Tugas Kolokium. Prof. Aulanni'am
Tugas Kolokium. Prof. Aulanni'am
Tugas Kolokium. Prof. Aulanni'am
Nama Penulis/Judul Artikel/Jurnal
1 de Lestang, . at all,2003 / Reproductive biology of
the blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus,
Decapoda: Portunidae) in five bodies of water on
the west coast of Australia / Centre for Fish and
Fisheries Research Division of Science and
Engineering Murdoch University
South Street
Murdoch, Western Australia 6150
Hamid A., Wardiatno Y., 2021 / Population
dynamics of the blue swimming crab (Portunus
pelagicus Linnaeus, 1758) in Lasongko Bay,
Central Buton, Indonesia / AACL Bioflux, 2015,
Volume 8, Issue 5
Ernawati T., at all,., 2017 / Reproductive ecology,
spawning potential, and breeding season of blue
swimming crab (Portunidae: Portunus pelagicus)
in Java Sea, Indonesia / Biodiversitas Volume 18,
Number 4.
Daris, L., at all,., 2022 / The impact of fishermen’s
conflict on the sustainability of crab (Portunus
pelagicus) resources in the coastal areas of Maros
District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia / Biodiversitas
Volume 23, Number 10.
Ehsan K., at all,., 2010 / Stock Assessment and
Reproductive Biology of the Blue Swimming Crab,
Portunus pelagicus in Bandar Abbas Coastal
Waters, Northern Persian Gulf / Journal of the
Persian Gulf (Marine Science)/Vol.1/No.2
N D Yanti., at all,., 2021 / Management status of
blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus
Linnaeus, 1758) based on EAFM in the coastal of
Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi / IOP
Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
Judul yang akan diambil berkaitan "Pengelolaan Perikanan Rajungan secara Berkelanjutan di Teluk Banten"
Portunus pelagicus berasal dari dua teluk laut dan dua muara
pesisir Barat Australia. Reproduksi biologi dari P. pelagicus
jantan menunjukkan morfometrik (alometrik) sekitar CW 50 -
an, dan metode kesimpulan yang pertama adalah manajemen
pengelolaan. Perkiraan jumlah telur bersifat musiman dan
dengan jumlah perbandingan 78.000 kepiting kecil (CW=80
mm) dan 1.000.000 kepiting besar (CW=180 mm).