5. Why don't we add the enzyme into the mas- The reaction will start imme-
ter mix? diately, and our measurement
will be inaccurate.
6. What role does ethanol play in this reac- Substrate for the enzyme
11. What is the function of the NAD+ cofactor? It acts as an electron trans-
porter or electron acceptor
12. What was just shown in the animation? The enzyme-substrate com-
plex was formed
13. k2
Enzyme Kinetics
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When the reaction produces no intermedi-
ates, which of the following rate constants
will be equal to kcat?
14. Calculate the ethanol volume for two master 0 mL and 0.106 mL
mixes with final substrate concentrations of
0 mM and 0.0053 mM in a final volume of 1
26. What would explain the difference observed A base change in the DNA
in the two enzymes?
Enzyme Kinetics
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27. When analyzing inhibition kinetics, which Lineweaver-Burk
plot is useful in determining the type of in-
hibition taking place?
31. How can you calculate the Ki for a compet- By comparing the slopes of
itive inhibition? Lineweaver-Burk plots at dif-
ferent inhibitor concentration