This document discusses a project comparing non-renewable energy sources in three Indian union territories: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, and Delhi. Students are asked to research electricity production from solar panels and biomass in these regions. They will analyze advantages and disadvantages of different non-renewable energy sources, identify alternative energy sources and their importance, and represent data on energy production using bar graphs and pie charts. The goals are to explore sustainable energy initiatives and promote future use of renewable resources.
This document discusses a project comparing non-renewable energy sources in three Indian union territories: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, and Delhi. Students are asked to research electricity production from solar panels and biomass in these regions. They will analyze advantages and disadvantages of different non-renewable energy sources, identify alternative energy sources and their importance, and represent data on energy production using bar graphs and pie charts. The goals are to explore sustainable energy initiatives and promote future use of renewable resources.
This document discusses a project comparing non-renewable energy sources in three Indian union territories: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, and Delhi. Students are asked to research electricity production from solar panels and biomass in these regions. They will analyze advantages and disadvantages of different non-renewable energy sources, identify alternative energy sources and their importance, and represent data on energy production using bar graphs and pie charts. The goals are to explore sustainable energy initiatives and promote future use of renewable resources.
This document discusses a project comparing non-renewable energy sources in three Indian union territories: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, and Delhi. Students are asked to research electricity production from solar panels and biomass in these regions. They will analyze advantages and disadvantages of different non-renewable energy sources, identify alternative energy sources and their importance, and represent data on energy production using bar graphs and pie charts. The goals are to explore sustainable energy initiatives and promote future use of renewable resources.
COMPARISION OF NON RENEWABLE ENERGY IN THREE UNION TERRITORY - ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLAND, LAKSHDWEEP AND DELHI PBL TITLE- FUTURE- NON RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES IN UNION TERRITORY OF INDIA /SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL: GOAL 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY, GOAL 9 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE GOAL 11 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES G20-ONE EARTH,ONE FAMILY,ONE FUTURE-(GREEN DEVELOPMENT, CLIMATE FINANCE & LIFE) The Problem: Countries across the world are facing a growing demand for energy, leading to depleting energy resources, increasing release of green house gases. DRIVING QUESTION: Why is the non exhaustible energy addressed as ‘Future Energy’? Core Competencies: Communication, Citizenship, Character Building, Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creativity Skill developed: Problem solving, Data handling and research, productivity, initiative. DOMAINS TESTED ARE: COGNITIVE, PSYCHOMOTOR, AFFECTED. S. NO. SUBJECT HW Learning Outcomes Rubrics and Assessment LINK FOR REFERENCE SKILL DEVELOPED CORE COMPETENCIES WHERE TO BE DONE DATE OF SUBMISSION RESEARCH : To find out production of electricity 1.Learners will explore and study about the 1. Content (2) using solar panel and biomass in three union various non conventional energy projects in the com/90150/#:~:text=He%20said% 2. Creativity territory (Andaman & Nicobar Island, union territory of study and the initiatives taken 20that%20presently%20Andaman,a% Citizenship, and Problem Lakshadweep and Delhi) by the Government to promote the future use of 20great%20saving%20for% Critical 1 SCIENCE Presentation Solving, 3.07.2023 these sources. 20Andaman. thinking, (2) Initiative 2. Learners will critically analyse and interpret Creativity 3. Timely the advantages and disadvantages of the types of Submission (1) Non Conventional sources of energy. A4 coloured sheets Make a project on 1. Learners will be able to identify the alternative 1. knowledge 1.windmill- 1. Windmill (1-10) sources of energy and their importance in our and be/7stmZGbjhp4 2. solar panel - https: 2. Solar Panel (11-20) 3. Production of Biomass(21 daily life. understanding // 3.Biomass- & Above). Also answer the following questions: Q1. of the content What are the non conventional sources of energy in (1). v=rWYa0qJoEfw Andaman and Nicobar Islands? Q2.What are the 2. Application Citizenship, non conventional sources of energy in Lakshadweep (1) Problem SOCIAL Critical Question to be done on 2 Island? Q3.What are the non conventional sources 3. Creativity Solving, 4.07.2023 SCIENCE thinking, A4 coloured sheets of energy in Delhi? Q4.What are the major steps and Initiative Creativity taken to conserve energy in these three Union presentation territory? (2). 4. Timely submission(1)
1. Knowlegde What is a bar graph
and understanding (1) com/watch?v=ReW4MPqXTvA Learners will be able to represent the data using Citizenship, Represent data (Production of energy in three union 2. Application Making 3d model of bar graph https: Problem bar graph and pie chart. Critical 3 MATH territory ) using bar graph(1-15) and pie chart (16 (2) // Solving, 3d model 5.07.2023 Learners will be able to do the interpretation of thinking, & above) 3. Presentation v=JZdHOulmoVQ initiative the collected data. Creativity (1) Making 3d model of pie chart https: 4. Timely // submission v=kHhrDJbseU8 (1) Learners will be able to communicate their ideas, Presentation-2 Posters - Renewable and non renewable sources of critically analyse the given situation and create critical Problem Citizenship, 4 ENGLISH energy (1-15). Solgan writing on Save Energy(16 & awareness generating posters. analysis & Solving, Critical 6.07.2023 above) Learners will be able to express effectively application- 2 Initiative thinking, through their posters. Expression-1 Creativity A3 size sheet 1.) ल वीप एवं अंडमान नकोबार वीपसमूह म हो रहे व या थय म लेखन कौशल का वकास होगा वषयव तु जलवायु प रवतन को यान म रखते हु ए A3 साईज़ शीट पर वैचा रक मता का वकास होगा 2 लोगन व च स हत एक रं गीन पो टर तैयार क िजए। (1- व याथ अपनी क पना शि त के आधार पर ऊजा के तुतीकरण Citizenship, Problem 1 Critical 5 HINDI 15) 2)'सौर ऊजा के उपयोग क जाग कता बढ़ाते हु ए' वैकि पक ोत के बारे म अपने वचार तुत करने म Solving, A3 size sheet 7.07.2023 रचना मकता Initiative thinking, वषय पर लोगन लखते हु ए दो चाबी के छ ले ( key समथ ह। Creativity 1 chain) बनाइए। (16 & above) 3.) त दन सीखे दो व याथ ऊजा के अनवीकरणीय ोत और कृ त यथासमय नवीन श द क सूची हंद नोटबुक म बनाइए। के संर ण के उपाय पर वचार करने म समथ ह गे। 1 Wie kann man Energiesparen? Erstelle einen Mind 1.Leraner will be able to express their knowledge Presentation-2 Citizenship, map und erkläre die Methoden Energie zu sparen. of non exhaustible sources of energy.2. Leraners critical Problem Critical 6 GERMAN Wie? Wo? Warum?Wer? will effectively communicate the measures to use analysis & Solving, A3 size sheet 10.07.2023 thinking, Create a mind map and explain the methods to save the available resources.3. Learners will be able to application- 2 Initiative Creativity energy. How? Where? Why?Who? enrich German vocabulary. Expression-1 org/de/energiesparen-mindmap-108197 1.Leraner will be able to express their knowledge Presentation-2 Crea un póster sobre las diversas formas de Citizenship, of non exhaustible sources of energy.2. Leraners critical Problem conservar energía en nuestra vida moderna. - Critical 7 SPANISH will effectively communicate the measures to use analysis & Solving, A4 size sheet 10.07.2023 Create a poster on the various ways of conserving thinking, the available resources.3. Learners will be able to application- 2 Initiative energy in our day to day modern life. Creativity enrich Spanish vocabulary. Expression-1 Prepare a poster on non renewable resources in script writing Citizenship, india's teritory saving the using japanese phrases Learners will be able to learn about the marine practice, Critical 8 JAPANESE 10.07.2023 and vocabulary words to be written Hiragana animals and thier leanrings in the Japanese phonics of thinking, Script. language and also praticing the script. script problem saving Creativity 1.Learners will be able to express their Presentation-2 Qu'est ce que vous faites dans une journée pour Citizenship, knowledge of preserving planet.2 Learners will critical Problem preserver la planète? Écrivez 5 ligne avec des Critical 8 FRENCH effectively communicate the measures on how to analysis & Solving, 10.07.2023 images.( What do you do in a day to preserve your thinking, preserve the planet.3.Learners will be able to application- 2 Initiative planet? write 5 lines on it with pictures) Creativity enrich French vocabulary. Expression-1 " वषयव तु 2 1.) ल य वीप एवम अंडमान नकोबार के जनजातीय " व या थय म लेखन कौशल का वकास होगा Citizenship, तुतीकरण 1 Problem जीवन पहनावा , खान -पान , यवसाय , भाषा , र ती रवाज वैचा रक Critical 9 SANSKRIT मता का वकास होगा। Solving, 10.07.2023 रचना मकता 1 thinking, आ द का सं कृ त भाषा म वणन क िजए Initiative Creativity यथासमय 1" A4 size sheet 1. Create a Project/ movie of (atleast 5 minutes) in Learners will be able to make video and short Content-2 windows movie maker on "Non-Renewable cliping using window movie makier, with Movie Making resources"- found in India including the energy knowledge of all the features available in the Knowledge-3 Citizenship, Problem conservation activities, save environment and its WMM. They will also able to research on the or Critical 10 COMPUTERS Solving, 11.07.2023 importance . 2. Use Windows movie maker topic thoroughly to create the content of the Presentation thinking, Initiative operations such as Media,import ,export ,download movie. Learners will analyse the knowledge features-3 Creativity music, timeline,clip(Trim ,move,split), add through creation of videos. Learner will be able watermark in the movie. to enhance their presentational skills. 1. BOTTLE ART (ROLL NO- 1-15): DESIGN A 1. Learners will learn about the depleting energy 1. Creativity WASTE GLASS BOTTLE USING JUTE ROPE resources and the need to conserve them. 2. 2. Depiction of AND DECORATIVE MATERIAL OF OWN'S Use of locally available material like jute to make the topic Citizenship, Problem Critical 11 VISUAL ART CHOICE. 2. JUTE BAG creative craft. Solving, 11.07.2023 DESIGNING (ROLL NO. 16 ON WARDS): PAINT 3. Learners will be able to explore their thinking, Initiative A JUTE BAG USING MOTIFS FROM INDIAN imagination and test Creativity FOLK ART LIKE WARLI, MADUBANI ART. their creative boundaries