4 - Hernandez VS Venancio
4 - Hernandez VS Venancio
4 - Hernandez VS Venancio
This is a disbarment case filed by Emilia Hernandez
(complainant) against her lawyer, Atty. Venancio B.
Padilla (respondent) of Padilla Padilla Bautista Law
Offices, for his alleged negligence in the handling of her
The records disclose that complainant and her husband
were the respondents in an ejectment case filed against
them with the Regional Trial Court of Manila (RTC).
In a Decision1 dated 28 June 2002, penned by Judge
Rosmari D. Carandang (Judge Carandang), the RTC
ordered that
1 Rollo, Vol. I, pp. 14-24.
2 Id., at pp. 43-44.
3 Id., at p. 1.
4 Id.
5 Id., at pp. 1-2.
6 Id., at p. 45.
7 Id., at pp. 52-56.
8 Id., at p. 53.
9 Id., at p. 54.
10 Id.
11 Id.
12 Id.
13 Rollo, Vol. II, pp. 2-15.
14 Id., at pp. 16-20.
15 Rollo, Vol. II (page not indicated).
16 Id.
17 See Rollo, Vol. I, p. 39.
18 Id., at p. 25.
19 Rollo, Vol. II, p. 18.
20 Id., at p. 19.
21 Rollo, Vol. I, pp. 76-77.
22 Rollo, Vol. II, p. 18.
23 Fernandez v. Atty. Cabrera, 463 Phil. 352; 418 SCRA 1 (2003).
24 Code of Professional Responsibility, Canon 18.
25 Rollo, Vol. II, pp. 9-10.
26 A.C. No. 6854, 27 April 2007, 522 SCRA 244, 255 citing Santiago v.
Rafanan, A.C. No. 6252, 483 Phil. 94, 105; 440 SCRA 91, 100-101 (2004).
27 Rollo, Vol. II, p. 18.
28 “Sec. 26. Change of attorneys.—An attorney may retire at any time
from any action or special proceeding, by the written consent of his client
filed in court. He may also retire at any time from an action or special
proceeding, without the consent of his client, should the court, on notice to
the client and attorney, and on hearing, determine that he ought to be
allowed to retire. In case of substitution, the name of the attorney newly
employed shall be entered on the docket of the court in place of the former
one, and written notice of the change shall be given to the adverse party.”
(Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 26)
29 Perea v. Atty. Almadro, 447 Phil. 434; 399 SCRA 322, 327 (2003).
30 Fernandez, supra note 23.