1 s2.0 S0021925819316795 Main
1 s2.0 S0021925819316795 Main
1 s2.0 S0021925819316795 Main
28613–28619, 2001
Printed in U.S.A.
Received for publication, April 12, 2001, and in revised form, May 16, 2001
Published, JBC Papers in Press, May 17, 2001, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M103272200
Noemi Kedei‡, Tamas Szabo‡, Jack D. Lile§, James J. Treanor§, Zoltan Olah¶,
Michael J. Iadarola¶, and Peter M. Blumberg‡储
From the ‡Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, NCI, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland 20892, §Amgen, Thousand Oaks, California 91320, and the ¶Neuronal Gene Expression Unit, Pain and
Neurosensory Mechanisms Branch, NIDCR, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1) is a ligand-gated to other noxious stimuli. This phenomenon underlies the seem-
channel that can be activated by capsaicin and other ingly paradoxical use of capsaicin as an analgesic agent in the
vanilloids as well as by protons and heat. In the present treatment of various painful disorders (4 – 6).
study, we have analyzed the oligomeric state of VR1. A functional vanilloid receptor termed vanilloid receptor
Co-immunoprecipitation of differently tagged VR1 mol- type 1 (VR1) has been cloned recently. Both when expressed
ecules indicated that VR1 can form oligomers. Using two endogenously in cultured dorsal root ganglion cells or when
different heterologous VR1 expression systems as well expressed heterologously in transfected human cells or frog
as endogenous VR1 expressed in dorsal root ganglion oocytes, VR1 can be activated by vanilloids and by noxious heat
cells, we analyzed oligomer formation using perfluoro- (⬎43 °C) and can be activated or potentiated by protons (extra-
octanoic acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Re- cellular pH ⬍6) (6 – 8). VR1 encodes a protein of 838 amino
sults were confirmed both with chemical cross-linking
acids with a predicted molecular mass of 92–95 kDa (9 –10). It
agents as well as through endogenous cross-linking me-
is a nonselective cation channel with high Ca2⫹ permeability
diated by transglutaminase. Our results clearly show
and belongs to the superfamily of cation channels with six
that VR1 forms multimers in each of the expression sys-
tems with a homotetramer as a predominant form. The transmembrane segments including the Shaker-related volt-
oligomeric structure of VR1 may contribute to the com- age-gated K⫹ channels, the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic
plexity of VR1 pharmacology. Finally, differences in gly- nucleotide-gated cation channels, the cyclic nucleotide-gated
cosylation between the systems were observed, indicat- cation channels, the polycystin channels and the transient
ing the need for caution in the use of the heterologous receptor potential (Trp) family of ion channels. These proteins
expression systems for analysis of VR1 properties. all contain six transmembrane domains, a pore-forming loop
between the fifth and sixth transmembrane domains, and cy-
toplasmic C- and N-terminal domains (6, 7, 11). Within this
Pain-producing stimuli are detected by specialized primary superfamily, VR1 is most closely related to the Trp family of ion
afferent neurons called nociceptors, which can be activated by channels. These channels include Drosophila Trp and TrpL,
different noxious chemical (acid, irritants, inflammatory medi- which play crucial roles in phototransduction, and the mam-
ators) or physical stimuli (heat, cold, pressure). Capsaicin, the malian homologues TrpC1–7, which are candidates for store-
pungent ingredient in hot peppers, and structurally related operated calcium channels.
vanilloids such as the ultrapotent irritant resiniferatoxin Understanding of the function, gating, regulation and
(RTX)1 bind to specific receptors on nociceptors (1–3), causing quaternary structure of Trp family members is emerging rap-
cation influx, triggering action potentials, and inducing the idly. The Drosophila Trp and TrpL have been shown to form
sensation of burning pain. Prolonged or repeated exposure to heteromultimeric channels associated in a signaling complex
capsaicin leads to pronounced tachyphylaxis and desensitiza- with a receptor (rhodopsin), an effector (phospholipase C), reg-
tion, in which nociceptors become insensitive to capsaicin and ulators (protein kinase C and calmodulin), and the scaffolding
protein INAD (12). Similarly, hTrp1 is localized in a caveolin-
This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
scaffolding lipid raft domain in plasma membrane, where it
* The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
interacts directly or indirectly with a complex of Ca2⫹ signaling
payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked
“advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to proteins such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and
indicate this fact. G␣q/11 (13). Trp3 and Trp1 form hetero-oligomers with nonse-
□S The on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) lective cation permeability (14, 15), and Trp4 coexpressed with
contains Supplementary Figs. 1– 6. Trp1 was proposed to form store-operated calcium channels in
储 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Laboratory of Cellu-
lar Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, NCI, National Institutes of adrenocortical cells through homo- or heteromultimers (16).
Health, Bldg. 37, Rm. 3A01, 37 Convent Dr., MSC 4255, Bethesda, MD However, their actual subunit organization has not been deter-
20892-4255. Tel.: 301-496-3189; Fax: 301-496-8709; E-mail: blumberp@ mined. More distant members of the superfamily, e.g. voltage-
gated K⫹ channels or cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, are
The abbreviations used are: RTX, resiniferatoxin; BS3, bis[sulfosuc-
cinimidyl]suberate; sulfo-BSOCOES, bis[2-(sulfosuccinimidooxycar- known to form tetramers of the same or different subunits (17).
bonyloxy)ethyl]sulfone; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; INAD, inactivation The first direct experiments evaluating the quaternary
no afterpotential D; PFO, perfluoro-octanoic acid; PKC, protein kinase structure of VR1 were performed by Szallasi and Blumberg (18)
C; PNGase F, peptide-N-glycosidase F; PPAHV, phorbol 12-phenylac- using radiation inactivation analysis. This technique, which
etate 13-acetate 20-homovanillate; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electro-
phoresis; VR1, vanilloid receptor type 1; PBS, phosphate-buffered
gives the functional size of a receptor, yielded a value for the
saline; Trp, transient receptor potential; eGFP, enhanced green fluo- vanilloid receptor, detected by [3H]RTX binding, of 270 ⫾ 25
rescence protein. kDa; this value compares with a monomer mass for VR1 of 92
FIG. 2. Determination of VR1 oligomeric structure using PFO-PAGE. Total cell lysates prepared from VR1eGFP-transfected Cos7 cells,
Tet-Off induced CHO-VR1 cells treated or not with PNGase F, and partially purified DRG membranes solubilized with 2% n-dodecyl -D-maltoside
were separated on 6% PFO-PAGE, electrotransferred to nitrocellulose membranes, and immunostained with appropriate antibody. In parallel,
cross-linked phosphorylase b was separated on the same gel, electrotransferred, and visualized by Amido Black staining for molecular weight
determination purposes. These results are representative of at least three independent experiments. A, CHO-VR1 lysates were incubated with
sample buffer containing different PFO concentrations for 30 min at room temperature before electrophoresis; the Western blot was probed using
anti-VR1 antibody. B, CHO-VR1 cell lysates were treated or not with peptide-N-glycosidase F for 1 h at 37 °C; the Western blot was probed using
anti-VR1 antibody. C, separation of VR1eGFP (with or without agonist activation) on 6% PFO gel. Anti-eGFP monoclonal antibody was used for
probing. D, the molecular weights of the different VR1eGFP protein species were calculated using the linear relationship between the distance of
migration (x axis) and the logarithm of molecular weight (y axis) of cross-linked phosphorylase b. E, separation of VR1 from DRG and CHO-VR1
on 6% PFO-PAGE; anti-VR1 antibody was used for probing. F, separation of VR1eGFP, and VR1 from induced CHO cells and DRG on 4 –12%
SDS-PAGE. Anti-eGFP monoclonal and anti-VR1 polyclonal antibody were used for probing.
upon Vanilloid Treatment of Cells—Upon VR1 activation by treated with other VR1 agonists (capsaicin, olvanil, PPAHV) at
agonists such as capsaicin or its ultrapotent analog RTX, VR1 doses known to activate the VR1 channel but was not observed
became covalently cross-linked as detected by SDS-PAGE. The with the competitive inhibitor capsazepine at concentrations
cross-linking depended on time, on ligand concentration, and up to 30 M. Likewise, pretreatment with 10 M capsazepine
on the presence of extracellular calcium. Treatment of Cos7 could prevent the covalent bond formation between VR1 mono-
cells expressing VR1eGFP with different doses of RTX (0.001–1 mers (Fig. 3B). Treatment of cells with 1–10 M ionomycin, an
nM) for 30 – 60 min resulted in formation of VR1 dimers and agent that increases intracellular Ca2⫹, did not result in the
multimers; the cross-linking was not seen when 1 mM EGTA same degree of cross-linking, although some formation of
was added to the extracellular fluid (Fig. 3A). The lowest RTX dimers and a very low amount of higher oligomers could be
concentration causing cross-linking was 0.01 nM. This ligand seen (see supplemental information, available on line). We
concentration is sufficient to activate the channel and induce a surmise that covalent cross-linking of VR1 reflects the Ca2⫹-
sustained increase in intracellular Ca2⫹ concentration (see dependent activation of endogenous transglutaminases. Con-
supplemental information, available on line). Cross-linked sistent with this interpretation, pretreatment with 20 mM
VR1eGFP showed a pattern similar to control VR1eGFP with- cysteamine or 250 M mono-dansylcadaverine, two transglu-
out agonist treatment when separated on PFO-PAGE (Fig. 2C). taminase inhibitors, prevented the covalent cross-linking (Fig.
The same multimerization was observed when cells were 3B). Similar cross-linking of VR1 in response to VR1 agonists
Subunit Structure of Capsaicin Receptor 28617
partly because dimers, trimers, and tetramers with different
molecular weights can be formed from glycosylated and non-
glycosylated VR1 monomers. To prevent this phenomenon,
PNGase F-treated VR1 was used. Using different BS3 concen-
trations up to 1 mM, formation of VR1 dimers, trimers, and
tetramers was seen (Fig. 4B). At higher cross-linker concentra-
tions, multimers with calculated molecular weights corre-
sponding to VR1 hexamers and octamers were also formed. The
molecular weight determination of the higher molecular weight
complexes is problematic, however, because of the decreased
resolution of Nu-PAGE in this range as well as the lack of good
high molecular weight markers. When sulfo-BSOCOES was
used as a cross-linker, similar cross-linking patterns were ob-
served, although sulfo-BSOCOES was somewhat less efficient
than was BS3 (see supplemental information, available on
Cross-linking experiments were also performed on living
Cos7 cells expressing VR1eGFP, when the chemical cross-
linker can form covalent bonds only between accessible pri-
mary amines sitting on the outer surface of cell membranes.
The cells were incubated with different concentrations of BS3
for 30 min at 37 °C; cell lysates were prepared and analyzed by
Western blotting. As shown on Fig. 4C, at higher BS3 concen-
trations (1–10 mM), VR1eGFP migrated as four sets of bands
representing monomers, dimers, trimers, and tetramers with-
FIG. 3. Cross-linking of VR1 by transglutaminase upon VR1 out any other, intermediate molecular weight or high molecu-
channel activation. Cos7 cells expressing VR1eGFP were treated lar weight complexes being present except some highly cross-
with different doses of RTX for 30 min in the absence or presence of 1 linked polymers not able to enter the gel. The VR1eGFP dimers
mM EGTA, or after pretreatment with the competitive VR1 antagonist
capsazepine or inhibitors of transglutaminase. The total cell lysates run as double or multiple bands; we assume that dimers are
were analyzed on 4 –12% SDS-PAGE, followed by electrotransfer and formed between the glycosylated and non-glycosylated forms of
immunostaining with anti-eGFP monoclonal antibodies. Similar results VR1eGFP, which can be observed with the higher exposure
were obtained in three to five independent experiments for each agent. times needed to visualize trimers and tetramers present at
A, immunoblot of cross-linked VR1 upon treatment with different doses
of RTX in the absence or presence of EGTA. B, 1-h pretreatment with lower amount.
capsazepine (10 M), with cysteamine (20 mM) or with mono-dansylca-
daverine (250 M) prevented the formation of VR1 multimers in re-
sponse to 0.1 nM RTX treatment. Analysis of the native, multimeric structure of membrane
proteins is problematic. SDS-PAGE, although a powerful tech-
was seen in CHO-VR1 cells as well (see supplemental informa- nique for determination of monomer molecular weights, dis-
tion, available on line). rupts protein-protein interactions. Sucrose density gradient
Chemical Cross-linking—A third method to explore VR1 oli- centrifugation and gel filtration after solubilization of mem-
gomerization and to potentially reveal associated proteins in brane complexes with relatively mild detergents can be used,
complex with VR1 was cross-linking with chemical cross-link- assuming that adequate conditions for solubilization can be
ing agents. Two water-soluble cross-linkers were examined in established (32–34); however, these methods require large
detail: the non-cleavable cross-linker BS3 with a spacer arm of amounts of recombinant or purified proteins and lack the re-
1.14 nm and the base-cleavable cross-linker sulfo-BSOCOES solving power of PAGE.
with a spacer arm of 1.3 nm. Total cell lysates from VR1eGFP- To evaluate the quaternary structure of VR1, we used three
transfected Cos7 cells and from induced CHO-VR1 cells, different approaches. First, we coexpressed two differently
treated or not treated with PNGase F, were incubated with tagged versions of VR1 in Cos7 cells. Immunoprecipitation of
different concentrations of the cross-linkers for different times either caused co-immunoprecipitation of the other, implying
at room temperature. The formed complexes were separated on the presence of at least two subunits of VR1 in the receptor
Nu-PAGE Tris acetate gels for better separation of high molec- complex. These results complement the findings of Oxford et al.
ular protein complexes and were analyzed by Western blotting. (19), who demonstrated that a mutant of VR1 could have dom-
Fig. 4 (A and B) shows the immunoblot of the reaction products inant negative activity on channel function.
when different concentrations of BS3 were used as cross-linkers To characterize the composition of the VR1 receptor complex,
with a 30-min incubation time at room temperature. As shown we used PFO-PAGE, a novel method for quaternary structure
in Fig. 4A, the amount of VR1eGFP monomers decreased with determination of membrane proteins (32). We analyzed VR1 in
increasing concentration of BS3, whereas the amount of the two different heterologous expression systems, Cos7 cells tran-
oligomeric forms increased concomitantly; first dimers, then siently expressing VR1eGFP and a Tet-Off inducible CHO-VR1
trimers and tetramers were formed. Incubation with 300 M cell line, and we examined native VR1 in rat dorsal root gan-
BS3 resulted in formation of VR1eGFP dimers, trimers, and glion membranes. In the two heterologous systems, we detected
tetramers, but no other protein species of intermediate molec- VR1 monomers, dimers, trimers, and tetramers, although by
ular weights, indicating the presence of other proteins in the lowering the PFO concentration we were able to decrease the
VR1 complex, were found in this system. At higher cross-linker relative ratio of the lower oligomers and find conditions where
concentrations, multimers with calculated molecular weights tetramer was the major form of VR1. In each system the opti-
corresponding to VR1 hexamers were also formed. When the mal protein/PFO ratio had to be determined to yield a PFO
cross-linking experiments were performed on CHO-VR1 cell percentage that did not result in disaggregation of subunits
lysates, a more complex pattern of protein separation was seen, from the protein complex but did give adequate solubilization.
28618 Subunit Structure of Capsaicin Receptor
When partially purified DRG membranes were analyzed by tetramer and, to a much lower extent, some higher polymers
PFO-PAGE using optimized conditions, VR1 was present but with no bands indicative of the formation of hetero-oli-
mainly as tetramer and some monomer but without evident gomers between VR1 and protein subunits of a different size.
dimers, trimers, or higher molecular weight protein aggregates The VR1 agonist dependence, the inhibition by the VR1 com-
being present, although at higher PFO concentrations the oli- petitive antagonist capsazepine, and the inhibition in the ab-
gomers smaller than tetramer became detectable. VR1 in DRG sence of extracellular calcium all fit with the model that the
was non-glycosylated in contrast to VR1 in CHO cells, which covalent cross-linking reflects elevated intracellular calcium in
were highly glycosylated (⬃ 60%). We cannot distinguish response to VR1 activation. The probable mechanism respon-
whether the existence of oligomers smaller than the tetramers sible to this protein cross-linking is through transglutaminase,
represent artifacts of disaggregation by the PFO or are present since pretreatment of the cells with known transglutaminase
in the native membranes. Kir 2.1, an inwardly rectifying po- inhibitors could prevent VR1 oligomerization. Transglutami-
tassium channel known to exist as tetramers in membranes, nases are a family of structurally and functionally related
was shown to migrate as a single band with a molecular weight Ca2⫹-dependent enzymes that catalyze cross-linking reactions
corresponding to the tetramer on PFO-PAGE. On the other of proteins by transferring the ␥-carboxy group from protein-
hand, the GABA-A receptor complex, which is thought to be a bound glutamine to the ⑀-amino group of protein-bound lysine
heteropentameric oligomer formed from three different sub- residues or other primary amines (35, 36). The cross-linking of
units, was found to migrate as trimers and pentamers on PFO- proteins by transglutaminases has been shown to play a vari-
PAGE, the trimeric form being the predominant band (32). We ety of physiologically important functions in different systems.
conclude that VR1 is indeed a multimer, most possibly a ho- For example, transglutaminases are involved in cross-linking
motetramer. We observe modest differences in post-transla- of cornified envelope proteins during terminal differentiation of
tional modification between native VR1 and VR1 expressed in keratinocytes (36 –39) and in programmed cell death (40, 41).
heterologous systems, just as somewhat different behavior of In the current study, we have explored the endogenous cross-
endogenous and heterologously expressed VR1 has been seen linking of VR1 as a reporter for its state of association. Studies
in calcium uptake, binding, and other experiments (28 –31). are in progress to evaluate its possible contribution to VR1
These differences emphasize the need for caution in interpre- desensitization or DRG toxicity in response to vanilloid
tation of results using heterologous expression systems. treatment.
In the course of our studies, we found that VR1 becomes Our third approach to characterize VR1 subunit structure
covalently cross-linked spontaneously in the presence of VR1 was to use chemical cross-linking agents. This method has been
agonists. The pattern of cross-linking, which was analyzed widely used in the nearest neighbor analysis of membrane
mostly by SDS-PAGE, was similar to that found for VR1 by proteins. The bifunctional chemical cross-linkers used in the
PFO-PAGE in the absence of agonists, namely multimers up to present study produce covalent bonds between primary amines
Subunit Structure of Capsaicin Receptor 28619
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