MEng3102 Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Performance Equation and

Engine Characteristic
2. Measurement of Basic Parameter
3.Performance and Efficiency Measurement
4.Engine Testing
5.Engine Performance Characteristic
➢ Engine variables we need to keep in mind during
engine design and development are:
✓indicated power,
✓ brake power,
✓brake specific fuel consumption,
✓exhaust emissions,
✓cooling of engine,
✓maintenance free operation
✓reduce the cost
✓improve power output and
✓reliability of an engine
2. Measurement of Basic Parameter

➢Measurement of Speed
➢ Measurement of Engine Power
➢Fuel Consumption Measurement
➢Measurement of Air Consumption
Measurement of Speed
➢ One of the basic measurements is that of speed
➢ They range from a mechanical tachometer to
digital and triggered electrical tachometers.
➢ The best method of measuring speed is to count
the number of revolutions in a given time.
➢ For accurate and continuous measurement of
speed a magnetic pick-up placed near a toothed
wheel coupled to the engine shaft can be used.
Measurement of Engine power
❑Engine power need to be measured
✓ Indicated power (IP)
✓ Brake power(BP)
✓ Friction power (FP)
Indicated Power(IP)
❑ Indicated Power(IP) : the power produced
within the engine cylinder
❑Method to estimate IP are
➢ Using the Indicator Diagram
➢ Engine Indicator
➢ Electronic Indicator
➢ By Adding FP and BP
Using the Indicator Diagram
➢It is necessary to plot (p-v) diagram.
➢P-v diagram gives the work developed by the
engine per cycle
➢The apparatus used for drawing actual p-v
diagram is called engine indicator
Engine Indicator
Electronic Indicator
Brake power(BP)
❑ Brake power (BP): the power available at the
output shaft.
❑The brake power measurement involves the
determination of the torque and the angular
speed of the engine output shaft
❑The torque measuring device is called a
Principle of a Dynamometer
➢ A rotor driven by the ➢ Hence, the work done
engine under test is per revolution is .
electrically, hydraulically
or magnetically coupled
to a stator.
➢ For every revolution of
the shaft, the rotor
periphery moves through
a distance 2ᴨr against the
coupling force F
Principle of a Dynamometer cont..
➢The external moment or torque is equal to
S × L where, S is the scale reading and L is the
arm. This moment balances the turning
moment R × F, i.e.
➢ Dynamometers can be broadly classified into two
main types,
✓ Power Absorption Dynamometers And
✓ Transmission Dynamometer.
➢ Absorption Dynamometers: These dynamometers
measure and absorb the power output of the engine
to which they are coupled.
➢ The power absorbed is usually dissipated as heat by
some means.
➢ Example of such dynamometers is prony brake,
rope brake, hydraulic dynamometer, etc.
➢Transmission Dynamometer: In transmission
dynamometers, the power is transmitted to the
load coupled to the engine after it is indicated
on some type of scale.
➢These are also called torque-meters.
Prony Brake
Rope Brake
Friction Power
➢The difference between indicated power and
the brake power output of an engine is the
friction power.
➢The difference between a good engine and a
bad engine is due to difference between their
frictional losses.
➢Lower friction means availability of more
brake power
Friction Power
➢The friction force power of an engine is
determined by the following methods :
(a) Willan’s line method.
(b) Morse test.
(c) Motoring test.
(d) Difference between Ip and Bp.
Fuel Consumption Measurement
➢ Fuel consumption is measured in two way
✓Volumetric type
✓Gravimetric type
➢ Volumetric type flow meter includes Burette method,
Automatic Burette flow meter and Turbine flow meter.
➢ The method of measuring volume flow and then
correcting it for specific gravity variations is quite
inconvenient and inherently limited in accuracy
➢ Instead if the weight of the fuel consumed is directly
measured a great improvement in accuracy and cost can
be obtained.
Measurement of Air Consumption
➢ In IC engines, the satisfactory measurement of air
consumption is quite difficult because the flow is
pulsating, due to the cyclic nature of the engine and
because the air a compressible fluid.
➢ The various methods and meters used for air flow
measurement include
( assignment # 2 )
a) Air box method, and
b) Viscous-flow air meter
3.Performance and Efficiency
➢Engine performance is an indication of the
degree of success of the engine performs its
assigned task, i.e.
➢The conversion of the chemical energy
contained in the fuel into the useful
mechanical work.
3.Performance and Efficiency
Measurement cont…
➢The basic performance parameters are the
following :
a) Power
b) Mean Effective Pressure And Torque.
c) Specific Output.
d) Efficiency
e) Specific Fuel Consumption
f) Fuel-air Ratio.
g) Heat Balance
a) power
➢Power is defined as the rate of doing work and
is equal to the product of force and linear
velocity or the product of torque and angular
➢Thus, the measurement of power involves the
measurement of force (or torque) as well as
➢The force or torque is measured with the help of
a dynamometer and the speed by a tachometer.
a) Power cont..
➢The power developed by an engine and
measured at the output shaft is called the brake
power (bp) and is given by:

➢T is torque in N-m and
➢ N is the rotational speed in revolutions per
a) Power cont..
➢ The total power developed by combustion of fuel in the
combustion chamber is called indicated power (ip) and
is given by:

➢ where,
➢ Pim = Mean effective pressure, N/m2,
➢ L = Length of the stroke, m,
➢ A = Area of the piston, m2,
➢ N = Rotational speed of the engine, rpm (It is N/2 for four stroke
engine), and
➢ k = Number of cylinders.
a) Power cont..
➢The difference between ip and bp is called
friction power (fp) and is given by:
b) Mean Effective Pressure And Torque.
➢ Mean effective pressure is defined as a hypothetical/average
pressure which is assumed to be acting on the piston
throughout the power stroke. Therefore,

➢ Where,
➢ Imep= indicated Mean effective pressure, N/m , 2

➢ Ip= Indicated power, Watt,

➢ L = Length of the stroke, m,
➢ A = Area of the piston, m ,

➢ N = Rotational speed of the engine, rpm (It is N/2 for four stroke
engine), and
➢ k = Number of cylinders.
b) Mean Effective Pressure And Torque cont…

➢ If the mean effective pressure is based on bp it is

called the brake mean effective pressure (bmep).

➢ where,
➢bmep = brake Mean effective pressure, N/m2,
➢bp = brake power, Watt,
➢L = Length of the stroke, m,
➢A = Area of the piston, m2,
➢N = Rotational speed of the engine, rpm (It is N/2 for four
stroke engine), and
➢k = Number of cylinders.
b) Mean Effective Pressure And Torque
➢The Torque is related to mean effective
pressure by the relation
c) Specific Output
• Specific output of an engine is defined as the
brake power (output) per unit of piston
displacement and is given by
c) Specific Output cont…
➢ The specific output consists of two elements – the bmep
(force) available to work and the speed with which it is
➢ Therefore, for the same piston displacement and bmep
an engine operating at higher speed will give more
➢ It is clear that the output of an engine can be increased
by increasing either speed or bmep.
➢ Increasing speed involves increase in the mechanical
stress of various engine parts
➢ whereas increasing bmep requires better heat release
and more load on engine cylinder.
d) Efficiency
d) Efficiency cont…

➢Mechanical efficiency(ղm) is defined as the

ratio of brake power (delivered power) to the
indicated power (power provided to the piston)
d) Efficiency cont…
➢Indicated thermal efficiency(ղith) is the ratio
of energy in the indicated power ip, to the
input fuel energy in appropriate units.
d) Efficiency cont…

➢Brake thermal efficiency (ղbth) is the ratio of

energy in the brake power , bp, to the input
energy in appropriate units.
d) Efficiency cont…
➢ Volumetric efficiency (ղv) is defined as the ratio of
the mass of air inducted into the engine cylinder
during the suction stroke to the mass of the air
corresponding to the swept volume of the engine at
atmospheric pressure and temperature.
➢ Alternatively, it can be defined as the ratio of the
actual volume inhaled during suction stroke measured
at intake conditions to the swept volume of the piston.
d) Efficiency cont…

➢Relative efficiency or efficiency ratio (ղrel)

is the ratio of thermal efficiency of an actual
cycle to that of the ideal cycle.
➢The efficiency ratio is a very useful criterion
which indicated the degree of development of
the engine.
e) Specific Fuel Consumption

➢Specific fuel consumption is defined as the

amount of fuel consumed for each unit of
power developed per hour
f) Fuel-air Ratio
➢ Fuel-air ratio (F/A) is the ratio of the mass of fuel to the mass
of air in the fuel-air mixture
➢ Relative fuel-air ratio(equivalency ratio) (Φ) is defined as
the ratio of the actual fuel-air ratio to that of the stoichiometric
fuel-air ratio required to burn the fuel supplied.
➢ Stoichiometric fuel-air ratio is the ratio of fuel to air is one in
which case fuel is completely burned due to minimum quantity
of air supplied.

➢ Φ=1 means stoichiometric (chemically correct) mixture

➢ Φ<1 means lean mixture
➢ Φ>1 means rich mixture
g) Heat Balance sheet
➢ In a thermodynamic trial of any heat engine, the distribution of
the heat supplied per minute or per hour is required.
➢ This appears in the heat balance or heat account.
➢ In order to complete a heat balance sheet for an internal
combustion engine cylinder, the engine should be tested over a
period of time under conditions of constant load and speed
4.Engine Testing
❑Engine testing
✓ To reduce fuel consumption,
✓ To reduce emission,
✓ To reduce noise and
✓ To reduce overall cost
✓ To increase power output
✓ To increase efficiency
❑ C:\Users\weyuma\Desktop\engine test.xlsx
5. Engine Performance

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