Effects of NPK, Bio-Fertilizers and Manures On Growth of Maize (Zea Mays L.) and Soil Nutrients Content in Maiduguri, Nigeria

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European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences


Effects of NPK, Bio-Fertilizers and Manures on Growth

of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Soil Nutrients Content in
Maiduguri, Nigeria
Adam L. Ngala, Falmata U. Digmari, Rakiya Abdullahi, and Joshua B. Ndirmbula

A pot experiment was carried out at screen house, Faculty of Agriculture
University of Maiduguri to compare the effect of NPK, bio-fertilizers and Submitted: March 31, 2020
manures applications on growth and nutrient uptake by maize. The Published: October 19, 2021
experiment consisted of 9 treatments of combined application of NPK at half
ISSN: 2684-1827
and full recommended rates for maize, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus
megaterium and Pseudomonas fluorescence biofertilizers and cow dung and DOI: 10.24018/ejfood.2021.3.5.34
poultry manures and replicated three times in a Completely Randomized
Design (CRD). Result of the treatment having half recommended dose of A. L. Ngala*
NPK, biofertilizers and poultry manure recorded the highest plant height at Department of Soil Science, Faculty of
3, 6 and 9 weeks after planting (95.19 cm, 148.63 cm, 149.63 cm, respectively) Agriculture, University of Maiduguri,
the highest total shoot and root fresh and dry weights (74.40 g, 196.93 g, 28.83 P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
g, 46.93 g/plant, respectively). Higher nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (e-mail: [email protected])
contents of the soil (2.76 g/kg N 0.13 mg/kg P2O5 and 1.41 Cmol/kg K2O soil) F. U. Digmari
were also recorded with the above treatments. Low values of growth Department of Soil Science, Faculty of
parameters are obtained in pot treated with biofertilizers solely due to the Agriculture, University of Maiduguri,
absence of other nutrients and this can be overcome by adding organic and P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
chemical fertilizers containing nitrogen and other nutrients such as (e-mail: [email protected])
potassium and phosphorus to plant inoculated with bacteria. R. Abdullahi
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Maiduguri,
Keywords: Bio-fertilizers, maize, manure, nutrient uptake, yield. P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
(e-mail: [email protected])
J. B. Ndirmbula
Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Maiduguri,
P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
(e-mail: [email protected])

*Corresponding Author

green manure and other bulky sources of organic matter. All

I. INTRODUCTION these manures contain organic matter in large quantities and
Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important crop in Nigeria mainly supply nutrients to plants in small quantities. The manures
as an energy giving food. Based on cropped land and quantity have direct effect on plant growth like any other commercial
produced, maize is Nigeria’s third most important cereal crop fertilizer. This phenomenon is very important in most of the
after sorghum and millet [1]. Maize production in the sub arable soils. Organic manure provides nutrients for the soil
Saharan Africa has been reported to have an increasing trend micro-organisms, thus increases the activities of microbes in
of between 2-3% annually [2] thereby making maize an soil, which in turn help to convert unavailable plant nutrients
important crop to the growth and sustenance of Nigeria’s into available form for plant growth promotion. The use of
agricultural sector. Total maize production in Nigeria has bio-fertilizer as an organic source accelerates mineralization
been reported to be 10 mt/ha compared to India with of organic residues in soil, therefore makes the nutrients more
22.23 mt/ha [3]. Therefore, maize production in Nigeria available [6].
needs to be improved. Most of the required nutrients for Biofertilizer is defined as a substance which contains living
maize productions are usually applied in form of inorganic microorganisms and is known to help with expansion of the
fertilizers [4]. However, the high cost of inorganic fertilizers root system and better seed germination. Biofertilizers are
coupled with their inability to condition the soil has directed products containing living cells of different types of
farmer’s attention to organic fertilization or complementary microorganisms, which have an ability to convert
application [5]. nutritionally important elements to available form through
Organic manures apart from supplying all essential biological processes. [7]. There is a great interest in
nutrients required by plants improve soil structure, aeration establishing novel associations between higher plants and
and encourage good root growth. Organic manure includes various N2-fixing microorganisms [8]. For the last one-
farm yard manure, farm compost, town compost, sludge, decade, biofertilizers are used extensively as an eco-friendly

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejfood.2021.3.5.34 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 117

European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

approach to minimize the use of chemical fertilizers, improve iii. ½ NPK + A. chroococcum + B. megaterium + poultry (6
soil fertility status and for enhancement of crop production by t/ha);
their biological activity in the rhizosphere. Application of iv. ½ NPK + A. chroococcum + P. fluorescence + cow dung
beneficial microbes in agricultural practices started 60 years (7.0 t/ha);
ago and there is now increasing evidence that these beneficial v. ½ NPK + A. Chroococcum + P. flourescence + poultry
microbial populations can also enhance plant resistance to manure (6.0 t/ha);
adverse environmental stresses, e.g., water and nutrient vi. ½ NPK + A. chrooccoccum + B. megaterium +P.
deficiency and heavy metal contamination [9]. fluorescens + cow dung (7.0 t/ha);
Biofertilizers include nitrogen fixing microorganisms such vii. ½ NPK + A. chrooccoccum. + B. megaterium + P.
as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and cyanobacteria fluorescens + poultry manure (6 0 t/ha);
and phosphate solubilizers like Bacillus megatherium var. viii. Azotobacter. chroococcum + Bacillus megaterium
phosphaticum or Bacillus subtilus or Pseudomonas + Pseudomonas fluorescens;
florescence and phosphorus mobilizing fungi like ix. cow dung (7.0 t/ha) + poultry manure (6.0 t/ha).
mycorrhizae, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, organic These treatments were replicated three times in a
matter decomposers, etc. The purpose of applying completely randomized design (CRD). The biofertilizers
biofertilizers is to bring such beneficial organisms in contact were applied at the rate of 10 kg/ha, 10 days after application
with radical and seminal roots and immediately after seed of the chemical fertilizers.
germination. Azotobacter inoculation has been found to be
C. Data Collection and Analyses
economically most advantageous at lower doses of N
fertilizer which not only increased yields but resulted in The Bulk soil used for the experiment was collected at a
saving of N fertilizer application when applied with FYM. depth of (0-15 cm) at the University of Maiduguri Teaching
The presence of high population surrounding the seed helps and Research Farm. The soil was air dried and sub sample
to ensure prompt and effective colonization. Therefore, this collected and sieved through 2 mm sieve and used for the
study was conducted to compare the effect of biofertilizers determination of the physico-chemical properties of the soil
with NPK and different sources of manures on growth and before the experiment. Texture of the soil was determined by
nutrient uptake by maize and residual N, P and K content of hydrometer method, pH by using 1:2.5 soil-water extract and
soil. determined with pH meter, Electrical conductivity (EC) was
determined on the extract for the pH using conductivity
meter, organic carbon by wet oxidation method, total nitrogen
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS by micro Kjeldahl procedure, available phosphorus by Bray-
1 method, exchangeable bases determined after extraction
A. Description of the Study Area with ammonium acetate. Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg)
A pot experiment was conducted during the dry season of were determined by EDTA titration method, while potassium
2019 at the Screen House of the Faculty of Agriculture, (K) by flame photometer. After harvest soil samples were
University of Maiduguri, in other to evaluate the effects of collected from each pot and analyzed for residual NPK
NPK, bio-fertilizers and manures and on growth, and nutrient content using standard procedures.
uptake by maize. The soil used for the experiment was Crop data were collected at three-week intervals for nine
collected at the Teaching and Research Farm of the weeks after sowing (WAS). The parameters measured were
University of Maiduguri, (11º 8' N; 13º 13' E; 322 m above plant height, number of leaves, stem girth, fresh and dried
sea level). The environment is semi-arid with long term mean root and shoot weights. The plant height was measured from
annual rainfall of 553 mm. Rainfall is unimodal, starting on the soil surface to the apical tip of the plant using a measuring
average in mid-June and lasting till end of September. The tape. Number of leaves was counted from each plant in the
soil was sandy loam in texture and classified as Typic pot. Stem girth was measured using Vernier caliper, the
ustipsamment [10], having parent material of aeolian sand. caliper was held at right angle to the shoots with jaws on
Crops grown in the area were millet, maize, groundnut, either side of the shoots. The fresh weights of root and shoot
cowpea and sesame. were recorded using a weighing balance. The samples were
subjected to drying using an oven drying machine at
B. Treatments and Experimental Design
temperature of 65 oC for 24 hours and then reweighed to
The experiment consisted of 9 treatments of NPK, obtain the dry weights. The oven dried shoot samples were
biofertilizers and manures in various combinations. Half the finely grinded and subjected to laboratory analysis for N, P,
recommended NPK fertilizer was combined with
and K content determination and uptake calculated. The
biofertilizers of Azotobacter, Bacillus and Pseudomonas
nutrient uptake was calculated from the analyzed nutrient
species and manures from cow dung, and poultry.
Azotobacter was included to produce plant growth promoting content (NC) of the plant tissue and the weight of the plant
hormones, increased soil nitrogen through nitrogen fixation biomass yield (PBY) as shown below:
and nitrogen balance; Bacillus and Pseudomonas were
included as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, phosphate g NC (%) × PBY (g /pot)
Nutrient Uptake ( )=
solubilizers and bio-control agents against soil borne plant pot 100
pathogen. The full treatment combinations were as follows:
i. control (no fertilizer applied); The data collected were statistically analyzed using
ii. ½ NPK + A. chroococcum + B. megaterium + cow dung analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the help of a statistical
(7.0 t/ha); software statistic 10.0. Differences between treatment means

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European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

were compared using Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test manure with values 1.87 cm, 2.51 cm, and 2.58 cm,
(DnMRT) at 5% level of probability. respectively, while the lowest was recorded with control
(1.45 cm, 1.46 cm, and 1.56 cm, respectively). Apart from
these there was no statistically significant difference among
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION all the other treatments means. Reference [13] reported
similar results that stem diameter increased by increasing
A. Physico-chemical Properties of the Soil and Manure
nutrient application.
The result of the physico-chemical analysis of the soil used
for the experiment (Table I) indicates that the soil is sandy TABLE III: EFFECT OF NPK, MANURE AND BIOFERTILIZERS ON PLANT
loam in texture, the pH of the soil is neutral (7.1) with low HEIGHT AT 3, 6 AND 9 WAS
nitrogen and phosphorus contents. Exchangeable calcium Plant height (cm)
(4.3 Cmol/kg), magnesium (4.6 Cmol/kg), potassium (0.68 3 WAS 6 WAS 9 WAS
Control 50.37g 74.10h 77.37f
Cmol/kg), and sodium (0.07 Cmol/kg) were low in the soil,
½ NPK+A+B+P+CD 89.22b 134.3b 135.33b
but percent base saturation was high. The analysis of the ½ NPK +A+B+CD 69.97e 112.57e 113.77d
manure used (Table II) also indicated low nutrient in cow ½ NPK +A+B+PM 78.87c 117.67c 119.80c
dung but adequate in poultry droppings. ½ NPK +A+P+CD 77.87d 118.03c 119.47c
½ NPK +A+P+PM 78.13 d
116.23 d
Parameters Values A+B+P 62.63 f
97.27 g
pH in water (1:2.5) 7.08 S.E 0.156 0.334 0.689
Electrical conductivity (dS/m) 0.19 CD = Cowdung, PM = Poultry Manure, A = Azotobacter chroococcum, P =
Organic carbon (%) 0.35 Pseudomona fluorescence, B = Bacillus megaterium, WAS = Weeks after
Total Nitrogen (g/kg) 1.10 sowing.
Available phosphorus (mg/kg) 1.05
Potassium 0.68 DIAMETER AT 3, 6 AND 9 WAS
Sodium 0.07 Stem diameter (cm)
Calcium 4.6 3 WAS 6 WAS 9 WAS
Magnesium 4.3 Control 1.35d 1.42d 1.56e
Cation exchange capacity 13.95 ½ NPK +A+B+CD 1.55 c
Base saturation (%) 96.54 ½ NPK +A+B+PM 1.52c 1.62c 1.97c
Exchangeable acidity (Cmol/kg) 0.50 ½ NPK +A+P+CD 1.51c 1.62c 1.91c
Clay (g/kg) 107 ½ NPK +A+P+PM 1.32 c
Silt (g/kg) 197 ½ NPK+A+B+P+CD 1.81b 2.12b 2.26b
Sand (g/kg) 696 ½ NPK+A+B+P+PM 1.87a 2.51a 2.58a
c c
Textural class Sandy loam A+B+P 1.45 1.66 1.77d
CD+PM 1.54c 1.65c 1.94c
DROPPING USED FOR THE EXPERIMENT CD= Cowdung, PM = Poultry Manure, A = Azotobacter chroococcum, P =
Manure N (%) P (%) K (%) Pseudomona fluorescence, B = Bacillus megaterium.
Cow dung 2.4 0.06 9.0
Poultry dropping 3.3 0.10 15.0 D. Effects of Treatments on Number of Leaves
The effects of NPK, manure and biofertilizers on number
B. Effects of Treatments on Plant Height of leaves are presented in Table V. The highest average
Plant height was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the number of leaves at 3, 6, and 9 WAS were recorded with plant
treatments (Table III). The tallest plants at 3, 6, and 9 WAS treated with half recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter
were recorded with the half-recommended rate of NPK + A. chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium, Pseudomonas
chroococcum, B. megaterium, P. fluorescence + poultry fluorescence and poultry manure (9.67, 12.67 and 12.00,
manure, while control treatment recorded the shortest plants. respectively). This treatment effect was at par with half the
The increment in plant height with treatment application recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter chrooccum, Bacillus
could be attributed to the fact that organic manure represents megaterium and Pseudomonas fluorescence and Cow dung at
a good energy source for Azotobacter spp. while in turn 9 WAS. The lowest number of leaves was recorded with
promoted the availability of nitrogen and growth promoting control with values of 6.07, 7.33, 6.33, respectively.
hormones to the crop [11]. Reference [12] indicated increase The stunted growth of maize and yellowing of leaves
in plant height as a result of organic and bio-fertilizer which were seen in the control and some of the ones that were
application. treated with the different forms of biofertilizers solely could
be attributed to nitrogen deficiency because nitrogen
C. Effects of Treatments on Stem Girth encourages vigorous vegetative growth and impacts dark
The effect of NPK, manures and biofertilizers on stem girth green colour to the leaves. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms
of maize is presented in Table IV. The highest stem girth at could also be due to leaching, and/or low nitrogen content in
3, 6, and 9 WAS was recorded on plant treated with half the original soil.
recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter chroococcum,
Bacillus megaterium, Pseudomonas fluorescence and poultry

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European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

TABLE V: EFFECT OF NPK, MANURE AND BIO-FERTILIZERS ON NUMBER the 3 microbial inoculants and cow dung recorded higher
uptake (2.76 N, 0.13 P2O5, 1.41 K2O g/kg soil). Uptake of
Number of leaves
Treatments nutrient was found to be low in control (0.68 N 0.009 P2O5,
Control 6.07e 7.33e 6.33d 0.51K2O g/kg soil, respectively). The N uptake in control
½ NPK +A+B+CD 7.67c 10.00c 9.00b (0.68 N g/kg soil) and treatment that received sole
½ NPK +A+B+PM 7.67 c
9.33 cd
8.00bc biofertilizers (0.82 N g/kg soil)
½ NPK +A+P+CD 7.67c 9.34cd 8.33bc
½ NPK +A+P+PM 7.67 c
9.00 d
Fresh weight Dry weight
½ NPK+A+B+P+PM 9.67a 12.67a 12.00a Treatment
A+B+P 6.67 de
7.00 e
6.33d Root Shoot Root Shoot
Control 27.03f 5.83d 45.00d 18.97e
CD +PM 7.67cd 9.00d 8.00bc
½ NPK +A+B+CD 35.33c 10.40c 92.53c 32.33bc
S.E 0.314 0.314 0.401
½ NPK +A+P+PM 36.10 c
10.33 c
140.67 b
CD= Cowdung , PM = Poultry Manure, A = Azotobacter chroococcum, P =
Pseudomona fluorescence, B = Bacillus megaterium. ½ NPK +A+B+CD 31.10d 9.60c 131.93b 26.43d
½ NPK +A+P+PM 35.06c 10.73c 146.87b 30.27cd
½ NPK+A+B+P+CD 56.83b 24.30b 176.40a 42.40a
E. Effects of Treatments on Root and Shoot Fresh and ½ NPK+A+B+P+PM 74.40a 28.83a 196.93a 46.93a
Dry Weights A+B+P 28.80 e
58.18 d
d c b
The effect of NPK, manure and biofertilizers on root and CD+PM 30.63 10.43 127.67 28.20cd
S.E 0.489 0.884 7.515 1.604
shoot fresh weight and dry weight is presented in Table VI.
CD = Cowdung, PM = Poultry Manure, A = Azotobacter chroococcum, P =
The highest root and shoot fresh weight (g) at harvest was Pseudomona fluorescence, B = Bacillus megaterium.
recorded with plant treated with half recommended rate of
NPK, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium, did not differ significantly, while the P and K uptake were
Pseudomonas fluorescence and Poultry Manure (74.40 g, greater in treatment that received sole biofertilizers than
196.93 g, 28.83 g, 46.93 g, respectively) while the lowest control. There was significant difference between these two
values were recorded with control (27.03 g, 45.00 g, 5.83 g, treatments. Higher uptake of nutrients was due to better root
18.97 g). The values for shoot fresh weight and dry weight proliferation induced by microbial inoculation and
for the treatment that received half recommended rate of availability of nutrients which resulted in better uptake of
NPK, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megateriun, nutrients. Similar findings were reported by [17].
Pseudomonas fluorescence and poultry manure (196.93
46.93 g/plant) and the treatment with half recommended rate TABLE VII A: EFFECT OF NPK, MANURE AND BIO-FERTILIZERS ON
of NPK, the 3 microbial innoculant and Cowdung (176.40
Nutrient content (%)
42.40 g/plant) did not differ significantly with each other, but Treatments
significantly higher than the other treatments. Control 18.97e 3.60d 0.08c 3.76e
The result obtained was similar to the work of [14] and [15] ½ NPK+A+B+CD 32.33bc 4.45bcd 0.24abc 2.94de
who reported such increase in yield attributes of maize due to ½ NPK+A+B+PM 30.27cd 4.40bcd 0.19bc 3.13cde
Pseudomonas inoculation. This might be due to more ½ NPK+A+P+CD 26.43d 5.27b 0.24abc 3.84bcd
availability of nutrients from poultry manure and beneficial ½ NPK+A+P+PM 35.23b 3.89cd 0.19bc 3.42cde
effects accrued due to Azotobacter and phosphate solubilizing ½ NPK+A+B+P+CD 46.93 a
4.15 cd
0.39 a
½ NPK+A+B+P+PM 42.40 a
5.81 a
0.32 ab
bacteria inoculation which provide nitrogen and phosphorus
A+B+P 20.13d 3.06d 0.22bc 4.09bc
to plant growth. It may also be due to production of amino CD+PM 28.20cd 4.41bcd 0.24abc 3.90a
acids, vitamins and growth promoting substances like indole S.E. 1.604 0.533 0.579 0.355
acetic acid and gibberellic acid secreted by these introduced CD= Cowdung , PM =Poultry Manure, A =Azotobacter chroococcum, P=
beneficial microorganisms which resulted in enhanced Pseudomona fluorescence, B =Bacillus megaterium, SDW = Straw dry
nutrient uptake, translocation and synthesis of photosynthate
assimilates which resulted to increased plant growth TABLE VII B: EFFECT OF NPK, MANURE AND BIO-FERTILIZERS ON
characters and in obtaining economically profitable yield NUTRIENT UPTAKE
[16]. Nutrient uptake (g/kg)
F. Effects of Treatments on Nutrient Uptake Control 0.68d 0.009c 0.51e
The effect of NPK, manure and bio-fertilizers on nutrient ½ NPK+A+B+CD 1.44c 0.06b 0.94d
½ NPK+A+B+PM 1.33c 0.05bc 0.94d
content and uptake are presented in Table VIIA & VIIB. N
½ NPK+A+P+CD 1.34 c
0.06 b
content was high in treatment application of recommended ½ NPK+A+P+PM 1.36c 0.06b 1.20c
dose of NPK+ A. chroococcum + B. megaterium + P. ½ NPK+A+B+P+CD 2.76a 0.13a 1.41b
fluorescence + poultry manure. P and K contents were higher ½ NPK+A+B+P+PM 2.47b 0.13a 1.90a
in treatment that received half recommended NPK dose, A+B+P 0.82d 0.03bc 0.61e
c bc
Azotobacter, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and cow dung. CD+PM 1.33 0.05 1.02d
Application of half NPK recommended rate + Azotobacter S.E. 0.355 0.167 0.160
CD= Cowdung , PM = Poultry Manure, A = Azotobacter chroococcum, P =
chroococcum, + Bacillus megaterium + Pseudomonas Pseudomona fluorescence, B = Bacillus megaterium.
fluorescens and poulry manure recorded significantly higher
NPK uptake in the crop (2.47 N, 0.13 P2O5 and 1.90 K2O g/kg
soil, respectively). Also, the application of half NPK dose and

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European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

G. Effects of Treatments on Residual Soil Nutrient Contents inoculated with bacteria as shown in this study. It is however
The effect of NPK, manure and biofertilizers on residual recommended that cultivation of the plant should be done in
N, P and K contents of maize is presented in Table VIII. The the field instead of pots experiment, to provide an appropriate
highest residual N, P and K in the soil was recorded with plant environment to the bacteria. Microbial analysis should also
treated with half recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter be done after the experiment to see the effect of microbial
chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium, Pseudomonas inoculants on soil chemical properties and micro flora.
fluorescence and poultry manure (1.05 g/kg N, 19.00 mg/kg
P2O5 and 1.52 Cmol/kg K2O, respectively followed by plant
that received half recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter ACKNOWLEDGMENT
chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas The authors wished to acknowledge the Departments of
fluorescence and cow dung (1.04 g/kg N, 15.98 mg/kg P2O5, Soil Science and Crop Protection, University of Maiduguri
and 1.51 Cmol/kg k2O, respectively). These two results did for providing the facilities during laboratory analyses.
not differ significantly from each other. While the lowest
residual N was recorded with application of half
recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter chroococcum REFERENCES
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[13] A. G, Akongwubel, U. B Ewa, A. Prince, O. Jude, A. Martin O. Simon,
The study revealed that there was a positive response of O. Nicholas, “Evaluation of Agronomic of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Under
maize crop to treatments tested and that good growth, yield Different Rates of Poultry Manure Application in an Ultisol of Obubra,
Cross River State Nigeria,” International Journal of Agriculture and
and nutrient uptake by maize is promoted with the application Forestry, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 138-144, 2012.
of half recommended rate of NPK, Azotobacter [14] K.S. Prabhakar, “Interaction effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria
chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium, Pseudomonas and Azospirillumbrasilense SP7 on growth and uptake of nutrients in
maize in presence of rock phosphate,” M. Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University
fluorescence, and poultry manure as evidenced by an increase of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. 1989.
in above ground biomass. In general, it appears that, as [15] B. Shaharoona, M. Arshad, Z.A. Zahir and A. Khalid, “Performance of
expected, application of biofertilizers improved yield and Pseudomonas spp. containing ACC-deaminase for improving growth
and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in the presence of nitrogenous
other plant criteria. From the results of the experiment, it is fertilizer,” Soil Biol. Biochem., vol. 38, pp. 2971-2975, 2006.
clear that biofertilizers shows better results as compare to that [16] R. Singh, D. P. Singh and P. K. Tyagi, “Effect of Azotobacter, farmyard
of the control. Low values of growth parameters are obtained manure and nitrogen fertilization on productivity of pearl millet hybrids
(Pennisetum glaucum) in semi-arid tropical environment,” Arch. of
in pot treated with biofertilizers solely due to the absence of Agron. Soil Sci., vol. 49, pp. 21–24, 2006.
other nutrients and this can be overcome either by adding [17] J. K. Balyan and B. S. Kumpawat, “Nutrient content and their Uptake
organic and chemical fertilizers containing nitrogen and other influenced by integrated nutrient management in maize,” Inter. J.
nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus to plant Agric. Sci., vol. 4, no. 2 pp. 453-456, 2008.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejfood.2021.3.5.34 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 121

European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

[18] A. Ravikant, “Response of rainfed maize (Zea mays) to nitrogen the utilization of micro-organisms in the soil for bio-fertilization,
management in mid hill acidic soils of Sikkim,” Indian J. of Agron., bioremediation, and maintenance of soil health.
vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 232-236, 2011.
[19] M. Farboodi, M. Alizadeh, A. Faramarzi, S. Shahrokhi and A. Fallah, Joshua B. Ndirmbula was born in Chibok town in
“Azotobacter inoculation, nitrogen fertilizer and manure levels effects Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State,
on morphological characteristics of corn SC-647 in a greenhouse Nigeria, on the 21st March, 1966. He obtained B.Sc.
study,” International Conference on Biology, Environment and Microbiology in 2014, M.Sc. Applied Entomology
Chemistry IPCBEE, 24. 2011. and Parasitology in view, all in the University of
[20] R. Ahmad, M. Arshad, A. Khalid and A. Zahir, “Effectiveness of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.
organic/bio-fertilizer supplemented with chemical fertilizers for He works in the Department of Crop Protection,
improving soil water retention, aggregate stability, growth and nutrient Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri as
uptake of maize (Zea mays L.),” J. of Sustainable Agriculture, vol. 3 SENIOR LABORATORY ASSISTANT in 1989,
no. 4, pp. 57-77, 2008. LABORATORY SUPERVISOR in 1993,
Author’s formal II in 1995, TECHNOLOGIST I in 2002, SENIOR
photo in 2007, PRINCIPAL TECHNOLOGIST in 2011,
Adam Lawan Ngala was born in Amsaburu village ASSITANT CHIEF TECHNOLOGIST in 2014 and CHIEF
of Rann District in Kala-Balge Local Government TECHNOLOGIST in 2017. Currently he is the Head of Laboratory Unit,
Area of Borno State, Nigeria, on the 20 th September Department of Crop Protection, University of Maiduguri. He carried out
1972. He obtained B.Sc. Agriculture in 1998, M.Sc. several researches, notable among them are: Production of Amylase Enzyme
Soil Science in 2007 and Ph.D. Soil Fertility and from Trichoderma harzianum and Sacchromyces cerivisae; Bioremidiation
Plant Nutrition in 2017, all in the University of of Ternary Waste Using Aspergillus niger; Bioremidiation of Chromium and
Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. Lead of Different Concentration Using Cytophilus and Botritis acalda. His
He works in the Department of Soil Science, Faculty current and previous research interests include Fungal Associated with
of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri as Contaminants of Tomato Fruits; Kinetics of Ethanolv Production Using
GRADUATE ASSISTANT in 2002, ASSISTANT Sugar Cain Bargars among others.
LECTURER in 2007, LECTURER II in 2008, LECTURER I in 2011,
Author’s formal Mr. Ndirmbula belongs to Nigerian Institute of Science and Technology
photo (NISTL).
Currently he is the head, Department of Soil Science, University of
Maiduguri. He published 45 research works that included journal articles,
Book chapters and conference papers. Notable among them are:
1. I. Y. Dugje, A. L. Ngala, “Influence of cowpea planting date and
phosphorus level on striga infestation and performance of pearl millet in
mixture with cowpea in a Nigerian Sudan Savanna,” The African Journal
of Plant Science and Biotechnology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 38-43, 2012.
2. A. L. Ngala, H. Yakubu, I. J. Tewka, “Partial balance of N, P and K
in a sole millet crop on a sandy loam soil of northeast Nigeria,” Journal of
Soil Science and Environmental Management, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 17-22,
3. G. Makinta, A. L. Ngala, M. K. Sandabe, “Distribution of available
Sulphur in some soils of South Chad Irrigation Project area, Lake Chad
Basin, Borno state, Nigeria,” International Journal of Plant and Soil
Science, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1-9, 2019.
His current and previous research interests include nutrient omission
trials and nutrient balance studies.
Dr. Ngala belongs to Soil Science Society of Nigeria (SSSN),
International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), National Society of Organic
Agriculture (NSOA) and Nigeria Institute of Soil Science (NISS). He
obtained the Chancellors award for the best graduating student during
1998/1999 session and federal government scholarship award. He is a
reviewer to many national and international journals.

Falmata Umar Digmari was born in Maiduguri,

Borno State of Nigeria on 4th of September 1995 and
attended my primary and secondary education at
Future Hope Private School and Mairi Islamic
Secondary school respectively. She obtained her first
degree in GENERAL AGRICULTURE with specialty
in soil science in esteemed University of Maiduguri,
Maiduguri, Borno state of Nigeria in the year 2019.
She served as a youth corps member after her
graduation rendering a one-year compulsory service as
her quota to
Author’s the growth and development of her father land, Nigeria in one
of the precious
photo states of the nation called Yobe state.
Mrs. Falmata now a housewife living at House No 39, Eyadema street,
Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.

Rakiya Abdullahi is currently a Senior Lecturer with

the Department of Soil Science, University of
Maiduguri. She obtained her PhD in Soil
Microbiology and was a winner of the ZAMALAH
postgraduate scholarship in 2012 at University
Malaysia Sarawak. She is a member and a reviewer to
some referred academic journals. Aside her lecturing
job, she mentor women in her community on
conversion of food waste to organic fertilizer.
She is an environmentalist who seeks to improve and
protect theformal
Author’s quality of the natural environment, and an advocate in an
photoscheme of organic farming. Her chief interest is directed towards

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejfood.2021.3.5.34 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 122

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