EE14-Module 2
EE14-Module 2
EE14-Module 2
Effective and successful decisions make profit to the company and unsuccessful ones
make losses. Therefore, corporate decision-making process is the most critical process
in any organization.
Kinds of Decisions
Decisions can be categorized into three basic classifications:
a. “Decisions Whether”
This type of decision is a yes/no or either/or decision. Before choosing the best
and most suitable choice, the person decides whether it is amenable or not.
b. “Decisions Which”
These decisions are taken from a set of alternatives, which are compared to
each other for the most probable and beneficial option based on a set of criteria.
c. “Contingent Decisions”
These are decisions that were already identified but are set aside until the
conditions are approved and met. Many people have already created contingent
decisions but they keep it until an opportunity to apply the decision comes along.
Some factors, which may be considered as conditions for the decision to be
carried out are: time, price, availability, motivation, and energy.
The quality of managerial decisions largely affects the effectiveness of the plans made by
them. In organizing process, the manager is to decide upon the structure, division of work,
nature of responsibility and relationships, the procedure of establishing such responsibility
and relationship and so on.
2. Organizational Structure:
The organizational structure, having an important bearing on decision-making, should be
readily understood.
6. Sufficient Time:
Effective decision-making requires sufficient time. It is a matter of common experience
that it is usually helpful to think over various ideas and possibilities of a problem for the
purpose of identifying and evaluating it properly.
9. Flexibility of Mind:
The flexible mental disposition of the decision-maker enables him to change the decision
and win over the co-operation of all the diverse groups.
10. Consideration of the Chain of Actions:
There is a chain relationship in all the activities of any organization. Different activities are
tied up in a chain sequence.
a. Individual
The individual makes the decision based on personal values and preferences. Individual
approach to decision making is challenging and difficult at times because some people
are too dependent on others for a sound decision. A conflict of values and preferences
also affects individual decision.
b. Authoritarian
In this approach, the decision relies on the leader or head of the group or team. As the
sole decision maker, the leader must make sure that sufficient knowledge is gathered in
order for the decision to be beneficial for the group. The leader must explain the chosen
alternative to the group in order to gain acceptance.
c. Group
This approach is otherwise known as consensus. The members brainstorm and share
ideas, discuss the considerations, and then implement on an agreed decision. A group
decision usually is more effective because everyone takes accountability for whatever
outcome there is.
There are number of problems that can prevent effective decision. These includes: