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School of nursing department

of comprehensive nursing
Foundation I nursing for year nursing
1 st

Zewdu Baye( RN,BSN,MSN)
Head, department of comprehensive nursing
Course syllabus and course schedule

Course name =Foundation I

Course title: Fundamental nursing
Course no: Nurs1043
ECTS: 19
Contact hour: 431
Location: science amba
Instructor name: zewdu Baye
Address: email: [email protected]
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Teaching methods
teractive lecture and discussion
• Clinical simulation
mall group discussion
• Video show
ole play
• Demonstration
ase study
• Side lab
edside teaching
• Seminar presentation
• Guided clinical practice

• PBL tutorial
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Methods of Assessment
ormative assessment
2. Clinical and commun
practice = 60 %
BL tutorial reflection and
edback • DOP= 24 %
ogbook • Review of portfolio= 12%
ortfolio • OSCE with oral =18%
mmative assessment • Other (seminar, CBD etc..) 6
ass room based teaching =40% Total =60%
ritten test =25%
DL =15%
= 40%
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Course Policy

Attendance: students are expected to attend all classes. Missin

single class without justifiable reasons would not allow a studen
set on exam.

Assignments: students must do given assignments on time. L

assignment submission will not be accepted.

Cheating/plagiarism: Students must do their own work. Cheat

or Plagiarism will result in disqualification of the result.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Learning objectives

Up on completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

– Define nursing

– Explain the historical development of nursing

– Discus the historical development of nursing in Ethiopia

– Distinguish profession from occupation

– Discus the roles of professional nurses

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

ursing has had a significant effect on people's lives.

s rapid change continues to transform the profession of nur

d health care system.

oday, nurses bring knowledge, leadership, spirit, and vital expe

expanding roles that afford increased participation, responsib
d rewards.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Contemporary nursing practice
n understanding of contemporary nursing pract
ncludes a look at definitions of nursing, recipients
ursing, scope of nursing, settings of nursing practi
urse practice acts, and current standards of clinical nurs


4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Certain themes are common to many of these
Nursing is caring.

Nursing is an art.

Nursing is a science.

Nursing is client centered.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Nursing is holistic.

Nursing is adaptive.

Nursing is concerned with health promotion, health

maintenance, and health restoration.

Nursing is a helping profession.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

he Recipients of Nursing- are sometimes called consumer
sometimes patients, and sometimes clients.

patient is a person who is waiting for or undergoing medic

treatment and care.

raditionally, the person receiving health care has been called


4/2018 Zewdu Baye

client -is a person who engages the advice or services o
nother who is qualified to provide this service.

he term client presents the receivers of health care a

ollaborators in the care, that is, as people who are als
sponsible for their own health.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye


rses provide care for three types of clients: individu

milies, and communities.

rsing practice involves four areas: promoting health a

ellness, preventing illness, restoring health, and care of

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Promoting Health and Wellness

Wellness is a state of well-being.

It means engaging in attitudes and behavior that enhanc

the quality of life and maximize personal potential.

Nurses promote wellness in clients who are bo

healthy and ill.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

This may involve individual and community activities
enhance healthy life styles, such as improving nutrition an
physical fitness, preventing drug and alcohol misuse, restrictin
smoking, and preventing accidents and injury in the home an

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Preventing Illness
he goal of illness preventing programs is to maintain optim

health by preventing disease.

ursing activities that prevent illness include immunization

prenatal and infant care, and prevention of sexually transmitte

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Restoring Health

Focuses on the ill client and it extends from ear

detection of disease through helping the client during th
recovery period .

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Nursing Activities

Providing direct care to the ill person, such

administering medications, baths, and specific procedu
and treatments.

Performing diagnostic and assessment procedures, su

as measuring blood pressure and examining feces
occult blood.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Consulting with other health care professionals abo
client problems.
Teaching clients about recovery activities, such a
exercises that will accelerate recovery after a stroke.
Rehabilitating clients to their optimal functional lev
following physical or mental illness, injury, o
chemical addiction.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Care of the Dying

This area of nursing practice involves comforting an

caring for people of all ages who are dying.

It includes helping clients live as comfortably as possib

until death and helping support person cope with death.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice

Establishing and implementing standards o

practice are major functions of a professiona


4/2018 Zewdu Baye

(ANA) Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice:

Assessment: the nurse collects patient health data.

Diagnosis: the nurse analyzes the assessment data in determi


Outcome identification: The nurse identifies expected outco

individualized to the patient.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Planning: the nurse develops a plan of care that prescrib
interventions to attain expected outcomes.

Implementation: the nurse implements the interventio

identified in the plan of care.

Evaluation: the nurse evaluates the patients progress towa

attainment of outcomes.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

ole and Functions of the professional nurse
Care provider
Communicator / Helper
Client advocate
Change agent

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

es and Function of professional nurse

Caregiver encompasses the physical, psychosocia

evelopmental, cultural, and spiritual levels.

he nursing process provides nurses with a framework fo

oviding care.

nurse may provide care directly or delegate it to oth

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Roles and Function of professional nurse


Communication is integral to all nursing roles.

Nurses communicate with the client, support person

other health professionals, and people in the community

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Roles and Function of professional nurse

3. Teacher

As a teacher, the nurse helps clients learn about the

health and the health care procedures they need t

perform to restore or maintain their health.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
oles and Function of professional nurse

Client advocate

client advocate acts to protect the client.

n this role the nurse may represent the client's needs and wis
o other health professionals, such as relaying the client's wis
or information to the physician.

hey also assist clients in exercising their rights and help th

peak up for themselves.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Roles and Function of professional nurse

Counseling is the process of helping a client to recognize an

cope with stressful psychological or social problems, to develo
improved interpersonal relationships, and to promote person

It involves providing emotional, intellectual, and psychologic

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
oles and Function of professional nurse
Change agent

he nurse acts as a change agent when assisting others, that i

ients, to make modifications in their own behavior.

urses also often act to make changes in a system, such

inical care, if it is not helping a client return to health.

urses are continually dealing with change in the health ca

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
oles and Function of professional nurse

. Leader

A leader influences others to work together to accomplish

specific goal.

The leader role can be employed at different levels: individu

client, family, groups of clients, colleagues, or the communi

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

oles and Function of professional nurse


he nurse manages the nursing care of individuals, familie

nd communities.

he nurse manager also delegates nursing activities to oth

urses, and supervises and evaluates their performance.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Roles and Function of professional nurse
Research consumer
urses often use research to improve client care. In a clinical are
nurses need to:

Awareness of the process and language of research.

Be sensitive to rights of human subjects.

Identification of significant researchable problems.

Be a discriminating consumer of research findings.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Modern definition Nursing

Florence Nightingale

e act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist h

his recovery" (Nightingale, 1860).

htingale considered a clean, well-ventilated, and q

vironment essential for recovery.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Modern definition Nursing

Virginia Henderson (1966)

e was stated that "The unique function of the nurse is

ssist the individual, sick or well, in the performance
hose activities contributing to health or its recovery
o peaceful death)".

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

odern definition Nursing


Protection, promotion and optimization of health and abiliti

prevention of illness and injury, alleviations of suffering throu
the diagnosis and treatment of human response… (ANA, 2003

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of modern nursing
ligion and civilization aspect of nursing

he Catholic Religious Congregations

When Napoleon saw the bad conditions in hospitals, he permitted groups
edicated females to start religious congregations in order to care for the
his call received good response and all over Europe new congregations
ew up.
mong the prominent ones were: The Sisters of Charity (Vincent de Pau
nd the Sisters of Boromaeus.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Historical development of modern nursing
rsuline Sisters of Quebec organized the first training for
urses in American continent.

n 1639, three Augustinian nuns arrived in Quebec to staff the

otel Dieu which opened that year.

he Ursuline Sisters, an order of teaching nuns who accompanie

e Augustinians from France, are credited with attempting to
rganize the first training for nurses on this continent.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Historical development of modern nursing

imulated by the catholic sisters, Theodor Fliedner, a Lutheran pastor and his
tablished a hospital where women of good character were trained as deacone

hey cared the sick and young children in both hospitals & homes.

hey got practical instructions from the pastor’s wife, theoretical nur
ssons from the physicians, and ethical lectures from the pastor.

heodore Flender revived the deaconess movement and opened a Schoo

aiserwerth, Germany, which was training nurses.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Historical development of modern nursing

he Red Cross Society was founded in Geneva in 1863 by a Swiss bank

anager called Henri Dunant.

s goal has been and still is to train nurses in times of peace in order to
ble to care for the wounded in times of war.

any girls were trained and were organized into associations

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of modern nursing
ntil the 1800s, nursing had been closely connected with church
lated organizations and hospitals.
ursing was not organized into a profession, and the training of
urses was not based on educational principles, patient needs,
or health based practices.
Most of the training was apprenticeship
y the middle of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century
ursing services started to be delivered by civil nurses - women
ho did not belong to religious congregations.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Historical development of nursing in Ethio pia
n ancient times of Ethiopia, illness was considered to be
unishment from sins or magic.

Most tribes and people had a medicine man or women called

Hakims" or Wegesha" who performed ritual, using various
ants and herbs to heal the sick.

he religious people were also providing care for the sick or

njured in the monks' hospital in Debrelibanos.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
n late 19th century before nurses training started, foreign nurs
ere practicing in the health care delivery system of Ethiopia

Modern nursing in Ethiopia started in the later part of the 19th

entury by Swedish Missionaries who came to Eritrea

rom 1866 Swedish missionaries, teachers, doctors and nurses

ame to Eritrea.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
one group around 1909 there was a nurse named Roza holmer.
hey had a child, born in Eritrea, named Karin who also became a nurse (S
arin Holmer,1917) and returned to Ethiopia and opened the first school of
ursing (The Ethiopian Red Cross).
ears later the nursing service was extended to other parts of the country sti
y expatriate nurses from Sweden, Russia, and France.
hus the need for nurses was felt more than ever.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
1908, Emperor Menelik II established the 1st Governmental public hea
rvices, now known as Ministry of health, which is established in 1948

1909, the first hospital Menelik II was built in Ethiopia.

ter on his Imperial Majesty Hailesilassie established different hospitals i

ferent regions including Addis Ababa.

e first clinic was established at the hot spring at Eilet near Massawa in
ich sick people used to come for bathing.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
he Dejasmatch Balcha Hospital was established in 1948 under the
greement with Soviet Red Cross.

ning of Nursing/Medical personnel and Ethiopian nurses

rst training in the public health personnel consisted of auxiliary med

aining in several hospitals and missions.

he growth of hospitals made it necessary to start the training of Ethiopia

assist in staffing hospitals and clinics.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
s a first step training, facilities for medical auxiliary person
ere made available in the Menelik II Hospital.

round 1928 elderly women were recruited and were given s

rm training to serve as nurses and midwives.

rincess Tsehai, the emperor youngest daughter was the f

raduated national nurse from Orm and street hospital London

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
1949 the first School of Nursing (The Ethiopian Red Cross) was ope
private Hospital Bet-Saida which later changed to Hailes Silass

hen during the Derg regime, this hospital is changed its name to Yekati
ospital, which still exists

udents were recruited from 8th grade and the training duration was 3 ½
ears then the requirement was changed to 10th-12th grade and staying 2
ears (Diploma).

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
n 1950, the school of nursing was established at Empress
ewditu memorial hospital for male and female nurses.

he Princes Tsehai Memorial Hospital was opened in 1951, as a

ibute initially from the British people as friendships with Ethio
nd with strong Ethiopian participation as memorial to late princ
sehai now known as Army Hospital.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
n 1951, two school of Nursing was established: one at the princ
sehai memorial only for female nurses and the other one was i
ekemt at the Teferie Mekonnen Hospital.

n March 1953, the first eight nurses from Ethiopian Red Cros
ursing and nine from Empress Zewditu memorial hospital we

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
1954 the Gondar public Health College and training center(The cur
ondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences) opened and gave traini
community nurses.

1958 fifteen (15) community nurses graduated from this center.

hose community nurses graduated from Gondar were basically working

e community while the other schools train bed side nurses who work
ainly in hospital settings.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Historical development of nursing in Ethiopia
he Baccalaureate degree Program was started in Jimma University in
993 .

ater on the Programme continued in Dilla (Now Hawassa University),

lemaya (Now Haromaya University) and (University of Gondar),…

he Masters Program has been proposed in September, 2005 in Ethiopi

ddis Ababa University and

niversity of Gondar was also launch the Master program in nursing in

eptember 2011
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
Nursing Ethiopia….
• Educational preparation of nurses at baccalaureate level

– Contribute primarily towards the health need of the

community and needs constant attention

– Supported by new education system (expansion) and

training policy of 1994 (FDRE) to revitalized the
immediate need of health workers

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Nursing Ethiopia….
s nursing is a practice-oriented and considering the minimum internationally
cceptable standard (India, Kenya and Tanzania)

– Duration of the nursing course shall be four years for generic (regular) students

– Competency can be achieved by an ongoing integration of theory & practice

followed by an internship or professional practice
• Community team training
• Hospital setting based
urses also deal with preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative roles.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Nursing as a Profession rather than occupation

A profession:

– Requires special knowledge & skilled preparation.

– Distinguished from other kinds of occupation by:

• Require prolonged specialized training(to acquire knowledge

pertinent to the role to be performed

• Orientation of the individual to ward service, either to community o


4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Criteria of a profession
arries great individual responsibility and based on theoretical knowledge.

practical, in addition to being theoretical

rivilege to practice is granted only after completing a standardized program of high

ecialized education

ody of specialized knowledge is continually developed and evaluated throu


Members are self organized and collectively assume the responsibility of establishi
andards for education and practice.

as practitioners who are motivated by altruism (the desire to help others) and who a
sponsive to public interests.
4/2018 Zewdu Baye
ession Occupation

ation takes place in College/university Training may occur on job

ation is definite and prolonged Length of training varies

e beliefs, and Ethics are Value, beliefs and Ethics are not Prom
ral part of preparation features of preparation

mitment & personal identification are strong Commitment & personal Identification vary

le unlikely to change professions. People often change jobs

untability rests with individual Accountability rests with employer

sion making is based largely on science or Decision making is guided largely by exper
etical constructs (evidence-based practice). or by trial and error.

4/2018 Zewdu Baye

Many Thanks!

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