Project Management
Project Management
Project Management
Salbari, Sukna, Siliguri -734009
Computer Science and Engineering
Signature ofStudent:
Category 5 4 3 2
Background Background Background Background
study was study could have | study was not study was hard
Background appropriate for | been better for appropriate for to find for this
Study this this assignment. this assignment assignment.
All content Most of the The contentwas The content
throughout the content was generally was typically
Content assignment correct but a Correct, but confusing or it
Accuracy was accurate. portion of the some was contained
There were no information was information was multiple errors.
errors. incorrect incorrect.
Understanding Understanding Understanding
of the subject of the subject of the subject Understanding
Overall was shown was shown with was showwn of the subject
Understandin with lots of Some relevant without relevantwas not shown.
relevant information. information.
Student met Student met the Student met Student was
the the not showed
requirements and showed requirements his/her
Effectiveness and showed
his/her and showed effectiveness
his/her effectiveness his/her
effectiveness partially well. effectiveness
very well.
not so well.
Assignment Assignment was Assignment was Assignment
was submitted submitted one submitted two was submitted
Assignment within the due day later after
Submission days later er few days later
date. the due date. the due date. after the due
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