Q2 English 10 Module 6
Q2 English 10 Module 6
Q2 English 10 Module 6
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
Delivering a Speech
English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Evaluating Spoken Text
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Introductory Message
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
For the learner:
Delivering a Speech!
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create
and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning. You will enable to process the contents of the
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
2. Do not forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
Let Us Learn
This module is designed and written for you based on the Most Essential Learning
on an issue employing the techniques in public speaking. The scope of this module
covers many different learning situations. The language used recognizes your diverse
vocabulary level. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
Let Us Try
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
a. radio reporting
b. news reporting
c. online teaching
d. public speaking
2. What style of public speaking is being referred where the speech is carefully
a. Memorized Speech
b. Impromptu Speech
c. Manuscript Speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech
3. Which type of speech where the speaker relies on daily experience, stored
a. Memorized Speech
b. Impromptu Speech
c. Manuscript Speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech
a. Memorized Speech
b. Impromptu Speech
c. Manuscript Speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech
a. Memorized Speech
b. Impromptu Speech
c. Manuscript Speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech
For items 6 to 9: Directions: Choose the answer that has the correct order of making
b. II, I, III, IV
c. I, II, III, IV
d. I, III, II, IV
a. I, II, III, IV
c. II, III, IV, I
d. III, IV, I, II
a. I, III, II, IV
d. I, II, III, IV
IV. Be skeptical.
For items 10 to 13: Directions: Arrange the following to form the correct outline for
A. Has anyone ever stopped to help you when you were in need? How did it
D. Need: The problems in our community are great and affect us all.
Visualization: Helping the local community deal with our poverty issues
E. You never know when you might need help one day. I encourage you all to
F. Volunteering in your local community will help those around you and help
Let Us Study
Huh? Oh my! I
Honey, did you tell forgot to tell Oh, no!
your best friend him!
John to give the What will I do?
toast for our
If you were John, which of the following would you probably do? Why?
A. Tell the couple that you need a short time to arrange your thoughts.
B. Ask the couple to give you time to write your short speech and read it in front.
C. Stand up confidently and happily share your thoughts and experiences with
the couple.
To help you become a public speaker and overcome situations like the ones above, here
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)!
Extemporaneous Speech
uses outline as a guide of the speaker which may include quotations, sources
Impromptu Speech
is delivered without notes or a plan, and without any formal preparation which
However, with less time of preparation, speaker has a tendency to forget what
Manuscript Speech
may sound convenient for the speaker; however, it has limited interaction
Speaker tends to read the script word per word in front of the audience.
Source: https://www.isbtweb.org/fileadmin/user_upload/successful-public-speaking.pdf
Public speaking is an act and an art of making speech before an audience (Nikitina,
public speaker. You should not only focus on informing the audience and expressing
his thoughts publicly but to let them be moved and find meaning of the message.
So, how to do it? Let us now go through some simple steps to help you get started
Steps in Making and Delivering a Speech
1. Planning your Speech
a. What is your topic?
entertain, to inspire)
generate interest and expectancy and you must feel comfortable with it. It
should create a vivid image and possibly an image that the audience can
identify with. Use hooks and attention grabber which can be:
Interesting story
Historical background
Expression of pleasure
b. Body- It is where you can expound further the idea you want to convey to
your listener. It is the heart of your speech. Remember that the audience likes
humor, if appropriate to the topic. It is that part in which your subject matter
should be arranged and developed in a clear, forceful, and interesting manner.
The body should flow naturally that utilize a good organization of ideas. Use
c. Conclusion- It is the clinching part. Don’t leave the audience hanging in the
air. You must end your speech with a sense of finality. The functions of
conclusion are to leave an impression to the audience, give them the sense of
satisfaction, and move them to think or act. The conclusion should re-state the
essential message. It should contain the following: a summary of all ideas that
allows the audience to be informed once again of your topic; restatement of the
main idea that includes the purpose of your speech; a clincher or a “call to
action” which tells the audience the role they can play pertaining to the topic.
a. A source is credible when it is trustworthy. Sometimes it is hard to
easy for anyone, especially online. Sources can often appear as credible
even when they are not. Here are a few points to consider when evaluating
Evaluate what sources are cited by the author – Always review the
Make sure the source is up-to-date – Make sure that your source is
Source: https://paperpile.com/g/find-credible-sources/
b. It is important to not only cite the source, but also to restate the author’s
description in your own words. Here are proper ways to cite a source.
Summary: A brief description of longer passage written by the author.
Source: https://davidson.libguides.com/c.php?g=349327&p=2361763
2. Ask and listen for feedback and try to apply to improve your speech
possibly be discussed. Cut them out and do draw lots of the topic, then
4. Time your speech during practice and learn to manage time on the actual
speech delivery.
Source: https://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/technical-writing/oral-presentations-tips/
good body posture, gestures, and maintain eye contact with the audience
to establish rapport.
Source: https://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/technical-writing/oral-presentations-tips/
Let Us Practice
Directions: Match the following public speaking styles with its definition and the
example situations. Draw and arrow to connect them. Copy and answer on a separate
Carefully planned
A “Thank you”
speech given a short
speech after
Impromptu time of preparation
winning an
A prepared speech
where the speaker
delivers his speech A Cum laude
Manuscript word per word and gives a
takes a glance on Graduation
his script Speech
Let Us Practice More
Directions: Select from the issues below. Then, write your own speech outline on
the issue you selected. Use separate sheet (Note: You can also write about an issue
Hook or
Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Summary of
Main Ideas
Re-statement of
thesis statement
and benefits
Clincher, Call to
Directions: You are going to listen to another speech. Observe and take note of the
strengths and weaknesses of the public speaker’s delivery. Then, rate the speaker
Strengths Weaknesses
related to between main exclusive; not well problem and/or
& thesis; points; some transitions are formed; solution are not
effective use of present but problem defined; claims not
ARGUMENTATION transitions signposts; are minimally and/or supported with
and signposts; problem and effective; solution are evidence
articulates solution are problem and somewhat
problem and clearly solution are unclear;
solution in a presented; evident; most claims not fully
clear, claims claims are supported with
compelling supported with supported with evidence
manner; evidence and evidence;
supports examples
claims with
Language is Language Language Grammar and Many errors in
exceptionally appropriate to selection syntax need to grammar and
clear, the goals of the adequate; be improved as syntax; extensive
CORRECTNES imaginative presentation; some errors in can level of use of jargon,
and vivid; no conspicuous grammar; language slang,
completely errors in language at sophistication; sexist/racist
free from bias, grammar; no times misused occasionally terms, or
grammar evidence of bias (e.g. jargon, biased mispronunciations
errors and slang,
inappropriate awkward
usage structure)
Excellent use Good vocal Demonstrates Sometimes Speaks inaudibly;
of vocal variation and some vocal uses a voice enunciates poorly;
variation, pace; vocal variation; too soft or speaks in
DELIVERY intensity and expression enunciates articulation monotone; poor
pacing; vocal suited to clearly and too indistinct pacing; distracts
expression assignment; speaks for listeners to listeners with
natural and few if any fillers audibly; comfortably fillers
enthusiastic; generally, hear; often
avoids fillers avoids fillers uses fillers
(e.g. um, uh,
Posture, Postures, Some reliance Speaker relies Usually looks
gestures, gestures, and on notes, but heavily on down and avoids
facial facial has adequate notes; eye contact;
expression, expressions are eye contact, nonverbal nervous gestures
NON-VERBAL and eye suitable for generally expression stiff and nonverbal
EXPRESSIONS contact well speech, avoids and unnatural behaviors distract
developed, speaker distracting from or contradict
natural, and appears mannerisms the message
display high confident
levels of poise
Total: 50/50
Source: DepEd-English 10 Learner’s Manual-Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Directions: Practice your speech. You can either memorize or familiarize them. Then
look for someone (parent, sibling, neighbor, or friend) to listen to your speech. Then,
let them evaluate your speech using the checklist below on a separate sheet.
(Note: Record yourself while doing this speech practice so that you can do self-
evaluation after)
Public Speaking Checklist
Topic:_______________________________ Audience:_________________
Descriptions YES NO
Evaluator’s Name and Signature:
Let Us Remember
Activity 6: Self-Check!
Directions: Reflect on your experiences in public speaking and try to complete the
me ______________________________________________
Let Us Assess
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
1. Which of the following refers to the presentation of the speech you have researched,
a. News report
b. Online recitation
c. Speeches delivery
d. Radio Broadcasting
a. Memorized speech
b. Impromptu speech
c. Manuscript Speech
d. Extemporaneous speech
3. Which type of speech where the speaker talks freely and spontaneously
without preparation?
a. Memorized speech
b. Impromptu speech
c. Manuscript speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech
4. It is a style of public speaking where speaker delivers his speech from memory.
a. Memorized speech
b. Impromptu speech
c. Manuscript speech
d. Extemporaneous speech
5. This is another style of public speaking where the speaker is given a short
a. Memorized speech
b. Impromptu speech
c. Manuscript speech
d. Extemporaneous speech
For items 6 to 9: Directions: Arrange the following logically to form the correct
effective public speaker. You should not only focus on informing the audience and
expressing your thoughts publicly, but you have to let the audience find the
C. Rehearse out loud, practice more with friends or family and time
your speech
D. Know your topic, decide on your purpose, know the location and
For items 10 to 13: Directions: Arrange the following to form the correct outline
Sample Informative Speech Brief Outline
Let Us Enhance
This is now the final delivery of your piece. Please take note that you will be rated
Directions: Deliver your speech via live video conference, video call, recording, or
one-on-one with your teacher. Make sure to arrange the prefered time and modality.
You will be graded using the rubrics below. Use it as your guide.
10 8 6 4 2
Topic engages Topic is Topic is Topic is too A single topic
audience; appropriate untimely or trivial, too cannot be
TOPIC & topic is to the lacks complex, or deduced
CONTENT worthwhile, audience and originality; inappropriate
timely, and situation and provides for audience,
presents new provides scant new topic not
information to some useful information suitable for the
the audience information to audience situation
to the
Very well Organization Organization Speech did not No
organized; al pattern is al pattern flow well; organization
main points evident, main somewhat speech was not al pattern; no
clear, points are evident; main logically transitions;
mutually apparent; points are organized; sounded as if
exclusive and transitions present but transitions information
ORGANIZATION directly related present not mutually present but not was
to thesis; between main exclusive; well formed; randomly
& effective points; some transitions problem and/or presented;
ARGUMENTATION transitions use of are present solution are problem
and signposts; signposts; but are somewhat and/or
articulates problem and minimally unclear; claims solution are
problem and solution are effective; not fully not defined;
solution in a clearly problem and supported with claims not
clear, presented; solution are evidence supported
compelling claims evident; most with evidence
manner; supported claims are
supports with evidence supported
claims with and examples with
powerful evidence;
Language is Language Language Grammar and Many errors
exceptionally appropriate selection syntax need to in grammar
clear, to the goals of adequate; be improved as and syntax;
CORRECTNES imaginative the some errors can level of extensive use
and vivid; presentation; in grammar; language of jargon,
completely free no language at sophistication; slang,
from bias, conspicuous times occasionally sexist/racist
grammar errors in misused (e.g. biased terms or
errors and grammar; no jargon, slang, mispronunci
inappropriate evidence of awkward ations
usage bias structure)
Excellent use Good vocal Demonstrate Sometimes Speaks
of vocal variation and s some vocal uses a voice too inaudibly;
variation, pace; vocal variation; soft or enunciates
DELIVERY intensity and expression enunciates articulation too poorly;
pacing; vocal suited to clearly and indistinct for speaks in
expression assignment; speaks listeners to monotone;
natural and few if any audibly; comfortably poor pacing;
enthusiastic; fillers generally, hear; often uses distracts
avoids fillers avoids fillers fillers listeners with
(e.g. um, uh, fillers
Posture, Postures, Some reliance Speaker relies Usually looks
gestures, facial gestures, and on notes, but heavily on down and
expression, facial has adequate notes; avoids eye
and eye expressions eye contact, nonverbal contact;
NON-VERBAL contact well are suitable generally expression stiff nervous
EXPRESSIONS developed, for speech, avoids and unnatural gestures and
natural, and speaker distracting nonverbal
display high appears mannerisms behaviors
levels of poise confident distract from
and or contradict
confidence the message
Total: 50/50
Source: DepEd-English 10 Learner’s Manual-Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Let Us Reflect
Great job! You have completed the activities and now equipped with knowledge
about speech delivery. You might still think that delivering a speech in public is not
quite easy that you need a lot of confidence and courage to do it. However, it does
not mean you cannot do it. You have just done it, right? You learned that your speech
delivery can make a big impact on an audience in ways that you may not intend. You
also learned that you need to choose a delivery method, determining whether the
Then, consider the persona that you want to project by paying attention to your
public image, and be aware of the time limits set for the speech. Finally, you must
With all of these sets of knowledge that you’ve gained in delivering a speech, how will
these be useful in your daily life at present and for the future? How can these help
you and others become more responsible of the utterances about the information of
an issue?
Answer Key to Activities
ACCESS: How can I find credible sources? (2020). Retrieved 31 July 2020 https://paperpile.com/g/find-
ACCESS: Informative Brief Outline Sample. (2020). Retrieved 23 June 2020, from
ACCESS: Informative Speech Rubric. (2020). Retrieved. 11 July 2020 from
ACCESS: Jennifer Bonyega. (2020). Public Speaking. Retrieved 8 June 2020, from
ACCESS: Maid of Honor Speech. (2020). Retrieved 11 July 2020 from
ACCESS: Planning a speech. Retrieved 9 June 2020, from
ACCESS: Sample Persuasive Speech Outline. (2020). Retrieved. September 2020 from
ACCESS: Speaking in Public: Speech Delivery. (2020). Retrieved September 2020.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call: