Animal Reproduction

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Animal reproduction

There are two modes of animal reproduction—sexual and asexual. In sexual reproduction, the
fusion of haploid gametes forms a diploid cell, the zygote. The female gamete, the egg, is large
and nonmotile, whereas the male gamete, the sperm, is generally much smaller and motile. In
asexual reproduction, new individuals are generated without the fusion of egg and sperm.

Budding: is a type of asexual reproduction in which new individuals arise from outgrowths of
existing ones. Fission: the splitting and separation of a parent organism into two individuals of
approximately equal size. Fragmentation: the breaking of the body into several pieces. It is
followed by regeneration. Regeneration: regrowth of lost body parts. Reproduction: the
growth and developing of one piece or more into a complete animal.

Parthenogenesis: a type of asexual reproduction in which an egg develops without being

fertilized. The offspring can be either haploid or diploid. Among vertebrates, parthenogenesis is
thought to be a rare response to low population density.

For many sexual animals, finding a partner for reproduction can be challenging. Adaptations
that arose during the evolution of some species meet this challenge by blurring the distinction
between male and female. One such adaptation is particularly common among sessile animals.

Hermaphroditism: the condition for animal of having the male and female reproductive
systems. Because each hermaphrodite reproduces as both a male and a female, any two
individuals can mate. Hermaphrodites can also self-fertilize, allowing a form of sexual
reproduction that doesn’t require any partner.

Bluehead wrasse (a type of fish) coral reef fish live in harems, each consisting of a single male
and several females. When the lone male dies, the largest female in the harem transforms into a
male and within a week begins to produce sperm instead of eggs. This happens because it is the
male wrasse that defends a harem against intruders, a larger size may be particularly important
for a male in ensuring successful reproduction.

Certain oyster species also undergo sex reversal. Individuals reproduce as males and then later
as females, when their size is greatest. Since the number of gametes produced generally
increases with size much more for females than for males, sex reversal in this direction
maximizes gamete production. Because oysters are sedentary animals and release their gametes
into the surrounding water rather than mating directly, releasing more gametes results in more

Ovulation: the process of releasing mature eggs from the ovary. It occurs at the midpoint of
each cycle. The existence of sexual reproduction is actually puzzling. Only half of the offspring
from sexually reproducing females are also females. The number of sexual offspring will
remain the same at each generation because both a male and a female are required to reproduce.
The asexual condition will increase in frequency at each generation. Asexual reproduction
enables the species to rapidly colonize habitats that are favorable to that species.

There are a number of reasons why the unique gene combinations formed during sexual
reproduction might be advantageous. Beneficial gene combinations arising through
recombination might speed up adaptation. The shuffling of genes during sexual reproduction
might allow a population to rid itself of sets of harmful genes more readily. Asexual
reproduction is expected to be most advantageous in stable, favorable environments because it
perpetuates successful genotypes precisely.

Fertilization: the union of sperm and egg. It can be external or internal. In species with
external fertilization, the female releases eggs into the environment, where the male then
fertilizes them. In species with internal fertilization, sperm deposited in or near the female
reproductive tract fertilize eggs within the tract.

A moist habitat is almost always required for external fertilization, both to prevent the gametes
from drying out and to allow the sperm to swim to the eggs. Among some species with external
fertilization, individuals clustered in the same area use the process of spawning. Spawning: is
the process of releasing eggs and sperms into the water by aquatic animals. In some cases,
chemical signals that one individual generates in releasing gametes trigger others to release
gametes. In other cases, environmental cues cause a whole population to release gametes at one

When external fertilization is not synchronous across a population, individuals may exhibit
specific courtship behaviors leading to the fertilization of the eggs of one female by one male.
By triggering the release of both sperm and eggs, these behaviors increase the probability of
successful fertilization.
Internal fertilization requires sophisticated and compatible reproductive systems, as well as
cooperative behavior that lead to copulation. The male copulatory organ delivers sperm, and the
female reproductive tract often has receptacles for storage and delivery of sperm to mature eggs.

No matter how fertilization occurs, the mating animals may make use of pheromones.
Pheromones: chemicals released by one organism that can influence the physiology and
behavior of other individuals of the same species. Pheromones are small, volatile or water-
soluble molecules that disperse into the environment and are active at very low concentrations.
Many pheromones function as mate attractants.

Animals that fertilize eggs internally produce fewer gametes than species with external
fertilization, but a higher fraction of their zygotes survive. Better zygote survival is due in part
to the fact that eggs fertilized internally are sheltered from potential predators. However,
internal fertilization is also more often associated with mechanisms that provide greater
protection of the embryos and parental care of the young.

Rather than secreting a protective eggshell, some animals retain the embryo for a portion of its
development within the female’s reproductive tract. The offspring of marsupial mammals spend
only a short period in the uterus as embryos; they then crawl out and complete development
attached to a mammary gland in the mother’s pouch.

Embryos of eutherian mammals remain in the uterus throughout fetal development. There they
are nourished by the mother’s blood supply through a temporary organ, the placenta.

Sexual reproduction in animals relies on sets of cells that are precursors for eggs and sperm.
Cells dedicated to this function are often established early in the formation of the embryo and
remain inactive while the body plan takes shape. Cycles of growth and mitosis then increase the
number of cells available for making eggs or sperm.

Gonads: organs that produce gametes. Elaborate reproductive systems include sets of accessory
tubes and glands that carry, nourish, and protect the gametes and sometimes the developing

In many insect species, the female reproductive system includes one or more spermathecae.
Spermathecae: sacs in which sperm may be kept alive for extended periods, a year or more in
some species. Because the female releases male gametes from the spermathecae and thus
fertilizes her eggs only in response to the appropriate stimuli, fertilization occurs under
conditions likely to be well suited to survival of offspring.

Vertebrate reproductive systems display limited but significant variations. In some vertebrates,
the uterus is divided into two chambers; in others, it is a single structure.
In many nonmammalian vertebrates, the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems have a
common opening to the outside, the cloaca. Cloaca: a structure probably present in the
ancestors of all vertebrates. Lacking a well-developed penis, males of these species instead
release sperm by turning the cloaca inside out.

Mammals generally lack a cloaca and have a separate opening for the digestive tract. Most
female mammals have separate openings for the excretory and reproductive systems.

Monogamy, the sustained sexual partnership of two individuals, is rare among animals,
including most mammals. Mechanisms have evolved, however, that enhance the reproductive
success of a male with a particular female and diminish the chance of that female mating
successfully with another partner.

The human male’s external reproductive organs are the scrotum and penis. The internal
reproductive organs consist of gonads that produce both sperm and reproductive hormones,
accessory glands that secrete products essential to sperm movement, and ducts that carry the
sperm and glandular secretions.

Testes: the male gonads. It has 250 compartments. They are responsible for making
testosterone and for producing sperm. It produces sperm in highly coiled tubes called
seminiferous tubules. These tubules are responsible for producing the sperm cells. The sperm
that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization. 

Most mammals produce sperm properly only when the testes are cooler than the rest of the
body. In humans and many other mammals, testis temperature is maintained about 2°C below
the core body temperature by the scrotum. Scrotum: a fold for the testes which consists of the
body wall. It holds many nerve and blood cells. Special muscles in the wall of the scrotum
allow it to contract and relax, moving the testicles closer to the body for warmth and protection
and vice versa.

The testes develop in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum just before birth. A
testis within a scrotum is a testicle. In many rodents, the testes are drawn back into the cavity
between breeding seasons, interrupting sperm maturation. Some mammals whose body
temperature is low enough to allow sperm maturation retain the testes in the abdominal cavity at
all times.

From the seminiferous tubules of a testis, the sperm pass into the coiled duct of an epididymis.
In humans, it takes 3 weeks for sperm to travel the 6-m length of this duct, during which time
the sperm complete maturation and become motile. During ejaculation (sexual arouse), the
sperm are propelled from each epididymis through a muscular duct, the vas deferens.
Each vas deferens extends around and behind the urinary bladder, where it joins a duct from
the seminal vesicle, forming a short ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory ducts open into the
urethra, the outlet tube for both the excretory system and the reproductive system.

The seminal vesicles are sac-like pouches. The seminal vesicles make fructose fluid that
provides sperm with a source of energy and helps with the sperms’ motility. The fluid of the
seminal vesicles makes up most of the volume of your ejaculatory fluid.

The urethra runs through the penis and opens to the outside at the tip of the penis. In males, it
has the additional function of ejaculating semen. When the penis is erect during sex, the flow of
urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm.

Urinary bladder is a triangle-shaped and hollow organ that is located in the lower abdomen. It
is held in place by ligaments that are attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. Ligaments:
a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone. The bladder's walls relax and expand to
store urine, and contract and flatten to empty urine through the urethra.

Accessory glands help with the ejaculation of sperms. There are three sets of them. They are the
seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands. They produce secretions that
combine with sperm to form semen, the fluid that is ejaculated.

Two seminal vesicles contribute about 60% of the volume of semen. The fluid from the seminal
vesicles is thick, yellowish, and alkaline. It contains mucus, the sugar fructose, a coagulating
enzyme, ascorbic acid, and local regulators called prostaglandins.

The prostate gland is a walnut-sized structure that’s located below the urinary bladder in front
of the rectum. It secretes its products directly into the urethra through small ducts. Thin and
milky, the fluid from this gland contains anticoagulant enzymes and citrate.

The bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands) are a pea-sized pair of small glands along the
urethra below the prostate. Before ejaculation, they secrete clear mucus that neutralizes any
acidic urine remaining in the urethra.

The human penis contains the urethra as well as three cylinders of spongy erectile tissue.
During sexual arousal, the erectile tissue fills with blood from the arteries. As this tissue fills,
the increasing pressure seals off the veins those drain the penis, causing it to engorge with

Alcohol consumption, certain drugs, emotional issues, and aging all can cause an inability to
achieve an erection. For individuals with long-term erectile dysfunction, drugs such as Viagra
promote the vasodilating action of the local regulator nitric oxide; the resulting relaxation of
smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the penis enhances blood flow into the erectile tissues.
Although all mammals rely on penile erection for mating, the penis of dogs, raccoons, walruses,
and several other mammals also contains a bone, the baculum, which is thought to further
stiffen the penis for mating.

The main shaft of the penis is covered by relatively thick skin. The glans (head) of the penis has
a much thinner outer layer and is consequently more sensitive to stimulation. The human glans
is surrounded by a fold of skin called the prepuce (foreskin), which is removed if a male is

The human female’s external reproductive structures are the clitoris and two sets of labia, which
surround the clitoris and vaginal opening. The internal organs consist of gonads, which produce
eggs and reproductive hormones, and a system of ducts and chambers, which receive and carry
gametes and house the embryo and fetus.
The female gonads are a pair of ovaries that flank the uterus and are held in place in the
abdominal cavity by ligaments. The outer layer of each ovary is packed with follicles, each
consisting of an oocyte, a partially developed egg, surrounded by support cells. The surrounding
cells nourish and protect the oocyte during much of its formation and development.

An oviduct (fallopian tube) extends from the uterus toward a funnel-like opening at each ovary.
The dimensions of this tube vary along its length, with the inside diameter near the uterus being
as narrow as a human hair.

Upon ovulation, cilia on the epithelial lining of the oviduct help collect the egg by drawing fluid
from the body cavity into the oviduct. Together with wavelike contractions of the oviduct, the
cilia convey the egg down the duct to the uterus (womb).

The uterus is a thick, muscular organ that can expand during pregnancy to accommodate a 4-kg
fetus. The inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is richly supplied with blood vessels. The
neck of the uterus, the cervix, opens into the vagina.

The vagina is a muscular but elastic chamber that is the site for insertion of the penis and
deposition of sperm during copulation. It opens to the outside at the vulva, the collective term
for the external female genitalia.

A pair of thick, fatty ridges, the labia majora, encloses and protects the rest of the vulva. The
vaginal opening and the separate opening of the urethra are located within a cavity bordered by
a pair of slender skin folds, the labia minora.

A thin piece of tissue called the hymen partly covers the vaginal opening in humans at birth, but
becomes thinner over time and typically wears away through physical activity. Located at the
top of the labia minora, the clitoris consists of erectile tissue supporting a rounded glans, or
head, covered by a small hood of skin, the prepuce. During sexual arousal, the clitoris, vagina,
and labia minora all engorge with blood and enlarge.

Richly supplied with nerve endings, the clitoris is one of the most sensitive points of sexual
stimulation. Sexual arousal also induces the vestibular glands near the vaginal opening to
secrete lubricating mucus, thereby facilitating intercourse.

The mammary glands are present in both sexes, but they produce milk only in females. The
female mammary glands are important to reproduction. Within the glands, small sacs of
epithelial tissue secrete milk, which drains into a series of ducts that open at the nipple. The
breasts contain connective and fatty tissue in addition to the mammary glands.
Gametogenesis: the production of gametes. It exists in the males and females and have the
same process but with different products. In males, it is called spermatogenesis and in females it
is called oogenesis. Spermatogenesis: the formation of sperms. Cell division and maturation
occur throughout the seminiferous tubules coiled within the testes, producing hundreds of
millions of sperm each day. For a single sperm, the process takes about seven weeks.

Stem cells that give rise to sperm are situated near the outer edge of the seminiferous tubules.
Their progeny move inward as they pass through the spermatocyte and spermatid stages, and
sperm are released into the lumen of the tubule. The sperm travel along the tubule into the
epididymis, where they become motile.

The stem cells arise from division and differentiation of primordial germ cells in the embryonic
testes. In mature testes, they divide mitotically to form spermatogonia, which in turn generate
spermatocytes by mitosis. Each spermatocyte gives rise to four spermatids through meiosis,
reducing the chromosome number from diploid to haploid. Spermatids undergo extensive
changes in differentiating into sperm.

In humans, a head containing the haploid nucleus is tipped with a special vesicle, the acrosome,
which contains enzymes that help the sperm penetrate an egg. Behind the head, many
mitochondria provide ATP for movement of the flagellar tail.

The head of the sperm contains the nucleus. The nucleus holds the DNA of the cell. The head
also contains enzymes that help the sperm break through the cell membrane of an egg. The
midpiece of the sperm is packed with mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles in cells that
produce energy. Sperm use the energy in the midpiece to move. The tail of the sperm moves
like a propeller, around and around. 

Oogenesis: the development of mature oocytes. Immature eggs form in the ovary of the female
embryo but do not complete their development until years, and often decades, later.
Oogenesis begins in the female embryo with the production of oogonia from primordial germ
cells. The oogonia divide by mitosis to form cells that begin meiosis, but stop the process at
prophase I before birth. These developmentally arrested cells, which are primary oocytes, each
reside within a small follicle, a cavity lined with protective cells. At birth, the ovaries together
contain about 1–2 million primary oocytes, of which about 500 fully mature between puberty
and menopause.

Women are born with all the primary oocytes they will ever have. Beginning at puberty,
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) periodically stimulates a small number of follicles to
resume growth and development. Typically, only one follicle fully matures each month, with its
primary oocyte completing meiosis I.

The second meiotic division begins, but stops at metaphase. Thus arrested in meiosis II, the
secondary oocyte is released at ovulation, when its follicle breaks open. Only if a sperm
penetrates the oocyte does meiosis II resume. Each of the two meiotic divisions involves
unequal cytokinesis, with the smaller cells becoming polar bodies that eventually degenerate.
The first polar body may or may not divide again.

The functional product of complete oogenesis is a single mature egg containing a sperm head.
Fertilization is defined strictly as the fusion of the haploid nuclei of the sperm and secondary
oocyte, although the term is often used loosely to mean the entry of the sperm head into the egg.

The ruptured follicle left behind after ovulation develops into the corpus luteum. The corpus
luteum secretes estradiol as well as progesterone, a hormone that helps maintain the uterine
lining during pregnancy. If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum degenerates, and a new
follicle matures during the next cycle.

Spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ in three significant ways. Only in spermatogenesis do all
four products of meiosis develop into mature gametes. In oogenesis, cytokinesis during meiosis
is unequal, with almost all the cytoplasm segregated to a single daughter cell. This large cell is
destined to become the egg; the other products of meiosis, smaller cells known as polar bodies,

Spermatogenesis occurs throughout adolescence and adulthood. In contrast, the mitotic

divisions that occur in oogenesis in human females are thought to be complete before birth, and
the production of mature gametes ceases at about age 50.

Spermatogenesis produces mature sperm from precursor cells in a continuous sequence,

whereas there are long interruptions in oogenesis.

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