2 candisc-package
R topics documented:
candisc-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
cancor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
candisc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
candiscList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
can_lm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
dataIndex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Grass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
heplot.cancor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
heplot.candisc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
heplot.candiscList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
HSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
plot.cancor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
varOrder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
vecscale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Wilks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Wolves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Index 38
This package includes functions for computing and visualizing generalized canonical discriminant
analyses and canonical correlation analysis for a multivariate linear model. The goal is to provide
ways of visualizing such models in a low-dimensional space corresponding to dimensions (linear
combinations of the response variables) of maximal relationship to the predictor variables.
Traditional canonical discriminant analysis is restricted to a one-way MANOVA design and is
equivalent to canonical correlation analysis between a set of quantitative response variables and
a set of dummy variables coded from the factor variable. The candisc package generalizes this
to multi-way MANOVA designs for all terms in a multivariate linear model (i.e., an mlm object),
computing canonical scores and vectors for each term (giving a candiscList object).
The graphic functions are designed to provide low-rank (1D, 2D, 3D) visualizations of terms in
a mlm via the plot.candisc method, and the HE plot heplot.candisc and heplot3d.candisc
methods. For mlms with more than a few response variables, these methods often provide a much
simpler interpretation of the nature of effects in canonical space than heplots for pairs of responses
or an HE plot matrix of all responses in variable space.
Analogously, a multivariate linear (regression) model with quantitative predictors can also be rep-
resented in a reduced-rank space by means of a canonical correlation transformation of the Y and X
candisc-package 3
variables to uncorrelated canonical variates, Ycan and Xcan. Computation for this analysis is pro-
vided by cancor and related methods. Visualization of these results in canonical space are provided
by the plot.cancor, heplot.cancor and heplot3d.cancor methods.
These relations among response variables in linear models can also be useful for “effect ordering”
(Friendly & Kwan (2003) for variables in other multivariate data displays to make the displayed
relationships more coherent. The function varOrder implements a collection of these methods.
A new vignette, vignette("diabetes", package="candisc"), illustrates some of these methods.
A more comprehensive collection of examples is contained in the vignette for the heplots package,
vignette("HE-examples", package="heplots").
Package: candisc
Type: Package
Version: 0.8-6
Date: 2021-10-06
License: GPL (>= 2)
The organization of functions in this package and the heplots package may change in a later version.
Michael Friendly and John Fox
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <[email protected]>
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational
and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421–444.
Friendly, M. & Kwan, E. (2003). Effect Ordering for Data Displays, Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis, 43, 509-539. doi: 10.1016/S01679473(02)002906
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2014). Recent Advances in Visualizing Multivariate Linear Models.
Revista Colombiana de Estadistica , 37(2), 261-283. doi: 10.15446/rce.v37n2spe.47934.
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2017). Graphical Methods for Multivariate Linear Models in Psy-
chological Research: An R Tutorial, The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 13 (1), 20-45.
doi: 10.20982/tqmp.13.1.p020.
Gittins, R. (1985). Canonical Analysis: A Review with Applications in Ecology, Berlin: Springer.
See Also
heplot for details about HE plots.
candisc, cancor for details about canonical discriminant analysis and canonical correlation analy-
4 cancor
The function cancor generalizes and regularizes computation for canonical correlation analysis in
a way conducive to visualization using methods in the heplots package.
cancor(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
cancor(x, y, weights,
X.names = colnames(x), Y.names = colnames(y),
row.names = rownames(x),
xcenter = TRUE, ycenter = TRUE, xscale = FALSE, yscale = FALSE,
ndim = min(p, q),
set.names = c("X", "Y"),
prefix = c("Xcan", "Ycan"),
na.rm = TRUE, use = if (na.rm) "complete" else "pairwise",
method = "gensvd",
scores(x, ...)
formula A two-sided formula of the form cbind(y1, y2, y3, ...) ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + ...
cancor 5
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA), as traditionally presented is used to identify and measure
the associations between two sets of quantitative variables, X and Y. It is often used in the same
6 cancor
situations for which a multivariate multiple regression analysis (MMRA) would be used. However,
CCA is is “symmetric” in that the sets X and Y have equivalent status, and the goal is to find
orthogonal linear combinations of each having maximal (canonical) correlations. On the other hand,
MMRA is “asymmetric”, in that the Y set is considered as responses, each one to be explained by
separate linear combinations of the Xs.
This implementation of cancor provides the basic computations for CCA, together with some ex-
tractor functions and methods for working with the results in a convenient fashion.
However, for visualization using HE plots, it is most natural to consider plots representing the re-
lations among the canonical variables for the Y variables in terms of a multivariate linear model
predicting the Y canonical scores, using either the X variables or the X canonical scores as pre-
dictors. Such plots, using heplot.cancor provide a low-rank (1D, 2D, 3D) visualization of the
relations between the two sets, and so are useful in cases when there are more than 2 or 3 variables
in each of X and Y.
The connection between CCA and HE plots for MMRA models can be developed as follows. CCA
can also be viewed as a principal component transformation of the predicted values of one set of
variables from a regression on the other set of variables, in the metric of the error covariance matrix.
For example, regress the Y variables on the X variables, giving predicted values Ŷ = X(X 0 X)−1 X 0 Y
and residuals R = Y − Ŷ . The error covariance matrix is E = R0 R/(n − 1). Choose a trans-
formation Q that orthogonalizes the error covariance matrix to an identity, that is, (RQ)0 (RQ) =
Q0 R0 RQ = (n − 1)I, and apply the same transformation to the predicted values to yield, say,
Z = Ŷ Q. Then, a principal component analysis on the covariance matrix of Z gives eigenvalues of
E −1 H, and so is equivalent to the MMRA analysis of lm(Y ~ X) statistically, but visualized here in
canonical space.
An object of class cancorr, a list with the following components:
cancor Canonical correlations, i.e., the correlations between each canonical variate for
the Y variables with the corresponding canonical variate for the X variables.
names Names for various items, a list of 4 components: X, Y, row.names, set.names
ndim Number of canonical dimensions extracted, <= min(p,q)
dim Problem dimensions, a list of 3 components: p (number of X variables), q (num-
ber of Y variables), n (sample size)
coef Canonical coefficients, a list of 2 components: X, Y
Not all features of CCA are presently implemented: standardized vs. raw scores, more flexible
handling of missing data, other plot methods, ...
Michael Friendly
Gittins, R. (1985). Canonical Analysis: A Review with Applications in Ecology, Berlin: Springer.
Mardia, K. V., Kent, J. T. and Bibby, J. M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis. London: Academic Press.
See Also
Other implementations of CCA: cancor (very basic), cca in the yacca (fairly complete, but very
messy return structure), cc in CCA (fairly complete, very messy return structure, no longer main-
redundancy, for redundancy analysis; plot.cancor, for enhanced scatterplots of the canonical
heplot.cancor for CCA HE plots and heplots for generic heplot methods.
candisc for related methods focused on multivariate linear models with one or more factors among
the X variables.
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
X <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,6:10]) # the PA tests
Y <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,3:5]) # the aptitude/ability variables
# formula method
cc <- cancor(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer,
set.names=c("PA", "Ability"))
# standardized coefficients
coef(cc, type="both", standardize=TRUE)
plot(cc, smooth=TRUE)
candisc performs a generalized canonical discriminant analysis for one term in a multivariate linear
model (i.e., an mlm object), computing canonical scores and vectors. It represents a transformation
of the original variables into a canonical space of maximal differences for the term, controlling for
other model terms.
In typical usage, the term should be a factor or interaction corresponding to a multivariate test with
2 or more degrees of freedom for the null hypothesis.
candisc(mod, ...)
mod An mlm object, such as computed by lm() with a multivariate response
term the name of one term from mod for which the canonical analysis is performed.
type type of test for the model term, one of: "II", "III", "2", or "3"
manova the Anova.mlm object corresponding to mod. Normally, this is computed inter-
nally by Anova(mod)
10 candisc
ndim Number of dimensions to store in (or retrieve from, for the summary method) the
means, structure, scores and coeffs.* components. The default is the rank
of the H matrix for the hypothesis term.
object, x A candisc object
which A vector of one or two integers, selecting the canonical dimension(s) to plot. If
the canonical structure for a term has ndim==1, or length(which)==1, a 1D
representation of canonical scores and structure coefficients is produced by the
plot method. Otherwise, a 2D plot is produced.
conf Confidence coefficient for the confidence circles around canonical means plotted
in the plot method
col A vector of the unique colors to be used for the levels of the term in the plot
method, one for each level of the term. In this version, you should assign col-
ors and point symbols explicitly, rather than relying on the somewhat arbitrary
defaults, based on palette
pch A vector of the unique point symbols to be used for the levels of the term in the
plot method.
scale Scale factor for the variable vectors in canonical space. If not specified, a scale
factor is calculated to make the variable vectors approximately fill the plot space.
asp Aspect ratio for the plot method. The asp=1 (the default) assures that the units
on the horizontal and vertical axes are the same, so that lengths and angles of
the variable vectors are interpretable.
var.col Color used to plot variable vectors
var.lwd Line width used to plot variable vectors
var.labels Optional vector of variable labels to replace variable names in the plots
var.cex Character expansion size for variable labels in the plots
var.pos Position(s) of variable vector labels wrt. the end point. If not specified, the
labels are out-justified left and right with respect to the end points.
rev.axes Logical, a vector of length(which). TRUE causes the orientation of the canoni-
cal scores and structure coefficients to be reversed along a given axis.
ellipse Draw data ellipses for canonical scores?
ellipse.prob Coverage probability for the data ellipses
fill.alpha Transparency value for the color used to fill the ellipses. Use fill.alpha to
draw the ellipses unfilled.
prefix Prefix used to label the canonical dimensions plotted
suffix Suffix for labels of canonical dimensions. If suffix=TRUE the percent of hy-
pothesis (H) variance accounted for by each canonical dimension is added to the
axis label.
titles.1d A character vector of length 2, containing titles for the panels used to plot the
canonical scores and structure vectors, for the case in which there is only one
canonical dimension.
points.1d Logical value for plot.candisc when only one canonical dimension.
means Logical value used to determine if canonical means are printed
candisc 11
Canonical discriminant analysis is typically carried out in conjunction with a one-way MANOVA
design. It represents a linear transformation of the response variables into a canonical space in
which (a) each successive canonical variate produces maximal separation among the groups (e.g.,
maximum univariate F statistics), and (b) all canonical variates are mutually uncorrelated. For a
one-way MANOVA with g groups and p responses, there are dfh = min( g-1, p) such canonical
dimensions, and tests, initially stated by Bartlett (1938) allow one to determine the number of
significant canonical dimensions.
Computational details for the one-way case are described in Cooley & Lohnes (1971), and in the
SAS/STAT User’s Guide, "The CANDISC procedure: Computational Details,"
A generalized canonical discriminant analysis extends this idea to a general multivariate linear
model. Analysis of each term in the mlm produces a rank dfh H matrix sum of squares and crossprod-
ucts matrix that is tested against the rank dfe E matrix by the standard multivariate tests (Wilks’
Lambda, Hotelling-Lawley trace, Pillai trace, Roy’s maximum root test). For any given term in the
mlm, the generalized canonical discriminant analysis amounts to a standard discriminant analysis
based on the H matrix for that term in relation to the full-model E matrix.
The plot method for candisc objects is typically a 2D plot, similar to a biplot. It shows the canonical
scores for the groups defined by the term as points and the canonical structure coefficients as vectors
from the origin.
If the canonical structure for a term has ndim==1, or length(which)==1, the 1D representation
consists of a boxplot of canonical scores and a vector diagram showing the magnitudes of the
structure coefficients.
An object of class candisc with the following components:
ndim Number of canonical dimensions stored in the means, structure and coeffs.*
means A data.frame containing the class means for the levels of the factor(s) in the term
factors A data frame containing the levels of the factor(s) in the term
term name of the term
terms A character vector containing the names of the terms in the mlm object
coeffs.raw A matrix containing the raw canonical coefficients
coeffs.std A matrix containing the standardized canonical coefficients
structure A matrix containing the canonical structure coefficients on ndim dimensions,
i.e., the correlations between the original variates and the canonical scores.
These are sometimes referred to as Total Structure Coefficients.
scores A data frame containing the predictors in the mlm model and the canonical scores
on ndim dimensions. These are calculated as Y %*% coeffs.raw, where Y con-
tains the standardized response variables.
Michael Friendly and John Fox
Bartlett, M. S. (1938). Further aspects of the theory of multiple regression. Proc. Cambridge
Philosophical Society 34, 33-34.
Cooley, W.W. & Lohnes, P.R. (1971). Multivariate Data Analysis, New York: Wiley.
Gittins, R. (1985). Canonical Analysis: A Review with Applications in Ecology, Berlin: Springer.
See Also
candiscList, heplot, heplot3d
grass.mod <- lm(cbind(N1,N9,N27,N81,N243) ~ Block + Species, data=Grass)
Anova(grass.mod, test="Wilks")
# library(heplots)
heplot(grass.can1, scale=6, fill=TRUE)
# iris data
iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Petal.Length, Sepal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris)
iris.can <- candisc(iris.mod, data=iris)
#-- assign colors and symbols corresponding to species
col <- c("red", "brown", "green3")
pch <- 1:3
plot(iris.can, col=col, pch=pch)
candiscList 13
# 1-dim plot
iris.can1 <- candisc(iris.mod, data=iris, ndim=1)
candiscList performs a generalized canonical discriminant analysis for all terms in a multivariate
linear model (i.e., an mlm object), computing canonical scores and vectors.
candiscList(mod, ...)
mod An mlm object, such as computed by lm() with a multivariate response
type type of test for the model term, one of: "II", "III", "2", or "3"
manova the Anova.mlm object corresponding to mod. Normally, this is computed inter-
nally by Anova(mod)
ndim Number of dimensions to store in the means, structure, scores and coeffs.*
components. The default is the rank of the H matrix for the hypothesis term.
object, x A candiscList object
term The name of one term to be plotted for the plot method. If not specified, one
candisc plot is produced for each term in the mlm object.
ask If TRUE (the default, when running interactively), a menu of terms is presented;
if ask is FALSE, canonical plots for all terms are produced.
graphics if TRUE (the default, when running interactively), then the menu of terms to plot
is presented in a dialog box rather than as a text menu.
... arguments to be passed down.
14 can_lm
An object of class candiscList which is a list of candisc objects for the terms in the mlm.
Michael Friendly and John Fox
See Also
candisc, heplot, heplot3d
grass.mod <- lm(cbind(N1,N9,N27,N81,N243) ~ Block + Species, data=Grass)
grass.canL <-candiscList(grass.mod)
## Not run:
## End(Not run)
plot(grass.canL, type="n", ask=FALSE)
heplot(grass.canL$Species, scale=6)
heplot(grass.canL$Block, scale=2)
This function uses candisc to transform the responses in a multivariate linear model to scores on
canonical variables for a given term and then uses those scores as responses in a linear (lm) or
multivariate linear model (mlm).
can_lm(mod, term, ...)
mod A mlm object
term One term in that model
... Arguments passed to candisc
dataIndex 15
The function constructs a model formula of the form Can ~ terms where Can is the canonical
score(s) and terms are the terms in the original mlm, then runs lm() with that formula.
A lm object if term is a rank 1 hypothesis, otherwise a mlm object
Michael Friendly
See Also
candisc, cancor
iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Petal.Length, Sepal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris)
iris.can <- can_lm(iris.mod, "Species")
Find sequential indices for observations in a data frame corresponding to the unique combinations
of the levels of a given model term from a model object or a data frame
dataIndex(x, term)
x Either a data frame or a model object
term The name of one term in the model, consisting only of factors
A vector of indices.
Michael Friendly
16 Grass
factors <- expand.grid(A=factor(1:3),B=factor(1:2),C=factor(1:2))
n <- nrow(factors)
responses <-data.frame(Y1=10+round(10*rnorm(n)),Y2=10+round(10*rnorm(n)))
dataIndex(mod, "A")
dataIndex(mod, "A:B")
The data frame Grass gives the yield (10 * log10 dry-weight (g)) of eight grass Species in five
replicates (Block) grown in sand culture at five levels of nitrogen.
A data frame with 40 observations on the following 7 variables.
Species a factor with levels D.glomerata F.ovina F.rubra H.pubesens K.cristata
L.perenne P.bertolonii
Block a factor with levels 1 2 3 4 5
N1 species yield at 1 ppm Nitrogen
N9 species yield at 9 ppm Nitrogen
N27 species yield at 27 ppm Nitrogen
N81 species yield at 81 ppm Nitrogen
N243 species yield at 243 ppm Nitrogen
Nitrogen (NaNO3) levels were chosen to vary from what was expected to be from critically low to
almost toxic. The amount of Nitrogen can be considered on a log3 scale, with levels 0, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Gittins (1985, Ch. 11) treats these as equally spaced for the purpose of testing polynomial trends in
Nitrogen level.
The data are also not truly multivariate, but rather a split-plot experimental design. For the purpose
of exposition, he regards Species as the experimental unit, so that correlations among the responses
refer to a composite representative of a species rather than to an individual exemplar.
heplot.cancor 17
Gittins, R. (1985), Canonical Analysis: A Review with Applications in Ecology, Berlin: Springer-
Verlag, Table A-5.
grass.mod <- lm(cbind(N1,N9,N27,N81,N243) ~ Block + Species, data=Grass)
grass.canL <-candiscList(grass.mod)
These functions plot ellipses (or ellipsoids in 3D) in canonical space representing the hypothesis and
error sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for terms in a multivariate linear model representing
the result of a canonical correlation analysis. They provide a low-rank 2D (or 3D) view of the
effects in the space of maximum canonical correlations, together with variable vectors representing
the correlations of Y variables with the canonical dimensions.
For consistency with heplot.candisc, the plots show effects in the space of the canonical Y vari-
ables selected by which.
## S3 method for class 'cancor'
heplot(mod, which = 1:2, scale, asp=1,
var.vectors = "Y", var.col = c("blue", "darkgreen"), var.lwd = par("lwd"),
var.cex = par("cex"), var.xpd = TRUE,
prefix = "Ycan", suffix = TRUE, terms = TRUE, ...)
mod A cancor object
which A numeric vector containing the indices of the Y canonical dimensions to plot.
18 heplot.cancor
scale Scale factor for the variable vectors in canonical space. If not specified, the
function calculates one to make the variable vectors approximately fill the plot
asp aspect ratio setting. Use asp=1 in 2D plots and asp="iso" in 3D plots to ensure
equal units on the axes. Use asp=NA in 2D plots and asp=NULL in 3D plots to
allow separate scaling for the axes. See Details below.
var.vectors Which variable vectors to plot? A character vector containing one or more of
"X" and "Y".
var.col Color(s) for variable vectors and labels, a vector of length 1 or 2. The first color
is used for Y vectors and the second for X vectors, if these are plotted.
var.lwd Line width for variable vectors
var.cex Text size for variable vector labels
var.xpd logical. Allow variable labels outside the plot box? Does not apply to 3D plots.
prefix Prefix for labels of the Y canonical dimensions.
suffix Suffix for labels of canonical dimensions. If suffix=TRUE the percent of hy-
pothesis (H) variance accounted for by each canonical dimension is added to the
axis label.
terms Terms for the X variables to be plotted in canonical space. The default, terms=TRUE
or terms="X" plots H ellipses for all of the X variables. terms="Xcan" plots H
ellipses for all of the X canonical variables, Xcan1, Xcan2, . . . .
... Other arguments passed to link[heplots]{heplot}. In particular, you can
pass linear hypotheses among the term variables via hypotheses.
The interpretation of variable vectors in these plots is different from that of the terms plotted as
H "ellipses," which appear as degenerate lines in the plot (because they correspond to 1 df tests of
In canonical space, the interpretation of the H ellipses for the terms is the same as in ordinary
HE plots: a term is significant iff its H ellipse projects outside the (orthogonalized) E ellipsoid
somewhere in the space of the Y canonical dimensions. The orientation of each H ellipse with
respect to the Y canonical dimensions indicates which dimensions that X variate contributes to.
On the other hand, the variable vectors shown in these plots are intended only to show the corre-
lations of Y variables with the canonical dimensions. Only their relative lengths and angles with
respect to the Y canonical dimensions have meaning. Relative lengths correspond to proportions
of variance accounted for in the Y canonical dimensions plotted; angles between the variable vec-
tors and the canonical axes correspond to the structure correlations. The absolute lengths of these
vectors are typically manipulated by the scale argument to provide better visual resolution and
labeling for the variables.
Setting the aspect ratio of these plots is important for the proper interpretation of angles between
the variable vectors and the coordinate axes. However, this then makes it impossible to change the
aspect ratio of the plot by re-sizing manually.
heplot.cancor 19
Returns invisibly an object of class "heplot", with coordinates for the various hypothesis ellipses
and the error ellipse, and the limits of the horizontal and vertical axes.
Michael Friendly
Gittins, R. (1985). Canonical Analysis: A Review with Applications in Ecology, Berlin: Springer.
Mardia, K. V., Kent, J. T. and Bibby, J. M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis. London: Academic Press.
See Also
cancor for details on canonical correlation as implemented here; plot.cancor for scatterplots of
canonical variable scores.
heplot.candisc, heplot, linearHypothesis
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
X <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,6:10])
Y <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,3:5])
cc <- cancor(X, Y, set.names=c("PA", "Ability"))
# basic plot
# more options
heplot(cc, hypotheses=list("All X"=colnames(X)),
fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), fill.alpha=0.2,
var.cex=1.5, var.col="red", var.lwd=3,
prefix="Y canonical dimension"
# 3D version
## Not run:
heplot3d(cc, var.lwd=3, var.col="red")
## End(Not run)
20 heplot.candisc
These functions plot ellipses (or ellipsoids in 3D) in canonical discriminant space representing
the hypothesis and error sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for terms in a multivariate linear
model. They provide a low-rank 2D (or 3D) view of the effects for that term in the space of
maximum discrimination.
## S3 method for class 'candisc'
heplot(mod, which = 1:2, scale, asp = 1, var.col = "blue",
var.lwd = par("lwd"), var.cex=par("cex"), var.pos,
rev.axes=c(FALSE, FALSE),
prefix = "Can", suffix = TRUE, terms = mod$term, ...)
mod A candisc object for one term in a mlm
which A numeric vector containing the indices of the canonical dimensions to plot.
scale Scale factor for the variable vectors in canonical space. If not specified, the
function calculates one to make the variable vectors approximately fill the plot
asp Aspect ratio for the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The defaults, asp=1 for
heplot.candisc and asp="iso" for heplot3d.candisc ensure equal units on
all axes, so that angles and lengths of variable vectors are interpretable. As well,
the standardized canonical scores are uncorrelated, so the Error ellipse (ellip-
soid) should plot as a circle (sphere) in canonical space. For heplot3d.candisc,
use asp=NULL to suppress this transformation to iso-scaled axes.
var.col Color for variable vectors and labels
var.lwd Line width for variable vectors
var.cex Text size for variable vector labels
var.pos Position(s) of variable vector labels wrt. the end point. If not specified, the
labels are out-justified left and right with respect to the end points.
rev.axes Logical, a vector of length(which). TRUE causes the orientation of the canoni-
cal scores and structure coefficients to be reversed along a given axis.
heplot.candisc 21
The generalized canonical discriminant analysis for one term in a mlm is based on the eigenvalues,
λi , and eigenvectors, V, of the H and E matrices for that term. This produces uncorrelated canonical
scores which give the maximum univariate F statistics. The canonical HE plot is then just the HE
plot of the canonical scores for the given term.
For heplot3d.candisc, the default asp="iso" now gives a geometrically correct plot, but the third
dimension, CAN3, is often small. Passing an expanded range in zlim to heplot3d usually helps.
heplot.candisc returns invisibly an object of class "heplot", with coordinates for the various
hypothesis ellipses and the error ellipse, and the limits of the horizontal and vertical axes.
Similarly, heploted.candisc returns an object of class "heplot3d".
Michael Friendly and John Fox
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear
Models: SAS Software and Examples Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), 1-42.
doi: 10.18637/jss.v017.i06
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational
and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421–444.
See Also
candisc, candiscList, heplot, heplot3d, aspect3d
## Pottery data, from car package
pottery.mod <- lm(cbind(Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na) ~ Site, data=Pottery)
pottery.can <-candisc(pottery.mod)
heplot(pottery.can, var.lwd=3)
22 heplot.candiscList
grass.can1 <-candisc(grass.mod,term="Species")
grass.canL <-candiscList(grass.mod)
heplot(grass.can1, scale=6)
heplot(grass.can1, scale=6, terms=TRUE)
heplot(grass.canL, terms=TRUE, ask=FALSE)
heplot3d(grass.can1, wire=FALSE)
# compare with non-iso scaling
# or,
# heplot3d(grass.can1, asp=NULL)
These functions plot ellipses (or ellipsoids in 3D) in canonical discriminant space representing
the hypothesis and error sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for terms in a multivariate linear
model. They provide a low-rank 2D (or 3D) view of the effects for that term in the space of
maximum discrimination.
heplot.candiscList 23
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear
Models: SAS Software and Examples Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), 1-42.
doi: 10.18637/jss.v017.i06.
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational
and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421–444.
See Also
The High School and Beyond Project was a longitudinal study of students in the U.S. carried out in
1980 by the National Center for Education Statistics. Data were collected from 58,270 high school
students (28,240 seniors and 30,030 sophomores) and 1,015 secondary schools. The HSB data
frame is sample of 600 observations, of unknown characteristics, originally taken from Tatsuoka
A data frame with 600 observations on the following 15 variables. There is no missing data.
Tatsuoka, M. M. (1988). Multivariate Analysis: Techniques for Educational and Psychological
Research (2nd ed.). New York: Macmillan, Appendix F, 430-442.
plot.cancor 25
High School and Beyond data files:
# main effects model
hsb.mod <- lm( cbind(read, write, math, sci, ss) ~
gender + race + ses + sch + prog, data=HSB)
## End(Not run)
This function produces plots to help visualize X, Y data in canonical space.
The present implementation plots the canonical scores for the Y variables against those for the X
variables on given dimensions. We treat this as a view of the data in canonical space, and so offer
additional annotations to a standard scatterplot.
## S3 method for class 'cancor'
plot(x, which = 1, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab,
points = TRUE, add = FALSE, col = palette()[1],
ellipse = TRUE, ellipse.args = list(),
smooth = FALSE, smoother.args = list(), col.smooth = palette()[3],
abline = TRUE, col.lines = palette()[2], lwd = 2,
labels = rownames(xy),
id.method = "mahal", id.n = 0, id.cex = 1, id.col = palette()[1],
26 plot.cancor
x A "cancor" object
which Which dimension to plot? An integer in 1:x$ndim.
xlim, ylim Limits for x and y axes
xlab, ylab Labels for x and y axes. If not specified, these are constructed from the set.names
component of x.
points logical. Display the points?
add logical. Add to an existing plot?
col Color for points.
ellipse logical. Draw a data ellipse for the canonical scores?
ellipse.args A list of arguments passed to dataEllipse. Internally, the function sets the
default value for levels to 0.68.
smooth logical. Draw a (loess) smoothed curve?
smoother.args Arguments passed to loessLine, which should be consulted for details and de-
col.smooth Color for the smoothed curve.
abline logical. Draw the linear regression line for Ycan[,which] on Xcan[,which]?
col.lines Color for the linear regression line
lwd Line widths
labels Point labels for point identification via the id.method argument.
id.method Method used to identify individual points. See showLabels for details. The
default, id.method = "mahal" identifies the id.n points furthest from the cen-
id.n Number of points to identify
id.cex, id.col Character size and color for labeled points
... Other arguments passed down to plot(...) and points(...)
Canonical correlation analysis assumes that the all correlations between the X and Y variables can
be expressed in terms of correlations the canonical variate pairs, (Xcan1, Ycan1), (Xcan2, Ycan2),
. . . , and that the relations between these pairs are indeed linear.
Data ellipses, and smoothed (loess) curves, together with the linear regression line for each canon-
ical dimension help to assess whether there are peculiarities in the data that might threaten the
validity of CCA. Point identification methods can be useful to determine influential cases.
None. Used for its side effect of producing a plot.
Michael Friendly
redundancy 27
Mardia, K. V., Kent, J. T. and Bibby, J. M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis. London: Academic Press.
See Also
dataEllipse, loessLine, showLabels
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
X <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,6:10]) # the PA tests
Y <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,3:5]) # the aptitude/ability variables
# exercise some options
plot(cc, smooth=TRUE, id.n=3, ellipse.args=list(fill=TRUE))
plot(cc, which=2, smooth=TRUE)
plot(cc, which=3, smooth=TRUE)
# plot vectors showing structure correlations of Xcan and Ycan with their own variables
struc <- cc$structure
Xstruc <- struc$X.xscores[,1]
Ystruc <- struc$Y.yscores[,1]
scale <- 2
Calculates indices of redundancy (Stewart & Love, 1968) from a canonical correlation analysis.
These give the proportion of variances of the variables in each set (X and Y) which are accounted
for by the variables in the other set through the canonical variates.
28 redundancy
redundancy(object, ...)
None yet.
Xcan.redun Canonical redundancies for the X variables, i.e., the total fraction of X variance
accounted for by the Y variables through each canonical variate.
Ycan.redun Canonical redundancies for the Y variables
X.redun Total canonical redundancy for the X variables, i.e., the sum of Xcan.redun.
Y.redun Total canonical redundancy for the Y variables
set.names names for the X and Y sets of variables
Michael Friendly
Stewart, D. and Love, W. (1968). A general canonical correlation index. Psychological Bulletin,
70, 160-163.
See Also
cancor, ~~~
varOrder 29
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
X <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,6:10]) # the PA tests
Y <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,3:5]) # the aptitude/ability variables
## Redundancies for the PA variables & total X canonical redundancy
## Xcan1 Xcan2 Xcan3 total X|Y
## 0.17342 0.04211 0.00797 0.22350
## Redundancies for the Ability variables & total Y canonical redundancy
## Ycan1 Ycan2 Ycan3 total Y|X
## 0.2249 0.0369 0.0156 0.2774
The varOrder function implements some features of “effect ordering” (Friendly & Kwan (2003)
for variables in a multivariate data display to make the displayed relationships more coherent.
This can be used in pairwise HE plots, scatterplot matrices, parallel coordinate plots, plots of mul-
tivariate means, and so forth.
For a numeric data frame, the most useful displays often order variables according to the angles of
variable vectors in a 2D principal component analysis or biplot. For a multivariate linear model, the
analog is to use the angles of the variable vectors in a 2D canonical discriminant biplot.
varOrder(x, ...)
x A multivariate linear model or a numeric data frame
term For the mlm method, one term in the model for which the canonical structure
coefficients are found.
variables indices or names of the variables to be ordered; defaults to all response variables
an MLM or all numeric variables in a data frame.
type For an MLM, type="can" uses the canonical structure coefficients for the given
term; type="pc" uses the principal component variable eigenvectors.
method One of c("angles", "dim1", "dim2", "alphabet", "data", "colmean") giv-
ing the effect ordering method.
"angles" Orders variables according to the angles their vectors make with di-
mensions 1 and 2, counter-clockwise starting from the lower-left quadrant
in a 2D biplot or candisc display.
"dim1" Orders variables in increasing order of their coordinates on dimension
"dim2" Orders variables in increasing order of their coordinates on dimension
"alphabet" Orders variables alphabetically
"data" Uses the order of the variables in the data frame or the list of responses
in the MLM
"colmean" Uses the order of the column means of the variables in the data
frame or the list of responses in the MLM
names logical; if TRUE the effect ordered names of the variables are returned; otherwise,
their indices in variables are returned.
descending If TRUE, the ordered result is reversed to a descending order.
... Arguments passed to methods
A vector of integer indices of the variables or a character vector of their names.
Michael Friendly
Friendly, M. & Kwan, E. (2003). Effect Ordering for Data Displays, Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis, 43, 509-539. doi: 10.1016/S01679473(02)002906
data(Wine, package="candisc")
Wine.mod <- lm(as.matrix(Wine[, -1]) ~ Cultivar, data=Wine)
Wine.can <- candisc(Wine.mod)
plot(Wine.can, ellipse=TRUE)
vecscale 31
Calculates a scale factor so that a collection of vectors nearly fills the current plot, that is, the longest
vector does not extend beyond the plot region.
Michael Friendly
See Also
32 vectors
bbox <- matrix(c(-3, 3, -2, 2), 2, 2)
colnames(bbox) <- c("x","y")
rownames(bbox) <- c("min", "max")
arrows(0, 0, vecs[,1], vecs[,2], angle=10, col="red")
(s <- vecscale(vecs))
arrows(0, 0, s*vecs[,1], s*vecs[,2], angle=10)
Graphics utility functions to draw vectors from an origin to a collection of points (using arrows in
2D or lines3d in 3D) with labels for each (using text or texts3d).
vectors(x, origin = c(0, 0), labels = rownames(x),
scale = 1,
lwd=1, cex=1,
length=.1, angle=13, pos=NULL,
x A two-column matrix or a three-column matrix containing the end points of the
origin Starting point(s) for the vectors
labels Labels for the vectors
scale A multiplier for the length of each vector
col color(s) for the vectors.
lwd line width(s) for the vectors.
cex color(s) for the vectors.
Wilks 33
length For vectors, length of the edges of the arrow head (in inches).
angle For vectors, angle from the shaft of the arrow to the edge of the arrow head.
pos For vectors, position of the text label relative to the vector head. If pos==NULL,
labels are positioned labels outside, relative to arrow ends.
... other graphical parameters, such as lty, xpd, ...
The graphical parameters col, lty and lwd can be vectors of length greater than one and will be
recycled if necessary
Michael Friendly
See Also
arrows, text, segments
lines3d, texts3d
plot(c(-3, 3), c(-3,3), type="n")
X <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol=2)
rownames(X) <- LETTERS[1:5]
vectors(X, scale=2, col=palette())
Tests the sequential hypotheses that the ith canonical correlation and all that follow it are zero,
ρi = ρi+1 = · · · = 0
Wilks(object, ...)
object An object of class "cancor""} or \code{"candisc""
... Other arguments passed to methods (not used)
Wilks’ Lambda values are calculated from the eigenvalues and converted to F statistics using Rao’s
A data.frame (of class "anova") containing the test statistics
Michael Friendly
Mardia, K. V., Kent, J. T. and Bibby, J. M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis. London: Academic Press.
See Also
cancor, ~~~
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
X <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,6:10]) # the PA tests
Y <- as.matrix(Rohwer[,3:5]) # the aptitude/ability variables
These data are the results of a chemical analysis of wines grown in the same region in Italy but
derived from three different cultivars. The analysis determined the quantities of 13 constituents
found in each of the three types of wines.
This data set is a classic in the machine learning literature as an easy high-D classification problem,
but is also of interest for examples of MANOVA and discriminant analysis.
Wine 35
A data frame with 178 observations on the following 14 variables.
The precise definitions of these variables is unknown: units, how they were measured, etc.
This data set was obtained from the UCI Machine Learning Repository,
This page references a large number of papers that use this data set to compare different methods.
In R, a comparable data set is contained in the ggbiplot package.
plot(Wine.can, ellipse=TRUE)
plot(Wine.can, which=1)
Skull morphometric data on Rocky Mountain and Arctic wolves (Canis Lupus L.) taken from Mor-
rison (1990), originally from Jolicoeur (1959).
A data frame with 25 observations on the following 11 variables.
group a factor with levels ar:f ar:m rm:f rm:m, comprising the combinations of location and
location a factor with levels ar=Arctic, rm=Rocky Mountain
sex a factor with levels f=female, m=male
x1 palatal length, a numeric vector
x2 postpalatal length, a numeric vector
x3 zygomatic width, a numeric vector
x4 palatal width outside first upper molars, a numeric vector
x5 palatal width inside second upper molars, a numeric vector
x6 postglenoid foramina width, a numeric vector
x7 interorbital width, a numeric vector
x8 braincase width, a numeric vector
x9 crown length, a numeric vector
All variables are expressed in millimeters.
The goal was to determine how geographic and sex differences among the wolf populations are
determined by these skull measurements. For MANOVA or (canonical) discriminant analysis, the
factors group or location and sex provide alternative parameterizations.
Morrison, D. F. Multivariate Statistical Methods, (3rd ed.), 1990. New York: McGraw-Hill, p.
Wolves 37
Jolicoeur, P. “Multivariate geographical variation in the wolf Canis lupis L.”, Evolution, XIII, 283–
# using group
wolf.mod <-lm(cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) ~ group, data=Wolves)
wolf.can <-candisc(wolf.mod)
wolf.can2 <-candiscList(wolf.mod2)
redundancy, 7, 27
scores (cancor), 4
segments, 33
showLabels, 26, 27
summary.cancor (cancor), 4
summary.candisc (candisc), 9
summary.candiscList (candiscList), 13
text, 32, 33
texts3d, 32, 33
varOrder, 3, 29
vecscale, 31
vectors, 31, 32
vectors3d (vectors), 32
Wilks, 33
Wine, 34
Wolves, 36