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Dersi Açan Fakülte/ Enstitü Yabancı Diller Bölümü

Dersi Açan Bölüm/ Ana Bilim Dalı Yabancı Diller Bölümü
Dersin Kodu -
Dersin Adı B Listening and Speaking
Öğretim Dili English
Dersi Alan Programlar B level students
Ders Türü Must
Dersin Seviyesi B level
AKTS Kredisi -
Ön Koşullar A / AF level or TOEFL ITP Score between 400-450
The Listening and Speaking class in the B level aims to provide students with a
necessary level of proficiency to understand the spoken interactions they listen to. In
Dersin İçeriği
addition, the speaking class aims to help students use the language fluently in their
spoken interactions.
Course Objectives:
• understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument
provided the topic is reasonably familiar.
• keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics.
• understand announcements and messages on concrete and abstract topics spoken in
standard language at normal speed.
• understand most radio documentaries and most other recorded or broadcast audio,
material delivered in standard language and identify the speaker’s mood, tone, etc.
• make presentations or create detailed definitions about topics of personal or
professional interest.
Dersin Amacı • interact spontaneously in various contexts and discuss concrete or abstract topics by
giving detailed information.
• take part in interviews and give spontaneous answers to predictable questions.
• make deductions by using context clues and give advice to others about those
• develop critical thinking skills by taking active participation in class discussions.
• increase their learner autonomy by taking active part in classroom activities such as
discussion, pair work, group work, and presentations.

Dersin Kazanımları
• Pathways 2 – Listening Speaking and Critical Thinking (Heinle)
Ders Kitabı ve/veya Kaynaklar • Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test PBT (Pearson)

Değerlendirme Ölçütleri
Alan Çalışması
Ödev+ Katılım 28+5
Sunum 5
Projeler 12
Ara Sınavlar 20
Quiz 15
Final 15
Toplam 100
Ders Planı Tartışılacak/ İşlenecek Konular
Greetings & Introduction
1. Hafta
Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 1
2. hafta Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 2
3. hafta Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 3
Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 4
4. hafta
1. Midterm 1 (%8)
5. hafta Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 5
6. hafta Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 6
7. hafta Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 7
Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 8
8. hafta
2. Midterm 2 (%12)
Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 9
9. hafta
3. Speaking Quiz (%15)
10. hafta Pathways Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking 2 – Unit 10
Supplementary Material
11. hafta
4. Portfolio Task 1 (%7)
12. hafta ACHIEVE 3000(%8)
6. Portfolio Task 2- Presentation (%5)
7. Final (%15)
13. hafta
8. Portfolio Task 3 (%5)
9. Participation (%5)

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