12-NavalWD2022 Part3-Status of PY's Recomm
12-NavalWD2022 Part3-Status of PY's Recomm
12-NavalWD2022 Part3-Status of PY's Recomm
Review and evaluation of the actions taken by management on CY 2013 – 2020 audit
recommendations showed that of the 67 audit recommendations, 28 were implemented and 39 were not
fully implemented as of year-end. The details are discussed hereunder.
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
F#1 1. Some Property, We recommended that
2020- Plant and Equipment the Accounting Unit
2019 (PPE) accounts with should:
BAR carrying values totaling
₱53,080,409.54 were a.recognize impairment For BOD Not Reiterated in
overstated due to: a) losses; resolution Implement F#8 2021-
non-provision of ed 2022 BAR
impairment losses; b) b.prepare the necessary Prepared an
recognition of semi- journal entry/ies to adjusting Fully
expendable items; and c) derecognize the semi- entry under Implement
inclusion of expendable items GJ ed
unserviceable properties which were issued to No.2021-07-
contrary to Philippine end users, listed in 005B dated
Accounting Standards Table 2, taking into 7-28-2021.
(PAS) 1 and 36, and consideration the
Commission on Audit accumulated
(COA) Circular No. depreciation that were
2016-006, hence allocated thereon; and
affecting the fair
presentation of the c.prepare the Inventory IIRUP has Not Reiterated in
financial statements. and Inspection Report been Implement F#8 2021-
of Unserviceable prepared ed 2022 BAR
Property (IIRUP) of and
the unserviceable submitted to
PPEs, listed in Table 3, COA
and undertake the
process for the disposal
and derecognition
F#2 2. The accuracy of We recommended that
2020- the outstanding the Accounting Unit
2019 obligation with the Local should:
BAR Water Utilities
Administration (LWUA) a. conduct a To contact Not Need to
recognized to the Loans periodic reconciliation LWUA implemente discuss with
Payable - Domestic of loan records and d LWUA Loan
account totaling make necessary Made a personnel
₱32,151,449.56 was not adjustments, if any: written
ascertained due to and request of
absence of loan records the SOA
and non-reconciliation b. regularly and waiting
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
thereof contrary to PAS request for the for reply. Fully
1 and Section 111 of monthly SOA from Implement
Presidential Decree (PD) LWUA. LWUA sent ed
No. 1445, thus rendering SOA on a
the account balance quarterly
unreliable. basis.
F#3 3. The balance of We recommended that
2020- the Construction in the Accounting Unit
2019 Progress (CIP)– should:
BAR Infrastructure Assets
account as at December a. prepare the Prepared an Fully
31, 2020 was overstated following journal entry adjusting Implement
by ₱8,922,326.27 due to to reclassify the entry under ed
non-recognition of GJ
completed projects to the No.2021-07-
appropriate PPE 005D dtd 7-
accounts contrary to 30-2021
completed projects:
Section 111 of PD No.
1445, PAS 1 and COA
b. trace and
Circular No. 2020-002, Not Reiterated in
retrieve records on the Partial Implement F#11 2021-
thus affecting the
Accumulated Various
fairness of presentation retrieval ed 2022 BAR
Small Projects records and
of the financial
amounting to
statements. adjustment
₱1,150,524.15 and has already
accordingly reclassify made with
the same to the GJ
appropriate asset No.2021-10-
account/s. 005C due to
posting of
F#4 4. The accuracy of We recommended that
2020- the Loans and the: Still unable
2019 Receivable accounts to prepare
BAR reported at net realizable a. Accounting Unit and maintain
value totaling should: the SLs for
₱3,646,078.97 was not Accounts
ascertained due to: a) i. prepare the SLs for Already Not Receivable
partial/non-provision of the Accounts maintaining Implement and Loans
impairment losses; b) Receivable and Loans a customer’s ed Receivable-
absence of aging Receivables-Other ledger and Others
schedule for the Loans accounts; and loan ledger.
Receivable –Others
account; c) absence of ii. recognize For BOD Not Still unable
subsidiary ledgers (SLs); impairment losses for resolution Implement to conduct
and d) non- the Loans and ed periodic
reconciliation of water Receivable accounts; reconciliation
concessionaires’ records of water
contrary to Section 111 iii. the accounting and concessionair
of PD No. 1445 and PAS the billing units should: es records;
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
36 and 39, thus doubtful. and
b. conduct periodic Lack of Not
reconciliation of water manpower. Implement
concessionaires’ ed
records; and To conduct
c. accurately account n in due Not Account for
for the difference time Implement the difference
between the balances of ed of the
the Accounts Accounting balances of
Receivable account and Billing the Accounts
presented in the unit tried to Receivable
financial statements reconcile against aging
and the aging schedule but could schedule.
as of December 31, not
2019 and December 31, determine
2020 amounting to the
₱9,845.74 and difference.
₱24,371.37, Other
respectively and effect Unearned
the corrections thereon, Revenue
if any. acct for
made has
been created
as part of
the effort to
account the
F#11 11. The validity of We recommended that Could not Not Reiterated in
2020- the balance of Other the Accounting Unit locate implemente F#7 2021-
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
2019 Assets account of should locate/trace records d 2022 BAR
BAR ₱115,880.00 as at records/ supporting since the
December 31, 2020 was documents to establish transactions
not ascertained due to the validity of the Other were made
absence of Assets account, and from 4
records/supporting make adjustments decades ago
documents contrary to thereon, if necessary. since the
Section 111 of PD No. start of the
1445, PAS 1 and COA district’s
Circular No. 2020-02, operation
thus doubtful. and records
were already
destroyed by
F#12 12. The unexpired We recommended that Prepared an Fully
2020- portion of the property the Accounting Unit adjusting Implement
2019 insurance totaling should prepare the entry under ed
BAR ₱42,915.96 was not following journal entry GJ
recognized due to to recognize the No.2021-07-
habitual practice of unexpired portion of 005C dtd 7-
recording insurance the insurance 30-
premium payments as premiums: 2021.Alread
outright expense y submitted
contrary to PAS 1 and to COA
COA Circular No. 2020-
002, thereby
understating the Prepaid
Insurance and Retained
F#13 13. The validity of We recommended that Prepared an Fully
2020- liabilities for customers’ the Accounting Unit adjusting Implement
2019 deposits totaling should derecognize entry under ed
BAR ₱42,172.89 was doubtful customers’ deposits GJ
due to lack of without valid claimants. No.2021-09-
monitoring inconsistent 005F dtd 9-
with Section 59 of PD 30-2021.
No. 1445 and PAS 1, For COA
thereby affecting the submission
fairness of presentation
of the financial
F#14 14. The Cash in We recommended that Submitted to
2020- Bank – Local Currency, COA the
2019 Current Account was bank
BAR understated by a net statement on
amount of ₱30,824.50 the reflected
due to non-recognition cash deposit
of long outstanding letter dated
reconciling items 11-18-2021. Fully
contrary to PAS 1, thus Prepared Implement
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
affecting the fair a. prepare the adjusting ed
presentation of the following journal journal
financial statement. entries to recognize the entries
reconciling items: under GJ
005D dated
and GJ
005E dated
issued was
with cash
back as cash
Had already
written to Not
LB-Naval Implement Reiterated in
b. immediately request requesting ed F#14 2021-
from the bank a copy of for a copy of 2022 BAR
the various credit the CM and
memoranda with the waiting for
detailed list of the response
concessionaires who
paid through the Collections
facility. is
as payment
to water
billing when
CM is
presented in
the district
and with
ng Official
Receipt is
could not
give other
since the
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
were from
F#15 15. Donated parcels We recommended that To hire
2020- of land in favor of NWD Management should: appraiser
2019 were not recognized due Delayed in
BAR to lack of basis in the a. seek the services of coordination Not Still unable
valuation of property professional appraisers with the Implement to hire
contrary to Section 63 of or government agencies donors. ed appraisers
PD No. 1445 and PAS 1, to ascertain the due to
thereby affecting the fair valuation of the parcels Difficulty difficulty in
presentation of the of land; obtaining obtaining
financial statements. details since details from
b. closely coordinate cooperation previous
with the donors to is needed Not management
facilitate the from the Implement and with the
registration/land titling previous ed donors
of the donated parcels management
of land; and who has
c. provide full knowledge Not
disclosure in the Notes of the Implement
to Financial Statements donation. ed
the details of these
donated parcels of land. Will set a
specific time
provide additional
disclosure in Note 9.1 Fully
for the Land and Land Implement
Improvements account Disclosure ed
declaring the restriction has been
or limitation on the provided
land titles since
processing thereof is
still on-going; and
provide additional
disclosure in the Notes Fully
to report the Implement
unserviceable/idle Disclosure ed
properties as well as has been
fully depreciated assets provided
which were noted in the
audit in compliance
with the disclosure
requirements provided
Reason for
Status of Partial/
Audit Taken/
Ref Audit Observations Implementa Non-
Recommendations Action to
tion Implementa
be Taken
under PAS 16.