Managing Urbanization Towards Sustainable Cities
Managing Urbanization Towards Sustainable Cities
Managing Urbanization Towards Sustainable Cities
Managing Urbanisation –
Towards Sustainable Cities
The 21st Century can be said to be the century of cities. More than
half the global population already lives in cities – in 2050 it will
most likely be more than two thirds. Cities and metropolitan areas
have meanwhile become the main habitat of the human race.
Cities are the dynamic growth centers of our time, places where the
opportunities and challenges of global sustainable development all
come together.
It is obvious that here we must pin our hopes above all on self-help and ownership, in order to
realize sustainable solutions. The central concern of German development policy in the field of
urban development is, therefore, to mobilize all actors and to set in motion processes which will
lead to the sustainable and inclusive development of cities and urban areas.
On the one hand this is about finding intelligent solutions for the problems of increasing urbani-
zation and making cities into attractive, productive and innovative working and living spaces
for all their residents. That means, in particular, addressing urban poverty and social inequality,
and it means making sustainable use of technological knowledge and of available resources in
the water, energy and food sectors, and facilitating environmentally and climate-friendly urban
On the other hand, it is important to make use of the social, economic and ecological interactions
between urban and rural areas for the sake of sustainable development. The consequences of
urbanization are not only evident in the city – urban development also influences the develop-
ment of rural areas to a large extent and vice versa.
Gerd Müller
Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development
10 reasons for urban development
1. Urbanisation: the world has become a city 4. Partners: cities are strong international actors
More than 50% of the world’s population now lives in cities Reforms such as state modernisation and decentralisation
and that figure is set to rise to 75% by 2050.1 High urbanisa- strengthen the autonomy and performance of urban
tion rates in Asia and Africa 2 reflect the fact that the focus administrations. Because scopes for action are broadening
of global urbanisation has long since shifted to developing and powers are expanding at municipal level, cities are
countries and emerging economies. Twice as many people – increasingly being regarded by international development
2.3 billion – live in urban agglomerations in those countries agencies, banks and private enterprise as autonomous, equal
as live in cities in industrialised nations. In 2030 that actors. Cities are seizing these opportunities to engage in
number will rise to four times as many – 3.9 billion; direct partnerships – including among themselves – to drive
approximately 60% of those will be below the age of 18.3 forward their development. Hence, they are gaining more
And so the future of developing countries is increasingly and more weight in international politics. It is rapidly devel-
being determined by urbanisation and a population struc- oping medium-sized cities in particular that need to build
ture that has a disproportionate number of young people. capacities and infrastructure in this context in order to be
able to meet the new challenges they are facing and the new
Established mega regions like Sao Paulo or Mumbai, as well roles they have taken on.
as small and medium-sized cities will become the key living
and economic spaces in this urban millennium. 5. Climate change and biodiversity: cities are involved in
decisions on global climate targets and have a significant
2. Prosperity: productive cities lay the foundation for impact on ecosystems
economic development Cities are currently responsible for producing 70% of green-
Up to 80% of gross domestic product is generated in cities.4 house gases 5 and share the burden of responsibility for
Since cities provide access to labour and information, private global climate change. They are thus important partners and
initiatives and available infrastructure, mobility and institu- actors in international climate policy and are increasingly
tions, they create a macroeconomic enabling environment leading the way when it comes to energy-efficient infra-
for sustainable economic growth. In a globalised economy, structure planning, for instance. At the same time, on ac-
cities represent hubs where products, services and informa- count of their population density, building stock and
tion can be transferred and made available. Because cities infrastructure, cities are directly exposed to the risks asso-
are the engines driving economic growth, they provide key ciated with climate change, for example typhoons in coastal
impetus for the national and global economy. regions, heat waves and landslides. Extreme weather events
and environmental problems in particular impact on the
3. Successful poverty reduction: international poor population on account of their often precarious hous-
commitments are implemented with cities ing situation. Cities have a key, sometimes negative, impact
Cities hold great potential for contributing in key ways to on ecosystems even beyond their city boundaries. At the
implementing international agreements such as the Millen- same time they are dependent on ecosystem services and
nium Development Goals (MDGs). It is in cities that the rele- functions, for instance safe drinking water. Where ecosys-
vant strategies are developed and where great efficiency and tems are intact it is easier to adapt to climate change; they
impact is achieved through the coordinated use of limited
financial resources. In view of, for example, the MDG Target
7.D (“a significant improvement in the lives of at least UN HABITAT: State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011. Nairobi,
United Nations Human Settlements Programme 2007, p. 12
100 million slum dwellers”), it is in cities, more than any- 2
United Nations : World Urbanization Prospects: The 2007 Revision
where else, that people have the potential to get out of pov- Population Database. New York 2008.
erty. Urban poverty and slums are, however, a growing prob- 3
UNFPA State of World Population 2007. Internet:
lem in developing countries that needs to be addressed by swp/2007/english/chapter_2/changing_demographics.html,
means of integrated approaches at local level. Pro-poor pro- 09. Aug. 2011.
UNEP: Towards a Green Economy. Pathways to Sustainable Development
grammes in cities provide better and legally protected living
and Poverty Eradication, Cities – Investing in energy and resource
conditions, education and training, jobs and access to social efficiency, p. 457, Nairobi.
services. 5
The Worldwatch Institute: State of the World. Our Urban Future.
New York (W.W. Norton & Company) 2007.
also represent important recreational areas. Urban develop- 8. Governance: good governance becomes tangible
ment thus increasingly needs to take the preservation of bio- in cities
diversity into account in order that important ecosystem Municipal governments take decisions that have a direct
services and functions can be guaranteed in the long term. impact on the lives of city dwellers, ranging from land rights
to choosing where to build schools and health stations. It is
6. Equal opportunities: promoting a socially inclusive city in cities that the state meets its citizens face to face, calling
Urban environments foster personal development in a way on civil society and private enterprise to actively have a say
that for many is linked to the hope of better living con- in political matters, to participate in decision-making pro-
ditions and social mobility. Cities are places where social cesses and monitor services provided by municipal authori-
change takes place, where the young and women are more ties. Civil society, private enterprise and politics therefore
easily able to develop their full potential, given that their contribute to joint responsibility and create an environment
political and social participation and individual scope for in which cities take on more responsibility for democratic
decision-making are often limited on account of traditional consensus.
decision-making mechanisms. Cities come to the fore
because they provide new models of what constitutes a so- 9. Urbanity: cities are innovative catalysts for
cially inclusive city and have special programmes for women development
and youth. Marginal groups in particular are generally Cities provide a creative environment for social, economic,
excluded from formal economic, social and political net- green and political innovations. They enable close and rapid
works and have only limited chances of benefitting from the exchange between all those involved – the precondition for
development opportunities that open up on account of eco- developing viable strategies. This is where the application of
nomic growth in cities. Participation and political empower- local knowledge can be combined with concrete implemen-
ment are thus key factors in an urban society when it comes tation to meet current challenges, for instance resource con-
to enhancing equality of opportunities and social inclusion. sumption. Cities use these synergies to benefit development,
At the same time, citizen-friendly infrastructure develop- they formulate integrated and economically viable solutions,
ment that improves mobility in urban transportation, for and at the same time take steps to overcome the most diverse
instance, facilitates interaction between different social challenges. Cities are thus often forerunners of developments
groups and fosters social cohesion. that later take root at national and international level.
7. Safety: a safe city promotes development and 10. Economic cooperation: demand is growing in cities
democracy There is great demand for the private sector to support cities
Measures for the prevention of urban violence and crime in meeting the challenges arising in regard to modernising
promote social and economic stability. This is especially the infrastructure and administration. Supplying the grow-
evident in those districts in which significant social and eco- ing population and adapting to national and international
nomic imbalances, lack of prospects, and violence and crime standards calls for technical and management solutions
have become firmly entrenched. Private and public invest- ranging from new information and communication techno-
ments in particular steer clear of those districts in which logies (ICTs) to the energy-efficient modernisation of existing
public safety cannot be guaranteed. Safety in cities is a key buildings. The private sector in Germany and its institutions,
concern of development policy when it comes to underpin- chambers of commerce, and industrial and professional asso-
ning the successes of ongoing development efforts to create ciations are available as partners for cities in emerging eco-
socially inclusive cities worth living in and establishing nomies and developing countries and can provide invest-
democratic structures and processes. ments and know-how.
Green Urban Economy
1. Relevance
Cities and local governments offer opportunities for re- Cities can act as important catalysts on the road toward a
source efficiency and synergies. Municipalities with their green and socially inclusive economy. Accordingly, the UNEP
policymakers and administrators are just one player among report Towards a Green Economy states that “cities can and
several when it comes to giving shape to economic and should play a leading role in greening economies – in both
sociocultural arrangements and networks. It is in cities that developed and developing countries”. So the key elements of
cooperation between citizens, government and enterprises is a Green Urban Economy are the following:
translated into practical action. This makes cities the plat-
form for innovation and new answers, and it makes them Inclusive economic growth. Future growth strategies must
initiators of new partnerships. no longer focus on quantitative goals alone. Rather, there
must be qualitative growth that benefits broad sections of
Efforts for sustainable cities are one priority area in the the population. In cities in particular, there is a growing gap
green economy debate with regard to the United Nations between rich and poor, and there are growing groups that do
Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, Rio+20 not enjoy adequate social and economic participation.
summit) and are being discussed in the context of the Sus-
tainable Development Goals (SDGs) as input to the interna- Ecological compatibility. It is essential that economic growth
tional Post-2015 Agenda. It is in cities where local concepts be decoupled from resource consumption and greenhouse
demonstrate the importance of active urban stakeholders for gas emissions. This can be done, for example, by encouraging
effective implementation of a green economy and how much innovation and environmentally sound technologies. Thanks
can be contributed to the realisation of human rights and to their high population density, cities offer opportunities
the provision of public services by e.g. the establishment of for the establishment of efficient infrastructure networks.
effective services and transparent institutions. If a muni-
cipality acts as a model in terms of sustainable procurement, Poverty reduction. Inclusive, ecologically sound growth
it can influence private investment and behaviours. Munici- must be geared toward reducing poverty and giving people
pal incentive mechanisms can encourage local enterprises to opportunities in life. This needs to result in more income
base their production and operations on a green economy opportunities, especially in the low-income sector and in the
model. urban informal sector, and improve access to basic municipal
services for the poor and in informal settlements.
2. The approach adopted by German development — providing finance for climate- and environment-related
cooperation urban infrastructure
— making the green economy concept part of international
The transformation of an economy requires action by public legal instruments
and private entities at various levels. National and local gov- — enhancing the profile of the green urban economy
ernments can facilitate the transition to a green economy by concept in international networks
changing the regulatory environment, acting as models,
providing incentives, and motivating citizens as well as in-
stitutions and enterprises to act in ecologically sound ways. 3. Practical examples
Social inclusion and poverty reduction are fundamental India: Indo-German Environment Partnership Programme
elements of a green urban economy. As part of its develop- (IGEPP)
ment cooperation, Germany supports its partners in provid- India’s rapid industrialisation and urbanisation is accompa-
ing the right legal environment in terms of good governance nied by heavy industrial pollution, high emissions and in-
as well as in formulating and financing answers to key eco- creasing use of natural resources. To manage economic and
logical challenges. The purpose of a green urban economy demographic change towards sustainable development, India
based on cooperation with the private sector, academia and requires appropriate technical solutions in the industrial and
civil society is to avert negative effects of climate change, to urban sectors, developed management capacities at different
prevent misinvestment, and to mitigate environmental dam- government levels as well as innovative inter-institutional
age that has already occurred. Relevant activities include schemes that incorporate especially the private sector. Ger-
efforts to foster energy efficiency, investment in green tech- man development cooperation supports policymakers at na-
nologies and employment, the creation of incentive systems tional, state and local level with institutional consulting
for sustainable production, operation and consumption pat- services and network dialogues to promote innovative solu-
terns, and the establishment of standards. An inclusive and tions for efficient industrial and urban environmental man-
green economy is geared toward reducing both poverty and agement. This strengthens the capability to develop and im-
inequality. plement environmental and climate change policy solutions.
Therefore the project supports overall sustainable growth
Key areas addressed by German development cooperation and enhances the Green Urban Economy approach.
in relation to sustainable municipal and urban development
include good governance, local economic development and Indonesia: Emission Reduction in Cities — Solid Waste
urban environmental management. Working on these issues Management Programme
in an integrated manner facilitates the transition to a green As a result of increasing urbanisation and economic devel-
urban economy from local to global level: opment in Indonesia, greenhouse gas emissions are concen-
trating in densely populated urban areas. According to In-
— making the green economy concept part of international donesian government estimates, the waste sector accounted
legal instruments for about 7.4 per cent of total emissions in 2005, mainly due
— enhancing the profile of the green urban economy to improper waste disposal. In order to help Indonesia to
concept in international networks implement its climate change strategy, the Solid Waste
— putting in place the right environment, creating incentive Management Programme finances emission reduction meas-
systems and financing models as well as promoting the ures in the waste sector in selected Indonesian cities. Under
development of policy instruments and capacity at the Programme, waste management investment measures
national and local level are being prepared and implemented, such as the construc-
— developing action-oriented strategies for cities tion of landfill cells based on modern standards and the
• greening municipal budgets establishment of sorting and composting facilities. In addi-
• giving poor people income opportunities while tion, advice is being provided to the cities to help them im-
simultaneously enhancing environmental and climate prove their entire municipal waste management systems and
protection building the technical, financial and institutional capacity of
• developing innovative strategies for environmentally municipal waste authorities.
sound transport, sanitation, waste management and
services that are responsive to people's needs
• fostering urban environmental and resource management
Further information
→ BMZ (2011): Green Economy
→ ICLEI (2011) Briefing Sheet – Green Urban Economy
→ OECD (2011): Green Growth Strategy
→ UNEP (2011): Towards a Green Economy. Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication
→ World Bank (2012): Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development
Cities and climate change
1. Relevance
Further information
→ BMZ (2007): Climate Change and Development. Setting Development Policy Priorities, Bonn: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development (BMZ).
Cities and safety
1. Relevance
Further information
→ BMZ (2010). Urban (In)Security. Joint Networking Event of German Development Cooperation. UN-HABITAT World Urban Forum 5,
22–26 March 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Eschborn, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Cities and good governance
1. Relevance
Cities also offer people the chance to experience good gov- ner. Democratic good governance is thereby strengthened
ernance: Numerous actors influence a city’s development. and public administration can more effectively provide its
New forms of monitoring need to be found in order to services to citizens. Government action thus gains credibility
promote cooperation between these different actors in the and legitimacy in the eyes of the population.
urban space and to put the focus on the role of citizens both
as owners in innovation and decision-making processes, and
as users of municipal services. In practice, that means dia- 2. The approach adopted by German development
logue and cooperation between political and administrative cooperation
decision-makers, private sector representatives and civil
society. Special attention must be paid in this process to in- From the point of view of German development cooperation,
corporating representatives of poor and marginalised urban promoting good governance means supporting partner
population groups in particular. This cooperation in a spirit countries in creating a reliable enabling environment for
of partnership is to be used to create an environment in social and ecological development based on a market econ-
which cities take on their responsibility for democracy, omy and strengthening governments in the responsible exer-
integration, sustainability and a broad range of inclusive cise of political power and public resources so as actively to
municipal services. The goal is to improve the urban living prevent and combat corruption. Governmental actors and
conditions of all city dwellers and to expand their opportu- institutions are to be put in a position where they can shape
nities for development. their policies based on pro-poor and sustainable principles.
The decisions taken by local governments are made more In terms of urban development that means promoting struc-
transparent and more binding when, among other things, tural municipal reforms towards decentralisation and local
they adopt a participative approach that responds to citizens’ self-government, i.e. advising partners on urban organisation
needs. As a result, the living conditions of the poor urban development, on reforming local politics and administration,
population can be improved in a targeted and effective man- or in regard to municipal financial management.
Germany has extensive experience of supporting local and the population pressure across cities is becoming an increas-
national governments in regard to political and fiscal ingly urgent issue. There are enormous tasks to be overcome.
decentralisation. Good governance skills are trained at Slums are also growing in all cities across the county due to
municipal level; the focus at national level is on elaborating the constant out-migration of, in particular, poor population
a joint decentralisation strategy and urban policy. This groups from rural regions. In the context of a centralistic
multi-level approach means that experience at national level government structure the city administrations are often not
can be adapted to local needs. Germany supports good in a position to provide even the most basic of services. Mis-
governance in cities by providing technical advisory services management, often on account of inadequately qualified
and financial support to improve municipal administration staff, has serious consequences, especially for the poorest
and empower citizens, as well as to expand public and civic urban dwellers. There is a lack of sanitary facilities, waste
commitment to strengthen civil society. Funding urban management and sufficient housing.
infrastructure that is adapted to local needs enables cities to
provide better services to their citizens based on transparent Through its project “Good Governance in the Urban
terms and conditions and tariffs. Targeted measures promote Region” German development cooperation is supporting
better physical and financial access for poor population advisory and training measures for competent local and
groups. national administrations in small and medium-sized cities.
The aim is to provide the urban population in Bangladesh
New challenges result from these ongoing urbanisation pro- with a demand-based range of services and to improve the
cesses; research is being carried out into the emergence of living conditions of the poor urban population.
mega regions and urban corridors. The results are analysed
so that they can be incorporated into good governance Approaches include holding a public debate on municipal
strategies for these new urban areas. strategies and making sure, through suitable measures, that
municipal administrations are held accountable for their
actions. Together with our partners we are developing a
3. Practical examples range of training courses for municipal administrations that
will continue to be used by local decision-makers even after
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is the world’s most rapidly the project has come to an end.
expanding city. In 1950 it had a population of 500,000; today
it is home to some 12 million people.1 However, the urbani-
sation process in this metropolis continues to be dispropor- 1
Bangladesh Ministry of Planning: Sixth Five-Year Plan FY 2011 –
tionate. Strengthening the regions and evenly distributing FY 2015, 2010.
Further information
→ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development: Promotion of Good Governance in German Development Policy. Bonn
Municipal financing and urban development
1. Relevance
Further information
→ KfW (2008): Financing Urban Infrastructure. Innovative Financial Instruments for Cities
→ CEPAL/ECLAC (2011): Macroeconomic challenges of fiscal decentralization in Latin America in the aftermath
of the global financial crisis;
→ The World Bank (2005): Local Financing for Sub-Sovereign Infrastructure in Developing Countries
→ UN-Habitat (2008): Municipal Financing and Urban Development
→ UN-Habitat (2009): Guide to Municipal Finance
→ Liebig, Klaus/Mandana Bahrinipour/Laura Fuesers/Benjamin Knödler/Christian Schönhofen/Mareike Stein (2008): Municipal borrowing for
infrastructure service delivery in South Africa – a critical review, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Studies 34
→ Commonwealth Local Government Forum (2011): Municipal Finance for Inclusive Development: Innovative models for funding infrastructure
and services for state and local self-governments
Cities and poverty
1. Relevance
The rapid growth of cities means that not only will the
majority of the world’s population in the future be living in
cities, but poverty will also increasingly be focused in urban
areas. The Agenda 21, a guidance paper on sustainable devel-
opment adopted at international level in 1992, identified cit-
ies as important localities and actors when it comes to
achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Cities
have a special role to play as actors in inclusive development
processes. In addition, cities are attracting more and more
people because they offer the prospect of better living con-
ditions. The high population density in cities means that
education initiatives, employment promotion and access to
infrastructure, basic services and accommodation can be Local business opportunities through municipal cobblestone roads
targeted at the urban poor. The coordinated use of funding in Ethiopia
efficiently and effectively contributes to achieving the
MDGs, in particular MDG 7(D) (on achieving a significant urban poverty. Climate change poses an additional challenge:
improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwell- Poor population groups are at particular economic and social
ers). Although this global development goal lays a key foun- risk because they often live in vulnerable areas and cannot
dation when it comes to combating urban poverty, it does protect themselves sufficiently against short- and long-term
not go far enough. It is true that the lives of more than 200 environmental changes.
million slum dwellers had been improved by 2010, but glo-
bally the number of people living in slums rose to 863 mil-
Qualitative poverty leads to social conflicts: The qualitative
lion. In absolute numbers, the slum population is likely to
extent of urban poverty is often underestimated. The com-
reach two billion by 2030. In some regions and cities the
monly applied definition of poverty primarily focuses on the
share of poor people in the urban population will also
traditional income level of 1.25 US dollars a day and thus
increase. And so there is an urgent need for further action,
frequently ignores the fact that the cost of living in cities is
despite successes having already been achieved.
significantly higher than in rural regions: Urban populations
need to purchase food and water, and have to pay for accom-
Poverty is multidimensional: Poverty not only means
modation and transportation to their place of work, which
having little income, but also marginalisation and social
can be quite some distance from home. Poor urban house-
exclusion, which manifest in fewer prospects and a lack of
holds usually not only have lower, but also irregular incomes;
opportunities to participate in political, economic and socio-
they lack access to clean water and sanitation. In addition,
cultural life. Poor population groups are particularly vulner-
they are exposed to other social and political uncertainties:
able to risks, disregard for their human dignity and rights,
Municipal authorities often do not regard slum dwellers as
and lack of access to resources.1 Since decision-makers in
citizens with rights, and they are often labelled “squatters”
municipal authorities and public utilities are often inade-
or “illegal persons” and passed over or are evicted. They are
quately equipped to face the challenges posed by increasing
generally excluded from political decision-making and plan-
urban poverty, urban growth frequently leads to a growth in
ning processes.
informal settlements and slums. Although cities will not
alone be able to eliminate urban poverty, local self-govern-
ment has a key role to play when it comes to elaborating Further, extremely cramped housing, which is often only
local strategies for action because they are closer to citizens. makeshift and offers only insufficient protection, has a
Municipal authorities have the potentials needed to combat particularly significant impact on all life circumstances.
Further information
→ Göran Tannerfeldt, Per Ljung (2006): More Urban, Less Poor. → (Cities Development Initiative for Asia)
An Introduction to Urban Development and Management, London → (Cities Alliance)
→ GTZ (2006): Reducing Urban Poverty. Lessons Learnt from Technical → (Slum Dwellers International)
Cooperation Projects, Eschborn → (Asian Coalition for Housing Rights)
→ UN Habitat (2010): State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011. Bridging the → (International Alliance of Inhabitants)
Urban Divide, Nairobi →
→ GIZ Ethiopia (2013): Poverty-oriented Urban Development, Addis Ababa Entwicklungsbank/Sectors/Stadtentwicklung/
Cities and human rights
1. Relevance
3. Practical examples
2. The approach adopted by German development
cooperation Egypt’s cities are growing rapidly, usually not on the basis of
government or local government planning. Around 60 per
At local level respect for and the protection and guarantee cent of the population of Greater Cairo lives in informal
of human rights have the biggest direct influence on the neighbourhoods. These densely populated districts lack
lives of those living in cities. German development coopera- much of what defines decent living conditions: usable open
tion supports partners and civil society actors in developing spaces, social services, access to drinking water, sanitation
countries in gradually implementing sustainable urban de- and waste management.
velopment. It actively contributes to creating decent living
conditions based on the rule of law by: The Participatory Urban Development Programme that the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
— making demand-based improvements to precarious living (GIZ) GmbH is implementing on behalf of the German Fed-
conditions by involving citizens in planning and imple- eral Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
mentation procedures; (BMZ) works at local, regional and national level to improve
— integrating informal neighbourhoods in the “official” the living conditions of those living in informal neighbour-
municipal area at social and economic level; hoods. In various informal neighbourhoods in Cairo and
— better realising the concerns of weak population groups Giza citizens are able to discuss their needs with each other
when it comes to political decision-making processes; and to coordinate them with the authorities. Youth, women,
— institutionalising forward-looking urban development civil society groups and businessmen and -women are
planning that is responsive to citizens’ needs and combines involved in planning and implementing the measures. In
the right to liberty of movement with access to adequate that way their right to co-determination and decent living
housing. conditions with access to water, social services and education
can be implemented step by step.
When it comes to improving urban settlements, German
development cooperation ensures that when a slum’s infra- As this is a complex task, it is important that a relationship
structure is upgraded its inhabitants are neither directly nor of trust based on transparency and accountability is estab-
indirectly forced out. In accordance with Article 11 of the lished between the civil population, government and other
ICESCR, German development cooperation contributes to relevant actors.
protecting slum dwellers against forced evictions and to
Further information
→ Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights/ → UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1997):
UN-HABITAT (2009): The Right to Adequate Housing. Fact Sheet The right to adequate housing: forced evictions
No. 21 (General Comment No. 7)
→ BMZ (2011): Human Rights in German Development Policy. Strategy. → UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1991):
BMZ Strategy Paper 4/2011 The right to adequate housing. (General Comment No. 4)
→ BMZ (2010): Human Rights in Practice. Fact Sheets on a Human Rights- → Practical example:
Based Approach in Development Cooperation → UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing:
Cities and resource efficiency – the urban NEXUS
1. Relevance
Further information
→ The Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform NEXUS,
→ Stockholm Environment Institute,
→ World Economic Forum,
→ International Food Policy Research Institute,
→ BMZ Innovation Council discusses key challenges for the future in the area of water, energy and food security,
20 March, 2012 (in German):
Sustainable development of metropolitan regions
1. Relevance
Further information
→ Knieling, Jörg (publ.), 2009: Metropolregionen: Innovation, Wettbewerb, Handlungsfähigkeit (German only)
→ Ludwig, Mandel, Schwieger, Terizakis (publ.), 2009: Metropolregionen in Deutschland (German only)
→ GIZ URBANET, Thematic Focus Metropolitan Regions,
→ Metropolis, global City-Network:
Published by the
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ),
Division for public relations, information and education
Edited by the
BMZ Division for water; energy; urban development; geoscience sector
Printed by
Bonifatius Druck und Verlag, Paderborn
The original document was printed on FSC-certified paper.
Photo credits
Green Urban Economy: Jason Gutierrez/IRIN
Cities and climate change: GIZ/Robert Heine
Cities and safety: GIZ/Kamikazz
Cities and good governance: GIZ/Silke Irmscher
Municipal financing and urban development: Ralf Bäcker/GIZ
Cities and poverty: GIZ
Cities and human rights: Claudia Wiens/GTZ/PDP, Publication “Cairo’s Informal Areas Between Urban Challenges and
Hidden Potentials. Facts. Voices. Visions.” (2009)
Cities and resource efficiency: Alexandra Linden
Sustainable development of metropolitan regions: Alexandra Linden
As at
New edition, April 2014
[email protected]