1) The document is an admit card for a candidate named Amenul Hoque who is appearing for an examination to fill the post of Lecturer Technical in Civil Engineering.
2) It provides the candidate's personal details like application number, roll number, name, DOB, gender, category, and examination details like date, time, venue etc.
3) The admit card also lists 17 instructions that candidates must follow on the exam day including bringing the admit card and a photo ID, not using electronic devices, following time limits, and maintaining discipline.
1) The document is an admit card for a candidate named Amenul Hoque who is appearing for an examination to fill the post of Lecturer Technical in Civil Engineering.
2) It provides the candidate's personal details like application number, roll number, name, DOB, gender, category, and examination details like date, time, venue etc.
3) The admit card also lists 17 instructions that candidates must follow on the exam day including bringing the admit card and a photo ID, not using electronic devices, following time limits, and maintaining discipline.
1) The document is an admit card for a candidate named Amenul Hoque who is appearing for an examination to fill the post of Lecturer Technical in Civil Engineering.
2) It provides the candidate's personal details like application number, roll number, name, DOB, gender, category, and examination details like date, time, venue etc.
3) The admit card also lists 17 instructions that candidates must follow on the exam day including bringing the admit card and a photo ID, not using electronic devices, following time limits, and maintaining discipline.
1) The document is an admit card for a candidate named Amenul Hoque who is appearing for an examination to fill the post of Lecturer Technical in Civil Engineering.
2) It provides the candidate's personal details like application number, roll number, name, DOB, gender, category, and examination details like date, time, venue etc.
3) The admit card also lists 17 instructions that candidates must follow on the exam day including bringing the admit card and a photo ID, not using electronic devices, following time limits, and maintaining discipline.
Assam Textile Institute Campus, Ambari, Guwahati-781001 ADMIT CARD FOR THE POST OF LECTURER (TECHNICAL) (AESRB-03/2023) Application No. 2330000798 Roll No. LCT110088 Full Name of the Applicant AMENUL HOQUE Name of Father/ Guardian MANTU ALI Name of Mother of the Applicant NUR FATEMA KHATUN Applicant DOB 20/11/1997 Gender MALE Category GENERAL Post Applied LECTURER TECHNICAL CIVIL ENGINEERING Paste a copy of your Examination Time Passport size Examination Date 30/04/2023 matching photograph
Examination Time 9:30 AM to 12:00 NOON
Reporting/entry time at the venue 1.30 HOURS BEFORE EXAMINATION TIME
Examination Venue
Examination Centre Pragjyotish Examination Centre Address Pragjyotish College,Pragjyotish Path, Santipur, Guwahati, Assam,781009
Left hand thumb impression Full Signature of the candidate
of the candidate (To be signed in the presence of Invigilator) Signature of the Invigilator
Instructions to the candidates:
Candidate must read all the instructions carefully 1. All Candidates must bring Admit Card, BLACK BALL-POINT PEN and Photo Identity Cards issued by the Government Authority as a proof of identity inside the Examination Hall. 2. The Admit Card (affixing a passport port size photo) along with at least one photo identity card issued by Governmental Authority such as PAN/ Aadhar Card/ Voter ID/ Driving License etc. (for matching photo with name) in original is essential to enter the examination centre. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the Examination Hall without the Admit Card and it must be produced before the Invigilator when asked 3. Candidates are requested to attend the examination hall at least 30 minutes before the scheduled examination time. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall during the examination hours unless directed to do so by the Invigilators 4. Calculators, cell phones or any electronic gadget or any objectionable materials, erasers (solid or liquid), books, paper etc. are strictly prohibited in the Examination Hall. Possession of any such item in the examination hall will make the candidate liable for disqualification of candidature. 5. After receiving the OMR sheet, the candidate must report to the invigilator if the information details printed on the OMR sheet mismatch with the information printed on the Admit Card. Please note that there will be only one single OMR Answer-Sheet with preprinted Roll No. and photo of the candidate for all the questions. No extra OMR Answer- Sheet will be provided for any mistake or correction. Before use of the OMR Answer Sheet, the candidate has to ensure that the information contained in the OMR related to him/her only. 6. Candidate must correctly enter the Question Booklet Series Code and Question Booklet No. in the in the appropriate place of OMR Answer Sheet by marking in the appropriate circle/bubble. 7. The Candidate shall be asked by the Invigilator to put his/her signature and Left-Hand Thumb Impression on the Attendance Sheet and the OMR Sheet. The candidate shall sign the Attendance Sheet and the OMR Sheet in the same way as s/he signed and uploaded during submission of the Online Application as appeared in the Admit Card. 8. a) Candidate should read the question carefully before marking the right answer in the appropriate circle/bubble of the OMR Answer-Sheet. b) Candidate should not make any stray marks on the OMR Answer-Sheet. c) Scratching, overwriting, tick marking, multiple answering will be considered as wrong answer d) Candidate should not staple, fold, pin, wrinkle or damage the OMR Answer-Sheet. e) Candidate shall not do any rough work in the OMR Answer-Sheet. If any Rough Work is done on the OMR Answer-Sheet, then the same will not be assessed. f) Candidate shall fill the details of the Question Booklet, such as Question Booklet No., Question Booklet Code, etc in the OMR Answer-Sheet carefully... 9. Candidate must remember that the OMR sheets are read electronically. Therefore, only one circle/bubble, either (A), (B), (C) or (D) is to be darkened completely by only BLACK BALL POINT PEN for each answer on the OMR Answer Sheet. The examination conducting authority shall not be responsible for any mistake made by the candidate while filling in information in the OMR Answer Sheet. OMR Answer sheet shall not be replaced under any circumstances, except found defective. 10. Candidates are required to read carefully the instructions mentioned in the First Page (Cover Page) of the Question Booklet 11. a) There are altogether- 75 Multiple-choice Type questions (MCQs). b) Please check the total number of Questions. In case of any discrepancy observed in this regard, please inform the Invigilator for replacement of the Question Booklet. c) Total duration of examination is 02 (two) hours and 30 (Thirty) minutes d) One (1) mark will be awarded for every Correct Answer and for every Wrong Answer, one -fourth (0.25) mark will be deducted. e) No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall temporarily during the Examinations. f) No candidate can leave the designated seat of the Examination Hall till end of the Examination. g) Candidates need to maintain discipline before, during and after the examination. h) The blank spaces and blank sheets attached at the end of the Booklet are to be used for rough calculations/works only. i) Candidate should do all the necessary Rough Work on the Question Booklet in the space provided. j) Drinking water bottle should be transparent. k) The authority the reserve the right to frisk any candidate for security consideration if deemed fit the by examination authority. 12. Candidate has to report immediately if the OMR sheet received is found to be torn/damaged. 13. Candidates required to read carefully the instructions mentioned in the First Page (Cover Page) of the Question Booklet 14. Candidate will have to keep all his/her belongings and materials outside the Examination Hall at his/her own risk. 15. Candidate shall return signed copy of the Admit cardand the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall. 16. Candidature of any candidate will be cancelled if s/he does not follow the guidelines and instructions and if s/he is found to adopt unfair means, in any form as noted by the invigilator/authority. 17. Candidates will be encouraged for use of sanitizers, etc.
Since the Admit Card is Computer generated, Signature of issuing authority is not required