Topographic Maps Introduction
Topographic Maps Introduction
Topographic Maps Introduction
5. What is the difference in elevation in meters between point Y and the highest point on this
Map A
8. The location of two hikers is marked on the topographic map to the right as points F and H.
Each hiker climbed to point G along the path indicated by the arrow. What was the change in
elevation for the hiker that took the steepest path to point G?
9. What is the difference in elevation in meters between the starting points of the two hikers?
Map B
Contour Interval: 10 m
Questions 10 -11 refer to Map C. Olinda & Dandenong Ranges shown below.
Map C
10. What is the elevation of Burkes lookout in meters above sea level?
11. The contour lines on the above map are extremely close together. What does this tell us
about the geography of this local landscape?
12. What other defining feature/s do you observe about the landscape of this area?
Australia is the lowest continent in the world with an average elevation of only 330 metres. The highest
points on the other continents are all more than twice the height of Australia's highest peak, Mount
Kosciuszko which is 2228 metres above sea level. The world's highest mountain, Mount Everest is 8848
metres above sea level, almost four times the height of Mount Kosciuszko.
Map D: Australia
Areas of elevation
above sea level.
13. Name the highest mountain above sea level for each Australian state or territory:
14. Name the two states with the highest mountain peak?
__________________________________ and ______________________________
15. The world's highest mountain in Nepal, Mount Everest is 8848 metres above
sea level. How many metres higher is Mt Everest compared to Australia’s Mt
Kosciuszko? Mt Everest Base Camp
16. What area of Australia is recorded as below sea level. Note: The area is shaded on the map, but not
labelled. Use an atlas or reliable map to identify the name of this area.
Topographic Elevation:
17. Can you name the country with the lowest elevation above sea level in the world?
19. The continent with the lowest elevation above sea level?
20. The continent with the highest elevation above sea level?