Nov 2008 p3
Nov 2008 p3
Nov 2008 p3
Paper 3 October/November 2008
2 hours
Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper
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2 Interpreters and compilers can be used to translate high level language code into a form
understood by a computer.
(b) With reference to object code, explain one difference between interpretation and compilation.
(c) (i) State one reason for using a compiler rather than an interpreter to execute a piece
of high level language code. Justify your answer. [2]
(ii) State one reason for using an interpreter rather than a compiler to execute a piece of
high level language code. Justify your answer. [2]
3 Part of a school database consists of a table of student details and a table of teacher details.
A teacher teaches many students.
A student is taught by many teachers.
(a) (i) State the type of relationship between the two tables. [1]
(ii) Explain how the relationship between the student and teacher tables can be normalised.
(iii) Draw the normalised relationship between the tables in the form of an entity-relationship
(E-R) diagram. [3]
(b) Explain what is meant by each of the following terms and give an example of each from the
tables in part (a).
(a) Explain the purpose of the following network components and how they would be used in the
company’s offices.
(i) Bridges
(ii) Routers
(c) A large amount of software and files are used on the system.
State the meaning of a software audit and explain what would be included in the software
audit for the company. [6]
(i) a procedure,
(b) Explain how a stack is used to handle procedure calling and parameter passing. [4]
(ii) State the advantages and disadvantages of using parallel processing for weather
forecasting. [4]
(a) Describe an algorithm to find the position of a particular student in the array, using a serial
search. [5]
(b) (i) Explain why the search in part (a) would not be suitable if the array was large
enough to store the names of all 1000 students in the school. [2]
(ii) Suggest a better method of searching for a particular name, justifying your answer. [3]
(ii) <SENTENCE> is a set of words ending with a full stop (.) or a question mark (?)
Define <SENTENCE>.
(There is no need to rewrite the rules for <LETTER> and <WORD>). [5]
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