Draft Technical Notes SGLG 2023 - National Orientation
Draft Technical Notes SGLG 2023 - National Orientation
Draft Technical Notes SGLG 2023 - National Orientation
Uphold the practice of fiscal discipline and sustainability, and transparency and accountability in the use of public funds
Indicator Relevance/ Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement
1. Audit Opinion + This refers to the opinion rendered by the ● LGU’s Most Recent Annual Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
30% of Commission on Audit (COA) based on the Audit Report by the
recommendations fairness of the financial statements Commission as of June 30, 1. Most recent COA Audit
fully complied with prepared by a government entity at the 2023 Opinion that is unmodified or
end of each fiscal year. All government ● List of official audit qualified; AND
entities, including local government units opinions from COA 2. 30% of
(LGUs), are mandated to prepare financial website recommendations fully
statements following the accounting complied with
standards prescribed by COA, in
accordance with generally accepted
standards for public sector institutions.
Types of opinion:
● Unmodified - signifies that a clear
opinion is rendered which means that
the financial statements present fairly,
in all material aspects, the results of
the operations and the financial
condition of the LGU for the period
and date indicated, based on existing
government standards, and in
compliance with government laws,
rules and regulations.
● Qualified - Indicates that certain
material transactions and/or accounts
have been found to be improper, are
questionable or are requiring more
solid justifications and therefore have
not been passed in audit. The
transactions and/or accounts under
questions, however, are not so
significant relative to the total
operations of the subject entity, as to
fully negate other aspects of
operations which were found to be in
● Adverse - Reveals that the financial
Prevent and prepare for disasters, whether natural or human-induced, in order to strengthen their resilience
1.1 Composition (a) On LDRRMC composition, pursuant ● Executive Order, Ordinance, Provinces, cities, and municipalities
to Rule 5, Sec. 2 and 3 of the IRR of or similar issuance creating should have LDRRMC Members
R.A. No. 10121, council members the LDRRMC (Composition including, in addition to heads from
must include heads from different compliant to section 11 of different government and non-
specified government and non- RA10121 particularly non- government offices:
government offices, as well as: state stakeholders, i.e. CSOs 1. At least four (4) accredited
● Four (4) accredited CSO and Private Sector) CSO members; AND
members; and ● Certificates of Accreditation 2. At least one (1) private sector
● One (1) representative from the or Certification of Selection member.
private sector.
1.2 Meetings (b) On LDRRMC meetings, Rule 5, ● LDRRMC Notice of Meetings, Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Section 5 states that meetings “shall Agenda, and Minutes of the LDRRMC Meetings must have been
be held every three months” to ensure Meetings for CY 2022 convened at least once during every
that the councils would be more able quarter of CY 2022
to perform their duties in protecting
the integrity of their LGUs’ DRRM
programs and initiatives.
2. Established Local Compliance with minimum requirements Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Disaster Risk of establishing an LDRRM Office Must meet relevant standards under
Reduction and responsible for the development and 2.a, 2.b, and 2.c.
Management implementation of programs or strategies
Office relative to disaster risk reduction pursuant
(LDRRMO) to Sec. 12 of RA 10121 and NDRRMC-
Implementing Guidelines for the
Establishment of LDRRM Offices or
Barangay DRRM Committee in LGUs.
a. Local (a) On LDRRMO Head – NDRRMC- ● Appointment of LDRRM Provinces and cities except for Manila
Disaster Risk DILG-DBM-CCC JMC 2014-1 Officer with CSC attestation and Quezon City:
Reduction provides for the creation of a ● Copy of CSC Resolution ⮚ LDRRMO Heads must:
and permanent (plantilla) position for a granting the LGU authority 1. Hold plantilla position
Management Local DRRM Officer serving as head to take final action on its (LDRRMO IV); and
Officer of the LDRRM Office. It also specifies appointment 2. Receive at least SG 22.
(Head of the corresponding salary grade per ● Letter for CSC Field Office
Office) LGU type and the minimum transmitting copy, and Special cities (Manila & Quezon City):
qualification standards for the requesting attestation, of ⮚ LDRRMO Head must:
position. appointment, in case LGU 1. Hold plantilla position
is not accredited (LDRRMO V); and
2. Receive at least SG 24.
For cases with consideration:
● Appointment documents of 1st to 3rd class municipalities:
retired/resigned LDRRMO ⮚ LDRRMO Head must:
Head (attested/approved 1. Hold plantilla position
thru CSC Resolution on (LDRRMO III); and
Authority to approve 2. Receive at least SG 18.
● Proof of separation from 4th to 6th class municipalities:
service, e.g. Request for ⮚ LDRRMO Head must:
retirement / Letter of 1. Hold plantilla position
resignation, other personnel (LDRRMO II); and
office records 2. Receive at least SG 15.
● Proof of posting of vacancy
● Executive Order or similar Consideration is given to an LGU with
issuance for designation of an appointed LDRRMO (Head of
LDRRMO Head Office) with temporary status; provided
that said temporary appointment:
a. Has not exceeded one (1) year
b. Has the prescribed salary
grade; and
c. Is CSC-attested.
The LCCAP sets out the strategies of an For succeeding SGLG and GK
LGU to mitigate and adapt to the impacts assessments in CY 2024 or CY
of climate change. Depending on the 2025, integration of GHG inventory
planning scenarios in the LGUs, the in LCCAP may be included in the
LCCAP may either be integrated into the minimum requirement for this
PDPFP/CLUP/CDP or it may be a stand- indicator.
alone document. To enhance their plans,
LGUs are also strongly encouraged to The LGUs are also reminded to
develop a greenhouse gas (GHG) submit their AIP to CCC. For CY
Inventory. This activity can support better 2024 or CY 2025, SGLG and GK
planning for mitigation options that LGUs may start looking into the presence
can implement. LGUs may utilize the of CCET in AIP as confirmed by the
Community-Level GHG Inventory for Local CCC. Hence, LGUs are reminded
Government Units in the Philippines User’s to submit their CY 2024 AIPs
Manual in preparing their GHG. ahead.
Sec 14 of the R.A. 9729 also states that LGUs are strongly encouraged to
local government units shall furnish the initiate preparatory actions for these
Climate Change Commission (CCC) proposed upgrades.
copies of their Local Climate Change
Action Plans (LCCAPs) and all subsequent
amendments, modifications, and revisions
Updating of Code entails setting aside In the case of cities and municipalities,
existing ordinances and resolutions on Children’s Code is already subsumed
this sector because these: have already under CFLGA.
been repealed or amended;
other ordinances; contrary to national
laws and policies; and generally,
modification to remain responsive to
demands of current realities.
5. LGU Efforts on Republic Act No. 10410 highlights the ● ECCD-IS Report on the Child Cities and municipalities: Must have all of
Early Childhood crucial role of LGUs in initiating Profile encoding/uploading per the following:
Care and programs on Early Childhood Care and LGU nationwide from DSWD CO 1. Encoding of ECCD Child Profiles
Development Development (ECCD). ● Report on - Supplementary of 80% of all enrolled children in
(ECCD) Feeding Program (SFP) CDCs in the ECCD-Information
(a) To help the DSWD in identifying Implementation Cycle 11 per LGU System (SY 2021-2022) until
means of supporting LGU’s efforts, from DSWD* March 31, 2023.
it has created the Early Childhood ● DSWD Field Office Terminal
Care and Development - Report on SFP (which reflects the 2. 100% accomplishment rate in the
Information System (ECCD-IS). It is nutritional status of children) - for implementation of the
an automated monitoring and 2023 Supplementary Feeding Program
(SFP) Implementation Cycle 11
reporting system that generates
*100% accomplishment means all as of March 31, 2023.
reliable, comprehensive, and timely
children in CDCs and SNP are
information on the ECCD Program provided with hot meals from the SFP
which are valuable for effective of DSWD, excluding locally-funded
monitoring and evaluation, as well feeding programs.
as for social protection program
and policy development, plan
formulation, standards-setting, and
service delivery improvement.
2. Walkways
● Gradient no more than 1:20 or 5%
● Maximum cross gradient of 1:100
● Minimum width of 1.20 meters
● If possible, gratings should never
be located along walkways. When
occurring along walkways, grating
openings should have a maximum
dimension of 13 mm x 13 mm and
shall not project more than 6.5 mm
above the level of the walkway
● Continuing surface without abrupt
pitches in angle or interruptions by
cracks or breaks creating edges
above 6.50 mm
● In lengthy or busy walkways,
spaces should be provided at
some point along the route so that
a wheelchair may pass another or
turn around. These spaces should
have a minimum dimension of
1.50m and should be spaced at a
maximum distance of 12:00 m
between stops
● To guide the blind, walkways
should as much as possible follow
straightforward routes with right
angle turns
● Ensure branches of trees or
shrubs do not overhang walkways
or paths, as not only do these
present a particular danger to the
● Walkway headroom should not be
less than 2.0 m and preferably
● Passageways for the disabled
should not be obstructed by street
furniture, bollards, sign posts or
columns along the defined route
3. Corridors
● Corridors shall have a minimum
clear width of 1.20 m; waiting
areas and other facilities or spaces
shall not obstruct the minimum
clearance requirement
● Recesses or turnabout spaces
should be provided for wheelchairs
to turn around or to enable another
wheelchair to pass; these spaces
shall have a minimum area of
1.50m x 1.50m and shall be
spaced at a maximum of 12.00 m
● Turnabout spaces should also be
provided at or within 3.50 m. of
every dead end
● As in walkways, corridors should
be maintained level and provided
with a slip resistant surface
6. Ramps
● Changes in level require a ramp
except when served by a dropped
curb, an elevator or other
mechanical device
● Ramps shall have a minimum
clear width of 1.20 m
● The maximum gradient shall be
● The length of a ramp should not
exceed 6:00 m. if the gradient is
1:12; longer ramps whose gradient
is 1:12 shall be provided with
landings not less than 1.50 m.
● A level area not less than 1.80 m.
should be provided at the top and
bottom of any ramp
● Handrails will be provided on both
sides of the ramp at 0.70m. and
0.90 m. from the ramp level
● Ramps shall be equipped with
curbs on both sides with a
minimum height of 0.10 m.
● Any ramp with a rise greater than
0.20 m. and leads down towards
an area where vehicular traffic is
possible, should have a railing
across the full width of its lower
end, not less than 1.80 meters
from the foot of the ramp.
7. Parking areas
● Parking spaces for the disabled
should allow enough space for a
person to transfer to a wheelchair
from a vehicle
● Accessible parking spaces should
be located as close as possible to
building entrances or to accessible
● Whenever and wherever possible,
accessible parking spaces should
be perpendicular or to an angle to
the road or circulation aisles
● Accessible parking slots should
have a minimum width of 3.70 m
● A walkway from accessible spaces
of 1.20 m. clear width shall be
provided between the front ends of
parked cars
● Provide dropped curbs or curb cut-
outs to the parking level where
access walkways are raised
● Pavement markings, signs or other
means shall be provided to
delineate parking spaces for the
● Parking spaces for the disabled
should never be located at ramped
or sloping areas
1-25 1
26-50 2
51-75 3
76-100 4
101-150 5
151-200 6
201-300 7
301-400 8
401-500 9
501-1000 2% of total
Total number of Required
parking slots number of
parking slots
1-25 1
26-50 2
51-75 3
76-100 4
101-150 5
151-200 6
201-300 7
301-400 8
401-500 9
9. Handrails
● Handrails should be installed at
both sides of ramps and stairs and
at the outer edges of dropped
curbs. Handrails at dropped curbs
should not be installed beyond the
width of any crossing so as not to
obstruct pedestrian flow
● Handrails shall be installed at
0.90m and 0.70m above steps or
ramps. Handrails for protection at
great heights may be installed at
1.0m to 1.06m.
● A 0.30 m long extension of the
handrail should be provided at the
start and end of ramps and stairs
● Handrails that require full grip
should have a dimension of 30mm
to 50 mm
● Handrails attached to walls should
have a clearance no less than
50mm from the wall. Handrails on
ledges should have a clearance
not less than 40mm.
14. Signages
● Directional and information sign
should be located at points
conveniently seen even by a
person on a wheelchair and those
with visual impairments
● Signs should be kept simple and
easy to understand; signages
should be made of contrasting
colors and contrasting gray matter
to make detection and reading
● The international symbol for
access should be used to
designate routes and facilities that
are accessible
● Should a sign protrude into a
walkway or route, a minimum
headroom of 2.0 meters should be
● Signs on walls and doors should
be located at a maximum height of
1.60m. and a minimum height of
● Signages labelling public rooms
and places should have raised
symbols, letters or numbers with
minimum height of 1 mm; braille
symbols should be included in
signs indicating public places and
safety routes
● Text on signboards shall be of a
dimension that people with less
than normal visual acuity can read
at a certain distance
9. Established Republic Act No. 7876 or the Senior ● LGUs’ actual Senior Citizens Cities and municipalities: at least 1 SCC
Senior Citizens Citizens Center Act mandates that Center either as LGU-owned facility or managed
Center (SCC) there should be an established senior ● List of SCC from DSWD- in partnership with DSWD, other LGU, or
citizens center in every Standards Bureau private organization
city/municipality. The center serves as ● MOA between LGU and partner
a venue for the enjoyment and benefit organization managing the
of the senior citizens’ sector.
● Certified Form 2E (Photo
Expanded Senior Citizens Act (IRR of
RA 9994) defines a Senior Citizens documentation)
Center as a place with recreational,
educational, health and social programs
and facilities designed for the full
enjoyment and benefit of the senior
citizens in the city or municipality. It can
be any available structure, a spacious
room in a private or public building, a
room attached to a community center, a
barangay hall or chapel.
Upholding Indigenous Peoples Representation in local decision-making bodies
10. Indigenous Participation of indigenous peoples in ● NCIP List of LGUs with Certificate Provinces, cities and municipalities whose
Peoples Mandatory local governance particularly in the of Affirmation IPMR has COA and all of the following
Representation Sanggunian pursuant to RA 8371 or the ● Certificate of Affirmation (CoA) requirements met:
(IPMR) in the IPRA Law, DILG MC 2010-119, DILG- received by IPMR 1. IPMR is seated in the Sanggunian,
Sanggunian NCIP JMC series of 2011, and NCIP ● At least one payroll in CY 2022 2. IPMR receives compensation and
Administrative Order No. 3, s. 2018 and CY 2023 other regular benefits of a
● Minutes of the Meetings in CY Sanggunian Member, and
2022 and CY 2023 3. IPMR attends meetings/sessions as
● List of LGUs with Certificate of indicated in the Minutes.
Affirmation from NCIP Consideration may be given to an LGU
● In case CoA has already lapsed, with
an NCIP-RO Certificate of Hold- extenuating circumstances, subject to the
over Authority CGLG deliberation
Support to decent shelter for all and low-cost housing
11. Absence of Local Government Code of 1991 ● Status or accomplishment report Cities: No illegal dwelling units OR
illegal dwelling units (Republic Act No. 7160) and the Urban on housing projects for CY 2022 at least 70% accomplishment of CY 2022
OR LGU efforts to Development and Housing Act of 1992 target, as indicated in the Plan, or targets in the approved City Shelter Plan
address informal (Republic Act No. 7279) stipulates the resettlement PPAs contained in or resettlement PPAs contained in the
settlements mandate of LGUs to provide for the 2022 AIP (Certified Form 2H AIP
(for cities only) housing needs of “homeless Planning and Development Office)
constituents.” Consideration is given to a city with an
● Certification of LPDC on the
presence of informal settlers and office, task force/board or similar entity;
efforts against informal an approved Local Shelter Plan; OR
settlements (Certified Form 2H ordinance prohibiting illegal
Planning and Development Office) settlements/supporting relocation and/or
● Resolution adopting the City reintegration of informal settlers
Shelter Plan
● Ordinance, EO or similar issuance
creating a Housing Office or task
force/board for the control,
prevention or removal of illegal
dwelling units as well as, lead in
implementation of housing/ human
settlements projects
● Ordinance prohibiting illegal
settlements, and supporting
relocation and/or reintegrating
informal settlers
Considering the magnitude of the Exemption: In the case where the head of
LSWDO operations, adequate benefits Office was hired prior to enactment of RA
shall be afforded to its personnel. RA
9433 or the Magna Carta for Social
No. 9433 or the Magna Carta for Public
Workers in April 11, 2007; there must be
Social Workers provides the list of
benefits that should be enjoyed by at least a RSW working as a technical
social workers. staff in the office
B. Physical Characteristics
● Systems in the facility are
implemented to ensure that
adolescents are knowledgeable
about their health and
development needs and how to
access the services
● The Teen Center facility bears
dual purpose in the sense that it
accommodates both
unstructured social interaction
sessions among different or the
same teenage groups and
structured knowledge, skills and
attitude building or training
workshops in a supervised and
controlled condition
● The health facility has
convenient operating hours and
an adolescent-friendly
environment that maintains
privacy and confidentiality
For Profiling
Comprehensive Sec. 18 of RA 9344 as amended ● JJWC list of LGUs with CLJIP Cities and municipalities: At least 30% of
Local Juvenile requires all LGUs to develop a barangays with approved Comprehensive
Intervention Comprehensive Juvenile Intervention Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program
Program Program covering at least a 3-year (CBJIP)
period shall be instituted in LGUs from
the barangay to the provincial level.
Integration of the RA 8371 or the Indigenous Peoples ● NCIP list of IP communities with For provinces, cities, and municipalities
Ancestral Domain Rights Act of 1997 mandates the ADSDPPs and hard copies of the with IP presence:
Sustainable preparation and adoption of ADSDPPs same
Development and by ICCs/IPs in accordance with their ● Local Development Plan with ADSDPP integrated in the Local
Protection Plan customary practices, laws and ADSDPP integrated Development Plan
(ADSDPP) or traditions. ● LGU supported project in
components therein The ADSDPP should contain the
conjunction with the ADSDPP
in the Local following basic information:
Development Plan a) Manner by which the ICCs/IPs will
protect the domains;
b) Kind or type of development
adopted and decided by the ICCs/IPs,
relation to livelihood, education,
infrastructure, self-governance,
environment, natural resources, culture
and other practical development
c) Basic community policies covering
implementation of all forms of
development activities in the area; and
d) Basic management system, including
the sharing of benefits and
responsibilities among members of the
concerned ICC/IP community. The
ICCs/IPs shall submit to the municipal
and provincial government unit having
territorial and political jurisdiction over
them their ADSDPP in order for the
said LGU to adopt and incorporate the
same in the Municipal Development
Plan, Municipal Annual Investment
Plan, Provincial Development Plan, and
Provincial Annual Investment Plan.
Under Resolution Number 07-134.2018
of the National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), the
ADSDPP is the consolidation of the
plans of ICCs/IPs with an ancestral
domain for the sustainable
management and development of their
land and natural resources based on
their indigenous knowledge, systems
and practices.
Provinces, HUCs, and ICCs: Indicator No. 1 + any 2 from Indicators No. 2 to No. 8
Component Cities and Municipalities: Indicator No. 1 + any 1 from Indicators No. 2 to No. 8
1. MANDATORY The LIPH integrates health plans at all Local Government Unit Health For 2023 SGLG, Province/ HUC/ ICC,
REQUIREMENT: levels, covering both strategic and Scorecard (LGU HSC) CY 2021 Mun/CC with Concurred 2022 AOP
operational (annual) planning that
With complete promotes inter-LGU cooperation and Note: In case of inconsistency Province/ HUC/ ICC
Local Investment collaboration. LIPH refers to a medium- between LGU and DOH data, LGU ● 2022 AOP concurred by the
Plan for Health term public investment plan for health must fill-out the Data Change CHD Director/ MOH BARMM
(LIPH) that specifies the strategic direction for Request (DCR) Form for further Minister or designated
the next three years in terms of verification. Data Change Request representative not later than
improving health service delivery, shall only be accepted in case of December 15, 2021
strengthening the health systems clerical and encoding errors. It
operations and addressing social shall follow the process provided Municipality/ Component City
determinants of health. It also specifies under DOH Department ● AOP endorsed by the Mun/ CC
the actions and commitments of the Memorandum No. 2023-0044. Below Health Office and/or Mayor to the
different local stakeholders to realize are the acceptable MOVs that will be PHO not later than December 31,
these. The AOP translates the details of presented and submitted with the 2021
LIPH on a yearly basis. DCR:
Implement education reforms and programs to support the vision of quality education for all
Consistent with Section 7 (e) of Republic Act No. 11292 otherwise known as the Seal of Good Local Governance Act of 2019, compliance with the following indicators shall
establish the initiatives of an LGU to institute education reforms and programs, provide equal access to education, promote life-long opportunities for all, foster sports
development and instill leadership and patriotism among the youth, as demonstrated by positive changes in the behavior and performance of individual citizens and the
community as a whole.
1. Functional Local This indicator looks into LGU’s compliance ● Executive Order or similar Provinces, cities and municipalities:
School Board with the organization of a Local School issuance creating the LSB 1. An organized LSB that complies
Board (LSB) in compliance with Sec. 98 of ● Minutes of the meeting of the “mandatory membership
Local Government Code (LGC). LSB in CY 2022 provision” under Section 98 of
● Certified Form 2D the LGC
LSB is composed of the Local Chief accomplished by Schools 2. Met at least once a month (or as
Executive and the division/district Division Superintendent or often as necessary) in CY 2022
superintendent/ supervisor of schools as District Supervisor to certify
co-chairs; the chair of the education if monthly meetings are
committee of the Sanggunian, the local conducted
treasurer, the representative of the
pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang
Kabataan in the Sanggunian, the duly
elected president of the
provincial/city/municipal federation of
parents-teachers’ organization in the LGU,
the duly elected representative of the
teachers’ organization in the LGU, and the
duly elected representative of the non-
academic personnel of public schools in
the LGU, as members.
4. LGU-initiated This indicator encourages the alignment of ● Certificate Form CM/P 2D Provinces, cities and municipalities: At
planned reforms LGU’s PAPs for education with the local (Certification from DepEd least 2 PAPs for CY 2023 indicated in
aligned with identified priority education reform areas determined Representative). The DepEd the LGU’s LDIP/AIP or SEF
local priority education by the DepEd through its Division Division Supervisor/District Budget/LSB Plan that are aligned with
reform areas Education Development Plan (DEDP) or Supervisor shall identify the local priority education reform areas
School Improvement Plan (SIP) and LGU PAPs present in the of DepEd as provided under the
Annual Improvement Plan (AIP). approved investment DEDP/SIP/AIP.
program/SEF budget
preparation form that are
aligned with the
● LGUs to submit their LDIP
and AIP to their DepEd
District/Division Office for
the issuance of Certified
Form 2D.
● Approved SEF Budget
Preparation Form No. 01
5. Support to programs RA 11292 or “The Seal of Good Local ● Accomplishment Report Provinces, cities and municipalities: At
and projects that Governance Act of 2019,” encourages from the LGU least 2 PPAs in CY 2022 that promote
promote inclusive LGUs to provide support to reforms that ● DepEd reports on program inclusive education
education in CY 2022 promote inclusive education. implementation review and
other data from concerned
Meaningful support to promote inclusive DepEd Central, Regional
education should include the provision of and Division Offices
financial support, school materials, and ● Other relevant reports from
technical assistance; promotion of the concerned government
programs; provision of scholarships; agencies (e.g., NCCDA,
conduct of webinar/seminar; and building NCIP, DSWD, DPWH)
of facilities, among others, in relation to:
● Programs for the Gifted and
● Programs for Learners with
● Madrasah and ALIVE Program
● Indigenous People Education
● Special Education
● Alternative Learning System
● Parent effectiveness service
● Family or community livelihood
project or similar programs that
supports school age children’s
● Establishment and maintenance of
Child Development Centers
Positive Impact of Education Reforms
[FOR PROFILING] To fulfill their role in protecting and ● Data from DepEd District/ Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Improvement in Pupils’ promoting the rights of citizens to quality Division Office (Certified Data on the following in SY 2021-2022
Performance Indicators basic education, as specified in RA 9155 Form 2D.2 or 2D.3 from must be higher than SY 2020-2021:
and in Section 7 (e) of RA 11292, the DepEd Representative) 1. Participation Rate / Net
LGUs should have interventions to ● For municipalities and cities Enrollment Rate
improve the pupil performance indicator on with no DepEd City SDO 2. Cohort Survival Rate
enrollment rate, cohort survival rate, drop- and have multiple DepEd 3. Completion Rate
out rate and out-of-school youth. District Offices, LPDO shall 4. Net Intake Rate
compute the city/municipal
This indicator shall highlight the impact of average based on all Provinces, cities and municipalities:
these interventions in improving the pupils’ Certified Form 2D.3. To Data on the following in SY 2021-2022
performance indicators. compute: Sum of the Rate must be lower than SY 2020-2021:
Recorded in each District 1. Presence of Out-Of-School
Office / Number of District Youth (OSY)
Offices (Certified Form 2H) 2. Incidence of Bullying
● Data on participation rate in 3. Dropout Rate / School Leaver
SY 2021-2022 and SY Rate
2020-2021 from DepEd
● Data on cohort survival rate
in SY 2021-2022 and SY
2020-2021 from DepEd
Enable pro-competitive policies and interventions, and facilitate ease of doing business
Indicator Relevance/ Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement
1a. Finalist of the Recognition of the LGU’s exceptional and ● Recognition received from Provinces, cities and municipalities:
PCCI's Most Business- substantial efforts and practices in PCCI 2022 Finalist of the PCCI’s Most
Friendly LGUs Award promoting and enticing business, ● List of LGU Finalists of Most Business-Friendly LGUs Award; OR
investment and employment through its Business-Friendly LGUs met item 1b; OR met items #2 to #6
services, Award from PCCI
facilities or infrastructures and innovations
as assessed by the Philippine Chamber of
Commerce (PCCI).
1b. Ranked among the Recognition of the LGU’s exceptional and ● Recognition received from Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Top 20 (Top 20 substantial efforts and practices in DTI-CB Belongs to the Top 20 provinces, Top
Provinces, Top 20 promoting and enticing business, ● List of Top 20 Provinces, Top 20 cities or Top 20 municipalities of
Cities, and Top 20 investment and employment through its 20 Cities, and Top 20 the 2022 Competitiveness Index; OR
Municipalities) of the services, facilities or infrastructures and Municipalities in the 2022 met item 1a; OR met items #2 to #6
2022 Competitiveness innovations as assessed by the Competitiveness Index from
Index Department of Trade and Industry – DTI-CB
Competitiveness Bureau (DTI-CB)
2. Presence of Local Demonstrates that the LGU values ● Ordinance creating LEDIP Provinces and cities: Established
Economic Development promotion of efforts to ensure local Office/Unit LEDIP Office/Unit i.e., has structure,
and Investment economic growth and attract investments ● Executive order or similar organization and staff (An equivalent
Promotions Office/ Unit with the establishment of an office or issuance designating a Local office may not necessarily carry the
designation of personnel intended for it Economic Development and exact name, as long as it performs all
pursuant to DILG MC 2010-113 and/or Investment Promotions Officer the functions a LEDIP office/unit is
DILG MC No. 2020-167. (LEDIPO) with listed functions, created for)
duties and responsibilities
Municipalities: Designated LEDIPO
(An equivalent position may not
necessarily carry the exact name, as
long as it performs all the functions a
LEDIPO is created for)
3. Presence of citizen’s LGU efforts to encourage businesses and ● Actual posted Citizen’s Cities and municipalities: Citizen’s
charter for securing investments by simplifying business Charter (Form 2E: Photo Charter that:
permits for new processing and licensing with the Documentation)
business and business establishment of a Citizen’s Charter ● Updated Citizen’s Charter 1. Is Visible within Business
renewal pursuant to the ARTA Law, DILG MC No. ● Ordinance or similar Permit and Licensing Office
2010-113, DILG-DTI JMC No. 01, s. 2010, issuance adopting citizen’s (BPLO),
DILG MC No. 2016-104, and DILG-DTI- charter 2. Reflects current fees,
Protect constituents from threats to life and damage to property
Indicator Relevance/ Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement
1. Peace and Order The POC Performance Audit intends to: List of LGUs that passed the 2022 Provinces, cities and municipalities: CY
(POC) Performance ● Assess the performance of the POC Performance Audit and are 2022 POC Performance Audit passers
Audit rating, CY 2022 Regional, Provincial, City, and eligible for awards, to be provided and are eligible for awards
Municipal POCs on their functionality; by the Interim NPOC Secretariat
● Identify the innovations conducted (BLGS-PCMD) through the Peace
and initiated by the POCs and their and Order Council Performance
POC Secretariats; Audit System
● Determine possible interventions and
improvement strategies for POCs
and POC Secretariats; and
● Create a platform for evaluation,
assessment, and sharing of best
practices between and among POCs
and POC Secretariats.
2. Anti-Drug Abuse An audit that looks into ADACs nationwide ● National Report (Provinces/ Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Council (ADAC) specifically on the following performance Cities/ Municipalities) generated Rated highly functional in the CY 2022
Performance Audit indicators: organization of local ADACs; in the ADAC-Functionality ADAC Performance Audit
rating, CY 2022 conduct of meetings; allocation of funds; Monitoring System
implementation of plans and programs;
support to ADACs by component LGUs;
3. Provision of Extent of assistance of the LGU to support ● Certified Form 2I Local PNP Provinces, cities and municipalities:
logistical support to the operations and maintenance of the local Office/ Station With logistical support provided such
the PNP police station as ammunition, communication,
vehicles, police station, supplies for CY
4. Organized and Participation of community volunteers in ● Certified Form 2I Local PNP Cities and municipalities: 100% of
trained BPATs, helping maintain peace and order and Office/ Station barangays with organized and trained
barangay tanods, public safety within the community through ● List of barangays with BPATs, barangay tanods, and/or any
and/or any similar the BPATs, barangay tanods, and/or any organized BPATs, barangay similar unit (trainings conducted/
unit similar unit for the purpose tanods, and/or other similar received from 2018 onwards)
● List of barangays with trained
BPATs, barangay tanods,
and/or other similar units
5. Firecracker and LGU compliance on regulating the sale, ● Ordinance or similar issuance Cities and Municipalities: Ordinance or
Other Indicators for Possible Inclusion in CY 2024 or CY 2025
● Cities and Municipalities: Crime volume statistics of Year 2 must be below statistics of Year 1
● Formulation of Local Public Transport Route Plan
● Functionality of BADACs (at least 60% BADACs are functional)
● Functionality of BPOCs
Uphold the integrity of the environment
● Provinces: Met items 1 and 3 under Solid Waste Management PLUS at least one of Items 6 to 8 under Wetlands and Water Management and
Park and Green Space Development
● HUCs: Met items 1 to 5 under Solid Waste Management PLUS at least one of Items 6 to 8 under Wetlands and Water Management and Park
and Green Space Development
● ICCs/CCs/Municipalities: Met both items 1 and 2 and any two of items 3, 4, and 5 under Solid Waste Management PLUS at least one of Items
6 to 8 under Wetlands and Water Management and Park and Green Space Development
6. Initiatives This indicator will focus on the enhancement and ● Ordinance establishing Provinces, cities, and municipalities
contributing to conservation of inland wetlands and water wetland/s or water body must have at least three of the
biodiversity bodies, including but not limited to rivers, as conservation area or following:
conservation and streams, creeks, springs, waterfalls, lakes, with protection purposes 1. A registry and map of
enhancement focusing natural ponds and pools, freshwater swamps and ● Ecological Profile wetlands and water bodies
on inland wetlands and marshes, and peatlands. ● Relevant comprehensive within their administrative
water bodies and thematic plans and jurisdiction, included in the
Executive Order 578 s. 2006 established the investment programs that LGU ecological profile,
National Policy on Biological Diversity. It requires should be approved/ CLUP/PDPFP, CDP, or
concerned government agencies including the adopted by the LGU (e.g., LCCAP
LGUs to integrate and mainstream the protection, PDPFP, CLUP, CDP, 2. Ordinance establishing
conservation, and sustainable use of biodiversity LCCAP, LDIP, AIP) wetland/s or water body as a
into their policies, rules and regulations, ● Sanggunian-adopted/ conservation area or with
programs, projects, and development planning approved Management protection purposes.
process. Relatedly, Republic Act 7160, plan for an inland wetland 3. Integration of PAPs on
otherwise known as the Local Government Code, or waterbody biodiversity conservation and
requires LGUs to “… exercise the powers…. ● Accomplishment report on enhancement in the Local
Essential to the promotion of the general th program or project Development Investment
welfare… “among of which is the right of the conducted on biodiversity Program or Annual
people to a balanced ecology.” and conservation or water Investment Program covering
quality management in CY 2023
This indicator shall promote the integration and CY 2022 or 2023 4. Management plan for an
mainstreaming of the protection, conservation, ● Wetland information sheet inland wetland or waterbody
and sustainable use of biodiversity into the (technical assistance from 5. Wetland information sheet
LGU’s policies, rules and regulations, programs, DENR regional offices) with the profile and
and development planning processes. DENR assessment of the
alone cannot cover the protection and wetland/waterbody prepared
conservation of all important biodiversity areas in in coordination with DENR
the country. There are identified 216 lakes, 421 6. Program or project
principal rivers, and 22 marshes, swamps, and conducted on biodiversity
lakes all over the country. With the biodiversity and conservation or water
lens in the conservation and enhancement management in CY 2022 or
efforts, LGUs shall strive for nature-based 2023
solutions such as the restoration and protection
of the adjoining forest and wetland catchments LGUs with all the above efforts will
and the use of vegetation for rehabilitation. The have a green mark in their
LGU shall also aspire for the promotion of nature Governance Assessment Report.
positive economy where an increase in natural
capital/resources is recorded (Philippine
Biodversity Strategy Action Plan).
7. Initiatives on Water Republic Act 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water ● WQMA Accomplishment Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Quality Management Act of 2004 also provides that LGUs shall share Report (for LGU WQMA At least two of the following:
the responsibility for the management and Members) 1. Annual Water Quality
improvement of water quality within their ● Compliance scheme or Monitoring Results of a water
territorial jurisdictions. Among the responsibilities localized Water Quality a body indicating the water
of LGUs are the monitoring of water quality and Management Area Action quality within the river
taking active participation in all efforts concerning Plan (for LGU WQMA classification
water quality protection and rehabilitation. Members) 2. Water quality monitoring unit
● WQMA Governing Board created with monitoring
Section 20 of RA 9275 also requires LGUs, six Resolution capabilities
months from the establishment of a Water ● EO or other issuance 3. Water quality management
Quality Management Area (WQMA), to prepare a creating the Water Quality and monitoring PAPs in the
compliance scheme, subject to the review and Monitoring Unit LDIP or AIP covering CY
approval of the governing board. Further, the ● Annual Water Quality 2023
same section also requires LGU to comply with Monitoring Results 4. Compliance scheme or
the framework of the WQMA Action Plan. ● AIP localized Water Quality
● LDIP Management Area Action
Plan (for LGU WQMA
Other Indicator For Possible Inclusion in CY 2024 or CY 2025 (Details to be provided in the LGPMS-LGU Profile)
● FOR PROVINCES, CITIES, AND MUNICIPALITIES: Presence of Permanent Environment and Natural Resources Officer
● FOR PROVINCES: Efforts to initiate clustering of LGUs within its jurisdiction for common solid waste management disposal facility
● FOR CITIES AND MUNICIPALITIES: Compliance with Waste Diversion Targets
● FOR PROVINCES, CITIES, AND MUNICIPALITIES: Strengthened Wildlife Law Enforcement
Foster the value of sustainable tourism, and nurture culture and heritage
Documentation of submitted
report at least to the DOT
Regional Office
Cultural Heritage Promotion and Conservation Provinces, cities and municipalities:
At least three of the following:
Stimulate meaningful participation of youth in local governance and nation-building
Indicator Relevance/Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement
Overall area Provinces, Cities, & Municipalities:
Passed at least three (3) of four (4)
1. Local Youth LGU compliance with the organization of Provinces, Cities, & Municipalities:
Development a Local Youth Development Council Must have a functional LYDC
Council (LYDC) (LYDC), in accordance with R.A. No. indicated by passing the following
10742, or the “Sangguniang Kabataan indicators:
Reform Act of 2015” including the
council’s composition, meetings, and
1.1. Composition (a) On LYDC composition, Sec 24 (i) of ● Executive Order, Ordinance, Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
the IRR of R.A. No. 10742 requires or Resolution creating LYDC
that the LYDC shall be composed LYDC Members include:
of: 1. Two (2) core members from the
● Two (2) core members from the SK; AND
SK (President and Vice President 2. At least eight (8) representatives
of the Pederasyon); and from registered youth
● At least eight (8) but not more organizations or youth serving
than nineteen (19) organizations
representatives from registered
youth organizations or youth
serving organizations
1.2. Meetings (b) On LYDC meetings, Sec. 24 (l) of the ● LYDC Approved Minutes Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
IRR of R.A. No. 10742 mandates of the Quarterly Meetings Convened quarterly in CY 2022.
that the LYDC shall schedule a in CY 2022
meeting every quarter, and as often
as needed.
1.3. Trainings (c) On LYDC trainings, Sec. 27 of R.A. ● Training Certificates Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
No. 10742 requires that members of ● Post-Activity Report / LYDC Members must have
the LYDC must undergo mandatory Highlights of the training with participated in at least one (1)
and continuing training programs to photo documentation training on leadership, project-
enable them to perform their roles in (include if training is LYDC- development and sustainability, and
nation-building and other civic duties. led) other related subjects as identified by
their council/local government during
their incumbency in CY 2022.
2. Established Local LGU compliance with minimum Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
Youth requirements for establishing a Local Met standards set for at least three (3)
Development Youth Development Office (LYDO) of the four (4) sub-indicators.
Office (LYDO) responsible for creating and
implementing programs and initiatives
for youth welfare and development.