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Disaster Preparedness

Plan (During and After

By Gerald S. Bajado [10-SPA Maceda]

During a disaster

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Follow your If you have not been ordered Be sure you have access
emergency plan to evacuate, stay in a safe to your survival kit in case
area or shelter during a you are in an emergency
natural disaster. event that lasts several

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Listen to your portable Unplug appliances; turn off Stay inside away
radio for important electricity, gas, and main from windows,
updates and instructions water valve. (Safety note: do skylights and glass
from local authorities not attempt to re-light the doors.
gas pilot. Call the utility

After the disaster

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Check yourself and others for Do not turn on light switches
Try to stay injuries. Give first aid to people
who are injured or trapped.
or light matches until you are
sure that there aren't any
calm. Take care of life-threatening gas leaks or flammable
situations first. Get help if liquids spilled. Use a
necessary. flashlight to check utilities.

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If possible, put on sturdy Do not go near loose or
shoes and protective dangling power lines. Downed Water supplies may
clothing to help prevent be contaminated so
power lines can cause fires purify your water.
injury from debris, and carry sufficient power to
especially broken glass. cause harm. Report them and
any broken sewer and water
mains to the authorities.

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