Assessing The Rules and Regulations of The School

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A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School
Jiane Therese International School
Jalajala, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for 3 I’s
Senior High School Grade 12


May 2023
Chapter 1
This chapter includes.
Background of the Study

Students are key stakeholders and the most important resource in education.

Students must be instructed to exhibit acceptable attitudes and behavior inside

and outside of school. To achieve an organized and peaceful school

environment and maintain law and order, the school board establishes rules

and regulations that guide the activities of the institution's members.

         Discipline is one of the most important aspects of learning and how we

interact and communicate with others. It can be challenged in a certain it is part

of human behavior and without it, an organization cannot function well to

achieve its goals. According to Seifert and Vonburg (2003), discipline is closely

related to school culture. Therefore, a convincing level of discipline must be

maintained to create a satisfying atmosphere. It can be concluded that rules

and regulations are not strictly enforced in some schools where a child's

personality is a serious problem, such as bullying is common. A well-disciplined

student, on the other hand, has a great impact on the school as a whole.

However, adverse implementation of rules can aggravate behavior instead of

curbing it (Rigby, 2000).

         In connection, school rules and regulations highly affect the student’s

academic performance. In the study administered by Urieh (2008), she cited

school officials saying 

school discipline, it is clear that there is a need to guide students on the right

path. Because this is one of the main functions of the school. It can serve as a

means of socialization and, among other things, teach people good morals that

produce students who are intellectually and psychologically equipped for a

better society.

Review of Related Literature

School rules and regulations represent important control mechanisms to

which students conform. It is usually associated with classroom management

and school discipline which remains a great challenge to many students.

Various reasons such as lack of awareness, knowledge, respect for authority,

cooperation, and self-esteem discipline. Judy Anne N. Babasa, Meryl D. Balog


Disregarding the school rules and regulations affects the integrity of the

school aiming to produce self-motivated, self-directed, and disciplined students.

Students' disregard somehow showed disrespect to the school rules and

regulations and the administrators. Students' noncompliance creates disunity.

Dungog, L. V. ., Andrin, C. D. ., Gacelo, A. J. M. ., Sanchez, D. M. R. .,

Agraviador, L. A. ., & Tamon, C.-J. S. . (2019).

Foreign Studies

According to ADILISTER ISHIKAELI KWAYU (2014), most students have the

perception that they respect the school regulations and obey rules, although not

always. Many students have the perception that they do sometimes break

school rules and do not follow regulations, also they have the perception that

other students do sometimes break school rules and do not follow regulations.

ADILISTER ISHIKAELI KWAYU (2014) Also stated that many of the students

have been punished several times. Many students also have the perception

that other students in their school are sometimes punished when they break

school rules and regulations.

Alemneh Amesalu Fekadu (2019) stated that around 33.1% of students

negatively perceive school rules and regulations. This indicates that they do not

adequately perceive school rules and regulations toward good behavior. The

improvement in students’ awareness of school rules and regulations would

enhance their perception of good behavior because when students have

enough understanding of school rules and regulations, they can behave well,

and this offers a good learning environment.

According to Hellen Jepchirchir Mettoh (2020) that the student’s perception of

school rules and regulations concerning teacher-student relationships was

generally negative. Teacher-student conflicts were a result of excessive force

that teachers used on the students. Their inhuman, discriminative, and impolite

nature made students oppose them.

Local Studies

School Discipline refers to the rules and regulations, and strategies applied

in school to manage student behavior. Without discipline in school, students

would not be organized. Abriam, R. M. ., Boncodin, M. B. ., Conjurado, R. P.,

Dayandayan, R. L. ., Tan, H. E. ., & Dela Fuente, A. L. . (2019). Attitude- rules

and regulations serve as a platform for the student to be an obedient person

and to have a good attitude. Respect -rules, and regulations teach and remind

the students to have respect for teachers and school personnel including those

who conduct the rules in the organization. Personality- through the

implementation of rules and regulations students gain positive feedback from

the people who see their discipline even outside the school. When the students

know the rules and regulations, they can avoid portraying a bad attitude,

becoming a role models not only in school but also outside, and have a good

attitude and respect towards other people. To have an evaluation of the

obedience and discipline of the students, they should review the school rules

and regulations and strategize on ways of implementing them with the help of

the teachers and also parents through orientation. Getizo , S. L. P. ., Tare, C. J.

D. ., Leonor, R. L. ., Mendez, Z. P. ., Buhion, G. S., & Tamon, C.-J. S. . (2019).


Students should follow all the regulations inside the classroom. In compliance

with academic activities, students should be more responsible for their studies

to become productive. In obedience to social responsibilities, students should

be good leaders and maintain proper behavior inside the classroom, know the

rules and regulations, and become good students. Aleon, H. G., Encinares, S. .,

Dela Pena, J. ., Sumagang, N. G. ., Suan, H. ., & Tamon, C.-J. (2020).

Theoretical Framework

This study used the theory of Judy Anne N. Babasa which is based on the

awareness on school rules and regulations

This theory has been expressed by Judy Anne N. Babasa in the research of

rules and regulations. A) School rules and regulations, Students must abide

by essential control mechanisms represented by school rules and

regulations. b) It is frequently linked to classroom management and school

discipline, which many children still find to be very difficult.

c)  Awareness of the students in the established school rules and


This study of Judy Anne N. Babasa is relevant to the present study since

the focus is the rules and regulations of the students: bases for article
Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Schools have different rules and regulations that manage the organization

and train not only the students but all those people inside the school. Based on (November 2020). It establishes the standard in schools, provides

safety and security to teachers and students, and also provides accountability

to both students and teachers. Despite that, many students still insist on

breaking the school rules and regulations, especially now that students study a

face to face compare to online learning 2 years ago.

Students are allowed to do whatever they want as long as they pass the

module/ they attended online classes (that was 2 years ago).

There are no rules prohibiting the students from inside their homes,

consequently, they have not trained anymore on following the school rules and

regulations. Therefore, the researcher’s objective is to help the school assess

its rules and regulation and also to assess the student’s behavior inside and

outside the school.

Scope of Limitation

This study only includes students from Jiane Therese International School's

eighth and tenth classes, who are between the ages of 14 and 15, and 17,

respectively (JTIS). The goal is to conduct this investigation between February

and March of 2023. The research will be carried out by interviewing JTIS

students and consulting professionals, as well as by consulting various articles,

earlier studies, and other sources.

Significance of the Study

The whole study will have positive effects on the following:

School. This study will help the school to assess and implement rules

and regulations.
Administration and staff. This research will help them assess the

students’ attitudes toward the organization.

Parents. This study will help parents to be aware of what his/her

children do in school.

Students. This study will help the students to improve their philosophy

and manner.

Future Researcher. This study will be a useful reference for

researchers who would plan to make any related study about the rules

and regulations of the school.

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