Assessing The Rules and Regulations of The School
Assessing The Rules and Regulations of The School
Assessing The Rules and Regulations of The School
A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School
Jiane Therese International School
Jalajala, Rizal
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for 3 I’s
Senior High School Grade 12
Students are key stakeholders and the most important resource in education.
environment and maintain law and order, the school board establishes rules
and regulations are not strictly enforced in some schools where a child's
student, on the other hand, has a great impact on the school as a whole.
In connection, school rules and regulations highly affect the student’s
school discipline, it is clear that there is a need to guide students on the right
path. Because this is one of the main functions of the school. It can serve as a
means of socialization and, among other things, teach people good morals that
better society.
Disregarding the school rules and regulations affects the integrity of the
perception that they respect the school regulations and obey rules, although not
always. Many students have the perception that they do sometimes break
school rules and do not follow regulations, also they have the perception that
other students do sometimes break school rules and do not follow regulations.
ADILISTER ISHIKAELI KWAYU (2014) Also stated that many of the students
have been punished several times. Many students also have the perception
that other students in their school are sometimes punished when they break
negatively perceive school rules and regulations. This indicates that they do not
adequately perceive school rules and regulations toward good behavior. The
enough understanding of school rules and regulations, they can behave well,
that teachers used on the students. Their inhuman, discriminative, and impolite
School Discipline refers to the rules and regulations, and strategies applied
and to have a good attitude. Respect -rules, and regulations teach and remind
the students to have respect for teachers and school personnel including those
the people who see their discipline even outside the school. When the students
know the rules and regulations, they can avoid portraying a bad attitude,
becoming a role models not only in school but also outside, and have a good
obedience and discipline of the students, they should review the school rules
and regulations and strategize on ways of implementing them with the help of
Students should follow all the regulations inside the classroom. In compliance
with academic activities, students should be more responsible for their studies
be good leaders and maintain proper behavior inside the classroom, know the
rules and regulations, and become good students. Aleon, H. G., Encinares, S. .,
Theoretical Framework
This study used the theory of Judy Anne N. Babasa which is based on the
This theory has been expressed by Judy Anne N. Babasa in the research of
rules and regulations. A) School rules and regulations, Students must abide
This study of Judy Anne N. Babasa is relevant to the present study since
the focus is the rules and regulations of the students: bases for article
Conceptual Framework
Schools have different rules and regulations that manage the organization
and train not only the students but all those people inside the school. Based on
safety and security to teachers and students, and also provides accountability
to both students and teachers. Despite that, many students still insist on
breaking the school rules and regulations, especially now that students study a
There are no rules prohibiting the students from inside their homes,
consequently, they have not trained anymore on following the school rules and
its rules and regulation and also to assess the student’s behavior inside and
Scope of Limitation
This study only includes students from Jiane Therese International School's
eighth and tenth classes, who are between the ages of 14 and 15, and 17,
and March of 2023. The research will be carried out by interviewing JTIS
School. This study will help the school to assess and implement rules
and regulations.
Administration and staff. This research will help them assess the
children do in school.
Students. This study will help the students to improve their philosophy
and manner.
researchers who would plan to make any related study about the rules