Approved Inter Office Memo For Creek Backfilling

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10125122, 1:26 PM ‘SEAOIL Philippines, Ine. Mal -[Inter-Orfice MemaliEmall Approval SPI ZEFA Creek Backfiling @seaon. [[nter-Office Memo][Email Approval]: SPI ZEFA Creek Backfilling mors babse@eacilcom p> rte Te Babee Fi Oa, 2002 08 PM ‘lobe Cra oar enziareaol compre Shun Osuna chery tataromodjensoliom ae, Rare Newel Chane ta laawetpsadcom p> Mate Amar ‘We woul! to ook your sopra on hs mano fr rk baking projet SPI Ze erning Wo Php 4781241 AIVAT En). ‘The coe poking stots esortet foro stucco ou patie ecard wala rks rar ha ak soe. ZEA conn o prove te bactng mea 0 thot ane pees uty egugmer cat or ne nbactn arrange sek mol, Ths pjet scope on ZEFAe appro tobacel ewes aren ‘otyrparofte mate. Carers te Seoprent aes nan aon Mle Depot Pleasing and Compliance Ofc Depot Enaineetng ang Maintenance Department TE Epo Mee FA Grek sRdoerpah “ober Crue ote er easallcom a> Mon, 0290, 2022 745 084 Terre ea Bano ror, bapnieaalcom go> ‘Se: Snuryt Gnu aheny blarameieeeo.y ae, Renz Newel Cane az clrenesecom p> Matte Ari misters seao com ph> ers rm [ADVISOR ne cformatnranemits'stha proper of SEAOIL ane nde afr te aceesse ane may onan conte “autora vim tenor an fanny sin aaron uso ha taon pond ou ‘oMSoRe, he oman nied he opty ol SEAD. ned ry fae anne ay ann aerial on ni Gn al oy 1 Rg Oe Mane ZEPA eo. decane pi Herts To Babae Won, 010, 2028317 Pt ‘TeRenae tary cre “tonpeenan coms Ee Shen Onna hay baaromotlsanol om sh, Rene New Cntanes con slarenesi@taalcom pre, Matos Ams Wo woul seek your anova on hs mame fore reek backing rojetin SPL Zsa aroun Php 6302 82. 77VAT We ‘Te coe pciing jets enentlfor tne aur toto our pimeterenand wal an tanks nae he rekon, ZEA cones o pode shaking mt 9 eect poe uy encom Peconic mei Tone incor ZETA ape oat Pe we ace a hitpssimail google.conimallulo/?k=6235%ef3928 iewspi8s 3rhysalspormthidtead-a%3Ar67587288048900012878simpl+msg-a%3Ar676038238... 14 10125122, 1:26 PM ‘SEAOIL Philippines, Ine. Mal -[Inter-Orfice MemaliEmall Approval SPI ZEFA Creek Backfiling EN Dien Meno. FEFAcrek veered Ronaldo long on, os 10,2022 3:23 Pat ‘Terao Bao cor > 1 Shun Onin shor tlaremegeeaa ayo, Renz Nenu Canes ery arenes com st Meat Amal , Jaber Cut “Spoarsevatieeol compre oun amore ani, ramorereena 25m p> Have wo considered al the assocatedelovant costs. ports, et} in he budget we are asking for? Mente To Babao von 182022 w 3:26 Pt {Teonae torg tre Mengtseon com sr 1S Story Onin afer balareneecual ony oh, Renz Nenu Canes os arene@eascom st Meats Amari “masa [email protected] p> Jaber Cruz “Soneretngaenl om ph, Anan Rares , Mate Arlo mets snarto( p>, Joba Ou ‘Ser eeagoea comp vn Rarore ar eres ecsou ce p> With my signature, hig ON Mane FEPA cee 2 decadent Worle To Babao on, 010, 2022 3:36 Pt ‘irae Bupayengsneae-hupryongesot can > elobr Our “ose eurieonl comph, Raalo org «oe flongseelcom gh, Avie Ramerss Sar Ona ‘Siar belsnmetiseoal compre, Rene Nemvel Cranes cere dararsr@seso», Matbte Ratio fart. amailog@sena on p> We would sok your sproval on hs mane foe isk backlog pojetin SP Zsa unig Pho 4781247 BAVAT EN ‘The coe baking stoletsesontt foro suc tbyof ou pair ecard wala tanks ner the rsk aoe. ZEA conn o pode the backtlg maa 0 thoceat rns pecs url enue cot or he neater ard Haulng a hash ual, Ths projets conga on ZEFA appro bacsl be we arson ‘noyet ar ofthe mare. Carers te Segment aes na aren aon Mle hg Oe Mane ZEPA ee. deed ean pt yong pach, beneyoraGsoeol cont Fi Or, 2022 6199 PM its Babao ratr,bavaaBsealcom >, Rone Mong ean Hong esol con p> hen Ramer sana rarioreseetal com> aber riz sone erngaasel som ph, Met Arana Ser Ona ‘Sheryl betsnmodiaoal compre, Ren omuel Cranes “tere dararse@ssoo som ph, Motte Anavle arto. aasilogseca om p> Peaks. uyora Ven Prado hitpssimai google. comma lu0/?i=6235'613928view=pt&searchsallepermtidstiread-a%3Ar67587289048900012878simplemsg-o%3Ar676038238... 26 0125122, 1:26 PM ‘SEAOIL Philippines, Ine. Mall-[Inter-Orfice MemaliEmall Approval SPI ZEFA Creek Backfiling Ree Se ey a rte To Babee “un, Ga 1, 022 28 PM ‘re Span Ya caygotot cone Ces Joto Oe poet cuties zon p>, Roralé org corel, Mongtseelzon hy. Ave Ranetes ow, Ge 18 224 PM Te Sapo vr ceboaa cape Capen Ramos sar>, ber Cu ote cristal com ph, Male Anais ‘Teche opts wo neat Shoat ple! Concretaslop (Php 5,794,171 Va ot and Grout Rie (Pp 4.969 51808 Vat x}. 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