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Dale : 1810712022


Corporate Ofltce : Aakash Tower, I, Pusa Road, New Oelhi-1 10005
Ph.: 011-47623456

Olympiod-Clossroom Assessment Proctice Sheet

(For Vlll, lX & X Studying Students)

Topics Covered :

Mathematica : Sets, Number Theory, Polynomials


Letp and g be distinct natur"tr rr"tr,6t-ffi5 q2 and '1981 + g = p2. Find the value of (1990 + pq1.

2 Find total number of real solutions to

{ fwi
the.eqFtiog6 22 t

3 tf a, b and c are reat number such that a, + d +ffi=6r€ffifl.S, then find the vatue of (6a - 4D - 2c)

4 It is given tt t)'(" -l * t)']' , *i' l' t,where x r:1 and 1o >b>c>4,

L (rt*t)' & I b-"
b and c both are inlegers. Find the nuffiffioEdbb brder pairs of (0, c)

5. lf 401 55 +1|2J21 ,2oo zji z.{i = t, then find the value of

tao12 + 37
6. s x+ x*Jx*- - x- ),
Rnd tne vatue o,

7. lf I, = 1 + 9 + 92 + $3 + 9a ...+ 91m and unitdigitof Is is n, then find n + 9.

8. Itn(AnBl=10,n(BnC)=20andn(AaC)=30,thenfindthegreatestpossiblevalueofn(AnBnC).
9. lf (15y1s - 11y + 1) p(y) \ 2005f005, then find the unitdigitof sumof coefficients of p(y).

10 Find the number of distinct real numbers which satisfy the equation (* + 4x - 212 = 1Sl - 12.
'11 Leta,b,cbepositiveintegerslessthanl0suchthat(100a+10b+c)2=(a+b+c)5,whatisthevalueof
IG, Jo..f *J7- J5'llG* J7- r6ltG. v6 v7l
'12. Evaluate the product of

(For Vlll, lX & X Studying Students) O-CAPS-06:PRMO/ IOQM

13 For {1,2,3,...n} and each of its non-empty subsets an alternaling sum is ned as lows:

Arrange the number of the seusubset in decreasing order and then, beginning with the largest, altelrately
add and subtract su@essive numbers for example, the altemating sum for {1, 2,4, 6, 9} is g - 6+4 - 2
+ t = 6 and for {5} it is simply 5. Find the sum of all such alternaling sum for n = 4.

14. Find lhe sum of all positive rational numbers n such that n2 +g4n +1941 is an integer.

15. Let a1 = 97 and for n > 1, let a, = lhe value of a1a2a3a4asa6.

fr. "u,"r'r,"

to. lf n(Ar) = x - 1 and A r,= Arc A., c A0... c Arr, *. r[ U O,

"* ].
17. The integer n is the smallest positive multiple of l5 such that each digit of n is either 4 or 0. ComOute
1ft .

18. Foi any positive integer a, b such that a > b, the difference of the squares oI 2a + 1 and 2b + 'l is always

divisible by k, where k is an integer and 4 < ,( < 10. Find the value of 2a,{P
19. lf N is the least positive integer that is both 24% less than one i and 12o/o greater than another integer.
Find ./y-3.
20 lf 12P + i is the cube of a Positive r, then linO QTZp + t



Oate . 1810712022

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhil 10005
Ph.: 011{7623456

Olympiod-Clossroom Assessment Proclice Sheet

(For Vlll, lX & X Sludying Studenls)


1. (10) o. irs) 11. (0s) 16. (e8)

2. (02l 7. (10) 17. (04],

3. (18) 8 ( 18. (96)

4. (04) q (0 19. (23)

5. (1s) 10. (03) 15. (48) 20. (13)


Date : 1810712022

Corporate Office i Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1'10005
Ph.: 0'11-47623456

Olympiod-Clossroom Assessment Proctice Sheet

(For Vlll, lX & X Studying Sludenls)


1 Answer (10) 3 Answer ('18)

.1981 +p=f,rcel+q=p2 a2 + b2 + 2c2 = 4a - 2c + zbc - 5

* p-q=d-p' \
a2 + b2 + 2C - qa * 2c - zbc + 5 = O

(a2 - 4a + 47 + + c2 - 2bc1 + + +2c)=0

= t-d+p-q=o 1b2

(b- c)2 + (c + 112 = g


+ (p-q)(p+g+1)=0 (a - 212

) a=2. b=candc=_1
- P--qorP+q=-1 ... 6a - 4b - ?c = 12 + 4 + ? = 18
But p and g are distinct numbers
4. Answer (04)
:. p+q=-1 ...(i) a On solving

:;:rli::;l.'-' n.*v l(x r

(r2 -,
* r)2 1" Iu-'rt'Q'*r*'i'l'
r ------l-^----ii-
I L (xr -1) l
b-c r

@+ ql2-2pq=3961 -z 1

weget,;=1, D-c=t

2pg = - 3960 + (0, c) = (9, 8), (8, 7), (7,6) (6, 5)

ps = - 1980 5 Answer (19)

1990+pg= 10 . 401
*2ooq6J5 2J7
= 55 +12J21

2 Answer (02)
t= 401
55+12JA ,oo'fitr3atrt)'
S? +12? = 131 is satisfied only when
. 401 (ssntz.d)(zt *2s-lp\m)
* = 2, since 52 +
= 132,25 + 144 = ,169
, 401 (ss*rzJ2iXss-rzJzr)
;. I -2=o
t 401
3025-3024 =1
G, Ji)(z- Ji) =o
tao12_+ 37 _1+37 _r,
O-CAPS-06 : PRMO / IOQM - Ans & Sol (For Vlll, lX & X Studying Students)
6. Answer (15) 11. Answer (05)

x+ x *Jl*l. x-Jx-. LetN= (100a + 10b + c)2 = (a + b + c)5

S - x
+ N is both a square and fifth power
a= x+ x + ,,[- and D x- ,-"G-.
+ N must be tenth power
a =.lV+ a andb=JVi
(100a + 10b + c) denotes a three digit number.
a2-8=a+b - /V is square of three digit number

(8+b)(a-b-1)=0,4-D=1 ... Zto = (Zsl2 = (32)2 is not possibte

Sr= t (2€F
= 310 = (35)2 = is possibte.
410 = (45)2 = (1024)2 is not possible.
SY= 1
15(S, +S,,)
... = (24312 = (2 + 4 + 3)5

15' 2
22 * a=2,0=4andc=3
7 Answer (10) .. (axb-c) =2x4-3=5
Unitdigitof 1+9=0 12. Answer (26)
Unit digit of 92 + 93 = O (G * Jo r JTXJo * J7 - .'6)(G *J7 - Je-)(.6* Jo - J7)
Unit digit of 9s8 + 99es = 0 12 1 3

zi'1 4

.. Unit digitof 1+9+92 91oo = unit digit of

9100 = 1 [r Jo * J7t' -{ Gf ]L( J5f -t Ja - Jt t2

n + 9 = 10 22
8 Answer (10)
-- 1,ll * zJaz - 5)ls ,13 + z.t42)
The greatest possible value of n(A n B n C) is
the least value amongst the value ol n(A aB),
n(8 n C) and n(A n C).
9 Answer (01

.,n uw 13
=t"lt .raf -rar'?J= J,.ro+ = zo
Answer (32)
(15y1s - 1|y + 1l pU) = 2lolf@s
(15 - 11 + 1) p(1) = 29s5 =-" Denote the desired total of alternating sums of an
n elemenls set with S,,, We are looking So. Note
ort=?999=aor that all altemating sums of an n element set are
.. Unit digit of sum of coefficient of p(y) is 1. also altemaling sums of an (n + 1) elements set.
10. Answer (03) However, when we go from n to (n + 1)element
set for each subset with the new element we are
(f + 4x-2)2 -(sf -'t12 =s adding the new element and subtracting one of

(i + qx-z + si - 1) (* + ax -2-* the alternating sum of the n elemenl set. There

+ l= o
(6f + 4x-3) (-4.f + 4x- l) are 2' subset of an (n + 1) element set that
= O
includes the new element, giving us following
+ 4*-4x+1=0 6f++x-3=0 relationship
D=16-16=0 D=16+72=88
RooG are equal D>0
S,*, =S,*2'(n+ 1)-S =2'(n+ 1)
' and real. Roots are distinct and
For n = 3, this becomes 54 = 23 (3 + 'l)
.'. Distinct numbers satisfying equation is 3.
(For Vlll, lX & X Studying Students) O-CAPS-06 : PRMO / IOQM -Ans & Sol
14. Answer (46) 18. Answer (96)
n has to be integer (2a + 112 - l2b + 112 = 4a2 + 4a + 1 - 4b2 - 4b - 1

(n.+ 42)2 < tf * 84n t 1941 < (n + 45)2 =q(d + a-8-b)

=4(a(a+ 1)_0(b+ 1))
n?+84n* 1941 is a perfect square -
As we know product of two consecutive numbers
n2 + B4n 43)2
+ 1941 = (n + ...(i) are always divisible by 2
... 4la(a +
- b(b + )l is always divisible
1) 1
n2 + 84n + '1941 = (n + 44)2 ...(ii)
by4x2i.e.8. .
On solving (i) and (ii), we get ... k=8
',=9.46 - zl, i67 = go
4' 19. Answer (23)
.'. n=46 ll N is 24o/o less than one integer,

15. Answer (48) L6tk, then rv =ffir =!f*

Since an =i]I, an an =n When N is 12% greater than another inEger say m,
.. 112 2A
For n = 2, 4 and 6, we git 100 25

ara, = 2, aoar= 4 and auau = 6 k is divisible by 50 and rn is divisible by 25

- ap2a3a4a5a6= 2.4.6 = 48

16. Answer (98)
99 ,
Ue, 4wh.e 4w
= Aa...tt gs €r#B 38

Since ,{ c,42 c,ft c,Q... c ,fte 19

99 ... m = 19 \ 25 = 475, k = 700
UA &e ,v = )Jz
. Jr- = v532-
-)n Un, =n(4s)=ee-1=e8 =23
20. Answer (13)
Since 12p + 1 is odd
17. Answer (04)
According to question
n should be multiple of 5 and 3.
Any multiple of 5 end with 0 or 5. We know that p is a positive odd integer slnce
.'. n should ends with '0'. 4a2 + 6a + 3 is an odd number

Also sum of digits of n should be divisible by 3, ..a=6

hence 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 is only divisible by 3 as we p=4(6)2+6x6+3
can use only 4 or 0 as digits in 'n' - 10.)
.'. n=4440 =V12-1s3.1
n 4440 =!21w
1110 1110

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Edition: 2022-23

@ aakasn Educational Services Limited [AESL]

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