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~ page 1 Review — Simple FEA for plane linear elasticity * Approach: compute displacement field in an elastic 2 solid by + Interpolating displacement field Calculating total potential energy of solids in terms of discrete displacements + Minimize potential energy ‘+ Interpolation — constant strain triangles uy 2) = 6 Nga .22p) +1 Np (pg) lO (89) PY A )-(ar-aP Yo PP POPP UP Nelen) * Potential Energy ©= [dda fe -uis aS o L(ystiaryt Tui _ (eb! ia cio _| Pe ee ae ee lemons element faces, —page 1 ~ page 2 Review — Strain energy density in an elemen oO ela « Ee 2a o ) a) leyoy O22 |= E vo lew 21 ev 2¥)) a2 jyetement _ 1 element ( Avenent (BY PIL a (Total Stvin— &neqg)—— —_____ pyetement _ 1 element x element , element ~page 2 2° ~ “page 3 eg tal strain energy nf? OD DD no) . ( P11 ae ~ P Ea AY oP fa ye Ya 1244 12) 44D @ 24 AD 4 Pa) u ~ ) PO) WD uf? ui) KD KD i) _page 3— Ww =u" [Ku Review — Boundary loadin L _ polement --f tyujds c) —_ 0 _ ors (f(y_s ek it c) (a) plement py Jpamial {(-z}4 —_ e, = staf -aafE i (6) L LoL o ey -fa4 ne nt 2 [uo uf | 2 2 72 2 2 23 eiT el wr _page 4 [K]u-r-w —_ 12N ww 5 - __ shy DK Ya 5, _ __ ts _— __ av 128. _— = a 5K +5 ujKy —T _ __ KR 2 24 _ __ oN _— — = Kyu; - 7, =0 — __ a _— = [KJu=c _ _ page — ~ page 6 Review — Constraining DO Modify equation system to impose known values of displacement Original equations: AO} —_— fy aa kaw | n ky uD |_| fom kaya ayaw lf | Le To constrain 24 displacement component at first node: 1] hyn Faw Ym? | Jn 0 1 0 uf? font fan Fay aw |} yO) | L4 page 6 OPtional: can symmetrize stifness “page 7 _ page 7 . fe LR elie Br lead ames) Read data defining problem: Material properties Nodal coordinates Element connectivity List of nodes with prescribed DOF List of elements with loaded faces Loop over elements + Compute element stiffness, add to global stiffness Loop over elements with loaded faces + Compute element force vector, add to global force vector Modify stiffness and RHS to impose prescribed disps. Solve FEA equations for unknown nodal displacements Post-processing — compute element strains & stresses todays class Jeltorsy — * Observations from example FEA Matlab code * Brief look at HW2 — * Generalizing FEA procedures for elasticity + Deriving the FE equations from Virtual Work » 2D and 3D isoparat ic interpolation — » Calculating the element stiffness by numerical integration _page 8 pages Ob cervg on _simciyr “iia a “Hole that mach of «ample Mesh _ Solve system pi _ Sparce Solver ee “ Indexeol stacage Stim afl” & —te_winimpe bandw id¢h _~_. Stiffness Profile _page 9 _peal0 fed! of consrmnh on stifpnect Global shffnen —: Before constant Dflec ina posing Conska bah ° 67.2077 ~ page 11 Improper constraints lead to singular stiffness mat =a 1 220 evyenvalue —page 11 ~page 12 Generalnin FEA dor linear elasticth, Gogh : Fd a more gence! way_to get FEA Extend Velathtity fo 3D Use beter _intecbolatine EL Denving EEA Jam _pincible of vital Work = PYW: OF 7 ye — page 12 PT OK) pages Sappoce that Or Se dv = E; Sida =O ¥ adms Su R $2 y * Then adi =O Opn sof Ox Tha Bounde o Lids U7 aK ~~ Lapuiliboum Conalifi PYM = “weak fam” of gail baum Use Phu to gencig7e FER OfPOXi ma tiea © Tnterbolate : : jscrete Vals © Satisfy PV forall diy $i > should _page13 give_an_egmthdyn el Frel Pagel ly near elastics ae Ty, = Oy @t=0 Gi + OF: + Cy, (ee, Lytrduce in tech olahay: Au: Ww tx) ue Sum an a Sus W* (x) Sy" Subst lato PV UY: _page 14 “page 15 Tee Bike QW Sas dV et Oe SAE WS a Ja Xo ax, Je v OK J =O ¥ admia SY* Dds SU; mate sakdy Sy for OF on S, Intecbo lations mast Sattify Wit x" \ =f if aeh =v" =! We_ Usually Choose WN=O if Xow rS Se , rs —page 15 “pege16 Rewete PVA in _matnx xm _page 16 “page 17 We store Feaita at a 3nx Sn 62D f mati AnxZ &Z Where n= #4 POAT meen Kin Kx 1a Ring nem Krew Ran | Kean Sia Mo Ray fate 0820 Teas We ey: UY. -= CU, a UY; oe | fe _page 17

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