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“page? Review: FEA as a Galerkin Metho * Strong form of equilibrium equation (small strains) 2 * Introduce test function 1, satisfying 7;=0 on S, multiply strong form and integrate FE (eu Snares Pomare + fit ya Mn, | ¥ anism, + Integrate first term by parts SG GER Av- Panah Jonae=0 oan g yy + Insert interpolation —1,(x)-Sw*@ou? na)? — ot ol (Kaivaw —i*)nf = 0 Kawau = 5% ana an’ —— Kae = [Cm OPO ay = fy" ewar + fnew _page 1— x & MH R s ~ page 2 Topics for todays class * Perspectives on FEA for linear elasticity + FEAas a best approximation method + Conditions for FEA convergence * Problems with standard elements * ‘Shear Locking’ in beam/plate/shell problems + ‘Volumetric locking’ in near-incompressible materials ~ page 2 “pases 5.2 EEA gs a beet apDioximanin method. — % : Ele ; €lashe pe 5 by Pese Let Ube exact soluhjin UA = 2M Uc be the FEA solybin Defrie Elu-n* \ os emor measure a 4 Sfroun enctgy of Yu" FE in im cb aX _page 3 Peet Past: Re-wate & as t = 7 : cA EMU) + Ey") Jeg. (bee * Coat) SU ui Expat J Note: Gre = Chei} _page 4 “page 5 Fu): 6M) +E) Uv > Munarmige PE_of Y = FEA egaahent Pillow _page 5 - 2 page 6 , p 7 2 rr (near elastic. Stale resus wlo pat: see Bathe chap & Jor deavatuvs ci oti SAV eB Ce © mi Daler of hghese fii. afpeating_in Examples 2D/3p Imear_elasticchy Cike dy 4; ol Ey AA => m =/ _page 6. oxe By J pe 1 ; ero ta Z = Beam: |, ee eT 7A ox a m=z _ page? e083) Element she and shape Cot he be sm 2 _ enclosing element fa “largest ‘sphere thet Ff in_elemey Define h= max Shei pz min ( Pe) ket ore hh We can cha that @2 Bid) h*! = pelo 4”! oa ~~ f OO — page 8. “page 9 Ths requires * O ECS mun be boundecdl (2) kam +1 >O x (h> for Imear elesheshy We need C “ conkaicly Ur, ya > Cy ¥* ra cS Me goed) cU OR _page 9 “page 10 boundanes. Fot Beams: at Teast giracla he mntepaatar J 2 2°" Condihm k-m +l >0O For Jin latterly m=l \ R>O lak Least hinga= FE 5 = Ss kD) ‘haih a unde ee ar _page 10 Pest) 5-4 Patch Test" = an engineering fast of a _Solid_ mechanic) element Although pasting pateh Les? coer nak we i convergence, Usually elements x —v| Guatan ee “thet pa_ace OR, othe a7e not Two vem exon Gen meshes (pest several) ty of uteguiar element s Tite? Made, Apply uniform strain freld 40 mesh by constraining ‘bla com: a + uz = CG x Ct) = camstank Strain —page 11 page 12 Dolch ted based iff ka 20 foc_all intedor nodes i A Ao len Solve (AC At intemal] nodes we should get & a YU, = Cy Xe —page 12 “pese13&) Advanced _@/emenk formu batons Shandard Clemente fail in tuo situation QO “Shear Jacking «in beams . © _* Volumetic locking" stn_ near incompeecible mareialy 6 Shear locking OOS e Analytical solution to 2D elasticity problem j (See Chapter 5 of solidmechanics.org for details) > 3p. wy (+y)ax) ‘4Ea°b I 2? 3 = sty Pash aE GEab y= egg Pade. aE aE uy _page 13 pese4 Ty to sole thin wit FEA @ Solve a shel beam aL with, linear element Z 20% i [near Ey nat bo Solubin by fache o /0 @ Guadrake 3 noded elkemenh 4 are ok pease et yee _page 14 | anmememrane

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