Spiritual: Religious
Spiritual: Religious
Spiritual: Religious
Reiss claimed that we all share the same 16 goals, but what makes us
different is how much we value each one. He also added that all religious
beliefs and practices are designed to meet these 16 desires. Religious beliefs
provide people with certain ways of thinking to help them cope with ultimate
questions that cannot be explained in any other way.
Table 7.
Classifications of religion
Religious What/ Who is divine Example
Polytheism Multiple gods Hinduism, Ancient Greeks &
Monotheism Single god Judaism, Islam, Christianity
Antheism No deities Atheism, Buddhism, Taoism
Animism Nonhuman beings Indigenous nature worship,
c. The Major Religions
i. Judaism
Jewish people believe there’s only one God
who has established a covenant—or special
agreement—with them. Their God
communicates to believers through prophets
and rewards good deeds while also punishing
Figure 1. Star of David evil. Most Jews (with the exception of a few
by F.A. Davis
groups) believe that their Messiah hasn’t yet
come—but will one day (“Judaism”, 2020).
ii. Christianity
Christianity, major religion stemming
from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of
Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of
God) in the 1st century CE. It has become the
largest of the world’s religions and,
geographically, the most widely diffused of all Figure 2. The Cross
by F.A. Davis
faiths. It has a constituency of more than two
billion believers. Its largest groups are the Roman Catholic Church,
the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the Protestant churches
(Stefon, 2019).
iii. Islam
Islam is a monotheistic faith centered around
belief in the one God (Allah). In this regard, it
shares some beliefs with Judaism and
Christianity by tracing its history back to the
patriarch Abraham, and ultimately to the first
Figure 3. The Crescent prophet, Adam. All the prophets preached the
and Star by F.A. Davis same universal message of belief in one God
and kindness to humanity (United Religions Initiative [URI], 2020).
iv. Hinduism
Hinduism, is considered the world's oldest
religion, is still commonly practiced. Hinduism
combines the beliefs, philosophy, and cultural
practices of India. Hindu practitioners are
guided by Vedic scriptures and believe in
righteousness, the laws of cause and effect,
Figure 4. The Swastika
by F.A. Davis and the cycle of birth and death. Central to the
faith is a belief in reincarnation and one supreme god called Brahman
who has multiple manifestations as either a god or goddess (Otig et
al., 2020).
v. Buddhism
Buddhism refers to the teachings of
Siddhartha Gautama or Gautama Buddha.
Buddha, (originally a follower of the Hindu faith)
experienced enlightenment, or Bodhi, while
sitting under a tree. It was in this moment that
Buddha was said to be awakened to the truth of Figure 5. The Dharma Wheel.
(https://bit.ly/32juyDf), Public
the world, or the Dharma. Thus, Buddhism does Domain
Table 8.
Table 9