Comprehensive High Speed Automotive SM-PMSM Torque Control Stability

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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

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Comprehensive high speed automotive SM-PMSM torque control stability T

analysis including novel control approach
A. Ariasa, , E. Ibarrab, E. Tranchoc, R. Griñóa, I. Kortabarriab, J. Caumd

Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Department of Electronic Technology, UPV/EHU, C. Rafael Moreno, Pitxitxi, 48080 Bilbao, Spain
Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Industry and Transpor Unit, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, c/ Geldo, Edif. 700, 48160 Derio, Spain
Centre for Sensors Instruments and Systems Development, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Rbla. Sant Nebridi, 08222 Terrassa, Spain


Keywords: Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) are widely used in the automotive industry for electric ve-
Discrete-time vector current control hicle (EV) and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) propulsion systems, where the trend is to achieve high mechanical
Decoupling speeds. High speeds inevitably imply high current electrical frequencies, which can lead to a lack of controll-
Electric Vehicle (EV) ability when using field oriented control (FOC) due to sampling period constraints. In this work, a compre-
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
hensive discrete-time model is fully developed to assess the stability issues in the widely used FOC. A speed-
High-speed AC electrical drives
adaptive control structure that overcomes these stability problems and extends the speed operation range of the
PMSM is presented. Also, a numerical methodology from which the maximum operating stable frequency can be
computed in advance of any experimentation, is developed. All contributions are accompanied and supported by
numerical results obtained from an accurate MATLAB/Simulink model.

1. Introduction configuration of the rotor magnets, two PMSM machine technologies,

i.e., interior (IPMSM) and surface mounted (SM-PMSM) machines can
In recent years, global warming and climate change have lead to the be differentiated. Thanks to the additional reluctant torque, IPMSMs
development of new electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid electric vehicle have the highest power density. Thus, this technology is extensivelly
(HEV) technologies. According to the latest International Energy used on HEVs (Toyota Prius, for example), in which drive volume is a
Agency Global EV Outlook report (2018), the combination of the high critical factor [12]. In contrast, SM-PMSMs have a simpler construction,
efficiency of electric motors and low-carbon electricity production will lower rotor inertia, and the adjustment of the control scheme is easier.
allow EVs to significantly reduce CO2 emissions with respect to internal For these reasons, SM-PMSMs can be found in a number of EV appli-
combustion engine based vehicles. On a well-to-wheel basis, EVs in cations (where space constraints are not as tight as in HEVs) [13,14].
Europe will reduce CO2 emissions in about 50% with respect to gasoline For example, industrial manufacturers such as GKN/EVO (AF series)
cars, and in 40% with respect to diesel cars [1]. For all these reasons, it and Yasa (400 series) produce automotive grade axial flux SM-PMSMs.
is expected that market penetration of HEV/EVs will increase ex- In particular, this paper will focus on this type of machine.
ponentially in the next few years [2,3]. Currently, HEV/EVs mount PMSMs whose mechanical speeds can be
The propulsion system can be considered as the core element in up to 15000 r/min [4,5], although, in general, maximum speed is
modern HEV/EVs. In general, such systems are constituted by a power around 4000–8000 r/min. Taking into account the multi-pole design of
converter, an electric machine and their corresponding control elec- such PMSMs, electric frequencies in the range of 300–600 Hz are
tronics. In this context, a great variety of electric machine technologies common in the fundamental components of stator voltages and currents
can be found in HEV/EVs, such as induction machines (IM), permanent synthesized by the power converter. The European Union Horizon 2020
magnet synchronous machines (PMSM), synchronous reluctance ma- program call “Next generation electric drivetrains for fully electric vehicles,
chines (SynRM) and switched reluctance machines (SRM) [4–6]. focusing on high efficiency and low cost” and a number of papers [15,16]
Among them, PMSMs are the preferred option due to their high power forecast that the next generation of electric motors will become faster,
density, high efficiency and simple structure [7–11]. Depending on the allowing to reduce the machine size for the same rated mechanical

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Arias), [email protected] (E. Ibarra), [email protected] (E. Trancho),
[email protected] (R. Griñó), [email protected] (I. Kortabarria), [email protected] (J. Caum).
Received 19 September 2018; Received in revised form 10 December 2018; Accepted 18 February 2019
0142-0615/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

List of acronyms MIMO Multi input multi output

MBD Model based design
DSP Digital signal processor PI Proportional integral
DTC Direct torque control PMSM Permanent magnet synchronous machine
ECU Electronic control unit PF Pre-filter
EMF Electromotive force PWM Pulse width modulation
EV Electric vehicle SISO Single input single output
FOC Field oriented control SM-PMSM Surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous ma-
HSEM High speed electric machine chine
HEV Hybrid electric vehicle STATCOM Static compensator
IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor SRM Switched reluctance machine
IM Induction machine SynRM Synchronous reluctance machine
LTI Linear time invariant VOC Voltage oriented controller
LPV Linear parameter variant VSI Voltage source inverter
LTV Linear time variant ZOH Zero-order hold

power. In this context, two control aspects must be considered for high where vd, vq, i d and i q are the stator voltages and currents; R, Ld and Lq
speed control of PMSM machines: are the stator resistance and inductances, m is the magnetic flux of the
permanent magnets and is the electrical rotor angular speed
(a) Due to DC-link voltage constraints, field weakening control is re- ( = P m , where P is the PMSM pole-pair number). The electro-
quired at high speeds. This aspect has been thoroughly studied in magnetic torque produced by the PMSM is obtained as:
the scientific literature, providing robust solutions even under 3
parameter uncertainties [12,17–19]. Tem = P{ m iq + ( Ld Lq ) id i q}.
(b) Machine stability issues can occur at high speeds. This can be
challenging from the electric machine torque control algorithm In SM-PMSMs, d- and q-axis stator inductances are equal (Ld = Lq ).
point of view, especially if current insulated gate bipolar transistor As a consequence, the reluctant torque component is zero and only
(IGBT) technologies operating with switching frequencies up to magnetic torque can be produced.
10 kHz are used to constitute the power inverter. Thus, it is im- PMSM drives have voltage and torque production constraints,
portant to understand the limitations of conventional control mainly due to inverter ratings and available DC-link voltage limitations
structures due to their corresponding sample time constraints. [33]. These constraints, which arise at high speeds [17,34,35], can be
represented with the following mathematical expressions:
A variety of PMSM control approaches such as direct torque control
id2 + iq2 Imax , (4)
(DTC) [20–22], predictive control [23] and adaptive structures [24,25],
can be found in the scientific literature and in the industry. However, 2 2
field oriented control (FOC) is by far the most common torque control m Vmax
Ld2 i d + + Lq2 iq2 ,
strategy employed for PMSM drives [12,26–29]. In this paper, the in- Ld (5)
fluence of the speed in the conventional FOC control structure is studied where Imax and Vmax are the maximum allowable stator current and
theoretically and by simulation. In order of extending the speed op- voltage, respectively [17,34,35].
eration range of the machine, a novel adaptive control algorithm is
proposed and its stability analysis, from which the maximum frequency
3. FOC control at high speed operation
can be computed, is reported. Simulation results that validate the
proposed approach are presented.
3.1. Traditional FOC control
It is important to point out that although this article focuses on
machine stability at high speed operation, such stability issue might
When FOC control structure is used, machine stator currents are
potentially appear also in grid connected converters applications with
transformed into the synchronous dq reference frame as illustrated in
dq current controllers [30], such as static compensators (STATCOM)
Fig. 1. In order to achieve the EV target torque, an optimal current set
[31] and voltage oriented controllers (VOC) [32]. Thus, the mathe-
point generator [17] sets the dq current references for a given EV op-
matical tools provided in this paper can be reused for a variety of ap-
eration point, considering both machine efficiency and field weakening
operation. The reference voltages v UVW are synthesized by modulating
a voltage source inverter (VSI) using a pulse width modulation (PWM)
2. Automotive SM-PMSM fundamentals or Space Vector Modulation (SVM) algorithm. It should be pointed out
that, in EV applications, the speed loop is not controlled by the prime
In general, flux linkage of current automotive axial flux SM-PMSMs mover and, therefore, the speed related variables (inertia and friction)
has a linear behaviour, as magnetic saturation is negligible for such and magnitude (torque disturbance) have no influence in the high
particular machine designs. For this reason, the stator inductances and speed behaviour.
PM flux linkage can be considered constant, with independence of the
operation point (torque/speed) of the machine. Thus, the equations that 3.2. FOC control PI adjustment in z domain
represent the stator voltages of SM-PMSMs in the dq synchronous ro-
tating reference frame are: From (1) and (2) it is concluded that the plant dynamics can be
di simplified to a first-order system formed by a resistance and an in-
vd = Ri d + Ld d Lq i q ,
dt (1) ductance, while the back electromotive force (EMF) acts as a dis-
turbance. Traditionally, FOC current controllers for PMSM are ad-
di q dressed tuning proportional and integral (PI) controllers (Fig. 2).
vq = Ri q + Lq + (Ld i d + m),
dt (2) Although PI tuning in the Laplace domain (s domain) is sufficient in

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

Fig. 1. Conventional FOC structure, including optimal current set point generation algorithm, PI based current regulators and Park transform.

many applications, it is advisable to tune such current PI controllers in If the current closed-loop transfer function had just two poles, the
the z domain and to include a pre-filter (PF) if high accuracy is re- desired closed-loop characteristic equation would correspond to ex-
quired. Hence, the well-known zero-order hold (ZOH) transformation pression (10) and the specifications would be (i) settling time at 2%
method [36] has been used to obtain the plant transfer function in z (Ts,2% ) and (ii) damping factor ( ), which in this application is fixed to
domain according to expression (6). Once in the z domain, the delays, = 1 in order to avoid any overshoot.
which are mainly caused by the time needed by the digital signal
processor (DSP) to sample the currents and execute the controllers as z2 2e wn T z +e 2w n T , being Ts,2% = .
wn (10)
well as the PWM unit to synthesize the required voltage, can be easily
considered in the model including a delay of one sampling period (z 1) However, due to the inclusion of one sample time delay and the zero
along with the mentioned ZOH transformation method. Actually, the introduced by the PI, actually the closed-loop system is composed by
PWM updating mode has, with the mentioned delays, a great impact at the targeted two poles from (10) plus a third pole and a zero, labelled as
high speed operation. Therefore, it is important to include them in the c and b, respectively in (11). Notice how expression (11) matches with
model. In this work, specifically, the voltages are initially synthesized expression (9) of the actual current closed-loop.
(with the PWM) at the beginning of the following iteration after the
current samples, therefore with a delay of one sample (z 1), and are K
z b
finally synthesized at the end of the next iteration, i.e. with a delay of (z 2 2e n Tz +e 2 nT )(z c) (11)
two samples (z 2 ). Fig. 3 shows the general block diagram to properly
tune the PI controller in z domain [37], where the back EMF has been Therefore, the tuning of the PI consists in forcing expression (9) and
omitted for simplicity. (11) to be the same. The additional pole and zero will be cancelled by a
PF, whose expression is indicated in (12) and by doing so, the current
G (z ) = z 1 (1 z 1) Z
G (s )
=z 1 (1 z 1) Z
1/R closed-loop dynamics has to perfectly match the second order system
s s [(L / R) s + 1] given in (10) with its specifications.
1 1 e aT
= , (1 b)(z c)
R z (z e aT ) (6) PF (z ) = .
(1 c )(z b) (12)
where a = R/ L and T is the sampling period.
The PI controller transfer function in expression (7) is derived from Once the pole placement technique is numerically solved, expres-
PI expression in s domain when the backward Euler approximation is sions (13)–(16) are obtained.
used [36]. c=1+e aT 2e wn T , (13)
z (K p + K i T ) z Kp
PI (z ) = Kp + Ki T = . Rce 2wn T
z 1 z 1 (7) Kp = ,
1 e aT (14)
Hence, the current open-loop L (z ) and closed-loop T (z ) transfer
functions can be deduced as indicated in expressions (8) and (9), re- R (e 2w n T + 2e wn T c e aT )
spectively. Ki T = Kp ,
1 e aT
(K p + K i T ) z Kp 1 1 e aT
L (z ) = ,
z 1 R z (z e aT )

aT )(z Kp
(Kp + Ki T )(1 e Kp + Ki T
T (z ) = 1
R (z 3 + z2 ( 1 e aT ) + z (e aT + R
(K p + Ki T )(1 e aT ))

Kp aT ))
(1 e
R Fig. 2. Control scheme with the PI(s) controller, plant transfer function and the
(9) current, voltage and back EMF signals for the direct and quadrature axes.

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

control diagram depicted in Fig. 3. Such scheme does not consider

vector transformations, which is adequate when the electrical fre-
quencies are low and medium, but not when they become high. The
Park transformation [38] (sometimes known as to dq transforma-
tion) must be included in the model, as it has a paramount influence at
Fig. 3. Scheme for the direct and quadrature current control loop with the PI high speed operation, as it is justified below. Fig. 6 shows the new
and PF controllers in z domain. complete model where, for the sake of simplicity, the PF has been re-
Kp In the discrete-time domain, the Park transform is defined as:
b= .
Kp + Ki T (16) V (nT ) cos(wnT ) sin(wnT ) Vd (nT )
= .
In order to illustrate the operation of a PMSM applied to EVs and V (nT ) sin(wnT ) cos(wnT ) Vq (nT ) (17)
HEVs, a detailed model of the propulsion system has been carried out in
the Matlab/Simulink simulation environment, including PMSM, power The trigonometric z transform expressions given in (18) and (19)
electronics, battery and digital controllers. The three-phase inverter has must be considered to be able to analytically express the scheme of
been implemented as a voltage source converter using the Hydro Fig. 6 [39].
Quebec’s SimPowerSystems toolbox, while the SM-PMSM is a custo- 1 jwnT )
Z {(f (nT )cos(wnT )} = [F (ze + F (ze jwnT )],
mized model described in the dq reference frame, including vector 2 (18)
transformations (Clarke and Park), and expressions ()()()(1)–(3). The
SM-PMSM is fed by the PWM voltages generated by the converter and j
Z {f (nT )sin(wnT )} = [F (ze jwnT ) F (ze jwnT )].
the subsequent currents are feedback to the SimPowerSystems model 2 (19)
through three variable current sources. For simplicity, the battery pack Now, z domain expressions of voltages correspond to (20) and
has been considered as an ideal voltage source. Finally, the control (21).
algorithms have been programmed using the model based design
(MBD) approach, resulting on a real representation of an automotive 1 j
V (z ) = Vd (ze jwT + ze jwT ) Vq (ze jwT + ze jwT ),
2 2 (20)
electronic control unit (ECU) program.
Table 1 shows the most significant parameters of the electrical 1 j
machine. As the main goal of the simulations is to study the limits of the V (z ) = Vq (ze jwT + ze jwT ) + Vd (ze jwT + ze jwT ).
2 2 (21)
controller at high speeds, the PMSM model does not consider any
particular EV machine nor a maximum mechanical speed constraint. Following the scheme depicted in Fig. 6, the z domain expressions of
The values of the stator inductances, resistances, PM flux linkage and currents are:
pole-pair number, are typical values found in current automotive axial 1
flux SM-PMSMs. I (z ) = G (z ) V (z ) = G (z )[Vd (ze jwT + ze jwT ) jVq (ze jwT + ze jwT )],
Fig. 4 shows the machine current, torque and voltage regulation (22)
(under the field weakening control) for machine nominal torque and
mechanical speed up to 3600 r/min, i.e. 300 Hz of electrical frequency. I (z ) = G ( z ) V ( z ) =
G (z )[Vq (ze jwT + ze jwT ) + jVd (ze jwT + ze jwT )].
The traditional FOC structure of Fig. 1 is used with the PI regulators 2
tuned as previously explained, with a damping factor of 1 and a settling (23)
time of 5 ms. Despite the fact that torque control behaves as expected, Using expressions (18) and (19), d-axis current can be obtained as
the mechanical speed is already high after 2 s and therefore the field follows:
weakening algorithm is forced to reduce the id as shown in the top trace
of Fig. 4. Actually, such field weakening is required since the voltage 1 1
Id (z ) = I (ze jwT + ze jwT ) + I (ze jwT ze jwT ).
demand is superior than the available in the DC bus. 2 2 (24)
It could be concluded that many industrial drives for standard ap- Considering (22) and (23) in (24), the following equation is ob-
plications perform extremely well with the FOC structure and the PI tained:
described in the previous section. Additionally, a damping factor equal
to 0.707 is widely used to enlarge a bit the bandwidth; settling times 1
Id (z ) = {G (ze jwT )[Vd (ze 2jwT + z ) jVq (ze 2jwT z )]
between 2 ms and 10 ms are standard values and a switching frequency 4
of 10 kHz (or a sampling time of 100 μs) are common figures. Such a + G (ze jwT )[Vd (z + ze 2jwT ) jVq (z ze 2jwT )]
remarkable performance is obtained as long as the mechanical speeds + G (ze jwT ) j [jVd (ze 2jwT z ) + Vq (ze 2jwT + z )]
are below (about) 6000 r/min for 3 pole-pair machines, or 3600 r/min
for 5 pole-pair machines, i.e. 300 Hz. However, as it will be analyzed in G (ze jwT ) j [jV (z
d ze 2jwT ) + Vq (z + ze 2jwT )]}.
the following section, with higher mechanical speeds, when the elec-
Rearranging Eq. (25), a final expression for Id (Z ) (26) is deduced.
trical frequencies increase, there will be a performance degradation and
an eventual instability.
Table 1
Nominal parameters of the PMSM under study and power system.
3.3. High speed stability problems
Parameter Value Unit

When conventional FOC is employed and the PMSM mechanical d-axis phase inductance (Ld ) 0.35 mH
speed exceeds a given threshold, the torque control loop can become q-axis phase inductance (Lq ) 0.35 mH
unstable. Fig. 5 illustrates this phenomenon which takes place before Phase resistance (R s ) 100 m
4800 r/min or 400 Hz for the PMSM under study, regardless the com- PM flux linkage ( PM ) 0.07 Wb
Pole-pair (P) 5 –
manded torque reference. In particular, torque references of 100 N·m, 10 kHz
Switching frequency ( fsw )
50 N·m, 10 N·m and −50 N·m were applied in the simulations shown in Battery voltage (VDC ) 500 V
Fig. 5. Nominal torque (Temnom
) 100 N·m
The reason for this loss of stability cannot be explained from the

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

Fig. 6. Full scheme for both current control loops with the Park transformations
(the PF has been removed for the sake of simplicity).

1 1
Id (z ) = Vd (z )[G (ze jwT ) + G (ze jwT )] + Vq (z ) j [G (ze jwT ) G (ze jwT )].
2 2
Similarly, final expression of the q current is directly given in (27).
1 1
Iq (z ) = Vd (z ) j [G (ze jwT ) G (ze jwT )] + Vq (z )[G (ze jwT )
2 2
+ G (ze jwT )].
In order to obtain a compact multi input and multi output (MIMO)
transfer function, direct and coupling transfer functions labelled as
GAC (z ) and GC (z ) , respectively, are:

1 1 e aT 1
GAC (z ) = [G (ze jwT ) + G (ze jwT )] =
2 2R ze jwT (ze jwT e aT )

1 e aT 1
+ jwT (ze jwT aT )
2R ze e
1 e aT z cos(2wT ) e aT cos(wT )
= ,
R z (z 2 ze aT 2cos(wT ) + e 2aT )

Fig. 4. Torque control results of the studied machine with conventional FOC 1
GC (z ) = [G (ze jwT ) G (ze jwT )]
structure up to 3600 r/min (300 Hz electrical). 2
1 e aT zjsin(2wT ) + e aT j sin(wT )
= .
R z (z 2 ze aT 2cos(wT ) + e 2aT ) (29)
The final MIMO transfer function is given in expression (30) and
illustrated in Fig. 7(a),
Id (z ) GAC (z ) GC (z ) Vd (z )
= ,
Iq (z ) GC (z ) GAC (z ) Vq (z ) (30)
from where the following partial conclusions can be drawn:

• The system is MIMO and coupled. Therefore, much more complex to

control. Consequently, SISO standard tools for both control and
stability cannot be used.
• Notice that, at zero frequency, GC (z ) tends to disappear and GAC (z ) is
the same as G (z ) , confirming the idea that at low electrical speeds,
the PI controller is enough.

Fig. 5. Torque control instability of the studied machine with conventional FOC Fig. 7. PMSM model. (a) MIMO scheme given on Eq. (30). (b) Equivalent MIMO
structure under a variety of torque regulation conditions. scheme.

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

the manuscript have been introduced and, with the help of Matlab, a
minimal realization of the closed-loop matrix transfer function and its
closed-loop poles are computed. The numerical results, which are
printed every 25 Hz from 100 Hz until 600 Hz, are illustrated in Fig. 9,
from which it can be concluded that stability is maintained for electrical
frequencies lower than 521.7 Hz.
Nevertheless, in Fig. 5, the instability already appeared before
400 Hz. The explanation for this lower range of stability must be found
in the inclusion of the feed-forward terms (ff), which is quite a common
practice in general purpose drives [38]. The need of the ffd (35) and ffq
Fig. 8. (a) GAC (z ) and (b) GC (z ) pole-zero maps. (36) terms

ffd = Lq iq , (35)
• The PI approach has limitations, which arise at high frequencies, the
closed-loop system becomes unstable. ffd = (Ld i d + m), (36)
• (z) and G (z ) pole-zero maps are given in Fig. 8 a) and b), re-
arises from the analysis of the dq PMSMs representation given in (1)
spectively. Two of the three poles have always a constant magnitude
but its angle depends on the mechanical speed. The GAC (z ) zero and (2) and their inclusion is illustrated in Fig. 1.
moves from e aT up to + , leaving rather quickly the unitary circle. Instead of applying the unitary feedback as previously done in the
Zero values, considering the PMSM data given in Table 1 and for open-loop MIMO transfer function (32), now the following feedback
T = 100 μs, are indicated in Table 2 for several electrical fre- expression must be considered1:
quencies. Lq
e Id Id 1 Id
PI (z )
e Iq = .
3.4. Numerical stability study Iq Ld
1 Iq
PI (z ) (37)
Given the fact that the plant under study is not linear time invariant The numerical analysis has been repeated from 100 Hz to 450 Hz
(LTI) but linear time variant (LTV) or linear parameter variant (LPV), and the results obtained, which are illustrated in Fig. 10, confirm the
since the closed-loop poles are frequency dependent, as stated in (28) reduction of the stability down to 379.8 Hz.
and (29) transfer functions collected in the final MIMO matrix transfer From this numerical study, the following partial conclusions can be
function (30), any attempt to obtain an analytic expression for the derived:
stability margin becomes very difficult. Nevertheless, a full numerical
linear study which brings specific information about the stability limits
of the plant under study is presented. The PI controller expressed in the
• The frequency stability limit can be numerically computed in ad-
vance (for any experimental implementation).
MIMO notation is as follows:
• An excellent match of the computed maximum operating fre-
Vd PI (z ) 0 e Id quencies exists between the time results and the MIMO closed-loop
= e Iq , poles, which confirms the validity of the approach presented in this
Vq 0 PI (z ) (31)
subsection and Section 3.3.
Therefore, connecting in series (31) and (30) as deduced from Fig. 6 • The extended use of feed-forward terms (35) and (36), despite im-
scheme, the open-loop expression becomes: proving the FOC performance at standard speeds, drastically reduces
the stability margin when the speed increases. In this specific sce-
Id GAC (z ) PI (z ) GC (z ) PI (z ) e Id
= nario, the stability limit is reduced from 521.7 Hz down to 379.8 Hz,
Iq e Iq .
GC (z ) PI (z ) GAC (z ) PI (z ) (32) which strongly agrees with the result illustrated in Fig. 5.
Imposing the unitary feedback in (33) into (32) and isolating the
actual currents, the final closed-loop MIMO transfer function (34) is 3.5. Discussion about the limits of the decoupling
Decoupling is a common way to reduce any MIMO and coupled
e Id Id 1 0 Id Id Id
= = , system into a SISO. The decoupling may be achieved pre multiplying
e Iq Iq 0 1 Iq Iq Iq (33) expression (30) as indicated in (38), where the decoupling transfer
function D(z) is given in (39). However, the unique pole of such de-
Id coupling controller D(z) will already be outside the unitary circle even
Iq for low values of electrical frequency and therefore will be unstable, as
1 + GAC (z ) PI (z ) GC (z ) PI (z )
1 it in can be deduced from the data given in Table 2.
GC (z ) PI (z ) 1 + GAC (z ) PI (z ) Id (z ) Vd (z )
GAC (z ) GC (z ) 1(z ) D (z )
GAC (z ) PI (z ) GC (z ) PI (z ) Id Iq (z ) GC (z ) GAC (z ) D (z ) 1 Vq (z )
GC (z ) PI (z ) GAC (z ) PI (z ) Iq (34) GAC (z ) + GC (z )2 / GAC (z ) GAC (z ) GC (z )/ GAC (z )
From this point onwards, the numerical values given on Table 1 of = + GC (z )
GAC (z ) GC (z )/ GAC GC (z ) GAC (z ) + GC (z )2 /GAC (z )
Table 2
Vd (z )
GAC (z ) and GC (z ) zero values for several electrical frequencies. .
Vq (z ) (38)
Fe (Hz) 0 500 833 1250

e aT sin (wT )/ sin (2wT ) 0.49 0.51 0.56 0.69

e aT cos (wT )/ cos (2wT ) 0.97 1.14 1.68 The PI (z ) appears dividing the ff terms because they have been moved (to
the left hand side of Fig. 1 scheme) up to the error comparator.

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

Fig. 9. Evolution (from 100 Hz up to 600 Hz) of the six closed-loop poles of the whole MIMO system (34). The two closed-loop poles, which crosses the unitary circle
for a frequency equal to 521.7 Hz, are zoomed in and its module growth is also detailed.

Fig. 10. Evolution (from 100 Hz up to 450 Hz) of the six closed-loop poles of the whole MIMO system which includes the feed-forward terms. The two closed-loop
poles, which crosses the unitary circle for a frequency equal to 379.8 Hz, are zoomed in and its module growth is also detailed.

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

GC (z ) zsin (2wT ) e aT sin (wT )

time at two percent of 5 ms and the remaining two will be five times
D (z ) = = .
GAC (z ) zcos (2wT ) e aT cos (wT )
(39) faster, i.e. 1 ms; as indicated in the first part of Eq. (44). All four closed-
loop poles will have a damping factor equal to 1. The right hand side of
Eq. (44) corresponds to the den T2 (z) already defined in Eq. (42).
4. Proposed controller
5.8 T 2 5.8 T 5.8 T 2 5.8 T
(z 2 2ze 0.005 +e 0.005 )(z 2 2z e 0.001 +e 0.001 ) = den T2 (z)
An alternative but equivalent MIMO system is generated as illu- aT )(n 2
= (1 e 0 z + n1 z + n2 )
strated in Fig. 7 b) in order to avoid the lack of decoupling introduced
2aT cos(wT ))(z
by (30). The new transfer functions are given in (40) and (41) and the + Rz [(z cos(2wT ) + e
decoupling transfer function D2 (z ) must be equal to (41). It is obvious 1)(d1 z + d2 )] (44)
that such D2 (z ) transfer function is non causal and therefore could not
be implemented in real time. Solving Eq. (44), the coefficients expressions are obtained as fol-
1 e aT 1
G2AC (z ) = , 1
R z (zcos (2wT ) + e aT cos (wT ))
(40) d1 = ,
cos (2wT ) (45)
R z (zsin (2wT ) + e aT sin (wT ))
G2C (z ) = ,
1 e aT 1 (41) d2 = d12 [ 1.9007cos(2wT ) + 0.9718cos(wT )], (46)

4.1. Decoupling: from MIMO to SISO n 0 = d12 [4.2602cos(2wT )2 6.5580cos(2wT ) + 3.3530cos(wT ) 2], (47)

The whole decoupling algorithm is presented inside the red dashed n1 = d12 [ 5.1345cos(2wT ) 2 + 6.5580cos(2wT ) 3.3530cos(wT )2],
line of Fig. 11. The proposed solution consists on estimating the current (48)
plant currents i (k + 1) and i (k + 2) for both d and q axes. Such esti-
mation is carried out supplying to the closed-loop transfer function n2 = 0.8825. (49)
T2 (z ) the current reference values, and delaying such reference values
It is clear that four coefficients need to be calculated on line since
two iterations to the actual controller. Assuming perfect decoupling, the
they depend on the electrical angular speed. Nevertheless, considering
equivalent closed-loop transfer function would be as indicated in (42).
that the speed, specially in EV and HEV, has a much slower dynamics
Such delay won’t compromise at all the overall performance since it is
than the current, there is no need to update such coefficients at the
much smaller than the current closed-loop dynamics.
current rate, i.e. every sampling period T; bringing the possibility to
C2 (z ) G2AC (z ) numC2 (z) numG2AC(z) reduce the processor capability.
T2 (z ) = = .
1 + C2 (z ) G2AC (z ) denC2 (z) denG2AC (z) + numC2 (z) numG2AC (z) Finally, in order to just have the four poles in the current closed-
loop specified in (44), a PF, whose transfer function is indicated in (50),
needs to be introduced to cancel the two zeros from numC2 (z) .
n 0 + n1 + n2
4.2. Speed-adaptive controller design PF2 (z ) = .
n 0 z 2 + n1 z + n2 (50)
Once the equivalent MIMO system is decoupled, the system is ef-
fectively reduced to a SISO system, formed by the plant G2AC (z ) and the
controller C2 (z ) . The handicap is that the new plant has got two poles, 4.3. Numerical stability study
one at the origin, but the second one moving acording to speed (Fig. 12)
as indicated in Eq. (40). Some numerical values of this moving pole are The new MIMO speed-adaptive controller, illustrated in Fig. 11, can
indicated on the third row of Table 2, from where it can be seen that it be expressed as follows:
moves rapidly outside the unitary circle and therefore the stable region
Vd C2 (z ) 0 Id
and takes the value infinity for an electrical frequency equal to 1/8 of =
Vq 0 C2 (z ) Iq
the sampling frequency. Therefore, no compensator will exist to stabi-
lize the plant at that speed value, which constitutes the main limitation z 2PF2 (z ) C2 (z ) T2 (z ) D2 (z ) Id
+ .
of this proposed controller. Another approach, which enlarges further T2 (z ) D2 (z ) z 2PF2 (z ) C2 (z ) Iq (51)
than 1/8 of the sampling frequency, is proposed in [40,41]; however,
this approach is not accurate enough to allow analytical tuning The plant defined in (30) is considered in (51) and, after proper
methods, such as pole placement. It is obvious then, that if the con- matrix manipulation, the closed-loop transfer function matrix becomes:
troller C2 (z ) is meant to keep the closed-loop poles at the same position,
C2 (z ) must be adaptive. Pole placement is the methodology used to
design such controller. The specifications are (i) to include an integrator
to cancel the 0 type error, (ii) guarantee the settling time at 2% (Ts,2% )
and (iii) avoid any overshoot = 1, as it was already mentioned in Eq.
(10). According to general control theory [36], the number of coeffi-
cients required by the controller in order to place the closed-loop where
dictated by the specifications, must be equal to the number of the
closed-loop poles. The three coefficients n2 , n1 and n 0 should be enough;
however, the controller would be non causal. Therefore, a second pole
is added to the controller C2 (z ) as indicated in (43).
Fig. 11. Proposed adaptive control structure for PMSM high speed operation.
n 0 z 2 + n1 z + n2
C2 (z ) = , Inside the red dashed line the decoupling controller. (For interpretation of the
(z 1)(d1 z + d2) (43) references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web ver-
The two dominant closed-loop poles will be forced to have a settling sion of this article.)

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

Fig. 12. Pole map of C2 (z ) in green, GAC2 (z ) in red and the targeted closed-loop
in black. Notice how the P2 of the GAC2 (z ) and the P2 of the C2(z) move depending
on the speed. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

1 1
Id GAC (z ) GC (z ) C2 (z ) 0
= + ·
Iq GC (z ) GAC (z ) 0 C2 (z )

z 2PF2 (z ) C2 (z ) T2 (z ) D2 (z ) Id
T2 (z ) D2 (z ) z 2PF2 (z ) C2 (z ) Iq (52)

The numerical analysis of the closed-loop poles (from 950 Hz up to

1050 Hz, with increments of 10 Hz) is illustrated in Fig. 13. From the 20
poles of the closed-loop MIMO system, just two poles cross the stability
region at 1021 Hz.
The numerical analysis confirms the superior performance of the
proposed speed-adaptive controller over the standard PIs, increasing
the stability limit up to 1021 Hz for this specific PMSM.

4.4. Results and final discussion

The numerical results of Fig. 14 show the effectiveness of the pro- Fig. 14. Torque control results of the studied machine with proposed control up
posed controller, where the system remains stable up to 1000 Hz. Small to 1000 Hz (electrical).
current ripple in the d and q current waveforms can be spotted, which

Fig. 13. Evolution (from 900 Hz up to 1050 Hz) of

the twenty closed-loop poles of the whole MIMO
proposed system (52) which includes the adaptive
controller and the decoupling network. The two
closed-loop poles, which crosses the unitary circle
for a frequency equal to 1021 Hz, are zoomed in and
its module growth is also detailed..

A. Arias, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 109 (2019) 423–433

Table 3 Acknowledgements
Relevant Pole Zero values of the equivalent MIMO for several electrical fre-
quencies. The present work has been supported by the Government of Spain
Fe (Hz) 0 250 500 833 1000 1036 1100 through the Agencia Estatal de Investigación under the Projects DPI2017-
85404-P and DPI2014-53685-C2-2-R, by the Generalitat de Catalunya
e aT cos (wT ) 0.97 1.01 1.14 1.68 2.54 2.91 3.99 through the Project 2017 SGR 872, as well as for the research projects
cos (2wT )
pole P2 C2 (z ) 0.92 0.89 0.76 0.22 −0.64 −1.008 −2.09 ENSOL (KK-2018/00040), SICSOL (KK-2018/00064) and GANICS (KK-
zero 1 C2 (z ) 0.91 0.92 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 2017/00050), within the ELKARTEK program of the Government of the
zero 2 C2 (z ) 0.91 0.89 0.77 0.30 0.08 0.06 0.03 Basque Country. Also, this work has been supported by the Department
of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture of the Basque Government
within the fund for research groups of the Basque university system
are due to the existing PWM modulation and power electronics con-
verter both included in the accurate and detailed simulation model. References
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