Project Management

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Salbari, Sukna, Siliguri -734009
Computer Science and Engineering


Student Name Saumyodip Chatterjee

Roll No. 11900119077 Regd. No.035878
Year 4th Semester 1s
Subject Name Project Management and Entrepreneurship
Subject Code HSMC 701
Faculty Name Ms. Sutapa Bhattacharya
Assignment No. Assignment -I
Date Submitted 30/08/2022 Due Date 30.08.2022

Signature ofStudent:


Total Marks Signed with date-

Siliguri Institute of Technology
Department of CSE
Project Management and Entrepreneurship (HSMC 701)


Category 5 4 3 2
Background Background Background Background
study was study could have | study was not study was hard
Background appropriate for | been better for appropriate for to find for this
Study this this assignment. this assignment assignment.
All content Most of the The contentwas The content
throughout the content was generally was typically
Content assignment correct but a Correct, but confusing or it
Accuracy was accurate. portion of the some was contained
There were no information was information was multiple errors.
errors. incorrect incorrect.
Understanding Understanding Understanding
of the subject of the subject of the subject Understanding
Overall was shown was shown with was showwn of the subject
Understandin with lots of Some relevant without relevantwas not shown.
relevant information. information.
Student met Student met the Student met Student was
the the not showed
requirements and showed requirements his/her
Effectiveness and showed
his/her and showed effectiveness
his/her effectiveness his/her
effectiveness partially well. effectiveness
very well.
not so well.
Assignment Assignment was Assignment was Assignment
was submitted submitted one submitted two was submitted
Assignment within the due day later after
Submission days later er few days later
date. the due date. the due date. after the due

Signature with date

7c's o Project management?
anCemed abauk he SuceSS o
AU Project mamagen
ant to minimize Nisk o tailwres
thein Projecks They
nd brung The PRoect in on time and
budget . onsidenin
each o hese SucceSS will lead to a
fon poject
Success tl oukome beimg aComplished

Conmunicakicn: The Peoli teratiom ot email as the alkernative

to bace to tace metima o tele phome Con vensationS,
has its dis advamtoge as well as ad vantages
he iten wond is mote ukely to enSwle the
Specibhic ehnical de lai ls ane tully undensteod,
mail does not allbns Same level ob bi lding
developina tust as Vezbal ommurúcation
does Regla Gmumi tatim Showd neven take
the place dt venval ommundcation buk be
dn aditiomal tool tounds the gonul ot
Ploject SuceSS
Commitment : Building Commitment On PRoject team at the
ouksek will reap huge beme ft dwir the oulSe
odhe pPlojeck amd ils lkimakel lead to
SuCessu Gnclus ion Project Undentqken ith ouk
the bull Gnmnitment ob the Stakeholden and the uihole
feam ae much mne
likel to tail:
Cash- The budgek ot anypojct lange o Small, Shoul be
Deali'stic and indude a genetaus tund T is impossible
to Sct o Nealishic budget tothouk Knauing the
Sequiement in deail The nole ob thePaoject
Mamayen is to mateh the Neainement to the available
budat Attempking to Squee 2e the neeyuÝI ememt
hto am Unnealistic budget is Simply Inaeasinra
the pao kabiliks ob Some thim wlong
Contnol Keepimg Corntiol o dhe budget and the Schedule is

Vital to Saccess hully Complekimg he ptejett In

Phachice this mesns Planig the pojec in

defail and then maman all the eloment ot

thak plan
oopeaB on Coopenution betweem teans, departments
even ditbenent ompanies is obtem Me CesSat

to laye anpoate projecFs. Thele may be

Undenly ina nivaliuies betwean these dene
gladp kut oopexutcn is essemtial fot
he Sucess ot he Purjec
Schedue, QUualit ot wetk
: AHitudes to work
Culkme and even om ompeaniy
om Gulkure do ulkue
emvnoments, ploblem
to olam n Some
the be list hak eka
loill not be Ie pented
am Je Solve he iss ue

and e btoiks
is pble m to Senio
atfitude to admiting a
mamagemenk ale dbhudt to Chamge
S ome ompanies wnd

oCoaching o tnin Should

Coachin he imporonce
heven be undenestimated Pouden trani
metho ds o PojecE manog ememt an plovide
toolstipsomd techniaue to help evens
mamoaers acheive thein misSiom o a Successful
2) Ho do you Cassib PRojects
PMe jects an be classibied an Severtal ditboent point. The
Clasiiation ot Paject in Paject mamogemenk vanies
accondeng to a umber ot difeuent bac lens Such as
onmplexiy- Sownce , ik Gntont, those in Volved and its
Punpase Pho ject Can be Classibied on the elawing ack

Acconding to Cmplexity
EasA phofect is cassiied as eauhen the Ielbhonskip
Detween task wne basie and dekailed plamniny d
gami Settom Me not neajuined A Small wn team
and feu exkemal sakeholden e mmom in
is CaSe
omplicated: The Ptejeut nekusnk is ampliated Thene ale man
task Intendependenues

Accoding to Soulte of Gpitlal

Pablic FianCira ome om govermentalk In Situatons
uvate Fmanting Gme om bsineSS Pivate inCentives-
Mixed FinanC omes bam amixed Srune o both public
Ond private unding
to ontent -
Paoject that have anyhiny to do
onstauc hicn These ane

with the ConStuction dta Civil o achteckual

I t : Any PtejeCt to do with satwnae developmont,Tt
Syitem eke
the developtment or
BuSiness Tese Plojects ane involved
a BusineSss Mamamont Ob a wnk team ek

c adina to these involed

Depantmem tal: when a Centain depantmenk dà nes oOn

lgeniSation is involved
Inteanal: uhen a uhole ompan itse lt is inuolve d in the
Pngject deve lop mens
Extennal: when a Compam OukSawrces exkernal PPoject mnage
0 team to execuke te Projeet

Makali'achal: when thes is a Combima tion o depaatme.t

CCordina to is Objertive
P?oduekion af Podut
aedacticn ouented at the Centaun
lonSidenatin a
Senvice kuking
defenmined ohje«tive.

the qualik-
SoCial duonted al he implovememt o
o libe o Pesple
dy otheas
E ducational : lented at the eduation
houweven with
ommumiky Oliented at people too,
thein muoloment

HeSeanch: Ouented at innovatiin and the gnn

now ledge
3-) tont is meant byPojet Stope 7Explain e
e CeSSi ob plojee+ Scope
Paoject Scope is the Pont ot oject plamning thad
dekenming and doument ing a ist ob Speific
isect gely delivdies , task, Gst and deadlines
he doumntation ot a Plojert 's Scope is alled
SCepe Stakemont of tum dU efenenCe .
Dutirng the Project, this documentakicm helps the Project tam
emaun otused and on ask lhe Stope - Statemenk alko
Phovides the team uith
quidelines hon maKing deu'sions
dhaut change neuast"dwui the
ot be
Pojec.Tt sheuld
G used uith is Cloaacfen , a preject chonachea
Semple doument thout he plaject enists
The mecesib o Paoject 's Scope
wikng a ploject StoPe Statement thut imclude infoumation
On the Phaject delivonable is a inst Step of Prgject plannig
A Pno ject Scope Slakemenk Plovides to dn olganisation Unden-
taking a nes initiative Include he olouina
Hoiodstes uhak the pPlaject emtoils So that all Shkeholden
Cn undenstun d whaks mblved

novides a
Noadmop thok mamaen an USe to assian tasks,
Sche dule work and budaek oplopiake
Help ous them emb en on Commn 0bjectives
focvents Peo jecls, Poekicularly Camplex omes, tom expamding

beyend the eslablshed vis ion

tohal isis Gatt Crunt oüte doun the mpovtante oob
Grantt Chant ?
is he
H antt chont, ommonly Used in PhOjett mangement,
o dhe most populon and Usetul u ob showing aclivihies
dis played against time n the lebt ot the chant is alist
ot Hhe aciviies and alang the top is o Suitable time

he imperBanCe o fhantt chat

Some ot he Key beneiks ab usimg bhamtt chalt in Breject
manogememt Sebtuane ane
I) Allo Betten Tacking
Paoides High level Cvevieu
I Bosts froduchivi
V) T s baBes Ovenlaps and Dependunies

)Menoae Gmplex Tntoimation

T Balente Mulkiple Pajecs

5) Shoat Mote y-uwonk Bheakdaun tucfuae (WRS).
loork Bneakdoun Stuctuxe (WB) is praject managvme
IS a method 6o ComPlehnga omplex, mulEistep Pnoject
IH's a oy to divide and Camgyer lange Paojects
d top
thion done taston and moie elticonty

The goml of a WBS is to make a layen Paejick mote

Mamageable. Bnegking it dawn into Small chunks meams
wnk am be done Simultan
eousl orent team memben
Leading to betten team Produchi vit and ea Sien
Chanacteisht ota weik Bneak dorun
Ptoject manoqement Inshhu te CPMI) debines WBS aS
a deiverable ouented hinanchial decam Positi on od the wank
to be exeCuked h the Paojectteam to aCCom Plish the
Pteject objechives dnd neate the Jequined
Each WBS level JlepleSent a new amd inUne Sin
derailed dedönation a wank needed b amplee he
PMI' detimkion adds that a wBS Stustume must be
on sbuked in a
Wh thok each new level in the hielanth
mcudes al he uk meeded te
Gnpleke is PaRet

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