Written Exam1 1

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Plan Training Session

1. What are the questions you ask yourself when started to write the session plan? 1. What would be the
training design? 2. What is the Training delivery and methods appropriate for the training? 3. What are
the Learning resources needed? 4. What is the session plan format?
2. Where did you get the answer to your question? From the Training Regulation (TR)
3. Describe the components of your session plan?
Industry Sector – Electronic Sector
Qualification Title and Level – Computer System Servicing
Unit of Competency – Set-Up Computer Networks
Module Title – Setting-up Computer Networks
Learning Outcomes
1. Install network cables
2. Set network configuration
3. Set router/Wi-Fi/wireless access point/repeater
4. Inspect and test the configured computer

Introduction – This module covers the outcomes required in setting-up computers networks for LANs
and small-office home-office (SOHO) systems. It consists of competencies to install network cables, set
network configuration, set router/Wi-Fi/ wireless access point/repeater configuration as well as to
inspect and test the configured computer networks.

Learning Activities
1. Learning content
2. Methodology
3. Presentation
4. Practice
5. Feedback
6. Resources
7. Duration
1. Direct observation
2. Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Teacher’s Reflection

4. What factors did you consider when you selected your training methods?
1. The desired learning outcome
2. Qualities of trainees
3. Quantities of trainees and where are they based
4. Budget cost

5. How did you organize your training events? Organize training events from simple to complex through
following Robert Gagne’s 9 events of instruction.

6. What assessment method did you chose for that particular session plan?
1. Direct Observation
2. Demonstration with Oral Questioning

7. When preparing the assessment tools how did you consider validity and cost effectiveness? I consider
my assessment tool as valid if it is related to training regulation (TR) and cost effectiveness if it
maximizes the use of resources but still complying the dimensions of competency even if the resources
is limited.
8. Why was it necessary to prepare a table of specifications when you prepared your written exam? It is an
evaluation tool use to ensure the validity of written test to cover all the contents (all the topic will be
distributed equally and evenly).
9. Describe at least two adult learning principles that is always in your mind when you are preparing a
session plan? 1. Learners Orientation – Adult will learn only what they feel they need to learn. 2.
Experience – Adult learn by comparing past experience with the new experience.
II. Facilitate training session
1. Enumerate the activities you did before the arrival of you students?
Before the arrival of trainees these are the activities I did;
 Set-up learning areas
 Set-up work stations
 Preparing training resources
 Preparing Training activity matrix
 Providing progress and achievement chart

2. Enumerate the events that happened in this particular session. Make your list as a series of a teacher and
student activities. Do not elaborate on the content of the lesson. Based on these events, was your lesson teacher
center or student center? Provide reason for your answer.

Events that happened in this particular session;

 Preliminaries
 Introduction
 Pre-assessment
 Orientation
 Presenting training matrix for the day
 Provide feedback resulting from pre-assessment
 Grouping trainees according to RPL or non at all
 Starting the CBT training
 Conduct posttest
 Conduct training session evaluation
Based on these events my lesson was student center, because per CBT training delivery is learner-
centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies.

3. Evaluate your choices of learning materials. State whether you like to change it or not, to change it the next
time you facilitate the same lesson. Provide reason for your action. As of the moment no changes of learning
materials, but for the future maybe new technologies being introduced that’s the time to make changes.
4. Describe the type of questions you ask in this particular session. Why was it necessary to ask these questions?
Contingency questions – this is applicable so that, they will know what to do when things go wrong.
5. How did you ensure participation from your students? Base on the progress and achievement chart we can
monitor individual learner’s participations.
6. What document do you use to help manage the class activities? Describe the use of this document. Training
activity matrix – this is a daily plan that will show the activities for every trainee.
7. Describe an adult learning principle you always have in mind when you are facilitating a session. Learner
motivation – adult must want to learn, Orientation to learning – adult need immediate feedback concerning their
8. What assessment tools did you use in this particular session? Is there a need to make improvement on your
tools? Why or why not? Demonstration and Oral Questioning, yes I need improvement for betterment of the
9. How did you improve the feedback to your students? Is there a need to make improvement on your method?
Why or why not? I provide feedback as early as possible, start focusing on the positive side, rather than the
traits that needs to be improved. For now no need, since we haven’t established yet more efficient way.
10. Did you ask your students to evaluate the session? What did you learn from their evaluation? Yes, I did ask
the learner to evaluate the training session, this is so because my weaknesses and lapses will be determine, by
next time I can adjust and improved.
III. Conduct Competency Assessment
1. What is it that you should do prior to the assessment activity? Check for the venue for its safety, availability
of materials, tools and equipment and the people involved are aware of their responsibilities.
2. What will you explain during the orientation of the candidates? During orientation I will explain the purpose
of the assessment, the unit of competencies in the qualification, the Do’s and Don’ts of trainee/trainer, the
procedure in the assessment, the different task that they need to perform, confidentiality of the assessment
result, and information regarding their right if they are not satisfied with the assessment result.
3. What is the purpose of giving an orientation to the candidates? The purpose of giving the orientation is or the
candidate to know their rights during assessment process and that they will have their knowledge where our
assessment will lead to.
4. How do you make sure that the candidate taking the assessment is the same person in the application form?
By comparing the signature in the admission slip against the signature in the attendance sheet being received.
5. How do you make sure that the candidate understands the tasks to be performed? By asking the candidate for
clarification of the task given whether he/she understand or it needs my attention for re-explanation.
6. What are the do’s and don’ts of an assessor while observing the candidate performing the tasks? Why? Do’s
of the assessor is to interrupt the assessment only if there is life threatening/accidents that occur. The don’ts is
never interrupt while assessment is going on (never ask questions, maybe the candidate might think that the
assessment is done).
7. During interview or oral questioning, when the candidate’s answer is wrong do you provide the correct
answer immediately? Why? No, I won’t give the correct answer immediately because it might preempt the
answer to the next question and might mislead the candidate that the assessment is done, he/she will think that
you are already giving feedback.
8. What should be the basis of your assessment decision? If you are in doubt, what would you do? My basis for
the assessment decision is through performance done by the candidate doing the difference task assigned
following the competency standard. If I doubt I will base my decision on the rating sheet I prepared through
observation during doing the task.
9. How should you provide the feedback? In the case the candidate does not agree with your decision what
would you do? I provide feedback starting from positive side, where he/she excel the performance during the
assessment. And then their lapses that need to be improve. If they will disagree, I will tell them to explain the
disagreement. But if still they will insist and not satisfied, better advise them to make an appeal to TESDA
Provincial Office where the assessor and the assessment center is accredited.
IV. Supervise work based learning
1. How will you identify and establish relationship with potential participating companies? To identify and
establish relationship with potential participating companies;
 Make a search of prospective industry partners
 Send proposal letters (follow-up and visitation)
 Set appointment for presentation
 Presentation of proposal
 Conduct site visit for work-based training plan
2. Will you write a training plan for your student? Why? Yes, through training plan the trainee will know the
direction of his/her training, the flow from input to end result, including the resources that will be used.
3. Before you send your students to the participating company, what preparatory activities should you do?
Why? Preparatory activities prior sending trainees to linking industry;
 Orientation of what type of industry they are going to stay
 The do’s and don’ts while staying the company premises, observe rules and regulation
 Bringing the training plan as basis for direction of training
 Brining the trainer’s record book and progress sheet
For familiarization of the trainees in the monitoring tools and guidance while away from training
4. How will you monitor the performance of the students? Why is this needed? When do you provide the
feedback to the students? Using their Trainer’s record book and Progress Sheet in monitoring their performance.
Providing feedback to them as early as possible regarding their performance in the field.
5. If the participating company will make an unfavorable remark about the performance of the students what
will you do? I will request the company to provide written report and vice-versa to the trainee, and then inform
the school regarding the issue of misdemeanor.
6. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the work based learning? Why is there a need to perform such
evaluation? By conducting survey if the things they have done in the training is within the standards.
V. Maintain Training Facilities
1. Sketch the lay-out of your classroom/laboratory/workshop. Make sure the 9 components (areas) of CBT will
conform to the workshop.
2. Enumerate the training equipment, the machine that is in your classroom/laboratory/workshop. If there’s too
many, write it as a set of.
3. Enumerate the major maintenance and housekeeping activities performed by all personnel involved in the
maintenance of your classroom/laboratory/workshop. What improvement will you recommend? Why?
4. What procedure do you follow to request for the purchase of additional tools, equipment and machines for
your classroom/laboratory/workshop? What improvement would you recommend for this procedure? Make sure
a letter request addressing to managing director and he/she will forward it to the principal and accounting to
prepare the purchase request.
5. What is the SOP of your institution when equipment is found to be out of order? Would you recommend an
improvement to this procedure? Why or why not? The SOP for finding defective equipment is to make a
record/breakdown report; if it is repairable, provide request for repair, if not separate the unit and recommend
for disposal. My recommendation for improvement of such SOP is to make a preventive maintenance schedule
for all equipment and any minor/major defects report directly to the maintenance department quick action. All
un-repairable units must be removed from the training area and dispose properly.
6. Describe your institutions waste disposal system. If none what can you recommend? Waste disposal system is
Waste segregation – separation of waste bin
 for all recyclable waste materials
 non-biodegradable materials
 biodegradable materials
Daily disposal through government garbage truck
7. Describe your institutions recording and document of equipment/machine maintenance and repair. If none
what can you recommend? Equipment/machine were recorded, documented and filed. Better input all files of
equipment/machine in the computer for easy access. Especially during preventive maintenance schedule it must
be updated regularly and any repairable found always inform maintenance/in charge department for quick

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