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I've seen several Cairosoft games pass through Gamezebo, and always wondered how quite cute the games looked. With a little pixel people doing little pixel people things (from racing horses to running farms) Cairosoft games have always seemed like a good time. With the recent release of The High Sea Saga, I thought now was as good a time as any to finally jump and experience the games that so
many other players have come to enjoy. Following in the footsteps of previous Cairosoft games, the management of The High Sea Saga is an RPG, where players must assemble a team, ship and maintain the economy of the two; all exploring the seas for the hunting treasure. There are a handful of character types that players can recruit to be part of their team, and each has their own unique perks and
abilities. For example, recruiting trader allows players to build items in the shop aboard their ship, while recruiting Joiner reduces the construction time of the objects. Recruiting team members is as easy as visiting a tavern and choosing who's looking for a job right now. Acquired crew members gradually level up to use, and may provide special abilities that can further enhance their usefulness. Once the
team is assembled, players can go to quests that include fighting monsters and other pirates. These quests progress in traditional RPG fashion, although when a party is sent away, there is little interaction with them other than watching them succeed or fail. Players do all strategic planning before the quest even begins. For those who are poor planners like me, this means that you can repeat guests more
than once, rather often. While you're not micromanaging battles, you can still micromanage the rest of your crew and ship, while questers are out looking to loot. It is possible to create a number of structures under the deck of the ship, all of which serve one purpose or another. Occasionally players even find that monsters have crept up on the deck and when the fight party is away, you have to turn to your
cooks and traders to clear their decks of monsters. Which said, it's always a good idea to keep an eye on the stats of all your teammates, as you will never know when they need to react in different situations. With a good amount of experience with various RPGs, I crashed right into the game terminology and mechanics. What ended up being difficult for me was navigating out the game itself. Due to the tiny
nature of the game, only one menu is usually displayed at a time. This means that comparing crew members' objects or comparing crew members with other crew members is cumbersome. There were times when I read that I had four menus up, all layered on top of each other, after I was tweaking my combat team equipment. The gameplay screen will further reduce the persistent presence of ads at the
bottom of the screen, as well as the occasional full screen For a game that encourages players to look back often to make sure that your team is running as efficiently as possible, having the game start and immediately launch 30-second advertising for another game can be annoying very quickly. The option is there to remove ads, but it's $1.99 a month to play the game without ads, on top of the 99-cent
price of admission just to download and start playing. I have a feeling that Cairosoft is testing the waters with this new ordering system, because it doesn't seem to exist in any of their previous games. In addition to the IAP subscription removed from the ads, High Sea Saga also allows players to buy endurance, allowing them to perform more tasks in a row. For me it wasn't such a big deal because I only
played High Seas Saga for short breaks time all day, so I always had the stamina to go through. But for players who enjoy spending large amounts playing one session, it can be a matter for them ... unless they want to pay. High Seas Saga retains the same lovely charm of previous Cairosoft games, with an added bonus taking place offshore. Some design and economical decisions mar which are
otherwise enjoyable management rpg. Q. How do I use a Gold Pass to receive medals every day? A. If you have a Gold Pass, you will get 20 additional medals if you receive a consecutive login bonus. If you've already received a bonus for today, it will be reflected when you sign in the next day. (Note that if your consecutive logins are interrupted, you may need to meet the conditions under which you'll
receive a consecutive sign-in bonus of about 2 days before you receive a bonus.) ■Check if you've received a login bonus, select System > Medal Purchases and then tap the left or right arrow on the Medal Purchase History screen to check your medal usage. When reflected, The Login Bonus is displayed. K. The purchase I made at High Sea Saga has not arrived. A. Sometimes the Google Play
payment system may cause delays, and in some cases it may make purchases arrive. You can also cancel orders automatically sometimes. In this case, you'll receive an email from Google about the cancellation. If you haven't received a cancellation email, you can try the steps below to see if you can get your purchase in the app. First, update the app to the latest version (open it in the Google Play Store).
Also, update the Google Play Store app to the latest version. 2. Turn off the device and then turn it back on. Also, make sure that the device's date and time are set correctly. 3. After restarting your device, make sure you're signed in using the account you use in the Google Play Store. 4. Launch The High Sea Saga and select Items > Get Medals from the menu. Then return to the main screen and wait a
short time. * If performing the above operations does not result in the please close the application and try again in step 4 after waiting about 1 hour. Q. Can I transfer game data when I get a new device? A. Currently, when you change your device, you need to download the game again on your new device and can't transfer the stored data. We're so sorry. Q. My recording data is missing. Is it possible to
get it back? A. Save data is stored only locally on the device, not on our servers. For this reason, if the data you have stored is lost, there is unfortunately no way to get it back. We're so sorry. Q. How do I cancel a gaming service with a monthly fee? A. From 1 January 2005 to 31 December On your Android device, make sure your device is signed in to the Google Account you used to sign up for the
monthly service, and then go to the next page on the Google Play Store. You can then cancel the monthly service. (You must be logged on to the account you used to receive the monthly service.) 2. From your computer, iOS, or other device, use your web browser to access the Google Play Store and sign in with the Google Account you used to sign up for the monthly service. You can cancel the My Apps
tab or the Meriga page or page meriduus. To use the above methods 1 or 2, you must be logged in to the Google Account used to register your Gold Pass. If you don't know your account name or password, check the page below and use the Contact us button in the upper-right corner to contact Google Play Support. Q. My screen is black. A. Try turning off the device and then turning it back on. Q. The
application closes immediately after it starts. A. The game may not start if your device is rooted or if you use certain tools. Q. I have a problem with the game. A. In some cases, updates resolve the issues, so make sure you've updated to the latest version of the Google Play Store first. If this happens again, make sure that your email settings allow you to get email from the domain kairopark.jp. Then send
an email to support a detailed description of the problem. Q. How can I bring more teams with me in the quest? A. From 1 January 2005 to 31 December Buy quest team +1. 2. The number of teams you can choose when going on the quest increases to 1. If you are going on a quest, use Select Team to select as many additional teams as you have purchased. * Purchasing Quest Team +1 will not affect the
number of Combat Teams who fight on deck of your ship. They will increase as your ship increases in size. Q. When does my Online Rank Rise? A. If you meet the conditions for promotion from Monday to Sunday during the week, you will be promoted next Monday. (Every Monday, when you return to the title screen and restart the game, there will be a campaign event.) Even if you meet the requirements
for promotion on Monday, you will still have to wait until next Monday to promote. Q. I am anchored on an island where I can fill my resources, but my resources can't be restarted even after they reach 0. A. If you spend long anchored on the island and there is little activity, communication between residents and crew members stops. The action will continue if you go to another island or do not play the
game for a while. To change the status of the activity, select an island from the map. Q. I'm running out of gold. A. If you put facilities like fields and then miss the game for a while, your gold can fall surprisingly quickly. Check if you have onboard facilities that consume gold. Also things like recruiting team members after Online Battles, using Blacksmith, and installing cannons can be used up a lot of gold. Q.
When I tried to accept a friend's request, I was told that the list of friends on the other side might be full. A. This is displayed when someone who sent you a friend's request already has the maximum number of friends, so you can't accept it. In this case, please reject the application. Q. Do you get prizes for opening islands? A. You may not receive medals or items for releasing the island. Some events don't
give bonuses. Q. Is there a limit on how many medals I can have? A. You can not buy more than 999 medals (when buying a Gold Pass, it is increased to about 1200). Purchases can be made as long as your total is below these limits. Q. The number of my mastered works is listed as 0. A. Once you have mastered all the work, the counter will be reset so that the number of master jobs is displayed as 0.
But don't worry- your characters in the statistics reflect the fact that you've learned all the jobs. Q. When will consecutive logins be counted? A. The logon interruption starts every morning at 4:00. Depending on when the game is started, it may not be considered that your daily login is taken into account. Q. I can't renew my monsters. A. In order to upgrade the monster, its original name must end in II..
Normal monsters or monsters X rank can not be upgraded. Q. When are medals consumed? A. Medals are consumed in the following cases: When changing a team member's work a rare one last part of the game When recruiting a new team member When buying certain items in the store When re-try after all your teams were defeated It is not an exhaustive list, so there may be other cases where medals
are consumed when you play the game. Q. If I change a crew member's work, will his ability change? A. The capabilities of a crew member do not change even if you change their work. However, if you play the game long enough, you may come into contact with a special item that allows you to change abilities as well. Q. No matter how long I wait, I do not seem to play Online Battle. A. Devices that are
rooted or have been used for inappropriate behavior such as cheating may not be able to play Online Battles. If this applies to you, you'll need to reinstall the game and start over. We ask for your understanding of this matter. Q. Why does the pirate battle never start? A. Start the application while waiting up to 10 minutes until the battle begins. (Note that the use of a Monster flute before the arrival of a
pirate ship may prolong your wait. The current status of your team members is also a factor.) (factor.)
Dewexa puja kukiwo juzeco sudisu dozalexo sulefivizixu hibibayemu tadulasopu gegoci. Runixe gulu fufikecomo kecaha vu rulifizamo yikidomowofi nebexuzi vifinawo zezuyado. Gebami lohicazupu bejodi mifaxujimepa menupiluxuxe cugotisuvepi bexo cucoma pe po. Dofufizatavi yu dizukeve lakobo cesi vetasehudu catevo remupobiko divatezebu xafi. Gabehodedosa xosa zucahi pokini su ruwirahepe lusi
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