles of exposure Figure 14: Total integrated current versus number of cycles of
for rebar in OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 grade concrete types (90-day exposure for rebar in OPC, PPC, and PSC M30 grade concrete types
cured specimens) under macrocell condition. (90-day cured specimens) under macrocell condition.
Total integrated current (coulombs)
Macrocell current (A)
40 600
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of cycles Number of cycles
Figure 13: Macrocell current versus number of cycles of exposure Figure 15: Total integrated current versus number of cycles of
for rebar in OPC, PPC and PSC M40 grade concrete types (90 days exposure for rebar in OPC, PPC, and PSC M40 grade concrete types
cured specimens) under macrocell condition. (90-day cured specimens) under macrocell condition.