Digestive System
Digestive System
Digestive System
4. Serosa/adventitia:
- outermost layer
1. Take in food
- peritoneum is present called
2. Break down food
3. Absorb digested materials
- no peritoneum then called
4. Provide nutrients
adventitia (Ex. Esophagus)
5. Eliminate waste
• Salivary Glands:
- includes submandibular,
sublingual, parotid
- produce saliva contains enzymes
to breakdown food
- mumps is inflammation of parotid
• Esophageal phase:
moves food from pharynx to
• Peristalsis:
wave-like contractions moves food
Pharynx digestive tract
• Throat
• Voluntary phase:
bolus (mass of food) formed in
mouth and pushed into
Stomach Regulation of Stomach
• Located in abdomen
• Storage tank for food • Parasympathetic stimulation,
• Can hold up to 2 liters of food gastrin,
• Produces mucus, hydrochloric histamine increase stomach
acid, protein digesting enzymes secretions
• Contains a thick mucus layer that • Cephalic phase:
lubricates and protects epithelial -1
cells on stomach wall form st phase
acidic pH (3) - stomach secretions are initiated
by sight, smell, taste, or food
• 3 muscular layers: thought
outer longitudinal, middle circular,
and inner oblique to produce • Gastric phase:
churning action - 2 nd phase
- partially digested proteins and
• Rugae: distention of stomach promote
large folds that allow stomach to secretion
• Intestinal phase:
• Chyme: - 3 rd phase
paste-like substance that forms - acidic chyme stimulates neuronal
when food begins to be broken reflexes and secretions of
down hormones that inhibit gastric
secretions by negative feedback
• Pyloric opening: opening loops
between stomach and small
intestine Movement in Stomach
• Pyloric sphincter: thick, ring of
smooth muscle around pyloric • Mixing waves:
opening - weak contraction
• Hunger pangs: stomach is - thoroughly mix food to form
stimulated to contract by low chyme
blood glucose levels usually • Peristaltic waves:
12-24 hours after a meal - stronger contraction
- force chyme toward and through
pyloric sphincter
• Hormonal and neural Large intestine
mechanisms stimulate
stomach secretions • Function is to absorb water from
• Stomach empties every 4 hours indigestible food
after regular meal, and 6-8 • Contains cecum, colon, rectum,
hours after high fatty meal anal canal
• Lobules: Gallbladder
divisions of liver with portal triads at
corners • Small sac on inferior surface of
• Portal triad: • Stores and concentrates bile
contain hepatic artery, hepatic
portal vein, hepatic duct Functions of Liver
• Central vein:
- center of each lobule
- where mixed blood flows towards
- forms hepatic veins
Pancreas 4. Defecation:
elimination of waste in the form of
• Located posterior to stomach in feces
inferior part of left upper
• Head near midline of body
• Tail extends to left and touches
• Endocrine tissues have
pancreatic islet that
produce insulin and glucagon
• Exocrine tissues produce
digestive enzymes
Carbohydrate Digestion
Proteins Digestion