With the rapid development of trenchless technology, measurement-while-drilling systems draw extensive attention. At
present, measurement-while-drilling systems are generally based on magnetic surveying technology or single-
accelerometer measurement. In that case, the accuracies of these measurement-while-drilling systems are limited. In this
article, a new measurement-while-drilling system with redundant accelerometers based on inertial technology is pre-
sented to improve the measuring performance of attitude, especially the measuring accuracy of roll. To reflect the influ-
ence of electromagnetic interference, the credibility estimation could be got by comparing the same attitude angles from
the accelerometer and magnetometer. The calculation algorithm and experimental data are given in this article.
Compared with traditional measurement-while-drilling systems, this new measurement-while-drilling system obtains bet-
ter anti-disturbance property, higher measuring accuracy, and more reliable calculated results.
MWD system, inertial technology, 3-axis accelerometer, trenchless technology
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
which is designed to provide hand-held devices and gen- coordinate systems, respectively, enhances the perfor-
eral applications with low-power and high-performance mance of anti-interference and improves the measuring
microcontroller in small size. This ARM 9 system has accuracy. In order to differentiate two data groups
64M SDRAM, 64M FLASH, two UARTs, USB mod- measured by two accelerometers availably, the angle
ule, LCD interface, and so on. In addition, this system between two installation planes of accelerometers
supports WinCE operating system as well as UNIX, so should be appropriate. As a consequence, the angle
it is suitable for portable devices. With measuring infor- between the planes of the two boards is 45°, and the
mation from the while-drilling unit, the attitude and angle between the bottom edge of the daughter-board
position of the drilling bit are calculated in S3C2416 and the edge of the main board is also 45°. The con-
microprocessor. Moreover, the temperature compensa- crete design is shown in Figure 6.
tion is applied to improve the measuring accuracy.
The interaction device is comprised of LCD and key-
The calculation algorithm of attitude and
board. The final results calculated by microprocessor
are displayed in the LCD in real time. The dynamic dis- drilling trajectory
played information includes the attitude information The calculation algorithm, which is the key of the data
(pitch, roll, and azimuth), displacement information processing in the MWD system, includes temperature
(three axial displacement and total displacement of the compensation, angle calculating, dead reckoning, and
drilling bit), and additional graphic information. The credibility estimation. The detailed contents of each
keyboard has multiple function press keys which could part are given below.
switch displayed information and control the whole
MWD system.
Meanwhile, in the monitoring unit, the interfaces The definitions of the coordinate systems and
include (1) power line carrier communication interface attitude angles
to transmit information between the while-drilling unit In order to get the attitude angles, reference coordinate
and the monitoring unit, (2) RS232, and (3) USB inter- systems are defined in this article. These coordinate sys-
faces to transmit data to PC or other devices for further tems include the geographic coordinate system (GCS),
processing. the carrier coordinate system A (CCS-A), and the car-
rier coordinate system B (CCS-B). Three axes of the
GCS point to the directions of the East (E), North (N),
Installation of redundant accelerometers and up (U), respectively. The origin of the CCS-A is
The traditional MWD system uses the data measured located in the place where the accelerometer A is fixed.
by single accelerometer to calculate the attitude infor- Its X-axis refers to the forward direction of the bit’s
mation of the drilling bit. When pitch is close to 6 90°, axis. In the cross section of the bit, from the view of the
the calculated result of roll usually has a great error due positive direction of the X-axis, the Y-axis refers to the
to the presence of noise. To avoid this defect, the 3-axis direction of the boring tool face, and the Z-axis refers
accelerometer B is added in the system as redundancy. to the direction orthogonal to X-axis and Y-axis. The
The accelerometer A is fixed on the main circuit three axes of CCS-A conform to the right-hand rule.
board along the directions of the carrier coordinate sys- The MWD system measures the attitude of the drill-
tem. And the accelerometer B is fixed on the daughter- ing bit, which consists of pitch, roll, and azimuth. Pitch
board which is connected to the main circuit board refers to the acute angle between the X-axis of CCS-A
slantedly. Using redundant accelerometers, which mea- and the horizontal plane. Roll is defined as the angle of
sure three mutually orthogonal components of the Z-axis of CCS-A in relation to vertical direction in the
acceleration of gravity in two different reference plane perpendicular to the X-axis of CCS-A. The
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
2 3 2 31 2 B 3
Roll could also be calculated as fxA cos458 sin458 0 fx
4 fy 5 = 4 cos458sin458
cos2 458 sin458 5 4 fyB 5
fyA fzA sin2 458 sin458cos458 cos458 fzB
tang = ð4Þ
fzA ð6Þ
where g is the acceleration of gravity, fxA , fyA , and fzA are Combining equations (2), (4), and (6), using the data
the acceleration components of gravity from the accel- from the accelerometer B, the calculation of pitch (uB )
erometer A along X-, Y-, and Z-axes separately in the and roll (gB ) could be obtained as follows
CCS-A. pffiffiffi B
From equation (3), we can see that if u is close to 2fx + fyB + fzB
sinuB = ð7Þ
6 90° (fxA is close to 6 g), cosu will have a great fluc- 2g
tuation due to the small measuring error of u. From pffiffiffi
2fxB + fyB + fzB
equation (4), when u is close to 6 90° (fxA is close to tang B = pffiffiffi pffiffiffi ð8Þ
6 g), the outputs of fyA and fzA are quite small. Because 2fyB + 2fzB
of the presence of noise, the calculated result of equa-
Although the rotation of drilling string can produce
tion (4) is inaccurate, too. As a result, the calculated
centrifugal force, which will seriously interfere with the
results of g are very unreliable in this situation.
operation of accelerometers, rotational speed compen-
In order to improve the performance of MWD sys-
sation can eliminate these influences by calibrating the
tem, the following method is used: if
accelerometers in advance.22
jfxA j 0:707g (juj 458), g is calculated by equation (3);
when jfxA j.0:707g (juj.458), g is calculated by the data
from the accelerometer B. The acceleration components
The calculation algorithm of the direction angle
of gravity between the accelerometer A and the acceler- As shown in Figure 10(a), with three geomagnetic com-
ometer B have the relationship as ponents in the CCS-A from the magnetometer, u1 is
2 3 2 3 the angle between the vertical plane of the bit’ axis and
fxB 1 0 0 the magnetic north is calculated. If u2 is the angle
6fB7 6 7 between the magnetic north and the North as shown in
4 y 5 = 4 0 cos458 sin458 5
Figure 10(b), then the azimuth (u) is
fzB 0 sin458 cos458
2 32 A 3 ð5Þ u = u1 + u2 ð9Þ
cos458 sin458 0 fx
6 76 f A 7 With u and g, the calculation of u is
4 sin458 cos458 0 54 y 5
0 0 1 fzA HX sinusing HY cosg + HZ cosusing
u = u1 + u2 = tan1
where fxB , fyB , fzB
and are the acceleration components of HX cosu + HZ sinu
gravity from the accelerometer B along x, y, and z-axes 1 HN
+ tan
in the CCS-B, respectively. HE
From equation (5), we could get ð10Þ
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Table 1. Experimental data of roll from accelerometer A when pitch is fixed at 0°.
No. Pitch (°) Roll (°) Actual roll value (°) No. Pitch (°) Roll (°) Actual roll value (°)
Table 2. Experimental data of pitch from accelerometer A when roll is fixed at 0° (180°).
No. Pitch (°) Roll (°) Actual pitch value (°) No. Pitch (°) Roll (°) Actual pitch value (°)
Actual pitch value (°) Standard deviation (°) Actual pitch value (°) Standard deviation (°)
Pitch Roll Pitch Roll
0 0.0094 0.0114 —— —— ——
30 0.0150 0.0120 230 0.0143 0.0135
45 0.0138 0.0143 245 0.0105 0.0140
60 0.0117 0.0231 260 0.0260 0.0146
70 0.0183 0.0278 270 0.0104 0.0234
80 0.0181 0.0784 280 0.0082 0.0610
85 0.0151 0.1217 285 0.0130 0.0798
90 0.0084 5.4217 290 0.0075 17.6372
intensities of these tests are at some level approxi- a. juj 458 : in this situation, the calculated results
mately. The calculated results of roll, however, are of pitch and roll from accelerometer A are valid.
much different. When pitch is between 260° and 60°, The attitude angles from accelerometer B, which
the fluctuations of roll caused by interference or noise are calculated by utilizing equations (7) and (8),
are at small level. But the fluctuations of roll are much are fused to improve the measuring accuracy. The
more dramatic with the increment of pitch when pitch calculated results of dual accelerometer are shown
is larger than 60° (less than 260°). So the accuracy of in Table 4. Compared with calculated results of
MWD system with single accelerometer is unsatisfied. single accelerometer (utilizing accelerometer A
only), the max error of pitch is decreased from
0.26° to 0.22°. Meanwhile, the max error of roll is
Dual-accelerometer tests decreased from 0.45° to 0.34°, too.
To improve the measuring accuracy of attitude, espe- b. juj.458 : Pitch: the calculated results of pitch
cially the accuracy of roll, the accelerometer B is added from two accelerometers are both valid, so the
in the MWD system. Tests are divided into two steps: final result of pitch is the fusion of u and uB .
Song et al. 11
Figure 14. Experiment data at different pitch angles: (a) pitch is 0°, (b). pitch is 45°, (c) pitch is 80°, (d) pitch is 85°, (e) pitch is 90°,
(f) pitch is 290°, (g) pitch is 285°, and (h) pitch is 280°.
Table 4. Calculated results of dual accelerometer when pitch is less than 45°.
No. Accelerometer A (°) Accelerometer B (°) Calculated results (°) Actual value of roll (°)
u g uB gB uR gR
Figure 15. Calculated results of roll when pitch is 6 80°, 6 85°, and 6 90°: (a) pitch is 80°, (b) pitch is 280°, (c) pitch is 85°,
(d) pitch is 285°, (e) pitch is 90°, and (f) pitch is 290°.
Roll: the calculated results of roll from accelerometer standard deviations of roll with dual accelerometer
B is used as the final results. When pitch is fixed at decrease sharply. So the fluctuations of roll maintain
6 80°, 6 85°, and 6 90°, respectively, the experimental small level which approaches the fluctuation level when
data are shown in Figure 15. juj 458 . In addition, the fluctuations of roll appear to
The standard deviations of these tests are shown in have no relationship with the increment of juj, this is
Table 5. Compared with single accelerometer, the much different from single accelerometer’s situation.
Song et al. 13
Table 5. The standard deviations of tests with single accelerometer and dual accelerometer.
MWD: measurement-while-drilling.
As a result, compared with MWD system utilizing sin- Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit (MIMU)/mag-
gle accelerometer, the measuring accuracy of roll is netometer integrated MWD system in literature24 is a
improved by utilizing dual accelerometer. typical MWD system equipped with single acceler-
ometer. In this system, a single accelerometer is utilized
to measure the system’s attitude. Inevitably, the tool
Contrast with industry approaches face angle will fluctuate acutely when pitch is close to
Different industry-standard approaches develop con- 6 90°. However, this problem will not appear in the
stantly at present, and they are widely applied in dual-accelerometer MWD system. Comparison of the
MWD. Electromagnetic MWD and MWD system uti- above mentioned systems in standard deviation is
lizing single accelerometer are playing critical roles in shown in Table 6.
this field. Although they perform well in most measure- The accuracy of azimuth is bound up with the output
ment situations, they still have shortages in some error of magnetometer and the credibility estimation of
aspects such as anti-disturbance and measurement azimuth is given in section ‘‘The credibility estimation
accuracy. The advantages of the new MWD system of electromagnetic interference.’’ The measurement
proposed in this article are embodied after comparing accuracy of dual-accelerometer MWD system is much
with those of industry approaches. better than the other two systems, which proves that
First, we take Electromagnetic wave DREMWD dual-accelerometer MWD system has certain advan-
system introduced in literature23 as an example. As tages in measurement accuracy.
described, electromagnetic wave technology is applied
in this system. However, the geomagnetic field is easily
interfered by the surrounding environment, such as
iron ore and electromagnetic device. The measurement Aiming at the defects of existing technology, a new
result will be unreliable under such circumstances. By MWD system based on inertial technology is proposed
contrast, the dual-accelerometer MWD system based in this article. This MWD system is characterized by
on inertial attitude measurement theory successfully two redundant accelerometers which are fixed at two
addresses this problem. At the same time, the credibil- different planes. To improve the measuring accuracy,
ity, which reflects the influence of electromagnetic the calculated results from two accelerometers are fused
interference on measuring accuracy, could be got by to get the final results of attitude angles. When pitch is
comparing the same parameters (roll, for example) close to 6 90°, the calculated results of roll from accel-
measured by magnetometer and accelerometer. Thus, erometer B are used as the final results. To reflect the
the developed MWD system obtains good anti- influence of electromagnetic interference, the concept
disturbance ability. As far as we can see, the low-cost of credibility is also provided.
14 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
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